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Top games for X-Box 360. All games


The second part of Assassin's Creed corrected many of the mistakes of the first and became one of the most popular games publisher. Main character, Italian assassin Ezio, travels between Florence, Venice and Forlì, simultaneously investigating the murders of his relatives.

The gameplay, which revolves around climbing buildings and stealth assassinations, is addictive, and the accurately recreated Italian cities of the Renaissance are mesmerizing in their beauty.


Textures in GTA V on Xbox 360 are less crisp and effects are less impressive than in versions for more modern consoles. But this has almost no effect on the sensations. Still, the main thing is exciting missions and memorable characters, and GTA V does everything right with this.

This is one of the latest blockbusters to hit the console, and one of the most highly detailed games on it. You can study the map for hours and constantly find something new.


IN Mass Effect Player 2 takes on the role of Commander Shepard, who must assemble a team of talented fighters to confront the alien threat. To do this, you will have to travel a lot across different star systems, save people and fight evil aliens.

And also, perhaps, drop into a nightclub a couple of times, solve a few personal problems of your colleagues and enter into an alliance with some of them. romantic relationship. In short, there is a lot to do in the game. The main thing is not to forget that the universe is in danger of destruction.


Halo is a popular shooter series known for both its epic single-player campaigns and intense multiplayer matches. Currently there are not enough players on Halo 3 multiplayer servers, but you can enjoy the story mode.

As the super-soldier Master Chief, the player must stop the alien Covenant coalition from activating the Halo rings called upon. He will have to travel through portals, save old friends and shoot a lot.


This is one of those games, after finishing which you begin to look at this type of art differently. At its core, Portal 2 is simple: the heroine must solve puzzles using a portal gun to escape a giant underground laboratory.

It's surprising how much the developers manage to accomplish in the 10 hours that the story campaign lasts. Tell a fascinating story with funny characters and tense situations, teach the player “portal thinking”, introduce a dozen different mechanics without adding a single one additional button into the control circuit.

This game is a masterpiece and should not be missed.


John Marston, protagonist of Red Dead Redemption, has done a lot of questionable things in life. But such is his world - the Wild West does not forgive weakness. Despite the fact that John left criminal activity long ago and started a family, the sins of the past suddenly remind of themselves. The hero has to travel across the frontier in search of his former accomplices.

As in many others Rockstar games, the main thing is a feeling of freedom. Available to the player huge map, where you can move freely by horse, carriage and train. There are also a bunch of types of weapons and capabilities.


Modern Warfare is the first Call of Duty title not set during World War II. The player takes on the role of a special forces soldier who, together with his team, must figure out the plans of the terrorists and stop them.

The game shows modern warfare from different angles: through the eyes of a gunner in a helicopter, a sniper behind enemy lines, a soldier in Central Asia. The campaign is full of memorable moments. Just watch a nuclear explosion or a mission in abandoned Pripyat.


Skyrim is one of the most popular games in history. Series The Elder Scrolls has always had a special status in the gaming community, but the fifth part brought it to new level. IN modern world Skyrim is practically synonymous with RPG in .

There are many reasons for this. Simplicity of gameplay, memorable quests, an epic plot that allows the player to decide the fate of not only the region, but the whole world. Although the main one is, of course, talking dragons.


Batman: Arkham City is a rare example of a truly high-quality superhero game. Stealthy attacks, studying crime scenes, tactical use of gadgets, long flights through the city at night: the action really makes you feel like you.

It also has a great storyline, featuring most of the classic DC villains, and starring actors from the nineties animated series.


Dark Souls does not stand on ceremony with the player. From the first minutes, she makes it clear: if you are not good enough, then you will not be able to complete the game. There will be no concessions. Therefore, as you progress, you have to improve your skills, learn to move correctly, block and parry blows.

As a reward, the player receives a feeling of satisfaction after defeating the next boss and small pieces of lore from which you can learn more about this doomed world.

The Xbox 360 is arguably Microsoft's best console in the Xbox family, almost beating its formidable Japanese competitors and causing a controversy that continues to this day - Great design and solid package quality games made the console a desirable purchase.

Despite the sharply decreased number game projects Having exclusive status, the Xbox 360 still has titles that are not available on competitors' platforms, which I consider a great achievement for a non-Japanese console.

Top #10 best games for Xbox 360

#10 Fable 2

Project in style The Legend of Zelda from game designer Peter Molyneux, generous in promises (and meager in implementation), turned out to be almost as planned, namely, an excellent action-RPG, which sets it apart from the next part of the Fable series, number 3, and obscure spinoffs.

It turned out to be too canonical and, perhaps therefore, did not arouse great enthusiasm among fans of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s work, but the project regularly delivers dozens of well-spent hours and therefore deserves the honorable right to open a rating of games on the X-Box 360.

#8 Halo Wars

Unexpectedly, a real-time strategy in the universe of the Halo series turned out to be able to compete with such “monsters” of the genre as Starcraft and Dawn of War - the only disadvantages include a short story campaign.

#7 Dead or Alive 4

The eye-catching fighting game about fighting girls never received a re-release on other platforms, which still haunts fans of the series who were not tempted to buy an Xbox 360 at one time.

#6 Lost Odyssey

Another very good one role-playing project in the JRPG genre from "father". And the game would be at the top of my list of the best Xbox games 360 don’t be Caim Argonar an overly whiny character, and the battles are so drawn out, but that’s how it is.

#5 Alan Wake

The first association that Western developers made does not fully reflect the essence of the project. The story of the writer Alan Wake does not break plot templates, does not set new standards in the genre, but confidently enters into my favorite one.

#4 Forza Horizon

Who would have thought that the game would confidently take the place of the series Need for Speed ​​is on the throne of arcade racing... and here's to you. The best Forza on Xbox consoles 360, IMHO.

#3 Tales Of Vesperia

One of best parts The series Tales Of, to the surprise of many, received exclusive status for the Xbox 360. “Know-alls” may say that the expanded version, but that was a release exclusively for Japan, and for the rest of the world it is, as a rule, “deeply parallel.”

In today's TOP 10 best games for XBOX 360 (or the famous Huyashchik), we will talk about the most interesting games, which were released exclusively for this console.

Well, let's begin!

10. Crackdown

The game is about a hero in tight suits who can not only run fast, shoot accurately, jump high and climb skyscrapers, but also throw enemies tens of meters away with kung fu blows and even throw entire buses.

One can only envy the abilities of this character. It’s surprising that all this is accompanied by a completely dramatic and serious plot.

Crackdown- This is a cooperative game, so playing through it is much more fun with a friend.

9. Alan Wake

The game takes place in the fictional American town of Bryan Falls. The main character, writer Alan Wake, has his wife mysteriously disappeared, and he goes in search of her. Along the way, he encounters an inexplicable entity that takes over the city and its surroundings every night.

Reading through different pages of a certain manuscript, Alan gradually realizes that this manuscript was written by himself. And the events that happen to him are subject to the plot of this manuscript.

As Alan plunges into the secrets of what is written, darkness thickens around him. The only thing that repels darkness is light. Mysterious enemies draw strength from the darkness, but are afraid of the slightest beam of the flashlight that our hero carries with him. To survive, Alan must constantly look for sources of light, and any dash in the darkness is fraught with mortal danger.

8. Ace Combat

Players will be able to climb into the cockpits of modern combat aircraft, modeled by the developers in the smallest detail.

IN Ace Combat There are many flying combat vehicles on display, including the F-15E Strike Eagle, Tornado, F-22 Raptor and many other modern military aircraft.

The gameplay is not limited to simple flights and shootouts with other aircraft. You can command air, sea and ground units, as well as complete complex missions.

7. Red Dead Redemption

A Western about the last wars of the shooters of the wild west, which is also called GTA about the wild west.

It's open game world, endowed with an exciting plot and free gameplay. You can take part in hundreds of different adventures and arrange luxurious shootouts in the spirit of popular Westerns.

A whole world of vast prairies, steep canyons, gorges and passes is at your service.

This world lives by its own laws. You'll visit small towns, immerse yourself in wildlife, and witness many historical events.

6. Dead Rising

Where else, playing as a healthy guy, can you put a pink dress on him and go to a mortal fight with zombies, not just anywhere, but to the nearest parking lot? Where else can you get in a car and drive around in circles until the counter shows 20 thousand kills? Where else can you take a photo with a zombie as a souvenir? Of course, only in Dead Rising - where else?

The hero has access to the most different types weapons made from scrap materials. For example, you can tie two chainsaws to a pole at once.

In general, you will have to kill a lot and in different ways.


The famous Master Zba always supported XBOX console 360. Futuristic first-person shooter tells the story of a soldier. And this story begins with a war between people and an association of aliens.

The game was originally developed by another company, but then it was acquired by Microsoft. The transfer to new hands did not spoil the game. Her universe has become even more rich and exciting.

The game now has a multiplayer mode, and now a television series is being filmed based on the game!

4. Forza Motorsport

This series began its first steps on the first console from Microsoft. Even then, the now famous series captured the hearts of most car simulator fans.

After the success of the first part, the Forza series of games continued to live, but on the Xbox 360 console in 2007. However, the project received true critical success with the release of the third part. In 2009, the game was recognized as the best car simulator.

After 2 years, this project made itself known again, demonstrating unprecedented detail of cars and realism paint.

3.Shadow Complex

Close-up - a typical story. Jason's girlfriend has been kidnapped, so naturally he goes to rescue her.

Having descended into the so-called underground complex, main character discovers enemies who are equipped with amazing technology and of course armed to the teeth.

The game features intense gunplay and was well received by critics and was a great game for its 3009 release.

2. Fable 2

This is a fairy-tale world where it is the player who draws the line between good and evil. You choose what kind of person you want to become and what feats the hero or villain will perform.

The game is accompanied by high-quality scenes filled with magic, as well as an open world in front of you, which is full of dangers, as well as beauty.

The game tells the story of a hero or heroine who has suffered a tragedy, but, having recovered, sets off on a journey. You can always find various types of work in the city. If you want security, then the profession of a blacksmith is suitable for you, and if you crave blood and adventure, then you definitely need to rush to complete tasks, thereby helping people. Also, don’t forget about your friend - faithful dog- who will keep you company and help.

Fable- this is a rich world in which it is worth making a journey, following your own path.

1. Gears of War

This series is perhaps one of the most famous for XBox. The first part of the game was released on PC, which earned it particular popularity. But all subsequent parts are full exclusives of the console from Microsoft.

Starring Marcus Fenix ​​and his squad of brutal fighters of the Delta squad, who, either by shooting or sawing, cut right through the enemy, which are the locusts - underground enemies already long years make attacks against people. As Marcus told the new recruit, find a hole or die. This is true. Going straight to the enemy is a stupid idea. You need to think through the course of action and shoot at a given time.

This series of games has always held a leading position in the gaming market for XBox.


All computer applications that can be found in the Eldorado online store are divided into groups depending on the style, features gameplay and age category of users. The most popular are:

  1. Action and adventure that can be played from the first person or a group of characters. During the game you need to move around a lot, look for answers to questions, and perform various tasks.
  2. All kinds of shooters are created for fans of military action and survival strategies. The character is given a weapon and a task that must be completed alone or with comrades, destroying enemies.
  3. Simulators and races will allow you to feel like a car driver on the track, a ship captain or a pilot. Some games are as close to reality as possible, some are made like cartoons.
  4. Fights or fighting games in arenas, rings and street fights for a character. They can be strategic, with or without fighter development.
  5. Sport games, where you can try yourself as an athlete or coach. Most of them have been ported to PC and console, some even in multiple versions.
You can buy games in the online store, choose any genre or style for your PC, console or game console.

Xbox 360 is a console that has delighted us all for ten years, despite the fact that the console is already outdated and newer models have taken its place, the console from Microsoft will still allow you to play masterpieces gaming industry. We have collected for you best games on Xbox 360.

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider is new part long-running series about Lara Croft and her incredible adventures. A new game is completely detached from the rest of the games in the series, because the entire series is being restarted from scratch with this game. In Tomb Raider, young Lara, twenty-one years old, finds herself stranded on a mysterious island. She ends up there after a shipwreck caused by a mysterious storm. From this moment on, Lara will have to fight for her life against bandits, wild animals and the mystical “guardians of the storm”, with whom the ancient secret of the island is connected.

Forza Horizon 2

Forza Horizon 2 is the second part of the popular arcade racing game, exclusive to Xbox consoles and powered by the Forza Motorsport 5 engine. Players have access to dynamic weather changes, hundreds of car models and a Southern European setting.

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite is a first-person action-adventure game set in 1912, long before the events of BioShock and BioShock 2. The main character of the game is private detective Booker DeWitt. He was hired by an unknown person to rescue a girl named Elizabeth from a floating city called Columbia. Booker takes on the task and heads to heaven, where he and Elizabeth will be drawn into a devastating war between the city government and the rebel group Voice of the People. Gradually, step by step, Booker and Elizabeth are getting closer to solving the dark mystery that hovers over the city.

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption is a game with open world, an indirect sequel to the 2004 release Red games Dead Revolver. The game takes place at the turn of the 20th century in the Wild West. The game's protagonist, John Marston, a former thug who left his bloody trade, is forced to work for government agents to kill or capture alive his former accomplices. Otherwise, the agents threaten to kill John's entire family. The hero is destined to overcome a huge distance from the western borders of the United States to the very center of the country in order to find old accomplices and bring justice. Gameplay Red Dead Redemption is an open-world action game in which the hero travels either on foot or on horseback, exploring the American expanses of the early twentieth century.

Halo 5: Guardians is the fifth installment in Microsoft's sci-fi shooter, continuing the story of Master Chief and his battles with the enemies of humanity in the vastness of space. Eight months have passed since the events of Halo 4: Spartan Ops. The plot centers on two teams of Spartans, Master Chief's Blue Team, and Jameson Locke's Osiris squad, who oppose each other. At the center of the confrontation is AI Cortana, who was considered dead after the events of the fourth part. Players will be able to visit several different planets, commanding a squad of several “Spartans”. In addition to the story mode, the game also has a multiplayer mode, divided into several different modes.

Dark Souls II

This is a sequel to game Dark Souls. According to the plot of the game, the nameless protagonist visits the kingdom of Drangleic in the hope of being cured of the curse that turned him into an undead. To do this, he must take possession of several "great souls" belonging to the demonic inhabitants of Drangleic. Like previous games in the series, Dark Souls II features a high level of difficulty - the player is expected to repeatedly fail against strong opponents and learn from their mistakes in order to advance further. You can find out more about the passage on ours.

Quantum Break

Quantum Break is a third-person action-adventure game from the creators of Max Payne and Alan Wake. The main character of the game is a young guy, Jack, who, after a failed experiment, was able to control time. Jack is being hunted by a certain organization called "Monarch", whose founder, Paul Serin, also has a special ability - he can see alternative futures. Jack has to resist “Monarch” with all his might, using his newly acquired powers, in order to understand what went wrong during the experiment. In addition to the usual cutscenes, the game also includes a series with short episodes that reveal the plot of the project. The details of each episode may change depending on what decisions players make at any given time.

Gears of War

Gears of War is a third-person linear action game set in the future on a distant planet called Sera. The main character's name is Marcus Fenix, and he is one of the criminals whom the Coalition pulled out of prison for the sake of the war with the Locusts, who actually destroyed all life on the planet. To a player in the lineup combat detachment"Delta" will have to try to repel the next wave of Locust invasion, destroying as many enemies as possible. In Gears of War, in addition to the regular campaign, there is also co-op mode. There, the second player plays the role of Dominic Santiago, Marcus's comrade.

Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive is an open world 3D shooter video game. It is being developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios. The game was announced on June 10, 2013, at E3 2013 as a permanent console exclusive. Xbox One. The release took place on October 28, 2014. The events of the game take place in Sunset City in 2027. The world is under the rule of FizzCo, which has just released its new product - Overcharge Delirium XT energy drink. The protagonist of the game is a service employee who goes to clean the company after a party dedicated to the launch of sales of a new drink. The city turns out to be filled with thousands of monsters - people mutated after drinking the Overcharge Delirium XT drink.

Ori and The Blind Forest

Arcade platformer with elements adventure game The plot tells us about a magical forest full of mysterious spirits, which lives according to its own laws. Ori is a leaf of the tree of life, a forest protector spirit, which was torn from a branch by a storm wind and carried far from home. Having fallen to the ground, the leaf turned into a charming animal, somewhat similar to a snow-white luminous kitten. In this form, Naru found him - a creature somewhat similar to a large, clumsy bear - who became Ori's adoptive mother. The main character, torn from his home, must go through a dark forest to restore the Tree of Life and bring light to the tormented lands of Nibel.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an adventure game role-playing game, fifth part in The series Elder Scrolls, with a huge open world that is completely open to exploration from the very beginning. Players will take on the role of Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn, who appears in the province of Skyrim exactly during the return of the legendary dragons, who, according to legend, are going to destroy the world. Dovahkiin will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to his goal - to stop the dragon lord Alduin, who is preparing to unleash his rage on the whole world.

Far Cry 3

An adventure first-person shooter with an open world and RPG elements, as well as the third (not counting addons and spin-offs) game in the game series of the same name. The main character of the third part is a completely new protagonist, whose name is Jason Brody. He and his friends go on vacation to the unusually beautiful tropical island of Rook Island, but the vacation is interrupted by a nightmare when, after a parachute jump, landing on one of the islands of the archipelago, they fall into the hands of local pirates under the leadership of Vaas Montenegro - a psychopath, drug addict and sadist. Jason manages to escape from the clutches of the pirates, and he is looking for a way to take revenge on his offenders at any cost.

Dead Space

Dead Space is an action-adventure game mixed with horror. The main character of the game, Isaac Clarke, is a simple space mechanic who arrived on the space mining ship USG Ishimura for routine repairs of communication systems. But a seemingly simple task quickly turns into a real struggle for his own existence when Isaac discovers that all members of the ship’s crew have already fallen victims to a mysterious attack and turned into monstrous monsters, whose goal is one - to kill the main character and his crew.

Max Payne 3

A third-person shooter, and the third part of the Max Payne series. The main character of the game will still be a detective from New York named Max Payne, who finds himself in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and he has radically changed in appearance. Now Max sports a bald head and a beard, he has lost all taste for life and is addicted to painkillers. The development of the game was not carried out by the Finnish studio Remedy, which created the first two parts, but Rockstar Games, which departed from its canons and created a linear shooter without an open world.

Alan Wake

Alan Wake is the best exclusive, a game that could not help but get into the top games on Xbox 360, a psychological thriller, mainly actor starring writer Alan Wake, whose worst nightmares suddenly become reality. Alan will have to go through a series of nightmares that seem to have stepped out of the pages of his book in order to find his missing wife and get rid of the nightmare that surrounds him. A key component of both the gameplay and the game's plot is light. Light sources for the main character are more important than any firearms, because the light allows Alan to deal with opponents. For example, if you shine flashlights on an enemy and focus the beam of light, players will be able to quickly deal with them.

Metro: Last Light

Sequel original game Metro 2033. In it, Artyom, the protagonist of the original game and book, again takes the stage in order to protect the metro from a new threat. After destroying the black hive, Artyom realizes that he did it completely in vain, and is now looking for the last surviving black one in order to save him from radical people. For this, Artem will go through fire, water, copper pipes, plague stations on the Red Line, visit Red Square and descend into the very depths of the gloomy Moscow metro, which at the same time allows people to survive after the apocalypse, and is their very real grave.


Crysis is the first part of a science fiction trilogy set in the distant future. The main character, Nomad, one of the operatives of a special detachment of the US Army, dressed in a special nanosuit, arrives on an island in the Pacific Ocean, on which the Korean army has landed. As it turns out, the Koreans were not the only ones who occupied the island. After some time, a real army of aliens appears out of nowhere. The squad is with them Marine Corps The United States will have to fight to the death.

Dragon Age:Inquisition

A large-scale role-playing game that continues the plot of the first two parts of the series. The game takes place several years after the end of Dragon Age 2. The world is engulfed in the flames of a new war between magicians and templars. The main character - the commander of the Inquisition - will have to solve not only this problem, but also stop the invasion of demons, understand the intricacies of palace intrigue, and do much more.

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 is a continuation of the popular series of online shooters, created on the Frostbite 2.0 engine, which is designed to be responsible for the total destruction of everything and everyone on the map. In the online part of Battlefield 3, up to 64 people will be able to compete, 24 types of vehicles and 17 types of weapons have been implemented, which players can use in a dozen different cards, from large to small. Players can fight both on foot and using various military equipment- from armored cars to tanks. In addition to the multiplayer mode, which is the basis of the game, Battlefield 3 also features single player campaign, and a short set of six co-op missions. In it, players team up to stop a dangerous terrorist. For completing these missions, players can receive special weapon for multiplayer mode.

Grand Theft Auto V

The best games on Xbox 360 cannot be imagined without GTA. The location is Grand Theft Auto V became the fictional city of Los Santos. He first appeared in one of the previous games in the series - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The game takes place in 2013, when former friends and bank robbers Trevor and Michael meet again. The player's main goal is to encircle the US Federal Vault, taking with him more than two hundred million. On the way to this goal, friends will face many obstacles that will lead to one of three endings. This has never happened before in any part of the series. Don't forget about the mode GTA Online, where even more action awaits you.