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Wot console Russian version official. World of Tanks Console - all about the Mercenaries update

Übermittelt am 09.11.2017

Rezension für Titel von Eishamster War damals echt. gut

Früher war es mal eines meiner Lieblingsspiele. Leider geht es heute nur noch darum wer am meisten Geld in das Game investiert , um gute Munition, teure Panzer u.s.w. zu kaufen. Davon mal abgesehen sind die Preise auch noch sehr hoch. Wirklich ausgeglichen ist das Game auch nicht. Entweder man macht den Gegner gnadenlos fertig und ist sehr überlegen, oder man bekommt richtig auf die Fresse. Was extrem den Spielspaß mindert. Alles in allem kann ich nur sagen -WARGAMING ihr habt ein geiles Game richtig versaut!!!-

53 von 59 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von WitcherX77

Übermittelt am 21.10.2018

Rezension für Titel von WitcherX77 kann spaß machen, muß aber nicht!

Ich spiele schon lange und es hat auch spaß gemacht. Aber die Zeit ist wohl vorbei, es wurde soviel zum schlechteren verändert. Diese ganzen Fabelpanzer nerven nur, der Anspruch auf Realismus ist total verloren gegangen. Wenn wenigstens die kosten nicht so hoch wären, wenn man als t8 mit Grundpaket in einer t10 Lobby zur Zielscheibe verdammt wird. Und was dringend gemacht werden sollte, ist Frendlyfire on, damit das trolling aufhört und realistischer wäre es auch. Und was soll der Mist jetzt das man mit einer Matilda (121Durchslagkraft)dem KV1 auf der Seite keinen Schaden (Panzerung 90mm) mehr zufügen kann? 10 Schuss 0 Schaden. Selbst mit Premiumgeschossen nicht. Betrug nenne ich das.

179 von 215 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von Pusher1992

Übermittelt am 01/10/2018

Rezension für Titel von Pusher1992 👎

sehr viel potentsial gehabt. wie 90% der spiele auf zahlung im game aus

12 von 12 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von Giga 50

Übermittelt am 09/03/2017

Rezension für Titel von Giga 50 Mit dem Spiel ist es total Berg abgegangen !

Als Großer WOT Fan der ersten Stunde und nach jetzt 2 Jahren Pause habe jetzt wieder mit WOT angefangen. Ich musste nach knapp 300 Gefechten mit entsetzen feststellen, dass das Spiel sich sehr schlecht entwickelt hat ! (1) Die Team Zusammenstellung ist eine einzige Katastrophe geworden. Es kommen überhaupt keine spannenden Gefechte mehr zustande, da die Teams ungleichmäßig verteilt werden. Entweder man gewinnt oder verliert haushoch. (2) Man kommt auf niedrigen Tier Stufen, zu 90% fasst nur noch in 2 Stufen höhere Gefechte. (3) Viele Panzer wurden runter gepacht. Gerade der IS7, die Maus oder der JPZ E100 sind mittlerweile nur noch ein totaler Witz (Panzerung aus Papier). Ich für meinen Teil, werde noch 2 Panzerreihen komplett machen und danach WOT auf der Konsole endgültig an den Nagel hängen.

87 von 103 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von Titanus220

Übermittelt am 01/18/2018

Rezension für Titel von Titanus220 Lösch dich Wargaming.net

Die Premium Panzer sind oft viel zu stark,Teuer,überflüssig.Ich habe gerade ein super Gefecht gehabt,leider verloren,aber will mich Wargaming.net veraschn 400 Ep und -6000 Silber ich habe mit normaler Munition von dem E75 geschossen(nicht oft daneben geschossen)über 2000 Schaden gemacht 2 Kills und das ist der lohn ihr...😡 lass ich das mal.Wiiiiiieeee soll man da IRGENDWAS erreichen?! Wargaming t gehört euch aus der Hand gerissen und einem armen gegeben.Ihr zwingt leute schon fast Premium zuholen,solche ausbeuter wie euch gibt es in jeder grossen Firma oder sonst was für Filialen,und das Matchmaking ist so ******** das ich da nichts zu sage,ICH GEBE EUCH GELD GEILEN UNTERMENSCHEN KEINEN EINZIGEN CENT MEHR.Lösch dich Wargaming.net

16 von 17 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von karsten

Übermittelt am 11/11/2017

Rezension für Titel von karsten SO NICHT WARGAMING


25 von 28 fanden dies hilfreich.

Rezension von Reborn Evel

Übermittelt am 21.04.2018

Rezension für Titel von Reborn Evel 👎👎👎

Man muss schon ne zeit lang spielen um zu merken das wargaming ein ********. zockt mal n bichen warthunder dan merkt man wie rückständig wg geworden ist

33 von 38 fanden dies hilfreich.

Most recently, World of Tanks came out on PS4. And now that Wargaming’s most popular project is available on both main consoles of the current generation, we are ready to tell you how the console versions differ from the computer version.

The controls and interface take some getting used to

Bringing World of Tanks to PS4 and Xbox One(let's not forget the "trial" version for Xbox 360, released in 2014), Wargaming put a lot of effort into ensuring that playing on a gamepad was as convenient as playing on a keyboard and mouse. You don’t have to look far for examples of other successful adaptations - Diablo 3 and Divinity: Original Sin They feel great on consoles.

It turned out well, but not without compromises, especially if you are switching to the console version from a PC.

The first thing that catches your eye is that the developers, for obvious reasons, had to sacrifice text chat in favor of voice communication and an additional interface with quick commands.

As for the gameplay, the main shooter mechanics really fit organically into the classic gamepad layout, but movement tied to the left stick can be confusing at first: you can accidentally start turning the tank, throw off the aim and lose precious seconds on aiming.

You also need to get used to navigating on the map again: viewing sectors with a cursor is still much more convenient than with a stick. After Destiny, where the “computer” role-playing interface with a cursor was made in an exemplary manner, returning to cumbersome menus that have to be scrolled with buttons (if, say, you already have a decent collection of vehicles and camouflages for them in your hangar) is depressing, but not fatal.

This is not just a console version

Console control and interface, coupled with minor mechanical changes (Wargaming added a barely noticeable auto-adjustment of the sight and multi-colored marks showing the probability of causing damage) do not have a very noticeable effect on the overall dynamics.

The class system has not changed - “fireflies” quickly fly behind enemy lines, artillery covers, light, medium and heavy tanks they fight in positional battles of varying degrees of intensity, and self-propelled guns sit in the bushes and wait.

The set of maps is current, but in terms of variety of cars, console WoT is now at the level of its older brother from 2011: at the start, the game has only three classic branches, no French or Chinese yet. Presumably, other nations will soon add patches.

But visually the console version turned out to be much more lively thanks to the new engine. Here the developers also made technical concessions, limiting the frame rate to thirty FPS, but otherwise the console World of Tanks wins. The rendering distance is higher, the lighting is more natural, updated physics and destructibility are in place, and the tank models and environmental textures look no worse than in the PC version, although nominally fewer resources were spent on them due to technical limitations.

But the main thing is that the console versions have a full cycle of day and night and weather conditions. After five years regular cards in night and rainy scenery they are perceived completely differently, and an ordinary battle on a mountain on the Himmelsdorf instantly adds drama when there is evening twilight all around, a thunderstorm is raging overhead, and raindrops are flowing down the hull of your hidden IS-7. This is the case when a fresh look at the visuals changes the feeling of the gameplay, and that’s great.

* * *

It's a small matter. Wargaming just needs to fix little things in the interface and controls and make sure that console WoT versions received updates more often and additional content. Well, it would also be nice to introduce changes in weather and time of day into the PC version. Everything else is good.

I haven't been here for a long time! And there is so much I want to tell you. After all, we add every month new content, we come up with bright gaming events for our tankers and organize competitions in which you can get not only in-game gifts, but also branded PlayStation 4 consoles (by the way, very soon there will be another drawing for the coolest “curling iron” - follow the news in our official group).

But now I would like to draw your attention to something else. Today is a special day for World of Tanks Console: we have released biggest addition, which will seriously change the game.
We are talking about update 4.5 “Mercenaries” - a completely new era in the development of the game within the framework of alternative history. There are no more rules or restrictions, and this gives players huge opportunities. In a world where states are weakened by endless wars, and all alliances have collapsed, where every man is for himself, we invite our tank crews to become heroes on their own terms and plunge into chaos.

Mercenaries are not only new story, but also a new “nation” in the research tree. There are currently five vehicles available, but the mercenary tree will expand in the coming weeks and months. The new tanks are different from everything that was done in other tank projects. This is an absolute exclusive for console players. Mercenary tanks consist of parts taken from different cars, and together form truly unique examples of technology.

All mercenaries from the research branch are available in network game. Some of them can be obtained for free by completing random battles contracts - phased combat missions. If you can’t cope with some contract, you can skip it and immediately get the prize equipment by spending in-game gold on it.

Along with new cars, new cards appeared in the game. In them, players will recognize their favorite locations, changed by time and the reigning chaos.

By the way, the mercenaries themselves are not just commanders of unique tanks. These are the heroes of the game. Each mercenary has his own style, character and history. I think you will be interested to know that they are all copied from real employees console command(there's even me!). Moreover, we organized a special competition for players, the reward of which will be the opportunity to join a team of mercenaries: we will add the winner’s photo to the game as one of the commanders.

In honor of the release of mercenaries, a separate campaign “Uranium Enrichment” has appeared in the PvE mode “War Chronicles”. This is a tense story about espionage and the nuclear threat. Players will have to confront troops from both the US and the USSR - this task risks becoming one of the most dangerous in World of Tanks on PlayStation 4.

With version 4.5, other pleasant changes also appeared: an updated Hangar with dynamic elements, a more convenient and modern launcher, a redesigned interface and new atmospheric music. Experience it all for yourself - go into battle in

Review of the largest update to the console version of the game in recent years


World of Tanks: Console has released the most major update throughout its history. The update was codenamed “Mercenaries”, and according to the developers, it will open a new era in the development of both the game itself and its plot. The editors of GameGuru found an experienced tanker who carefully checked this loud statement.

“And the game is beautiful, damn it!”

This is exactly the impression one gets after launch. No, on the PC version everything is fine with graphics after the release of “Tanks” from early access(after 8 years). Download the HD client and enjoy gorgeous models, retouched maps and spectacular destructibility of objects. But the console brother also became good-looking. A particularly strong impression remains after playing on maps with changed weather conditions or at night/evening. Showers, darkness and snow pellets hitting the monitor - it's cool!

Both the technology itself and its interaction with environment. Caterpillars leave marks on the surface, sparks of hot metal splash into the armor from ricochets... Beauty! War vehicles look even better: scratches and stains on the armor, peeling paint. It is clear that the tanks and self-propelled guns in the hangar are ready not for exhibition, but for real combat.

"War Chronicles" is interesting

Update 4.5 has plenty of technical changes, graphical and audio nuances, such as new sounds for the engine and loading music. However, our goal was not to find out which car had its track teeth corrected. We came to watch the brave condottieri and their exploits in the name of a fat contract and a country villa in the Canary Islands.

First, I had to look into “Military Chronicles”, where with the update in the mode another large-scale quest appeared. Briefly about the essence: in an alternative universe, World War II did not end in 1945, humanity is dying of hunger, and soldiers are forced to hire themselves to the powers that be, fulfilling contracts of varying degrees of severity.

In the task “Uranium enrichment” we were given a package of documents and shown a funny intro in the style of “Tank Comics”. Blah blah blah, the world is in danger, blah blah blah, we need to steal nuclear materials from a secret plant run by Soviet and American troops. We have a hired tank at our disposal. Trinity with excellent dynamics and excellent rate of fire. However, the gameplay itself was disappointing. You drive around the map, shooting turrets and enemies that grow in both number and level. Difficult, but boring. Nothing special, except great new car we didn't see it. And we moved on.

Exclusives for console players

There are currently 10 vehicles in the mercenary branch. Models without numbers and abbreviations in the names - only nicknames, nicknames, as befits real Landsknechts of the 20th century:

  • Light tanks: Caboose(III level), Stubbs(V level), Tusk(X level)
  • Medium tanks: Smoothman(V level), Bigtop(VII level) and Cruncher(VIII level)
  • Heavy tanks: Needle(IV level), Bulwark(V level), Slapjack(VII level)
  • Anti-tank self-propelled guns: Plaguebringer(VI level)

Each car comes with a unique crew, which is already trained in a couple of cool perks. To get a mercenary into your hangar, you have to sign a contract and fulfill all his obligations. It was then that a small embarrassment occurred. We thought contracts were something special, similar to a War Chronicles quest or an epic reconstruction of a new Kursk Bulge. However, the contracts are more reminiscent of the standard LBZ (personal combat missions) for the PC version in the style: deal/expose/tank so much damage, gain a certain amount of experience, win a series of battles, and so on. No, the tasks themselves are interesting and difficult, and not everyone can cope with them, especially at the stages of obtaining level VII-X mercenaries. In case of failure, by the way, Wargaming, with the care characteristic of the company, suggests not to bother and unblock unique car using in-game gold.

In the combat characteristics of the squad Mercenaries It’s a little difficult to figure out: the vehicles are stuffed with modules from almost all the tanks existing in the game. For example, in heavyweight Slapjack VII level a German 8.8 cm Kw.K (or simply “aht-aht”) gun fit in, and a German engine Maybach HL, caterpillars from Soviet tank IS-2 and turret from the American T29. It’s a crazy cocktail, but it works: the tank perfectly “holds” classmates’ shots with its strong forehead, firing back with an accurate and fast-firing cannon (by the way, it was installed on the “Tigers”).

In general, World of Tanks: Console has enough exclusives: weather conditions, maps, interesting modes. Now, in general, a branch of unique tanks has arrived. It feels like the developers are trying their best to get the game onto the promising Western market. Things didn’t work out with the PC version in America and Europe: online there is many times worse than in the post-Soviet space. Have you decided to switch to proud console players? Not to say that we saw some incredible online stuff there. Active players on European server was less than one in ten in the CIS. However, regular updates of this kind can increase the interest of Xbox and PlayStation owners in . Rumor has it that the ship part of the franchise will also live on the decks of consoles. All hands on deck, Wargaming is coming!

We looked for cons and found them

Let's imagine that an avid tanker bought a PlayStation and decided to move from the PC version of the game to the console. Everything will have to start over. Although, you see, it would be more logical to transfer your progress from one platform to another, the tanks are the same. But no. Okay, let's start it up new account, and the game automatically takes us on a walking journey through the tutorial stages. It is useful for beginners, but veterans of tank battles are not at all interested in chasing level I bots around the “Province”. Leave “Polygon” (an excellent solution, by the way), but make it possible to skip the tutorial by answering a couple of clarifying questions like: “ Have you already driven in tanks? Did you really drive? KVASS AS A TANK?».

Navigating the game lobby isn't easy either. The confusing labyrinth of the hangar does not allow you to intuitively understand from the very first second how to load equipment, how to change the number of armor-piercing shells in the vehicle. How the hell do you sell a tank?

There are also a lot of problems in the gameplay: it’s difficult to understand the first time how the sight magnification changes. A round minimap is a disgusting solution, because even in familiar locations you can hardly understand where you are. You have to waste precious seconds and bring up a full-scale image on the screen. Why did you have to reinvent the wheel? No one knows. There are also problems with textures: sometimes you can shoot right through a hill, a railroad track, or the roof of a house. The color scheme of the sight raises the question: why was it necessary to change the usual scheme? If there is a high probability of penetration, the circle on the console changes color to red, while on the “bakery” everything works the other way around.

In general, all the shortcomings can be easily corrected with a couple of updates and practice. Another thing is that a large number of very cool games. Wargaming looks rather weak compared to the background of famous Western studios, and the concept of World War II is close to the same Europeans and Americans only when they show the landing in Normandy and Brad Pitt with a cigar in his mouth. However, the Minsk studio continues to fight, and who knows, perhaps “Mercenaries”, combined with a future release on PS4 and Xbox One, will make capricious console players fall in love with the universe of 20th-century combat vehicles.

Do you still play World of Tanks? On PC or console?