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Guide and walkthrough for "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast". Guide and walkthrough for "Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy" Walkthrough of the game Star Wars Jedi Academy

In this game, the Jedi's abilities are an important factor in determining the outcome of the battle. If in
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast we were deprived of lightsaber battles for some time, but here we immediately get
with this weapon, and therefore abilities develop from the very beginning. In this guide I will introduce you
a description of all the abilities of the light and dark side, as well as natural skills (by the way, it should be noted that in
in this addon it doesn’t matter what skills you develop, the choice of ending, unlike Dark Forces II, remains with you

Light Side Abilities:
The usefulness of these abilities is difficult to overestimate; at the proper level, they allow your
the ward remains virtually invulnerable. These are all defensive skills that are relevant as in the case of destruction
every little thing (like infantrymen), and for the destruction of more serious opponents (Jedi-Sith). Let's consider
in more detail each of them.

Absorbing force is a very useful skill for a Jedi, given that there are often enemies in the game,
possessing a high level of strength, but do not have weapons, so they should not be neglected.
Level (U) 1 - the Jedi activates a kind of protective field that absorbs all magic directed against him, and
valid for 20 seconds. Thereby main character gains a small amount of energy.
At 2 - differs from the first level only in that we will receive the full amount of magic directed against
Main character.
At 3 - similar to level 2, the amount of power received increases.

Treatment is, in my opinion, the most useful skill. which should be developed first. This
will allow you to restore your health even during a fight. This is especially useful during boss fights.
At 1 - the Jedi is slowly treated while standing still. Despite its ineffectiveness, it continues to be relevant,
although you shouldn't use it during combat.
In 2 - the Jedi is healed at the same speed, but at the same time he can move (this will already be a big
a nuisance for your opponent).
At 3 - the Jedi is treated at high speed, moving freely. It is the most useful skill in the game.

Impact on the mind (zombie) is perhaps the most useless ability in the game. Make stupid (
infantrymen) are even dumber - a useless exercise, and it has no effect at all on stronger adversaries.
At 1 - the Jedi misleads a weak enemy for 10 seconds. It’s stupid, because such enemies already stand still and smear
in the case of 70%, so the fact that they will not shoot at you will not help matters.
At 2 - the Jedi misleads weak enemies for 15 seconds, and distracts those enemies who did not have time to notice him.
In general, the developers joked that the ability affects all enemies. The Sith of course turn to the glare,
but don’t rush to rejoice - before you approach them they will have time to notice you 10 times and prepare for a fight,
so the power differs from the first level only in the duration of action.
At 3, a Jedi can lure a weak enemy to his side for 30 seconds or distract (of course) more
strong. The ability is still not relevant; having one brainless AI on your side won't help matters.
But the mana ability is quite large, as much as 50 units of strength...

Protection - in the distant Dark Forces II, this skill was a bonus, and completely protected old Katarn from
all damage.. however, in this addon such luxury is not allowed, but the skill is very useful (
I would probably put it in 2nd place after health), because protection, even if not complete, is always valued.
At 1 - the Jedi receives 25% protection from all external influences (except force) for 10 seconds. Many have used
for the first time this skill was at the first level, we were disappointed in it, and indeed - weak defense, short duration,
which is also shortened by three seconds of activation, but do not draw premature conclusions, this skill is still
will justify...
At 2 - the Jedi receives 50% protection from all external influences (except force ones) for 15 seconds. At this level,
the skill turns from an “ugly duckling” into something worthwhile - real protection from enemies has appeared, which sometimes
Can protect against lightsaber attacks. In addition, the activation time is 0, the Jedi “turns on” it on the move.
At 3 - the Jedi receives 75% protection from all external influences (except force ones) for 20 seconds. As I already said -
second place in usefulness - low power consumption, high protection, long (relatively) duration of action.
By the way, in the first level on Vyun, we have to chop enemies into cabbage under acid rain, and only “defense”
capable of blocking damage received from it.

So, we're done with the light side, let's take a closer look at the dark side:
Dark abilities are, as usual, combative, they make it easy to deal with many standing
opponents in a few seconds. Unfortunately, no one will give you the ability to combine them with light abilities - if
activating one will deactivate the other, so do not turn on the suction and protection if you are going to use
dark arts.

Lightning - Emperor Palpatine's signature move, causes damage to the enemy, but unfortunately, lightning
turned out to be not as powerful as in the film, although they are best suited for destroying small opponents.
At 1 - the Jedi releases one bolt of lightning. Weak lightning is not capable of killing even the deadest enemy.
At 2 - the Jedi can control the discharge. The case is the same as with the theft of power - it is difficult to hit the enemy, and the energy
is consumed at an enviable rate.
At 3 - the Jedi releases many lightning bolts. This is already a very useful skill, although it only works on the weak
enemies, for Siths with swords such lightning is like a breath of wind, although on narrow bridges they, avoiding lightning, can
jump to the side, thereby falling into the abyss.

Strangulation - this is how Darth Vader punished officers he disliked, but in the game this is a very useful skill,
which can destroy even the most powerful enemy (with the exception of two bosses), throwing him into the abyss or
breaking his neck.
At 1 - blocks enemy actions for 5 seconds. You always have to start somewhere, and therefore, you should endure this useless
At 2 - the enemy rises above the ground and is damaged. The skill is not far from the first level, although
It’s quite possible to kill a private in the enemy army like this.
At 3 - the Jedi lifts the enemy off the ground and can move him, causing him damage. The most useful skill for
killing enemy Jedi, his damage is still small, but now we can throw the enemy into the abyss, or
break his neck by hitting the ground (for some reason, Sith necks don't break).

Dark rage (anger) is a very controversial skill, on the one hand, invulnerability for a while
is a great help, but this skill eats up your health very much, and for the first time after
After the reception ends, the Jedi becomes sluggish.
At 1 - gives 50% protection and immortality for 10 seconds. At the first level, using this skill is pure suicide,
No matter how much health you have, it will drop to 1, and you will subsequently die from any wound.
At 2 - gives 75% protection, 33% acceleration and immortality for 10 seconds. Same as the first level, only health
decreases less.
At 3 - gives 90% protection, 50% acceleration and immortality for 10 seconds. This is where the skill is already useful to some extent,
but the slowness of time prevents it from becoming useful.

This is where the abilities of the dark side end, there are also natural skills, but on them I
I won’t go into detail, but will just briefly talk about them:

Mastery of a lightsaber: there is nothing complicated here, the levels of defense and attack are shown by your
the ability to break through an enemy block and reflect blows and projectiles in your direction. Throwing a sword is an opportunity
use the sword as a ranged weapon, on the first U it flies in a straight line and returns, on the second you
You can control it for a short time, and on the third you completely control the flight of the sword.

Dash and Push: Almost the same skills, except that the dash takes away from a weak enemy
weapon, forcing him to capitulate, and the push knocks the adversaries against the walls. The impact force and quantity depend on the level.

Jump: Automatic skill, allows you to jump 2, 8 and 12 times higher than a normal jump.

Sense: allows you to see people and objects through obstacles, useful for finding secret areas, from
The level depends on the duration of action and the range of the feeling.

Speed: Slows down time around the Jedi and makes him move 33%, 100% and 400% faster, useful for fighting

This is the description of the properties of powers in Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy finished, this is my first job, so no

An entire army will not stop one Jedi - one in the field is not a warrior, if this warrior does not belong to the Order. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace To be continued... Introductory lecture at the Jedi Academy. All you need

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Guides and Walkthroughs

An entire army will not stop one Jedi - one in the field is not a warrior, if this warrior does not belong to the Order.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

To be continued...

And, perhaps, no one doubted this. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is another cult game (at least in certain circles) Dark series

Forces/Jedi Knight. This series is constantly evolving, which, incidentally, happens with the entire Star Wars universe, created by George Lucas back in the 70s. The Star Wars universe is very different from ours and exists according to its own laws. In the game, for example, you won’t see blood, but you will hear explosions in space.

The genre of the game is quite difficult to determine. Basically, you will have to fight using a third-person view: this is the only way to control the lightsaber, the main weapon in the game. The classic “eye view” will be available if you choose a different type of weapon, but this will have to be done extremely rarely (although, often, not without benefit).

During the game you will embark on dangerous and exciting adventures, learn to control the Force and become one of the Jedi Knights. Kyle Katarn, known from previous parts of the series and who has now become your mentor, and Luke Skywalker, the first Jedi, will help you with this New Republic and creator of the Jedi Academy.

Thanks to the presence of a non-linear plot, the ending of the game is not initially predetermined. Who knows, maybe you will prefer not to defeat evil, but to challenge your own teacher?..

Now you can choose the race, gender and clothing of your character, the shape of the hilt and the color of the blade of your lightsaber, which can affect the game.

Multiple sword styles and the ability to fight with two lightsabers or a light staff make battles exciting and dynamic. In addition, numerous multiplayer modes allow you to test your acquired skills in a wide variety of conditions.

Jedi Academy is made on an improved engine from the game Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, which, in turn, is an improved version of the engine from Quake III Arena. Despite the fact that the developers managed to change it almost beyond recognition (the facial expressions look especially beautiful), in certain aspects the graphics of Jedi Academy do not look entirely relevant.

The soundtrack especially stands out with the compositions of John Williams performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. Written quite a long time ago, they are still the standard of modern instrumental music.

First of all, Star game Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy will be a gift for all fans of the Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series. However, everyone will be able to find something interesting and new in it, discovering the vast universe of Star Wars. This guide is intended to help with this.


At the very beginning of the game you have to create your character.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. It is important:

During a replay, you will be able to play with two swords or a light staff (depending on which weapon you finished the game with). People

- the most numerous species in the Galaxy. They can adapt to almost any environmental conditions. In the icy world of the planet Hoth, in the scorched deserts of Tatooine, representatives of the human race can be found everywhere. The starting sword style is medium. Available gender - male, female. Rodians

-humanoids with multifaceted eyes, thin, tapering faces, green pimply skin. Their long fingers end in suckers. The pointed ridges on their skulls indicate their kinship with reptiles. The starting sword style is fast. Available gender is male. Twi'leks (Twi"leks) - tall, thin humanoids native to the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim. Their distinctive feature

- tentacle tails on the sides of the skull, called “lekku” or “head tails”. The starting sword style is medium. Available gender is female. The Kel Dor

- a species of humanoids living in a world with an atmosphere radically different from normal. It is composed of helium and a gas found only on Dorina, the home planet of the Quel Dor race. For this reason, they have to wear breathing masks and safety glasses when away from home. The starting style of the sword is strong. Available gender is male. The Zabrak

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. They were the first to undertake the exploration of the Galaxy, and therefore have a large number of colonial possessions. The Zabraks have an iron will and an innate instinct for survival. They are explorers and warriors second to none. The starting style of the sword is strong. Available gender is female.

After the first part of the game you will be able to choose another sword style, and after the second part you will be able to choose two swords or a light staff.


This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. Since JKII, the weapons in the game have remained virtually unchanged: the place of the Brial blaster pistol from the previous part was taken by the DL-44 blaster pistol, and the Stoker rifle was also added. Before the start of each mission, you always receive a lightsaber and a blaster pistol, as well as a choice of 2 types of any other weapon and one type of explosive.

Lightsaber (Lightsaber). This “elegant weapon of a more civilized era” (Obi-Wan Kenobi, “Star Wars: Episode IV”) is the privilege of the Jedi Knight, demonstrating the special relationship of its owner to the Force.

This weapon can be used for both offense and defense.

The main attack is a piercing-cutting blow. An alternative attack is power throwing. Defense - repelling blasters and attacks from energy weapons, parrying an enemy sword attack. Ammunition type - no. DL-44 Blaster Pistol (DL-44 Blaster Pistol).

This weapon is a simple blaster used by traders and smugglers throughout the galaxy. The ease of modification makes it very popular.

The main attack is a slow single shot with high accuracy and power. Alternative attack - the accumulated energy is used to fire a shot of increased power with a high-explosive effect. Type of ammunition - blaster clip.

I don’t know what these stormtroopers are talking about, but I’m sure their conversation will be short.... E-11 Blaster Rifle (E-11 Blaster Rifle)

- the main weapon of the Imperial troops, combines a compact size, which makes it easy to carry and hide, and good firepower (at least more than a blaster pistol).

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. The main attack is a slow single shot with an average level of accuracy and high firepower. An alternative attack is a burst of charges with low accuracy and a wide range of destruction. Type of ammunition - blaster clip.

the E-11 rifle will often fall out of your enemies, so you should not take it with you on purpose. Tenloss Disruptor Rifle (Tenloss Disruptor Rifle).

It affects the victim at the molecular level, causing the breakdown of the molecular bonds of a biological organism. This rifle is considered illegal throughout the galaxy, so it is now more often used by gangsters.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. The main attack is a single shot with a low fire level, high ammo velocity and a small blast radius. Alternative attack - sniper mode: single shot with low fire level, increased damage level and high energy consumption. The longer the “fire” key is held, the stronger the shot will be. Ammunition type - energy cell.

a very convenient and most useful weapon, which will also be available almost from the very beginning. It is advisable to take it with you almost always. This archaic-looking weapon fires powerful metallic lightning bolts surrounded by a pocket of energy.

Additional blocks allow creatures weaker than Wookiees to fire them.

The main attack is a slow single shot with a small range. Hold the fire button to charge your weapon to attack with multiple projectiles. An alternative attack is a reflective shot that bounces off hard surfaces. Ammunition type - energy cell. Imperial Heavy Repeater W/ Concussion Launcher (Imperial Heavy Repeater with Explosive Launcher).

This destructive weapon fires metal bullets and is extremely dangerous. It is often used by Imperial forces for both precision shots and shots that have a wide area of ​​coverage.

The main attack is fully automatic fire. An alternative attack is single shots with explosive shells. Type of ammunition - metal needles. Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse 2 (DEMP 2) Gun. This pulse rifle destroys electronic systems with high-energy ion charges. Primarily used against droids and electronic devices, although latest version

This weapon also damages the tissues of living organisms.

The main attack is a single shot, knocking people unconscious and causing damage to droids. An alternative attack is the creation of an electromagnetic field, causing damage to droids, humanoids and defensive guns. Ammunition type - energy cell. Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon

often used by the police forces of the Corporate Sector Authorities.

The FC-1 fires metal bullets and is capable of hitting multiple targets close to you. The main attack is a single shot, wide range (like a shotgun). An alternative attack is to fire two explosive mines that ricochet and explode after a while. Type of ammunition - metal needles.

Stouker Concussion Rifle

Mer-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System (Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Rocket Launcher)- a powerful weapon that fires Arakid 3T3 class missiles, is highly effective both when firing at close targets and when using the “target” mode, which is a shot of homing missiles.

The main attack is firing single missiles flying in a straight line.

An alternative attack is firing single homing missiles. Type of ammunition - rockets. Thermal Detonator.

This grenade explodes, releasing thermal energy that destroys everything around it.

The main attack is a thermal detonator that fires with a delay. The longer the “fire” button is held, the further the explosive will fly. Alternative attack - a thermal detonator is triggered by external influence. The longer the “alternate fire” button is held, the further the explosive will fly.

Trip Mine.

This mine, usually mounted on walls, is activated when an object crosses the laser beam. If the laser beam is crossed or the charge is fired, the mine explodes, causing damage to objects within its range. Basic Attack - Once placed, triggers when the laser beam crosses. Alternative attack - after placement, a volumetric sensor is activated, reacting to an object within the affected radius. Detonation Pack (Explosives)- a small explosive device with

remote control

. It is possible to install several devices simultaneously.

The main attack is placing a charge in front of the player. An alternative attack is the explosion of all installed explosives.

Force Despite the large selection of different weapons, it is almost impossible to complete the game using only them. A distinctive feature of the Jedi Knight series is the ability to use special power techniques, which are necessary both in battles against enemies and in solving various puzzles that may come your way. This is not surprising: the ability to control the Force is a distinctive feature of the Jedi.

There are a total of 16 Force abilities in the game: 4 each for the Dark and Light sides, 5 neutral abilities that make up

Core of the Force A Jedi can use the Force to heal himself from wounds. In a network game, participants can heal not only themselves, but also their allies.

Level 1. The Jedi enters a meditative position for a short period of time and must remain motionless. Any movement or attack will stop the healing process. The speed of healing depends on the difficulty of the game.

Level 2. A Jedi is not required to remain still. The speed of healing depends on the difficulty of the game.

Level 3. The speed is higher than at level 2.

Force absorb allows the player to absorb Dark energy sides of the Force directed at him. Also absorbs Force Push and Force Dash.

Level 1. The Jedi absorbs a small portion of the Force energy used against him. The effect of the absorbed energy is canceled and it turns into the Force of the Jedi himself.

Level 2. A Jedi absorbs an average amount of energy directed against him.

Level 3. The Jedi absorbs the bulk of the energy directed against him.

Force Protect allows the player to reduce damage received from energy and physical attacks, including from projectiles and explosions. However, vulnerability to Force-based attacks remains.

Level 1. Protection from 25% attacks.

Level 2. Protection from 50% attacks.

Level 3. Protection against 90% of attacks.

Mind Trick. This Power has a great influence on “weak minds”. It is usually used to persuade an interlocutor or to outwit an enemy. In the game it helps to distract or redirect the enemy's attention.

Level 1. By pointing at an enemy, the Jedi confuses him for up to 10 seconds. A Jedi attack on this enemy will cancel the Mind Trick effect.

Level 2. This Power does not affect stronger opponents (cultists, reincarnated).

Level 3. A Jedi can confuse a single enemy for 15 seconds by pointing at him, or distract a group of unseen enemies by pointing at a surface near them.

A Jedi can make one enemy an ally for 30 seconds by pointing at them, or distract a group of unseen enemies by pointing at a surface near them. The converted enemy will be oblivious to direct attacks from the Jedi.

Dark side Force Drain.

Level 1. Allows a Jedi to transfer the life force of a being into his body.

Level 2. A Jedi drains an opponent's life force by making direct physical contact with them.

Level 3. A Jedi can drain the life force of an enemy through direct physical contact, and at a safe distance you can drain the life force from several enemies at once.

Force Lightning-destructive electrical attack.

Level 1. The Jedi fires a single bolt of lightning, dealing one hit of damage to the enemy.

Level 2. The Jedi can channel Force Lightning for a continuous forward attack.

Level 3. A Jedi can attack multiple targets at once.

Force Rage allows the Jedi to protect himself from damage by speeding up and amplifying attacks, but with a certain loss of health.

Level 1. Protection from 50% damage, increased attack and immunity to death. The Jedi quickly loses health and must wait 10 seconds before using Wrath again. To use this Power, the player must have at least 25 health points.

Level 2. The impact is similar to level 1, but the Jedi is protected from 75% damage and becomes 25% faster.

Level 3. The impact is similar to level 1, but the Jedi is protected from 90% damage and becomes 50% faster.

Force Grip-the ability to choke or squeeze the organs of other creatures.

Level 1. The Jedi captures and holds an enemy for 5 seconds without causing damage.

Level 2. A Jedi can lift one enemy off the ground and deal damage to them while maintaining his Force concentration.

Level 3. The effect is similar to level 2, however the Jedi can slam the enemy into walls and use them as a shield.

Neutral Forces

Force Jump-the ability to jump to great heights. Default: "space". Power jump height exceeds normal jump height:

Level 1. 3 times.

Level 2. 6 times.

Level 3. 12 times.

Force Speed. A Jedi can use the Force to increase his speed. This is useful in battle to more effectively parry blaster shots with your sword. Also helps in battles with the Jedi or when retreating.

Level 1. Default: F3.

Level 2. Speed ​​increase by 33%.

100% Level 3

. By 400%. Force Push

Level 1. makes it possible to push objects away from you, deflect flying objects, and break Force Grab and Force Drain.

Level 2. Default: F1.

Level 3. A Jedi can push back a single enemy or object.

A Jedi can push multiple enemies or objects in front of him.The Jedi can push multiple enemies back with such force that they will take additional damage if they collide with a hard surface, and can also push enemies off cliffs and rip apart a lightsaber block. Allows a Jedi to pull objects towards him with the Force. Default: F2.

Level 1. Ability to pull certain levers and objects in the sight reticle; and also pull one enemy

Level 2. A Jedi can snatch a weapon from an enemy's hand if they are facing each other.

100%. Ability to pull multiple enemies and their weapons.

Force Sense-the ability to better see characters and objects even through walls. Often, only with the help of the Feeling of Power can one see something that is beyond the reach of ordinary sight. Default: F4.

Level 1. Effective at a short distance for 5 seconds.

Level 2. Effective at medium distance for 10 seconds.

Level 3. Effective over a long distance for 20 seconds. The Jedi also gets the opportunity to see the health level of living beings.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. Almost all riddles are solved using this Power.

Power sword moves

Lightsaber Throw. A Jedi can throw and catch his sword.

Level 1. The sword flies in a straight path and returns to the Jedi.

Level 2. The Jedi influences the flight of the sword, but the sword returns in a straight path.

Level 3. The Jedi automatically aims his sword at nearby enemies.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. Force throwing is not available when using a light staff.

Lightsaber Protect- protection from possible damage with a sword.

One throw of the lightsaber, and two enemies are dead at once.

Level 1. The Jedi can reflect melee attacks and objects flying at him. Reflected objects fly in a random direction.

Level 2. Blocking speed has been increased. Reflected objects fly in a direction approximately coinciding with the source.

Level 3. Increased protection area and reflection speed.

Reflected objects fly at the attacker. Lightsaber Attack

Level 1.. As the level increases, the lightsaber attack becomes more effective.

Level 2. With a certain probability, a Jedi will be able to break through the defense and break the block of an enemy of the same level.

Level 3. Similar action to level 1, but the Jedi will always break through the defense and break the block of weaker opponents.

Similar action to level 2.

Distribution of Forces The single player game in Jedi Academy is divided into three parts: all neutral powers and sword skills are improved automatically: up to level 1 - during the introductory story missions

Each part of Jedi Academy consists of 5 non-story missions that you can complete in any order. Before each mission, you will be asked to improve one of the abilities of the Dark or Light Side of the Force.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. V single player The skills of Dark and Light Jedi will be available to you at the same time.

In a multiplayer game, managing Powers involves distributing points between different skills. Each subsequent level of ability costs more than the previous one, and it will be impossible to use the Powers of both sides at the same time.

Using default profiles (healer, swordmaster, etc.) can help create a balanced team.

Using Weapons and the Force

In Jedi Academy, it is important to maintain a balance between the use of different types of weapons and power techniques. There are many options for developing Powers and choosing weapons, so it is quite difficult to develop one tactic, but there are some general principles for dealing with various enemies. Any weapon that does not have a wide range of destruction is practically useless against Jedi : they will easily deflect single shots (and it’s also good if these shots don’t ricochet at you). Effective weapon

against the Jedi - a lightsaber. If you use Force Choke, you can try to throw an enemy into an abyss or throw a lightsaber at them. Cult Members

, another type of enemy, also easily avoid single shots, but getting close to them is dangerous (they skillfully use the Force). Against cultists, it is effective to use Force Lightning or Force Absorption + melee attack on the enemy with a sword. A weapon with a wide range may be suitable, but be wary of shots being reflected back at you. Against battle droids

The most effective way to use an electromagnetic pulse gun. It is very difficult to deal with them using other available weapons. Against other enemies (empire troops, gangsters, etc.) you can effectively use both a lightsaber (sword throw) and various weapons depending on the armor and firepower of your enemy. It helps to use Force Lightning against stormtroopers

, against flying enemies, a Force Choke can be used, followed by a lightsaber throw. Sometimes it is effective to shoot enemies from a long distance using " sniper rifle

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. At levels you may periodically come across stationary machine guns (turbolasers) - they are very effective, and sometimes their use is simply necessary.

Almost any enemy can be defeated using only a lightsaber and various power moves, but skillful use of other weapons can make this task much easier.



Unlike weapons, the amount of inventory in Jedi Academy has noticeably decreased compared to the previous part: only the most necessary items have a place.

Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitor (Defender Drone) similar to a training drone used by Jedi to practice their sword skills. The defender circles around the player and attacks any enemy the player throws at.

The drone exists for some time, and self-destructs after exhausting its energy. Stationary Shield.

This stationary energy field can be placed anywhere and then unfolds into a large flat shield that can block enemy movement and fire. The shield will disappear after it has used up its energy or received a certain level of damage. Personal Shield Generator.

This belt-mounted device generates a protective force field around the wearer. Shields absorb most types of damage, except for falls from great heights, damage from impacts, and the use of power techniques. After the shield takes damage equal to its level, it will deactivate until it is charged using the shield's battery. Shield Power Converter

Charges your personal shield with energy. To use it, stand next to it (a special icon should appear), press and hold the “use” key.

When the energy in the shield battery runs out, the station goes out and its further use becomes impossible. Ammo Power Converter (Energy Weapon Battery)

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. just like the shield battery, it can be found in levels and operates on a similar principle, being used to replenish the energy in your weapon.

Before using the Battery, select the weapon whose recharging is most needed at the moment. Assault Sentry

Once activated, it automatically attacks any enemy within its range. Once installed, the device cannot be returned to its original portable state.

Various acrobatic movements play an important role in lightsaber combat. Despite the fact that the controls in the game are built on an intuitive principle (sooner or later, even without meaning to, you will be able to make some intricate movement), knowledge of the basic tricks will significantly simplify moving through the levels and fighting with enemies.

Force jump. As your strength increases, longer and higher jumps become possible. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: Hold jump and arrow to jump to the desired location. Default: Space + W, A, S, or D.

Force flip. As your strength increases, longer and higher flips become possible. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: Hold jump and arrow to flip to the desired location.

Default: Space + W, A, S, or D. Roll

used to quickly roll across the floor to avoid an attack or roll under an obstacle. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: when moving in the desired direction, press bend. Default: W, A, S, or D+C. Backflip off wall back from the wall)

allows you to run away from enemies and get behind them for a subsequent attack. Strength requirements: Power jump 1. Execution: run towards the wall, press jump near it. Default: W, A, S, or D + space. Sideflip off wall

allows you to escape from enemies. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: standing near the wall, press jump, and then left or right. Default: “space” + A or D. Wall run.

A spectacular trick during which you can do a somersault off the wall at any time. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 2. Execution: When running near a wall, hold the jump, then left or right. Default: Space + W + A or D. Run up wall backflip

allows you to run along a wall, then do a backflip off of it. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 3. Execution: While running along the wall, press Jump and hold forward. Release forward and press jump to do a backflip. Default: “space” + W. Long jump

- a long horizontal jump to a small vertical height. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 3 + Speed ​​Boost 1. Execution: Gain speed, then immediately jump forward. Default: F3 + W + “space”. Grab the wall mid-jump, then jump off it. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 3. Execution: While jumping on the wall, press Jump and the arrow to the wall. Default: Space + W, A, S, or D.

Jumpup from knockdown allows you to quickly rise from a knockdown. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1 Execution: During a knockdown, hold the jump. Default: "space".

Jumpkick from knockdown allows you to do a somersault after a knockdown and hit anyone who gets in the way. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: Knockdown, hold forward or backward. Default: W or S.

Roll from knockdown makes it possible to roll to the side after a knockdown. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: when knocked down, hold left or right. Default: A or D.

Using one sword

There are 3 sword styles in the game with their own special moves, and it is possible to change the sword style to dissuade the enemy (default: L key). Some strikes, despite their external differences in different styles, have similar principles of execution.

Slash back

Stabforward (rolling impact) allows you to get out of the swing and hit back. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: at the end of the forward swing, press attack. Default: W + C, then “mouse 1”.

Cartwheel- somersault to the side when attacking. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: At the beginning of the attack, hold left or right.

Default: ”mouse 1” + A or D.

Fast style

It has the fastest movements, but the least impact force. Lunge attack

allows you to suddenly strike forward with your sword. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Crouch, then press forward and attack when the enemy is in front of you. Default: C + W + ”mouse 1”. Force pull impale

used to pierce an enemy with a sword. Strength Requirements: Force Push 3. Execution: Force Push, then attack when the enemy is close. Default: F1 + ”mouse 1”. Fast attack Kata

- a deadly barrage of attacks. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: attack, then immediately press alternative attack. Default: “mouse 1” + “mouse 2”.

Medium style

Has average characteristics of impact force and speed. allows you to jump over the enemy's head and hit him. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 2. Execution: Press Jump, then immediately forward and attack. Default: “space” + W + “mouse 1”.

Push the enemy onto your sword. Strength Requirements: Force Push 3. Execution: Force push, then attack when the enemy is far away. Default: F1 + ”mouse 1”.

Medium attack Kata- a series of turns with the attack of enemies. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: attack, then immediately press alternative attack. Default: “mouse 1” + “mouse 2”.

Strong style

The slow attack of this style is compensated by the highest impact force.

Jump attack used to jump through the air and attack the enemy. Strength Requirements: Force Jump 2. Execution: Press jump, then immediately forward and attack when the enemy is in front of you. Default: “space” + W + “mouse 1”.

Force pull slash- push the enemy onto your sword. Strength Requirements: Force Push 3. Execution: Force push, then attack when the enemy is far away. Default: F1 + ”mouse 1”.

Strong attack Kata allows you to turn around and deliver a crushing blow to the enemy. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: attack, then immediately press alternative attack. Default: “mouse 1” + “mouse 2”.

Using two swords

Slash back Used to quickly turn around and hit enemies behind you. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Attack backwards when the enemy is behind you.

Default: ”mouse 1” + S. Attack enemy on ground

allows you to pounce on enemies while they are on the ground and impale them. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Jump forward and attack when the enemy is lying on the ground in front of you. Default: “space” + W + “mouse 1”.

Stab forward

Cartwheel allows you to get out of the swing and hit both forward and backward at the same time. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: at the end of the forward swing, press “attack”.

Default: W + C, then “mouse 1”.

- somersault to the side when attacking. Strength Requirements: Force Jump 1. Execution: At the beginning of the attack, hold left or right. Default: ”mouse 1” + A or D.

Flip forward attack allows you to spin your swords in front of you as a protective shield or to strike your opponent. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Crouch, then press forward and attack when the enemy is in front of you. Default: C + W + ”mouse 1”.

Saber barrier- rapid rotation of swords around yourself. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: attack, then immediately press alternative attack. Default: “mouse 1” + “mouse 2”.

Stab front and back allows you to simultaneously hit one sword forward and the other back. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Attack, then immediately press forward or backward when there are enemies on both sides. Default: “mouse 1” + W or S.

Stab left and right allows you to simultaneously strike with one sword to the left and the other to the right. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Attack, then immediately press left or right when there are enemies on both sides. Default: ”mouse 1” + A or D.

Using the Light Staff

Forces/Jedi Knight. This series is constantly evolving, which, incidentally, happens with the entire Star Wars universe, created by George Lucas back in the 70s. saber staff (light staff, or double sword) - weapon of the Dark Jedi; only one Jedi of the Light Side of the Force is known to have used it.

Slash back used to hit enemies behind you. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Attack backwards when the enemy is behind you.

Default: ”mouse 1” + S. Default: ”mouse 1” + S.

allows you to pounce on enemies while they are on the ground and impale them. Strength Requirements: None. allows you to pounce on enemies when they are on the ground and impale them. Strength Requirements: None.

Execution: Jump forward and attack when the enemy is lying on the ground in front of you. Default: “space” + W + “mouse 1”. allows you to get out of the swing and hit both forward and backward at the same time. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: at the end of the forward swing, press attack. Default: W + C, then “mouse 1”.

Backflip attack(Back Flip Attack) is used to do a back somersault by spinning the weapon overhead. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: attack, immediately press jump and back. Default: "mouse 1" + "space" + S.

Twirl (Twin Sword Rotation) allows you to rotate the sword in front of you as a protective shield or to strike an opponent. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Crouch, then press forward and attack when the enemy is in front of you. Default: C + W + ”mouse 1”.

Spinning Kata used to knock back enemies.

Strength Requirements: None. Execution: press alternative attack and select a direction. Default: "mouse 2" + W, A, S, or D.

Jump kick allows you to jump and attack enemies. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Jump, use an alternative attack while holding the desired direction. Default: Space + W, A, S, or D + Mouse 2.

Split kickused to jump up and slash left and right. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Use an alternative attack when enemies are on the left and right. Default: "mouse 2". Spin kick

rotation) allows you to jump up and hit enemies around you. Strength Requirements: None.

Execution: Use an alternative attack when enemies are on all sides. Default: "mouse 2". Flip kick

used to jump up and slash back and forth. Strength Requirements: None. Execution: Use an alternative attack when enemies are behind and in front of you. Default: "mouse 2".

Butterfly kick

- spinning jump across the room and attacking with a sword. Strength Requirements: Power Jump 1. Execution: Jump, immediately press forward, left, right and attack. Default: Space + W, A, or D + Mouse 1.

“Don't try. Do. Or don't. Don't try"

In saying this, Master Yoda was right. Now you know enough to embark on the dangerous adventures that await you upon arrival at the Jedi Academy. Only with practice will you be able to truly master a lightsaber and become a real Jedi Knight.

May the Force be with you... and a loaded disruptor rifle to boot.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

10 years have passed since the Battle of Endor. You, Jaden Korr, arrive from Coruscant to begin training at the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. Along the way, you meet Rosh Penin, who has the same goals. However, when approaching the planet, your ship is shot down.

You will see a strange scene: some people are directing an unusual beam at the Temple, after which you will wake up in the hands of Kyle Katarn, your future mentor.

Training Ground - Yavin 4

First training at the Jedi Academy. In each room that you have to go through, you will need to complete some task. First, use your sword to destroy the drones attacking you, then use the “jump” to jump over the hole in the bridge, and use a Force Push to destroy the wall.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. When it is possible to use a Dash or Force Push, the crosshair indicator turns blue.

Destroy the droid with the sword and use Force Dash to open the door. In the next room, use Force Sense to see the hidden symbols on the wall, use Force Dash to move the rocks and jump up on them. In the next room, you need to run into one of the closing doors: use Force Dash and somersault under the door.

The events that occurred at the very beginning are connected with the actions of the Cult, whose members worship the long-dead mysterious Sith Lord Ragnos.

Forces/Jedi Knight. This series is constantly evolving, which, incidentally, happens with the entire Star Wars universe, created by George Lucas back in the 70s. The first Dark Jedi attempted to seize power in the Galactic Republic, but were driven into unexplored regions of the galaxy, where they conquered the Sith race, and have since been called the Sith Lords.

Part 1

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

Cult activity has brought you to Moise Eisley on Tatooine.

Here you will meet the great Chewbacca himself.

The mission is not difficult. Your task is to systematically destroy all the enemies you meet along the way.

You will have to fight both in open spaces and in corridors. In one of the zones, Chewbacca will leave you and you will have to go forward alone. The goal is to turn off the beams holding the ships Raven's Claw and the Millennium Falcon. They will show you places where you can turn them off. When you run along the balcony to the wheelhouse, beware of the sniper in the door opposite. Find the switches in the control room on the top floor. After killing the Jedi, go down, meet with Chewbacca, run to the Millennium Falcon and destroy all enemies.

Run forward, destroying the Tusken raiders. A disruptor rifle can be useful here for targeted shooting of enemies perched on the rocks. Sooner or later you will reach a huge sand crawler of the Jawas. To get into it, use a Force Dash on the suspended tracked structure on one of its sides. Jump on it and inside. On the second level, activate the elevator and take it up to the third level. In front of the lava pool you should have a lot of health. Jump to the ledge on the right side of the wall and immediately to the opposite edge.

While avoiding the burning gas, go forward and use the switch. Take the elevator down. Move the box in front of the droid, turn on the droid, follow it. Kill all Tusken Raiders.

Roche is indignant that he is not given serious tasks and is generally treated in every possible way. Pride does not suit a Jedi...

Urgent Care - Bakura

The power plant on Bakur has been captured by unknown assailants. If the installation is destroyed, the volcanic eruption triggered by the explosion will kill a huge number of people.

The goal is to clear 5 bombs. You can't count on Kyle's help.

Everything is done simply. We turn on the Sense of Power and... we see all the bombs. Additionally, the first building you enter will have a control panel. It can also be used to see all the bombs. The first 2 targets are on the platforms, the exits to which are in the same building. Another bomb on the other side (there is a door leading there, take the key from the dead guard). The last 2 bombs are in the building, the key to which you should have taken from the guard of the third bomb. Now get back to your X-wing fighter.

Merchant's Rescue - Blenjil

The merchant ship has been fired upon by an imperial cruiser, and you must go to the rescue.

In this mission you have to collect spare parts for your ship, which also crashed. Turn on the Feeling of Power again. We see all 4 spare parts. One is in the merchant ship, two are in the sands next to it. Another one can be found if you go forward from the doors of your starship. Moving on the sands is dangerous: at any moment you can be swallowed by a “worm”. Therefore, use Force Speed, you can also move by jumping. Take all the spare parts one by one to your ship (the slots for them are on the walls).

The goal of the missions is to get to the first carriage. Go forward, destroying the enemies you encounter. Once you will have to turn off the power in the pipes connecting the cars (the switch is in the car in front of them). In another place, if you go along the bottom, you will reach a dead end, you will have to go back and find a way to the roof. But all these obstacles are easily overcome. Sooner or later you will reach a bomb that needs to be deflated.

When you get into the first car, use the control panel to stop the train.

If the train had reached the station and the “infernal machine” had worked, disaster would have been inevitable. Well, well... It's time to return to the Academy.

Story missions

Luke Skywalker has bad news: with the help of a scepter, cultists “suck” energy from those places where the connection with the Force is strong. You will have to travel to the planet Hoth, an icy world where Luke first had a vision of his fallen Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi.

Hot /1/ Follow forward (landmark - blue lights). In the cave, kill the Wampa. In the next open area, use the nearby machine gun to destroy the AT-ST. Climb behind the wall from the windows of which they are shooting at you. There are two elevators in the room. Climb up on the right and use the switch to open the door. Run to another elevator, enter

open door

. At the next open area, find an entrance protected by a shield, destroy the generator and go down.

Hot /2/ Base “Echo”

A good Wampa is a dead Wampa.

I wonder what the imperial troops forgot at the Echo base, the former refuge of the rebels?

The mission is quite simple. Go forward, destroying enemies (Wampa will be among them). Sooner or later you will get to the Jedi who is stealing information from the computer about where Luke Skywalker flew during the evacuation of the rebels from Hoth.

Kill him and move on. Now fight with another female Jedi, who, however, hastily retreats at the last moment.

Part 2

Everything fits: the Dagobah system, where Luke flew, has a strong dark aura. This is necessary for members of the Cult of Ragnor, who have already visited Bespin, Endor, and Coruscant. In addition, Roche disappears without a trace while carrying out his mission on the planet Byss.

Looks like we need to hurry...


This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. Rescue Mission - Nar Krita

Now comes the fun part. Find the elevator up and use the lever: prisoners will appear, jump straight out of the observation windows. Your goal is to get 16 prisoners out of the prison sector by distracting the rancor monster. You won't be able to kill him. One of the first four will give you a key - open it

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. closed door

to access 3 more levers.

After each rescue of prisoners, new enemies will appear on your way.

Meeting with the contact - Zonju V

One of the spaceport workers on Zonju V may know something about the “imperial trail.” In this mission you will have to ride a “motorcycle”.


If the controls seem inconvenient, try changing the mouse sensitivity in the settings during the flight.

Get on the “motorcycle” and, avoiding enemy shots, fly forward.

When you reach the hole in the wall, jump into it. Talk to the spaceport worker, he will soon be killed. Now fly to the far gate of the city. There will be many more enemies. If they are chasing you from behind, try to get away from them by accelerating (“mouse 2”). In one place (when you get to the gorge) the use of acceleration is generally vital.

One of the spaceport workers on Zonju V may know something about the “imperial trail.” Secret Operation - Creel Dor

Wedge Antilles, commander of the rogue squadron, asks for your help in destroying the gas production facility: the ground part of the operation can only be carried out by a Jedi.

Crime Boss Capture - Coruscant

Crime boss Lannik Rakto produces banned battle droids. You need to fly to Coruscant, capture it and find out information about the place of their production.

You should take a pulse gun for this mission, best weapon to destroy battle droids. The main path has been blown up, so you will have to look for an alternative.

After your plane, jump down, run along the balcony and jump onto the car, and then onto the opposite building, then onto the building on the left. Move from it to the platform with the car. Take the elevator, run forward, jump onto the platform and over the shields. Turn right, run forward, the opposite side of the blown-up bridge is already visible on the right. Enter the door where the criminal disappeared. Take the elevator. To capture the crime boss, you will have to destroy a squad of battle droids.

Cult Investigation - Dosuun

Cult activity has been spotted on Dosuun. There is no Republic fleet nearby, so the mission is entrusted to you.

If the train had reached the station and the “infernal machine” had worked, disaster would have been inevitable. Well, well... It's time to return to the Academy.

You are captured and put in a cell - you need to escape. At the beginning you will not have any weapons. Jump out of the cell, exit the prison block.

Take the weapon from the guard (Force Dash). Run through the open door. Find the key from one of the enemies. Enter the door that was opened with the key, go up the stairs and pull the lever. Now take the elevator to the upper level. Run through 3 doors, in the hall, pull the lever behind the control panel and run through the door opposite. Go down the elevator, find a shooting range, pull the lever and shoot the wall with a machine gun. Run forward and blow up the barrel to break the glass and jump into the room, where you destroy another glass. Pull the two levers and run to the opened door. Run forward, take the disruptor rifle from the “invisible” officer and shoot the boss on the balcony. Run forward and to the right, enter the round corridor.

On the right, find a passage in the wall, on the opposite side of the hangar with TIE fighters, find the lever and open the passage to the next hangar. Go down, go there and kill the boss.

Acid rain causes damage: move quickly and use protection. Run forward, go upstairs on the right and follow to the door. Now get to the corridor with 3 doors, go forward. In the next corridor, go upstairs. Enter the door on the upper level, run along the corridors and across the open space to the river. Cross the second bridge and get to opposite bank

to the building with the turbolaser. Find it and destroy the TIE bombers (to do this, shoot at the engine). Run in the direction they came from and go through the door.

Vyun /2/

Jump into the garbage pit and immediately jump out of it, otherwise you will get under pressure. One of the 3 holes in the wall leads to a room with a lever that must be used to open a door leading to another room filled with water.

Pump out the water by using Force Dash on the red pumps and climb up the pipe. The air flow in the ventilation shaft will help reach the hole in the wall.

Go to the room where the laser beam comes from. Using the moving mechanism, jump onto the balcony from above and enter the door. Find the elevator leading up. You should find yourself in a room with a laser beam in the center. There are boxes on the roof of one of the entrances to it; jump over them to the ledge, where the rays are located, refracted in the mirrors.

Combine these beams using Force Dash. Because of the explosion, you are separated from Kyle Katarn, and you will have to act further without a mentor. Loach /3/

Research into the Cult of Ragnos will lead you to unexpected discoveries...

This mission is truly difficult. You will have to fight with opponents who wield all types of lightsabers and know many Force techniques. So, jump upstairs, enter the open door in the large hall, take the elevator and run along the balcony to the next door. After a while you will reach a window next to which there are barrels, blow them up and jump out of the window. Run along the corridor from the room and jump up the boxes. Soon you will find yourself in a room with a control panel, use it. Deal with

It turns out that Tavion, Kyle Katarn's longtime enemy, is behind everything.

She helps Rosh, who is attracted to the Dark Side, and almost kills you and your teacher, who barely arrived in time to help.

Ragnor's Staff is used by Tavion not only to collect and store Power: with its help she can impart it to her servants. However, the plans of the Cult Members seem to be not limited to the use of this ancient artifact.

You have finally received the title of Jedi Knight, but your adventures do not end there...

Cult Watch - Chandrila

One of the spaceport workers on Zonju V may know something about the “imperial trail.” Members of the Cult began excavating the Jedi's grave on Chandrila. Perhaps Tavion herself is there.

In this mission, it is very useful to use Force Push to push Dark Jedi and Cult Members into the abyss.

Run forward, carefully go down, run along the bridge into the cave. When you exit it there will be another bridge, it will collapse, so you need to jump over it. Once you're in the large hall, use Force Sense to figure out which door needs to be opened. Go forward. Carefully finding the necessary ledges and bridges, get to the bridge with statues: it leads to the temple. When approaching the Jedi's grave, use Force Sense, then use Force Push on the buttons on the sides of the sarcophagus. Now the Jedi's tomb is saved, and you must escape from the temple. You need to dodge the boulders falling from above and jump over the collapsing bridge.

Cult Investigation - Tanaab

One of the Republic pilots reported that Cult Members had been spotted at the space port on Tanaab.

In this mission you need to find a way to kill a mutated rancor.

It is useless to attack him, so run to the other end of the hall. There on the platform, find a lever with which to lift the box. After that, run into the opened passage. The rancor will follow you. At the end of the second hall a door should open, enter it and run along the corridor to the left. At the opposite wall of this corridor, pull the lever to your left and follow the right to the conveyor. To the left of it, pull the lever and enter the door. In the room you come to there is another lever.

Pull it when the rancor stands on the conveyor belt.The box will crush the monster, and thereby you will avert the threat hanging over the inhabitants of Tanaab.

Run through three doors. Take the elevator up, where you will see a showdown between local residents and stormtroopers. Run left, enter the door and take the elevator down. Pull the lever, go back, climb through the stopped propeller. The air flow will allow you to get to the top. Run along the corridor, find another screw and get to the top. Follow forward across the wooden bridge, enter the building, where you go up the stairs. Use the elevator to get to the roof itself, place explosives in the indicated places.

Force Theft Investigation - Biss

Go to the remains of the planet Byss, where Roche disappeared, to find out whether the Cult Members managed to siphon Force energy from there.

Raven's Claw was captured by an Imperial dreadnought. To get out, you need to turn off the beam holding your ship. Go through the door on the left, run along the corridor.

In the control room in the next room, take the key from the officer and open the door with it. Take the elevator up, find the generator and turn it off using the lever. Run back to the elevator and enter the previously closed door. Follow the corridor to the elevator, which will take you upstairs. Run along the corridor to the right and find the turret control room. Shoot the TIE fighters from them, return to your ship, where you will have to kill all the enemies.

Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell

Information has been received about weapons remaining on Ord Mantell. Warehouses containing these weapons should be destroyed.

Locations for placing explosives are indicated on the map, which can be accessed through the inventory (default: ”tab”). The legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett will interfere with you. You need to fight him only after placing all the charges. Boba Fett is not an easy opponent (he flies, shoots from a blaster, uses a flamethrower), but he can’t compete with the Jedi.

Final missions

You can strangle the enemy, or you can throw him down a cliff.

So, Tavion's main plan is to resurrect Mark Ragnos through the Power contained in the staff.

Taspir III /1/

Run to the door guarded by stormtroopers, enter the building, exit through the red door and go down, pull 2 ​​levers, cross the bridge and pull the lever on the right, go back and enter the opened door. Take the elevator, enter the door, cross the bridge. Take the elevator up, use a Force Dash on one of the boxes and jump up on it. Find the officer with the key, open the closed door. Run along the edge of the gorge to the next door and go up the stairs. Enter the door on the right, jump over the hole in the bridge, enter the building and go down. Follow to the lava lake, go along the left edge and enter the door. Continue along the path and after several elevators and doors you will arrive at the Cult building.

Taspir III /2/

First, you will meet an old acquaintance - the servant Tavion, who tried to kill you on Hoth. Take the elevator, go along the corridor, go through the door to the left, then into the door ahead. Go down the elevator, go forward and jump up. Go through the door and run along the corridor, in the large hall, enter the door on the right, follow the corridor. Use the lever to disable the shield and run along the conveyor using Force Speed. In the next area, carefully go down the ledges and take the elevator up. Jump from the block on the conveyor to the far balcony, and on the next conveyor, use the blocks to overcome obstacles. Run along the corridor, jump up, then onto the moving platform and onto the balcony where the servant Tavion stood.

Make a choice: put away the sword - stay on paths of light, attack Rosh - and you will be swallowed up by the Dark Side forever.

In any case, you will have to fight the servant Tavion.

Korriban /1/ Sith Catacombs

So, you go to Korriban, where Mark Ragnor's grave should be. Your intention is to fight Tavion, but the goals may be different: someone is flying there to prevent the resurrection of Mark Ragnor and save the Galaxy, and someone is trying to get the staff in order to have unlimited power.

This procedure performs not only an aesthetic role, but also has a utilitarian function. At the beginning of the game, a representative of each race knows how to wield only one style of sword, which will be the main one for him throughout the entire first part of the game. If you choose the dark side, you will be attacked by Jedi from both sides of the Force.

Run along the corridor into the hall with the statues, use the Force Push on them, go down the stairs that appear. In the hall, use the Force Sense in front of the large door, press the buttons whose signs are depicted on the floor (the correct combination is: middle left, lower right and upper right). In the next room, use Force Dash on the stones in the wall and jump up on them. Run forward, jump into the hole in the floor and run further along the corridors to the next hall, where you will find a hole in the wall. Carefully go down and through several rooms reach a large hall. Break the fasteners in front with your sword and cut the chains on the sides. Jump up and enter the opened door.

Forces/Jedi Knight. This series is constantly evolving, which, incidentally, happens with the entire Star Wars universe, created by George Lucas back in the 70s. You don’t have to cut the chains, but go back the same way.

Korriban /2/ Ragnor's Tomb

It's very close to Ragnor's grave...

Go down, run left, jump over the gorge, use Force Push on the obelisk. Run along it, jump into the pit, you can climb up along the passage below. Continue towards the Imperial shuttles. Climb the stairs to the temple marked with a statue of Ragnor, run along the narrow bridge.

This is interesting: You can get to the entrance to the temple easier: at the very beginning, go down, stand at the inclined wall and use a long jump.

In the temple you will have to fight Tavion, who really likes to use her staff. However, the hardest part is yet to come.

The endings for the Dark and Light Sides are different.

The Light Side - The End

Tavion released the spirit of Mark Ragnos, and he received her body.

Attack Tavion Ragnos while keeping Force Absorption, Force Healing, Force Defense, and Force Speed ​​in mind. When Tavion throws her sword, dodge and attack while she is defenseless.

So, Tavion is dead, the staff is destroyed, peace in the Galaxy is restored. You became a member of the Jedi Order, having escaped the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force.

Dark Side - Ending

Kyle Katarn has come to try to return you to the path of light.

But it's too late - the choice has been made...

It's best to attack Kyle Katarn immediately after he uses his heal. It is useful to use Force Speed ​​and Anger. Beware of Kyle Katarn's grab, which, oddly enough, he does with his bare hands, without using the Force.

You received the staff and defeated your teacher, but Kyle Katarn remained alive and rushes to find you. The galaxy is under threat, and that threat is you...


Types of online games

Two enemies at once... It's not scary when you have two swords. Opponents meet one-on-one in a small, uncovered arena to fight with swords. Each player starts with full health, their own lightsaber and blaster pistol (server setup).

Teem Free For All (team game free for all). In this game, 2 teams fight for supremacy. Each player receives points for destroying enemies, but players on the same team can act together. Each player's points add up to the team's total score. Weapons and equipment can be found on the battlefield if allowed by the server settings. You can also configure the ability to use the Force and its maximum level.

Capture The Flag. One of the most popular and dynamic species network game. Players from two teams must capture the flag from the enemy base and bring it to their base. When someone receives a flag, all players are immediately informed about it, and escaping from enemy territory can be very difficult.

Siege (Siege). In this game, the task of the attacking team is to complete certain tasks within the allotted time, and the task of the defending team is to prevent this. One Siege consists of 2 rounds, after the first of which the teams change places.

Power Duel-An attempt to recreate the epic lightsaber battles between two allies and their stronger opponent.

All players start with full health, a lightsaber and a blaster pistol (server setting), however the stronger player has an advantage in health and Force capabilities. Only by joining forces will his opponents be able to win. Free For All

- the simplest game, which, however, allows you to find out the true strength of each player. There are no allies in this game - every man for himself. Weapons and equipment can be found on the battlefield if allowed by the server settings. You can also configure the ability to use the Force and its maximum level.


The lightsaber (beam saber, laser sword, beam sword) is a traditional weapon of the Jedi Knights. Its blade, about 1 m long, is a stream of pure energy and cuts almost everything except the “blade” of another sword.

The ability to create your own lightsaber in Jedi Academy is conditional.

In general, the story of how your hero/heroine got the sword is shrouded in mystery. Assembling this deadly weapon is one of the most difficult tests on the path to becoming a Jedi Knight. By manipulating the Force, the Jedi connects all of the lightsaber's components, making up the power core, crystal core, and blade generator.

It takes years of training to perfectly master the technique of fighting with light sabers.


The first Jedi appeared in the Galactic Republic approximately 25 thousand years before the events described in the game. Having learned to understand and control the Force, they gradually began to gain more and more social weight and became the most respected and powerful force in the Galactic Republic.

Jedi are born with the ability to use the Force. However, before becoming a full member of the Order, each applicant has to undergo difficult training, requiring both physical and mental effort. During the Old Republic, Jedi trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. As a result of brutal wars, almost all of them were destroyed. Luke Skywalker, the first Jedi of the New Republic, seeking to revive the Order, creates

Jedi Academy

on Yavin 4. From here you will begin your journey.

The power of a true Jedi comes from the Force, from its Light side.

But the Force also has a Dark Side, where the lust for power, the temptation of forbidden knowledge and uncontrollable rage lead. The choice is yours...

7 facts about the game

& Bounty Hunter Boba Fett was killed in Star Wars Episode 6, but in the game he will “resurrect from the dead” to fight you in one of the missions.

& Initially, the Jedi training system was reduced to the “teacher-student” formula. At the Academy on Yavin 4 this became impossible (there were too few Jedi Knights left). So, most likely, you are not the only student of Kayla Katarn.

& Often this or that door will be closed in the game, although you will not be able to find the key to it. Try to destroy all enemies in the accessible area - the door should open.

& To avoid getting lost on game maps, try to follow where the enemies are. If you have already been to one or another game area, but upon returning here you find that new opponents have appeared in it, then you are moving in the right direction.

1 2 3 All

If you've played Jedi Outcast, you're probably familiar with hidden locations where you can find many bonuses in the form of additional first aid kits, armor and ammunition. The same secret places remain in Jedi Academy, but finding them, as before, is very difficult.
Many of them are hidden from prying eyes, and therefore, to find all the surprises prepared by the game developers, you need to be very careful. Below you will find a description of the location secret places on different planets. So, go ahead. And may the Force be with you!

TATOOIN. Secret areas.

  • Mission: Mercenary activity.
    • This stage will require you to master the sword, because in order to break through to your ship, you will have to destroy many enemies. In the heat of battle with superior enemy forces, it is difficult to notice a small depression in the wall in the square where the spaceship stands. Jump onto the large container and go down. The only bonus of this stage is hidden there - a first aid kit and ammunition.
  • Mission: finding the droid (Droid recovery).
    • After making your way into the lair of the Tuscan raiders, run through the dungeon until you see a fork. Follow the road to the left - you will soon notice a door. Behind it is secret location.

BAKURA. Secret areas.

  • Mission: disposal of explosives (Emergency assistance).
    • The first secret is located under one of the towers. Destroy the Imperial soldier standing next to the elevator and go down. An additional first aid kit awaits you behind the rock.
    • The second secret is nearby - behind the large tanks next to the bomb.
    • The last bonus awaits you in the room with the turbines. One of them also contains a first aid kit and armor.

HOTT. Secret areas.

  • Mission: planetary exploration (Investigation).
    • At the beginning of the stage, turn back and run towards the cliff. The first bonus is hidden in a cave right behind your ship.
    • Jump onto the Tonton and follow the trail of the Imperial troops. After destroying the soldiers, head into the passage in the rock. The second secret is in Bigfoot's lair.
    • Once at the base, take the elevator to the control room. To the left of the remote controls you will see cracked glass. Break it and jump into the opened room. Here lies another secret.
    • The next surprise awaits you behind the rock to the left of the exit from the base.
    • The last bonus is located on a snowy field, next to the entrance to Echo Base, to the right of the skeletons of the destroyed imperial cannons.
  • Mission: Investigate the presence of Imperial forces at Echo Base.
    • The only secret of this stage is in the right corridor leading from the control room.

DOSUUN. Secret areas.

    • Get out of the prison cell and run to the nearest building. Once you open the door, you will find yourself in a long corridor with elevators. In the room located to the right of the lifts, you will see boxes, on one of which there is a barrel of explosives. Shoot at it and jump behind the container. A surprise awaits you there.

NAR KREETA. Secret areas.

  • Mission: Rescue mission.
    • At the beginning of the stage you find yourself in a large pipe leading to the main building. Turn back and run to the exit. Once at the edge of the cliff, look to the left. Large stones in the rock will lead you to the secret. Just be very careful - one wrong move and you'll fall down.

KRILL DOR. Secret areas.

VJUN. Secret areas.

  • Mission: path to Bast castle (lower floors).
    • Having started the stage, run forward, destroying imperial soldiers and robots. Soon you will find yourself in the hall where the control panels are located. Go to the corridor in which there are barrels. Behind the left door leading to the street is the first secret location.
    • Head forward until you come across a group of Imperial soldiers standing next to a machine gun. On the left you will see a building. The second bonus is located behind the door of the hangar, littered with stones.
    • To get to the third secret, you will have to get wet in the acid rain of the inhospitable planet Vyun. Once you reach the main complex, you will notice two large bridges. The last bonus lies on the stones near the cliff, next to the second one.
  • Mission: path to the upper part of the castle (Bast castle interior).
    • The first surprise is at the very beginning of the stage. Climbing onto the platform next to the Imperial Walking Tank, you will find a first aid kit and ammo.
    • The next secret is at the end of the corridor, next to the door leading to the main compartment. Use the Force to move the box with the red marks and you will see a grate. Break it and climb inside the small room. A first aid kit and ammunition are waiting for you here.

CHANDRILLA. Secret areas.

  • Mission: Cult sighting.
    • The only secret location of this stage is in a small depression in the rock, next to the destroyed bridge.

TANAAB. Secret areas.

  • Mission: Cult investigation.
    • The bonus of this level is in the room located at the end of the conveyor belt, onto which you need to lure the raging monster.

BISS (BYSS). Secret areas.

  • Mission: Force theft investigation.
    • There is an elevator in the room where you need to turn off the generator. Ride it down and look carefully around. There's a secret waiting for you behind the last column.

TASPIR III. Secret areas.

  • Mission: finding Rosh Penin (Taspir III).
    • After you activate the first retractable bridge, go upstairs to the control room. Run through the right door. The first secret of this stage is to the right on a small ledge next to the bridge.
    • The second bonus is located on the upper platform, next to the entrance to the main complex.
    • To get the last secret, you will have to be very careful - otherwise you will fall down. Once you're on the last bridge leading to the stage exit, look down. On the right you will see a small ledge with two first aid kits on it.
  • Mission: choosing the side of the Force (Imperial power station).
    • The only secret location in this level is behind the radar, next to the bridge leading to the hangars.

KORRIBAN. Secret areas.

  • Mission: entering the tomb and resurrecting Mark Ragnos (Sith ruins).
    • The final stage of the game contains only one secret, but getting to it is not easy. The first aid kit and ammunition are located in a cave next to the deep cliff where the Jedi are fighting.

Easter egg.

In addition to a large number of secret areas, on one of the levels you can find a very interesting easter egg. Remember that incident on the planet Corellian when you had to stop a platform rushing at full speed? Once you start a stage, go back. In the last compartment you will find an old friend - the robot C3PO. Approach it and activate the droid. He will start running around the room and will lead you to a dark corner where he is hiding best friend– R2D2.

Basic wrestling techniques.

Using a laser sword is not easy. Special knowledge is required to wield this formidable weapon. Below are the basic strikes and techniques that can be used in battle.

  • Stab back.
    • This technique allows you to perform fast attacks with a backward lunge.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • Default attack method: left mouse button + [S].
  • Lunge attack.
    • The technique makes it possible to make a sharp lunge forward, producing a cutting blow.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • Default attack method: [C] + [W] + left mouse button.
  • Force pull impale.
    • The technique makes it possible to carry out a quick lunge forward, making a stabbing blow.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • Default attack method: power push + left mouse button.
  • Fast attack kata.
    • A series of rapid attacks accompanied by various blows.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • The default attack method is to quickly press the right and left mouse buttons.
  • Attack enemy on ground.
    • The name of the technique speaks for itself. A very effective attack that allows you to complete any technique.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • The default attack method is [Space] + [W] + left mouse button.
  • Flip jump (Cartwheel).
    • This blow makes you remember “The Matrix” and the famous Neo, a great master of such tricks.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • Default attack behavior: left mouse button + [A] or [D].
  • Impact with a tackle (Both roll stab).
    • An attack after a coup on the ground with a stabbing blow.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • Default attack method: [W] + [C] + left mouse button.
  • Wall run.
    • Gives you the opportunity to run onto the wall at any time while running.
    • The default attack method is [Space] + [W] or [A].
  • Double kick (Split kick).
    • Allows you to jump up, striking on both sides.
    • Strength Requirements: None.
    • The default attack method is [Space] + right mouse button.
  • Butterfly attack.
    • One of the most difficult techniques to perform. Allows you to attack enemies in flight.
    • Strength Requirements: Power Jump 2.
    • The default attack method is [Space] + [A] or [D] + left mouse button.

Power techniques.

  • Force sense.
    • This technique expands your field of vision, allowing you to see through walls, spot enemies, and find hidden objects. At the highest level, Power of Vision allows the hero to dodge sniper fire. Depending on the degree of mastery of the Force, it has three types of action:
    • 1) Demonstration of glowing auras of players in the field of view with normal duration.
    • 2) Demonstration of glowing auras of players in the field of view and through walls with double duration.
    • 3) Demonstration of glowing auras of players in the field of view and through walls at any distance with triple duration.
  • Force absorb.
    • This technique allows you to neutralize, absorb and restore the Force during a fight with the Jedi. It also has three degrees of action:
    • 1) Absorb 33% of damage dealt.
    • 2) Absorb 66% of damage dealt.
    • 3) Absorb 100% of damage dealt.
  • Force protect.
    • Activating this Power allows you to create a protective field around the hero, protecting him from physical damage. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Blocking 50% damage.
    • 2) Blocking 75% of damage.
    • 3) Blocking 85% of damage.
  • Force drain.
    • A power that allows a Jedi to take energy from enemies and use it to restore their own strength. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Capturing an enemy and extracting ten units of Strength from him.
    • 2) An attack that takes away fifteen units of Strength.
    • 3) An attack that takes away twenty units of Strength from the enemy.
  • Force grip.
    • Using this technique, you can perform choking techniques, temporarily neutralizing your opponents. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Capture an enemy and hold him motionless for five seconds.
    • 2) Holding the enemy and inflicting damage to his internal organs.
    • 3) The effect on the enemy is similar to the two previous degrees of impact, but now the Jedi can move freely and hit the enemy against walls and other obstacles, while simultaneously using him as a shield to protect against shots.
  • Force lightning.
    • Carrying out rapid attacks using electric lightning. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Release of energy lightning, causing small damage to the enemy.
    • 2) Release a powerful attack lightning, sustained for some time.
    • 3) Shooting lightning, causing damage to all enemies within the Jedi's field of vision.
  • Force rage.
    • This type of force attack only works on Jedi who develop the dark side of the Force. The hero enters a trance and is able to inflict more damage on enemies and also recover his strength faster.
  • Force jump.
    • Increasing the height of the high jump. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Jump twice the height of a Jedi.
    • 2) Jump four times the height of a Jedi.
    • 3) Jump eight times the height of a Jedi.
  • Force push.
    • Gives you the ability to push objects, defending yourself from enemies and overcoming obstacles.
  • Force pull.
    • Allows you to move objects, bringing them closer to the hero. Can be used to attack enemies, open doors and levers.
  • Force speed.
    • Increases the Jedi's movement speed. Used for rapid attacks, as well as when passing obstacles that require fast running.
  • Mental Strength (Mind trick).
    • A very useful technique that makes it possible to influence enemies with the power of thought, neutralizing them without the help of weapons and forcing them to do what the Jedi needs.
  • Force heal.
    • The effect of restoring health during battle. Can also be used on friendly characters. Three degrees of action:
    • 1) Restores up to ten health units.
    • 2) Restores up to twenty units of health.
    • 3) Restores up to fifty units of health.
  • Laser sword (Lightsaber).
    • A weapon that strikes fear into the inhabitants of the galaxy. It is a high-power energy blade that can be used for both attack and defense.
    • Primary attack: piercing blow.
    • Secondary attack: power throw.
    • Type of ammunition used: none.
  • E-11 blaster rifle.
    • The main weapon of imperial soldiers. The rifle is lightweight, making it easy to carry and hide.
    • Primary Attack: Slow single shot with average accuracy and high stopping power.
    • Secondary attack: a burst of charges with low accuracy.
  • Tenloss disruptor rifle (Tenloss disruptor rifle).
    • The action of this powerful weapon occurs at the molecular level, causing the breakdown of bonds in a living organism. Due to its inhumane effects, it was banned in almost the entire galaxy and, as a rule, is used by droids and mercenaries.
    • Primary Attack: Single shot with low fire rate, high ammo velocity and short blast radius.
    • Secondary Attack: Sniper Mode: Single shot with low fire rate and increased damage rate.
  • Wookie bowcaster.
    • This weapon is capable of shooting powerful metal lightning surrounded by a bolt of energy. May cause significant damage. The main disadvantage of this weapon can be considered the high energy consumption for a shot. Most of This weapon, sold outside the Wukki planet, comes with additional energy blocks that allow even weak creatures to fire them.
    • Primary attack: slow single shot with a small damage radius.
    • Secondary Attack: A high-power shot that bounces off hard surfaces.
    • Ammo type used: Energy Cell.
  • Blaster pistol Brial.
    • A slow, pocket-sized energy weapon with high precision.
    • Primary attack: slow, single fire of high power.
    • Secondary Attack: Increases the power of the charge to increase the damage dealt.
    • Type of ammunition used: blaster clip.
  • Imperial heavy repeater.
    • A destructive, high-power weapon that fires metal bullets. Imperial troops use it as a launcher for powerful precision shots.
    • Primary attack: Fully automatic fire.
    • Secondary Attack: Single shots of explosive projectiles.
  • EMP 2 (Destructive electromagnetic pulse EMP2 gun).
    • A pulse rifle used primarily against droids and electronic devices. EMP 2 fires high-energy ionic charges that can destroy electronic systems. Unlike previous versions, ion charges of EMR 2 can also damage the cells of living organisms.
    • Primary Attack: A single shot that knocks people unconscious and damages droids.
    • Secondary Attack: An energy shot that creates an electromagnetic field that damages droids and defense cannons.
    • Ammo type used: Energy Cell.
  • FS1 cannon (FS-1 cannon).
    • Widely used by Corporate Sector Police. FS1 shoots metal bullets. This weapon is designed to simultaneously destroy several targets located in close proximity to the object.
    • Primary attack: single shot.
    • Secondary attack: Shoots two explosive mines that explode after a while.
    • Type of ammunition used: metal needles.
  • Rocket launcher Merrson PLH-2M (Missile system Merr-Sonn P2X-2M).
    • The PLH-2M is a very powerful weapon that fires Arakid 3T3 class missiles. The enormous power of the PLKh-2M makes the weapon dangerous when firing at close targets. It is highly effective when using the “target” mode, which is a shot of homing missiles.
    • Primary attack: Shoots a single rocket.
    • Secondary attack: firing single homing missiles of the "target" class.
    • Type of ammunition used: rockets.
  • Thermal detonator.
    • The Thermal Explosive is a short-range grenade that uses technology to release thermal energy that destroys any objects around it.
    • Primary attack: an explosion that goes off some time after the grenade falls.
    • Secondary attack: explosion from external influence.
  • Trap mine.
    • The booby trap is equipped with a laser beam attached to the body. The mine is activated when the laser beam is crossed by any object. If the laser beam is disrupted or the charge is fired, the mine will explode, causing damage to objects within its range.
    • Primary attack: powerful explosion when the beam crosses.
    • Secondary Attack: After placing a mine, a touch sensor is activated, reacting to an object within the affected radius.
  • Explosives (Detonation packs).
    • An explosive is an explosive device with a remote detonator. This device can be installed on an object or thrown, after which it can be activated. Also used to set traps or to blow open locked doors.
    • Primary attack: placing a charge in front of the object.
    • Secondary attack: Activation of placed explosives.

Main characters

Meeting old acquaintances is always pleasant. In Jedi Academy you will also be able to see some very famous characters.


  • Each Jedi has his own mentor. In Jedi Academy, your teacher will be Kyle Katarn, a friend from the previous part of the game – Jedi Outcast.
  • Wandering around the universe, Kyle discovered on a distant planet the famous Valley of the Jedi, which for many hundreds of years was considered simply a legend. Walking through this valley, even the most ordinary person discovered secret sources of great Power within himself. Kyle wields various Powers and is a master at using a lightsaber. Despite the fact that Jedi Academy takes place ten years after the events of Jedi Outcast, the appearance of this valiant warrior has not changed at all. Probably the action of the Force is taking its toll.
Boba Fett.
  • A brutal and merciless mercenary who for many years pursued Han Solo and Chewbacca throughout the galaxy. Clad in Mandalorean armor, Fett is a walking arsenal of weapons. His equipment includes wrist blasters, a grenade launcher, a miniature flamethrower, and a shooting cable whip. Boba's helmet is stuffed with a variety of highly sensitive sensors, and the suit has a built-in life support system. Fett is the only one who escaped the jaws of the Tatooine Sarlacc. On his right shoulder, Fett wears Wookiee scalps in a braid. These trophies are a symbol of Fett's hunting prowess, as Wookiees are extremely difficult to track and kill. Fett hopes to add Chewbacca's scalp to his collection, but he managed to avoid this bitter fate.
  • Han Solo's partner, the embodiment of loyalty and strength. One of the most respected heroes of the Rebellion, Chewbacca is a true technical genius, a remarkable pilot and a skilled fighter. Throughout the Galactic Civil War, he constantly put himself at risk to protect Princess Leia, Han, Luke, Lando Calrissian, and even C-3PO.
  • A golden droid that can speak over six million languages ​​fluently. C-3PO is very nervous, constantly lecturing those around him, but at the same time he is an excellent storyteller and a loyal friend of Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and his partner, the droid R2-D2. Despite extreme caution, C-3PO participated in the liberation of Leia from the first Death Star and joined shock squad Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor.
Luke Skywalker.
  • Main actor throughout the classic Star Wars trilogy, a Jedi and ace pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Three years later, he led Rebel forces in the attack during the Battle of Hoth, risked his life to save his friends from the Imperials on Cloud City, and devised a plan to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. However, Luke's greatest achievement was convincing his father to turn away from the dark side. This feat ended the Emperor's terrible reign and allowed Anakin Skywalker to rest in peace.

Minor characters


  • Humanoids from the planet Kynien. In the Universe " Star Wars" are a peace-loving race. In battle, they prefer to use thermal detonators and, having three eyes, are able to throw them with very great accuracy.
  • Humanoids from the planet Rodian. Most of them are excellent mercenaries and smugglers. The main weapon of the Rodians is the Tenloss battle rifle or the Imperial heavy repeater.
Tusken Raiders.
  • Wild, wandering creatures roaming the deserted Tatooine. Intimidating in appearance, Tuskens wear thick goggles, a breathing mask, and conceal their faces under several layers of gauze. Tuskens are armed with scary sharp gaffi.
Imperial Stormtroopers.
  • Snow-white stormtroopers are the main striking force of the Empire. Their main weapon is the E-11 blaster rifle. Being weak opponents, they are not capable of serious attacks, they are not distinguished by tactical acumen, but they are overwhelming in numbers.
Imperial Officers.
  • Imperial military commanders leading armies of stormtroopers. They take an active part in battles, defending themselves from attacks with a blaster rifle.
Imperial Workers.
  • They are found in workings, in mines, and generally wherever the Empire mines minerals. Like Stormtroopers, they are primarily armed with E-11 blaster rifles.
  • Brutal, rough-skinned humanoids from the planet Sriluur. Their main weapon is the Wookiee Bowcaster.
  • Large reptilian humanoids from the planet Trandosha with sensitive eyes capable of seeing in the infrared. They know how to restore damaged parts of the body. This is a very warlike race that has long collaborated with the Empire.
  • Small inhabitants of Tatooine, collecting lost droids, broken starships and various garbage in the desert. Jawas wear long brown robe with large hoods, from under which only their brightly sparkling eyes are visible. They travel the sands in giant, ancient crawlers and speak a barely intelligible language.
  • Brutal and merciless, these bounty hunters work for those who can offer the most money, because they are driven only by a thirst for profit.
Members of the cult of dark power (Cultist).
  • Followers of the dark side of the Force.
  • Inhabitants of the cold caves of the planet Hoth. Covered with thick fur, these animals are well adapted to life in cold conditions and more closely resemble Bigfoot people.
  • Animals that inhabit the snowy plains of Hoth. Thanks to their high endurance, they became one of the best means of transportation on the planet blown by cold winds.

Means of transport.

Jawa Sandcrawler

  • A huge, fortress-like vehicle used by the Jawas to transport droids and other junk.
Millennium Falcon.
  • The legendary ship on which Han Solo and Chewbacca won many victories over the Empire. Equipped powerful weapon and has excellent maneuverability.
Fighter (X-Wing Starfighter).
  • Basic star fighter Rebel Alliance and one of the most advanced single-pilot starships. This fighter got its name from its twin wings, which during battle can be moved apart into an oblique cross, which increases the field of fire. Along with four powerful laser cannons, the fighter is equipped with proton torpedoes, a protective field, a hyperdrive and an astromech droid.
Raven's Claw.
  • Kyle Katarn's powerful and fairly light ship, on which he travels around the galaxy.

If you notice any errors or shortcomings, write them in the comments and I will add them.

So, dear Padawans, welcome to the Jedi Academy, where you will always be made into a real horseman knight, Jedi and other types who rightfully deserve a lightsaber. Let's start with the fact that you just need to decide what level of cheating you have. If the maximum villainy you are capable of is killing the level boss using firearms, well, there are the hottest difficulty levels for you, like padavan and jedi. But if for you the main meaning of life is to generate problems at a known anatomical point, then the choice of leading losers is jedi knight. Here the enemies will begin to show the rudiments of intelligence, and there will be just enough problems to make you understand that the life of an ordinary Jedi is hard and dangerous, but everyone else around him has a complete absence of this life. In short, this walkthrough designed specifically for this level of complexity. As for the peaks of skill, the last level of difficulty - Jedi Master, this is entertainment for old experienced kamikazes and other hired suicides, because it is, of course, possible to hold out on it, but it will cost you a curvature of the spine, radiculitis of the hand and a couple of decades of life. In a word, the choice of fathers and outright cheaters.
Next we get to the character generation screen, where an innate sense of xenophobia should tell you that you can play for anyone except godless people. Because they are so ugly that it’s just scary! There is no difference in races, i.e. all the physiological differences like horns and antennae will not help you in any way during the game, nor will they harm you. Don't expect an opportunity to get your horn caught in a corner or receive transmissions from enemy radio stations with your antennas. This will not happen. Therefore, generate your virtual reflection based on the level of your own perversity and the degree of lack of a sense of beauty. This does not apply to real aliens among readers. Decide on the color of your pants and other covers and don’t be afraid that they won’t fit. The number of legs for all races is exactly the same, the familiar humanoid one.
The final stage of collecting things before sending to an educational institution. A selection of weapons of the proletariat, the famous lightsabers and other laser staves. We don't take books. This is all for lamers. By default, you will be given the chance to choose one single lightsaber. Such wonders of civilization as two swords or a laser staff will be available much later. So, come to terms with choosing the color of the blade in the five-color range, not forgetting that red is not available to us, since even the embryo knows that bad Jedi have a red sword, and good ones have any other one. We, according to tradition, have not yet been noticed in antisocial predilections for the dark Force. Next, we select the hilt of the sword, of which, again, there are plenty, about a dozen, but in battle they are unlikely to show their futuristic shape in any noticeable way. Here, as always, it’s a matter of taste. Our fighting style is defined as average. Those. the balance of speed-power of strikes and combo series is in balance. This parameter can be changed when we are faced with choosing a new light democratizer somewhere in the middle of the game. In the meantime, things are packed, and we can safely assume that the first of September has arrived. Go ahead, let's study!

So, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... All you need to know is that things are as bad as ever. The prelude to saving the world, this time, will be the modest fact that the Empire is once again destroying ships and planets, the Jedi are interfering with it in every possible way, Luke Skywalker is roaming the universe with a lightsaber at the ready and gathering talented children throughout space, the vacuum will take him away , to deliver them to his Academy on Yavin 4, followed by forced training in the Force and other good things. You are Jaydan Korr from Coruscant, that other hole, and you are distinguished from others by the presence of a lightsaber. On the way to Yavin, the shuttle is treacherously shot down, and it all comes down to the fact that before the rescue expedition arrives, you will have to teach a lesson in natural history and survival in the ancient jungle, one on one with hungry lizards. Newfound friend Roche will somewhat brighten up the situation with the company of his blaster.
First of all, we cross the river, moving towards the shuttle, and after getting our feet wet, we climb onto the island where a stump of a tree grows.

We cut down the tree with a lightsaber, and the unfortunate Rosh will cross it to us. Esthete. I couldn't wade. Immediately expect an attack from jungle lizards. The lizards themselves are not dangerous and can easily be chopped with swords, and Rosh can fry them from afar with a blaster, but they have a sound attack that can paralyze you and keep you at a distance. So, don’t let these creatures get close to you. We take Rosh and go in the direction from which the lizards came along the river bank. After some time, you will come across a door that Rosh can easily open with the help of the Force. We move on, keeping our lightsabers at the ready. We immediately destroy the lizard on the left, which begins to howl as we approach. You can throw a sword at her and move on. We walk along the hills to a stone bridge, moving straight all the time, and cross it. There we kill another lizard and move along the rocky slope towards the waterfall. Before reaching it, you can grab first aid kits and move to a small island where there is another dead tree. Roche will offer to cut it down too, which we will do, like a real forester. Having climbed the fallen trunk, we run forward, sending another lizard into the analogue of the heavenly terrarium. Now we are almost at the walls of the Academy. A couple of imperial stormtroopers are looming on the horizon, and judging by the reaction of Roche, who is holed up behind the stones with the face of a uniform partisan, we will be the ones to kill them. We make a frontal attack. These attack aircraft are deprived of viability in advance. Having killed them, we run forward and slide into a small ravine. There's a guy sitting here with a lightsaber. This is a simple warrior and killing him is not a problem. We press it to the edge of the ravine with a frontal attack and chop it into small chips.
Having reached the temple, we notice a suspicious-looking tattooed woman pumping out power with the help of some kind of staff. Next to her are adherents of the dark side of the Force. After some time, we will be skillfully removed from the observer post targeted strike according to consciousness. In an unconscious state, unfortunately, not a single female individual will take advantage of our helplessness, but the same individual will steal Skywalker’s personal notes and run off into outer space. When we wake up, we will see Skywalker himself and Kyle Katarn, who will spend a long time figuring out what it was, but then they will simply drag your body to the academy for treatment, training and other anatomical nasty things. Your mentor will be Katarn himself. On the one hand, this is pleasing, but on the other hand, Roche will study with you in pairs. Every family has its black sheep. Let's start the first lesson.
You are in a destroyed temple, and even in the rain. Katarn invites you to complete a basic training course, overcoming a series of rooms with cunning traps. Roche will move through a similar labyrinth parallel to you. There’s no chance of overtaking him anyway because of the plot. Therefore, we simply run forward, away from the door where Rosh and Katarn went. After running through the next room and listening to Kyle’s lecture on the topic that you will soon learn the skills of the dark and light sides of the force, we find ourselves in a room where training bots will be released on us. Small mechanical balls will spin in the air, and you can destroy them with a well-aimed blow of a sword, while simultaneously managing to fend off laser shots and cut your way forward to the exit door.
In the next location we move along the stone bridge and with a long jump we jump over the place where the old stones have long fallen out of their homes. Once on the other side, we run to the wall and use the Push Force on it. Not in a plumbing sense, but in a physical sense. We destroy the wall and move on. The sneaky Roche will release a combat robot with a laser sword towards us.

This is just a training model, so you can get close to it and cut it into parts. We slowly move towards the stone stele, after which we find ourselves in a small room with a locked door. Rosh will get his due, the unfortunate bastard. We open the door using the Force of Attraction on the lever on the wall on the right. We run along the corridor and turn into the door to the right. Having gone down another corridor below, we find ourselves in a room where a bridge hangs above and stone walls around. We use the X-ray vision of the Jedi on the wall near the entrance to the room. We see the burning symbols, turning off the vision, we apply the Force of Attraction in the place where the symbols were glowing. Two stones will come out of the wall and along them, like steps, we climb onto the bridge and run to the left.

After passing a series of corridors and running along the street in the pouring rain, we find ourselves in a room with a column, where we turn right and dive into the door that will open. Leaving another corridor behind, we find ourselves back on the street. There are two doors ahead, each of them will close as soon as we approach it. To slip under them, you need to use the Speed ​​Force to slow down time. In the next room we run forward and go through the door to the right. Basic training is over, Roche will get his brains kicked for using a training robot, and Skywalker will delight everyone with the news that someone is trying to resurrect Ragnos, a powerful monster who died 5,000 years ago, for which he is collecting the Force throughout the galaxy. Students at all levels are urgently mobilized to assist the Jedi. Let's go on combat missions!

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

A mystical cult, haunted by the fact that Ragnos’s condition is stable, in all respects similar to a corpse, is showing some activity on the planet Tatooine, where it is trying to hire rogue traders to transport some cargo. Perhaps, by contacting the traders, it will be possible to find out the ultimate goal of the cargo transports and discover the cult’s base. You need to go down to Tatooine in the area of ​​the Mos Easley port and see what's what.
The mission does not look too dangerous, but Katarn will go with us so that the dregs of trading society do not try to understand our inner world with the help of improvised blasters. Before the mission, a character leveling screen with many different skills will appear. You are allowed to upgrade 4 Light Side and 4 Dark Side skills. 8 parameters in the center of the screen are gray, i.e. basic ones, which will be upgraded as you progress through the game and, with each new episode, increasing by one single point. Each skill can be upgraded to a maximum of level three. You are only allowed to spend one point on everything at a time, so choose carefully what you need. I can recommend upgrading the Force Heal skill, which allows you to convert your Force reserves into health. At first, while your use of a lightsaber is still rather weak, and there are too many enemies, the ability to regenerate is the most important thing for survival.
Next you get to the ammunition screen. Here you will be asked to choose a couple of types of weapons for the mission and one type of grenade. The rest of your arsenal will be replenished spontaneously during the battle. Basically, the lightsaber and blaster are always with you by default, and the rest of the guns are just futuristic trash compared to them. But since such a fight has started, I recommend taking the Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle with you because of the sniper fire mode, which is quite useful at the beginning of the game for destroying weak enemies on the horizon, so that later they do not get in the way, and the E-11 Blaster Rifle - famous weapon of stormtroopers. Then cooler guns will appear, but for now this will be enough for minor acts of vandalism. Finally, we fill our pockets with radio-controlled grenades with a Detonation Packs detonator, and boldly go down to Tatooine, not forgetting about the free smile on your face.

Story mission - Hoth

Luke Skywalker gathered everyone to tell them the sad news: someone had stolen data about places with high concentrations of the Force. He also suggested that the scepter seen at the beginning of the game sucks power from places rich in it. He sent all the Jedi to such places. Jayden went to the planet Hoth, where the spirit of Obi-Wan appeared to Luke.

Arriving on Hoth, Jaden doesn’t feel anything, but it’s still worth checking. To move faster, you can ride a tauntaun.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Because of the snow, nothing is visible, but a trail of luminous beacons breaks through it, along which you need to follow.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

To her surprise, Jayden discovered Imperial stormtroopers.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Soon we find ourselves in a cave with a vamp. The animal is easy to kill, you just need it to grab you. Although you can do without it. There is also a secret area in this cave.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Having got out of the cave, we come across a fork. You need to go left, there are only a few enemies on the right.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Having gone a little further, we come across an AT-ST walking imperial tank. In order not to die, we climb over the wall. Behind it there are several enemies, and some room with two elevators. First we go upstairs - there we need to pull the switch. There is also a secret area there. You can find it if you break the glass using force.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

We return to the room with two elevators and take the second elevator down, now the door there is open. For a while we just run and kill enemies. Going out into the street, first turn left and reach the secret area.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Then we continue along the beacons, although not for long - we will have the opportunity to shoot from the turret. We stand behind her and shoot about a dozen attack aircraft running out from behind the snow.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

A little further, the road of beacons splits into two: if we go straight, we will find the Echo base, but there is no entrance there. To get there you need to turn left. Behind the platform with the turret there is a force field that can be removed by destroying one of the generators. This is how we get to the echo base. After jumping down several times, we will move to the next map.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

After walking along the corridors, we will find ourselves at a fork. If we go to the right, we will find another secret area.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

A little further along the corridor we will come across a turret. In the corridor we present her with an easy target, but we can get ahead of her - run to her before she turns around. We run further along the corridors and rooms, then take the elevator and move on, killing dozens of stormtroopers. There is nowhere to get lost here. Having gone down the elevator and passed a small corridor, we come across a Dark Jedi talking with a certain Alora.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Dark Jedi is the most ordinary, the difficulty is created only by the cramped environment.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Before the battle with Alora, we will come across another wampa. This was most likely done so that we would come to the boss wounded.