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Total War Warhammer: strategic map. Proposed campaign map Total war warhammer 2 general map


We waited, we believed. And our faith was rewarded! Announcement Total War: WARHAMMER took place! The skeptics were put to shame, and the Vachomans rejoiced! But the developers have already managed to tell a lot of details on the forums. Was it first known? that this will not be one game, but a trilogy flavored with a whole bunch of add-ons and additional paid and free content. Secondly, there will be only four factions (Empire of Sigmar, Greenskins, Dwarves and Vampire Counts), but they promise to make them as detailed as possible, rich in units and really different from each other in gameplay. Thirdly, the heads of factions are now not just generals whom you don’t mind losing in battle. Now these are the Legendary Lords (Karl Franz, Grimgor, Thorgrim and Mannfred von Carstein), heroes with unique weapon, mounts, clothes and a set of quests. They also promise such new items as flying units, magic, tanks, cannons and muskets... in general, yummy! In general, we are waiting for more information and hope that the game will become a breakthrough in the series.

Well, we hasten to reassure apologists of historicity - a separate team is working on Warhammer. Historical games Total War is not slowing down the production of the fantasy game.

More details about

Total War: Attila

The announcement of Total War: Attila, on the one hand, surprised us a lot, and on the other hand, it once again proved that SA is following the beaten path. After all, Attila is essentially a sequel to the “Barbarian Invasion” addon for Rome 1. However, this time they did not become modest and called it “ new game". Ok, we won’t argue. A separate game about the invasion of barbarian tribes on the civilizations of the ancient world is wonderful. It should be noted that the developers really did a great job. According to most players, Attila really turned out to be a worthy product that allowed you to plunge into dark eras.

More details about Total War: Attila Part 1 And Part 2

Total War: Rome 2

The announcement of Rome II Total War took place on July 2 and it caused a real storm of delight in our community! People were so hungry for hand-to-hand combat and legionnaires that the announcement of the sequel was perceived as a real miracle and a “dream come true.” To again lead legions bound by iron discipline, unshakable Greek hoplites and Macedonian sarissophorians into battle, trample enemies with elephants and throw severed heads at them - isn’t this happiness! But the new Total War games are also sea battles. And there will be a lot of fun here, because the developers promise active interaction between the ground and naval forces. Mutual shelling between coastal fortifications and warships in the roadstead will give a new degree of freedom to the “strategos” of the ancient world.

Strategy map in the game Total War: Warhammer consists of the region of the Old World - the most important continent in the Warhammer world, something like Europe in a distorting mirror. Players can conquer this land leading one of five factions. These include:

Empire- a strong state of the people (sort of the 16th century equivalent of the Habsburg Monarchy)
Gnomes- venerable warriors living in mountain strongholds
Greenskins- a wild gang of orcs, goblins, etc. races of the wild
Counts Vampires- undead led by an insidious necromancer
Chaos- destructive demonic forces (available in pre-order or separate DLC)

In addition, there are independent AI controlled factions on the strategic map (some of them will likely become playable factions with using DLC). In addition, each race (except Chaos) is divided into several independent groups. Thus, each player begins the campaign with one province under control, and in the first round they must deal with their “relatives”. The main political situation in the Old World is depicted on the map.

Concerning game mechanic on the strategic map, then here they are the same as in the previous one Total series War. However, there are two main differences to note:

Final with overall conquest- restrictions have been introduced on the areas that can be captured, to spice up the game and make it more difficult, as well as to avoid some potential for absurdities. For example, the Greenskins' zone of influence is limited to the mountain ranges and desert in the south of the Old World (they cannot control other lands, but they can plunder them).

Winds of Magic
- as befits fantasy, in Warhammer universe There are magicians and spells, but magic is not effective in every place. Depending on how strong the winds are in an area (symbolized by the colorful energy waves dancing above the ground), spellcasting is easier or harder for shamans, magicians, necromancers, and others.

It is worth noting the main types of characters (in the previous Total War series they were called agents), with the help of which action is carried out on the strategic map:

Legendary Lords- faction leaders. Before the start of the campaign, the player chooses a character (usually one of two) who will lead the kingdom. Legendary lords differ mainly in their skills, artifacts, which can be acquired during the mission and by fulfilling the conditions for victory. They are also immortal (when you fall in battle, you will only disappear for a couple of turns and then return to the game again).

Lords- command armies during battles (generals), lead flotillas (admirals) and lead provinces (supervisors). Each Lord has different skills that allow him to take an active part in clashes and receive certain bonuses in the controlled territory.

Heroes- move around the map on their own, commit acts of sabotage and assassination attempts, calm the mood in the province, discover distant corners of the Old World, and can also join the army and support it with their skills (usually quite powerful) on the battlefield.

Total War: Warhammer presents a map of the Warhammer fantasy universe, or rather its main part - the Old World. Like some of the game's factions, this area is an allusion to real Europe. By choosing one of five warring sides, you will participate in the conquest of this land.

Factions in TW Warhammer

- Empire- a powerful empire of people (a copy of the Holy Roman Empire).

- Gnomes - a standard dwarven kingdom, living in the mountains and distinguished by technological superiority.

- Orcs- clans of orcs and goblins, united in a wild horde.

- Vampire Counties - skeletons, zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits, led by a great necromancer.

- Chaos - evil, entropy and demons approaching the Old World.

In addition to the listed parties, there are also independent party members who are controlled by artificial intelligence(maybe they will become playable in future expansions).

All factions, not counting Chaos, are decentralized, so at first you will be engaged in a kind of “Gathering of Lands,” fighting exclusively with your relatives. The map below shows the political situation of the Old World at the beginning of the game.

Functions, lords, heroes

Mechanics available on political map, are almost no different from the standard Total War functions. But some changes are still worth pointing out.

Final with overall conquest

A special feature that introduces restrictions on capturing areas into the game. This way you will get rid of the notorious problem of strategies in the form of “painting the map” and will be faced with other, more interesting difficulties.

Thanks to this option, some inconsistencies will also disappear, like the one, for example, when the orcs crawl out from behind their mountains and deserts and begin to annex (and not plunder, as it should be) absolutely all the lands.

Breath of magic

Since this is before us, there is no magic in the game. True, it does not guarantee absolute power and is not always effective.

So the power of magic depends on the winds of magic that move through some provinces (animation of colorful waves in the province). The more of them there are in an area, the stronger the magic of shamans, magicians, necromancers, and so on works.

Heads of factions. Before you start a game, you must choose one of two (rarely more) characters that will lead your race to victory.

Legendary Lords have different abilities and items that can be purchased during the game. Plus, they cannot be completely killed - after death, after a couple of moves, they will return to duty again.


These are divided into three types: generals who lead troops in battles, admirals who control the fleet, and supervisors who control the life of the provinces. All lords have their own bonuses, which grow as his activity progresses.

This is a continuation of a unique, acclaimed strategy that quickly attracted a huge number of players with its mechanics and unique gameplay. The second part will delight you not only with updated familiar details, but also with new races, new continents and gameplay features, which you must first understand.

Part - 1: Campaign Map and Heroes

Total War: Warhammer 2 campaign tips

The game world presented in Total War: Warhammer 2 covers three continents at once - the southern lands of Naggarond and Lustria + a small island called Ulthuan. The territories are located in the south and west of the lands of the game universe. Players can choose from four new races: High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen and Skaven.

However, in addition to the four main races, during the passage you will definitely meet a huge number of other factions that are better known thanks to the first part of Total War: Warhammer - for example, people and dwarves. In addition, each key race in the second part is divided into other smaller factions. Each race has access to two other factions and this is most likely due to the fact that there will be new DLC in the future for players.

Walkthrough of Total War: Warhammer 2 will be full of various conflicts, so the couple will have to unite with other factions for a common goal. The starting positions of each faction are presented in the screenshot above.

The basic mechanics that underlie gameplay, in general, has remained virtually unchanged and is therefore consistent with past games in the Total War series: players must develop their territories by conquering others. The magic remained in the second part. However, now the campaign has been supplemented with a completely new element that underlies the storyline - the struggle for control of the “Great Vortex”.

As in the first part, so in the second, a variety of and unique characters, which are divided into three categories.

♦ The first category is “”. They represent influential leaders of certain factions. There are two legendary lords per faction in the campaign. Each of them has its own distinctive appearance, skills and starting positions in the overall campaign, which will further determine the difficulty of passing. Each legendary lord has his own special storyline, which in turn gives access to a variety of unique and important subjects. After all, all legendary lords are immortal, so even if one of them dies in battle, after a certain number of turns you will have access to them again.

♦ The second category is “”. Typically, they are primarily used as leaders of armies. They are the ones who can lead armies and replenish the ranks with new units. They will personally take part in all battles. They have a variety of other skills that are aimed at supporting their own units. In the end, by choosing the right skills, they will be able to influence the entire state, but unlike legendary lords, ordinary lords are mortal.

♦ The third category is “”. They represent agents who were previously in previous parts of the Total War series. Agents are able to independently move around the world, engage in sabotage, murder and increase your units. They can also join some of your army to become powerful warriors or magicians in the future. And just like ordinary lords, all heroes are ordinary mortals.

Total War: Warhammer 2 useful tips for newbies

The Total War games are a huge list of challenging aspects that offer players serious challenges. It is for this reason that the system is unpredictable, so that it is impossible to give an exact step by step instructions according to the campaign, so below are presented useful tips for passing Total campaigns War: Warhammer 2.

♦ Advice - 1: “Be sure to make sure that your provinces are in complete order.” And I don’t mean just any concept, but an important game element. You need to try to stay at a neutral level: find some kind of middle ground in which you will not have any riots or fines that could appear with a high or low value of internal order.

♦ Tip - 2: “Always keep an eye on the level of corruption.” The ideal situation for almost every state is a complete absence of corruption, so make sure to keep it to a low level. In this case, the only exceptions are those states for which corruption is an important part of the gameplay - for example, for the forces of Chaos. Corruption can be reduced by the most easy way- it's just to build the necessary buildings.

♦ Tip - 3: “Try to control all provinces.” Thanks to this, it will become much easier for you to manage the level of order and corruption. In the end, it will be possible to issue laws that are no less important and useful.

♦ Tip - 4: “In the provincial capital, it is better to give priority to high-level buildings.” In capitals, the main building can be upgraded up to the fifth level inclusive. And in general, there are much more free spaces for buildings in capitals than in ordinary/standard settlements. Some buildings can be built or upgraded to maximum level exclusively in capitals, so you don’t even have to try to build such buildings in small settlements.

♦ Advice - 5: “Economic infrastructure should be developed in ordinary settlements.” The capital is in no way suitable for such plans, but secondary settlements are an excellent opportunity to quickly increase, for example, the population of the province and the treasury.

♦ Advice - 6: “Defensive buildings should be built only in unprotected settlements.” Small settlements must have at least walls, which in turn will be accessible from the third level. In capitals, walls must be the same, but if this is enough for ordinary settlements, then for capitals it is necessary to actively garrison them after that.

♦ Tip - 7: “You need to prepare for war before you start it.” In fact, this road is almost always extremely difficult - new campaign also quite demanding. At a minimum, it is necessary to monitor the protection of the borders of your state and public order.

♦ Tip - 8: “Try not to fight with more than one state.” Even if you have a fairly powerful and strong state, keeping the situation under control on several fronts at once is a rather difficult process. In addition, this could also lead to you losing the newly acquired lands and, as a result, possibly facing an economic crisis, which is a serious blow.

♦ Advice - 9: “You shouldn’t start a war if you are not ready to support it.” If it just so happens that at the moment you have little gold and your income is low, then don’t even think about fighting with anyone in order to somehow enrich your state. First, build a more or less stable and strong economy that will help survive the war.

♦ Tip - 10: “It’s not worth fighting with factions that are stronger than you.” And although countries that are stronger or have relatively the same power as yours are still not a guarantee that the war will end in success, even if they have several enemies. War is always very costly and tiring, not only for your entire army, but also for the economy.

♦ Tip - 11: “The army should be diverse!” This will allow you to be more flexible, which is incredibly important in any battle. So armies that consist only of units ranged, or the cavalry may be able to show a positive result, but still a balanced army will show itself much more effectively in battle.

♦ Tip - 12: “You shouldn’t include a large number of siege weapons in your army.” Such units can indeed effectively destroy the enemy army, but as soon as the enemy troops come close, the siege weapons will instantly become useless, and without a powerful main army you will quickly lose the battle.

♦ Tip - 13: “You can’t send heroes anywhere alone.” No matter how strong your hero is, if he is surrounded by hundreds of enemies, sooner or later he will be killed. So try to keep him near the main army.

♦ Tip - 14: “Mages should be kept on the back line of the front.” Mages are effective against any enemies, but who will have a low level of magical armor. However, the main problem is that magicians are absolutely useless in hand-to-hand combat, so they absolutely cannot be sent forward and put under attack.

♦ Tip - 15: “It is very important to monitor the discipline of units.” If discipline becomes too low, the army will begin to mutiny and gradually flee from the battlefield if it does not receive reinforcements in a difficult battle. The lack of reinforcements will further undermine the morale of the remaining units, so keep this in mind.

♦ Tip - 16: “Watch out for unit fatigue.” Another feature is fatigue. Tired units will perform much worse in battle, so try not to waste all your stamina. From time to time, give them at least a minute to rest during battles, but only if such an opportunity exists.

♦ Tip - 17: “Try to protect ranged units.” Most of units (including siege weapons) need protection in close combat, because in this case they are, as a rule, practically helpless. The only exceptions are units with hybrid weapons, that is, units that can use ranged and melee weapons. Although even they need strong support in close combat.

♦ Tip - 18: “Always watch your flanks and don’t let the enemy flank you.” The first thing I want to note is that surrounded units receive an incredibly large penalty to morale, so they can be broken in such a situation at any time. Therefore, I recommend using actively, for example, cavalry, in order to break through the enemy’s encirclement in a timely manner, or attack the enemy army from the rear. Cavalry acts much faster and receives a good bonus when attacking from the rear or flanks.

♦ Tip - 19: “Think several times before you randomize the winds of magic!” You can get more magic points, but at the same time their supply may decrease significantly. If during the first attempt to increase magic you managed to increase the supply of winds, then I recommend not to risk it and repeat it randomly once again.

♦ Tip - 20: “It’s better not to use more than two magicians in battle.” The productivity of the winds of magic is strictly limited, so there is no point in using more than two magicians in battle - you simply won’t have enough points for all the spells. So subsequent magicians will be completely useless and may even become a burden.

♦ Tip - 21: “Magic points must be spent wisely.” Powerful spells can destroy almost any enemy, but at a certain point you may realize that you spent too many points on it, when it would be more profitable to give your warriors useful buffs. So don't waste your points.

♦ Advice - 22: “If the strength of the army is based on magic, then it is necessary to fight in lands where the reserves of winds of magic are low.” The bottom line is that the winds of magic will determine the number of magic points available. Moreover, their quality will change over time for each province, so they may turn out to be virtually useless. Therefore, try to monitor this factor too, because it is important.

Part - 3: Factions

Which faction is better to play in Total War: Warhammer 2?

Part - 4: The position of the army in the world

Studying game world- This is an equally important element of the gameplay. It is necessary not only to know, but also to understand how armies move and what influence the environment and other important elements of the outside world can have on a particular army.

Element - 1: Correct Army Position

How to reduce corruption in Total War: Warhammer 2?

First you need to consider the positions of the army. Each lord and his army can choose from a number of positions, which can change the way they move around global map. It is necessary to study them carefully, because the correct position, for example, can counteract the same corruption or make it possible to travel over much longer distances, but within one move, of course. And almost all positions carry with them a variety of effects, which are divided into positive and negative.

If the lord with the army takes a normal position, then there will be no additional effects. In this regard, the only exception is the Skaven, since in their normal position they have an increased chance of an ambush. However, since each race has different important positions exclusively for themselves, I recommend taking at least a minute of time to learn a little in depth about what is best for a particular (or chosen) race.

The Lord's position can only be selected once it is directly above the army's position icon: hover your cursor over any desired position to see what potential effects it may have on your lord and army.

Element - 2: Army fatigue

There are some specific territories on the global map, where your army will get tired. Fatigue, in turn, will not come immediately, but little by little with each new move. The harder the ground, the more your troops will suffer. However, the worst will be in those territories where there is a high level of corruption or extremely dangerous environment- for example, the Arctic wastelands in the North. However, there are countermeasures against this - camps. The only problem is that the camps allow you to use only half of the available movement points, or the use of underground tunnels that are accessible exclusively to the Skaven.

And be sure to pay attention to the fact that the game itself will inform you if any effects have appeared. So if you hover your mouse over the army, an icon in the form of a “skull” will be presented there - this will mean that the army is gradually starting to get very tired.

Part - 5: Provincial development and climate

How to properly develop provinces in Total War: Warhammer 2?

An important part for achieving success in the game is the development of provinces by expanding settlements. The construction of new buildings will make it possible to create large armies and easily finance them in the future. Each faction by default starts the game with just one city - the capital of the province. And it is necessary, first of all, to focus attention and energy on the development and defense of the capital, since this will be the heart of your future powerful empire. In addition, the capital will be the main target during ritual attacks.

Element - 1: Development of settlements

How to develop settlements in Total War: Warhammer 2?Total War: Warhammer 2guide By development

The development of settlements will require two very important resource: the first is gold, the second is excess population. You will receive gold as income from settlements, robberies of neighboring settlements and for completing special tasks. Gold, in turn, will be needed not only for the development of cities, but also for recruiting new units/armies, performing various actions by agents, for conducting diplomatic actions and for unlocking completely new technologies.

As for the excess population, it is used to improve the main building in a city. All these, so to speak, “resources” will appear with each new move during the development of the entire province. Once a certain level is reached, the faction will receive one point of excess population. One in all populated areas province is the rate of development and the amount of surplus population. More accurate information about the pace of development can be found by clicking on the development icon, which is located in the lower left corner of your screen.

Each subsequent new level the main building will require additional excess population points. So, for example, the third level of the main building will require two excess population points, the fourth - four, and the fifth - five, respectively. Moreover, the pace of development of your provinces will depend on several incredibly important details. What determines the rate of development of provinces inTotal War: Warhammer 2 :

Depends on buildings in the province's settlements. . Depends on unlocked technologies. . They depend on the laws that are issued in the province (the laws become available if you keep all the cities of a particular province under your strict control). . Depends on the abilities of the heroes and lords who are in this province. . Depends on public order. . Depends on random events, which can, one way or another, change the speed of development for several moves.

As I mentioned above, the excess population is used to develop the main building in the city. Having excess population provides several very important benefits, which are described below:

Access to either new buildings or improvements to existing buildings. . Unlocks new cells/slots for building construction. . Increases income in the city. . Increases income from all buildings not only in the province where the population has increased, but also in neighboring provinces (we are talking about the capital of the province, and not just about an ordinary city). . A stronger garrison.

It is worth considering that bonuses may differ slightly depending on what race you play. For example, upgrading the capital in a province that belongs to the Skaven will not provide any tangible bonuses for other buildings. In addition, some important cities will have their own unique bonuses: for example, Lothern will have the highest percentage in terms of public order.

Element - 2: Provincial capital and settlements

Guide to economic development inTotal War: Warhammer 2

Each province includes a couple of other cities: as a rule, from 2 to 4 settlements, but there are also provinces that include only one city. By selecting any city, you will notice a tab with all the other settlements of this province. Plus, there is also information about who owns what part of this province, what buildings were built and much more. However, something else is important now: in the province there are only two types of cities - the capital and ordinary/standard settlements. The capital can be found on the left side of the Provinces tab. Moreover, the differences between the capital and ordinary settlements are significant:

♦. Firstly, the provincial capital can be upgraded to level 5, and this will make it possible to build absolutely any buildings, at the same time raising these buildings to the maximum level - this is a primary task, especially when it comes to military infrastructure. Secondly, in the provincial capital a total of seven construction slots will be available (not counting the occupied slot with the main building), and in more important cities there will be a total of nine available slots. Thirdly, each capital is equipped with protective walls and has a much stronger garrison, unlike ordinary settlements, which means that conquering such a city will be much more difficult.

♦. First of all, it is important to know that all small settlements can only be upgraded to the third level, which already means that you will not be able to build certain buildings in them. In addition, small settlements have much fewer slots, a smaller garrison and, in the end, battles for such settlements are ordinary battles. Such settlements can be protected only by erecting city walls, but nothing more.

Due to the fact that the excess population is growing very slowly, you will have to initially plan your future actions well and always remember that it is necessary to improve buildings that will accelerate development. A situation where there is quite a lot of money, but too little excess population is unacceptable. A balance needs to be found.

Element - 3: Types of buildings and their improvements

What buildings are best to build in Total War: Warhammer2? Guide to building buildings inTotal War: Warhammer 2

The development of provinces is practically the same between factions. The only difference is that each faction will have its own unique sets of buildings. To develop the main building you will always need excess population and gold. By developing the main building, you will unlock more new construction slots and levels for buildings - to improve any other building, you will only need gold and nothing else.

It is imperative that every building you have is upgraded to the highest building level so that it can be used as a full building. Before constructing any building, always consider the type of settlement you are building in. A mistake in construction will entail a number of consequences: lost moves and lost gold. As a result, the building will simply have to be demolished and everything rebuilt, so approach the construction responsibly. I will give below a few examples in which I will tell you where and what types of buildings are best to build.

♦. Such buildings make it possible to recruit basic/regular/standard units, for example, High Elf spearmen. Such buildings, as a rule, can only be upgraded to the third level, so they can be built almost anywhere. On the other hand, there is no point in building such a building in the capital - it is better to leave a slot in the capital for a much more promising building that will require the fourth and fifth levels.

♦. Such buildings already make it possible to build much stronger and more serious units. You can also build specialized units or heroes, including magicians. And due to the fact that access to such buildings can only be obtained in a third-level settlement, it makes sense to build such buildings only in capitals.

♦. Such buildings can be divided into two types. The first includes those buildings that can increase the income and development of the city, and can be improved strictly to the 3rd level. However, for this reason they should only be built in regular/standard settlements. This is especially true for those buildings that contribute to the development of the province. The second type includes those buildings that increase public order and many other similar specialized buildings - these should be built in capitals, where they can be brought to the maximum level, since such buildings are not limited to the third level.

♦. These buildings should be built strictly in those settlements where special resources will be found by default. Buildings, in turn, will allow you to extract these unique resources, receiving additional income or some other bonuses. You should also understand that, for example, if there are a lot of pastures in the province, then you should definitely build a stable.

♦. The situation with these buildings is the same as with buildings specializing in certain resources. Therefore, if it is possible to erect such a building in some city, be sure to allocate a slot for it. Such buildings, as a rule, provide tangible useful bonuses and are not available in all cities.

But this is not all the nuances. Also, when constructing new buildings, you should understand and continue to remember that it is very important not to build the same military buildings in the same province. In terms of income, the situation is different. Income is accumulated in different buildings, so it makes sense to build identical buildings.

Be sure to build the buildings you need. There is no point in building military buildings in every province. If a province is located in a safe point on the map, that is, there is no need for an army, then take advantage of the free slots to raise/improve the economy.

I also recommend checking which buildings will reduce the level of corruption. Almost all races suffer greatly from being under the influence of corruption, except for the Skaven race. Due to corruption, public order will decrease, and then, gradually, these adverse effects will reach the army, of which there may be nothing left. Therefore, be sure to think about building such buildings, even if you do not require units that can be created.

Element - 4: Provincial climate

Unlike the first part, in absolutely every faction can settle in any province. The only problem is that each province has its own special climate, and each race has its own personal preference. Therefore, if any faction is located in a province whose climate does not suit it, it will receive penalties, including slow development, low public order, or generally high building construction costs.

Each province has a special icon that indicates the climate (it is located next to the name of the province). So, the color that surrounds this icon indicates how suitable the climate of your faction is: - the climate is suitable (no penalties), - the climate is not suitable (minor penalties), - the climate is unsuitable for existence (high level of penalties). To get a little more detailed information about the fines, click on the climate icon.