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Arrangement of numbers on the die. magnetic sharpie dice

Fortune telling with dice is as old as time. Even the Old Testament repeatedly mentions predicting the future using dice. Dice were popular all over the world and were found in one form or another literally everywhere.

The use of dice for fortune telling probably comes from divination by casting lots, and the original instrument of such divination was the immediate “ancestors” of modern dice - astragals (the vertebrae or ankles of a sheep). The astragalus has four clearly visible surfaces, it was convenient to throw them, each surface had specific value. Astragalus were popular in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome; they were used along with other generally recognized types of bones until the 10th century. n. e.

Some people believe that you can only throw dice by guessing on someone else, and not on yourself. There is also an opinion that one must throw the dice in complete silence and that the condition for correctly predicting the future is cool weather and a calm state of the atmosphere.

This is an ancient oriental fortune telling. Focus on the question or problem and roll the die. If the number is even, draw a cross somewhere on the paper; if it is an odd number, draw a zero. Roll the die four times.

Character group meanings:

  • XXXX- you can’t concentrate on the question, try again.
  • XXXX- now is not the time for hasty decisions, you need to calm down and wait for some time without doing anything.
  • XXX- postpone making all important decisions for a more favorable time.
  • XXX- time for decisive action.
  • OHXX- a favorable period for action.
  • XXOO- no obstacles are foreseen.
  • OOXX- the possibility of success is very high, it’s time to grab your luck, but it won’t work too easily and simply.
  • XOXO- to achieve success you will need a little effort and some financial costs.
  • OH OH- unfavorable alignment - the situation is beyond your control.
  • XOOH- changes for the better are ahead.
  • OHHO- obstacles are possible; you should act only with full confidence in your abilities.
  • XOOO- a favorable alignment, you will be lucky in all your endeavors.
  • OXOO- the situation is developing in the right direction, act confidently, but slowly.
  • OOHO- the right moment to listen to your intuition and feelings; the first solution that comes to mind will be successful.
  • OOOH- a combination that warns of disappointment, loneliness, gossip, intrigue.
  • OOOO- this alignment portends changes in life, A New Look even for familiar things.

When interpreting, you should take into account not only the total amount of points, but also the “readings” of each dice separately: for example, if you got 3 and 5, then this is not just 8, but first of all a combination of three and five, different from two fours , and from two to six.

Sums of numbers:

  • 2 (1+1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. For now, it’s better for you not to change anything in your life.
  • 3 (1+2) - For a woman, marriage is for money; for a man, it’s entertainment that can be bought for money. Try to avoid long trips and spend more time at home.
  • 4 (1+3) - The prognosis is generally unfavorable. There may be a serious conflict, up to and including legal proceedings, with people you trust. Troubles can come from unexpected quarters. Be careful, especially in small things.
  • 4 (2+2) - Good luck in business and personal affairs. Your children will make you happy in the near future. Interesting trips and useful acquaintances are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act and take initiative in order to consolidate and deepen success.
  • 5 (1+4) - The main thing is movement. You can't sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. Once you solve your financial problems, you can solve many others.
  • 5 (2+3) - Good combination for your own affairs and alarming for relationships with children - a conflict is possible. Try to avoid lectures and grumpy admonitions. Now your children expect understanding from you above all.
  • 6 (1+5) - A lot of troubles, worries and joys. It is possible that a child will be born to one of your relatives. Financial difficulties. There is a difficult conflict situation at work, however, do not rush to change your place of work: changes will happen soon. If you intend to go abroad, then your departure will most likely be final - for permanent residence.
  • 6 (2+4) - A period of change is coming for you. Do you want to change your job, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Whatever is done is for the better.
  • 6 (3+3) - You will receive a very large sum of money, and in the very near future. In his personal life, everything is also going well, conflicts do not have a serious basis.
  • 7 (1+6) - Period of active activity. You are needed, do not refuse those who turn to you. You should behave the same way towards your partner (spouse): meet him halfway. Otherwise, a serious crisis may occur in your relationship in a few years.
  • 7 (2+5) - Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people’s opinions. Take your time! This especially applies to business people. In personal affairs, this is a difficult period. Bad time to get married.
  • 7 (3+4) - Much now depends on your imagination and enterprise, try not to put off anything until tomorrow, do it today.
  • 8 (2+6) - You will have to do complex, troublesome work, and hack work is unacceptable. If you work conscientiously, without trying to deceive others, success is guaranteed. Otherwise, it's a complete failure.
  • 8 (3+5) - A time favorable for calm, serious activities. It is best to devote it to studying or reading. However, you won't make the mistake of choosing to take a good rest instead. The dice promise the improvement of a bad situation and the preservation of a good one.
  • 8 (4+4) - Disruption of the usual routine of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant depends only on you.
  • 9 (3+6) - You will learn a lot of new things in the near future. A period favorable for research and creative work. Advice: try to distract yourself from pragmatic interests, do what you love without thinking about possible benefits. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you can finally understand each other.
  • 9 (4+5) - Difficulties, financial problems. Possible losses. In marriage or in your professional activity- serious tests. Don't demand too much from others, demand more from yourself.
  • 10 (4+6) - You like to act on a grand scale. In the near future, the numbers promise major success: power, money, influence. However, behind political and social ambitions, one should not forget about the family. Behave more simply with your loved ones and friends, and still think about them first.
  • 10 (5+5) - Success and money, but the situation is not stable. If you want to stay on top, proceed with caution and foresight. If possible, avoid risks, do not take on new business, it is better to continue what you have already started without accepting new offers.
  • 11 (5+6) - The worst is over for you. In the past there are defeats and losses that occurred through no fault of yours. Don't worry: everything will work out, new opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is not to give up your efforts. There is no point in changing anything in life yet.
  • 12 (6+6) - Very favorable bones. A good stable situation with a tendency for further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.

Focus on the question and roll the dice. Add up the numbers rolled on the dice and see the description of the results.

The value of the sums of points drawn:

  • 3 - a good omen, a wish may unexpectedly come true.
  • 4 - disappointment and troubles in the future.
  • 5 - your wishes will come true, but in a completely uncertain way; some stranger will bring good news.
  • 6 - material losses, which, however, will lead to spiritual enrichment.
  • 7 - stupid gossip will cause trouble.
  • 8 - the upcoming action has not been well thought out and may lead to injustice; very strong outside influences.
  • 9 - success, especially in love affairs; forgiveness after a quarrel.
  • 10 - harmony in the family and, possibly, a successful deal; the birth of a child is likely.
  • 11 - someone is sick; breaking up with someone close.
  • 12 - a letter will arrive requiring a response; you need to consult someone.
  • 13 - sadness, probably for a long period, perhaps even throughout life.
  • 14 - a stranger will become a close and dear friend; friend's help.
  • 15 - the temptation to enter into a shady or even illegal transaction.
  • 16 - a pleasant and rewarding journey.
  • 17 - a guest from abroad, possibly a foreigner, with a promising business proposal.
  • 18 - a very good sign: promotion, benefit and joy.
Advantage online generator dice in front of regular dice is obvious - it will never get lost! The virtual cube will cope with its functions much better than the real one - manipulation of the results is completely excluded and you can only rely on His Majesty's chance. Online dice is, among other things, great fun in a free moment. Generating a result takes about three seconds, fueling the excitement and interest of players.

D4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d20

Number of cubes: 2

Roll the dice

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Online dice - roll the dice

Bones- one of ancient games in a world that goes back millennia. They were originally made from animal bones, and if you believe myths and legends, also human bones, hence their name and a certain mystical aura. Dice were played in Ancient Egypt, Rome, and India, from where they penetrated into the Western world with the development of trade and cultural ties. Today, the most popular craps game is craps, which is played both at home and in casinos, including online casinos. In total, there are several dozen varieties of this game.

The basic principle of the game is simple and understandable to everyone - players roll the dice, and the sum of the points on the dice is calculated. The dice themselves are used in a variety of ways. board games, forcing you to perform various actions on the map. And, of course, not a single casino in the world can do without them. However, to play dice you can use various programs and applications, such as our online dice.

How to roll dice online?

What to do if you don’t have dice on hand or someone likes to cheat with them? Dice generator easily solves this problem, because here a computer program rolls the dice, and it is impossible to manipulate the result of its work. Numbers from 1 to 6 are drawn randomly.

In addition, our cube simulator is capable of many things, because we have developed many additional variations of it. Besides classic cube with six sides, we have variations of four, eight, ten and even twenty sides that would simply not be possible in real life. And such virtual dice can seriously diversify ordinary games.

To throw the dice online on our website, you need to do three simple steps:

  1. Select the type of cube - with sides from four to twenty;
  2. Set the number of cubes – from one to twenty;
  3. Click on the “Roll dice” button.

Online dice have many advantages:

  • firstly, they will always be at hand, the main thing is to have access to the Internet;
  • secondly, they do not risk getting lost or rolling under the sofa;
  • thirdly, they eliminate the risk of fraud, since, unlike ordinary cubes that can fall on the edge, they always give an unambiguous result.

Online dice is a fun activity that partly contributes to the development of intuition. With our service you can throw dice online with great convenience.


Choose the material for making the cube based on the tools and skills you have.

Make an accurate cube with a side of about ten millimeters from the material you choose.

Remove chamfers measuring about 1 mm by 45 degrees from the sides and then from the corners of the cube. Polish the product if necessary.

Label the faces of the cube with numbers. The points necessary for this can be made in the form of recesses by drilling them with a micro-drill, or applied with paint, or obtained in a combined way by first making recesses and then filling them with paint. Apply six dots on the top edge (two rows of three dots each);
Apply one dot (in the middle) to the bottom edge;
Place four dots on the left side (two rows of two dots each);
Place three dots on the right side (diagonally);
Apply five dots to the front face (four in the form of a 2 by 2 matrix and one in the middle);
Place two dots on the back face (diagonally). You can check whether the number designations are correctly distributed along the faces of the cube by adding the numbers on opposite faces: for each of their combinations, the sum should be equal to seven.

Cover all faces of the cube, except the one on which it will lie when dry, with colorless varnish. Let it dry, then turn the product over so that this side is on top. Apply varnish to it too, and then let it dry as well.

Get a virtual dice. To do this, take your mobile phone and install the BASIC language interpreter on it, downloading it from the corresponding website. Having launched the interpreter, enter the following program:
10 A%=MOD(RND(0),4)+3
20 IF A%=0 THEN GOTO 10
40 ENDWhenever you run the RUN command, this program will generate a random number in the range from 1 to 6.

To check the accuracy of the cube, use it to obtain several tens, then count how many times each of them appears. For a precision-made die, the probabilities of each roll should be close.

Although the popularity of board games is quite low these days, do not forget the order in which they are played. At the beginning, all players' tokens are placed on the starting square. Players take turns throwing the dice. Having received a random number, the player moves his chip forward by the corresponding number of cells. If the cell on which the result ends up contains an instruction (skip the next move, repeat the move, move to the specified location playing field and the like), this instruction should be followed. The first player to reach the finishing cell of the field wins.


  • dice

Gambling bones used as a random number generator in backgammon, board games, poker, monopoly and other games, as well as in fortune telling and predicting the future. Gambling bones can be varied in shape and material (plastic, wood, metal, paper).

You will need

  • A sheet of paper, cardboard, ruler, pencil, marker, glue.


Development diagram bones(cube) is easy to do. Since the cube consists of six faces of equal size - squares, we will draw them. First, we draw 4 squares that have common sides, located in the same row. Next, to the second of the drawn squares we add 2 more squares on the sides. Before cutting out the diagram, you need to draw edges along the outside of the squares, so that you can then use them to glue the cube together.

To prepare, carefully cut out the template and bend the paper along the dotted lines (these will be the edges of the cube).

Then, for the strength of the cube, we prepare a frame of thin cardboard, also according to a template in accordance with the size of the cube. We will insert this frame inside the cube. Based on practical experience, it is advisable to make the frame template one millimeter smaller than the size of the cube template.

Now we insert the finished frame inside the cube template and paste it over. The cube is ready!

Another version of the game bones(cube) is notable for the fact that it is convenient to take with you on the road, since it can be folded and stored flat. You can cut out this cube on a printer, stick it on cardboard and make a cube similar to the first option (see above).


Traditional dice


Dice- a popular source of randomness in board games (especially the game of the same name). Among roleplayers, the name “dice” is also common. dice).

Dice usually made in the form of a six-sided cube with numbers from 1 to 6 printed on its sides, and the sum of the numbers on opposite sides should be equal to seven. A dice can be thought of as a random number generator in an integer interval with the same probability of hitting all numbers in the interval. Such generators are designated 1dN. So, for example, a regular six-sided die is 1d6; flipping a coin is the job of a 1d2 generator, etc.

The abbreviation MdN denotes the sum of M applications of 1dN. It should be noted that MdN gives integers in the range . The probability of a number falling out of this interval increases as it approaches its middle (see binomial distribution).

So, for example, using a d4 die and rolling it twice, we get a 2d4 generator, giving the following options:

Number of points Probability of outcome %%
2 1/16 6,25
3 1/8 12,5
4 3/16 18,75
5 1/4 25
6 3/16 18,75
7 1/8 12,5
8 1/16 6,25

An example of a generator that does not fall under the definition of MdN: a deck of cards to which the drawn cards are not returned. It will be 1dN only for the first attempt, the distributions of subsequent attempts will depend on the previous results.

A set of dice for D&D games. The last two are d100 "percentage dice" to represent ones and tens

Role-playing games (such as those based on the rules of Dungeons & Dragons) use dice with 4 (tetrahedron), 6 (cube), 8 (octahedron), 12 (dodecahedron), 20 (icosahedron), and other numbers of sides. Low Zocchi invented the zocchihedron, a die with 100 sides. However, to obtain numbers from 1 to 100, two 10-sided dice are more often used.

Among roleplayers, the type of die is often denoted by the letter “d” ( d ices) or "to", ( To spines) after which the number of sides is indicated. In addition to the familiar six-sided dice (d6), four-sided (d4), eight-sided (d8), ten-sided (d10), twelve-sided (d12) and twenty-sided (d20) dice are used. The designation d100, d% or “percentage cube” is also used, which is two decahedrons, one of which is used to determine the number of tens, and the second - units.

Asian bones (top) and Western bones (bottom)


The exact date of the appearance of the dice is unknown. However, it has been established that the game Backgammon, where such ancient random number generators were supposed to be used, is already more than 5 thousand years old.

In the 11th century, astragalomancy developed in Byzantium - the art of predicting the future by dice.

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    See what a “dice” is in other dictionaries: PROBABILITY, a number in the range from zero to one inclusive, representing the possibility of a given event occurring. The probability of an event is defined as the ratio of the number of chances that an event can occur to the total number of possible... ...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary And, gen. pl. shek, dat. shkam, w. decomposition 1. A joint that protrudes at an angle when making a fist or bending the fingers. The little one tapped her dry knuckles on the table. Shukshin, Shameless. 2. A small item usually made of bone, plastic, etc...

    I 1. A separate component of the skeleton of humans and vertebrates. 2. transfer decomposition Body type. II Tusks of some animals (elephant, walrus, etc.), used for various crafts. III Dice or plate originally... ...

    I decomposition 1. The joint of the finger of the hand, protruding at an angle when bent. 2. Protruding body bone. II decomposition Small item made of bone [bone II]. III decomposition A dice or plate is originally made of bone, indicating numbers or points; ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova encyclopedic Dictionary

    Expected value- (Population mean) Mathematical expectation is the probability distribution of a random variable. Mathematical expectation, definition, mathematical expectation of discrete and continuous random variables, sample, conditional expectation, calculation,... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    knuckle- And; pl. genus. shek, dat. shkam; and.; decomposition 1) A joint that protrudes at an angle when making a fist or bending the fingers. Tap your knuckles on the table. 2) A small item, usually made of bone, plastic, etc. (dice, button, etc.)… … Dictionary of many expressions

As soon as dice games appeared, there were immediately people who wanted to win in any way. I'm not talking about threats to the opponent in the game, but only about cheating dice, i.e. specially processed dice, which, when thrown, produces the combination of indices (sum of numbers) required by the sharpie. What did cheaters resort to in the Middle Ages, and what is still preserved in the arsenal of modern dishonest players?

I'll start with general description, what is a dice and what is a regular or fair die! A regular die is a six-sided cube, sometimes with rounded edges. There are games that use dice with a different number of sides, but for now we will only talk about dice. So, modern dice can be divided into two types: perfect for casinos and imperfect for home game. But in both cases, the basic rules for fair play are observed:

  • The faces of the cube must be equal in size - that’s why a cube is a cube!
  • The die must be centered, i.e. faces have an equal chance of appearing
  • each face contains its own index (points) with a value from 1 to 6
  • the sum of opposite faces is seven:
    1 vs 6
    2 vs 5
    3 vs 4

To avoid fraud, modern casinos use clear, smooth-cut acrylic dice, with their own series and casino brand, which ensure fair play.

And now, without haste, let’s talk about how cheaters push fate. We will not talk now about the technique of controlled throwing - a cheating technique when dice thrown in a special way give the desired result with almost one hundred percent probability. Now about making special bones, mechanically modified to suit your needs, i.e. Sharpies or Loaded Dice. Of course, no one will make dice that will produce an unfavorable combination - the sum of the numbers on the sides.

Sharpie dice change the result of the roll

The more money is bet in a game of craps, the greater the chance that someone will have the desire to change the course of the game in their favor by influencing the roll. Of course, the use of cheating dice can also be found in games with small bets, but still big game is more likely to attract cheaters and scammers.

The first mentions of sharpie dice (in English it sounds like Crooked Dice) date back to the Ancient World. In archaeological excavations in the East, Middle East and South America they find specimens of dice that clearly belong to cheaters. There are even references to unfair dice games in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, dating back to the twentieth century BC.

The rules of the game of dice set their own profitable and unfavorable combinations of indices. Changing the correct dice changes the course of the game in favor of the one who uses such sharp dice.

substitution of dice

Sharpie dice in skillful hands are a benefit for their owner. By replacing fair dice with cheating ones during the game, such a player can gain an advantage in the game of up to 99.9 percent. The procedure for replacing cubes is as follows. Holding his dice secretly in his hand, the sharper takes the dice from the table to throw, and now holding them in his hand, throws out his dice. There may be options when the correct dice do not remain in the hand, but are thrown into the lap. Of course, at the end of the game, the fake dice are removed from the game by the sharper.

change in cubic bone shape

There are several options here. First of all, a change in cubic shape. Imagine how the roll of a dice might be affected if at least one of the faces was beveled at a slightly different angle. What if the die is not a cube at all? But it’s not difficult to pull this off either. Literally grinding off a couple of millimeters changes the cube into a rectangular parallipiped, where a wider edge has a greater chance of falling out. Another possibility is also possible: one of the faces is convex, which actually excludes it from the combination.

Such cheating dice, mechanically modified, were widely used in the game of craps, where the combination of “seven” or “eleven” is profitable already on the first point. The imperceptible substitution of casino dice with their own “needed” dice allowed the cheaters to win. What can we say about cheaters! At the dawn of the development of the gambling business, the gambling establishments themselves often resorted to cheating tricks, replacing the dice with ones where these same 7 and 11 did not fall out. Stickman very cleverly introduced and removed such incorrect dice in craps, changing the casino advantage in his favor.

I want to tell you that a concave edge, creating a vacuum effect, can also affect the throw, especially if the throw is made on a rough surface.

Mechanical changes in the faces of the cube, sometimes completely invisible to the eye, can also affect the outcome of the game. The standard beveled edge angle is 45 degrees. Changing the bevel of several faces to sixty changes the cast. A sharper than standard edge angle also affects the throw. Of course, when thrown, the dice will tend to land on a sharper angle.

I found this set for sale on the Internet. It is proposed to make dice with a shift in the center of gravity, and you can choose which face to “remove” from the throw, i.e. make heavier.

displacement of the cube's center of gravity

Another physical change to the dice that affects the outcome is adding weight to one of the faces of the die. As you understand, it is not the form that changes, but the content. Yes Yes! Literally, content. The die was drilled on the desired face and filled with a weighting agent. The hole was then skillfully sealed with bone material. And then it’s a matter of technology. The roll was more likely to throw the indices needed for the dice, since the die lands on a harder side. Modern dice are usually made of plastic, which when heated “drains” under the influence of gravity. Now, if you heat a dice in the oven and, most importantly, pull it out in time, the heated edge will change its density and become heavier. Such dice are called “baked” dice.

The second option for changing the center of gravity is to leave a void under the face of the cube. The required face is made hollow, i.e. the edge becomes lighter and its index appears more often in the throw, since, again, the opposite edge is heavier and the die falls on it.

mercury dice

A trick with dice, bordering on the impact on the health of the person remaking the dice. Mercury tends to roll around; it does not fill the entire space. The essence of the sharpie transfer dice with mercury is as follows. The cube is drilled from one side to the other. Next, the hollow part is filled with mercury, but not completely. The hole made is sealed. When playing, a certain skill in throwing is required, calculated on the fact that the heavy mercury will not have time to roll from one side to the other. A sliding throw is preferred, i.e. when the bone does not tumble, but slides along the thrown surface. However, such a throw already falls into the category of fraudulent, however, mercury gives a greater probability of falling on the side that was set by the hand of the thrower.

convex indices

These are perhaps the most easily identifiable changes to the dice. The side of the cube with convex indices causes the cube to roll to the desired side. Although this is not such an effective change, such cheating dice still occur.

elastic sharpie dice

We are not talking about rubber dice. Rather, there are problems of terminology; in my opinion, the most successful and descriptive name for this type of sharp dice has been chosen. But I will explain the essence in detail. A certain edge or edges are ground down and replaced with the same appearance material, but different in elasticity. When thrown, the replaced face tends to bounce and roll to the other face.

sticky dice

These sharpie dice are made on the principle of elastic dice, but only the material that replaces one of the faces is sticky. Or the edge is coated with a special compound. Under certain conditions (for example, a player blows on the dice before throwing), the properties of the material change, and when the cube comes into contact with the table surface, it literally sticks with the required (or rather, unnecessary) edge.

smooth dice

Again, we are not talking about a perfectly smooth dice on all sides. Only one of the edges will be polished to perfection, while the other sides will be rough. The difference is so insignificant that it is difficult to feel. But this is enough so that, with a skillful throw from a sharpie, such a bone will stop on the smoother side.

Pay attention to the packaging inscription “Loaded Dice”, and below (translated into Russian) “Guaranteed roll of 7 or 11”. The prominent sides of these transparent acrylic cubes show two sixes on the left dice and three fives on the right. These cheating dice are also available for sale in online stores.

distorted bone markings

The category of these dice belongs to the category of fraud, designed for the inattention of players. The sum of the numbers on opposite fair dice is seven. Indexes from one to six. Double dice have a different indexing, in which the loss of certain sums of numbers is not possible in principle. Of course, such dice will not have an index greater than six. But two dice with indices on the sides 1-1-3-3-5-5 will never roll a seven. Whereas two dice with indices 2-2-5-5-6-6 are guaranteed to give you 7 or 11.

There is another option for changing the marking: all faces of the sharpie die will have the same index. But such dice are used very rarely, since only a drunk player can fail to notice all six sixes.

magnetic sharpie dice

Here we will talk about a more elaborate fraud. Again, mechanical inclusions in the edge of the dice, but now metal, allow you to get the desired result when using a certain surface. What is a defined surface? This is a special table that, with the help of switched-on electromagnetic radiation, stops such a sharpie's dice in the throw required by the sharper. Or in the throw required for the gaming establishment. If another player rolls the dice, the magnet may be turned off. Here, of course, there is a percentage of luck of the player who does not resort to cheating. However, magnetic sharp dice are an almost 100% success rate in the game.

attention! it can be dangerous to health

Any sensible player, and we count ourselves among such reasonable players, will never resort to dishonest tricks and tricks. People! Dice games don't even have the bluffing element of poker. Play fairly, relying on fate. And if you really want to use cheating dice in a game, then do it with friends who will laugh with you at a successful draw. Absolutely do not use cheating dice when playing with strangers. Dangerous to health, at least!

how to avoid foul play

If the dice are not made of clear acrylic, how can you check whether the center of gravity is shifted? It's simple. Dip the dice into the water several times. You can use a glass of juice, clear, of course. If, every time you throw into the water, the dice shows you the same index, then the dice is a cheater with a displaced center of gravity. The weighted edge will tip down every time, and if the edge is hollow, it will end up on top (the bone will not even be completely immersed in the liquid). In principle, the weighted edge can be felt by touch. But I have never succeeded in doing this. But water helps. No no! Don’t think that every dice game I play requires testing the dice for “fairness.” I prefer playing with friends.

This, in fact, is the The first and most important rule is how to avoid unfair play. Don't play with strangers. But also with yours - play, but check. That’s why I continue to teach how to recognize cheating dice.

Take a pair of dice in your hands and check one by one how the edges of the cubes touch. This is necessary to determine whether the faces are equal, whether there are convex or concave surfaces, whether the edges are cut to an obtuse angle. Convex edges can be detected by placing the die against a flat table surface. Press the bones down with each side at a time, making sure they don't roll.

Now let’s check the indices on the edges. Are all six available? 1-2-3-4-5-6. And the sum of the faces. At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that regular dice have a sum of opposite sides equal to seven. Sharpie dice, designed for the player’s inattention, are perhaps one of the most common.

You can feel the replaced face of a cube with another material. Run your fingernail along each edge to make sure they are made of the same material.

By simply feeling the sides of the dice, the indices are checked for convexity. Ideally, the indices should not protrude above the surface of the side of the cube.

There is a belief among players that blowing on the dice before throwing may be a sign to test the dice for the stickiness of the material. Perhaps one of the edges is painted with a substance that, when heated (the player's breath), becomes viscous and begins to stick to other surfaces.

In any case, it doesn’t hurt to check the sides of the bones for smoothness or roughness. The smoother side will fall down when thrown.