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Is it possible in GTA 5. Tips for newcomers to GTA Online

If in GTA 5 the main mission storyline completed and 100 percent progress achieved, then you should not be disappointed.

The main narrative gives a lot of positive emotions, but even after its completion there is something to do in the world of San Andres.

The developers have prepared a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment that will captivate you for dozens of additional hours. You can find out all the details about them from this article.

World tour and photography

Completing missions in GTA 5 does not mean that the adventure can be completed and the game should be deleted. Even without going into multiplayer mode, there are activities you can do to keep yourself entertained. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the beautiful world around us, which can be seen in the example of Los Santos. Even simply exploring the nooks and crannies of the metropolis and other places on the mainland can be fun.

The game has very beautiful places that are worth visiting

At the same time, the player will discover incredible beauty, interesting references to other projects and much more. To make your exploration more fun, you can set yourself the goal of taking a selfie with all the animals in San Andres. They must be alive, and completion of such a task will be rewarded with an achievement.

Cars, stunts and more

After completing GTA 100 percent, a player should definitely engage in own collection cars. Users have the opportunity to upgrade any car, which will become the coolest on the streets of Los Santos.

After this, it is recommended to drive around the streets a little, test the controls and stop at a red light next to some driver. This will be a kind of challenge similar to a short distance race. The diversity of the world in GTA 5 can be felt at the moment when the player slowly drives a cool car along Vespucci Street.

You can build your own collection of tuned cars

If you move at minimum speed, you can see how non-player characters begin to take pictures of the car. Returning to the topic of photographs, you can see interesting secret, if you get into any of the mansions in Vinewood, where girls swim in the pool. At the same time, you need to have time to take a selfie with them. The entertainment is one-time, but the fun is worth your time.

After this, the player can take a BMX bike and go train in stunts. If you manage to create your own combinations, you can make a video and post it for public viewing in special services. This takes time and patience, but the result will definitely bring satisfaction.

Complete chaos

If tasks and missions in GTA 5 are not enjoyable, then you should try a proven scheme. In any of the parts of the series there was simple entertainment such as turning the streets into a real hell. To do this, you should stock up on weapons, codes for immortality and plenty of ammunition. Conquering Los Santos using this method, as well as seeing the reaction of law enforcement agencies, is worthy of attention. The activity doesn’t last long, but challenge lovers should definitely grab military base. The player, on behalf of one of the characters, for example Michael, calls Trevor and Franklin and invites them to have a drink.

Raise hell on the streets of Los Santos

Instead of going to the pub, you should go to the northwest coast, where there is a facility with maximum security. The fight against the military people will drag on for a long time, and the assault may not even succeed the first time. As a prize, you can receive interesting equipment for your collection.

If this level of mayhem seems insufficient and you want something original, then go as Trevor at night under the main bridge. The player will see such a diverse audience that there will be no limits to surprise. Hippies, homeless people, outcasts and other individuals with unusual behavior will be able to entertain with their conversations.

Sports passion

Of course, completing 100 percent includes some entertainment from the list of sports activities, but even after that you should not give up trying to become a champion. Darts and billiards are easy enough to learn, but golf is a tough challenge.

This game will require several hours of time and even developing your own tactics. Plus, this is an opportunity to earn good money and gain additional achievements. When such sports activities begin to get boring, the player can go skydiving.

Spend your free time playing golf

This method also pumps up the character's stamina. Ski jumping can be a great experience and an adrenaline rush. All you need to do is take a good motorcycle, go through a few training sessions, and then record your tricks for the collection. The same applies to air tests on airplanes and helicopters of various types.

Exploring the world from above can be even more fun. Another enjoyable attraction is the shooting range. Shooting tests are also necessary for complete passage, but for a change you should look a few times. Becoming a master of all sports in GTA 5 is not so easy and only a few users can boast of such an achievement.

Additional missions

In GTA 5, the additional mission called “Strangers and Oddballs” is recommended to be completed completely even after reaching 100 percent in the passage. This indicator requires only 20 out of 58 possible tasks, but no one limits the user in this regard. The developers have worked hard so that these quests can be of interest to unusual personalities and stories with unpredictable turns of events. For example, during one of the tasks the player will meet a person who is fighting in every way for the legalization of marijuana.

You can complete the game 100% by completing random missions

These missions are a great opportunity to brighten up time in the signature style of GTA 5. This activity will captivate the user for ten hours. Don't ignore it either random events, if they meet on the streets of Los Santos. In the game, these are considered to be incidents involving non-player characters. They occur in certain places at the moment when one of the main characters is nearby. To complete 100 percent you need 14 out of 57, but you can continue to have fun with this method. A random incident is always a joy to see, because it introduces chaos, variety and sets an additional goal for the player. This is why GTA 5 is loved by millions of people.

Stock Exchange

Making money is one of the main goals in the world of San Andreas. The currency will allow you to buy the best vehicles and real estate. In this case, you should pay attention to Lester's missions in GTA 5. They are related to investments on the stock exchange. If you complete all five tasks from this character, the total amount of funds will increase tenfold.

The first task, called "Murder - Hotel", is completed as Franklin. The point is to use all your money to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on the BAWSAQ market. After this, you should save 12 times at home, and the securities will become more expensive by 81.5 percent. The essence of the second task “Murder - 4 targets” is even simpler.

Play the stock market to earn millions

It is necessary to use the money of three heroes to look at the LCN exchange and buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes. Then you should wait 2-3 hours until the competitor, Redwood, reaches the $50 mark. After this, all available shares should be sold and purchased by Redwood. Then again at home you should save 12 times, which equals four game days. As a result, the profit will be 300 percent of the initial amount.

The task “Murder - Panel” is completed using the same method, only operations are performed with Fruit and Facade. First, wait for the shares of the first company to rise to 51 percent, and then sell and buy the second ones. The fourth task is related to Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. Again, you should invest all the money, wait 2 days and withdraw twice the amount. Last mission identical to the previous one, only shares of the Goldcoast company, and a profit of 81 percent.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will tell you how to play GTA 5 online, although, in fact, this expression is fundamentally incorrect, since you will be playing online not in the 5th part of the Big Auto Theft franchise, but in an independent game - GTA Online. And even despite the fact that the city, transport and other little things will be the same, the dynamics of the game are completely different.

From this article you will learn:

General information

To begin with, we note that you can play online even without registering in a social club. Another nice thing is that you don’t have to regularly donate to the game - after purchasing a license, you can almost immediately enter multiplayer mode. In fact, you only pay for the game client, but playing online is free.

As we have already said, in order to play in multiplayer mode you will need to purchase, since the pirated version simply will not allow you to run the game on the Internet.

Of course, every released online game that is destined to become popular has a number of pirated servers, however, servers for pirated version If GTA 5 exists (surfing Google didn’t give anything useful), then you won’t see any tasks, robberies, or other delights of the game.

Now about how to play GTA online - launch the game and select “Download GTA Online”. There is not much time given for this, so it is possible that you will have to log in from single player mode, and here you will have a choice - go to multiplayer through the character selection menu (the online hero will be at the bottom) or using the pause menu.

Connecting through the Network - Play GTA Online menu is the best, since you will be allowed to choose which session to connect to, by the way, the other methods connect to a randomly selected session.

Please note that registration in Rockstar Games Social Club is completely optional for the game, however, its presence will allow you to get a lot of different bonuses, including a free shotgun and a motorcycle (it seems that this is almost everything that the terminator needed, except for clothes).

Differences in playing on PC and consoles

Obviously, in addition to playing on PC, it is also possible to conquer the expanses of Los Santos and Blaine County on consoles. And there is one surprising point - if in order to play GTA online on PS 3, the user only needs to register on the PlayStation Network, while people playing on Xbox will have to pay for Gold status or be content with a single-player game.

Game modes

So, with how to launch the multiplayer mode figured out, now we will give you the initial knowledge that will be necessary for successful game. Let's start with a story about what game modes exist in GTA Online:

  • Free mode is a multiplayer mode that first appeared in GTA 4, and then, having undergone minor changes, migrated to GTA Online.
  • Deathmatch is an online mode designed for two or more players. For each loss of your opponent, you receive a certain amount of money, and the winner will be the player who accumulated the largest amount. Also, along with deathmatch, there is a team deathmatch mode, where battles take place between teams. In addition, after the release of the expansion of the same name, the Last Team Stading mode appeared, which differs from team deathmatch in that fallen players do not rise.

  • Race is a mode that allows you to get additional reputation points (RP) and, of course, cache. There are four types of racing available: classic, air, water and bicycle.
  • Rally – I think most people already know what a rally is, so we’ll just define key moment– unlike a regular race, there will be a navigator in the car who will coordinate your actions.
  • Capture – there are two teams, each with their own base, to which you need to bring a valuable object that belongs to the opponents (and there are two in total - one per team). The team that completes the task faster wins.
  • Capture and Hold (Contend) - again two teams and two bases, but now you only have one valuable item at your disposal, located somewhere between the bases. After capturing and transporting him to the base, he will spawn again between bases.
  • Survival - everything is obvious here, your task is to survive. You will have to survive through ten different stages, and the price of victory is 30 thousand dollars. The unpleasant thing is that if you lose, you will have to hang on to the observers and see how it all ends.

  • Hold – gamers will have to find (and if possible, take away from enemies) valuable objects. Whoever has the most objects wins.
  • Raid - a team fight in which players will have to sneak into the enemy base, steal an item, and then return to their abode. The group that collects more items than the opposing team will win.
  • Parachuting – Maximum amount participants – eight. They all land from a bird's eye view over Los Santos and Blaine County, and the main goal is to pass a series of checkpoints while you are hovering above the ground.
  • Adversary Modes – These modes appeared after the release of the Heists update, and are still being updated to this day. General description It is impossible to give for this confrontation, since the rules by which teams must fight are always different.
  • Heists – just like the previous item described, the mode appeared with the release of the Heists Update. Gamers will have to plan various types of robberies, and even escape from prison.

GTA Online gameplay features

The events of the game take place a little earlier than the actions that happen in the story mode, so you will have the opportunity to see Martin Madrazo in the very house that Michael and Franklin destroy to the ground in single player.

For your actions in the game, your character will be awarded reputation points (RP), as well as cash in GTA dollars (this is the name of the game currency). As in most online games, GTA multiplayer mode has a level system, or as it is also called, a rank system - the higher the level of your character, the greater the sphere of influence.

Thus, as you move up the “level ladder”, you will have access to higher paying missions, new vehicles and weapons, as well as customization tools appearance character - haircuts, tattoos and, of course, clothes.

In addition, with a higher level, you have the opportunity to use your phone to the fullest. Not only can you transfer money to the bank and take selfies, but you can also call in air support, lower your wanted level, and much more. You can find a job for yourself on the map (by going to the corresponding marker) or in the pause menu, looking at the list of available tasks.

The cops in the multiplayer mode are much more aggressive than in the single player game, so now you need to keep your eyes open - they won't try to arrest you - a good criminal is a dead criminal. In addition, hiding from the cops is now much more difficult - it’s easier not to get caught.

Of course, the developers foresaw that it would not be possible without violators (if you can call them that), so a system of temporary bans is provided - a banned player is considered unreliable and can only play on the servers with his own kind.

About currency

Money in GTA online, along with reputation, is important - after all, whatever one may say, this is a simulator of life, albeit a gangster one, but still life. They are earned by completing tasks, winning battles and other various ways, which do not exclude donations through Rockstar Games stores. Below we will explain where it’s best to start, but for now it’s a spoiler: garages cost from 25 to 100 thousand dollars, apartments from 80 thousand to 500, and with all this you will have to spend money on cars, helicopters, etc.

About gangs

There are two types of gangs - private and public, and if a private gang is limited to a thousand people, then public associations have no boundaries. If you are involved in some kind of business with members of your gang, then you will receive an increase not only in monetary rewards, but also in the form of bonus reputation points.

The founder of a gang can choose a name, emblem and primary colors (and more) for it, so that gangsters who are members can indicate their belonging to this group.

Let's Begin

So, let's move from dull theory to fun practice - let's look at where it's best to start your game.

After completing the tutorial missions, we recommend turning to darts and golf, since one game of golf will allow you to get 2000 reputation points.

Then you can rob stores - there are 20 of them marked on the map, and from each you can earn $1,500, and this does not take into account reputation points.

Once you have the money, immediately transfer it to the bank using your smartphone, because after a loss, the cash not stored in the bank will completely disappear.

While you don’t have a lot of money, buy a garage, not an apartment. Then (relevant for consoles) connect your Social Club profile to account Play Station Network for PS or Xbox Live for consoles from Microsoft. Thanks to this simple action, the Elegy RH8 will become available to you, it will be free on the website legendarymotorsport.net.

After purchasing, you will need to dial the mechanic’s number, which is already in your mobile phone contacts, and ask to deliver the car to your location.

In fact, we can discuss ways to make money in GTA for a very long time, since the topic is extremely broad, so we will make a separate guide on this topic.

That's all for today. Bye everyone and see you soon.

There is no revelation of the mystery of the global conspiracy or new details of the presence of a UFO in Trevor's mind.

Here we will talk about those small, seemingly unnoticeable things that other developers might simply not add to their games. But Rockstar Games are not “other developers”, they are rock stars in their own right.

Therefore, if you have already played a hundred hours of gameplay and, you will definitely find something to have fun here.

We sit down at any time vehicle, press B (cinematic camera), then press the right stick, and then tilt it down - this will allow you to enter super slow motion.


Pour gasoline on the asphalt - then you can set it on fire using a car exhaust.


At a traffic light, you can start revving your engine to challenge a person, standing nearby, and start the race.


When you are flying in the air, press B to do this funny.


In long tunnels GPS stops working.


If you attack Michael's house, when shooting at him with , he will send you a text message asking you to stop doing this.


If Franklin passes by members of his gang, they recognize him and say hello.


If you take pictures of people, then they may hit you. Private life, fuck and bang!


At Michael's house, standing up next to the gardener and by clicking on the cross, you can find out his name.


If you bought, then in Ammunation stores, from the seller, you can hear the following good words: “You’re my favorite customer.”


If you play as Trevor, then whenever the gang members see him The Lost, they will attack him. I wonder why...


You can find the area of ​​Hawick which is a reference to a Scottish town with the same name (Rockstar North comes from Scotland).


When you are driving in a wild or funny car, then people will take pictures of you. Just like some kind of star. Or a freak.


Under the main bridge of Los Santos there is a whole homeless town, with tents and sofas.


When walking along the edge of the coastline you will get stuck in it more than in ordinary sand or mud, and even traces will remain!


If you harm someone in the family Michael, he will soon send you an angry message from the hospital. , for example, writes that you will pay his bill for this.


A parachute, just like any other, customizable at the Ammunation store.


IN memory of GTA San Andreas, Madd Dog and OG Loc posters can be seen in Franklin's house.


When they run nearby, each character says something special. For example, Trevor: “You need to take him with you!”


Cars appear extra shine paintwork after you visit the car wash.


Yours clothes get wet, depending on where the water touches it.


Sniper rifle can punch right away several people in a row.


While swimming or when you are moving on a boat, you experience splashes and foam on the water.


When you are driving off-road, from under the tires dirt and sand fly out.


In most cases, there are no additional downloads between and gameplay.


Stairs can be approached from any angle, even from behind, without any problems climb them from these points.


By clicking on the cross, you can switch from low beam to high beam, and vice versa.


When it starts to rain, people react to it: they take cover, cower, cover themselves and run for cover.


When unarmed, press the D-pad right to say something any pedestrian.


You automatically adjusting your helmet, as soon as you stop on your motorcycle.


If you play as Trevor, you can go to the front of your trailer and properly inhale gasoline. After this, you will wake up (wake up) in a new place.


When you're filming woman prostitute , then you can choose her service from a whole price list. Just like in a good store.


Your controller vibrates, if you drive over ditches, grates or potholes in the roads.


When you are driving a car, you can choose view... of the driver. To do this, turn on the first-person view by pressing the back button several times, then press the right stick.


You can do various special kills with help .


If you fail a mission, there will always be a message saying why did this happen.


If you have a car folding roof, then by stopping and pressing the cross to the right, you will fold/unfold it.


Walk into the Muscle Beach outdoor gym and you'll see Very strange people . Rockstar created special characters exclusively for this place.


Power line wires sway in the wind.


You can break glass at bus stops. Petty hooliganism is so petty!


You can go to any 7/11 store, buy candy from them and then rob and

Many players are wondering what can be done in GTA 5? You've had a great, busy day and it would be nice to freshen up. Cola? If you don't want chemicals, what about juice? Or no, beer. In GTA 5 you can drink real Pisvaser!

What can you do in GTA 5? What to do in GTA 5?

Many players are wondering what can be done in GTA 5? You've had a great, busy day and it would be nice to freshen up. Cola? If you don't want chemicals, what about juice? Or no, beer. In GTA 5 you can drink real Pisvaser! If you don't want beer, drink whiskey. It's time to smoke, smoke a cigar or a joint. And if you want something more serious, then the choice falls on hard drugs. Feeling refreshed? Let's find something to do that suits our spirit and mood. What to do in GTA 5, you ask?

For example, you can watch a movie or simply hang out at the TV. If you're not interested in watching TV, then go on a tour to Vinewood and see how the stars live. If you want to literally see the stars, then look through a telescope. Yes, the beauty of Los Santos knows no bounds! On a cloudless day you can see vast expanses.

Do you like to dress well? In GTA 5 you will find clothes for every taste, even the most extraordinary. Get a haircut, grow a beard, or even better – get a tattoo. To bring beauty you will have to spend money. But Los Santos is a land of opportunity. This is an ideal place to invest money in a new business. If you have money and desire, you can. And if you have money, then why not buy yourself a new car? Buy a weapon, practice shooting.

Or you can buy yourself a boat if you want to go to sea. No, it doesn’t go to sea, then what about the plane? Buy yourself a plane! We had a blast, made a bunch of purchases, check your account. On the rocks? Then he can help you

Work in GTA 5

Luckily for you, there are places to work in Los Santos. For example, you can load containers into a dog or work on a crane. Destroy pests in apartments and houses. Or filter malicious banners on the Internet. Reduce coyote numbers or remove trash. There is a desire to help my native country. Get a job as a police officer. Help the police clear the streets of troublemakers.

You’ve earned money, now you can go on a spree and please yourself again! One thing is clear: Los Santos is a city of opportunity and adventure. Enjoy!