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The Witcher 2 skills and abilities. Special skills (abilities) of Geralt

Walkthrough of The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings

Game Guide The Witcher 2 : Assassins of Kings

The Witcher: Assassins of Kings (The Witcher 2 . The killers kings) - continuation of the role-playing game popular in our area. This time the focus is on the presentation of the plot, a redesigned combat system and excellent graphics.The player takes on the role of a professional monster, Geralt of Rivia. Having taken part in suppressing the uprising of the Order of the Flaming Rose and protecting the king from a mercenary, in the second part of the game he finds himself in the very center of the political whirlpool of the kingdom of Temeria. He begins his own investigation, trying to understand who is killing the rulers of the Northern Kingdoms and why, and why they are so similar to witchers. Geralt's investigation will lead him to the headwaters of the Pontar River, to the troubled lands on the border between Temeria, Kaedwen and Aedirn. It is in this forest region that the most powerful forces in the world will collide.

1. Before you start the game

1.1 Installing the game and DirectX package

Insert the game disc " The Witcher 2 . The killers kings"to the DVD drive. The installation screen will appear automatically if Autorun mode is enabled. Otherwise, run Setup.exe from the game disc. Follow the instructions on the screen. Select Quick Install mode to install the game in the default folder. Custom installation mode will allow you to independently specify the folder where you want to install the game. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the game immediately.

For Game " The Witcher 2 . The killers kings» Installation of DirectX version 9.0c or higher is required. If you don't have DirectX, the installer will ask you to accept the license agreement and install latest version DirectX.

1.2 A new game

Select this option to start a new game. The game has 4 difficulty levels.

  1. Easy- for inexperienced players. Geralt fights weaker opponents and takes less damage, while dealing more damage himself. Most fights can be won using only a sword.
  2. Average- for advanced players. Opponents fight at a normal level, damage dealt and damage received are balanced. Most fights can be won with a sword and Witcher Signs.
  3. Difficult- for very experienced players. Enemies inflict serious damage, and it becomes more difficult to obtain items. Many fights require the use of both sword and sorcery and alchemy.
  4. Insane- a level for an unusually skilled player who expects maximum difficulty from the game. Opponents cause very serious damage, and after Geralt's death it is impossible to load the current game.
1.3 Settings

Use this section to select the game settings that interest you. Game—Using this window, you can change caption display settings, window settings, minimap icons, and control options.

  • Video— using this window you can change image settings: brightness, contrast, resolution.
  • Sound— using this window you can change the volume of music, background sounds and dialogues.
  • Additional settings— in this section you can change additional game parameters.

The game is automatically saved, creating records in key points plot development. In addition, you can save the game at will. To save, press F5. A saved game can be loaded by selecting the "Load" option from the menu where the list of saved games is located.

2 . New game and training

In Game " The Witcher 2 . The killers kings"You play as Geralt of Rivia. The story begins with Vernon Roche interrogating you in the dungeons of La Valette Castle. Your first task will be to convince him that you cannot be kept in captivity, much less sent to the executioner. Every time you have the opportunity to perform a new action, familiarize yourself with the game mechanics or interface element, a tooltip will appear on the screen to help you understand the main points.

2.1. Game interface

2.1.1. Game main screen

The main screen represents the game world.

  • Minimap indicates your location in game world. It is marked with icons important places, and indicates the direction in which you need to move to complete the current task.
  • Time indicator shows the current time of day.
  • Current task shows the job currently running and short description the nearest intermediate goal.
  • Badge and Pocket show the selected Witcher Sign and the item that is in the quick access cell.

The Home screen also displays information that is only available at certain times.

  • Mission phase— shows when a running task enters a new phase and when the task is completed.
  • Hints- a brief summary of the gaming knowledge you have just acquired.
  • Hours of temporary effects count down the duration of the elixir, oil, Quen Sign, Place of Power or critical effect.
  • Interaction Menu appears when the hero can interact with any character or object.
  • Trophy Window appears when the hero can take any items. The window shows the four most valuable items in this container.
  • Progress of the battle— a record of the progress of the battle informs about damage inflicted and received, as well as actions.
  • Adrenaline scale appears under the hero's status indicator if he has the ability to increase his adrenaline level with the help of attacks, Signs, or under the influence of poisoning.

2.1.2 . Medallion

  • Medallion- can be used if it is charged, as indicated by a pulsating yellow light. The medallion illuminates objects, herbs, monsters and places of Power.
  • Health— shows the hero’s health level. If health drops to zero, Geralt will die.
  • Energy— shows the hero’s energy level. Energy points are needed to use Signs and block attacks.
  • Toxicity— shows the degree of intoxication of the hero. Too high intoxication does not allow the hero to use the new elixir. To drink it, you will first have to wait until the amount of toxins in the blood decreases.

2.1.3. Quick Select Menu

The quick selection menu is called up with the Ctrl key and allows you to select a Sign or item that can be quickly used in battle.

  • Sign Selection— choose one of the Signs: Aard, Yrden, Igni, Quen or Axiy.
  • Selecting an item from your pocket— select an item: a knife, a bomb or a trap. You can put an item in your pocket in the equipment window.
  • Meditation- go into meditation mode.
  • Silver sword- pull out/remove silver sword.
  • Steel sword— pull out/put away a steel sword or other conventional weapon.

2.1.4 Equipment window

The equipment window is divided into two parts. On the left is a duffel bag and a list of items contained in it. On the right are the items that Geralt is currently using. Things can be transferred from the bag to the equipment and back. The duffel bag screen consists of tabs that contain individual types of items: weapons, throwing weapons, armor, upgrades to armor and weapons, elixirs, traps, bombs, books, trophies, mutagens, alchemical ingredients, components, drawings and recipes, traps, things for assignments. In addition, there is a bookmark that shows all items in one list.

2.1.5 Diary panel

The diary contains all the information about the game world and plot details. It is divided into the following tabs: quests, places, characters, monsters, crafting, tips, alchemy and glossary.

Tasks tab

Shows all the tasks that Geralt completes, along with a description and status of the task.

Job states:

Current task

The task was completed successfully

The mission ended in failure

New or changed diary entry

The remaining bookmarks have a similar structure. In the “Craft” and “Alchemy” tabs you can see the drawings and recipes that Geralt has.

2.1.6 Map panel

From this panel you can see where the hero is and get information about important places.

2.1.7. Meditation mode

From meditation mode you can access four panels:

  • Alchemy— prepare elixirs based on known recipes.
  • Elixir- take the available elixir.
  • Expectation- wait for the appointed time.
  • Character- apply talents and learn new abilities.

2.1.8 Character Stats

This panel shows all the characteristics of the hero regarding attack, defense, regeneration, unique abilities and the likelihood of resisting critical effects.

2.2 Movement around the game world

You see the game world in a third-person perspective. To make Geralt walk in different directions, use the keys W, S, A, D. Using the mouse, you can rotate the camera so as to see the game events in the best possible way.

2.3 Minimap and icons

Thanks to the mini-map, you can quickly determine your position in the game world.

The following icons appear on the minimap:

— current task

- important character

- artisan

- merchant

- tavern

In addition, your enemies are indicated by red dots on the mini-map.

2.4. Interaction

Thanks to the ability to precisely specify the target, any interaction in the game occurs by pressing the left mouse button. If something can be done with an object, information about possible types of action appears on the screen. The most important ones are: enter into dialogue, pick up an object, pick a plant, enter a door, overcome an obstacle, light or put out a fire, examine the notice board. If two types of actions are possible with one item or character, the right mouse button can also be used.

2.5. Dialogues

When you conduct a dialogue with other characters, lines spoken by both Geralt and his interlocutors are shown at the bottom of the screen. Dialogue options are shown as a list on the right side of the screen. You can select the option to continue the dialogue that interests you using the mouse or the arrow keys on the keyboard and the Enter key.

2.6. Action icons in dialogues

Often, when talking with other characters, you will see action icons in addition to line options. They serve to navigate to special panels or mini-games. The game features the following icons:

Trade. Opens the store panel where you can buy or sell a variety of items.
Creating an item. Opens the crafting panel, where a crafter can create an item, such as a sword or armor, based on the components and designs you provide.
Bribe. Opens up the opportunity to bribe your interlocutor. Sometimes you will have to use this opportunity to obtain some valuable information.
Intimidation. This is one of the forms of putting pressure on the interlocutor. It may end in failure, which will affect the further course of the dialogue.
Belief. This is one of the forms of putting pressure on the interlocutor, softer than intimidation.
Aksiy. Allows you to use the Axii Sign. This is one of the forms of putting pressure on the interlocutor.
Dice poker. Unlocks a dice mini-game.
Fist fight. A fist fight begins.
Arm wrestling. Starts the Armwrestling mini-game.
Exit the dialogue. Ends the conversation.

2.7. Quick Events (QTE)

In some cases, an important element of the game will be the appearance of quick events - QTEs. At such moments, you need to press the key indicated by the on-screen prompt as quickly as possible. If an indicator appears along with the prompt, this means that you need to press this key until the scale is full. Reacting too slowly to QTE events can have bad consequences for the hero.

3. Battle mode

Combat is an integral part of the witcher's craft, so throughout the game you will have many opportunities to develop your combat skills to perfection.

3.1. Movement

Movement in battle is not fundamentally different from normal. Geralt moves using the keys W, S, A, D, and with the mouse you can rotate the camera so as to get best review. An important maneuver is the somersault, which allows you to avoid attacks from opponents, as well as increase or decrease the distance. A forward roll is performed by pressing the Spacebar. Press the corresponding movement key (W,S,A,D) twice, and the hero will roll in the selected direction.

3.2. Hand to hand combat

The game offers steel and silver swords, which are typical witcher weapons. In battles with representatives of intelligent races, steel swords are more effective, and in battles with monsters - silver ones. However, it may happen that you have to fight less special weapons- with a pick or an ax, and in extreme cases - with fists.

3.2.1. Striking

You can attack the enemy by pressing the left or right mouse button. The left button starts a quick strike, the right button starts a power strike. The choice of blow depends on who you had to fight with. High-speed strikes cause less damage, but are absolutely indispensable in a fight with fast enemies without a shield or shell. If you have to deal with less dexterous, but more protected opponents, powerful blows are better suited. It will take longer to deliver such a blow, but the force invested in them will cause very serious damage to the enemy. In combat mode, the default is to attack the nearest enemy. Pressing the left or right mouse button means hitting in his direction. To attack another target ( current goal indicated by an icon on the body and a health indicator at the top), you need to rotate the camera or press the movement key (W, S, A or D).

3.2.2 . Blocks and counterattack

If you are fighting a strong opponent or a shield guard, it is worth blocking his blows. A well-deflected blow can throw the enemy off balance, which then helps him launch his own attack. A block is performed by pressing the E key. To place a block, you need energy points. In the future, having mastered the “Riposte” ability, you will be able to effectively and efficiently counterattack the enemy. The counter-strike is performed from a block (with the E key held down) at the moment when the enemy tries to strike you. Then the icon indicating the enemy is briefly replaced by the icon of a sword: this is noted best time for a counterattack. At this moment, you need to press the left mouse button, and Geralt will dodge the blow and make a dynamic retaliatory attack.

3.3. Witcher magic

Although witchers most often use swords in battle, they can help themselves with special spells called Signs. These spells can not only injure opponents, but also provide a tactical advantage. To use a Sign, select it using the quick menu and then press the Q key or the middle mouse button. Using the Sign costs one energy point.

3.3.1. Signs

Geralt uses five main Signs and one special one, which is available after receiving the “Sense of Magic” skill (see sections 3.6 and 4). Mastery of Signs can be improved (see section 4).

Aard sign- a telekinetic wave that can throw back, knock down or stun an enemy. Using this Sign you can also destroy obstacles, such as rubble or thin walls.
Irden sign- a magical trap placed on the surface of the earth. Injures and stops the enemy. On basic level You can only use one Yrden Sign. After improvement, it is possible to simultaneously apply up to three Signs, interconnected and forming an insurmountable barrier.
Igni Sign- a fiery explosion that injures opponents, and after improvement gives a chance to set them on fire and allows you to strike over a larger area.
Quen sign— a security field that operates at a basic level of 30 seconds. This is the Mark that Geralt puts on himself. Quen absorbs damage inflicted on the witcher. The Improved Sign repels up to 50% of damage. Energy is not restored while the Quen Sign is active.
Axiy sign- This is a spell cast on the enemy. If the charm attempt is successful, the enemy will become your ally for a short time and will fight on Geralt's side.

3.4. Bombs, knives and traps

In addition to Signs, Geralt has bombs and throwing stilettos in his reserve, allowing him to fight at a distance greater than the length of the sword, as well as traps that can be set on the ground. In order to use stilettos, you need to obtain the Knife Throwing ability. Knives are typical weapons ranged, effective against weak opponents. Bombs are convenient for fighting groups of enemies. Bombs can cause various effects: stunning, setting fire, or poisoning. Throwing knives and bombs occurs in two modes: auto-aim mode, where the player quickly presses the R key and the knife or bomb flies towards the intended target, and manual aim mode, where the player presses and holds the R key until the crosshair appears and then aims aim the mouse at the desired location. When setting traps, you can also use the R key. After pressing it, Geralt will place a trap where he is. Remember that setting traps takes a relatively long time. Being in close proximity to the enemy, it is better to defend yourself more quick ways. The list of bombs is in section 5.

3.5. Temporary Effects

During the battle, a number of temporary effects may occur, the effect of which is displayed on the clock at the top of the main screen of the game.

3.5.1. Elixirs and oils

Elixirs and oils temporarily increase your combat stats, so they should be used before battle. Thanks to them, you can increase damage dealt, speed up regeneration, or increase the chance of a critical effect.

Drink the elixir. To drink the elixir, enter meditation mode and select the "Drink elixir" option. On the left side you will see a list of available elixirs, and on the right a list of elixirs that already have an effect on the hero, as well as their toxicity level. Select the elixir you want to drink and press Spacebar. You will see how badly Geralt's body will be poisoned if you drink this elixir. Then press Enter to drink the potion. Two elixirs can be active at the same time, and after gaining the “Taster” ability, three.

Lubricate the sword. To lubricate your sword with oil, go to the equipment panel and select the “Oils” tab. Drag the desired oil onto the image of the sword with the mouse, and the blade will be lubricated. In the characteristics of the sword you can see what oil is applied to it and how long it will last.

3.5.2 . Places of Power

Place of Power is a place of high concentration of energy, which can be recognized by vibrating air. When you see such a place, use the medallion and enter it to activate the effect. Places of Power temporarily increase the witcher's characteristics: speed up health recovery, increase the power of Signs, or help in battle.

3.5.3. Critical Effects

Critical Effects, such as poisoning, bleeding, arson, knockout and stunning, can be used not only by Geralt against enemies, but also by enemies against Geralt. The occurrence of a critical effect in battle depends on the probability of its occurrence and on the resistance of the object. The probability of critical effects occurring can be seen in the character panel. It can be increased by developing abilities, mutating them, drinking elixirs and using oils. Geralt's resistance to critical effects can be increased by developing his abilities and using appropriate items.

3.6. Finishers and adrenaline

If you manage to stun an enemy, for example, with the Aard Sign, you can perform a spectacular strike, finishing off the stunned enemy. The more likely you are to have a critical effect (stun is also an effect), the more often you will be able to finish off enemies this way.

Adrenaline increases when you gain the Combat Sense, Mutant, or Magic Sense abilities. In this case, the adrenaline indicator will appear under the energy bar. At the maximum level, you will be able to use a special ability - a group finishing blow, Berserk or Heliotrope Sign. The X key is responsible for activating the ability.

Group final blow can be used by developing the “Combat Sense” ability. This is a series of spectacular attacks, thanks to which you can kill up to three enemies at the same time.

Berserk can be used by developing the “Mutant” ability. After activating Berserk, Geralt will be able to inflict incredibly strong damage for a short time.

Heliotrope sign Available after developing the “Sense of Magic” ability. The sign bends time and space. This is a magical barrier that causes your enemies to move much slower than usual, allowing you to gain a huge advantage over them. This is especially true when facing multiple opponents.

4. Character development

Geralt develops as he experiences adventures, a series of which make up the game. Experience allows the hero to master new skills, improve existing abilities and increase characteristics.

4.1. Experience

Geralt receives experience points for defeating enemies and completing quests. After receiving required quantity points, the character's level and health increase. With each new level you receive a talent point, which can be used to develop abilities. Maximum level There are 35 characters in the game.

4.2. Capabilities

Abilities are the most important element of character development, and allow him to increase his characteristics and master new skills. To develop any ability, you must have free talent points and enter meditation mode. By selecting the “Hero” section, you will see a skill tree divided into 4 parts: training, sword fighting, alchemy and magic. These are development paths along which you can improve the hero. Almost all abilities require some other skill to obtain: you cannot master an ability if you do not have previous skills in this branch. Each ability in the game has two levels of development.

4.3. Development ways

Education. Basic path of development. In order to master another path, you must spend at least 6 talents on learning path abilities.

Sword fight. If you decide to develop along this path, Geralt will use the sword more perfectly. This will increase the damage he deals, reduce his own damage and the likelihood of

critical effects. On this path of development, you can learn, among other things, counter-strikes and group finishing strikes. This path is for players who love open game and rely on strength and face-to-face combat.

Alchemy. The development of this path is associated with increased use elixirs, oils and bombs. Geralt becomes an expert in making potions, increases

the duration of their action. While under the influence of potions, Geralt begins to deal more damage and recovers health faster. Along the way, you can learn to go berserk and obtain mutagens as by-products when making potions. This is a development path for players who like to rack their brains.

4.3.1. Comparison of abilities


Ability Level 1 Level 2
Energy restoration Energy regeneration outside of combat +25%. Energy regeneration in battle +25%.
Hardening Health +10. Health +50.
Parry Unlocks the ability to parry attacks from all directions. Block damage reduction: 100%.
Throwing knives Unlocks the stiletto throwing ability. Damage when throwing a stiletto +20.
Deflecting Arrows Unlocks the ability to deflect arrows. Unlocks the ability to deflect arrows in the direction of the shooter.
Grit Energy recovery in battle +10%. Energy +1.

Sword fight

Ability Level 1 Level 2
Protection Damage received from a blow to the back: 150%. Damage received from a backstab: 100%.
Riposte Unlocks the ability to counterattack when hit by an enemy. Chance to kill on the spot during a counterattack: 50%.
Footwork Evasion distance +100%. Evasion distance +200%.
Power Sword damage +5%. Sword damage +20%.
Mill Unlocks the ability to hit multiple enemies. Additional enemies take 50% damage. Additional enemies take 100% damage.
Screen The cost of energy required to strike is 25%. The cost of energy required to strike is 50%.
Toughie Damage reduction +25%. Damage reduction +40%.
Rogue Energy recovery rate in battle +10%. Energy recovery rate in battle +100%.
Proud man Health +25. Health +100.
Accurate strike Bleed Critical Chance: 10%. Chance of critical effect of bleeding: 20%; Damage dealt by sword +20%.
Sudden death Probability of killing an enemy on the spot + 2 %. Chance to kill an enemy on the spot +5%.
Military art Chance of all critical effects: +5%. Chance of all critical effects: +15%.
Immortal Health +50, damage reduction +10%. Health +150, damage reduction +30%.
Feeling of fight Unlocks group finishing moves once the adrenaline meter is full. Allows you to increase adrenaline with sword strikes. Damage dealt +20%, damage reduction +20%.
Hurricane Adrenaline surge on sword hits +10%. Total resistance +10%. Chance of all critical effects +10%. Adrenaline surge when striking with a sword +30%. Total resistance +20%. Chance of all critical effects +20%.


Ability Level 1 Level 2
Alchemist Damage from firecrackers +10%, damage from traps +20%. Damage from bombs +20%, damage from traps +20%.
Synthesis Health +10. Health +50.
By-effect Chance to obtain mutagen as an alchemical by-product: 2 %. Chance of obtaining mutagen as an alchemical by-product: 10%.
Specialist: Elixirs Effective time of elixirs +10%. Effective time of elixirs +40%.
Reaper Number of alchemical ingredients extracted +50%. Number of alchemical ingredients extracted +100%.
Catalysis Effects of drunk elixirs +15%. Effects of drunk elixirs +35%.
Specialist: oils Effective time of oils +10%. Effective time of oils +40%.
Transmutation Effects of all applied oils +15%. Effects of all applied oils +35%.
Impregnation Effects of all mutagens +15%. Effects of all mutagens +35%.
Taster Allows you to drink one additional elixir. Reduction of damage when poisoned +10%.
Condensation Energy recovery when poisoned +15%. Energy recovery when poisoned +35%.
Metathesis Damage when poisoned +10%. Damage when poisoned +30%.
Berserk Chance to kill an enemy on the spot if poisoned +1%. Chance to kill an enemy on the spot if poisoned +3%.
Mutant Unlocks berserk mode after filling the adrenaline meter. Allows the production of adrenaline in case of poisoning. Adrenaline surge when poisoned +25%.
Circulation Adrenaline surge when poisoned +15%. Damage caused when poisoned +10%. Reduction of damage when poisoned +10%. Adrenaline surge when poisoned +50%. Damage caused when poisoned +30%. Reduction of damage caused by poisoning +30%.


Ability Level 1 Level 2
Improved Aard Sign Opens 2 Aard Sign level. The Aard sign hurts enemies. Sign Damage: 1. Sign Range + 2 m. Unlocks level 3 of the Aard Sign. Damage to the sign: 6. The sign is effective over the area. Sign range +6 m.
Destructive Magic Damage from Signs +5. Damage from signs +10, energy +1.
Improved Axii Sign Opens 2 Axii Sign level. The enchanted enemy receives: health +20%, damage dealt +20%. Unlocks level 3 of the Axii Sign. The enchanted enemy receives: health +50%, damage +50%.
Improved Quen Sign Opens 2 Quen Sign level. Quen reflects 20% of damage. The duration of the Sign is +20 sec. Unlocks level 3 of the Quen Sign. Quen reflects 50% of damage. Sign duration +60 sec.
Magic power Strength of Signs +1. Power of Signs + 2 , damage reduction +10%.
Reflection of pain Quen transfers reflected damage to two enemies. Quen transfers reflected damage to three enemies.
Fatal spell Ability to charm up to two opponents with the Axii Sign. Ability to charm up to three opponents with the Axii Sign.
Magical energy Energy +1. Energy + 2 .
Improved Igni Sign Opens 2 Igni Sign level. Igni gains the ability to set the enemy on fire. Sign range +3 m. Unlocks level 3 of the Igni Sign. Igni acts over an area. Sign range +6 m.
Improved Yrden Badge Opens 2 level of the Irden Sign. The player can bet 2 traps. Unlocks level 3 of the Yrden Sign. The player can place 3 traps.
Symbol improvement Yrden traps combine to block the enemy from passing between the symbols. The symbol deals 5 points of damage per second to enemies.
Energy boost Chance of a critical effect from Signs +5%. Chance of critical effect from signs +25%.
Magical power of life Health +50. Total resistance +5%.
Feeling Magic Unlocks the Heliotrope Sign after filling the adrenaline gauge. Allows you to increase adrenaline with Signs. General resistance +5%, increased adrenaline signs +50%.
Power control Total resistance +20%, Sign damage +30%, Sign adrenaline increase +10%. General resistance +5%, sign damage +10%, sign adrenaline increase +65%.

4.4. Mutagens

Mutagens- These are powerful substances that cause mutations. Thanks to them, you can further increase the level of Geralt's abilities. Mutagens can be obtained in two ways: taken as a trophy from a killed enemy, or obtained as a byproduct of an alchemical reaction. To produce a mutation, enter meditation mode. Select the “Hero” section and find the ability,

which can be changed using a mutagen. Mutations cannot be stopped. Mutagens typically exist in three forms: weak mutagen, basic mutagen, and powerful mutagen. Each of these forms increases the character's stats, but to varying degrees.

Types of mutagens:

Critical effects mutagen
Action: Increases the chance of critical effects occurring.
Mutagen distance
Action: increases the radius of action of the Aard, Igni and Axii Signs.
Health mutagen
Action: increases health.
Mutagen of power
Action: increases the damage done by the sword.
Mutagen of power
Action: protects against damage.
Mutagen concentration
Action: increases the damage done by Signs.

5. Alchemy

Regardless of whether you choose the alchemist path, the art of making elixirs and oils, as well as creating traps, will be an important element of the game. Skillful use of alchemy will more than once help a witcher in a difficult situation: thanks to alchemy witcher can temporarily increase damage dealt, speed up energy and health regeneration, or increase the chance of a critical effect.

5.1. Types of alchemical potions

In the game, you can create three types of items using alchemy.

Elixirs. Used before a fight and temporarily improve performance. Elixirs are drinks that are created by adding special ingredients, such as herbs and fragments of monster bodies, to an alchemical base (usually alcohol). Consumption of the elixir entails intoxication of the body, so most potions not only sharpen feelings and reactions, but also cause

side effects.

Oils. Ointments applied to the sword blade before battle can temporarily increase damage to certain types of opponents or increase the likelihood of a critical effect. Do not cause side effects.

Bombs. Bombs are ranged weapons. They allow you to take the enemy by surprise and stun him, set him on fire or cause him to panic. Often, a bomb used at the right moment, for example against a group of enemies, helps buy time for an attack.

5.2. Getting prescriptions

In order to prepare potions, you need to know which ingredients to combine using alchemy. Recipes and formulas will help you with this. Since Geralt is not a professional alchemist, he does not know how to make all the potions that magicians and herbalists know about. Recipes in the game can be obtained in three ways: as a reward for completing a task, bought from a merchant, or found. When you learn a new recipe, it appears in the equipment window, journal and alchemy window.

5.3. Ingredients

To create elixirs, oils and bombs, nine substances that exist in nature are used. These are vitriol, hydragene, rebis, ether, quebrite, cinnabar, aer, sun and fulgor.

These substances can be found in alchemical ingredients: herbs, as well as in body parts of defeated monsters, such as the claws of the necker. By highlighting any alchemical ingredient in the equipment window or in the alchemy panel, you can see what substance it contains.

5.4. Making potions and bombs

To prepare a potion or bomb, enter the meditation mode and then the alchemy panel. On the left side you will see a list of recipes that you already know, and on the right side you will see the alchemical ingredients that you have at your disposal. At the bottom of the screen is shown the combination in which alchemical substances must be combined to obtain this potion. For this you can

manually add each of these substances by browsing the list on the right, or use the ability to automatically fill in the cells. In the latter case, the central panel itself will be filled with the substances necessary for this recipe. When you combine the ingredients in the correct sequence, you will create a potion, which will then be added to your equipment.


Name Action Toxicity
Cat Allows you to see in complete darkness and through walls. Reduces damage dealt. Low
Mallard Increases health regeneration through energy and damage dealt. High
Owl Accelerates energy recovery. Low
Wolf Increases the chance of a critical effect when burned and knocked down. Low
Rook Increases damage dealt by the sword. Low
Martin Accelerates health recovery. Low
Oriole Increases overall resistance. Low
Tiara Reduces energy consumption when blocking, while reducing health and damage dealt. High
Stammelford's Potion Increases the power of Signs at the expense of health. Average
Maribor forest Increases energy at the expense of health and reduces the chance of a critical effect. High
Gull Significantly speeds up energy recovery at the expense of health and resistance. High
Virga Reduces damage due to resistance and chance of a critical effect. Average
Raffar the White's Potion Increases health due to damage dealt. Very high
Petri Potion Increases damage dealt by Signs. Very high
Badger Significantly increases the likelihood of critical effects, arson with the Igni Sign and knockout with the Aard Sign. Very high
Thunder Significantly increases the damage dealt due to health and the speed of its recovery. Very high



6. Equipment

As you play, you'll find a ton of items that you can put in your duffel bag to later use or sell. In the equipment window, items are divided into groups: swords, throwing weapons, armor, power-ups, elixirs, traps, bombs, books, mutagens, alchemical ingredients, components, baits and quest items. The left side of the panel shows

Geralt's duffel bag, and on the right is his current equipment. Items can be transferred by dragging them from the bag to the current equipment and back. In the upper right part of the panel you can see how much money is in Geralt's wallet, as well as the total weight of all items. When the weight exceeds the maximum allowable value, Geralt will be overloaded and will not be able to run, which will significantly limit his capabilities in battle.

6.1. Upgrading swords and armor

Over time, you will find power-ups for armor and swords that will improve the properties of these items. You can only upgrade those items that have sockets for runes and enhancements. If you own such a sword or armor, and you have the corresponding enhancements, open the equipment window and drag the desired enhancement onto the item with the mouse. Strengthening an item is irreversible.

6.2. Crafting items

In the game, you can create not only potions based on available recipes, but also items using found or purchased drawings. Unfortunately, Geralt himself does not know how to forge swords or sew gloves, so in order to create an item, he must turn to a qualified artisan. Bring him all the necessary components (for example wood, leather or wood), and he,

7.1. Dice Poker

Everyone plays poker with dice: people, elves and dwarves. It’s not surprising, because this game has simple rules and high stakes. To start the game, you need to select the “Let’s play dice” option in the dialogue. The game is played with five six-sided dice, and its progress is as follows:

  • At the beginning of the game, a poker board appears. Your bones are at the bottom, your opponent's are at the top.
  • The bet is set using a slider. Your opponent can block it. You can respond to this by leveling bets or folding.
  • The throw is made with the left mouse button when the dice are above the board. The movements of the mouse at the moment of throwing affect in which direction and how hard the dice will be thrown. It is important to ensure that the dice do not roll off the board when thrown. Your opponent throws after you.
  • - three dice of the same value.
    When you enter fist fight mode, his opponent will appear opposite Geralt. Your opponent's health indicator is located above it, yours is in the same place as always. The winner is the one who is the first to reduce his opponent's health to a critical minimum. In other words, it will knock out the enemy.

    Reactions matter in this fast-paced mini-game. Combat is based on a quick-time event (QTE) mechanism. This means that you need to press the right keys at the right time to deliver a punch, a series of punches, or a counterpunch. For a short time, while the hint is on, which will indicate the required key, you will be able to watch the battle in slow motion. If you do not have time to press the desired key, then Geralt will inevitably miss the blow. The more failures, the closer defeat in battle.

    After winning the battle, you take back the previously placed bet. It can be used again - to fight a stronger and more demanding enemy. If you lose, you will lose money. To get them back (and at the same time restore your honor), it is enough to agree with the organizer of the fights about a rematch.

    7.3. Arm wrestling

    This is entertainment for tavern regulars who are already bored with booze and who prefer to measure the strength of their biceps without knocked out teeth. To start this mini-game, find your opponent (they are usually sitting at a table) and select the appropriate option in the dialogue.

    Before you sit down at the table and measure your strength with the chosen strongman, you need to place a bet. Then the game itself will begin. It involves placing your opponent's hand and forcing him to touch the table with the back of his hand. To do this, you need to hold the cursor with the image of a fist on the yellow field of the scale, which will appear under the image of the opponent. The cursor is moved using the mouse. The winner takes the winnings according to the bets made.

    1 Take out the silver sword 2 Activate next Sign 3 Open next pocket 4 Put away the sword 0 Strike quickly Left mouse button Strike hard Right mouse button Use Sign Q/middle mouse button Use an item from your pocket R Place a block E Use a special skill X Tumble Space Tumble forward W (twice) Tumble back S (twice) Roll left A (twice) Roll right D (twice) PANELS Equipment window I Diary J Map M Hero C Meditation Ctrl+Esc OTHER Quitting the game Esc Quick save F5 Switching control Insert
    Using the Insert key, you can toggle controls to use the Xbox 360 controller.

    This guide was compiled by Yurax
    Source http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pJY055UU15QJ:www.playground.ru/dox/witcher_2_assassins_of_kings/6566/+%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8C%D0 %BC%D0%B0%D0%BA+2+%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%86%D1%8B+%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80% D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9+2011+%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA+%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C %D1%81%D1%8F+%D0%B2+%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC+%D0%B1%D0 %BE%D0%B5&cd=4&hl=ru&ct=clnk&gl=ua&source=www.google.com.ua

Coercion by the sign of axii 3 levels (you must use the answer with the corresponding icon in dialogues)
Intimidation: similar
Belief: similar
Screen Level 1: 10% damage reduction (given if in the 1st chapter you do not leave the dome that Triss puts up when Roche is carrying her)
Trade Level 1: -20% to prices (Chapter 1. The quest “Kayran: the price of the question” needs to be forced (compelling with the axii sign) the merchant to give a double reward. When we kill Kayran and turn in the quest, they will give the skill. Chapter 2. Skill trade you can get it by talking to the dwarf near the brothel. To do this, you need to have the “Good Book”, which will be given to you in the soldier’s canteen for a donation to the Prophet Lebeda fund.) Next, you go and persuade the merchant.)
Strong stomach Level 1: 10% resistance to critical effects - resistance to poisoning (to obtain, you need to drink an elixir based on tenecost (mongoose) before the fight with Keiran)
Illusionist Level 1: increased sign damage by 3 (Given for using coercion with the Axii sign during the pogrom in Flotsan at the end of Chapter 1. You can also get it in the prologue, if you use Axii to convince soldiers in the task “Woe to the Vanquished”).
Hitman Level 1: increased damage from the back +25% (In the prologue, in the courtyard of the castle not far from the ballista (from which you need to shoot at the tower gate) there is a nook with a body in it. You just need to approach it)
Strong back: + 50 to the carried load (can be obtained if you do not kill Arian on the roof of the tower in the prologue, and then free him in the torture room)
Swordsman: +4 to sword damage (after protecting King Henselt from the attack of witcher killers in Chapter 2 (Roche's Path)).
David: 10% more damage to enemies larger than Geralt (Kill 2 golems in Chapter 2 (Roche's Path)).
Exorcist: Damage against ghosts +10% (Remove the curse from King Henselt in Chapter 2 (Roche's Path)).
Secret knowledge: strength of all signs +0.5 (obtained in the quest with gargoyles - in each of the 3 dungeons, when solving problems with verses and runes of power)
Ornithologist: + 10% damage to harpies (destroy all 7 harpy nests on the quest “Contract for the Harpies” in Chapter 2 (Iorveth’s Path)).
Thrower Level 1: damage when throwing a knife +5 (given for defeating Bianca in throwing knives during a drinking session in Chapter 1)
Pathologist: +10% damage to people (Chapter 2, Iorveth’s path. In the quest “with a fluttering heart”, examine the remains in the catacombs. To extract the fragment you need tools, they can be bought from the herbalist near the entrance to the city).
Child of the night: gives +2 to regeneration at night (We get this: when playing as Iovert, the task “Where is Triss?” - after meeting with Roche, when we choose the path to enter the camp from the side of the cliff. We go to the cliff, jump over and get to the eastern part of the camp The hidden movement mode is turned on, and we must move to the western part of the camp unnoticed. On the way, we can stumble upon the cook, and in order not to kill him, we use Axiy after exiting through the western gate, we stun the guard and when descending into the dungeons under the camp, we will get this skill. ).
Arsonist: +20% to burn (1. Presumably obtained by shooting a strong enemy with fire bombs. 2. Obtained after 10 fires in the fire in the prologue, in the first scene, in the Foltest camp. Possibly obtained after any 10 fires) .
Archer Storm: The probability of killing an enemy with a deflected arrow is 20% (Requires the ability to deflect arrows to level 2. Appeared after I placed a block, and several archers were killed with my deflected arrows).
Parry Level 1: probability of automatically making a riposte after a block: 10% (for the accumulated number of successful ripostes with a steel sword.)
Experienced: + 10% to the experience gained (given if you break 10 training dummies out of 13 available in the game - 5 in the prologue, 2 near the exit from the market in Flotsam, 2 near the exit of nonhumans, 2 in the barracks on the market square on the second floor and 2 in Loredo residence).
Executioner: +1% chance to kill in one hit (Unconfirmed: Allow Roche to kill King Henselt at the end of Chapter 2 (Roche's Path). May also need to kill Arian and Adam Panggatt).
Magic Resistance: reduction in damage from magical attacks +20% (Take Triss with you in the “Rose of Memory” task and refuse sex).

Skills are displayed in character properties: button C by default or through meditation. We go to the character menu, at the bottom right it will say “Properties”, go into them, at the top right there will be three icons: properties, knowledge, skills. Select the rightmost icon - skills, and get into the list of acquired skills.

As you progress through the game The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, for killing people and various monsters, as well as for completing individual missions, you receive talents - one talent for each character level. There is no other way to get them.

Talents can be invested in the development of certain abilities that make your hero stronger. Proper character development can help save a lot of nerves at high difficulty levels, but the wrong one will cause a lot of trouble in battle against strong opponents.

There are three main options for character development: fencing, magic, alchemy. Fencing abilities enhance your offensive and defensive abilities, including by learning new fighting techniques; magical abilities are aimed at strengthening Signs - their new forms are revealed, and the characteristics associated with magic are enhanced; Finally, alchemy allows you to effectively use potions, oils, bombs, traps and mutagens, and also increases the strength of your character in general.

In the case of magic, everything is quite simple: you invest talents in the skills of Signs, and use the entire range of available Signs. There are no special frills here, but in the case of fencing and alchemy, you can cross these two trees of abilities, choosing the most useful skills in each of them. It is precisely this option for character development (it is, of course, not the only one) that we will talk about.

What abilities need to be upgraded?

If you play on a dark difficulty level, then it’s time to think about leveling up your character from the very beginning of the game. Let's say, if you use Quen and don't use magic, then why take skills to increase the rate of energy regeneration if Quen blocks it in any case?

First of all, we take the Tempering skill twice - this will give us an increase of 50 units of health, which is about half of what we already have. On initial stage this will prove to be a good help against enemies who can potentially kill with one blow, and in the future it will not be superfluous.

You will have to upgrade Parry one level or another. Of the remaining three talents, I highly recommend spending two on Fortitude, because the described build does not involve any other build-up of energy, and it is very important for using the Quen Sign. The remaining talent goes to Deflect Arrows - this skill can be improved with mutagen.

Basic skills

Let's start fencing. We take Defense, because this skill lies on the way to two other more useful ones: Power and Mill. Both are needed to draw a portrait of the attacking witcher. Of the skills that are at the base of the fencing tree, we will only need Footwork, and then we move along the straight path Proud Man - Military art— Immortal. The first two skills can be upgraded by one level, since none of them leads to a direct increase in damage and do not provide large bonuses, but the Immortal is worth pumping up twice, since even in the latest patch the bonuses are still significant.

The chance to kill an enemy with one hit is uninteresting in gameplay terms, as is bleeding. The last skills - Combat Sense and Hurricane - are worth taking twice each.


Protection Power Mill
Footwork Proud man Military art
Immortal Feeling of fight Hurricane

At the same time, we are pumping up alchemy - and we will allocate the largest number of talents to it.

From the initial skills you can take Side Effect to knock out eight Powerful mutagens powers. But in this case, you will have to use the “save and load” tactic many times; instead, you can be content with ordinary power mutagens (3-5 damage versus 3-6), and go through the Synthesis branch - Specialist: Elixirs.

By the way, if you still choose Side Effect, then the resulting mutagens can be sold (which will allow you to collect a decent amount), and the Alchemist may not be out of place.

Three skills open up before us - all useful. Mandatory here is Blood circulation, which enhances mutagens. Transmutation and Taster are about equal. The first increases damage from oils (but it's only 10% versus 20% for Falka's Blood), while the second allows you to drink an additional elixir, but unfortunately does not increase the toxicity threshold, so in most cases you still won't be able to drink four good potions straightaway. The taster still looks preferable due to bonuses for intoxication. There is another option - do not take either one or the other for two times (leave the talent for fencing) - in this case we take Transmutation to one level, and we don’t touch the Taster at all.

The remaining five skills can be equipped with mutagens, so we pump everything up at least one level. Moreover, if Condensation and Berserk are on the verge of at least some use and uselessness, then Metathesis could generally be taken at two levels (or it, or Taster, if protection is more important to you). The second level mutant does not provide any necessary bonuses, but the Increase looks very appetizing.


Alchemist By-effect Reaper
Catalysis Circulation Taster
Condensation Berserk Metathesis
Mutant Increase


We collect mutagens and carefully store them until the moment of pumping up the Blood Circulation skill, since it does not work on already used mutagens, and you will not be able to get rid of them. From all the mutagens available in the game, choose Powerful Force Mutagen(or regular ones). Of course, at the beginning of the game you will not have either the necessary skill or the mutagens themselves, so you will have to wait a while with this part of leveling up. To knock out eight Powerful Force Mutagens using Side effect, you either need to prepare an outrageous amount of potions, or use the classic “save and load” technique.

Cm. in the game "The Witcher 2".


The best attack trophy in the first chapters is the troll trophy. Also note the Draug and Kayran trophies with their undocumented attack bonuses. The trophy from the third chapter that is most suitable for the current build is the golem trophy.

Cm. in the game "The Witcher 2".

Special abilities

Gain a special ability called Seasoned, which gives you a 10% increase in experience.

Cm. in the game "The Witcher 2".

Armor and swords

At the beginning of each chapter, buy the Sacred/Treacher/Brotherslayer swords from the blacksmiths, as they have top damage indicators and do not require special parts. As for armor, breastplates require special components that can only be obtained towards the end of the chapter, so there is not much point in them, given the high cost of recipes.

See sections , and in the game "The Witcher 2".


At the beginning of the game a couple of elixirs for comfortable game- Swallow and Rook. After leveling up Catalysis, you can take combinations of Raffard the White's Potion + Swallow + Rook, Raffard the White's Potion + Thunder, Mallard + Thunder, Virga + Mallard + Rook, etc.

Cm. in the game "The Witcher 2".


In each of the three development branches you can get to skills that will open up new ones for you game mechanics associated with adrenaline. Adrenaline is produced during a fight with an enemy and when it is 100% full you can activate a special ability

  1. Fatality. A series of finishing blows that allow you to deal with several opponents at once. The ability is available in the fencing branch.
  2. Heliotrope. A new additional Sign that significantly slows down everything that happens around you. Opponents start moving slowly, but you don't. The ability is available in the magic branch.
  3. Berserk. Once activated, it significantly increases damage for a short time. The ability is available in the alchemy branch.

In our case, we will be able to use group finishing blows and berserk (although purely subjectively, heliotrope is the strongest of the adrenaline abilities).

The story of the monster killer has already become a cult in the post-Soviet space. It is not surprising, because the adventures of Geralt of Rivia are completely imbued with the Slavic atmosphere, colorful characters and exciting quests, which cannot but please all lovers role playing games. Unlike the first part, the sequel acquired a much larger number of “bosses”, the battles with which are quite unique and exciting. Overall, this is one of the most complex and impressive sights in a game like The Witcher 2. Keiran is one of the first bosses, which we will talk about in our article.

Mini review of the game

Back in 2007, CD Projekt studio released the product highest quality, having earned the devoted love of fans and a strong sequel, the release was a little delayed, but 2011 again opened the door to the amazing adventures of Geralt, who became embroiled in political strife. The game quickly throws us into the very epicenter of events, against the backdrop of which it unfolds. After the murder of the king, our gray-haired alter ego finds himself in a stalemate, because the murder was blamed on him, and the evidence was obvious. However, by good fortune, our hero still manages to avoid a fatal outcome, but on the condition that he helps find the real killer.

"The Witcher 2" gives players an unforgettable experience, showing a truly fascinating story, interesting relationships between characters, a delightful atmosphere of the Slavic Middle Ages, and an excellent technological side, where the graphics flaunt all the newfangled effects, and the orchestral music will linger in your memory for a long time. As for the gameplay, it has also taken a major step forward. Combat system was completely redone, emphasizing attacks and rolls. Plus, the magic that the signs perform here has also undergone significant changes. Most quests are multi-level, and have several paths.

"The Witcher 2" - how to defeat Keiran? Preparing for battle

In addition to actually completing side quests to gain the coveted experience and skills, you also have the opportunity to complete 2 quests that will help you in the battle with Keiran. First of all, during the task “Indecent Proposal”, a certain man will approach your company with Vernon Roche, offering his help. After listening to him, you will learn that Loredo is hiding valuable material in the courtyard of the residence, which is part of the trap for Keiran. A pointer will appear on the mini-map showing the location of this item. Take it, you'll need it. You will read further description of the task further.

The second quest is the preparation of the Mongoose elixir, which protects Geralt from the harmful effects of the poisonous Keiran. To do this, you will have to find a tenecost. Where exactly? You can ask Cedric about this, or you can immediately go to the cave under the waterfall. A valuable plant awaits you there. Prepare a potion to make it easier to complete the game "The Witcher 2". Keiran will not forgive mistakes, and therefore he will have to prepare for a long time and efficiently. Drink the elixir immediately before the battle and quickly go to battle!

"The Witcher 2" - how to kill Keiran

We will receive the task to kill Keiran automatically after talking with Dandelion and Zoltan in the tavern. The quest takes place in several stages, which we will tell you in more detail now. First of all, after a short conversation in the tavern, a short video will await you, demonstrating the monster’s attack. In the harbor you will see a black-haired woman fighting Keiran with magic. After the cutscene ends, you will need to talk to her and find out more detailed information about the monster. Afterwards, a certain Ludwig Mers will approach you, who will offer you to kill Keiran for an appropriate reward from the merchants. This will unlock new quest in the game "The Witcher 2" - "Kayran: a question of price." Next, we go to Cedric, who can tell you even more information about the monster. He lives in Bindyug - a poor quarter located outside the city. Cedric will indicate the place of residence of Keiran, to which we will have to go.

By the way, Cedric can sell you a drawing of a trap for Keiran. If you complete the quest "Indecent Proposal" immediately before the battle with the monster and find an iron frame in the courtyard of Loredo, you can significantly ease your fate by creating such useful item, like a trap for Keiran. The Witcher 2 is a fairly complex game, and therefore any help will be useful.

Near the monster's lair you will be met by a crowd of drowners. We quickly deal with them and approach the unpleasant-looking essence. Triss will take a sample and indicate to you that Keiran is sick and very poisonous, and therefore some kind of protection will be required. We have already written about the latter. If you have completed everything at the preparation point, you can go to Sheala, and then directly to the battlefield. As you approach the lair, drink everything necessary potions and get ready for a spectacle.

When the battle itself begins, do not stand still, because the monster is constantly trying to hit you with its tentacles. Do you see the growths on the tentacles? They are the ones who need to be destroyed. We remember the approximate trajectory of the strike, use the “Irden” sign, and when the monster is preparing to attack you, we quickly roll. After the tentacle is chained to the ground, cut it off. Don't forget also that you can use a trap by simply placing it on the battlefield. As soon as Keiran loses three tentacles, a QTE scene will start. Its sequence is as follows: RMB - LMB - Space. Afterwards you should climb up its ruins and blow up the monster (Geralt will do this automatically). The battle is over! Take valuable items and go to Flotsam for your reward.


In The Witcher 2, Keiran is one of three bosses along with the Dragon and Draugir. Of course, there are also mini-bosses, which include Queen Endriag, duckcatchers, elementals and the harpy queen. Each of them requires a special approach, so approach battles wisely. Speaking of Keiran: if you play on medium difficulty or higher, we strongly recommend completing all the secondary quests in order to gain experience and the necessary skills.

Hitman- Damage when attacking from behind +25%.

You need to approach the body in a white robe with a hood in the castle courtyard (located a little further than the ballista, which was repelled from the soldiers of La Valeta).

Strong back- The backpack fits more things. Allowable weight: +50.

It is necessary in a conversation to convince Arian La Valette and his soldiers to lay down their arms. And later, when escaping from the dungeon, help him get to the oil storage room. Important!- if you use this option for obtaining the ability, then it will be impossible to obtain the Executioner ability.

The alternative is to lose the fist fight.

Experienced- Bonus to experience gained +10%.

Geralt needs to destroy 10 dummies:
5 - in the Foltjesta camp,
2 - at the Flotsam shopping area,
2 - in the nonhuman quarter,
2 - at the Loredo residence,
2 - on the second floor of the barracks.
2 - in the Temerian quarter (chapter 3),
2 - in the Order quarter (Chapter 3).

Note: Killing only counts when you gain experience. When you subsequently kill the same dummy, no experience is given and the kill is not counted. However, there are people who claim the opposite.

Executioner- increases the chance of killing with one hit by 1%

It is required to kill Ariane la Valette, Adam Pangratt and allow Roche to kill Henselt.

Screen- Damage reduction: +10%.

At the beginning of Chapter 1, you must constantly be under Triss's protective barrier while Roche carries her.

Trade- Prices of all items in stores: -20%.

It is necessary to convince the merchant at the Flotsam docks to double the reward for the destruction of Kayran, using the Axii sign. After killing Kayran and taking the reward from the merchant, the skill will be obtained.

Alternative - [Chapter 2: Roche's Path] Receive the "Good Book" from Julian in the cafeteria of the Kaedwen camp by making a donation. And then, in a conversation with Raimund Gessler, a dwarf near the tent brothel, get a discount in the store by showing this book.

Poisonous Blood- probability of poisoning enemies attacking the Witcher +30%

It is necessary to reduce Geralt's protection from poison to a minimum (remove all relevant armor) and get poisoned several times.

Strong stomach- Resistance to critical effect: poisoning: +10%. Before the fight with Keiran, you need to drink the Mongoose elixir, and then kill Keiran.

Thrower- Damage when throwing a knife: +5. You need to defeat Bianca in a mini-game of knife throwing while drinking with Roche's friends (come to the house where the Blue Stripes are based in the evening).

Magic Resistance- Increases magic resistance by 20%

Obtained when completing the task “Roses of Memory” (Act 1). After falling into the elven bath, you need to approach the brick wall where the exit from the ruins is and use the “Aard” sign (left mouse button). Next, Triss will speak to you, in the dialogue with whom you must select the answer “Let’s get out of here” (i.e. skip the cut-scene in the bathhouse), which will allow you to independently break the wall at the exit with the “Aard” sign (the second use of the sign, a condition for obtaining the ability ).

Crown of Summer- chance of setting enemies attacking Quen’s shield on fire +10%

Given after visiting the altar in Chapter I.

Sapper- probability of avoiding damage from bombs and traps +50%

Interrupt Geralt 5 times when he disables a trap.


Pathologist- Damage to people: +10%.

It is necessary to search the body and remove the sword fragment (this requires tools) in the catacombs, while completing the side quest “With a Trembling Heart”.

Ornithologist- Damage to harpies: +10%.

It is necessary to complete the side quests - “Contract for the Harpy Queen” and “Contract for the Harpies”.

Child of the night- Health recovery at night: +2.

You must sneak through Kaedwen's camp undetected during the quest "Where is Triss?" (part 2).


Exorcist- Damage to all spirits and ghosts: +10%.

The skill will be obtained after removing the curse from King Henselt.

Swordsman- Sword damage in battle: +4.

The skill will be obtained after repelling the attack of two assassins on King Henselt.

David- Damage to enemies is much greater than Geralt: +10%.

You need to kill 3 elementals in the Kingslayer Hideout.

Secret knowledge- Strength of Signs: +0.5

Required side quest"Gargoyle Hunt" (with solutions to all the riddles).

Veil of Winter- Aard turns into ice Aard, which freezes the enemy with a 20% chance

The skill is unlocked by visiting the altar in Chapter III.

Other skills

Most of the skills in this section are available at any stage of the game, and the sooner you start acquiring the skill, the faster you can reap its benefits.

Coercion sign Axii(max. level 3) - Allows you to use the Axii Sign during a conversation to obtain the necessary information or other benefits. It is necessary to use items marked with the Axis Sign in dialogues;

Intimidation(max. level 3) - Allows you to intimidate interlocutors in order to obtain information or other benefits from them. It is necessary to use in dialogues items marked with the “eye with lightning” icon

Belief(max. level 3) - Allows you to convince interlocutors that you are right in order to receive information or other benefits from them. It is necessary to use in dialogues items marked with the “eye with a star” icon

Illusionist- “Sign damage: +3.” Automatically obtained when using in dialogues items marked with the Axis Sign

Arsonist- Chance of critical effect: arson: +20%. Given for Geralt receiving a certain amount of burn damage. It needs to light up ~20 times. The easiest way to catch fire is to walk into the fire of any camp (or somersault into the fire).

Archer Storm- Probability of killing an enemy with a deflected arrow: +20%. It is necessary to invest 2 talents in the “Reflect Arrows” skill of the Training branch. Then you need to kill more than 5 opponents with deflected arrows.

Parry- Chance to automatically ripost after a block: 10%. You just need to do “Riposte” many times ~15-20.

Executioner- The chance to kill with one hit increases by 1%. This requires killing Ariane la Valette, Adam Pangratt and allowing Roche to kill Henselt.


These abilities of Geralt are present among others, but there is no Russian-language information on how to obtain them. If you have any information about these skills, please let me know in a comment to the guide.

Accuracy- chance of critical effects +5%

Invulnerable- health increases by 20

Healthy diet- health regeneration outside of combat +20%

Half-Pirouette- resistance to critical effects +10%

Battle Season- energy recovery in battle +5%