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Approach from satellite. Map of Celje from satellite - streets and houses online

Satellite map of Russia - high-resolution images taken from space by orbital stations. The image that the user sees consists of many individual images. The high quality of equipment used at orbital stations made it possible to achieve highest quality shooting. As a result, on the screens mobile devices, PC monitors provide us with high-precision images high resolution, the image on which is very accurate and clear.

The satellite map of Russia displays high-resolution images in real time. You can see almost everything on them Russian cities. By zooming in and out of objects, moving the cursor over individual sections of the map, you will be able to view streets, buildings, individual structures and squares. The larger the city, the more detailed the satellite map section will be for it.

Satellite map online in real time 2016 - exploring the country together

High resolution satellite maps online 2016 - a set of high-precision images through which you can study settlements of different sizes at a specific point in time. The user, selecting the object and scale he needs, receives a snapshot of it at the same point in time. By selecting the appropriate parameters instead of the “satellite view” mode, you can display the image:

  • landscape view;
  • schematic representation of Russia and its individual cities;
  • Satellite view - real image.

Online high-resolution satellite maps of 2015-2016 are the most user-friendly models of interactive map images from the website service. They will allow you to travel throughout the entire state, from anywhere in the world. Satellites make it possible to track current data on the location and condition of certain objects from different settlements vast Russia.

For many of us, the place where we were born and raised has truly sacred meaning. Having left our home for some reason, we often remember the surroundings that were once close to us. But you shouldn’t worry, because the development of modern technologies provides many opportunities for viewing any geolocation. Among such opportunities, a special place belongs to satellite maps, the high degree of detail of which allows you to fully enjoy the view of your native places. Below we will look at how you can see your own home online from a satellite, and what network services will help with this.

Features of implementing home surveillance from a space satellite

In our digital age, about 8 thousand satellites are in Earth orbit. Many of them are equipped with high-resolution cameras, regularly sending the received data directly to Earth.

There, this information is processed by the companies that own the satellite data. In the field of geophotography, the most famous of these companies are GeoEye (owns 5 satellites), DigitalGlobe (4 satellites), Spot Image (2 satellites). The resulting photographs are put up for sale and are very expensive (hundreds or even thousands of dollars for each photograph). Only financially powerful companies can buy them - Google, Yahoo, Michelin Group, Verizon, the domestic Yandex and a small number of other companies. Other services use satellite maps, created by these purchasing companies (most often these are maps from Google).

GeoEye space satellite

Purchases of such photos are made with a certain frequency - from once every few months to once every few years. That’s why on map services you can see photographs of your surroundings from above, dated last year or the year before.

Using such services is very simple:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Turn on satellite display.
  3. Enter the address of your home in the search bar and view the result. Some advanced services (for example, Google) allow you to activate street view mode and wander around your native places in observer mode (including 3D).

Let's look at the list of sites that allow you to watch your hometown or home online from space.

InstantStreetView.com and ShowMyStreet.com - a quick way to view any address on a satellite map

If you are looking for the most quick way enjoy the view of your favorite places (or other desired location), then the services InstantStreetView.com and ShowMyStreet.com are an excellent choice. On these sites, you just need to enter the address you need in the search bar, and you will immediately see your house (or the area close to it) in street view mode. When you enter the desired address in the search line, the service will automatically search for the desired location and find it before you add the last letter of its name. If you hesitate when recruiting, the site will offer you locations that are most suitable for you.

Enter your address - the service will do the rest for you

Once the desired location is found, you can use your mouse to move to the desired locations.

Use your mouse to move around the map

Google Maps - High Definition Satellite View

Google Maps is the most popular mapping service in the world, which allows you to instantly find any house from above. Many other sites use Google maps in their functionality, which confirms the high quality of map data. The service offers users standard schematic and satellite maps, street view mode, 360-degree panoramic views, display of street traffic and other features.

Satellite display from Google

To work with cards, follow these steps:

  1. Go to , at the bottom left click on the small square labeled “Satellite” to switch to satellite display mode.
  2. In the search bar on the left, type the address of your home and press enter.
  3. Using the mouse, increase or decrease the display to the level you need.
  4. To activate the street view mode, click on the little man icon at the bottom right.
  5. Then, holding down the left mouse button, place the little man on the street of the city you need.

Yandex.Maps is the most popular service in Russia

The “” service from the domestic developer “Yandex” was launched in 2004. Its services are used monthly by 11.5 million Russians and about 20 million people around the world. With a focus on depicting Russia, satellite maps from Yandex often exceed those from Google in the level of detail and updates. In addition to the world map (including satellite display of houses and streets), maps from Yandex display the presence of traffic jams, support a panorama of streets and photos, plot optimal routes and other features.

The mode of searching for the desired address on Yandex.Maps is no different from searching on maps from Google and other similar services.

Yandex.Maps service

Mapquest.com – current online satellite maps

The “ ” service is a free mapping service owned by the American company Verizon Communications Inc. In the American market, MapQuest is now actively competing with Google Maps and the Here service. MapQuest's capabilities allow for regular map updates combined with a high level of street detail in many cities around the world.

After going to the site you need to:

  1. Enable satellite display by clicking on the “Satelite” button (icon in the form of a globe) at the bottom right.
  2. To find the desired city on the map, in the search line “Start Searching” you will need to write English language. The American service does not understand the Cyrillic alphabet.

American cartographic resource MapQuest

Yahoo - satellite maps of the whole world for viewing your home from the sky

Yahoo is one of the pioneers of the early Internet, starting its journey back in the mid-90s. It is known to many users because of its search engine and web portal, but we are interested in the popular mapping service Yahoo! Maps". The latter works on the basis of forecasts from the American channel “The Weather Channel”, local forecasts from “Yelp”, street traffic data from “Navteq”, “Tele Atlas” and other sources. The data provided by Yahoo focuses on the USA, Canada and Western European countries, while the territory of Eastern Europe (including the Russian Federation and Ukraine) is less detailed.

To work with a resource, do the following:

  1. Go to maps.yahoo.com and click on the map that appears.
  2. Switch to satellite view by clicking on “Satelite” in the top right.
  3. Use your mouse to find the required geolocation to display.

Satellite maps on Yahoo! Maps

Zoom Earth – a symbiosis of various online mapping services

The “Zoom Earth” resource was included in our review not by chance, because it combines the functionality of several mapping services. Bing Maps supplies it with high-resolution satellite maps, NASA satellites VIIRS, Aqua and Terra provide daily updates, and hourly images of the globe come from DSCOVR.

To view the desired address from space, do the following:

  1. Go to , activate the “Map labels” option on the left menu to enable labels on the map.
  2. Using the search menu bar (or using the mouse), find the geolocation you need and view your home from a satellite online.

A symbiosis of several cartographic sources - Zoom Earth website


The answer to the question of how you can see your own home from a space satellite will be the services we listed above. For quick searches, the sites InstantStreetView.com and ShowMyStreet.com are suitable. Here it will be enough to indicate the address we need. For a more complete viewing experience, we recommend other options from the services listed above.

Thanks to technological progress, there is the opportunity to see planet Earth from a satellite in real time, which allows you to remotely gain new world-class knowledge. Today, services for viewing photographs of the planet and direct observation services are very popular on the Internet.

To conduct research in the world around you, you need to have a computer and an Internet connection with good speed, then traveling to virtual world will be provided.

How to see satellite photos through the Google maps service?

In general, satellite data transmission can be seen on the Russian resource "Google Maps". makes it possible to simultaneously observe three types of maps in viewing mode:

  • landscape projection;
  • physical map of the world;
  • schematic geographical map.

For an efficient process, you need to use the Google Chrome browser.

Photographing the earth's surface from a satellite is used in various fields of human activity. Due to the enormous shooting distance, satellite imagery is usually presented in the form of photo cards.

To view photographs of the planet, you should clearly follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • To determine a point on the earth's surface, you should go to the search engine Google. By clicking on the “Maps” link in the top column of the search page, the browser will be directed to the service.

  • Default image on cards opens at minimum scale– to increase the convenience of moving to the desired point. To increase the scale, you need to move the file in italics to the desired location, and place the slider down to the right edge of the photo card by clicking on the symbol "plus".

  • To save a fragment of an image, click on the button located to the left of the file.

  • The service has an additional application - which allows you to view a map of the planet without an Internet connection. The application guarantees viewing of the planet in a three-dimensional model, high-quality satellite images, and a virtual flight around Earth. To go to the free download page, you need to use the link located at the bottom of the window.

Pictures of photo cards on the service change once every few years.

When you need to view new images, you must search for material on meteorological sites. The specifics of monitoring require daily filming, so the images will be relevant, albeit on a small scale.

How to observe the planet using the International Space Station?

The space station (ISS) allows for real-time observation of the planet. This is the most large-scale and successful project that allows humanity to study the Universe.

The astronauts control three satellite cameras transmitting video signals for broadcast on the website Nasa.Gov. Manual control allows you to view the Earth from all sides, in detail study the atmosphere, terrain and population points.

The main feature of this project is the translation into Russian, which allows you to comfortably receive data.

What is visible through the ISS:

  • planet from satellite;
  • during failures, space stations from the inside.

When a malfunction occurs, the astronauts' dialogues are broadcast and redirected to the TV channel. NASA TV, or put a static image of the planet or other satellite photographs.

View from space from the ISS

Fascinating video. You can watch footage of the Earth taken from space.

ISS generalized 4 world sites: MIR-2 in the Russian Federation, Columbus in Europe, Freedom in the USA and Kibō in Japan. Data transfer occurs during the astronauts' break. The station operates using solar energy generating 16 main batteries and 4 auxiliary.

NASA distributes information received from more than 20 satellites, conducting:

  • atmospheric research;
  • study of the ozone layer;
  • weather monitoring;
  • pollution research.

For each of the satellites there are in the area 10 photos during the day, and 4 at night. This allows you to react to atmospheric changes in time and take action.

Quality of service work

To increase the quality of the service, you need to check the status of the date and time on your personal device. The update server reads the formula of motor activity of the International station and the time zone of the personal IP addresses to find out the location of the cameras in orbit.

Receiving a request for a view of the Earth, online map is based on the time of a personal computer, so if there is a discrepancy, the result may be distorted. When accessing proxy servers and anonymizers also It is possible to change the information provided.

If there is a problem with the quality of the broadcast, it is usually enough check the speed of your Internet provider, disable related work programs or click on the “HD” button in the main window.

What is special about the Weather Satellite resource, which allows you to observe the globe?

The Meteosputnik.Ru project posts detailed images obtained from different types satellites, providing the ability to zoom in on selected areas. The service accepts images in the format APT

Website meteosputnik.ru

  • To see images in format HRPT, you need to follow the link located in the center of the main page. After the transition, a page will open with photos with the date, time of reception and location.
  • To view photos of the format APT, you should follow the link located next to the previous one.
  • In the block "Interesting photos" you can find pictures of events taking place on the planet at any time.

NOAA satellites are mostly located over illuminated areas, so during the day the service is able to make up to 13 photos.

Many users are interested in online satellite maps, which give them the opportunity to enjoy a bird's-eye view of their favorite places on our planet. There are quite a number of such services on the Internet, but all their diversity should not be misleading - most of these sites use the classic API from Google Maps. However, there are also a number of resources that use their own tools to create high-quality satellite maps. In this material I will talk about the best high-resolution satellite maps available online in 2017-2018, and also explain how to use them.

What you need to know about online satellite maps?

When creating satellite maps of the earth's surface, both images from space satellites and photos from special aircraft are usually used, allowing photography to be carried out at a bird's eye view (250-500 meters).

Satellite maps of the highest resolution quality created in this way are regularly updated, and usually the images from them are no more than 2-3 years old.

Most online services do not have the ability to create their own satellite maps. They usually use maps from other, more powerful services (usually Google Maps). At the same time, at the bottom (or top) of the screen you can find a mention of the copyright of a company for displaying these maps.

Viewing real-time satellite maps is currently not available to the average user, since such tools are used primarily for military purposes. Users have access to maps, photographs for which were taken over the past months (or even years). It is worth understanding that any military objects may be deliberately retouched in order to hide them from interested parties.

Let's move on to a description of the services that allow us to enjoy the capabilities of satellite maps.

Google Maps - view from space in high resolution

Bing Maps – online satellite map service

Among the cartographic online services Decent quality service cannot be ignored " Bing Maps"(Bing Maps), which is the brainchild of Microsoft. Like other resources I have described, this site provides fairly high-quality photos of the surface created using satellite and aerial photography.

Bing Maps is one of the most popular mapping services in the United States.

The functionality of the service is similar to the analogues already described above:

In this case, using the search button you can determine online location a specific satellite, and by clicking on a satellite on the map you will get brief information about it (country, size, launch date, etc.).


To display high-resolution satellite maps online, you should use one of the network solutions I listed. The Google Maps service is the most popular worldwide, so I recommend using this resource to work with satellite maps online. If you are interested in viewing geolocations on the territory of the Russian Federation, then it is better to use the Yandex.Maps toolkit. The frequency of their updates on our country’s relations exceeds the similar frequency from Google Maps.

A new experiment has been launched on the International Space Station - High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV). 4 HD cameras were installed on the ISS; the satellite broadcasts the image online in real time. Everyone can feel like an astronaut and look at our planet from space!

HD cameras are sealed in a temperature-controlled housing. While the experiment is in operation, views are typically sequential, albeit from different cameras. Between switching cameras, a gray color or black background appears. When the ISS is in shadow, the video may be interrupted, keep an eye on the map to stay informed. Analysis of this experiment will be conducted to evaluate the impact of the space environment on hardware and video quality for future missions.

A dark screen means International Space station is located on the night side of planet Earth. If you see a gray background in the video, it means that switching between cameras is currently taking place, or communication with the ISS is not available.

Enjoy watching!

Planet Earth from satellite in real time

Earth map online

Below on the map you can see online where the ISS is currently located in its orbit and, accordingly, what the cameras on it are broadcasting.

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