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Secret places in the game fallout 2. Fallout humor: Secrets and hints of the game

So let's begin:

If, during the battle with Frank Horrigan, all the turrets are turned off, and Sulik is with a sledgehammer, then there is a possibility that hitting Frank's leg will lead to him jumping on one leg and, as a result, making a hole in the platform, falling into the water. ..

And if Frank is successfully hit by a grenade launcher, he breaks through the wall and goes head down into the hold of the ship, where he can be found at the end of the game. In this case, you can remove his armor. But the knife and machine gun will be destroyed by the explosion...

If you have Intelligence 10, Perception 10 and you took the extra skill that gives life twice, then you can kill Frankie Horrigan with the Fireball spell!..

If you tried on Vic and his daughter Valerie and took the nuke lid from the well, then take the lid to her and another rope and she will collect an eternal ruble. To do this, you need to have a repair level above 160. Now all Nuka-Cola in the machines is free. If you tinker with selling bottles, your million is just around the corner...

If you play as a man with luck above 9 and charm above 8, and sleep with Miriya's brother in Modoc, then in New Reno, near the Wright mansion, you will meet a boy who will call you dad! (Do this before you take any job from Wright) And if after that you give this boy a gun, he will not run to kill the head of the Wrights, but will join your group. When he is killed, your karma will drop greatly...

Here's another feature. If at the entrance to military base, having luck 10, having done all the manipulations with the cart in the end without pushing it, then after completing the game (apparently from the blast wave from the platform) it disappears from this location and ends up... in NKR! Near the monument to Dweller. If you hover your cursor over it, it says “You seem to have seen this somewhere before,” then we use it... an explosion occurs and in the place of the monument, littered with fragments, stands an obelisk (the one that was in Shady Sands). When asked about this, Tandi replies that it was Aradesh’s idea to save on building materials...

Somewhere in the desert there is a secret base of the Hubbologists. So, if you find it (its location is reported by the computer at the hubbologists of San Francisco, but you need science more than 230 and intelligence 10), then there you can find a Gauss machine gun (like a Vindicator), 300 billion caps from the first Fallout and make the local doctor underwent plastic surgery to increase charisma by 5 (in case of unsuccessful surgery, charisma is automatically reduced to 1)...

If you join the Hubbologists sect and bring an amputated toe to a secret base, they will make you a clone with all the skills and characteristics that will hang around with the character as a partner. But for this you need to have Intelligence greater than 8 and science greater than 200%.

If you stay in Glow just long enough not to die and receive the maximum dose of radiation, then the hero begins to glow, like some undead. There is no penalty for shooting at night! But you are often attacked on the map. If only a lantern walking in the desert could be seen from afar! And in Necropolis they will accept you as one of their own...

Not far from Modoc, where Horrigan shoots a family, if you have a negative reputation, have the Grave Digger and Child Killer perks, maximum charisma, Modoc's location and have already talked to Miria at least once, it becomes possible to tell him: “Hey, Frankie, spit on them , I know a fun place not far away - it’s called Modok, there are such girls there!.. Let’s go, you won’t regret it!” And then everything is simple - going to Miria’s house you need to trip Frank and throw him into the well, and throw dynamite there, and then, having dealt with the guards, you can climb into the well and remove the artifacts from Frank! Moreover, this option allows you not to get confused with Navarro and the Oil Platform AT ALL - it will be enough to ram GEKK into Arroyo and the game will be won...

If you win a LOT of money in a casino in New Reno or Redding, then when you leave it you run into the local gang, they kindly ask you to return the property (well, of course you refuse), you kill, search the corpses and in one of the corpses you find The hand of the hand of Death (desclava), which acts as a weapon in hand-to-hand combat...

In Broken Hills there is a bookcase that the Chosen One is trying to lift entirely (probably everyone has seen), but he does not have enough strength. If strength is 10 + Adv.PowerArmor + all perks for carrying cargo and packing, then it rises and is transferred to inventory. Have you ever wondered why it is SO heavy? It's filled with books...

Remember Mertzger's refrigerator in Den? It can be repaired with a high Repair skill. Then it can be powered either from batteries, if you put a fuel battery regulator in it, which everyone installs incorrectly in the Chrysler Highwayman, and cool Nuka-Cola in it - cooled it gives +20 HP and temporarily + to resistance to damage and fire and + to action points (also temporary)...

If a level 1 Persian gets criticized and at the same time writes that a rib is broken, then apparently we are in for another joke on a biblical theme, because a mysterious stranger perk appears, which will appear with us during the battle. Does the lady throw fruit very accurately? And not the first freshness, since even at the initial stages they knock out 15-35 HP. And towards the end, in general, any tower will be demolished the first time. You need to try to get a useful lady at the first level...

Once at 13, we kill the most important beast with a grenade launcher. As a result, a claw falls out of the exploded carcass, but we are in no hurry to loot and take the GEKK; we don’t go to other levels at all. And we pick up the claw and fly to our native Arroyo. Where is Hanukin during the conversation that we have stumbled upon a holy refuge, but overrun by the hands of death, notices a claw in our inventory, and makes us an amulet from it, which, when worn in one of our hands, increases luck, and should, like, help us if only we They quickly found GEKK. The second claw can be obtained in the Enclave by playing the role of an executioner. It will enhance perception. If you hold both amulets in two hands, then no living creature will attack you...

If you eat 100 jets, you can learn to fly. And if this happens in the Gekko area, after you have talked to the Enclave through the terminal, then you can meet a vertibird with an Enclave remote team. After which we are expected air battle. Having knocked down a helicopter, you can stock up on various cool weapons, including a 20 mm Vulcan cannon with 500 rounds of ammunition...

If you kill 1000 pseudo-centaurs, then the Chosen One on the 1000th centaur says: “That’s enough, I’ve had enough, I need to find the lair of these creatures!” After this, it appears on the world map new location called "Hideout of the Centaurs", which fills the last place in the names of the cities. In this shelter, centaurs know how to shoot weapons and throw grenades. After you have killed them all, you will meet with their leader, who will join you provided that you have killed 1000 scientists during the game...

If you hit the barrels of a machine gun with a sledgehammer, they will bend and shoot at your feet, and in this way you can get rid of the twenty-first finger. On the foot...

If you reproach Vic for calling you boss, chief, etc., more than 20-30 times a day, and so on for a month, then one fine day he will call you a brahmin’s ass. This chase will remain with you among your NPCs forever.

There is such a feature in the Temple of Trials: if you are a very big mu... kghhm, that is, a loser, and, standing near a pit (abyss (big one)) catch a critic from some scorpion or ant, such that Chuzen is thrown back and he rolls. If he rolls into the pit and rises to his feet there (without dying after the blow), he will fall through (the pit is under his feet) onto the ground floor of the Temple, where an abandoned military warehouse is located, and there you can get TurboPlasma, Vindicator, Power Armor, etc. P. etc. You can get out of there by taking the elevator, which will take Chuzen upstairs. The exit doors from the elevator are skillfully disguised at the very beginning of the Temple, in the wall, so it is impossible to see them from the Temple.

If you have more than 200 melee and hand weapons and complete all the quests for Salvatore and take out all the other families, then he accepts you into his clan and then gives you cards with a secret Yakuza base where you must first defeat 5 people in hand-to-hand combat from 120-400hp, and then another 5 with the same amount of hp with swords and you are accepted into the Yakuza and after completing the quest “take out the shelter city” “take out NKR” and “and take out SAN FRAN” you are given a laser saber with 700dmg damage...

If you have all the doctor’s perks and this skill is well developed (250%), then in a Special encounter with a whale and a flower you can sew this whale and revive it. And if you have the “persuasive speech” perk and your speech is leveled up to 200, you can persuade him to take you to the Enclave...

The Sierra howitzer is attached to the vehicle. To do this, you need to bring Marcus there and tell him to drag the gun to the car. Only Marcus can shoot from it...

If you bring Lenny to Sierra, he can transplant your brain into SkyNet. As a result, you will become a robot, get +2 to intelligence, +2 to action points, -3 to charisma and will be able to copy information from computers without holodisks...

When you find a holy grenade, take it to New Reno Arms. Kill the seller and go down to the basement to the fool who improved your weapon. Talk to him and he will see the grenade and join you, saying that it is a lost gift that his father gave him as a child, and it turns out that he went crazy because the raiders stole it from him. It will also reveal the coordinates of 2 military bases and 3 shelters.

You can put a grenade into the computer at 15 Volt and run away. The computer explodes, you can pull wires out of it. We go to the Enclave, if in the labyrinth room (or whatever) we catch a glitch with the machine in the middle of the passage, then we use the wires on the wheelbarrow, we go out, we use the wire a on the nearest door (they remain in the inventory), we return - the wheelbarrow disappears. We leave the Enclave (no matter if we win the game or not) and get an endless charge in the car - it is powered by the Enclave! True, it only works for half a card; to work more, you need to be “powered” from the generator in Navarro or from Volta 8. And if the wires are connected to the walkie-talkie, and the walkie-talkie to Highwayman, then you can listen to music from the C:\My Music folder with subfolders!..

If you go down from the pier at the tanker in San Fran and go under it in a strictly defined place, you can find the Master from the first Foul. He will say that the explosion of the cathedral did not completely destroy him, and that he pieced himself back together again. If you tell him that you are a descendant of Dweller, he will attack you and die from the first blow. If karma is -5000 and conversation is 250, then you can convince him to become your part. Then all parameters will gradually increase and all mutants will obey your orders.

In Navarro, if you use science on your computer many times, the message "You see a big red button. Looks strangely" will appear. If you apply the repair after this, a dialogue will appear: “You see a big red button. It”s looks so strangely, so you really want to use it” -Use it -Not use it. If you use it, then “You launched” will appear a nuclear missle to the Aroyy. Game is over." Indeed, the end of the game will happen.

In the temple of testing, you need to use science and repair in some very specific order on all the torches, and an elevator will move out of the hole in the temple. If we ride it, we find ourselves in a strange place - everything is some kind of cybernetic and there are borgs walking there, receiving 100/100% resistance to one of the types of damage if they miss 2 hits with this type of damage. In the end, we are captured and turned (fanfare!) into a Borg just like them. We get the same accumulated invulnerability and an assimilator that allows you to turn NPCs into borgs, +300% to all skills, an automatic plasma gun, plus the ability to call a squad of 6 borgs to help you during battle. And you can take the shuttle to the Borg Sphere (don’t ask me what it is). And in a conversation with NPCs in cities, you can say “We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is useless,” after which we begin to fight with the entire city with the support of a Borg detachment from our side. By the way, have you ever wondered why corpses disappear from cities? The Borg are dragging them away, that's why. And the entire ENCLAVE, together with Frankie, can also be assimilated.

And finally, the most exciting thing:

If you meet a talking turnip in the desert And after you talk to it and it gives you a stone, you need to rest for 10 minutes, stand in front of your head and start eating apples (you need to eat about 100-150), while smacking your lips and saying “What tasty apples," and then put one in front of your head and say, “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m drunk, although I’ll eat the last one,” then the head will say that if you give it your last apple, then it will give you another stone, you can agree, but if to say that what for you need another stone, the head will say: “Boy, but I have nothing else, and I’m ready to do anything for an apple.” Then you say that since there is nothing, you will have to work it out, the head agrees and after a minute it is no longer a head sticking out of the ground, but a stone giant that crawled out of the ground and became your NPC. The stone giant has 1000 HP, 6 AP, 100% armor class and about 10 luck, so don’t go into the casino with him, as he will immediately crawl to the slot machine and work off his debt, and you shouldn’t lose such an assistant. For example, if you travel around the map on his shoulder, the viewing radius will increase by 1 cell. He cannot enter buildings, but he is indispensable in battle, it is practically impossible to kill him, he can crush enemies (he does not own any weapons, only hand-to-hand combat, but all his critical attacks take away 100-200 HP. If you come with him to San- Fran and collect 10 ropes and tell him about the problem with the fuel on the tanker, he will offer his help, and, tying the ropes around his waist and tying the ends to the tanker, the ford will take you to the ENCLAVE. And if one stone giant is not enough for you, then go. in Arroyo, and when the Arroy stone head sees your assistant, he recognizes him as his brother Mark, but does not want to go under the pretext that he is happy in the village. Then we go to Hanukin and pour 10 bottles of beer into him, rest for 15 minutes. and we see how the shaman quickly ran to relieve himself, and since the nearest suitable place is the head, you yourself understand what will happen... After that, we approach the head and say, “Maybe I’ve changed my mind, huh,” the head replies that he agrees, since the village the goats went absolutely nuts, out of nowhere. As a result, you already have 2 stone giants.

Secrets are hidden at every turn in Fallout. All games in the series have undocumented features, options unknown to some players, and simply interesting Easter eggs. How to use secrets in Fallout to progress? And what should you pay attention to in the game? Learn useful secrets of Fallout of all versions and make the game fun.

Secrets of passing Fallout 4

Set up your Favorites to have quick access to them. To do this, just press Q on the desired item in your inventory. You can customize anything - weapons, medicine, grenades, and so on.

Immediately after the start of the game, you can earn an additional stat point. It is enough to get out of Vault 111 and get to your old home. In the missing son's room there is a book called You're SPECIAL - it will add one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point.

Power armor is best left at home. Yes, it is powerful and interesting. But energy blocks run out quickly and are expensive. Therefore, at first it is better to run in a regular suit, and take Power Armor only for dangerous missions.

Take maximum Intelligence. The more it is, the faster experience accumulates. Therefore, it’s easier to upgrade levels, and you can quickly upgrade other S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters.

Always carry a melee weapon with you. It is more convenient to kill ghouls that get close with a good cleaver or an ax.

By the way! In Fallout there is a nuance with the choice of gender for “diplomats”. It is better to make a character who will solve everything by talking a woman, pump up Charisma and take the “Sex Appeal” perk (or an analogue of “Black Widow”).

Secrets from Fallout 1

There is an interesting secret in the game. If you put ammo from a weapon (rather than the weapon itself) in your hand in combat mode, then walk up to an enemy and attack him, he will not be able to hit back. And he won't be able to walk anymore. And you can calmly stutter him.

Despite finishing the game after saving the world, you can continue exploring the Wasteland after the end of the story. To do this, during a conversation with the Overseer, press [A], and then click the mouse. Then, with proper luck, the battle mode will open instead of the final video. If you kill the Overseer and leave the cave, Fallout will not end, and you can explore the Wasteland as much as you like.

Fallout 2 - secrets of easy passage

Get what you want power armor at the very beginning of the game you can go to San Francisco in two ways:

  1. Steal all the money and two packs of dynamite from a merchant in the city. Load the dynamite and return it to the merchant's inventory, then move away. Then you can safely pick up everything in the store, including power armor.
  2. Find a branch of the Brotherhood of Steel and agree to steal the plans from Navarro. Navarro is easy to get to power armor in the basement and pick it up.

But here is the secret of how to take part in the quests of all mafia families:

  1. Complete two Wright quests and ask for a third (but don't do it yet).
  2. Complete two tasks for Mordino and leave temporarily.
  3. Take and complete all three Salvatore quests.
  4. Become Salvatore's man, and then kill him and shoot the gang.
  5. Become Mordino's man and kill both Mordinos and all the gangsters.
  6. Chat with Thomas Moore in the City of Vault and, agreeing with his opinion, take from him the quest to deliver the suitcase to John Bishop.
  7. Under no circumstances should you ask for money or try to open your suitcase! This is all being recorded, and Bishop will be unhappy. If everything is done correctly, quests for Bishops will be available.
  8. Here you can sleep with his wife and daughter, and then gain access to his private rooms. There will be very interesting information stored there that can help understand the dilemma of Vault City and NKR.
  9. After completing all the quests for Bishop, you can kill the entire family and go to the Wrights. After completing the last task for the Wrights, you will become their man and ensure that only one mafia family remains in New Reno.

After completing the story, you must return to New Reno and talk to Tuli. He will give a book that will give 300% of all skills, and with each reading will add 10,000 experience. It's also worth meeting T-Ray in New Reno and asking him to install an upgrade on the car.

Fallout 3 - secrets of rapid development

It’s better to immediately take the “Animal Friend” perk, this will allow you not to constantly fight off dogs and other nasty things in the Capital Wasteland.

Before completing major quests, you should definitely get some sleep. This will allow you to gain more experience due to the “Charge of Vigor” bonus.

In a battle against several opponents, it is worth shooting at vulnerable points: the antennae of insects, the eyes, and the combat limiter of robots. Then the creatures will go berserk and begin to attack everyone around them.

By hacking terminals you can find secret combinations. They can either remove the incorrect password or restore the number of attempts without rebooting the computer. Combinations are enclosed in brackets: ()<>(), they are visible when hovered.

It is better to upgrade your Science and Hacking skills from the very beginning of the game, without delay. You can always learn to shoot accurately. But a mysterious terminal or a locked door to a weapons warehouse can really spoil the mood.

Scattered across the Mojave Wasteland are stones with hearts and peace signs painted on them. Examine them carefully - there is a hiding place inside.

Don't miss mailboxes - you can often find very useful old magazines in them.

Passing involves a reward for snow globes (2000 caps for each). They are gladly received by Mr. House's friend named Jane. Where are the balls:

  1. Goodsprings. Lying next to one of the tombstones in the cemetery.
  2. Mormon fort. You need to go up to the square turret on the territory and examine the rack.
  3. Nellis AFB. Found on one of the tables in the Bomber Museum.
  4. Casino "Lucky 38". Behind the cash register in the cocktail lounge.
  5. Hotel 21 on the Strip. In Sarah's room, lying on the bedside table. Sarah herself has the key.
  6. Jacobstown. Lies at the hotel reception.
  7. Hoover Dam. Located in the information center on a table in the center of the hall.

Those who are interested in various references and Easter eggs should select the “Wild Wasteland” perk when creating a character. And then the game will have a lot more interesting random encounters with references and good loot.

Fallout Shelter - the secret to the perfect shelter

First you need to make the shelter as secure as possible. Therefore, the first improvement should be reinforced doors. You also need to place a well-equipped and armed resident, or preferably two, in the room with the gate.

There is no need to build new rooms until the old ones are improved. First, it is necessary to maximize the quality of existing sections - this is much more efficient and cheaper. By the way, it is better to place rooms two at a time in a row. If you have enough money, then to the right of the elevator it is better to place one two-room and one three-room section in a row.

When sending a resident to the Wasteland, it is worth equipping him with the most powerful weapon and armor. It is advisable to maximize his stamina and luck. In addition, pets should only be given to those that can affect combat qualities (for example, +66% health). And don’t forget about Stimulants and Antiradin!

There is no need to mindlessly multiply. Children require space and resources. And pregnant women are unable to defend the shelter. Therefore, first you need to make a supply of rooms and resources. And only then begin to bring men and women together. By the way, the more developed the parents are, the more gifted their child will be.

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In Fallout 2, after beating the game you can continue playing. Remember that non-functioning vault at the very beginning of the game? Where are there a bunch of toxic puddles on the ground and an elevator where you kill golden geckos? On the world map it is marked as "toxic caves", but in fact it is a small shelter with 3 levels. (Including the first level - the caves, where you go down the stairs to the shelter itself)
And if you have the original, unpatched version of foul, you can return to the toxic caves after the game, and if you have an item called "heart pills" left over from the quest to kill Westin, you can kill yourself in the elevator.
After a normal death scene, the screen will turn black with no option to exit to the main menu. After a few minutes, you will hear a booming sound, as if coming from some cave, more like white noise. The screen will slowly return to game screen, and you will see your character in a pile of vile biomass that was around the Master in the first part of the game. Your character will be alive again and the normal game soundtrack will be playing, but the white noise that was heard earlier will not go anywhere.
You can explore new level, but DO NOT try to pick locks. Do you know that the developers wrote very unpleasant things into the code to protect their secrets.
If you continue to explore this secret level further, this white noise will continue to increase, gradually obscuring the soundtrack playing. This is most likely due to the inability of the foul engine to play multiple soundtracks, which was not designed for this.
As you move from one door to another, you will be taken across many of the characters you have met throughout the game. Oddly enough, you can only find characters who have died or those you last time seen before their death, including at your hand. Persians vary depending on how you played through the game... If you were a good guy and tried to solve problems without violence, you will only find a few characters who had to be killed in the story, or just unfortunate murder victims you met along the way . If you killed everyone in every city, you will see several hundred characters.
No matter what you did before, none of the characters will talk to you or react to any actions in any way. You cannot hack them, kill them, push them aside, or heal them. If you try to use “First Aid”, “Doctor”, or heal them with any Stimpak or other heals, the text field will say “It”s much too late for that, Chosen." "Too late for that, Chosen."
It would seem that this area is purgatory, hell, which is filled with dead Persians, burning their “eternal queue” for closed doors Behind the last door there is always a game character from the first part of Fallout. On some forums it was written that the character would have the same nickname and gender (Depending on who you played as: a man or a woman). This is the only character you can talk to. After you start a conversation with this character, the white noise that you have been hearing all this time will absorb all accompanying sounds, filling everything, and fade away, taking them with it. There will be deafening silence in the game. If you walk past it, eerie photos of victims of the explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki will flash in place of the usual “Credits” screen, supported by increasing white noise. After that, everything will go silent and you will fly to the desktop. The question was already asked on the official forums: “Why do the creators of the game have such bad, perverted taste and why did they fix what they did?”, but the developers claimed that the game was clearly hacked and they had nothing to do with this “secret level” to photographs of the victims of Hiroshima
In a conversation with the last character, he will explain that he is a resident of the Vault from original game, and the fact that he is your ancestor. He will tell you that he is disappointed in your choice of path and that you ended up here, and he will turn away from you and your character, collapsing into a pile of bones. Such a death animation that I have never seen in the game itself. After this the game will disappear into White screen and locks the computer, forcing you to do a Hard Reset.
There is a third option. In addition to the locked bars behind which the characters are languishing, there is a door at the entrance where you appeared in the biomass. This is one door of a random type, and if you have explosives, you will be able to open it. Inside you will find one 10mm without ammo with a “no clip” instead of a pattern. None of your normal 10mm ammo will be able to be used on it. If you try to shoot in the head the character standing behind the last door (He is the other Chosen One from the first part), then a video will suddenly turn on in which there will be a strange young man. Those who saw him could not properly describe his appearance. He played a game similar to Fallout, but not one. Some people claim this is an early version Fallout Tactics or Van Buren, but nothing on the screen bears any resemblance to those games. Also, none of these games were even in the project at the time the second foul was released (according to official information). The video was of poor quality and had spoiled sound. When the guy sitting behind the monitor said something, only an indistinct buzzing could be heard. Sometimes he turned, looked at the camera for a few seconds and laughed, and instead of laughter, silence was heard. This video was trying to be creepy with obvious intent (Even though nothing creepy is actually happening. The person is just playing unknown games, apparently commenting on what he saw), but suddenly the video begins to disappear and goes to the desktop ( cool trick, I really don't know how they managed to make such a smooth transition at that point).
It is recommended not to turn on televisions during the secret ending and not to turn them on for an hour after that. You'll quickly realize that the white noise in the game will start coming from the TVs in your house. Cable, satellite, and even antennas will lose signal for a while. But it seems like the Internet is connected. Is this how I write this for you now? And what's interesting. I turned off all the TVs and speakers an hour ago, but I still hear this noise... louder and louder...

Secrets and references of the game Fallout 2 MAYBE... A guy on the third floor of Vault 8, in Vault City, sings a song from the intro to the first part of the game: Maybe... you"ll think of me, when you are all alone, Maybe the one who is waiting for you will prove untrue Then, what will you do? are looking for various technologies. In particular, they will ask you if we have seen the Holy Hand Grenade of Antiochus and if you answer that you have, you will receive 500 coins and gratitude in addition. chance meeting , which should be the logical conclusion of the previous one. In order to visit this location, you must first visit the previous one. So, before us is a land strewn with bones, in the center of which there is an ordinary-looking rat. But she is ordinary only in appearance because she is very powerful and tenacious. At the bottom of the map are the same Knights of King Arthur. Almost immediately a fight will begin between the rat and these people. If you can get into the cave, then the most secret and most powerful object in the entire game awaits you - the Holy Hand Grenade of Antiochus. If you don’t mind, then you can use it for its intended purpose in relation to the rat. The reward will be a large number of experience points. EXPLODING BRAHMINS [a similar encounter with a herd of Brahmins was in Fallout 1. The only difference in this one is that the two-headed cows not only moo but also explode upon contact with an object, that is, with you and your partners. A very dangerous random encounter, because after it you may be missing several partners in your squad. [you meet a huge stone head created by some tribes, but not a simple one, but a talking one. Don’t rush to talk to her, but first read what she says. It's worth it. After this, talk to her and after a fascinating dialogue, the head will give you a piece of stone, but, again, not a simple one, but which will greatly increase the character’s characteristics. It's just a pity that it's not forever. BRIDGE GUARDIAN [this time we meet the bridge keeper in a location called the Bridge of Death. A certain man in a dirty robe blocks our path to the other side, and when we try to talk to him, he agrees to let you through only when you answer three of his questions. (Yes, yes, this is a reference to the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, famous in the West.) At first glance, it seems simple, but the questions are far from easy and the catch is that if you answer incorrectly, then you are dying. If you answer correctly (which is very difficult to do), then the man in the robe simply leaves and lets you through. If you try to kill him, he will send exploding Brahmins at you and you will die immediately. But in this whole situation there is one small nuance... As the bridge guard said, the one who cannot answer the question will die. And if on the last, third, question you manage to ask the bridge guard himself, he will not be able to answer your question and will immediately explode! This is such a funny pun. By the way, in the film there was an almost similar situation. V) SÍÚ Oh, part. ____ash * 044 MAP1;! Y AC CHA * I www.easter-eggs.net.ru G CAFE OF BROKEN HOPES [Cafe of Broken Dreams with the sign “Maltese Falcon”. Does the second name remind you of anything? Exactly! There was absolutely the same cafe in the first part of the game, only, of course, with different characters and lines. The most remarkable thing here is the dialogue between visitors and the famous dog Dogmeat, which you can take with you as a partner by feeding it something edible. For example, an iguana on | stick. GUARDIAN OF ETERNITY [this time the hero stumbles upon a strange-looking sculptural work of art. This local wonder of the world is called “Guardian of Eternity”, in English version- Guardian of Forever. In general, this building is a reference to one of the episodes of the previously popular Star Trek series. If you run through the stone ring, you will be teleported to Vault 13, but not the one you are looking for, but eighty years ago, that is, just before the events of the first part of the game. If you go into the weapons room of the Vault, there on the floor there will be a unique pistol “Solar Scorcher”, which is charged from sunlight, that is, infinite and very powerful. When you get tired of wandering around the level, then go to the main computer terminal and use simple manipulations to break the water chip... Yes, yes, this is nothing more than a reference to the first part of the game.

A rather strange building, with the exception of the basement, which replicates the Maltese Falcon cafe from Fallout (even the sign of that cafe has been preserved). The bar's visitors carry on a conversation that recounts some of the events of the first part. Tandi and Seth can be seen among the visitors. You can also spot Dogmeat. In order for Dogmeat to follow the Chosen One, you just need to remove the armor so that the animal can see his shelter costume (or put on the bridge guardian’s attire - *bug*). You can also use the previous method - feed the dog a portion of the iguana-on-a-stick, but if the Chosen One’s team has the maximum allowed number of partners, then the Dog cannot be taken.

The uniqueness of this encounter is that it can only happen in the central and southern parts of the map, but the rest can happen anywhere. It was planned that the requirement for its detection would be the presence of the sixth level, but due to a bug this can be done at the first.

Bridge of Death

You have come across a deep chasm, connected by a bridge and guarded by a man dressed in a monk's robe (an allusion to the game "Monty Python: The Quest of the Holy Grail" ("Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail"). If you traveled by car, then it will miraculously be just on the opposite part of the crevice, so you will still have to communicate with the “monk”. This a strange man first asks you a couple of simple questions, and then asks you for some (third) question in response, then it is not you who will die, but he. It's funny, isn't it? You just need to take one from his body useful thing, like Bridgekeeper's Robes, which in its protective characteristics catches up with Combat Armor, except that it is absolutely useless when exposed to radiation, has less weight, and also protects better from plasma attacks (and also looks stupid). If you decide, that the best solution would be to kill the poor Guardian, then he will cause exploding Brahmins.

Guardian of Eternity

Someday, traveling through the endless desert, a huge stone ring will appear to the clear gaze of the Chosen One. There is no need to be shy, you just need to go through it, and the Chosen One will find himself... on the third level of Vault 13 80 years ago. The contents of the drawers and lockers are the same as those found in Vault 13 in Fallout, but on the floor of the armory is a unique laser weapon, the Solar Scorcher. When nostalgia leaves the halls of your consciousness, you can safely direct the Chosen One to the computer that makes sounds, which, as you remember, should contain a water purification filter, obtained with such labor by his respected ancestor - the Vault Dweller. So you have learned the backstory of the first part of the game, although we are immediately told that “for some reason you feel relieved.”


Part 1. Verified facts

  1. Create a character with Intelligence 1 and talk to Thor in Klamath.
  2. Try "rest until healed" in the Enclave in the labyrinth.
  3. In “Cafe of Broken Dreams”, if you haven't taken Dogmite yet, then attack him. An eccentric like Mad Max with a P90 will appear and attack you screaming “Don’t touch the dog!”
  4. Myron must be very seriously injured. Start a wedding ceremony in Modoc and when they ask “Does anyone have anything against their wedding...”, the cage will blow up and scream “Yes, your mother, give me a steampack, I’m dying here!”
  5. Tell Myron "We need to talk about your gear" and ask him to take off his armor. Sometimes he can freeze something cool. If he just says “It sucks!”, try again. Marcus should be with you!!!
  6. In Vault City, in the Vault on the first floor there is a medical computer (you know this very well). With a high doctor skill, scan (use) it once. They will tell you something. Then scan it 20 more times. Read. Then scan about 20 more rubles. and read the messages.
  7. Have you tried pushing the Brahmin away?
  8. If Renesco constantly bores you with tales about his village, then he will eventually attack you.
  9. Everyone already knows about the screensaver in Pib-Boy...
  10. What do you think of the comments from New Reno residents and casino security about Power Armor?
  11. If your Sneak is more than 90%, then you can carry it in battle (from the very beginning of the battle). Most enemies will just stupidly run around you.

Part 2. Unverified facts

  1. Give Big Frankie some Rotgat and booze to drink. His Perception will fall through the roof. That's where he gets his hands on! Will not work. It notices a person even in Sneak mode if you get close to him.
  2. If you wait near the comedian in Shark Club for a while, he will explode from his own stupid jokes.
  3. Ghouls in their Gekkovsky bar can be drunk to the point of inability to stand - they fall on the floor and will lie there and glow.
  4. Light a flare near the merchant. Try to push it to him. He will refuse. Take the flare back and after that it should burn forever.
  5. Put everyone in a boxing club in Reno (except shorty). He will ask you something and show you a fight between two boxers (like these are two American wrestlers from the WWF).
  6. Feed Cody (the kid from New Reno, near Cat`s Paw) 100 times and you will receive the karmic perk New Reno Child Saver + Cody will take you to the no longer flying saucer with Alien Blasters. IMHO the probability that this is true = 20%. The probability that you bought it, agent = 100%.
  7. There are rumors that Carl can be caught at the Ghost Farm (and not in Dan). Highly unlikely. Rave.

Special encounters

Bridge of Death

Occurs by chance, anywhere. Such a guy in a raincoat, which, meanwhile, has the same level of protection as Combat Armor, but is twice as light and protects better from plasma. True, it costs only 5 bucks. The bridge guard will ask you three questions. If you don’t answer any of them, you will be killed. Don't doubt it, because... the level of damage it inflicts is up to 6500 hp. You have a lot less... ;-)

There are many tales about this place, but the solution is simple. Answer the truth to the first two questions, answer the question with a question to the third. The poor guy will be taken...

It IS possible to kill a guard. You need to move away a little, and then start shooting at the eyes. His counterattack is an exploding Brahmin, which must be intercepted as he approaches you. Sooner or later the guard will die and 7500 experience and a cloak are yours!

talking head

A statue of your predecessor. You can argue with her for a long time on the topic “Are you the chosen one or not.” In my opinion, depending on your stamina, after 12 hours of stupid chatter on the topic “Nope - Yes”, your head will give up and give you a piece of itself that increases a bunch of characteristics.

You can steal 3 more pieces from her, but be careful, the head can kill you at once. And they are of no use.

Cafe of Broken Hopes

Everyone knows this. Details. Dogmite can be taken by feeding her or removing her armor. At maximum quantity companions feeding the dog ends with the departure of Windows. Well, and belching, God forgive me...


Just a joke. Geranium in a pot is also a joke. A joke based on the book “Hitchhiking the Galaxy.”

Federation shuttle

Funny thing about Star Trek. Collect 3 Hypo from the corpses. Super first aid kits that heal up to 90hp without any consequences.

Guardian of Foreva (sounds cool)

You go through the portal, you find yourself in Volta 13 from the time of the first Foul. Rumble around the rooms, don't forget to go into the armory and pick up the Solar Scorcher from the floor. Then go to the computer and break the water chip. THIS IS WHERE IT ALL STARTED!!!

You get exp (1000) and take a direct flight to the future (i.e. the present).

By the way. Guardian of Forever from start to finish appearance also taken from Star Trek.

Tin Woodman

There is a weirdo in ARA. Well, it's a little rusty. Throw the jar of butter that's lying nearby on him. He will give you 150 MFC for your efforts. Throw away the jar.

Toxic waste dump

Get out of there at full speed. It poisons and irradiates. Gekkos roam around the location.

Unwashed Villagers kill spammer

Unwashed Villagers are the first Fallout clan, if anyone doesn't know. You can help them, you can quickly kill them, then the spammer will tell you a lot of interesting things (“I want network game- he says. "Our" guy. Down with the Klansmen). In the house at the left edge of the location there is a locker, and in it there is a fruit and 6 steam packs. I don’t remember which side’s karma is reduced for killing. I would reduce it for killing a clan. Or vice versa…

Mad Baramins

Regularly appearing exploding Brahmins. Of course, you can spend ammo and get a little experience, but it’s not worth it. It's better to get out of there quickly. In general - funny.


Also known as the bad luck dog.

The dog brings bad luck, or more specifically, it resets Luck to 2 and gives the “Loser” perk.

Attach her, raise your “Player” skill on the cheap, and then shoot her head off.

If it doesn’t come off, then go to the Sierra base, go to the laboratory, push the dog into the Extraction Room and use the computer to separate its brains from its body. Success - 100%. After killing the dog, you can return to the meeting place, there will be another one there. Or the same one?
If you kill a dog before communicating with it and from afar, then by killing it before making contact, you can get an increase in luck by several units.

Well, and finally, the most important encounters in the game!

For more details on all this, see the “Secrets” section of the Base.

Knights of King Arthur

A group of comrades led by Arthur himself are looking for the holy grenade of Antiochus. Chat with them, tell them that you know where the grenade is, and show them the way...

Don't try to snatch Arthur's clothes - he'll get offended and won't talk, and Save-Load won't help.

After meeting with the knights, you have a chance to meet the rarest encounter:

Holy Grenade of Antiochus

No one has found her yet. According to the reviews of the Blackailovites themselves, one in a thousand players has a chance to find it. But for some reason, every second person who completes Fol2 for the first time “finds” it ;) . In case you find it, advice: Vorpal Rat is killed by this very grenade. The grenade itself costs only 1 coin.

Just in terms of encounters

If there is an entrance to a cave, go in. There is always some kind of expa walking in the cave. Most often easily killed. Might take you to a nest of professional robbers in Combat Armor. Sometimes some evil monks in robes hang out in front of the entrance. The encounter is mountainous, so this is possible in front of SanFran, where there are hubologists. There will be countless trophies, guaranteed Gaussians, improved electro-democratizers (what kind of rubbish is this? We don’t know that. L These are cattle prods, ignoramuses! You need to know history!), H&K G11E and pulsars. And also a lot of money and ammunition. But they still need to be beaten... maximum level the complexity of the battle, they knock down companions in improved energy armor AT ONCE!

Trader Willie can be found north of Modoc. Sometimes he has Alien Blasters. The higher the luck, the higher the probability. I've never had 10 luck. I haven't even met you. We need to be patient. I stocked up, he sold me a super weapon - a spiked brass knuckle...ugh.