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Examples of quests in a historical city. Twenty classic level ideas for city quest games

Participants of walking quests get to know their city, having the opportunity to get out from behind the computer and leave stuffy rooms. As part of such an adventure, you can visit not only above-ground attractions, but also underground ones - those in the metro.

This type of quest will appeal not only to fans of classic quest rooms, but also to restless tourists, as well as families and large friendly groups.

Walking quests in Moscow

  • 22 days ago

    This is not the first time we have completed quests from IQ365; before that we completed two quests about Sherlock Holmes. The quest about Tiny is quite different from the quests about Sherlock, although we also conducted an investigation here. The quest seemed simpler than the previous quests, but in some places we had to seriously think about what to do and what to answer. The plot of the investigation, unlike Sherlock, is connected with mysticism, since the criminal turned out to be not entirely human. In general, the plot is based on the fairy tale about Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, only everything happens not a long time ago, but in the present day. What can I say about the quest itself? As in other IQ365 quests, the plot and tasks are worked out very well. We never once had the question “why do we need to go somewhere or do something?” Everything we did was logical. The tasks, as always, were about an average level, that is, we didn’t have the feeling that everything was too simple, but we were able to solve everything on our own. In general, this is another high-quality quest from IQ365, made on good level.

  • 26 days ago

    This was our first time doing a walking quest and we were not very lucky with the weather - it rained every now and then and it was quite cool. But despite this, we completed the quest and we really liked this detective story. We are thinking of completing the next quest in better weather (I hope this will happen in Moscow someday).


Quest tasks are a very interesting and popular entertainment. Players are given various riddles and clues, with the help of which they move from one point of a given route to the next, receiving pleasant surprises for this.

Questions asked to participants are often united by one topic that the quest is dedicated to. The main requirement for their composition is diversity and unusualness. The degree of fun of the game depends on how difficult they are. But when coming up with clues, it is also important not to go too far and not make them overly complex.

Main classification

The simplest tasks for quests in terms of level of preparation are questions in notes. They are encrypted on pieces of paper that participants need to find or earn at each stage of the competition. There are many varieties of them.

    1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, which, when put together correctly, participants will know where to go next.
    2. Use of puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, which, if interpreted correctly, give clues about the further route of movement.
    3. Riddles in logical series. For example: “Heat comes from the oven, but where does the cold come from?”
    4. An option in the best spy traditions is tips written on paper using melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to color the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Placement of signs along the entire route. But these do not necessarily have to be ordinary arrows. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal. Tasks are often done in this form for For example, you can tell them: “Follow in the footsteps of the lion cub and you will find a pleasant surprise.”
    6. The phrase that makes up the clue may contain mixed words. Players need to place them in the correct order. This is the only way they will know what to do next.
    7. The assignment is written backwards and must be read correctly.
    8. The hint is applied to paper using lemon juice or milk. Along with the leaf, participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and direct the players to the next point.
    9. Digital encryption of words is used. For example, instead of each letter its serial number in the alphabet is written. The key to the puzzle must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
    10. As a task for an indoor quest, you can use an object located in the room in several copies, one of which contains hidden instructions regarding further actions. This could be a book, a box, a nightstand and the like.
    11. Another interesting option- using hints written in the form. Deciphering them is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the name of the next destination.
    13. Messages are also placed with magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, candies and other products.

For participants to successfully complete all stages of the competition and gain from this maximum amount fun, tips should be interesting and original. For victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, you need to prepare prizes.

Since the tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen topic of the competition, we will consider the most popular options for conducting it.

You can get confused even within four walls

You don't have to go outside to play this game. The indoor quest tasks are no less exciting than the outdoor ones. There are several varieties of this type of game.

  1. Escape from the room. Just by the name itself it is clear where this competition is held. Its essence is that participants are locked in an entire apartment or a separate room, and with the help of clues they must find the key to get out of it. This is very unusual and interesting way for entertaining guests who come, for example, to celebrate a birthday.
  2. Tasks for quests in the office Great for surprising your boss. If the company is small, each employee can come up with one puzzle for the boss and thoroughly enjoy watching him rush around the building in search of a solution and his gift. The office is an ideal place to hide a lot of clues, solving which will be an unforgettable entertainment.
  3. Interesting examples of tasks for quests in mall . And if it is also large, you can organize a truly unforgettable game in it. After all, in large shopping complexes you can often get lost, even just while shopping, and what can we say about looking for clues and solving puzzles! For example, you could give participants a photo of a dress and they would have to find out its price. But first you need to find a boutique that sells this particular model of clothing item. Also, as an option, hide the piece of paper with the next task in some jacket, which you will also need to find from the photo. But in the case of this task, you will need to warn the store staff in advance so that no one accidentally sells this item to anyone.

We turn on our brains to the fullest

Who said that intellectuals can only be measured by their knowledge? They can be no less nimble and active than others. If you have a few of these bookworms among your friends, get them out of their textbook-strewn rooms and into the fresh air.

Arrange for them a quest in the style of the TV shows “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “The Smartest” and “What? Where? When?" Prepare encrypted messages-hints on knowledge of various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure that the answer to each question serves as a clue to your next destination.

You can also organize a similar test for your significant other on the anniversary of your relationship or on any other occasion. Only in this case, questions must be tied to dates, places and events from life together.

If your "victim" loves the TV series "The Big Bang Theory", involve its main character Sheldon Cooper in the case. The confusing notes, written in an abstruse style in the style of this eccentric physicist, will greatly amuse any connoisseur of intellectual humor and will make him rack his brains thoroughly over the clues.

For the little ones

Children's tasks for a quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon or computer game characters. Write your questions on pieces of paper with a picture of a particular character. You can use images from one cartoon, organizing the entire quest in its style, or from several at once.

A great source of inspiration can be computer game"Klondike". Quests and tasks invented on its basis consist of searching for various artifacts related to the theme of the Wild West. For greater realism, children can be dressed up or fully dressed up in the best traditions of Westerns.

Participants can go in search of treasure, following the directions of the map. On it you will depict the few streets closest to the house, designing it in the style of the Klondike game. Quests and tasks of this type involve searching for treasure, opening hiding places, asking friends for help, etc. This adventure will bring kids a lot of joy and pleasant gifts. Any holiday with such a game will become an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

“Klondike”, the quests and tasks in which are very exciting and varied, is far from the only option interesting game. A moving quiz in the style of the movie “Pirates” would also be great. Caribbean Sea" At the final destination of the journey, a man dressed as Jack Sparrow will be waiting for them, who will present the treasure to the winner.

Hiding the answers away

You can come up with a wide variety of interesting tasks for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase and hide the grand prize in it. And let the participants collect the code that will help open it, one by one, throughout the game.

To come up with tasks for quests in the apartment, use a deck of cards. Scratch directions for the next step on the end of it and give it a good shuffle. To make out the message, players will have to put the cards in the right order. Give them a hint that says something like “Hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds will reveal to you the secrets of the future.” This will let players know what cards they should be looking for and what order they should put them in.

We present gifts in an original way

To give an unusual gift to the birthday boy, you can also use a quest. Birthday tasks can be very different. For example, you can arrange a whole trip around the city in search of a present. The end point will be a dressing room with a bunch of boxes, in one of which the treasured souvenir will be hidden, and to find it, you will have to open them all.

You can also arrange exciting quest around the city, whose tasks will lead the birthday boy to a place where a surprise congratulatory party awaits him. Here's how you can start your journey. Leave a piece of cake in your friend’s room the night before with a note containing something like this: “Well, your birthday has come. Today everything will be for you, but to get the prepared pleasures, you will have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life comes easy. And even your holiday is no exception. To start, dress comfortably, eat some cake, and recharge your energy with some coffee. You’ll soon find out what to do next.”

If you are going to give the birthday boy some clothes or jewelry, you can leave the following message in the coffee can: “I hope you liked the cake and you finally woke up completely. If yes - well done! Now take something stylish with you and go in search of your happiness.” Even if there is no surprise among the things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

If you want to give a mobile phone as a birthday present in an unusual way, let the participant receive one number at each stage of the game. They will consist of a phone number, by calling which, in the end the birthday person will find his gift.

We fight the insidious numbers

Interesting quest tasks can be created using numbers in a variety of ways. These can be either the most basic tasks like counting the number of steps in a house, or sophisticated puzzles. You can encrypt the code in a magazine or book. Participants will first have to guess the name of the required publication, and then use the given page, line and word numbers to find a clue to the next action.

Quest tasks also often consist of unraveling the phone number of the person who received the key to the next step by email. To guess the treasured numbers, you need to find information on the Internet as quickly as possible about the height, age of stars or dates of famous and not so famous events. Such a puzzle might look like this.

A good example

“Are you finally here? I can’t even believe that I finally made it! I am sure that you will not go further, because this task is clearly not up to you. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person, whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you won’t get his number either. Whether you like it or not, you will have to guess it. So the first number is Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight in grams, you need the second number. Next is the fourth number from the year of birth of Leonardo DiCaprio. Then - the second growth figure of his Wolf of Wall Street co-star. Renee Zellweger's birthday month. Then - the second half of Penelope Cruz's foot size. And the last number is the date when Jason Statham's girlfriend was born. May the great star expert Google help you!

Examples of tasks for a quest of this type can be encrypted as your heart desires, and use any wording that comes to your mind. Since completing this task requires the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. It is also not forbidden to mention stars in whose biographies your friend-player is not very strong. But to make it even more interesting for him to look for answers, you can ask for information about his idols.

Hollywood to the rescue!

Tasks for quests in the office and on the street can be organized in the style of any films and TV series of the group of people for whom the game is being played. You can come up with a myriad of riddle options.

For example, you can use the “Men in Black” theme in a very interesting way by starting the competition with the following note: “Greetings, Earthling! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We have detected it coming but have not yet identified the planet from which it was sent. This could be a warning to people about an alien invasion of Earth, so they need to act very quickly. The message is encrypted. The best of our agents are struggling to decipher it, but they can’t do it without you. We have parts of the message, but without help we cannot reconstruct all its contents. Start searching the entire text immediately! You will be Agent M and will receive all the necessary data from Agent B. Don’t forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! See you later!

A sea of ​​topics

An interesting hunt for monsters can be organized during a quest in the style of the series “Supernatural”. For lovers of royal intrigue, the ideal option is the Game of Thrones competition. And for the fans " Walking Dead“An unforgettable surprise will be meeting a zombie apocalypse on the streets of the city.

“The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “Transformers”, “Fast and the Furious”, “Batman”... This list can be continued indefinitely, because any popular film is simply a storehouse of facts that can be used to write riddles. The same can be said about online entertainment. For example, the game “Klondike” is perfect for this purpose; its quests and tasks will make the holiday unforgettable.


On Saturday I played city quest for the first time. About 150 people (10 teams) took part in the Heineken James Bond City Quest. The main motive of the game is the latest film 007: Skyfall, because Heineken is one of the Bond partners!

Registration of MI6 agents, assignment to teams and introduction to team leaders (specially trained people).

Before the game started, everyone was gaining strength.

Aaaaaand can I have another beer?
- Go, boy, you still have four hours to look for Bond in the city!

Finally the quest begins! Teams are given suitcases with tasks, tips, maps and flashlights. Our task is to find a chip with data about agents that fell into the hands of attackers.

Also inside is the iPad, which is loaded with game program and an Internet modem. First you need to understand the content, enter the game program and receive the first task.

So, we need three codes that are hidden somewhere on the territory of the Flakon design plant; in the suitcase we find a map of the plant with marks for areas to search.

The codes turned out to be hidden marker inscriptions. Add up the numbers, add the founding date of the Heineken brewery and enter the code. Great, the first task is completed, we get the second.

The game is played for the time during which the teams complete tasks. The next point is to go through the laser grid.

We pass it the first time and get a battery with a code on the package.

We are instructed to use the money to get the next clue. There are 5 euros in the suitcase, the numbers are of course not a code, we decide to look for ultraviolet light in the nearest store. That's right, the code has been found!

The next task is on Suvorov Square. We get into the Bondomobile and rush through Saturday traffic jams to meet adventures.

Bond's contact is waiting for us on the square. But we don’t have time, they kill her before our eyes, we find an envelope with a letter in which the task is indicated - we need to find cards for playing poker, scattered throughout the area. In 10 minutes we find 17 pieces and go on to the next task!

The location is 2nd Botkinsky Proezd, here local bandits can give us some information.

Alas, negotiations are impossible without a bottle of Heineken, we are looking for a store.

The bandits settled in the abandoned underground parking lot of the Botkin Hospital. The messenger warns of danger inside.

The negotiations are successful, but we will receive the code only after we find three inscriptions. Let's start the search.

Eat! We get part of the microcircuit.

The next task is to call Bond. There is a SIM card in the suitcase, we insert it into the phone (out of all the participants, a regular SIM card only fit one phone!). There is only a long code of numbers on the SIM card, we can’t figure out the phone! We were stupid for about 10 minutes, going through the numbers, throwing out unnecessary things, etc., but it turned out that our only phone did not show the entire code! :(We change the phone and guess the number, call Bond and listen to the next task - to find a green Jaguar with a code on the sides. The car is in constant motion in the area of ​​Garden and Tsvetnoy Boulevards.

We decide not to chase after her, but to stand and wait. We are lucky and after a few minutes he passes by!

We enter the code, the next task is to play poker in an underground casino.

An unfinished office building on Sadovoe is waiting for us. It is very dangerous inside, there are open elevator shafts, holes on all floors, we walk very carefully.

We find the necessary code on the wall and start playing poker.

We win the first time! Our trophy is the missing part of the microcircuit. We connect it to the star, connect the battery - there it is, everything works, we have the microcircuit!

The program on the iPad is updated in real time, you can see the ratings and location of the teams. Wow, we're in first place! And someone else is only on task 6!

Joyful photo;)

All you have to do is scan the agents’ IDs with your iPad and you can go to the base!

The final result of the game. We are first!!! But the organizers decide to reward two teams, M and Q, for the first position according to some other parameters.

A special moment - awarding the winners of the Heineken James Bond City Quest with Samsonite suitcases with the 007 logo, inside of which there is a keg of Heineken!

That's how they work cool quests. Everything was very fun, interesting and professional. Especially cool is the gaming program on the iPad. Now I'm waiting for the next quest! ;)

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Quests around the city - what, where, when?

Another direction of quests, which is Lately rapidly gaining popularity in Russia, steel, or, as they are also called, quests around the city. So what are these street quests?

City quests are a collective concept that implies exciting routes through streets and estates, museums and parks, as well as any other places that involve combining a pleasant walk with the completion of certain tasks. As a rule, city quests consist of routes several kilometers long and include several dozen questions of varying degrees of difficulty. It is important to understand that quest questions are not intended to make your brain boil and remember everything you were ever taught at school. Such city quests require you to be attentive and logic, resourceful and the ability to think outside the box. Besides, a huge plus This kind of entertainment is an opportunity, during the game, to expand your knowledge about a particular place, to learn something new and interesting, and sometimes unexpected.

In addition, many quest routes run through green areas - thus, instead of a stuffy room, you will receive, in addition to interesting entertainment an opportunity to breathe fresh air and improve your health, because, answering questions, you will move from one point to another. So a quest around the city can also be considered as a small fitness workout.

One of the main differences between quests around the city and quests in rooms is that in this case you are not limited in time and can regulate the pace of your chosen route. In other words, you can take a break - have an impromptu photo shoot in a place you like, sit on a bench admiring the beautiful view, or just drink a cup of tea, and then resume the route from where you left off. In addition, some industry leaders give you the opportunity to continue playing another day if your plans suddenly change and you need to return home, or the weather suddenly turns bad and you don’t want to get wet in the rain. To continue the game you will just need to re-enter your game code on the website, and the unfinished quest will become available to you again.

An undeniable advantage of city quests is also that their cost is lower than the cost of room quests, due to the fact that their compilers do not need to pay rent and utility bills. On average, street quests cost around 1,500-2,500 rubles, and you can save additional money by inviting more participants and dividing the costs equally. However, it is worth considering that if the quest takes place in a paid place (for example, in an estate museum), you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to purchase an entrance ticket, since its cost is not included in the price of the quest.

Every company periodically faces the need to determine the format of a corporate event aimed at team building. There are a lot of options for choosing a concept: classroom team building trainings, creative team building. One of the interesting formats that we offer is a quest. In this article we will describe the possibilities of quests held in a corporate format outdoors.

What is a quest?

Let’s immediately define the concepts. By quest we mean a game in which teams of participants move step by step towards the intended goal.

The logistics of the quest stages can be linear (that is, tasks are issued gradually, one after another, in a chain). Game engine in this case, it is often functional: information or an item obtained upon successful completion of the previous stage serves as a resource for the next one.

The second type of quest logistics is assault, when all tasks or riddles are given out at once. A game engine is often so-called “dead”: it is necessary to solve all problems and go through all stages in the allotted time. This type is often used in quests held indoors (in rooms).

Organization of the quest

When organizing quests, which become the basis of corporate events, questions naturally arise: cost and what it depends on, how the preparation goes and what additions may be made.

Quest cost

The cost of the quest consists of the number of participants (teams) - the number of game technicians who should be on the site, the idea used and props. For example, in a quest around Moscow, we can use a minimum number of game technicians who will remotely manage teams. Or put several agents on the streets that the teams will have to look for. Or even negotiate with the staff of establishments along the route. And all this affects the cost of the project.

The basic cost of the quest starts from 20,000 rubles for a group of 10-15 people (2-3 teams). This amount includes tasks, the participation of 1 gaming equipment and the necessary props for the final stage.

Preparing the quest

Most quests are designed and, if carried out without significant adjustments, do not require much preparation. But, as a rule, we allow 7-10 days to coordinate all wishes with the customer, prepare and execute documents.

Additional features

As with any corporate event, we are ready to organize everything necessary for the comfortable work of your employees:

  • adaptation of existing quests to the specifics of your event;
  • development of an individual route or individual stages;
  • organization of transfer and meals for participants;
  • team insignia, T-shirts and prizes for winners;
  • renting the necessary additional resources, including providing teams with vehicles;
  • professional trainers to accompany teams (if required) or instructors at quest checkpoints;
  • photo and video shooting.

Quest around the city

City quests, popular for many years, are moving into a corporate format. Already, quests are being held for companies around the city with the participation of more than 200 employees.

How does the quest work around the city?

To organize a city quest, participants are divided into teams (preferably no more than 8 people). To manage all the logistics of team movements, a special quest engine is often created on the site. The task of this engine is to accept command responses and promptly issue the next tasks or hints. In the simple version, tasks and tips are issued through the usual Email, SMS, by phone or even by gaming technicians (agents) located at key points of the quest.

Duration of the quest around the city- from 3 to 6 hours.

Participants travel on foot or by car. In addition to the usual set of tasks used in , some of the stages in the city quest can be built on orientation using GPS, as well as on interaction with passers-by or residents of the area.

City quest in Moscow

We can organize by historical and cultural attractions. Or invent individual game taking into account elements of corporate culture. In some cases, our client companies use quests to train their employees.

City quest abroad

As a rule, such quests are held as part of off-site conferences or meetings. For example, we conducted a quest for 80 conference participants of a bank that was part of an auto holding in the city of Budva (Montenegro), popular for such events.

To organize such a quest, several of our developers travel to the location in advance and plan the route and stages. After identifying the key points of the quest, we assign tasks to them.

One of our games is partially built on a quest engine. However, it is more multifaceted in the activities of the participants: in addition to completing the route, participants work on gaming business projects. In one of the projects carried out in Southeast Asia, our participants even had to interact with the local population.

As a rule, quests conducted abroad are based on getting to know the cultural component of the area (sights, customs of residents, historical context). However, nothing prevents you from adding the specifics of your event to the quest.

Quest in nature

Quests held on the street can be organized not only in the city. As part of an off-site corporate team-building event in nature, organizing a quest would be quite appropriate. A quest in nature is usually no different in mechanics from a city quest. With the possible exception of the absence or at least a reduction in the role of electronic means of communication between participants and quest organizers.

The most convenient area for conducting a quest in nature, of course, will be the territory of a country hotel or cafe. The main advantage of this option lies in the variety of objects that can become quest locations. The second advantage is greater safety and convenience for participants.

However, if the task is to hold an event with a minimum budget, you can find a convenient place in the parks of Moscow or the nearest Moscow region.

Outdoor quest options:

  • quest orientation - during the quest, teams move along guessed coordinates or map elements;
  • photo-quest is a bright and fun program in which participants must record their achievements (for example, found objects or a word) using photographs;
  • bike quest - participants move along the route on bicycles (very good to do in Moscow parks that have rentals).

Duration of the quest in nature- from 2.5 to 5 hours.