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Zero tasks (optional). Counter-Strike: Condition Zero: Walkthrough How to complete mission zero

1. Crash site.

An Army Black Hawk was shot down. There are definitely victims, but there are also survivors. We need to assist the survivors and escort them to the evacuation site.
Our helicopter was shot down by an evil Islamic terrorist, and we were forced to fall from heaven to earth.
Waking up on the ground, my first thought is to find one of my guys. Actually, this is the first task: to get away from the crash site and find the second team member. From the helicopter, go straight. Be careful: there is a sniper sitting above your head, on the balcony. In the square, four bad guys are trying to put additional holes in our bodies. We pull the trigger on the now familiar M-16 and send all our enemies to the next world. If the terrorists still managed to damage your health, there is a large first aid kit in the doorway on the right. Go towards the helicopter and turn into the passage on the right. Next to the box is another large first aid kit. Go to the door at the end of the passage, but do not run up to it immediately, because... A grenade will fly out of the doorway, it is better to wait until it explodes away from you. A terrorist is hiding right behind the door (he will die), another one will fall out from around the corner on the right, we kill him too. After walking a little along the corridor, you will come out to a large room with a double door and drawers near the wall. The door opens, and behind it are a couple of enemies of “native America”. Don't stand on ceremony with them. At the far wall of the room there are cartridges for the Emka. Let's go back. Shoot the boxes near the wall and climb through the hole. You will find yourself in a room that is wonderful in every way. In it, collect the things you need: mines from the rack, armored armor from the box and cartridges. Go left along the corridor, it will lead you to a room with a collapsed ceiling. Climb up along the beam. Place a mine on the wall. Buuuummm:.. There is a hole in the wall and you can slowly get out. On the left, at the exit from the hole, a sniper will be waiting for you. Jump down, pick up the cartridges near the box and move along the street. The only path will take you to the street where there is a rocket launcher. Stormtroopers rush overhead and smash it to pieces and in half. Opposite, on the balcony, there is a sniper. It can be easily identified by the laser sight that is aimed at your head. Go to the installation, or rather to what is left of it, and turn right in front of it. From the end of the street a machine gun will start firing at you. Don't let the machine gunner send you home in a zinc coffin. Next through the door, a guy in a turban is waiting for you on the threshold. The turban is clearly not our headdress, so we boldly press the trigger, and the bullets torment the terrorist’s mortal body. Through the house we just entered, we go out onto the roofs. We cross them and go through the door opposite. And there the same guy is waiting for us, in exactly the same camouflage as yours (don’t kill him out of fear), as a pleasant addition next to him are: a bulletproof vest, cartridges for the M-16, an M-60 machine gun and cartridges for him. Brotherly hugs and tears of joy in our eyes. The first task is completed.
"Bravo" reports that things are bad and it's time to get out of here. Which is what we do. We go through alleys and corridors to the square on which the tower stands. Clearing the area around her. After which the sniper goes upstairs and starts shooting at someone. As he leaves, he gives a task: meet the rest of the team at the evacuation point. Throw a grenade at the half-open gate and see what happens. After walking a little along the corridor, go into the room on the right. In the room we pick up the cartridges and the Desert Eagle. Continue along the corridor, it will lead you to the square where the battle is taking place. Helicopters are circling over the square and pouring lead on the terrorists attacking the third member of the team (the task of meeting with the rest of the team is completed). Near the body of a wounded soldier, there is a pile of useful little things, allowing you to feel comfortable in combat conditions. Clear the space of hostile individuals. When this is completed, an order will come from the helicopter to rescue the sniper. It turned out that while you were dealing with the rebels, our comrade managed to be captured. Return back to the tower along the already familiar road. When you get to the minaret, you will see a couple of Islamists taking our sniper away. Jump down in a place where there is no grate and run to save the loser. The road won’t take much time, and there will be familiar places around. You will come to a dead end. On the right, around the corner, a jeep with a machine gun on board and a small group of terrorists will be waiting for you. We deal with them and free the prisoner. Now you and the soldier have to return to the evacuation site, the path will not change at all. By the time you reach the square, there will be a helicopter waiting for you. We approach the helicopter. End of mission.

2. Lost cause.

While on vacation in the Philippines, a group of German tourists were kidnapped by a terrorist organization.

You are in the jungle, next to a terrorist base holding hostages. Your first task: using a fiber optic camera, determine where the hostages are being held. Go straight to the hut opposite you, without making any noise, sneak into it and steal the gas burner from the table. This must be done in such a way as not to wake up the guard, otherwise he will raise the alarm and the mission will fail. Leave the hut just as quietly. Get to the hatch locked with a grate. Use the torch to remove the lock, then go down into the channel. Moving along the canal, you come to the stilts on which the house stands. Light comes through the cracks in the floor. This is where you need to use the camera. Go to the left gap. By activating the camera, you will find hostages, which you will report to headquarters via radio. The command, having accepted your message, will set a new task: enter the house and support the capture group with fire.
Follow the beam that collapsed after the explosion and enter the interior of the house. Before entering the room, on the left, there is a banner. Just shoot it from a safe distance. There are two terrorists in the room itself. There is no reason to stand on ceremony with them. Take the shotgun and cartridges for it from the table. Then your path lies through the hole in the wall, which was formed after the explosion of nearby barrels. Before going out into the corridor, there is one more stretch, we do it the same way as with the first. Turn left and follow the corridor to the room with the hostages. There is already a group there whose task is to rescue the hostages. Having received an order to clear the way for the evacuation of hostages, collect ammunition and ammunition and set off to carry out the assigned task.
Go to the exit of the building. Suddenly, a tripwire mounted on the door explodes, and a bandit tumbles into the corridor. A shot - and he’s gone. Don't rush out the main door, but go up the stairs built into the wall to the second floor. After killing a couple of bad people, you are left alone in the room. You can use the first aid kit lying near the wall, if you need it, of course. Carefully approach the window. In the house opposite, in the window of the first floor, a grenade launcher was holed up. He can cause trouble if you don't manage to kill him before he shoots. There is also a sniper on the roof, but with them everything is much simpler. Now you can leave the front entrance. We easily knock down the sniper from the tower and penetrate the window from which the grenade launcher recently threatened us. Turn right from the window, then up the stairs. Going to the room on the left makes sense if you are low on ammo. If not, then go right from the stairs. Shoot at the barrels, jump into the hole, and then even lower into the basement. Your eyes will see a not very pleasant sight in the form of two corpses with their offal released. Special forces soldiers are strong people and the urge to vomit does not bother you. Climb out into the room through the hole in the floor. Go into the corridor and turn left. Don’t rush into the turn as fast as you can, you will run into a stretch mark standing at chest level. You can sit down and walk quietly. The corridor leads you into a courtyard guarded by a small group of the enemy - we clear the territory. Go to the box in the center of the courtyard. When passing by a tree, look up, there is a sniper hidden in the branches, remove him from there. We move the box to the window opposite, take away the smoke grenades. There's nothing else to do here. We move the box to the next window and, groaning, climb inside. Straight through the room, then up the stairs, in front of us we see boxes on which you need to place a mine. But we don’t have mines yet. We continue to move along the corridor, simultaneously shooting at the appearing enemy. We go out to a large room, and suddenly a jeep breaks through the wall. Here you will have to engage in battle with the enemy, break through the courtyard, sweeping away everything in your path, and climb out the window using the boxes. From the window you will find yourself in another corridor, which will lead you to a room fenced with a mesh. On the rack are the very mines that you so need. Return to the boxes, blow them up and enter the room. To the left of the entrance there is a box on which there are cartridges and an automatic rifle with a sniper scope. Then go to the boarded up hole in the floor. The adversaries are already waiting below. Shoot the barrel - and all issues are removed from the agenda. Jump down and go out into the courtyard. On the territory there is a tower and two small warehouses with fuel. The fastest solution to the problem is to shoot at the barrels; the explosions will destroy the tower and destroy the enemy nearby. When you go out into the courtyard, be careful, machine gunners and kamikazes will start running out of the door, a sniper is firing from the second floor window, a terrorist with a pistol is on the roof... When there is no one left to kill, go to the stairs leading to the roof (it is to the right of the entrance , if you look at the house). Next through the window. The road will lead you to a hatch through which you will enter a house next to a creek. The room is guarded by three machine gunners inside and two outside. Having calmed the internal guards, go to the porch and finish off the external guards. You need to be careful when leaving the hut. A grenade launcher will lean out of the window of the house opposite and try to hurt you very much. Don't let him accomplish his plan, shoot first. Next, we boldly rush into the water and approach the house on stilts. Up the stairs. Two short bursts of terrorist fire and you can safely call a boat to evacuate the hostages. End of mission.

3. Secret war.

The rebels captured a controlled missile launch complex. The threat of nuclear war is imminent. It is vital for us to capture the base and defuse the warheads.
As part of a group of Russian special forces, you arrive at the launch complex. Wait for one of the team members to blow up the front door, then go inside. The main entrance is blocked due to lack of power. The commander sends you to the bunker to activate the generators. Coming out of the door with the sign “keep closed”, turn left and pick up a grenade and pistol cartridges near the containers. Go back and go up the hill. On the right, behind the fence mesh, you can watch how the launcher shaft opens; on the left, behind the boxes, lies an assault rifle with an optical sight. You can never have too many weapons, so we add to our arsenal. Now you can follow to the bunker. Go down through the Silo Pit. Open the door and you will find yourself in a room divided into two offices. Go to the left room. At this time, you will hear on the radio that the group is being attacked by the enemy. Use the boxes piled up in the corner to climb onto the pipe running under the ceiling. Cross along it to the other side. While moving, receive a new order from the commander: go to the control center inside the building. Once on the other side, press the button located on the wall of the office. A door opens leading into the depths of the complex. Climb up along the boxes stacked on the table and jump to the floor.
Behind open door vestibule with two directions of movement. To the left is a dead end, but behind the boxes there are cartridges, if someone lacks ammunition, then please. Go straight, through two doors, you will find yourself in a room filled with barrels of fuel, and opposite, behind the fence mesh, there is a tanker guarded by a man in white. As soon as you hear curses in the purest Russian language, quickly run to the left, because in a couple of seconds there will be heat here. All barrels and the tank will explode. If you don't have time to reach the next corridor, you will turn into steam. The corridor will lead us to a room with a broken floor. It has security (where isn't there security?). After a short fight you are left alone. Near the elevator you can pick up a first aid kit and ammo. Jump down and direct your feet towards the exit from the room, in the corner near the terrorist who was not killed by you, we select the “Colt Commander”. After passing through the launcher, you will find yourself near a door blocked by boxes. Press the button and the door presses the drawers in so that you can crawl into the free space. The path is clear. We move further and see an interesting picture. Guys with red headbands are fighting with a group of people in arctic camouflage. Neither one nor the other is your friend, so feel free to shoot at everything that moves. Tighten the valve near the broken pipe, the steam will go away, and you can safely continue moving.
Here, finally, is the control center. Having shot the guards, with the help of a fellow soldier who arrived in time, you become masters of the situation. This is not enough for the command and it sends you in search of remote mines that were lost during the clash with terrorists. Go into the corridor from which the commando appeared. When you reach the half-open door, activate it. Be careful, the moving door can pin you to the floor, to death. Having penetrated through the door, go to the place where the dead commando lies, near which you will find radio-controlled mines. As you pass by the rocket, look up, a sniper will appear in the mine hatch - kill him so that he does not complicate your life.
Go back and get into the elevator. The elevator takes you to the level where the fuel line is located. Not far from the elevator exit there is a battle between special forces and terrorists. Unfortunately, all the fighters of the unit die in this battle, and a little later your accompanying person will also die. Using the boxes stacked near the wall, climb onto the pipeline running under the ceiling and use it to cross the barrier. A sniper and a group of rebels are waiting below. When only memories remain of them, go downstairs. Start the forklift, and it accelerates and crashes into a stack of boxes, thereby clearing the way for you. Now the path to the fuel line is clear. Mine it and give the detonator to the group commander. The boss decided to sacrifice himself to save you. He opens the door for us through which you leave the mine site. A small corridor will lead you to the truck and you, along with the surviving commandos, leave the complex. In the fresh air, a big flying nuisance awaits you - MI-24. He needs to be shot down. It is best to shoot at the moment when the rotorcraft turns its tail towards you. When the helicopter attacks, we hide behind the boxes in the back of the truck. As soon as the flaming wreckage of the helicopter begins to fall to the ground, the mission ends.

At the time of the action, a guy named Zero is twenty-eight years old, wears glasses and is interested in electronics. He also has a Zero RC store. His business is not very successful, he has competitors, and failures await him everywhere.

1. Air Raid

First of all, you will need to buy a Zero RC shop for $30,000. After this, Ziro will call you and say that you need to meet. In addition to high blood pressure, Ziro has another problem - Berkeley. This man wants to take revenge on our friend for winning a science prize. Berkeley's offensive begins now. It is necessary to protect the transmitters from the approaching disaster. These airplanes may be quite small, but they know their stuff. The attack will last 3 minutes. You need to use a minigun and watch the signal indicator. The easiest way to control the situation is using radar. Radio-controlled planes will attack both alone and in groups. You will have to constantly spin around yourself to successfully eliminate targets. Ziro will thank Karl and say that the war is just beginning.

Secrets: no

Reward: $3000
Difficulty: 6/10
Interestingness: 8/10
Completion time: 3 minutes

2. Supply Lines

Karl, entering the store, discovers Ziro in the closet, which has been hanging on the hanger hook for two hours. This is Berkeley's doing... oh, how cruel! Ziro will say that it is necessary to destroy the network of couriers that supply Berkeley with serious toys. Karl will control the flight of a miniature aircraft, the controls of which are identical to the prototype. If you play on a PC, I recommend using hotkeys. This airplane is very sensitive to control and the mouse is not the best the best option piloting. Destroy three vans, a cyclist and couriers who chose to walk. Also keep an eye on the amount of fuel, the plane is not very fast and our targets can travel quite far. Once you complete your task, head to the store and land on the roof.

Secrets: no

Reward: $5000, Zero RC store generates $2000 per day
Difficulty: 7/10
Interestingness: 9/10
Completion time: 7 minutes

3. New Model Army (Toy Army)

Ziro is desperate... he says that now there will be a decisive duel with Berkley - all or nothing. But Karl will be his second. Since this is so important to him, he needs help. So, before us is a “battlefield” and we are given eight minutes. One of the most unusual missions. We have at our disposal three “Goblins” (radio-controlled helicopters) and three “Bandits” (radio-controlled cars). Ziro will control the Bandit, and Karl will control the Goblin. In order to defeat Berkeley, you need to get to his base. There will be barrels on the way - obstacles for the Bandit. You will need to fly up to them, magnetize them and throw them somewhere other than on the road. The enemy also has his own “Goblin”, which just throws barrels onto the road, but not always accurately. Rivers with sinkholes need to be covered with boards that are located at your base - build these kind of bridges. Miniature Tiger tanks will also hinder the Bandit’s progress. They need to be destroyed from the air with bombs, which, like the boards, are located at the base. Fly up to the tank as close as possible to make a targeted strike. In addition to bombs, you can throw anything at the tank that can damage it. Keep an eye on your Bandit's status indicator, but even if it gets blown up, you'll still have two spare vehicles. The invasion of the enemy base by the “Bandit” will mean our victory! Ziro will thank Karl, income will come from the store, and Berkeley will disappear from San Fierro once and for all!

Twenty-eight years old, he wears glasses and is into electronics. He also has a Zero RC store. His business is not very successful, he has competitors, and failures await him everywhere.

1. Air Raid

First of all, you will need to buy a Zero RC shop for $30,000. After this, Ziro will call you and say that you need to meet. In addition to high blood pressure, Ziro has another problem - Berkeley. This man wants to take revenge on our friend for winning a science prize. Berkeley's offensive begins now. It is necessary to protect the transmitters from the approaching disaster. These airplanes may be quite small, but they know their stuff. The attack will last 3 minutes. You need to use a minigun and watch the signal indicator. The easiest way to control the situation is using radar. Radio-controlled planes will attack both alone and in groups. You will have to constantly spin around yourself to successfully eliminate targets. Ziro will thank Karl and say that the war is just beginning.

Secrets: no

Reward: $3000
Difficulty: 6/10
Interestingness: 8/10
Completion time: 3 minutes

2. Supply Lines

Karl, entering the store, discovers Ziro in the closet, which has been hanging on the hanger hook for two hours. This is Berkeley's doing... oh, how cruel! Ziro will say that it is necessary to destroy the network of couriers that supply Berkeley with serious toys. Karl will control the flight of a miniature aircraft, the controls of which are identical to the prototype. If you play on a PC, I recommend using hotkeys. This airplane is very sensitive to control and the mouse is not the best option for piloting. Destroy three vans, a cyclist and couriers who chose to walk. Also keep an eye on the amount of fuel, the plane is not very fast and our targets can travel quite far. Once you complete your task, head to the store and land on the roof.

Secrets: no

Reward: $5000, Zero RC store generates $2000 per day
Difficulty: 7/10
Interestingness: 9/10
Completion time: 7 minutes

3. New Model Army (Toy Army)

Ziro is desperate... he says that now there will be a decisive duel with Berkley - all or nothing. But Karl will be his second. Since this is so important to him, he needs help. So, before us is a “battlefield” and we are given eight minutes. One of the most unusual missions GTA San Andreas. We have at our disposal three “Goblins” (radio-controlled helicopters) and three “Bandits” (radio-controlled cars). Ziro will control the Bandit, and Karl will control the Goblin. In order to defeat Berkeley, you need to get to his base. There will be barrels on the way - obstacles for the Bandit. You will need to fly up to them, magnetize them and throw them somewhere other than on the road. The enemy also has his own “Goblin”, which just throws barrels onto the road, but not always accurately. Rivers with sinkholes need to be covered with boards that are located at your base - build these kind of bridges. Miniature Tiger tanks will also hinder the Bandit’s progress. They need to be destroyed from the air with bombs, which, like the boards, are located at the base. Fly up to the tank as close as possible to make a targeted strike. In addition to bombs, you can throw anything at the tank that can damage it. Keep an eye on your Bandit's status indicator, but even if it gets blown up, you'll still have two spare vehicles. The invasion of the enemy base by the “Bandit” will mean our victory! Ziro will thank Karl, income will come from the store, and Berkeley will disappear from San Fierro once and for all!

Secrets: try to act quickly and accurately. Magnetize the barrels, fly to the base for the next board or bomb, don’t wait for the “Bandit”, then you will be guaranteed victory.

Reward: $7000, Zero RC store generates $2000 per day.
Difficulty: 9/10
Interestingness: 9/10
Passing time: 5-8 minutes

Quick question: who knows what Berkeley is?

Shop owner electronic toys in the Garcia district of San Fierro. However, Zero believes that he sells not just toys, but smaller copies of real ones. Vehicle, controlled using a remote control.

Reward: $3,000

Berkeley, the guy Zero beat up at the science fair, is back with revenge. He sent RC planes with bombs to the Zero store.

You will have to fight off the attack for three minutes with an excellent machine gun. It mows down the airplanes just brilliantly, and the mission is completed on the first try. Without releasing the fire button, twist the barrel in the direction from which the next victim is flying, and shoot even when she is quite far away - you will hit.

From the west, four RC planes will sometimes visit. Crumble into dust, not forgetting about others. This task is one of the simplest in the entire game, there’s not even anything to tell about it.

P.S. It is better to complete the task during the day, since toy airplanes are more noticeable during daylight hours.

[Mission Gallery]

Reward: $5,000

When you go to Zero, you will find him hanging on a clothes rack in the closet. It’s unlikely that anyone can endure such humiliation, so Berkeley will have to take revenge. Really, you have to do this.

Apparently the scriptwriters Rockstar decided to compensate for the simplicity of the first mission for Zero. The upcoming task is idiotic in its design and execution. RC helicopter haters from Vice City- rest until the next mission. But if you cursed the flight through checkpoints in it - welcome!

In total, 5 Berkeley messengers must be destroyed. And this must be done before they deliver the parcels. In fact, the fuel limitation of an RC plane is much more critical. According to some reports, the total time in the air may be no more than five and a half minutes.

Giving advice on this mission is bad manners. If you immediately adapt to the controls, completing the task will not be difficult. You need to start with the two closest couriers.

In general, couriers travel quite slowly, but only until you start pouring lead on them. Therefore, as soon as you take a position convenient for shooting, hold down and do not release the fire key until the bad guys’ transport explodes. Due to the rate of fire of the installed machine gun, this requires no more than 6-8 seconds.

And further. Try not to fly too high into the sky. It is better to fly at a low altitude, and if there are problems with flying, then you can travel along the road, leaving the ground only for long-distance flights.

If you're lucky, you'll return to the mission start point with more than half a fuel tank.

P.S. By the way, when driving on the road the airplane does not consume fuel.

[Mission Gallery]

3. New Model Army

Reward: $7,000, store generates $5,000 per day

In order for Berkeley to leave San Andreas, you need to help Zero drive the RC Bandit to Berkeley's base in eight minutes. To do this successfully, read our tips.

First, turn off the sound. The mission is quite intense, and Zero's squeals will eventually tear your nerves to shreds.

While he is driving to the first failure, fly to the base and grab the “bridge”. Fly up to the gap and throw a “bridge” into it, it will position itself as it should. Naturally, you need to fly up to the failure, and not throw the bar, hoping for inertia.

While Zero is again approaching the blockage of barrels, fly to the base and take another “bridge”. Throw it into the last gap and clear the path of Zero. If you do everything quickly and clearly, he will enter the base a minute before the end.

P.S. The very first thing you can do is destroy the Berkeley helicopter - you will rid yourself of barrels on the roads.