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Main and supporting characters in Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy: who is the best character in each game? Final fantasy heroes

When you are 8 years old, you go to the market to buy anthologies of cartoons and choose, as you should at that age, by familiar titles and the most colorful pictures. And you take the package with the secret inside; there are many familiar names in the picture, with the exception of a couple with incomprehensible pictures. You give your grandmother’s hard-earned 100 rubles and start looking at houses. I didn’t have the Internet for a long time, and I didn’t have very many disks, but even then I could identify my favorite cartoons. And I often watched them day after day. I looked at this title" last fantasy 7: Advent Children", and somehow it didn’t encourage me to turn on this particular cartoon. As a result, I got my hands on it only in 9. After watching, I was left with an amazingly pleasant and memorable effect, something along the lines of “And this is a cartoon in general, they similar to living people, maybe this is a movie?" This year I watched it and forgot. But later, when I was 12-13 years old, I decided to watch it again. And how damn cool it was, without a doubt - this is my first anime, and I I love it with all my heart. I watch it from time to time, and such warmth and a feeling of nostalgia excites my neurons that it’s impossible to describe, everyone has something similar in relation to other creations. distant years nothing was clear, at the age of 13 I was already terribly interested in what kind of characters they were, and where I could find the 6 previous parts, while sitting in awe of the coolness of Mr. and his super-sword) A month later I bought FF7 : Dirge of the Cerberus, about one of the minor characters, Vincent Valentine, I couldn’t beat it then, because the games on PS2 for the most part don’t know the difficulty level for casuals. It was abandoned until this year, but I finished it recently. Soon after the 2nd viewing, the Internet was already failed, and I passionately began to search for the previous 6 parts. I learned that each previous part was not cartoons at all, but game universes, and each may or may not correspond to an anime with an identical serial number. I was upset, but still the passage of FF7: Crisis Core, which revealed some of the Advent Children to me. I studied the wiki and started going through the original seventh part on my phone) But I couldn’t stand this torment until the end, but some backstory was built in my head. And with the knowledge I had gained, I watched it again, and it was unforgettable, for the first time in so many viewings everything was clear to me, I just enjoyed watching it. I really like it, my favorite full-length anime with 3D graphics.
Now more categorically: the anime for the 5th year has simply magnificent graphics, no jokes and no bias, many newer films have worse graphics, for example Tekken or one of the Resident Evils (I’m talking about the anime, for those who don’t know, take a look, it’s also watchable) . The staging of the fights is gorgeous, the effects, colors, amazing atmosphere. And the music, it is worthy of special praise, as in the seventh part of the game series, the music here is simply amazing, at one time the soundtracks from the game were called the soundtracks of the year (specifically, like One Winged Angel), the music is well matched to the atmosphere of the scene, and is very dynamic with its beauty .
The plot here is simple, without any contrivances, it is clear that it will happen halfway through the anime and the final scene has already been determined. Again they touch on the lifestream philosophy from the game, but appropriately. The fights are very well done (but they are really good, they could have been written a second time). There is also some kind of personal drama here, he is trying to prove something to himself, he blames for something (in fact, it is clear from the game what), and all this is well presented, with good graphics and music. In general, Square Enix tried, it turned out much better than their last Kingsave, in my opinion. I recommend watching it, but it’s better to get acquainted with the universe of the 7th part first.
I hope at least someone read to the end)

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to talk about the new part Final Fantasy, the official release of which is scheduled for the end of September this year. The continuation of the epic saga, which has been in development since 2006, is already close, so we decided to get ahead a little and talk about the heroes of the game.

The characters in Final Fantasy XV play the main role - they fight, drive a sports car through beautiful places, communicate and complete tasks. In, published a few days ago, we talked about the gameplay and plot of the game, and today we will introduce you to the key characters.

From this article you will learn:


  • The main characters, five inseparable friends - Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus, Prompto, Cor.
  • Supporting characters - Lunafreya, Gentian, Regis, Idola and others.
  • The unnamed characters that were shown in the trailer, however their actions and role in storyline have not yet been disclosed by the developers.

You can meet some of the characters by watching Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV, released this year. There you will meet Prince Noctis and learn the backstory of the game. Now watch the trailer for this film.

Heir to the throne

The main character of the game, Noctis Lucis Caelum, is the prince of the kingdom of Lucis. His family, Tselum, owned and protected the only magical crystal that remained in the world. The young man was next to him for a long time and gained special power - he owns magic, several types of bladed weapons and the ability to teleport to them.

His character is strong, but at the same time not only calm, but rather cold. But despite this, great responsibility sometimes adds to his nervousness, which is why he acts harshly and emotionally.

Faithful assistant

A longtime friend of Noctis, Ignis Scientia is a loyal and devoted companion who accompanies the prince on his travels. Ignis is distinguished by his extreme seriousness and sometimes coldness of character, but despite these qualities, he is very loyal to the prince.

As a child, Ignis received a good education, which helped him easily enter the public service and become an adviser to the king's heir. Preference for the Iaido fighting style allows the young man to easily deal with enemies in close combat. In battle, he throws knives and, if necessary, can take Noctis's place behind the wheel of a car. His name means "fire" and "knowledge".

Family Defender

Another faithful friend of Noctis, Gladiolus Amicius, is noticeably superior in strength to all his comrades. Unshakable and cold-blooded in battle, in relationships with friends he is very cheerful and sociable. His name comes from the name of the Roman sword – gladius, and his surname translates as “friendship, friendly.”

Speedy fighter

Prompto Argentum had been friends with the prince since school, having nothing to do with the royal family. He has a very carefree and cheerful, and sometimes too frivolous character, which does not prevent him from showing a willingness to help others.

Its peculiarity is the fight with the help of various firearms, as well as considerable speed, which became the reason for its name. Prompto means "sharp" or "quick".

Lion's Heart

One of the strongest fighters in the entire kingdom, Cor Leonis, treats his friends rather neutrally, perhaps even rudely, but his patriotism and love for his homeland makes him defend the entire company. Kor does this, although he does not fully support their goals.

Kora's age is 42 years old, and in Japan this number is considered unlucky, because, according to the inhabitants of the country, it is at this age that various accidents often occur. His name translates as “heart of a lion” - this characterizes Cor Leonis as a brave and strong character.

Prince's Bride

Noctis's childhood friend and future bride is Lunafreya Nox Fleurette. Initially, Stella Nox Fleurette, Noctis' enemy, was supposed to take her place. But later the developers changed their minds and replaced her with a princess, who now plays a more global and decisive role. The princess's name translates to sword because she uses a rapier in the game.

Supporting characters

There are other characters featured in Final Fantasy XV, and while we've labeled them as supporting characters, many of them play very important roles in the storyline. The developers promise that during the game you will meet each of them, or they will somehow affect the storyline.

For example, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII is the 113th ruler of the Kingdom of Lucis and the father of Prince Noctis. His fate is not entirely clear, because during an attack by the troops of hostile Niflheim, the king was considered dead, and his real fate is still unknown. It is possible that in the process of searching for the crystal, Noctis will find his missing father.

Regis's antipode is the main anti-hero of the game and the emperor of Niflheim named Idola Eldercapt. He made a treaty with the kingdom of Lucis, the purpose of which is to steal magic crystal. An important role in his retinue is played by Ardyn Izuniya, the chancellor of the empire, who, despite his aloofness from politics, expanded the production of Magitek troops. Ardyn plans that developing these troops will help strengthen the empire.

Less global, but important characters that you will definitely meet are Gentian and Aranea Highwind. Gentian is a special creature that serves the princess and heals other characters.

Her name comes from the gentian flower, which is known to have medicinal properties. Aranea Highwind holds the post of captain of one of the corps of the empire's air force. She skillfully masters her craft, which is why she received such a high rank. Her confrontation with Noctis was shown in the first trailers of the game, but her name became known not so long ago.

In your search for adventure, Cindy Aurum, the granddaughter of the famous Sid, who is present in almost all previous parts of Final Fantasy, will periodically help you. She helps Noctis and his friends by working as a mechanic, such as fixing a car or a broken sword.

And the last hero worth mentioning is Etro, the goddess of death. Stella mentioned her shortly before signing a “peace” treaty with the Niflheim Empire in one of the trailers.

According to the heroine, there is a legend that tells about the goddess’s special ability to open the Invisible Gates. During this, the souls of the dead rise into the sky, outwardly appearing as a ray of light. In addition, it is said that people who are near death at this moment acquire the powers of the Dead Kingdom. A little later it will become known that Stella herself, as well as Prince Noctis, see this light. This means that there was already a moment at which they could die.

During your travels, adventures and battles with monsters, you will meet other heroes who have not yet been announced by the developers. But it’s already clear how diverse the characters’ characters and behavior are, how they will interact and influence the gameplay.

Let's hope that the developers will present a successful project in RPG genre. We remind you that the release date of Final Fantasy 15 is scheduled for the end of September. The game is expected to release simultaneously for consoles (PS4, Xbox One) and PC.

In the next article we will talk about combat system Final Fantasy - from it you will learn how to fight monsters, what Noctis can do and much more. Subscribe to our blog updates and follow the news. With this we say goodbye to you and wish you success. Bye everyone.

Zell Dinch is a seventeen-year-old Balamb Garden student and later SeeD. Zell grew up in the same orphanage as the other main characters, where he was constantly bullied. One day he was adopted by the Dinch family from Balamba. He idealizes his adopted grandfather, who was a legendary soldier. Dreaming of following in his footsteps, Zell entered Balamb Garden at the age of 13 to become a SeeD and follow his dream of becoming like his grandfather.

Zell meets Squall before the SeeD exam, as they both end up in Squad B, whose leader turns out to be Cypher. Zell successfully passes the exam and becomes a SeeD. Together with Squamm and Selphie, Zell goes on a mission to Timber. After the sorceress interferes with the task, the group is ordered to go to Deling to kill Edea. Zell assists the group during the mission as part of the "gate team" along with and , while Squall and , a student from Galbadia Garden who specializes in guns, are part of the "sniper team". Although Zell succeeds in his task of locking the sorceress between the bridge gates, the task itself fails and the entire group, except for Irwin and , is captured. Zell and the others are sent to the county jail, which Zell recognizes as the place where he worked when he was discharged from the Galbadian army. Zell had dreams about him thanks to Elona, ​​a girl with the unique ability to send someone's consciousness back in time and experience episodes from another person's life. In Zell's case, these were usually episodes from Ward's life. When Zell realizes this, the group tries to escape. Since Zell is the only one capable of fighting without weapons, he decides to return the weapons that the guards took to the group, and then, using his knowledge of the prison, he tries to lead the group through the prison to find Squall and subsequently escape from the prison. They soon learn that, under the command of the sorceress Edea, the nearby Galbadian Missile Base has attacked Trabia Garden and plans to launch missiles at Balamb Garden. The group decides to split into two subgroups and one team goes to the Missile Base to try to stop the missiles, and the other to notify Balamb Garden of the impending attack. Some time later, after Balamb Garden becomes mobile and the Missile Base is destroyed, both teams unite in the city of Fisherman's Horizon.

Zell's design was created with the intention that he should look and act like main character manga of the shonen genre (Japanese comics aimed mainly at male teenagers).

Yuna is the main character of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, the daughter of the High Summoner Braska and the remaining nameless woman Al Bhed. Yuna's mother was the sister of mechanic Sid, Rikku and Brother are Yuna's cousins. It is because of the mixing of the blood of “ordinary” people and Al Bhed that Yuna’s left eye is blue and her right eye is green.

In Final Fantasy X-2, when Sin is no longer a threat to Spira, Yuna, who has lost her previous purpose in life, changes quite a lot, becoming a carefree orb hunter and leading the Gullwings group. Her new goal is to find Tidus, who disappeared along with all the Fayth, whose image she saw in one of the ancient spheres; But, finding herself in the face of a new threat to Spira - Vegnagan, Yuna leaves the hunt for the spheres and again returns to the ultimate task of saving humanity.

The name Yuna (ユウナ) is taken from the Okinawan dialect of Japanese and means "night" in translation, as opposed to the word Tidu (Tidus), borrowed from the same language, meaning "sun".

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Rikku- a cheerful girl Al Bhed, who is a playable character in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. Rikku's father is Sid, the leader of Al Bhed. She also has a brother, whose name is Brother. Also, Rikku and Yuna are cousins.

2 years after the destruction of Sin, Rikku and Brother founded a group of sphere hunters - "Gullwings", with the help of Brother's friends - Buddy and Shinra. Soon the mysterious Payne joins their team. When Kimahri finds an orb in the Gagazet Mountains with a recording of a young man very similar to Tidus, Rikku goes to Besaid to show it to Yuna, after which she also joins the Gullwings.

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Paine makes his first appearance as a playable character in Final Fantasy X-2. Almost nothing is known about her past. During Sin's reign, she joined the Crimson Squad. During Operation Mi"ihen, her team included three more young people - Nooj, Baralai and Gippal. Although most of the Crimson Squad members died inside Den of Woe, their team manages to survive, but soon something terrible begins to haunt them. After 2 years After this incident, Payne joins Gullwings in hopes of finding out what really happened that day.

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Main characters of Final Fantasy X-2 (possible spoilers!)

Final Fantasy is a huge franchise that has managed to set an extremely high bar for its followers and captivate fans of the fictional universe for several decades. What started out purely as a game eventually became a full-fledged series, complete with manga and movies. It is impossible not to mention the characters of Final Fantasy, since it was thanks to them that the project was so successful. Ultimately, it is the characters who form the player's or viewer's permanent attachment to the franchise. The characters of Final Fantasy games are entirely charismatic, interesting, not lacking in their intelligence and excellent vision of the world, they fill the picture with new colors.

General features of games

Despite the fact that the franchise has gone far ahead, spawning both successful and less successful projects, most of the games in the series remain beloved by fans. The reason for this lies in certain characteristic features that transfer from one project to another without loss of quality. So, for example, creators like to use analogies and even allusions to real world, giving Final Fantasy characters, weapons, items and other things real-life names. So, for example, in one of the games you can find the Excalibur blade. There are a lot of such coincidences. In addition, it should be noted that certain characters overlap between different projects. So, for example, in the MMORPG "Final Fantasy: Awakening" the characters of the main series, albeit not directly, are still mentioned and influence the plot.

Setting and atmosphere

At the center of any franchise narrative is a group of heroes who take on the burden of war against a villain. Whether it's Sephiroth or, for example, a group of invaders, the brave fighters once again raise their huge blades and get to work. However, it cannot be said that the entire setting looks pompous or overly gloomy. Yes, the classic direction of the struggle between good and evil performed by a group of teenagers does not look very fresh, at least, but it is presented in an original and interesting way. In the world of Final Fantasy, magic and psychic powers intersect with technology on an unprecedented scale, revealing a rather entertaining synthesis.

Relationships between characters

A considerable number of hours and written quests are devoted to psychology, moral choice, critical and personal problems of Final Fantasy characters. The game sets itself the goal of fully revealing the characters, showing their motivation in this or that decision, and emphasizing moral torment. All this makes Final Fantasy more emotional, alive, and gives men courage and honor. Sometimes it is much more interesting to go through another “personalized” quest than the main plot in its uninteresting or sluggish stage. All Final Fantasy character names have become recognizable calling cards, spawning a considerable amount of fan art, stories, and even independent content.

List of characters:

  • Aki Ross;
  • Balthier;
  • Vaan;
  • Vivi Ornitir;
  • Cactuar;
  • Lightning;
  • Noctis Lucis Caelum;
  • Tifa Lockhart;
  • Kefka Palazzo;
  • Rikku;
  • Sephiroth;
  • Squall Leonhart;
  • Cloud Strife;
  • Tidus;
  • Chocobo;
  • Vincent Valentine.

It is impossible to describe everyone in one article, but it is still possible to consider several faces of the gaming universe.

Noctis Lucis Caelum

The Crown Prince of Lucis, owner of the amazing "Weaponsmith" ability, and also the owner of the hearts of almost half of the female side of the Final Fantasy fandom. Among the heroes of this franchise, there are quite a few who could be considered the ideal of male beauty from the point of view of the Western community. Almost all the guys are thin, tall, and have a languid look under their long hair, and this character was no exception. He has piercing blue eyes and black hair, treats his duty with respect, but is in no hurry to leave his wanderings. Despite the fact that he underwent exclusively court training, he does not lag behind the members of SOLDIER, and is a very good fighter. He is silent, calm, prefers actions to words. Wears comfortable, nondescript clothes. He strives to protect his hometown, which contains the mysterious crystal, from any encroachment from outside. Has the ability to see "light" and predict a person's death.

Cloud Strife

One of the key protagonists and the “engine” of the narrative. At the moment he is a mercenary who does not shy away from almost any job. Previously, he was a member of the experimental unit "SOLDIER", wields a huge blade, and is an excellent fighter. Outwardly he looks like a blond man with blue eyes. Arrogant, hot-tempered, excessively talkative. He is proud of his ability to kill, but under the influence of his comrades he realizes how little this means for a true hero. As the story progresses and the franchise progresses, this Final Fantasy character transforms into a more merciful and compassionate hero. After being exposed to Mako and Jenova, he turned into a super fighter and has improved reflexes. For a long time, his mind was “in hibernation,” and Cloud himself created a fake personality in his subconscious in order to keep himself from falling into madness. Presumably, it was this hero who became the trendsetter for huge blades in anime, games, and manga.

Vincent Valentine

One of the most popular characters in Final Fantasy VII and the entire franchise as a whole. Former Turk, agent of the intelligence and espionage division. He was subjected to secret experiments, as a result of which he received a significant increase in strength. During a Limit Break, his appearance transforms. Usually looks like a brunette with dark eyes, wrapped in a raincoat from head to toe. He is silent, calm, and prefers to hide his emotions. Unlike most other Final Fantasy heroes, he prefers weapon blades. A master of combat, he is able to confront key antagonists alone. Its influence on the narrative is not fully understood. It is known that Vincent has his own connections with the board, former colleagues, and is waging his own war because of goals that are understandable only to him. Competes with the heir of Lucis for women's hearts. Likes to dress in red.


Her real name is unknown. The main secret role of the entire franchise, since no one knows exactly who she is, what her motives are, or why she even fights. Prefers light one-handed melee weapons, such as the Flaming Saber. When she first appears, she appears as a young girl with medium-length pale pink hair and turquoise eyes. She is calm and restrained, a little distant from the key characters, and at some moments she can literally “explode”. She claims about herself that she is only capable of destroying and has not actually protected anyone. Supposedly has a very tragic past. There is a theory that she is Claire Farron, but this has not been confirmed. Later she becomes a defender and somewhat changes her worldview. The main female face of the entire franchise.

With Final Fantasy: Awakening gaining popularity, the characters from the original franchise are becoming more recognizable. The game universe turned out to be rich, bright, and interesting. Increasingly, questions arise about how to restore a character to game Final Fantasy (at the moment this is impossible), and, therefore, the decline of the franchise will not happen anytime soon.