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Presentation - an interactive game on life sciences. Presentation - interactive game on life safety Quiz on life safety for students various topics

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Interactive game on Fundamentals of Life Safety
rules of the game
start the game

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Rules of the game:

1. During the game, out of four possible answers to a question, you need to find one correct one.
2. To select an answer, you must click on one of the answers when the palm appears.
3.The questions gradually become more complicated, and the winning amount increases accordingly: from 100 to 1,000,000. After winning 1,000 points – score “3”, 32,000 points – score “4”, 1,000,000 – score “5”.
4. The player can use hints: – the computer will remove two incorrect options; teacher help - call a friend -
5. Proceed to the next question if the answer is correct - by clicking on the sign with the result; if the question is given incorrectly - we return to the beginning of the game.

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
5 1 000
4 500
3 300
1 100
2 200
Personal protective equipment includes:
fire extinguisher
D: shelter

Right! You have 100 points! Let's continue the game!
Mask. Don't be stupid!
in 1915. Invented by Russian scientist P.D. Zelinsky

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
5 1 000
4 500
3 300
2 200
Human health is 50% completely dependent on:
social status
environmental factors
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 200 points! Let's continue the game!
Probably from the lifestyle
Of course a way of life

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
5 1 000
4 500
3 300
The school emergency commission is headed by:
life safety teacher
physical education teacher
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 300 points! Let's continue the game!
I don’t know exactly, most likely the school director.
Head of the institution

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
5 1 000
4 500
from 12 years old
At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?
from 16 years old
from 14 years old
from 18 years old
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 500 points! Let's continue the game!
I think from the age of 14
From 14 years old

Slide 7

15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
5 1 000
A natural source of ionizing radiation is:
solar radiation
moon radiation
earth's magnetic field
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
You have 1000 points! The first fireproof amount! Let's continue the game!
I find it difficult to answer
Earth's magnetic field
Result - assessment

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
6 2 000
Wind speed exceeding 32 ms:
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 2000 points! Let's continue the game!
I'm sure the answer is "A"

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
7 4 000
It is necessary to dilute sulfuric acid with water. What will you do?
pour water into acid
Don't know
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 4000 points! Let's continue the game!
Answer A

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
8 8 000
What civil defense signal means the howling of a siren, intermittent beeps of enterprises and vehicles?
radiation hazard
attention to everyone
chemical hazard
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 8000 points! Let's continue the game!
This is the answer B
Signal "Attention everyone!"

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15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
9 16 000
take refuge in a stone building
You are in a populated area that is approaching a fire. What will you do?
go out into the open
wait for a message from civil defense headquarters and act strictly according to their instructions
leave the populated area as quickly as possible
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 16,000 points! Let's continue the game!
Think for yourself

Slide 12

15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
10 32 000
5% acetic acid solution
What solution should be used to moisten a cotton-gauze bandage in case of an accident with a Chlorine leak?
2% solution of ammonia
5% citric acid solution
2% soda solution
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Second fireproof amount! You have 32000 points! Let's continue the game!
Correct answer: 2% soda solution
Result - assessment

Slide 13

15 1 000 000
14 500 000
13 250 000
12 125 000
11 64 000
maritime regulations
Which Charter is used on ships of the Russian Navy?
Charter of the Russian Fleet Peter I
the same as in the Ground Forces
Alas, you have lost! Game over.
Right! You have 64,000 points! Let's continue the game!
On ships, the internal service and duties of officials are determined by the Ship Charter.
ship charter

Creative project

extracurricular activities on life safety

on the topic

"Military and sports quiz dedicated to the "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland"

Completed by: Ivanov E.M.

life safety teacher-organizer

MBOU "Boyarskaya Secondary School"

Kolyvansky district


  1. Military sports quiz dedicated to"Day of Defenders of the Fatherland"
  1. Goals

Before the start of the military sports quiz, its goals and objectives are determined:

  1. Instilling in schoolchildren readiness to defend the Fatherland and respect for the Armed Forces of Russia.
  2. In an entertaining game form to consolidate the knowledge and skills of students in the section “Fundamentals of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”
  3. Promotion of life safety course
  1. Preparatory period
  1. Developing a quiz plan.
  2. Development of evaluation criteria for fulfilling standards and tasks.
  3. Giving tasks to teams. The quiz participants are students of grades 10 and 11. From among those willing, two teams are selected, for example, 7 people each: 4 boys and 3 girls. A commander is appointed. The task includes: theoretically prepare on certain topics (you can give a list of topics), prepare for the review of formations and songs, prepare an amateur performance number on a military theme in any genre, publish a wall newspaper with congratulations.
  4. Preparation of property, equipment, musical and artistic decoration, event venues (assembly hall).
  5. Invitation of honored guests - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Armed Forces, military personnel.
  6. Appointment of jury members (preferably 4 people).
  1. Quiz plan
  1. Drill review
  2. Theoretical preparation
  3. Amateur performance number
  4. Wall newspaper
  5. Sewing on buttons
  6. Dining attire
  7. Air rifle shooting
  8. Scout Competition
  9. Sports competition
  1. Quiz script

The host of the quiz can be a life safety teacher

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! Today, by tradition, our school is holding a military sports quiz dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Two teams will compete: a 10th grade team and an 11th grade team. Let me introduce you to the panel of judges:__. Guests are present at the quiz__.

1) Construction review

Leading: Our first competition is a review of formations and songs. Team organization, discipline, appearance, actions of the commander. Maximum quantity The points a team can get is 40.

The teams must take turns to line up, walk at a marching pace and sing, and the commander must submit a report.

2) Theoretical competition

Leading: The next competition is to test the teams' knowledge of the theoretical foundations of military service. The maximum number of points a team can receive is 40. The competition consists of two parts. First part - you need to solve a crossword puzzle: for each word - 1 point(gives out crossword puzzles). Responses will be collected through two competitions. Second part: answer test questions. I'll give you cards with numbers. On command you will need to raise the number of the correct answer. For each correct answer - 1 point.

Identical crossword puzzles are given. Questions for the second part should be projected on the wall using a projector. 5-10 seconds to think about the answer.

3) Amateur performance number

Leading: In the army you need not only to be able to march and know theory, but it is also important to be able to rest well in order to be less homesick. The teams prepared a number of amateur performances on a military theme. The maximum number of points a team can receive for this competition is 40.

The teams take turns showing the number. After that you need to pick up the crossword puzzles.

4) Wall newspaper

Leading: Please note, dear guests, the teams published a congratulation wall newspaper for the holiday. The maximum number of points a team can receive for this competition is also 40.

5) Sewing buttons

Leading: In the army, a soldier does everything for himself. To conduct the competition, one person per team is required, preferably a young man.It is necessary to sew two buttons in the places marked with a cross, with five stitches each. The maximum number of points a team can receive for this competition is 10.

Participants must thread a needle and sew on buttons. You can turn on the phonogram at this time: N. Vetlitskaya “I sewed a dress”

6) Dining room outfit

Leading: Dressing up during military service is common, although dressing up out of turn is not a gift. To conduct the competition, one person per team is required, preferably a young man.(Teams select participants).It is necessary to peel 10 onions. Speed ​​and quality are taken into account. The maximum number of points a team can receive for this competition is 10.

Participants must peel 10 onions. You can turn on the phonogram at this time: T. Bulanova “Don’t cry.”

7) Air rifle shooting

Leading: Any soldier must be able to shoot accurately. Each team requires 2 people: a boy and a girl. The maximum number of points a team can receive for this competition is 50.

Each person is given 8 shots: 3 test shots and 5 test shots.

8) Scout competition

Leading: In addition to the qualities already listed during our game, a soldier must also have such a quality as observation. To conduct the scout competition, one youth per team is required.

Teams select participants.

Scouts often perform combat mission in difficult conditions. Therefore, participants need to wear gas masks.

Participants are given gas masks, pens and leaves. They need to be seated close to the wall. At the opposite wall there is a light source (overhead projector, epidiascope or overhead projector, etc.)

Now girls will pass behind your backs(you need to agree with them in advance), and you will have to recognize them by the shadow and write down their names or surnames on a piece of paper under the numbers. The number of points you learn is the number of points the team gets.

You can turn on the soundtrack at this time: “Hands Up” - “Ay-ay-ay girl.”

9) Sports competition

Leading: Finally, our final competition is a sports competition - jumping rope. The whole team participates. Two people twist the rope, the rest all jump together. How many times you jump in one minute - so many points will be counted.

10) Rewarding participants

  1. Applications
  1. Test questions
  1. August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet over the Swedes at Cape Gangut. What year did this happen?
  1. 1709
  2. 1714
  3. 1790
  4. 1853
  5. 1612
  6. 1242
  1. The Day of Military Glory of Russia on February 2 was established to commemorate:
  1. the beginning of the Red Army's counteroffensive against Nazi troops near Moscow in 1941;
  2. defeat Soviet Army Nazi troops in Battle of Kursk in 1943;
  3. the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet Army at Stalingrad in 1943;
  4. the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops in Germany in 1918;
  1. The day of the start of the Red Army's counteroffensive against Nazi troops near Moscow
  1. July 10, 1941
  2. December 2, 1942
  3. February 5, 1942
  4. December 5, 1941
  5. December 10, 1941
  1. This word, which existed in the Russian language for a long time, was borrowed from the Turkic languages, where it had several meanings: “free independent person”, “tramp, robber”, “military servant of the feudal lord”. The original meaning of the word on Russian soil was “worker”, “hired employee”. Then this word began to be used to describe soldiers “serving on the outskirts of the state.” From the middle of the 16th century, this word acquired a new meaning: a branch of the military, a certain group of the population. These troops did not immediately become part of the Russian armed forces. The oath of allegiance to the Russian Tsar was given in 1671.
  1. dragoons;
  2. cuirassiers;
  3. hussars;
  4. Sagittarius;
  5. lancers;
  6. Cossacks;
  1. Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army in 1812
  1. September 8
  2. November 7
  3. December 1
  4. September 11
  5. August 23
  6. July 10
  1. September 21 happened
  1. Ice battle
  2. Liberation of Moscow by the militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky
  3. Victory of F. F. Ushakov over the Turks at Cape Tendra
  4. Capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail
  5. Battle of Poltava
  6. Battle of Kulikovo
  1. Consists of four platoons
  1. department
  2. frame
  3. division
  4. regiment
  5. company
  6. battalion
  1. The main damaging factor of nuclear weapons:
  1. light radiation
  2. penetrating radiation
  3. shock wave
  4. radioactive contamination of the area
  5. electromagnetic pulse
  1. The dose rate of radioactive radiation is measured:
  1. in roentgens
  2. in roentgens/hours
  3. in Sievert
  4. in rads
  5. in grays
  6. in rem
  1. What type of OM is hydrocyanic acid?
  1. suffocating
  2. blister
  3. annoying
  4. psychochemical
  5. nerve agent
  6. generally poisonous
  1. Based on its effect on the body, which of the listed chemical agents is a toxic substance with psychochemical action?
  1. V-gases.
  2. Mustard gas.
  1. Types of the Armed Forces Russian Federation
  1. Air defense troops
  2. Air Force
  3. Navy
  4. Ground forces

Find the error

  1. captain
  2. major general
  3. ensign
  4. junior lieutenant
  5. major
  6. Colonel
  1. Which troops symbol is shown here?
  1. a) motorized rifle
  2. b) tank
  3. c) construction
  4. d) automobile
  5. e) air force
  6. g) airborne troops
  1. Arrange ranks in ascending order
  1. corporal
  2. private
  3. sergeant
  4. foreman
  5. ensign

Find the error

  1. Select the correct radiation attenuation factor for the interior of the first floor of a building with wooden walls:
  1. 5-7.
  1. A particularly honorary badge that distinguishes the characteristics of the combat mission, history and merits of a military unit, as well as indicating its belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is:
  1. state award of a military unit for military merits;
  2. a special letter from the command conferring the rank of guards on a military unit.
  3. Battle Banner of a military unit;
  1. Military duty includes:
  1. military registration;
  2. compulsory preparation for military service;
  3. conscription;
  4. military service under contract
  5. completion of military service upon conscription;
  6. staying in reserve;

Find the error


  1. Crossword


  1. Military oath
  2. A means of delivering nuclear weapons to a target
  3. Territory directly exposed to the damaging factors of the explosion
  4. Explosive
  5. Poisonous substance with blister action
  6. Team
  7. Moving the weapon back while firing
  8. Cartridge part
  9. Military association
  10. Machine part
  11. Military rank
  12. The deployment of military personnel established by the charter for their joint actions
  13. Flammable substance
  14. Distance along the front between military personnel
  15. Team
  16. Air Force
  17. Unit of measurement of explosion power
  18. Military unit
  19. Damage to living tissue


  1. Personal respiratory protection equipment
  1. Materials for the jury
  1. Drill review

maximum points

10 cells

11 classes

1. Construction

2. Song

3. Walking step

4. The commander’s knowledge of statutory commands

5. Discipline in the ranks

6. Commander's report

Tatiana Malygina
Quiz "Sports Hour"

Quiz on the topic: « Sports hour»

Target: Maintain interest in cognitive activities; develop the ability to listen to each other.

Game « Quiz» first appeared in 1928 in the magazine "Ogonyok". Of course, before that there were similar games, which had different names. Author of the title Quiz(Victoria – victory) was probably the editor "Ogonyok". Famous journalist and publicist Mikhail Koltsov. IN "Ogonyok" several dozen were published quizzes, each of them contains 40–50 questions, which had to be answered impromptu.

In the game - quiz all questions about sports.

And the victory will be awarded to the person who has achieved the highest results.

Educator: So, let's begin.

1. Name the species sports, which has the lightest ball. (Tennis.)

2. Name the most common species in the world sports. (Running.)

3. Name the most common winter game view sports. (Hockey.)

4. Name the most popular transport remedy in Vietnam. (Bike.)

5. Name the most important figure in chess game? (King.)

6. Guess the riddle:

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing

I jump over it.

And she - through me. (Jump rope.)

7. Main man on sports ground? (Judge.)

8. Name the strongest chess player in the 80s of the 20th century? (G. Kasparov.)

9. Name the most "English" type of martial arts. (Boxing.)

10. Name the national species sports? (Throwing a lasso, throwing an ax, jumping over a sled, running with a stick, triple jump.)

11. Finish the proverb: “Take care of your dress again, and your health... (from a young age.)

12. Name a tonic drink named after a football player? (Coffee Pele.)

"Exercise to mobilize attention."

Starting position - standing, arms along the body.

1 - Right hand on the belt,

2 - left hand on the belt,

3 - right hand on the shoulder,

4 - left hand on the shoulder,

5 - right hand up,

6- left hand up

7-8 - clapping hands above your head.

9 - Place your left hand on your shoulder,

10 - lower your right hand to your shoulder,

11 - left hand on the belt,

12 - right hand on the belt,

13 -14 - clapping hands on thighs.

1. repeat 4-6 times.

Pace: 1 time slow, 2-3 times medium. 4-5 fast, 6 slow.

13. Name the most prestigious competitions in which you participated athletes Ancient Greece . (Olympic Games.)

14. Name the species sports having the most "high title"? (athletics - "Queen sports» .

15. Guess the riddles:

We are nimble sisters -

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

We run into the snow. (Skis.)

This riddle is not easy:

I always write in two "To".

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,

And my name is... (Hockey.)

17. Winter view sports and children's favorite pastime. (Skis.)

My new friends

Both shiny and light.

And they frolic with me on the ice,

And they are not afraid of frost. (Skates.)

19. Name the species sports, which contains the largest ball. (Pushball, diameter 1.8 m.)

20. Bowl for the winner. (Cup.)

21. Competition in which all sports equipment. (Relay.)

22. Geometric figure, marked in the center of the football field. (Circle.)

23. The most famous Soviet hockey goalkeeper. (Lev Yashin.)

24. Car competitions. (Rally.)

25. Judge in the boxing ring. (Referee.)

Publications on the topic:

"Winter Quiz" The theme is "Winter Quiz". Goal: Continue to teach children to play in a team, listen to their opponents, complement their comrades’ answers, and identify their level.

Goal: to form children’s understanding of the sights of the Lyubinsky Prospekt street. Introduce the architecture of buildings. Objectives: Develop.

"Sports City" Summer sports leisure Leading. Attention! Attention! I invite all boys and girls to go to our sports town. I suggest you take your speed with you.

Quiz “What? Where? When?" Goal: to systematize preschoolers’ knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Tasks: - pick up required material, for composing questions..

Quiz for preschoolers on traffic rules Quiz for preschoolers on traffic rules Quiz summary in preparatory group on the topic "Rules" traffic» 1. Riddles: 1. Early in the morning.



Goals: control of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topics “Emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

Material support: cards with tasks, posters “Rules of conduct in case of fire”, “Primary fire extinguishing means”, photographs of natural and man-made emergencies.


    Team greetings

Teams present the name of their team, emblem, and motto to the jury and spectators (2-3 minutes).

2. Warm up.

Participants take turns answering questions. The team that is asked the question must provide a correct and complete answer as quickly as possible. If the team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents. (Appendix A)

3. A little creativity

Teams need to portray a pantomime of a natural disaster; assignments are given in envelopes. Opponents must guess the pantomime. You have 7 minutes to prepare. (Appendix B)

4. Crossword

Each team receives a crossword puzzle. The crossword questions include basic concepts related to natural and man-made emergencies. (Appendix B)

5. Actions in emergency situations

Teams need to create an algorithm for how to behave in an emergency. Each team receives a task. (Appendix D)

6. “Everyone thinks”

Participants are given cards that describe fragments of actions in case of an emergency. It is necessary to find errors and suggest correct option actions. (Appendix D)

7. "Guess"

Teams are asked to guess riddles; if a team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents. (Appendix E)

8. Summing up . 4 teams participate in the quiz. The maximum number of points for the competition is 4.


Questions for the teams for the “warm-up” competition

Questions for the first team:

1. What is an emergency?(The situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of a dangerous natural phenomenon, natural disaster, accident or catastrophe that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health, environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions)

2. Name the causes of accidents at enterprises.(natural disasters, equipment wear and tear, terrorist attack, personnel errors, etc.)

3. How is the dose of radioactive radiation measured?(In roentgens)

4. Define the concept of “minor”(persons who at the time of committing the crime were 14 years old, but not 18 years old)

5. Which of the available things can be used to protect the respiratory system during the release of toxic substances?(scarf, shawl, collar, sleeve, mittens)

Questions for the second team:

1. In what direction should you leave the infected zone?(perpendicular to wind direction)

2. What poisonous gas is 2 times heavier than air?(chlorine)

3. Your car fell into the water. Your actions.(wait until the cabin is half filled with water, break out the glass, take a deep breath and swim to the surface)

4. What types of fires do you know?(Forest, steppe, peat)

5. Name the consequences of the flood.(destruction of buildings, structures, loss of fertile soil, damage to communications, broken power lines, infectious diseases)

Questions for the third team:

1. Vapors of which substance are the most toxic?(mercury vapor)

2. List the crimes for which liability is provided from the age of 14.(murder, intentional infliction of grievous and moderate bodily harm, kidnapping, rape, vandalism, vehicle theft)

3. What natural disasters can an earthquake cause?(tsunami, volcanic eruption, avalanche, collapse and landslides)

4. Heavy snowfalls can lead to...(avalanche)

5. Name the causes of forest fires.(lightning, drought and heat, man)

Questions for the fourth team:

1. On what scale is the intensity of an earthquake measured?(10 point Richter scale )

2. What should you take with you when evacuating from a danger zone?(valuables, documents, first aid kit, warm clothes, water and food supplies)

3. Name the methods of extinguishing a forest fire.(water, oncoming fire, knock down the flame, throw earth)

4. Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.(Puchkov Vladimir Andreevich)

5. How to call for help if you find yourself under a rubble?(knock on metal structures)


Assignments for teams for the “A Little Creativity” competition

1. Earthquake

2. Flood

3. Hurricane, tornado

4. Fire


Crossword No. 1

    An animal that helps find and rescue people during disasters (dog)

    The most common emergency on the territory of Russia (fire)

    Part of the road for pedestrians (sidewalk)

    Radiation harmful to health (radiation)

    The science that studies earthquakes (seismology)

    Road accident (collision)

    Wind of destructive force (hurricane)

    Skating rink on the road ( ice)

    Auto eye (headlight)

    Hot mass during a volcanic eruption (lava)

Crossword No. 2


1. profession of emergency service representative (lifeguard)

2.place where avalanches and landslides occur (mountains)

3.snow mass moving from the peaks (avalanche)

4. hydrological phenomenon associated with rising water levels in reservoirs (flood)

5.chemical element used in water treatment plants (chlorine)

6. giant waves (tsunami)


1.releasing a large amount of energy in a short period of time (explosion)

    underground city transport (metropolitan)

    atmospheric phenomenon that impedes traffic movement (fog)

    a facility that generates electricity by releasing nuclear energy (nuclear power plant)

Crossword No. 3


1.pedestrian …….(transition)

2.fall of snow mass from the mountain (avalanche)

3.consequence of an accident with the release of chemical and radioactive substances (pollution)

4.particle of a burning or incandescent substance (spark)

5. roadway (road)


1.a feeling of acute, uncontrollable fear (panic)

2.movement of the earth along a slope under the influence of gravity (landslide)

3.atmospheric phenomenon accompanied by thunder and lightning (storm)

4.heavy precipitation in winter (snowfall)

5.liner that crashed after colliding with an iceberg (Titanic)

Crossword No. 4


1. a mechanism that prevents the movement of cars at a railway intersection (barrier)

2. strong wind (tornado)

3. road and sidewalk fencing (border)

4. a chemical element necessary for combustion (oxygen)

5. precipitation in the form of frozen water (hail)


1. asphyxiating gas with the smell of ammonia (ammonia)

2. frozen water on the road, creating an emergency situation (ice)

3. atmospheric phenomenon causing a fire in the forest (lightning)

4. unit of measurement of radioactive exposure (x-ray)

5. one of the causes of floods (rains)


1. Rules of conduct in the evening on the street. (How to avoid becoming a victim of crime in the evening)

2. Rules of behavior in a situation with an attack by a rapist.

3. Fire in the apartment. (TV lights up)

4. Flood. (The flood found you at home on the 1st floor)


    At the first shock, you should quickly leave the technical school building. Having run out into the street, you should immediately move away from the technical school and stand near a neighboring building or fence. It is necessary to remain calm and composed in the event of falling power line supports.

    If a fire starts in your home, you need to moisten a blanket with water, cover yourself with it and hide under a table or bed. Or run out onto the landing, call the elevator and quickly go down.

    In the evening you are returning home and decide to take a shortcut through unlit courtyards. Seeing a stranger in the alley, you clutched your bag and ran behind the garage and began to call for help.

    The flood caught you at home on the first floor. You need to quickly collect the necessary things: documents, TV, first aid kit, cosmetics, open the windows and go to the roof of the house. Light a fire to attract rescuers.


Riddles for teams

The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone,

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand -

Bites the entire palm.(fire)


It's a cramped, cramped house:

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It might break out like a fire.(matches)


It may melt, but not the ice.

It's not a lantern, but it gives light.(candle)


Under a transparent piece of glass -

Little sun.(bulb)


The red bull stands, trembles,

Black - looks at the sky.(fire, smoke)


The steamer wanders back and forth.

If you stop, grief will make a hole in the sea.(iron)


I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,

I am above every house in winter,

Over the fire over the factory,

Over the fire and the steamer,

But I'm nowhere to be found

Can't happen without fire.(smoke)


Hurry, it's buzzing:─ Give way!

Blinks his blue eye.

Let's get there on time - trouble

Children and adults blowjob.

(fire engine)


Molten Arrow

An oak felled near the village.(lightning)


I'm rushing everywhere

And I call myself simply.....(scrap)


Ears and darling. Below them is a mug.

The empty is strumming, the full is silent.(bucket)


Ready to help everyone:

And dig and fall asleep...

What's my name guys?

You guessed it... (shovel)