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World of Tanks Rush. Last Stand

"World of Tanks: Rush 3 - The Last Stand" is the second addition to the popular board card game, developed based on the online computer game "World of Tanks". This expansion introduces a new nation into the game - Japan, which becomes the sixth nation in World of Tanks: Rush. In addition, among the vehicle cards you will find tanks that appeared after the end of World War II, as well as tanks that existed only on paper.

To try out this expansion, you will need a box of the World of Tanks: Rush base game. You can also use the "Last Battle" add-on together with the first add-on to the game - "Second Front".

About the game World of Tanks: Rush

World of Tanks: Rush is a card deck-building game based on the super popular online game "World of Tanks", in which millions of players around the world control their favorite armored monsters in realistic conditions and compete with each other with their skills.

The desktop version tries to convey the general spirit of this game as closely as possible. Here you will become commanders of tank units and take control of a tank squad - further actions depend only on you and the chosen strategy.

How to play

Players take turns making moves, starting with the first player. On his turn, the player performs the following actions:

  • Repairs damage and deals cards from hand
  • Plays cards from hand
  • Updates the reserve and draws a new hand

Who has won?

To win, by the end of the game you must earn the most medals. You can receive them in three ways:

  • Destroy enemy vehicles and receive 1 medal for each unit
  • Destroy the enemy base and get 3 medals at once
  • Receive various achievements - for each you will immediately receive 5 medals at the end of the game

About the add-on

Before the game, you need to add cards from the expansion to the base game cards. Let's look at what the latest extension offers us:

  • A sixth nation is being added - Japan, as well as equipment and medals for it
  • The number of vehicle cards for each nation has increased from 30 to 33
  • Added four “golden” cards of universal vehicles that have no nationality
  • Added new card abilities: “destruction”, “development”, “invulnerability”
  • Added rules for team play and new mechanics
  • It is now possible to play with an incomplete set of the game: with the exclusion of all cards of one or more nations, with the removal of random cards, without certain abilities
  • New barracks card - "Signalmen", which is not included in the starter set, but can be purchased during the game
  • A new type of card – “Destruction”, which clutters up opponents’ decks
  • Added two new abilities and two new achievements

Attention! This is an addition. To play you will need the basic version

Attention! To play you need the World of Tanks: Rush basic set!

"World of Tanks: Rush 3 - The Last Stand" is the second addition to the popular board card game, developed based on the online computer game "World of Tanks". This expansion introduces a new nation into the game - Japan, which becomes the sixth nation of World of Tanks: Rush. In addition, among the vehicle cards you will find tanks that appeared after the end of World War II, as well as tanks that existed only on paper.

To try out this expansion, you will need a box of the World of Tanks: Rush base game. You can also use the Last Stand expansion along with the first expansion for the game, Second Front.

“World of Tanks: Rush” is a card deck-building game based on the super popular online game “World of Tanks”, in which millions of players around the world control their favorite armored monsters in realistic conditions and compete with each other with their skills.

Players take turns making moves, starting with the first player. On his turn, the player performs the following actions:

restores damage and places cards from your hand;

plays cards from hand;

updates the reserve and draws a new hand.

To win, you must earn the most medals by the end of the game. You can receive them in three ways:

destroy enemy equipment and receive 1 medal for each unit;

destroy the enemy base and get 3 medals at once;

receive various achievements - for each you will receive 5 medals at the end of the game.

Before the game, you need to add cards from the expansion to the base game cards. Let's look at what the latest extension offers us:

a sixth nation is added - Japan, as well as equipment and medals for it;

the number of vehicle cards for each nation has increased from 30 to 33;

four “golden” cards of universal equipment that have no nationality have been added;

new card abilities have been added: “destruction”, “development”, “invulnerability”;

added rules for team play and new mechanics;

it became possible to play with an incomplete set of the game: with the exclusion of all cards of one or several nations, with the removal of random cards, without certain abilities;

a new barracks card - “Signalmen”, which is not included in the starter set, but can be purchased during the game;

a new type of cards - “Destructions”, which clutter up opponents’ decks;

two new abilities and two new achievements have been added.


  • 33 maps of Japanese vehicles;
  • 3 maps of USSR vehicles;
  • 3 US vehicle maps;
  • 3 cards of equipment of the Third Reich;
  • 3 maps of French vehicles;
  • 3 UK vehicle maps;
  • 4 cards of universal equipment;
  • 12 Japan medal cards;
  • 6 signalman cards;
  • 20 destruction cards;
  • 6 reminder cards;
  • 2 achievement cards;
  • addition rules;
  • bonus code for 3 days of premium account.

It's been a while since I picked up... tanks! They slowly migrated to my pile of forgotten games, because with a string of new toys, you simply don’t have time to remember something old. But a board game developer Nikolay Pegasov about his first deck building game called World of Tanks: Rush remembers very well. And to remind us all of how great it is to ride armored vehicles right on the table, the second addition to the game was released last year World of Tanks: Rush which is called Last Stand .

Based on the title, it can be assumed that this addition marked the end of the series. Well, that makes it even more interesting to see what the final version of the board game is like. World of Tanks .

Box Contents

The box dimensions of the reviewed add-on are identical to the box dimensions of the first add-on. If you put the boxes of the two expansions together, you get exactly the size of the base. Everything looks compact together.

Inside, everything is again the same as in the first add-on - an organizer and many, many cards (if I counted correctly - 92 pieces).

This time there is no code in the box to get a new special tank in the computer game World of Tanks . But without any goodies from the outside Wargaming.net It didn’t work out - at the bottom of the box you can find a coupon with a code that will activate your premium account for 3 days. So fans of computer racing on tanks are also in for a bit of a treat.

It will probably be easier for me to talk about the add-on in the form of separate blocks dedicated to certain types of new cards, because the add-on includes a set of modules built into the base game.

So let's go! Or whatever it is in Japanese... ikuzo!

Sixth nation - Japan

The main contents of the box are cards of the new nation. Now you can play Tanks with six players!

As a Japanophile, Japanese tanks brought me indescribable delight. The cards look simply incredible. They are very bright (colored orange), which is a pleasant pleasure to the eye. Anyone who is interested in military equipment will be very interested in studying all the Japanese tanks presented in the add-on. But in addition to tanks, the Japanese also have cavalry, trucks, infantry, kamikaze planes and even a Mitsubishi car!

To be honest, I really liked the Japanese nation. From a gaming point of view, this is the most ordinary nation, which is no better or worse than any other nation. Approximately all nations are on the same level, without bias in any one direction. The Japanese have both cheap tanks that can hardly demolish opponents' bases, and powerful vehicles that destroy bases in one go. But looking at the pictures on the cards is a pleasure. The artist received his fee after working brilliantly.

In all the last games I played, I automatically reached for Japanese cards, because for some reason they are more interesting to me than other nations.

Beautiful, solid, high quality - excellent!

New four gold cards

These are the 4th special cards that represent vehicles from other countries that are not represented separately in the game. They are a kind of jokers that can be used to attack together with any other nation.

The bun turned out to be quite interesting, but purely optional. Still, 4 such cards are a drop in the ocean among 200 other cards. If you managed to find such a card in the reserve, consider yourself lucky.


These are special cards that are not mixed into the reserve deck, but lie next to it. Each player can buy one signalman card per game.

This card is intended purely for building up the deck at the beginning of the game. In the first turns, a situation often arises when 2 cards arrive that give 1 resource, and 1 card that allows you to make an unlimited number of purchases. In such a situation, it is very profitable to buy a signalman, so that later it will be easier to buy expensive tanks.

In principle, a pretty good card that is useful at the beginning of the game, but not very useful at the end.

New card abilities - destruction and development

As I hoped, there were some new ability symbols on the cards. Abilities always bring the game to a new level of strategy. IN Last Fight 2 new abilities have appeared.

Destruction forces opponents to draw one destruction card and place it on top of their decks. What is a destruction map? This is a card that gives the player absolutely nothing during the game, and at the end, when counting points, it also takes away one medal. The purpose of this card is to trash the deck. A vehicle with the symbol of destruction has attack and armor parameters of 0-0, so it is advantageous to use it either as a resource or to play its ability.

Development Only valid at the very end of the game, when scoring begins. Firstly, a card with development brings one medal, and secondly, such a card is considered a joker, which can be any class of equipment (heavy, light, artillery, infantry...).

Undoubtedly, destruction succeeded the most. I would even say that this is the best idea for the add-on. The idea of ​​this ability reflects my playstyle - I like to mess with my opponents, make their game more sticky and force them to be distracted by unimportant things. Judge for yourself - if you have at least one destruction card in your hand, then instead of three cards per turn you will receive only two, and this greatly reduces the possibilities. Therefore, it is better to try to quickly get rid of damage through repairs.

This ability makes the game hotter and more interesting.

Development is a rather specific ability. At the end of the game it brings a lot of benefits, of course, but if you play with all possible tanks, then the chance of such a card coming into play is not great. These cards are cool, but they don’t have much impact on gameplay.

All other nations received 3 new cards

Since new abilities were introduced into the game, it was necessary to introduce some kind of balance between nations, so all nations that were previously represented in the game received cards with new icons. Each nation now has 33 cards.

New achievements

Unfortunately, this time Nikolay Pegasov pleased us with only two achievements (there were 12 of them in the first expansion). Both achievements are related to new cards - who will have more Japanese medals and whose deck will have fewer destruction cards.

Not much…

New game options

According to the basic rules, there are no changes, but game options have appeared, which, in principle, have always been on the surface.

So what else can we do:

  • do not play with all nations (the fewer nations, the greater the chance of building a deck on the tanks of one nation) - fewer nations means a more aggressive party;
  • asymmetrical nations. This module allows you to randomly discard cards from a common deck. You can, for example, remove 10 random cards from each nation or simply count out 100-150 random cards and play with them. In this case, all players will be in the dark - no one knows which tanks are left in the deck and how best to build their deck;
  • not all abilities - if you do not like certain abilities, then you can remove cards with these abilities from the deck;
  • team game. You can play 2 on 2, 3 on 3 or split into 3 teams of 2 people;
  • achievements to choose from - you can remove those achievements that you don’t like.

In general, all of these options involve randomizing the deck. I think someone has used similar home rules before. For example, I already tried the option of randomly selecting 100 cards even with the first add-on.

Last Stand. Bottom line

I guess I still expected a little more from the second add-on, since the first add-on with English tanks had a lot of interesting goodies, which were associated both with card abilities, achievements, complication of the gameplay, and with changes to the basic rules that made the game much more attractive. Last Stand does not change the game, does not break it, only offers options - this is if we talk about the rules.

All that gives me truly positive emotions is the new nation and the destruction.

The Japs are cool. The new cards are nicely designed, have a great color scheme, and immediately catch your eye when they come out on the table. I basically try to lean towards the Japanese side when playing with a new addition.

Destruction is a delicious idea. Personally, I really enjoy playing with this ability. Firstly, it prevents other players from playing, and secondly, it forces them to look for tanks with the repair ability in order to get rid of destruction in time. It turned out to be quite an interesting combination.

With the sixth nation, playing has become a little longer, since tanks for purchase are represented by as many as 6 nations, and it has become a little more difficult to assemble a fast deck that breaks bases in one attack. But at the same time, there are even more possibilities for combinations. Neutral tanks and tanks with the development ability have appeared - there are plenty to choose from!

Therefore, in general, the add-on turned out to be quite good, and its only drawback is that it is inferior in innovation to the first add-on.

Positive points:

  • The Japanese nation turned out to be very colorful! A must have for all Japanophiles;
  • the new abilities, especially destruction, turned out delicious;
  • neutral tanks are good, but it’s a pity that there are few of them;
  • Signalmen help you upgrade your deck faster;
  • The game is a little longer, which is a plus for me.

Controversial points:

  • not enough innovations;
  • Unfortunately, the “planning” ability has not been fixed in any way.

Actually, at this point we could bow out and thank HW for providing us with a copy of the game, but I still want to comment on the overall picture, if you play the base game and the two expansions together. Perhaps after Last Fight Indeed, nothing will come of it regarding tanks, so we can sum it up.

World of Tanks: Rush - verdict

Probably, the era of deckbuilding is already passing, but WoT:R is interesting primarily because it is the first, if I’m not mistaken, Russian experience in deckbuilding. Moreover, the theme chosen was not the more familiar fantasy universes, but tanks (albeit at the suggestion of a famous brand).

All tanks in one deck

Remembering now the first games of the base game, I can note that the gameplay was not very similar to tank battles. It was some kind of unusual deck-building mechanics, with its own rules and nuances, and even with tanks on the cards. This is probably what scared some board players away from the game, who wanted to plunge into the atmosphere of tank battle. To do this, what you need is to buy different tanks and, adhering to some tactics, knock out your opponents’ equipment. But in reality it was like this - you can only attack with tanks of one nation, only heavy tanks, which are expensive and rare, can demolish the base in one shot, the rest of the tanks only turn the base 90 degrees in one broad. And if the rotated base was not finished off, then the opponent will finish it off, for which he will receive a medal. It’s not you who will receive the medal, but he! And it's a shame. Playing a tank as an ability risks getting into the base, which was also not entirely clear from a logical point of view.

One of my friends said this - This is not a game about tanks! We were deceived.

But the first expansion removed almost all the rough edges of the base game. Decks now scroll faster, tanks move to base after an attack, and not just after using abilities, a very important rear has appeared, which makes it more likely to attack the next turn, etc. Those. the game has become more holistic and strategic. Playing Tanks has become more enjoyable, and that's a fact.

I haven’t played Tanks for about a year, so when I received a new addition for review, I was happy to refresh my impressions of the game. And you know, I still play with interest. Yes, this is not the best deckbuilding I've seen. If I have a choice between Ascension , Nightfall , Legendary and WoT, then I won't choose WoT. But sometimes, when you miss the boyish military theme, it’s quite nice to lay out the Tanks. I tested it with great pleasure Last Stand along with the base and the first expansion.

There is something so meditative in this game, you feel sincere joy when 2-3 tanks of the same nation come into your hand, it is also interesting to think about using abilities if there is no point in attacking.

But in general, I still agree that the simulation of tank battles in the game is not very noticeable. But if there were superheroes instead of tanks, and cities or even countries instead of bases, then I think the game would have much more fans.

If anyone is thinking about purchasing the game, I would advise immediately purchasing the base game along with the first expansion ( Second front ). If we assign utility coefficients to all parts of the game, then the base has the number 1, Second front 0.6, a Last Stand — 0,4-0,5.

My opinion is that the game was a success. I'll definitely keep it in my collection. The best card game about tanks has not yet been invented. For which we thank Nikolai Pegasov!

Well, thanks again according to the good old tradition:

Board game Word of Tanks: Rush - Last Battle provided for review by company

"World of Tanks: Rush 3 - The Last Stand" is the second addition to the popular board card game, developed based on the online computer game "World of Tanks". This expansion introduces a new nation into the game - Japan, which becomes the sixth nation of World of Tanks: Rush. In addition, among the vehicle cards you will find tanks that appeared after the end of World War II, as well as tanks that existed only on paper.

To try out this expansion, you will need the base game box. You can also use the Last Stand expansion along with the first expansion for the game - .

About the game "World of Tanks: Rush"

“World of Tanks: Rush” is a card deck-building game based on the super popular online game “World of Tanks”, in which millions of players around the world control their favorite armored monsters in realistic conditions and compete with each other with their skills.

The desktop version tries to convey the general spirit of this game as closely as possible. Here you will become commanders of tank units and take control of a tank squad - further actions depend only on you and the chosen strategy.

How to play

Players take turns making moves, starting with the first player. On his turn, the player performs the following actions:

  • restores damage and places cards from your hand;
  • plays cards from hand;
  • updates the reserve and draws a new hand.

Who has won?

To win, you must earn the most medals by the end of the game. You can receive them in three ways:

  • destroy enemy equipment and receive 1 medal for each unit;
  • destroy the enemy base and get 3 medals at once;
  • receive various achievements - for each you will receive 5 medals at the end of the game.

About the add-on

"The Last Stand" is not a standalone game, but an addition to .

Before the game, you need to add cards from the expansion to the base game cards. Let's look at what the latest extension offers us:

  • a sixth nation is added - Japan, as well as equipment and medals for it;
  • the number of vehicle cards for each nation has increased from 30 to 33;
  • four “golden” cards of universal equipment that have no nationality have been added;
  • new card abilities have been added: “destruction”, “development”, “invulnerability”;
  • added rules for team play and new mechanics;
  • it became possible to play with an incomplete set of the game: with the exclusion of all cards of one or several nations, with the removal of random cards, without certain abilities;
  • a new barracks card - “Signalmen”, which is not included in the starter set, but can be purchased during the game;
  • a new type of cards - “Destructions”, which clutter up opponents’ decks;
  • two new abilities and two new achievements have been added.

Once again, please note that this is an add-on, not a stand-alone game. To play the full game you will need a copy of the base game

On February 11, 1945, an agreement was signed at the Yalta Conference, according to which the USSR entered the war with Japan no later than 3 months after the surrender of Germany. Two days before the rupture of the neutrality pact with the Land of the Rising Sun (concluded on April 13, 1941), Soviet planes bombed the Manchurian roads. At 4:30 a.m. on August 9, 1945, another milestone in the Second World War began for Soviet soldiers. In the first 24 hours alone, tank troops advanced 15 km deep into Chinese territory, and the advanced units of the 39th and 17th armies advanced 70 km... Today on the Pink Sofa is an addition to the board game “World of Tanks Rush 3. The Last Battle.”

The popularity of the electronic version of tank battles exceeds all imaginable boundaries - thousands of people sit down at the controls of electronic armored vehicles in the evenings and rush towards glory and... financial ruin. The card game, created based on the computer hit, also strives for scale and has acquired a second addition under the symbolic name “The Last Battle.” Whether this is a hint at the completion of the tabletop project or refers to the complication of survival in new conditions - time will tell.

The compact, stylish box of the add-on inspires hope that small card games from the Hobby World publishing house will be released in similar packaging - it’s nice to hold in your hands, the free space doesn’t hurt the eyes, and it looks beautiful on the shelf. I really want to believe in this...

Traditionally, the box with the tank board contains a code to activate bonuses for the electronic version of the game. In previous releases we offered tanks for the garage, this time a premium account for three days.

Before you start learning new units, find cards for the American T57 heavy tank. There are two of them: one defective (on the left) and correct (on the right). Of course, only one of them takes part in combat operations.

New abilities have appeared in the game: destruction (air bomb) and development (measuring tool). “Destructions” clog up your deck and deprive you of bonus points in the final count. “Developments” allow you to receive additional medals when summing up results and are considered technical “Jokers” when distributing achievements. The previously encountered “invulnerability” and “assault” also work differently. Corresponding amendments have been made to the auxiliary reminder cards.

Since we are entering a war with a new power under new conditions of combat, new achievement cards are being introduced: a medal for courage for units of the Land of the Rising Sun and a bonus for the minimum number of destruction cards in the personal deck.

The Order of the Golden Kite, approved by Emperor Meiji on February 18, 1890, was awarded only to Japanese citizens for exceptional courage and heroism in battle. 12 medal cards recognize outstanding tank operations strategists.

Signalmen are new cards, the number of which is equal to the number of participants in the game. They are set aside separately, and during the game you can purchase only one such card for your deck. They are taken into account when distributing the “Least Barracks Cards” achievement.

20 “destructions” are also put aside in a separate pile and clog up players’ decks, not bringing any bonuses during combat operations. Moreover, at the end of the game, for each “destruction”, one medal is taken from the player’s reserve. The good thing is that "repair" allows you to return "destruction" back to the center of the table (these cards never go to the "graveyard").

New abilities are reflected on three additional cards, which are added to army sets previously used in the game.

From now on, the full deck of each of the warring powers consists of thirty-three cards. Of course, you can remove some of them into the box if you wish.

It is noteworthy that the supplement contains images of both real armored vehicles that took part in the war and prototypes that never saw the light of day.

If you look closely at the additional cards, you will see that they differ only in their belonging to one or another army.

All other indicators are absolutely the same. Thus, each of the five armies will receive identical reinforcements.

“The Last Battle” brought an unexpected surprise - through the smoke of the battle you can see neutral vehicles used as reinforcements during the attack: “golden” tanks raise on the towers the flags of the powers with which they are going to the enemy.

But the most interesting thing is the 33 cards of the new army of the Land of the Rising Sun, marked with a bright flag and a dark orange background. The auxiliary icons remain the same, so experts in tank battles will easily get used to the controls of the new equipment.

While you are exploring new units, let's remember the “forgotten” pages of history. On August 9, 1945, almost simultaneously with the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Operation August Storm, victorious for the Red Army, began. In 14 days, Japan lost about 84 thousand soldiers killed, the USSR's losses were seven times less (about 12 thousand). As a result of the blitzkrieg, Soviet troops found themselves only 50 kilometers from the Japanese island of Hokkaido...

Unfortunately, historians “forgot” about such a successful and significant operation of the USSR for the whole world - it was the success of the military operations of the Red Army that forced the emperor to surrender. Japanese Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki wrote in his diary about the events of those days: “If we miss this opportunity (surrender * author's note), the Soviet Union will capture not only Manchuria, Korea and Sakhalin, but also Hokkaido. We need to end the war while we can still negotiate with the United States."

The success of the operation, in addition to the practical combat experience of the Red Army troops, was also influenced by the level of training of the Kwantung Army: for economic and technical reasons, the aviation of the Land of the Rising Sun remained at the airfields, so the Red Army had absolute air superiority. On the ground, Japan also could not give a worthy rebuff, since the foot units of the Kwantung Army had no automatic weapons, no anti-tank rifles, no rocket artillery...

The result of the operation was a foregone conclusion - the Red Army literally flew through a vast territory, losing fewer people during the entire period of hostilities than died per day during the assault on the German capital (during the capture of Berlin, the daily losses of the Red Army were about 15 thousand people).

On September 2, Japan signed surrender for the first time in the country's history. It was this day that marked the final point in the history of the bloody Second World War...

So, after the introduction of the Land of the Rising Sun into the game, players have at their disposal six armies of 33 cards each (almost 200 cards), as well as additional and auxiliary cards, totaling more than one and a half hundred. It turned out to be a solid card game - almost 500 rectangular cards...

To summarize, what innovations await us in the next addition? The main thing is destruction cards that litter the players' deck, as well as two new abilities (one of them is related to destruction cards). And, of course, the army of the Land of the Rising Sun, which made it possible to introduce new rules for team play. Also of interest is the “neutral” technique, with which you can enhance the attack and get bonuses. Everything else is interesting, but... not so impressive.

If you are a fan of the game, then the expansion is already on your shelf - this rule applies to any board game. Here the emotional effect of collecting works more than the practical component. And for others, in fact, the box discussed in the review is not intended - you can play tanks only if you have the basic version of the game. And if you paid attention to the add-on, then you obviously liked “World of Tanks Rush”...