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Walkthrough of the game Drakensang: The Dark Eye. Drakensang: the dark eye: guides and walkthroughs Drakensang the dark eye walkthrough fang of fury

world? Computer role-playing game developers Drakensang: The Dark Eye We decided to start with a letter from a friend. So, the main character receives a letter - an invitation from an old friend and teacher to come to the trading city of Ferdok, where mysterious serial murders took place. Without hesitation, the main character goes to meet a friend and finds himself in a fascinating adventure:

The country of Aventuria is not going through the most peaceful times; robbers are rampant everywhere, so all roads to Ferdok are blocked and only merchants and nobles can move freely. This is how the storyline begins in an unusual way. Drakensang: The Dark Eye. Subsequent events will be full of secrets, intrigue and searches.

Drakensang is based on the German board game Das Schwarze Auge.

Generation of Ch. hero: Initially, the player selects the main character (20 classes are available to choose from) who will act as the leader of a party of adventurers, he will participate in all dialogues with characters in the fantasy world.

In the very first village, the passage through which is closed by guards, the main character meets the first people who want to join his group. As the story progresses, the characters will change; they can be replaced one by one, thus choosing an increasingly balanced group. I will note the fact that a balanced group is more important in Drakensang than the skills or equipment of an individual character.

Balance: There are situations when the fate of the entire group is decided by just one character who successfully finds himself in it. For example, an Evil Tree (boss) in the swamps knocks down warriors and only ranged attacks and magic spells reach their target with impunity, but at the same time, warriors are required to kill the tree’s guards. Thus, it is a well-thought-out balance that determines the outcome of the battle.

IN Drakensang: The Dark Eye The battle takes place in rounds, just like in the great one. Damage, damage, the chance of triggering skills and using abilities is calculated with a twenty-sided die, so each battle can take place unexpectedly. Pause the game, give instructions to all group members, you can set a chain of actions for everyone, and then everything depends on luck, the level of the group members and your organizational skills.

Observations: This cube is terribly mean :) when I killed the rat queen in Ferdok’s dungeons, the handy mothers killed all my party members except the gnome, this little guy was lucky enough to be left alone with his mother and chop 2/3 of her alone. Honestly, I had lost all hope of being able to pass this level (and there was no way back, it was blocked...) and I was about to start all over from the very beginning, when suddenly I remembered the miracles of loading/saving in the case of a cube... I had to suffer, it’s good that the rat missed the short one more often than the gnome. As a result, the level is passed, experience is gained, I no longer lead an unprepared group.

Leveling up characters: By completing tasks and defeating opponents, your hero will receive adventure points. You can use them to improve your stats, skills, or spells. To learn a new skill, you need a teacher and money.

The heroes of Aventuria are characterized by several numerical indicators. The higher the score, the higher the chances that it will successfully pass the test.

In many game situations, such as combat, these metrics will be tested using a 20-sided die.

Keep track of the wounds your hero receives during battle. They weaken it very much, so wounds need to be treated as soon as possible. This is possible, for example, using the spell “Balm of Salabunda” or the skill “Medicine, wounds”.

Those with a shield can repel an attack from a long distance, but all other fighters can only rely on their own dodges. Therefore, it is more difficult for a ranged fighter to hit those who have a shield. In this case, his ranged combat indicator worsens by 4 points.

The opponents are varied: Some opponents are very strong in defense, so they cannot be dealt with with a powerful blow or swing of a hammer. With such opponents, it is best to use dodges or targeted thrusts - or hit them from a long distance.

Combat system: Battles consist of a series of attacks (AT) and blocks (BL). If the AT check passes but the defender's BL check fails, hit points are awarded. The armor protection indicator is subtracted from these points, after which the damage points are subtracted from the vital energy indicator of the loser of the round.

Death: If one of your heroes loses all hit points or receives more than four wounds, he falls unconscious and only wakes up seriously wounded after the battle. If all your heroes are so close to death, the ruthless Boron (deity of death) will claim his spoils and you will have to load your saved game.

Quests (searches and adventures): The tasks in Drakensang are very diverse, there are linear and multi-level ones, when one task becomes surrounded by a chain of quests. If a member of your squad develops different social abilities, completing multiple tasks becomes non-linear.

In addition to the main story quest, all sorts of side quests are found everywhere. For example, passing by a guard at the gate, we notice his unusual behavior, he is shouting something and jumping up and down, we approach, ask what happened, he attends to his needs and asks us to guard the city gates.

But not everything is so simple, the guard tells us about three scammers who should not be allowed into the city. As soon as he leaves, the hero begins to stop all the characters matching the description of the scammers entering the city and interrogates everyone. Thanks to special abilities, such as Knowledge of People, Local History, the hero can assess whether the suspects are telling him the truth...

There are also simply fun tasks, for example, in the city of Ferdok you can meet triplets gnomes who offer a game for money: you guess which one is which and you get coins. First, the ringleader gnome explains the rules, introduces his brothers by name, then the fun begins, the gnomes begin to run around each other, trying to confuse the player. Then the ringleader asks again, who am I? We answer correctly and receive a well-deserved reward for your attentiveness.

System requirementsDrakensang: The Dark Eye:

  • Operating system Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2/Vista
  • Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz processor or Athlon® XP equivalent
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 8.5 GB of free hard drive space
  • 3D video adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX® 9.0c (GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300)
  • DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio device
  • DirectX® 9.0c

Near the gates of the city of Ferdok, Dranor will leave us, because... fears that the guards might arrest him. He says that later he himself will find us in the city.

After checking our documents, the guard allows us into the city and also tells us where we can find Ardo’s house.

10 experience points;

First of all, we go to Ardo's house.

There, near the door, the guard Hasler meets us and informs us that Ardo was killed.

Quest "Invitation of an old friend" completed +20 experience points;

New quest "Murders in Ferdok" received

Guard Hasler says that we can get all the information on this case from the head of the guard, Barla Darkenschmidt.

It is located near the city guard's house.

Having found her, we see that she is talking with the guard Rübinger.

From their conversation, it can be understood that Dranor was unable to sneak into the city unnoticed and was nevertheless caught when he climbed over the wall.

After talking with Barla, we convince her to give permission to participate in the murder investigation.

20 experience points;

She briefly brings us up to date and gives us 3 new quests:

Investigate the murder of Eberstamm

Investigate the Dragon's murder

Investigate Elko's murder

Forgrim the dwarf was Ardo's guard.

After killing the owner, he pours out his grief at the Silver Jug Tavern. Located in the north of Praios Square.

We go to him to interview him.

Unfortunately, Forgrim doesn’t want to talk to us. Those. Maybe he wants to, but he can’t anymore.

Innkeeper Tradan Brauerlich comes to our aid. And he agrees to pour a glass of his signature “Dark Special.” He says that this is the only way to clear Forgrim's mind.

Surprisingly, the potion helped.

Forgrim, who has come to his senses, tells us a lot of interesting things, including the fact that before his death he was going to talk to the guardsman Tashmann, but never had time to do so. Taschmann found his body near the docks.

20 experience points;

Forgrim can be accepted into the team.

Right at the entrance to Furmansheim, three bandits block our way, demanding a Thaler for passage along the street.

You can pay, or you can kill the bandits.

After talking with the fishmonger Shtunkler, we learn that Kladis often visits the “Fat Pig” tavern (located opposite the merchant’s tent).

After talking with the bartender and visitors to the Fat Pig, we understand that no one is going to help us find Cladis.

You will have to rely only on your own strength.

Leaving the tavern, we notice that some suspicious guy is constantly sneaking behind us.

After passing a few houses, Kladis stops us.

After a short conversation, she joins us.

20 experience points;

We go to the place of Elko’s murder (almost in the center of the Furmansheim location)

The whole road is covered in blood, and the little cat Mimi is spinning nearby.

We run after the cat and she leads us to Elko’s neighbor, Libanger.

After asking the neighbor, we learn that Elko had a very valuable brooch, which he hid somewhere. It is possible that by examining the brooch you can get some kind of clue. The cat Mimi can lead us to the hiding place, but she just ran away somewhere.

We go to the fishmonger Shtunkler and take the remaining salmon from her.

We return to the scene of the murder and Mimi immediately jumps out of the bushes.

We give her the fish and watch where she runs.

Soon she leads us to the place where the brooch is kept.

60 experience points;

We rush to Barla to show her the brooch.

50 experience points;

Guard Rübinger, standing not far from Barla, says that some person wants to convey very important information.

This man made an appointment for us at the foot of the Prayos Temple.

The mysterious informant turns out to be Loisan's archivist.

20 experience points;

Loisana takes the brooch to find some information on it in the archives.

In the meantime, we will continue to investigate the murders.

Let's start killing the Dragon.

The crime was committed in the Port Ugdan location. That's why we go there.

As always, the best way to find out all the gossip is to go to the tavern.

The Artful Ferret tavern is located in the north of the Port Ugdan location.

Unfortunately, we were unable to learn anything useful from our conversations with the bartender and the visitors, but when we were almost leaving the tavern, the barmaid Alina caught up with us. It turns out she was a friend of the Dragon - Sandor Kunger.

Alina said that Sergeant-Major Taschmann forbade her to tell anyone about the murder, which is why she remained silent when we questioned her.

After asking Alina, we learn that Sandor had a talisman. But it was not found on the body.

Let's go inspect the place where Sandor was killed.

Having thoroughly searched the crime scene, in a barrel, we find the Dragon talisman.

50 experience points;

Let's run to tell Barla about this.

50 experience points;

The guard Rübinger standing nearby says that Loisana has learned something important and asks to meet her at the old place near the temple of Hesinda.

After talking with Loisana and giving her Sandor's amulet, we learn that these things are connected. It turns out they are made from Dragon scales and only the descendants of the Dragon slayers had such amulets.

30 experience points;

Loisana also reported that another descendant of the Dragon killers is a young girl, Jishka Ignifer, who lives in Furmansheim. All this suggests that she is currently in danger.

We urgently run to Furmansheim to save Jishka.

As always, we are a little behind schedule.

Arriving at the scene, near the Fat Pig tavern, we learn from the words of local residents that bandits in red dragged Yishka into the sewer.

Let's run there.

We don't have time again. Yishka is dead, candles are burning around her and everything is covered in blood.

30 experience points;

We run through the dungeon, following the killers.

Attention: While wandering around the dungeon, look carefully at the map. Forgrim's Dwarven Nose trait will reveal 3 hidden areas in the dungeon.

In one of them you can find a "Furrier's Knife".

The exit from the dungeon is in the library. There we meet the noble aristocrats Ferio of Ferdok and Chestnut Wagnitz.

30 experience points;

They captured the archivist Loisana.

We kill everyone we can and save Loisana.

100 experience points;

Then the Grand Inquisitor Da Vanya suddenly appears on the battlefield.

He loudly swears at us, at Loisana, and says that hunting respected nobles is not very good.

In the end he orders us to get out of his sight.

Be that as it may, now we need to report on the work done to Barla.

She's already waiting for us.

We tell the whole story to Barle, and then we are invited to an audience with Count Grovin.

He praises us greatly and gives us 50 ducats as a reward for our help, and also transfers Ardo’s house for our use.

Quest "Murders in Ferdok" completed +20 experience points;

There we also meet the head of the prison, Doriana, and learn that it was on her instructions that Ardo conducted an investigation in Ferdok.

And since he did not have time to complete the investigation, she offers us to do it.

Quest "Investigation at the port" received

We also receive the quest "Chestnut Wagnitz". The criminal managed to escape and now it looks like we will have to catch him.

As we exit the audience hall, Housekeeper Wirrvosh greets us and says that he used to serve with Ardo. And because Now his house belongs to us, then he offers his services.

Received the quest "Ardo's House".

We need to arrive at Ardo's house, and there Wirrvosh will give us a letter from the magician Rakorium asking us to come to the temple of Hesinda. Received the quest "Preparing for the Test of the Dragon"

Quest "House of Ardo" completed +20 experience points;

Quest "Preparing for the Dragon Test"

Arriving at the temple of Hesinda and talking with Dorion, we receive the task of finding 3 parts of the oracle in the catacombs under the temple.

1. Take the key to the catacombs from the novice Avanti.

20 experience points;

2. Find the wings - located on the -2nd floor.

3. Find the torso of Ouroborus - located on the -3rd floor. Next to the large emerald spider.

50 experience points;

4. Give Dorion 3 pieces of the oracle.

50 experience points;

The quest "Preparing for the Dragon Test" is completed.

Dorion begins the Dragon Test ceremony, the Oracle comes to life, declares you the Chosen One and begins giving out tasks:

Whether or not to rush to Aidan’s aid is up to you, but remember that at the moment our main task is to complete the “Third Dragon Trial.” After receiving it, access to the Fang of Fury location opens on the map.

Priest Dorion is simply amazed! All three Oracle tasks have been completed, and we are still alive!

Let's listen to what the oracle says.

All dragon tests have been passed! A lost spirit was saved, the Book of the Snake was found, and we were able to look into the Eye of the Dragon. The last secret is destined to be revealed only to us! The eye will guide us, the book will give us knowledge, and the spirit will give us hope.

You need to find the diamond heart! Reveal the greatest secret, which has not yet been smoked by more than one fighter.

The “Fire Shield”, which once belonged to the first fighter of the dragon test, will help us on our difficult journey.

That's all. The tests are over, but the adventure continues!

Received the task "Prologue: Diamond Heart". +500 experience points.

Also received "Fandral's Shield" - The enemy's attack indicators are reduced by 4 units.

Priest Dorion advises talking to the magician Rakorium. Perhaps he will be able to unravel the mystery of the Dragon's Eye

Let's go home and ask Rakorium.

Recently I decided to write a walkthrough of Drakensang, and started the game again. What came out of this is up to you to judge :)

(this is the first walkthrough I'm writing, so don't kick me too hard)

Main quest

So, immediately after creating the hero, the game, without really explaining anything and with just one note in the journal about a certain friend of ours Ardo, throws us into the world of Aventuria.

Well, there’s nowhere to go, we’ll have to go to Ferdok and find out what our friend needed.

However, already at the first checkpoint, located a couple of steps from the start of the game, a bearded guard informs us that the passage to the city is closed, due to a gang of murderers raging in the area, so without a recommendation from two authoritative people, not a single respectable guard in Ferdok will accept us will let you in. And who issues such idiotic decrees! :)

After testing this same guard a little, we find out that one of our guarantors could be the Supreme Mage Rakorium, who, together with his two students, went to the Sharp Sword tavern.

So, one candidate for the position of our guarantor has been found, all that remains is to find a second one.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

We go to a small tent camp located not far from the village of Avestra itself, and meet the charming Salina, the queen of magicians. As it turns out from a conversation with her, Salina’s precious brooch with a tiara was stolen, and she is ready to give us a recommendation if we help her find this very brooch. Fortunately, her brother Halmok has guesses as to the identity of the kidnapper, he believes that Salina’s friend, the thief Dranor. According to the Queen of Magicians, you can find out where he is hiding from his comrade, Runkel Berezhaus, who hangs around nearby.

Now we have a second guarantor, all that remains is to find this Dranor!

His friend turns out to be not a very tough nut to crack and immediately reveals that Dranor had dealings with a gang of murderers operating in the area. According to Runkel, the local innkeeper must help us find the hideout of these robbers. (You can also take the quest from Runkel to join Ferdok’s guild of thieves, read its passage at the bottom of the post)

Now is the time to go to the Sharp Sword

Approaching the inn, we witness a dispute between the local innkeeper and the Amazon Rulana. After their chat, we ask the innkeeper about the bandits’ hideout, and we boldly invite the Amazon to join us. So, having identified ourselves with the first companion in the game, we go to the north of the Dark Forest, where the killers’ lair is located. On the road to the Dark Forest (near the bridge) we meet two novices of the magician Rakorium, who say that their teacher disappeared somewhere in the forest. Well, we'll visit him along the way :) .

At the entrance to the camp we deal with a couple of bandits, and in the camp itself, after watching a short video, we deal with three more. (by the way, do not forget to take the Robber Emblems from their bodies, the head of customs Nandoro will pay 2 thalers for each). Immediately after “cleansing” the camp, Dranor will talk to you (he was in the camp all this time, and it was really he who stole the diadem). Immediately invite him to join your party, he will not refuse.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

Now it's time to find the mage Rakorium.

We go to the old adit. The magician is at the end of the left branch of the dungeon. There is no particular need to persuade him to return to Avestroy, so after talking with him we immediately go to the exit. As soon as we leave the adit, Rakorium will remember the teleportation spell, and, without even thanking us, will move to Avestroi. Okay, we'll visit this ungrateful wizard again.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

We return to Avestroy. Rakorium is already standing at the bridge, next to his novices. We take the recommendation from the absent-minded magician, and for one, 80 units of experience, and go to Salina.

The Queen of Magicians is not going to forgive her beau, Dranor, but she will help us get into Ferdok - if the guard Nandor does not want to let us through, we just need to tell him: “Salina will tell everyone what he did last year on Prayos Day.” For completing the quest, we will also receive 70 units of experience.

However, before leaving Avestroy, complete all side quests; you will not be able to return to this location later!

Now we go to the head of customs Nandor. Having learned about our guarantors, Nandor will immediately let us into Ferdok (don’t forget to give him the emblems of the robbers)

Well, bye Avestroy and hello Ferdok!

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

Side quests

Thieves entrance exam.

This quest can be taken from Runkel Berezhaus. After he talks about how his friend Dranor has something to do with the murderers, just ask him why, in fact, he and Dranor came to Avestra. Runkel will tell you that he and Dranor want to join the thieves guild, but to do this they need to pass the entrance exam. The unfortunate thief himself will ask you to help him. So, the entire exam consists of three tasks. The first is that you need to crack the chest that is located near the Aves Chapel. If Dranor has already joined you at this point, then there should be no problems with this.

We take a note with incomprehensible symbols from the chest and take it back to Runkel. He will decipher it and tell you the second task: you need to pick up the next note from the chicken coop in the village. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple, the chicken coop is guarded by an angry dog. So that the dog doesn’t bark at us, we start a conversation with its owner, who is standing nearby. We ask her for a bone for the dog, options in the dialogue are 3 Threat, Seduction and Persuasion, choose the skill that you have the most developed. Having lured a bone from the peasant woman, we give it to the dog, and while he gnaws it, we quickly take the note from the chicken coop.

Let's return to Runkel. Having deciphered the note, Runkel will send us to the cellar of the old mill, where there is a chest with the 3rd note. The chest lies at the very end of the dungeon, and since the cellar has no branches, it will be difficult to miss it. True, the chest is protected by a trap, and it is guarded by a “flock” of rats. We take the last note and take it to Runkel. He will say that the word Furmanshem, the name of one of Ferdok's quarters, is encrypted in it, therefore, the lair of the thieves guild is located there. Thieves Guild exam passed!

Delicious delicacies

In the square near the tavern there is a merchant named Gallo Frantrich. He will ask you to find him a package that he lost. If one of your characters has leveled up the Knowledge of People skill, then you can immediately figure out the suspicious merchant - the bag contains not some trinket, but Kashammer tongues. The package lies by the road to Ferdok, to the right of the cart. When you find it, don’t rush to give it to Gallo for 2 thalers, you can bargain up to 1 ducat by choosing dialogue lines under the following numbers: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 or 3, 1, 1, 1, 2.

(By the way, there is an assumption that in one of the last locations - Talon it will be possible to sell the same package for 50 ducats!) As a reward for the quest you will also receive 15 experience.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

Berry picking

You can also pick up a quest from another merchant, Bredo Bento, walking near the chapel. He will ask you to collect 10 Crow's Eye berries. Crow's Eye bushes grow almost everywhere in the Dark Forest, but most of them are on the shore of the lake. As a reward you will receive 6 experience points and 2 ducats

Quarrel over an apple tree

On the road to Ferdok, near an apple tree, you can meet two peasants who cannot divide the harvest. If you talk to one of them, you will be offered to resolve their dispute. There are only four answer options in the dialogue, although they all lead to the same result, the peasants thank you, and you get +15 experience, so feel free to choose any one.

Hunter Kutzenstein

The local innkeeper Talion is worried about the hunter Kutzenstein, who has not appeared in the village for several days, and asks you to check on him. In order to complete the quest, simply go to the hunter's hut in the Dark Forest and help him deal with the wolf. As a reward you will receive some experience.

Wolf Attack in the Dark Forest

The quest can be taken from the hunter Kutzenstein. He will ask you to kill the leader of the wolf pack - White Skin. We just go west from Kutzenstein’s hut and deal with White Skin and her two assistants. As soon as we kill the leader of the pack, the quest item White Skin will appear in the inventory. We take it to the hunter and receive a well-deserved reward - 20 thalers and 5 experience.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

Bear in the Dark Forest

The quest is also taken from the hunter. You need to kill the rabid bear that lives in the old adit. We just kill Misha and bring his head to the hunter. Reward – 25 thalers and 5 experience.

Hunting trophy

After you pass the quest “Bear in the Dark Forest”, simply take the bear’s head to the innkeeper Talion. Reward – 2 ducats and 10 experience.

Also in Avestroy you can find several tasks, which, although they are not full-fledged quests, since entries about them do not appear in the journal, are also rewarded with experience and gold.

Fight with soldiers

Near the magician Salina's tent, on a small platform you can meet two soldiers. One of them will invite you to fight, and if you win, he will give you his sword (it’s better to already have at least one party member by this time, so that it would be easier to kick the asses of the brave ones)

After the battle, the disgruntled guard will reluctantly give you his sword - Hugelboldt's Broadsword with an attack of 1W+4. You will also receive an increase of 20 experience.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

hidden treasures

In the upper right corner of the location, near the waterfall, you can find a strange corpse with fire flies flying around it. We deal with the flies and search the corpse. On it you can find a key and a note that mentions a treasure chest. The chest itself is located to the left of the body (if you are facing the waterfall) behind the bushes. It contains 3 ducats, a gold chain and a silver ring. Quite a good treasure to start the game with.


Near the second outpost on the road to Ferdok, there is a strange knight named Partsalon. If you listen to his fictional story (just always choose 1 answer in the dialogue) you will get 15 experience. This is how fables help the main character level up

Master's Mask

To the left of the main road, right behind the village, in a small clearing, a peasant woman, Erna Rübenfein, is walking. If you start a conversation with her, she will send you to her husband, but you can ask her about a certain thing that belongs to us. She will ask you for your password. We dial one of these codes:


One of these codes should work, but in some versions they may be blocked. To find the working code, open the file "Drakensang\export\db\static.db4" and look for the line "keyword=".

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

Erna should give you the Master's Mask, which, in addition to head protection 1, gives a +3 charisma increase.

Walkthrough. Part one

Walkthrough. Part one

That's all for now! I’ll try to cram more into the next part of the walkthroughs (this post was, so to speak, a test of the pen:)

I will definitely listen and take into account your wishes regarding the content and format of the next parts of the walkthrough.

It seems that RPG adventurers have lived to see the time of penguins and butterflies. There have been some great games released recently, and a few more on the way. Among them is Drakensang: The River of Time, the sequel to Drakensang: The Dark Eye. Today we will tell you how to easily get through numerous battles, pick up companions and fulfill your destiny. And for this, let’s once again plunge into the unique atmosphere of the noisy Ferdok, the majestic Murolosh, the Morbrück swamps and other corners of the world of the Dragon Song. Ready?

Begin with yourself

We can only take four fighters into one squad, so the role of each of them is extremely large. There will always be a main character in the squad, so the first choice is the most important. But before we move on to tips, let’s remember the mechanics of battles again.

The main thing in battle is the number of opponents simultaneously hitting the character and wounds. The first is because many attacks cannot be blocked. And the latter - because they bring death regardless of the total amount of health. Now let's figure out how we can influence these indicators.

Magical Menagerie

In addition to the four heroes, there is one more summoned creature available to us. Only full magicians have the gift of summoning, and people have a much wider choice of spells. In total, we have five friends available to summon:


At first it is quite frail, but it develops very quickly. With each modifier point, he acquires armor, even armor, receives new weapons and, most importantly, abilities. A skeleton of average (about ten) level is the best possible companion: high health, armor, attack, in a word, a full-fledged member of the squad. But then... At the twelfth level, the skeleton changes class, turning into a magician. Now no one needs him, because his spells are weak, his mana is low, and he himself falls apart from any sneeze. Closer to the end, the situation improves a little, because the bony one’s spells begin to cause serious damage, but weakness and inability to control lead to the fact that rarely does any skeleton manage to cast more than two or three spells. Then they simply gnaw it off. You can, of course, not upgrade the skeleton to a mage (plus/minus modifier), and for some time it will even work, but then other creatures will become better.


Improved version of the skeleton. Stronger, but develops a little slower and is less protected. The genie does not have armor, but has many resistances to various effects. Overall good, but suffers from the same disease: over time it turns into an uncontrollable magician and becomes practically useless.


Quite a strong melee attack and immunity to many influences, but there is almost no defense, and all other creatures are clearly better. There is only one idea for using it: first hit the enemies with an area spell with damage spread over time, and then launch a shadow there so that it deals with the weakening enemies. True, the enemies absolutely do not want to stay in the middle of all this disgrace and fight with the shadow, but instead immediately run to pull the beard of the magician who created all this disgrace.

Fire Elemental

At first, you can’t think of anything better. His fiery aura cooks all your opponents in huge portions. But over time... Over time, the flame burns just as brightly, but there is less sense, because the enemies become much stronger, and the elemental dies very quickly.


This is the only companion available to the elf. The beast grows along with the squad, overcoming the path from a rat to a bear. At first, of course, he is rather weak, but then, when everyone else fizzles out, he continues to grow and comes to the end in all his splendor. He has few skills and resistances, but huge health and excellent damage.

The ideal companion depends on the time. The first few levels are an elemental, then a skeleton (or a genie if you need an attack) and finally a bear. Based on this, we can advise novice magicians to choose an elemental as their companion, because in the swamps we will meet an elf who can summon animals. They will replace the weakening friend.


There are two ways to inflict a wound: remove more health from the enemy than his constitution, or use a special ability. The first is unlikely, because most of the opponents encountered are by no means deprived of characteristics. And this is of little use: you will remove the entire health bar before inflicting five wounds. But the second can safely be called the cornerstone of the battle. Take a look at the table.

In the midst of impenetrable darkness, our hero prays and lights a flame of hope.

While the hero admires the magnificent view, his loyal friends cover his back.

Let's start with weapons ranged. What to choose: bows or crossbows? The former shoot more often and further, the latter more powerfully. We recommend sticking with bows. You will only get decent crossbows from the dwarves (or shortly before), and this is almost the end of the game. In addition, the speed of fire plays a very important role, because the damage you inflict directly depends on it. Believe me, the monsters won't wait for you to draw your bow!

It is important: An elf from the swamps who knows how to summon animals and is excellent with a bow. So think carefully about whether your hero needs a ranged combat skill.

Now about weapons melee. Let's note the daggers right away: the main damage from them is simply ridiculous. Swords, of course, are good, but one wound will not be enough for us. We choose between spears and fencing weapons. Spears have more damage, and they can be used to make sweeps, which perfectly takes enemies out of the fight and thus greatly helps in any battle. And with a rapier you can take a shield. And this, in our opinion, is more important for the main character. According to the plot, he will come across just a magnificent example.

It is important: The main feature of plot armor is that it allows you to cast spells. And you should use this!

Peaceful abilities

Fireballs are not a toy for children!

Away, away, damned harpies!

Attention, advice for “munchkins” - the social group of skills (knowing people, seduction) can be safely abandoned. Most problems are solved either with a fight or with money. Among the collective skills you need zoology. Herbalism is preferable, but our irreplaceable elf can study one thing. From crafts to us Necessarily alchemy is needed. A little bit: only three units, more at will, powerful potions are never superfluous. But don’t rush to look for an archetype with already studied alchemy, we can learn this as the game progresses already in Ferdok. Blacksmithing and bow making are needed, but they will be developed by third-party characters. Traps can be neutralized with a “tank” (or simply run around them, which requires acuity of senses), and under the locks lie material values, of which there will be plenty.

It is important: in the glorious city of Talon you will come across the spell “Foram Foraminor”, ​​which completely replaces the burglar.

And finally, the physical group. Personally, self-control and sneaking will be useful to us, and let our companions teach us the rest. The acuity of feelings must be taught, otherwise all sorts of traps will not give you peace. And the overview on the mini-map makes it very easy to navigate the dungeons.

It's time to choose an archetype. In our opinion, It's worth choosing from an elementalist,metawizard,scammer,elven fighter and ranger. The first one knows how to summon an elemental, which is extremely valuable, and subsequently will be able to learn both a rapier or a spear, and extremely useful spells.

Forgrimm finally looked like himself from the old painting.

Having stepped on a giant rat's tail, we pour spells on it.

It is important: Captain Erland will be able to teach you how to use both spears and fencing weapons when you meet him in the count's quarter of Ferelden in the courtyard of the barracks.

The same can be said about a metawizard. The fraudster is fluent in rapiers and knows (and can learn) some spells. The fighter fights with a spear and, like the rogue, will be able to cast a spell, but due to his race, the choice of spells is very limited. The ranger specializes in bows (maybe you prefer them after all?) and can cast good spells, although many useful spells will be missed because of the same thing. In addition, Gwendala, whom we will save in the swamps, is of this class. Duplication is, of course, bad, but in this case it is not critical. Well, choose your hero and go.


Now you need to select a team. Gwendala must be in it, we have already written more than once why. Secondly, we need a “tank”. Forgrimm and Traldar are suitable for this role. The first one, in our opinion, is better, because he is a gnome and initially specializes in one-handed weapons, but he can also use a shield. Traldar does more damage due to his two-handed weapon, but he himself suffers more, so he will have to be constantly treated. He is more of an attacking “tank”, which is also useful. Lastly, if you are not a full human mage, you need to take Yost - for fire support. Otherwise, there are many options: Ankoron (spear + a little magic), a second “tank” or the same Yost. However, you can create a team of your own choosing.

Who, where, why

Golden Mountains

Before moving on to analyzing tactics, we will tell you the secret of the philosopher's stone. Not all of it, of course, but only that part of it that turns the metal into gold. And in our case, we will turn plants into it.

This method will only work after we get to the county quarter, but this significant event will happen very soon. So, we left the count’s residence, a substantial fee jingling in our pocket. We approach Auralia in a colorful yellow tent and learn alchemy from her (up to three points). Then we buy a recipe for a potion of courage. Now we buy from her finage (a local tree) and water from a sulfur spring at the rate of one leaf to two bottles, as much as the budget allows. The cost of these components is ninety-five percent of our costs.

It is important: If a merchant tells you that he has a hundred units of a certain product, do not believe him. In fact, he has an infinite amount of this goodness!

Let's walk a little around the square and look at the priest Perein Dolumur. We will buy as much gulmond leaves from him as we have from us. And finally, we run to Praios Square, run to the Temple of Hesinda and meet Master Elesmina there. Next to it is an alchemical laboratory, where we distill everything we bought before into a potion of courage and sell it to anyone. Even with minimum trading values, the profit will be 12-13% of the invested funds! In this way, you can earn hundreds and thousands of ducats and use them to buy the best equipment, the most valuable components, potions and, in general, everything your heart desires, even a ship.

On a note: if you want to run less, select one companion who will not participate in battle, and force him to learn trade to the maximum. This will increase your profit percentage significantly.

Choose me!

What to spend money on in the game? First of all, of course, for armor, weapons, potions, amulets, bribes, and so on. So what then? Don't you think it's worth it? But no! Do you want to get your own ship, servant, chickens and return Forgrimm's beard? Quite simply, money can do anything!

Not everything is for sale

Unfortunately, the most valuable pieces of equipment cannot be found for sale. They can only be made or found. And we will help you with this!


Study the map carefully - it is rewarded, and often very generously.

After you fight the murder cult for the first time and appear before the Count, he will give you an excellent mantle And chain mail of the city of Ferdok, and also order in addition.

After Blyutberg, near the temple of Hesinda, you will meet the elf Laurelin. He will ask you to pick up the cargo of wood at the port. As a reward we will receive instructions for making a long Luka tiik-tok and the necessary wood. By completing the Rulana quest, you will receive two sets of armor at once: Mactaleanata And Amazons from Turmeric, as well as two-handed Rhondra's Crest And Amazon saber.

On how to get three pieces of clothing, including Forgrimm's beard, see “Choose Me!”

After hiring Nasreddin, you can remove waqiff of Nasreddin- this is an eternally poisoned dagger. And, what is much more useful, fireproof Irian leather armor.

Two-handed sword Tuskar with a huge fifty percent bonus to inflicting wounds you will receive complete with the owner - Traldar.

Magister Elesmina will ask you to figure out the recipe for the potion. Once in Talon, take the task from Burgomaster Stippwitz to pick up the figurines from the leprechaun. You can chat with this cute creature. It will help you figure out the recipe potions of power and will give you a couple of rare components for its manufacture.

After completing a series of tasks about the confrontation between trading houses, you will receive the key to Ardo’s personal account. In the chest from the office you will find Ardo's family sword.

Moorbrück bogs

Beautiful staff of Valonion, which increases astral energy by ten units, you are unlikely to miss. It can be removed from the remains of the former lizard statue, which, as usual, by mistake, will be revived by Rakorium.

Back in Ferdok, the innkeeper Spekstein will ask you to find the thief Thalia who robbed him. You will find her in an inn in the swamps, and she, in turn, will ask you for help. Agree and head towards the designated crypt. There you will meet Alrik, a friend of our thief. Give him what he asks and you will receive it as a reward Farfara rapier, which is 25% more likely to cause wounds.

The main enemy has been turned to stone, his retinue has been defeated, now you can regain your breath and prepare for battle.

In the same tavern on the swamps you will meet the peat bog Vigur. After drinking him, you will learn about the treasure of his colleague, Crobber. He will invite you to find heirlooms and divide them. Agree and hit the road.

The task is extremely interesting, so if you want to figure it out yourself, just skip this paragraph. So, here are the clues. Three swords are three graves on the island of harpies. The fourth grave is on the other side of the hill. Stone wheels are millstones in a mill. After visiting these places, we go to where Rakorium brewed the potion and find a grave with the letter S laid out on it. Click on the bottom pebble and run back to the island of the harpies. There we go into the second crypt and click on the mouth of the sarcophagus. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of the recipe. Tenobaal's arrows. There are also five more of these rare arrows.

Saving Gwendala will also net us some great items. After entering the tree, turn right and you will find the corpse of an elf - on it, among other things, lie wood elf gloves, increasing charisma by as much as three units. And the spirit can be persuaded to leave you soul instrument, increasing the same charisma by two more units.


In the forest you can meet the witch Morla's pet - the talking toad Know-It-All. Feed her what she asks for and get a reward ring of omniscience with benefits to dexterity and manual dexterity.

At the very end, remove the short sword Cleaver with a twenty-five percent increased chance of inflicting a wound.

Furyfang Keep

Mantle of Astral Powers, doubling restoration of astral energy, you will find in a round room with a dragon's eye in the center. Search all the boxes and chests along the wall.


While no one is looking, our hero does something unpleasant. No, not what you thought - he opens the chest.

Trader Eichrich's quest will take you to a dark crypt, where you can loot the twice-corpse of a skeletal necromancer soul fragment - a staff that, with each blow to an enemy, unleashes a “thunder arrows” spell on him. Now our magician will be able to stand up for himself without astral energy.

On a note: if there are two magicians in your squad, then there will be no problems choosing between this staff and the staff of Valonion. But if there is only one... then it won’t happen either. We act like this: first, holding Valonion’s staff in our hands, we conjure all the mana, and then we take a fragment of the soul and go into close combat.

Peasants from the burned village will ask you to deal with the Tatzelwurm. After the battle with the monster, examine the remains of the less fortunate adventurers. You will find magic master hat- a wonderful headdress that increases resistance to magic by two points and the maximum astral energy by ten units.

Dragonslayer Helm Prince Arom will give you before the battle with the dragon. By the way, after his death you will immediately receive five very valuable recipes. True, you can only do three. You have to choose between crossbow And dragonslayer bow, dragonslayer saber And dragon spear. well and dragon potion, which raises all the parameters of the drinker by as much as three points, can be brewed as many times as the ingredients last.


According to the plot, you will help the gnomes more than once, and they will not leave you without a reward. Of the four excellent items that the treasurer can give you, you can only choose two. Mantle of Madness gives good (for robes) protection and reduces enemy attack by as much as four units. Incredible titanium ring strength raises the parameter of the same name by three points. Malmargaroshno- This is a terrible two-handed hammer with a fifty percent chance of knocking down the enemy. You won't find anything better for an attacking "tank". Kangrosha- an excellent ax with a five percent chance of wounding. An ideal weapon for a simple “tank”.

After you help the four sisters deal with their inheritance, they will share with you the recipe for a powerful crossbow iron forest Marimroshi with accelerated reloading.

In the depths of Gruldur, take the time to go to the upper right corner of the map. There is a nest of nasty amoebas, breaking through which you will find eight-piece protective amulet, which completely protects the owner from any poisons

If you find gnome treasures at the request of a dead gnome, you will make good money. Among other things there will be Tumlardrag- a crossbow that shoots balls, very quickly and powerfully.



The last moment of the apostate.

He must survive while everyone else heals him and destroys his enemies. Also, the “tank” has the task of disarming traps with its body. To do this, he needs the heaviest armor and, very preferably, a shield. The weapon is, of course, one-handed. The “tank” must develop a well-developed constitution and vital energy. Endurance will also not be superfluous. Among his abilities, he will need the lines of defensive fighting style and masterful defense, developed to the end, as well as, if possible, a wide swing and knocking down. From the “defense” tab, we first of all need a blow with a shield, although everything else will also come in handy. Skills include self-control and medicine: we don’t need wounds. Playing as a “tank” is quite simple: we run forward, burst into the crowd, give everyone slaps in the face and, covering ourselves with a shield, wait for something to end - either the enemies or our health.

Attack "tank"

Unlike the previous one, this “tank” takes a two-handed weapon and runs to hurt enemies. Therefore, we need to properly develop his strength. At the same time, he sips trophies. Stamina is much more critical for this character than for the previous one. At least to use the ability hammer blow, which you should definitely take. The skills are the same. We act like this: we burst into the crowd, swing our sword widely, knock someone down and hit someone else on the head with our “hammer”. After this, we chop down the enemies to the best of our ability and repeat the abilities as soon as the energy is restored.

It is important: To be on the safe side, you can develop self-control among all four of you. But melee fighters absolutely need this skill.

Fencer (rapier)

The task of this fighter is to inflict as many wounds as possible, and the rest of the time to support the team: with treatment, attack, magic. To complete the main task, we need to learn to the end of the line the attacking fighting style and feint. Endurance and agility are a must. If we use a shield, which is highly recommended, then we develop a blow with it.

Gwendala poses for anime fans.

On a note: you know how to cast spells, but the shield prevents this? It doesn’t matter, feel free to go into battle with him, and when you need to cast a spell, just go into your inventory and remove the burden for a while. Then take the shield again and continue the battle.

We spend the rest of the points on what we will do while our stamina is restored: healing, strengthening or damage spells, attacking fighting style. The parameters also depend on this. In the case of a half-mage, we develop all types of expendable energy (vital, astral and endurance), as well as intelligence and agility. If we plan to fight hand-to-hand, then we will do without astral energy, but rather take strength and constitution. The plan for the battle is this: we inflict two wounding blows in a row on the strongest enemy, after which we fight (conjure) and wait for recovery. We repeat.

It is important: After using abilities, you need to attack enemies who are already hanging on the “tank”.

Fencer (spear)

There are not very many differences from the previous version, but they are significant. We are not allowed shields, so evasion will be very useful. Be sure to study the ability to hook. It is better to refrain from witchcraft with a spear in your hands; it is better to spend the freed points on additional dexterity. We fight like this: we deliver wounding blows, after which we select the next most dangerous target and cut it off. Everyone who can beats the person who is down. If you don’t have enough stamina, take a bottle of “chemistry.” There is no doping control here anyway.


One of the most important characters on the team. And maybe the most important one. Judge for yourself: he inflicts the most terrible damage, spends very few points on the development of the main weapon, so he can still learn a lot, and, finally, this shooter will consume a good half of all the team’s funds.

So, development. Learning the shooting line without being distracted by a hail of arrows is a waste of points and stamina in battle. Now we definitely teach endurance and, preferably, evasiveness. We need a lot of skills: agility, strength, even constitution (for endurance).

The harpies below will not have time to reach us.

Equipment is very important. The main choice: which bow to take - with high damage and firing range, but slow reloading (long bows) or, conversely, fast, but weak (short, then composite)? The correct answer is to take them both. Besides bows, we need a lot of arrows. It is advisable to take five to six hundred pieces with you on long hikes. You can buy them in any city in unlimited quantities, but these arrows are of low quality. Good ones are rarely found on sale, and you have to make them yourself.

It is important: This is exactly why we need the zoology skill. The most scarce commodity is obtained from all kinds of animals: leather straps. Take the time to run through forests and dungeons and skin rats and wolves.

The battle for a good archer is divided into two stages. Stage one: we notice an enemy who does not notice us. Now we tighten the longbow string and release a master arrow. If you are well developed and your equipment is of excellent quality, a weak enemy will die from this one shot! And he will do it so quickly that the comrades standing next to him will not notice anything. This way you can destroy entire packs of wolves, fire flies and other small creatures that will not be able to understand what happened.

If it’s obviously not possible to kill right away, we do it a little differently. We choose the strongest enemy and shoot at him. Then again on it. And, switching to a “fast” bow, we shower our opponents with arrows. As soon as the stamina is restored, we again take the longbow in our hands and shoot the thickest ones. An archer needs coordination with other classes like no one else. Our main comrade is the fencer or second archer. Together we need to inflict on the main adversary five injuries. After which, together with him, while waiting for recovery, beat the same enemy. The magician will also help us with the latter.


The road to the house.

A mage is usually expected to do several things: healing, strengthening, summoning creatures, damage. In Drakensang you can add path lighting to this.

The wizard in the game lives two lives at once: before and after Talon. The fact is that in this wonderful city we will finally be presented with the most powerful healing and crippling spells, including area ones. And before this significant event, the magician is quite pitiful. He knows how to cast a spell slowly and weakly, strengthen friends with virtually no benefit, shine, heal from poisons and wounds.

We'll spend most of our time doing the last three things. Wounds must be monitored especially and eliminated immediately after they appear. That's why We are developing a defensive fighting style,evasion,mind,intuition,astral energy. Of the spells needed "Clarum purum" and "Balsam of Salabunda". As a weapon, it is better to choose a classic staff. Firstly, as the game progresses you will come across several samples with excellent enhancements. Secondly, by choosing a staff, you can learn the tripping ability, which will greatly help your allies in battle. The abilities of evasion and defensive fighting style will help you escape from monsters that accidentally attack you. We save the remaining points for real charms. Namely:

Ignisfero fireball

Large area damage followed by frying. Changes our entire tactics. After the archer's work, we throw this ball into the crowd of surviving enemies as many times as we can while these future firebrands are running towards us. As soon as close combat begins, we move on to the usual role of a healer.

Paralysis freeze like stone

Turns the enemy into stone for some time.

It is important: Some enemies are immune to this effect, so be careful when choosing your target.

We will receive this spell even before Talon, and it will immediately find a use. Now in any battle we can make our task easier by incapacitating almost any enemy. This is especially important in battles with mini-bosses: they cemented the leader, dealt with the retinue, healed, gathered and finished off the reptile. Applies until the very end of the game.

Healthy body,healthy mind

Places an ally in a meditative sleep, during which he heals wounds and quickly restores health. Helps to recover well after a difficult battle. It is difficult to use during a fight, because it immobilizes an ally. Although it’s possible against an armored “tank”. Enemies will still not be able to remove as much health from him as this enchantment restores.

You can do without the rest of the spells, although you still have to study a couple for close-range combat: Ignificus fire ray, freezing, lightning will find you - choose to your liking.

We are done with the analysis of archetypes, but there are a couple more situations that are worth dwelling on separately.

The son of a dwarven king saves his father from a demon... with a brave blow to the head with a pickaxe!

    Enemies are immune to wounds. A very unpleasant situation. Most often, the undead have these properties. If you know in advance that you will have numerous or difficult battles with the undead (swamps, dungeons of gnomes), then it is better to remove the fencer from the team and replace him with a mage or an attacking “tank”. Give the archer fire arrows. We act simply: first, the magicians shower enemies who haven’t reached them with powerful spells, and after that they switch to the mode of traveling first aid kits. The rest all together attack each of the dead in turn.

    Enemies are actively casting spells. Pay attention to stat boost potions. Each of them grants immunity to certain spells and effects. For example, a potion of intelligence saves you from the lightning spell, so beloved by lizards.

    The enemy has many shooters. Feel free to cast area spells on them.

    Almost the entire squad is dead,the rest won't cope. We just turn around and run as fast as we can. Sooner or later, the enemies will break away, and the dead friends will teleport closer to us, where they will be resurrected. We heal and try again.

Now you are prepared for almost any emergency. Let all troubles be easily resolved so that you have more time to explore the rich world of Drakensang!

Create a hero Select friends Earn Find the best weapon Fight

It seems that RPG adventurers have lived to see the time of penguins and butterflies. There have been some great games released recently, and a few more on the way. Among them is Drakensang: The River of Time, the sequel to Drakensang: The Dark Eye. Today we will tell you how to easily get through numerous battles, pick up companions and fulfill your destiny. And for this, let’s once again plunge into the unique atmosphere of the noisy Ferdok, the majestic Murolosh, the Morbrück swamps and other corners of the world of the Dragon Song. Ready?

Begin with yourself

We can only take four fighters into one squad, so the role of each of them is extremely large. There will always be a main character in the squad, so the first choice is the most important. But before we move on to tips, let’s remember the mechanics of battles again.

The main thing in battle is the number of opponents simultaneously hitting the character and wounds. The first is because many attacks cannot be blocked. And the latter - because they bring death regardless of the total amount of health. Now let's figure out how we can influence these indicators.

Magical Menagerie

In addition to the four heroes, there is one more summoned creature available to us. Only full magicians have the gift of summoning, and people have a much wider choice of spells. In total, we have five friends available to summon:


At first it is quite frail, but it develops very quickly. With each modifier point, he acquires armor, even armor, receives new weapons and, most importantly, abilities. A skeleton of average (about ten) level is the best possible companion: high health, armor, attack, in a word, a full-fledged member of the squad. But then... At the twelfth level, the skeleton changes class, turning into a magician. Now no one needs him, because his spells are weak, his mana is low, and he himself falls apart from any sneeze. Closer to the end, the situation improves a little, because the bony one’s spells begin to cause serious damage, but weakness and inability to control lead to the fact that rarely does any skeleton manage to cast more than two or three spells. Then they simply gnaw it off. You can, of course, not upgrade the skeleton to a mage (plus/minus modifier), and for some time it will even work, but then other creatures will become better.


Improved version of the skeleton. Stronger, but develops a little slower and is less protected. The genie does not have armor, but has many resistances to various effects. Overall good, but suffers from the same disease: over time it turns into an uncontrollable magician and becomes practically useless.


Quite a strong melee attack and immunity to many influences, but there is almost no defense, and all other creatures are clearly better. There is only one idea for using it: first hit the enemies with an area spell with damage spread over time, and then launch a shadow there so that it deals with the weakening enemies. True, the enemies absolutely do not want to stay in the middle of all this disgrace and fight with the shadow, but instead immediately run to pull the beard of the magician who created all this disgrace.

Fire Elemental

At first, you can’t think of anything better. His fiery aura cooks all your opponents in huge portions. But over time... Over time, the flame burns just as brightly, but there is less sense, because the enemies become much stronger, and the elemental dies very quickly.


This is the only companion available to the elf. The beast grows along with the squad, overcoming the path from a rat to a bear. At first, of course, he is rather weak, but then, when everyone else fizzles out, he continues to grow and comes to the end in all his splendor. He has few skills and resistances, but huge health and excellent damage.

The ideal companion depends on the time. The first few levels are an elemental, then a skeleton (or a genie if you need an attack) and finally a bear. Based on this, we can advise novice magicians to choose an elemental as their companion, because in the swamps we will meet an elf who can summon animals. They will replace the weakening friend.


There are two ways to inflict a wound: remove more health from the enemy than his constitution, or use a special ability. The first is unlikely, because most of the opponents encountered are by no means deprived of characteristics. And this is of little use: you will remove the entire health bar before inflicting five wounds. But the second can safely be called the cornerstone of the battle. Take a look at the table.

In the midst of impenetrable darkness, our hero prays and lights a flame of hope.

While the hero admires the magnificent view, his loyal friends cover his back.

Let's start with weapons ranged. What to choose: bows or crossbows? The former shoot more often and further, the latter more powerfully. We recommend sticking with bows. You will only get decent crossbows from the dwarves (or shortly before), and this is almost the end of the game. In addition, the speed of fire plays a very important role, because the damage you inflict directly depends on it. Believe me, the monsters won't wait for you to draw your bow!

It is important: An elf from the swamps who knows how to summon animals and is excellent with a bow. So think carefully about whether your hero needs a ranged combat skill.

Now about weapons melee. Let's note the daggers right away: the main damage from them is simply ridiculous. Swords, of course, are good, but one wound will not be enough for us. We choose between spears and fencing weapons. Spears have more damage, and they can be used to make sweeps, which perfectly takes enemies out of the fight and thus greatly helps in any battle. And with a rapier you can take a shield. And this, in our opinion, is more important for the main character. According to the plot, he will come across just a magnificent example.

It is important: The main feature of plot armor is that it allows you to cast spells. And you should use this!

Peaceful abilities

Fireballs are not a toy for children!

Away, away, damned harpies!

Attention, advice for “munchkins” - the social group of skills (knowing people, seduction) can be safely abandoned. Most problems are solved either with a fight or with money. Among the collective skills you need zoology. Herbalism is preferable, but our irreplaceable elf can study one thing. From crafts to us Necessarily alchemy is needed. A little bit: only three units, more at will, powerful potions are never superfluous. But don’t rush to look for an archetype with already studied alchemy, we can learn this as the game progresses already in Ferdok. Blacksmithing and bow making are needed, but they will be developed by third-party characters. Traps can be neutralized with a “tank” (or simply run around them, which requires acuity of senses), and under the locks lie material values, of which there will be plenty.

It is important: in the glorious city of Talon you will come across the spell “Foram Foraminor”, ​​which completely replaces the burglar.

And finally, the physical group. Personally, self-control and sneaking will be useful to us, and let our companions teach us the rest. The acuity of feelings must be taught, otherwise all sorts of traps will not give you peace. And the overview on the mini-map makes it very easy to navigate the dungeons.

It's time to choose an archetype. In our opinion, It's worth choosing from an elementalist,metawizard,scammer,elven fighter and ranger. The first one knows how to summon an elemental, which is extremely valuable, and subsequently will be able to learn both a rapier or a spear, and extremely useful spells.

Forgrimm finally looked like himself from the old painting.

Having stepped on a giant rat's tail, we pour spells on it.

It is important: Captain Erland will be able to teach you how to use both spears and fencing weapons when you meet him in the count's quarter of Ferelden in the courtyard of the barracks.

The same can be said about a metawizard. The fraudster is fluent in rapiers and knows (and can learn) some spells. The fighter fights with a spear and, like the rogue, will be able to cast a spell, but due to his race, the choice of spells is very limited. The ranger specializes in bows (maybe you prefer them after all?) and can cast good spells, although many useful spells will be missed because of the same thing. In addition, Gwendala, whom we will save in the swamps, is of this class. Duplication is, of course, bad, but in this case it is not critical. Well, choose your hero and go.


Now you need to select a team. Gwendala must be in it, we have already written more than once why. Secondly, we need a “tank”. Forgrimm and Traldar are suitable for this role. The first one, in our opinion, is better, because he is a gnome and initially specializes in one-handed weapons, but he can also use a shield. Traldar does more damage due to his two-handed weapon, but he himself suffers more, so he will have to be constantly treated. He is more of an attacking “tank”, which is also useful. Lastly, if you are not a full human mage, you need to take Yost - for fire support. Otherwise, there are many options: Ankoron (spear + a little magic), a second “tank” or the same Yost. However, you can create a team of your own choosing.

Who, where, why

Golden Mountains

Before moving on to analyzing tactics, we will tell you the secret of the philosopher's stone. Not all of it, of course, but only that part of it that turns the metal into gold. And in our case, we will turn plants into it.

This method will only work after we get to the county quarter, but this significant event will happen very soon. So, we left the count’s residence, a substantial fee jingling in our pocket. We approach Auralia in a colorful yellow tent and learn alchemy from her (up to three points). Then we buy a recipe for a potion of courage. Now we buy from her finage (a local tree) and water from a sulfur spring at the rate of one leaf to two bottles, as much as the budget allows. The cost of these components is ninety-five percent of our costs.

It is important: If a merchant tells you that he has a hundred units of a certain product, do not believe him. In fact, he has an infinite amount of this goodness!

Let's walk a little around the square and look at the priest Perein Dolumur. We will buy as much gulmond leaves from him as we have from us. And finally, we run to Praios Square, run to the Temple of Hesinda and meet Master Elesmina there. Next to it is an alchemical laboratory, where we distill everything we bought before into a potion of courage and sell it to anyone. Even with minimum trading values, the profit will be 12-13% of the invested funds! In this way, you can earn hundreds and thousands of ducats and use them to buy the best equipment, the most valuable components, potions and, in general, everything your heart desires, even a ship.

On a note: if you want to run less, select one companion who will not participate in battle, and force him to learn trade to the maximum. This will increase your profit percentage significantly.

Choose me!

What to spend money on in the game? First of all, of course, for armor, weapons, potions, amulets, bribes, and so on. So what then? Don't you think it's worth it? But no! Do you want to get your own ship, servant, chickens and return Forgrimm's beard? Quite simply, money can do anything!

Not everything is for sale

Unfortunately, the most valuable pieces of equipment cannot be found for sale. They can only be made or found. And we will help you with this!


Study the map carefully - it is rewarded, and often very generously.

After you fight the murder cult for the first time and appear before the Count, he will give you an excellent mantle And chain mail of the city of Ferdok, and also order in addition.

After Blyutberg, near the temple of Hesinda, you will meet the elf Laurelin. He will ask you to pick up the cargo of wood at the port. As a reward we will receive instructions for making a long Luka tiik-tok and the necessary wood. By completing the Rulana quest, you will receive two sets of armor at once: Mactaleanata And Amazons from Turmeric, as well as two-handed Rhondra's Crest And Amazon saber.

On how to get three pieces of clothing, including Forgrimm's beard, see “Choose Me!”

After hiring Nasreddin, you can remove waqiff of Nasreddin- this is an eternally poisoned dagger. And, what is much more useful, fireproof Irian leather armor.

Two-handed sword Tuskar with a huge fifty percent bonus to inflicting wounds you will receive complete with the owner - Traldar.

Magister Elesmina will ask you to figure out the recipe for the potion. Once in Talon, take the task from Burgomaster Stippwitz to pick up the figurines from the leprechaun. You can chat with this cute creature. It will help you figure out the recipe potions of power and will give you a couple of rare components for its manufacture.

After completing a series of tasks about the confrontation between trading houses, you will receive the key to Ardo’s personal account. In the chest from the office you will find Ardo's family sword.

Moorbrück bogs

Beautiful staff of Valonion, which increases astral energy by ten units, you are unlikely to miss. It can be removed from the remains of the former lizard statue, which, as usual, by mistake, will be revived by Rakorium.

Back in Ferdok, the innkeeper Spekstein will ask you to find the thief Thalia who robbed him. You will find her in an inn in the swamps, and she, in turn, will ask you for help. Agree and head towards the designated crypt. There you will meet Alrik, a friend of our thief. Give him what he asks and you will receive it as a reward Farfara rapier, which is 25% more likely to cause wounds.

The main enemy has been turned to stone, his retinue has been defeated, now you can regain your breath and prepare for battle.

In the same tavern on the swamps you will meet the peat bog Vigur. After drinking him, you will learn about the treasure of his colleague, Crobber. He will invite you to find heirlooms and divide them. Agree and hit the road.

The task is extremely interesting, so if you want to figure it out yourself, just skip this paragraph. So, here are the clues. Three swords are three graves on the island of harpies. The fourth grave is on the other side of the hill. Stone wheels are millstones in a mill. After visiting these places, we go to where Rakorium brewed the potion and find a grave with the letter S laid out on it. Click on the bottom pebble and run back to the island of the harpies. There we go into the second crypt and click on the mouth of the sarcophagus. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of the recipe. Tenobaal's arrows. There are also five more of these rare arrows.

Saving Gwendala will also net us some great items. After entering the tree, turn right and you will find the corpse of an elf - on it, among other things, lie wood elf gloves, increasing charisma by as much as three units. And the spirit can be persuaded to leave you soul instrument, increasing the same charisma by two more units.


In the forest you can meet the witch Morla's pet - the talking toad Know-It-All. Feed her what she asks for and get a reward ring of omniscience with benefits to dexterity and manual dexterity.

At the very end, remove the short sword Cleaver with a twenty-five percent increased chance of inflicting a wound.

Furyfang Keep

Mantle of Astral Powers, doubling restoration of astral energy, you will find in a round room with a dragon's eye in the center. Search all the boxes and chests along the wall.


While no one is looking, our hero does something unpleasant. No, not what you thought - he opens the chest.

Trader Eichrich's quest will take you to a dark crypt, where you can loot the twice-corpse of a skeletal necromancer soul fragment - a staff that, with each blow to an enemy, unleashes a “thunder arrows” spell on him. Now our magician will be able to stand up for himself without astral energy.

On a note: if there are two magicians in your squad, then there will be no problems choosing between this staff and the staff of Valonion. But if there is only one... then it won’t happen either. We act like this: first, holding Valonion’s staff in our hands, we conjure all the mana, and then we take a fragment of the soul and go into close combat.

Peasants from the burned village will ask you to deal with the Tatzelwurm. After the battle with the monster, examine the remains of the less fortunate adventurers. You will find magic master hat- a wonderful headdress that increases resistance to magic by two points and the maximum astral energy by ten units.

Dragonslayer Helm Prince Arom will give you before the battle with the dragon. By the way, after his death you will immediately receive five very valuable recipes. True, you can only do three. You have to choose between crossbow And dragonslayer bow, dragonslayer saber And dragon spear. well and dragon potion, which raises all the parameters of the drinker by as much as three points, can be brewed as many times as the ingredients last.


According to the plot, you will help the gnomes more than once, and they will not leave you without a reward. Of the four excellent items that the treasurer can give you, you can only choose two. Mantle of Madness gives good (for robes) protection and reduces enemy attack by as much as four units. Incredible titanium ring strength raises the parameter of the same name by three points. Malmargaroshno- This is a terrible two-handed hammer with a fifty percent chance of knocking down the enemy. You won't find anything better for an attacking "tank". Kangrosha- an excellent ax with a five percent chance of wounding. An ideal weapon for a simple “tank”.

After you help the four sisters deal with their inheritance, they will share with you the recipe for a powerful crossbow iron forest Marimroshi with accelerated reloading.

In the depths of Gruldur, take the time to go to the upper right corner of the map. There is a nest of nasty amoebas, breaking through which you will find eight-piece protective amulet, which completely protects the owner from any poisons

If you find gnome treasures at the request of a dead gnome, you will make good money. Among other things there will be Tumlardrag- a crossbow that shoots balls, very quickly and powerfully.



The last moment of the apostate.

He must survive while everyone else heals him and destroys his enemies. Also, the “tank” has the task of disarming traps with its body. To do this, he needs the heaviest armor and, very preferably, a shield. The weapon is, of course, one-handed. The “tank” must develop a well-developed constitution and vital energy. Endurance will also not be superfluous. Among his abilities, he will need the lines of defensive fighting style and masterful defense, developed to the end, as well as, if possible, a wide swing and knocking down. From the “defense” tab, we first of all need a blow with a shield, although everything else will also come in handy. Skills include self-control and medicine: we don’t need wounds. Playing as a “tank” is quite simple: we run forward, burst into the crowd, give everyone slaps in the face and, covering ourselves with a shield, wait for something to end - either the enemies or our health.

Attack "tank"

Unlike the previous one, this “tank” takes a two-handed weapon and runs to hurt enemies. Therefore, we need to properly develop his strength. At the same time, he sips trophies. Stamina is much more critical for this character than for the previous one. At least to use the ability hammer blow, which you should definitely take. The skills are the same. We act like this: we burst into the crowd, swing our sword widely, knock someone down and hit someone else on the head with our “hammer”. After this, we chop down the enemies to the best of our ability and repeat the abilities as soon as the energy is restored.

It is important: To be on the safe side, you can develop self-control among all four of you. But melee fighters absolutely need this skill.

Fencer (rapier)

The task of this fighter is to inflict as many wounds as possible, and the rest of the time to support the team: with treatment, attack, magic. To complete the main task, we need to learn to the end of the line the attacking fighting style and feint. Endurance and agility are a must. If we use a shield, which is highly recommended, then we develop a blow with it.

Gwendala poses for anime fans.

On a note: you know how to cast spells, but the shield prevents this? It doesn’t matter, feel free to go into battle with him, and when you need to cast a spell, just go into your inventory and remove the burden for a while. Then take the shield again and continue the battle.

We spend the rest of the points on what we will do while our stamina is restored: healing, strengthening or damage spells, attacking fighting style. The parameters also depend on this. In the case of a half-mage, we develop all types of expendable energy (vital, astral and endurance), as well as intelligence and agility. If we plan to fight hand-to-hand, then we will do without astral energy, but rather take strength and constitution. The plan for the battle is this: we inflict two wounding blows in a row on the strongest enemy, after which we fight (conjure) and wait for recovery. We repeat.

It is important: After using abilities, you need to attack enemies who are already hanging on the “tank”.

Fencer (spear)

There are not very many differences from the previous version, but they are significant. We are not allowed shields, so evasion will be very useful. Be sure to study the ability to hook. It is better to refrain from witchcraft with a spear in your hands; it is better to spend the freed points on additional dexterity. We fight like this: we deliver wounding blows, after which we select the next most dangerous target and cut it off. Everyone who can beats the person who is down. If you don’t have enough stamina, take a bottle of “chemistry.” There is no doping control here anyway.


One of the most important characters on the team. And maybe the most important one. Judge for yourself: he inflicts the most terrible damage, spends very few points on the development of the main weapon, so he can still learn a lot, and, finally, this shooter will consume a good half of all the team’s funds.

So, development. Learning the shooting line without being distracted by a hail of arrows is a waste of points and stamina in battle. Now we definitely teach endurance and, preferably, evasiveness. We need a lot of skills: agility, strength, even constitution (for endurance).

The harpies below will not have time to reach us.

Equipment is very important. The main choice: which bow to take - with high damage and firing range, but slow reloading (long bows) or, conversely, fast, but weak (short, then composite)? The correct answer is to take them both. Besides bows, we need a lot of arrows. It is advisable to take five to six hundred pieces with you on long hikes. You can buy them in any city in unlimited quantities, but these arrows are of low quality. Good ones are rarely found on sale, and you have to make them yourself.

It is important: This is exactly why we need the zoology skill. The most scarce commodity is obtained from all kinds of animals: leather straps. Take the time to run through forests and dungeons and skin rats and wolves.

The battle for a good archer is divided into two stages. Stage one: we notice an enemy who does not notice us. Now we tighten the longbow string and release a master arrow. If you are well developed and your equipment is of excellent quality, a weak enemy will die from this one shot! And he will do it so quickly that the comrades standing next to him will not notice anything. This way you can destroy entire packs of wolves, fire flies and other small creatures that will not be able to understand what happened.

If it’s obviously not possible to kill right away, we do it a little differently. We choose the strongest enemy and shoot at him. Then again on it. And, switching to a “fast” bow, we shower our opponents with arrows. As soon as the stamina is restored, we again take the longbow in our hands and shoot the thickest ones. An archer needs coordination with other classes like no one else. Our main comrade is the fencer or second archer. Together we need to inflict on the main adversary five injuries. After which, together with him, while waiting for recovery, beat the same enemy. The magician will also help us with the latter.


The road to the house.

A mage is usually expected to do several things: healing, strengthening, summoning creatures, damage. In Drakensang you can add path lighting to this.

The wizard in the game lives two lives at once: before and after Talon. The fact is that in this wonderful city we will finally be presented with the most powerful healing and crippling spells, including area ones. And before this significant event, the magician is quite pitiful. He knows how to cast a spell slowly and weakly, strengthen friends with virtually no benefit, shine, heal from poisons and wounds.

We'll spend most of our time doing the last three things. Wounds must be monitored especially and eliminated immediately after they appear. That's why We are developing a defensive fighting style,evasion,mind,intuition,astral energy. Of the spells needed "Clarum purum" and "Balsam of Salabunda". As a weapon, it is better to choose a classic staff. Firstly, as the game progresses you will come across several samples with excellent enhancements. Secondly, by choosing a staff, you can learn the tripping ability, which will greatly help your allies in battle. The abilities of evasion and defensive fighting style will help you escape from monsters that accidentally attack you. We save the remaining points for real charms. Namely:

Ignisfero fireball

Large area damage followed by frying. Changes our entire tactics. After the archer's work, we throw this ball into the crowd of surviving enemies as many times as we can while these future firebrands are running towards us. As soon as close combat begins, we move on to the usual role of a healer.

Paralysis freeze like stone

Turns the enemy into stone for some time.

It is important: Some enemies are immune to this effect, so be careful when choosing your target.

We will receive this spell even before Talon, and it will immediately find a use. Now in any battle we can make our task easier by incapacitating almost any enemy. This is especially important in battles with mini-bosses: they cemented the leader, dealt with the retinue, healed, gathered and finished off the reptile. Applies until the very end of the game.

Healthy body,healthy mind

Places an ally in a meditative sleep, during which he heals wounds and quickly restores health. Helps to recover well after a difficult battle. It is difficult to use during a fight, because it immobilizes an ally. Although it’s possible against an armored “tank”. Enemies will still not be able to remove as much health from him as this enchantment restores.

You can do without the rest of the spells, although you still have to study a couple for close-range combat: Ignificus fire ray, freezing, lightning will find you - choose to your liking.

We are done with the analysis of archetypes, but there are a couple more situations that are worth dwelling on separately.

The son of a dwarven king saves his father from a demon... with a brave blow to the head with a pickaxe!

Enemies are immune to wounds. A very unpleasant situation. Most often, the undead have these properties. If you know in advance that you will have numerous or difficult battles with the undead (swamps, dungeons of gnomes), then it is better to remove the fencer from the team and replace him with a mage or an attacking “tank”. Give the archer fire arrows. We act simply: first, the magicians shower enemies who haven’t reached them with powerful spells, and after that they switch to the mode of traveling first aid kits. The rest all together attack each of the dead in turn.

Enemies are actively casting spells. Pay attention to stat boost potions. Each of them grants immunity to certain spells and effects. For example, a potion of intelligence saves you from the lightning spell, so beloved by lizards.

The enemy has many shooters. Feel free to cast area spells on them.

Almost the entire squad is dead,the rest won't cope. We just turn around and run as fast as we can. Sooner or later, the enemies will break away, and the dead friends will teleport closer to us, where they will be resurrected. We heal and try again.

Now you are prepared for almost any emergency. Let all troubles be easily resolved so that you have more time to explore the rich world of Drakensang!