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Origin secrets. Guide to the latest MU Origin update

Items are arranged in the order in which they were received. In addition to numerous items (Celceta Medicine, Cleria Ore, etc.), all their locations are indicated there at once.

Battle Ax

First weapon

Starting equipment

Leather Armor

First armor

Starting equipment


Transforms demon statues into goddess statues (save points). Also used to teleport between previously opened statues

Get it at the very beginning of the game

Lila Shell


Get it at the very beginning of the game

Celceta Medicine

Increases maximum amount HP

2) 8F - underwater

3) 12F - at the very top of The Devil's Corridor

4) 13F - next to the torch

5) 14F - straight from the save, then to the right (double jump required)

6) 14F - in the room with monsters with bombs, after meeting with Rhea

7) mirror maze (The Space of Illusion). Mirrors, from start: left, right, left, far

8) 24 after the mirror maze

Blue Sky Wing

Unlocks green magic

Get it almost at the very beginning of the game

Roda Fruit

Give Roo to the animals for a reward

2) 8F - under water, in a room where water currents are blown away

3) 10F - when you see a red circle on the floor, put on Mask of Eyes, go to the other side along the bridge and press the button

4) 14F - straight from the save, then left

5) 18F - after opening a round hole, jump there

6) 22F - jumping to the right through the opening

Increases green magic level

3) 14F - to the right of the large slippery sloping intersection

Blue Moon Carving

Opens a passage

1) 4F - from Roo, when you give Roda Fruit

2) 1F - from Rico

3) 14F - to the left of the large slippery sloping intersection

4) 20F - to the right of the save, cave with shrimps

5) mirror maze (The Space of Illusion). Mirrors, from start: left, right, left, near

Mask of Eyes

Allows you to see invisible passages and bridges

4F - in the chest, after the fight with the first boss

Bronze Key

Opens the door

Blue Necklace

Allows you to overcome the suction trap

4F - from Rico

Leather Boots

First boots

Beast Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

Silver Bracelet

Opens fast run(Dash)

Ring Mail

Second armor

Water Dragon's Scale

Allows you to stay underwater for a longer time

Hard Leg Guards

Second boots

8F - underwater, in a room where water currents are blown away

Thunderhead Warhammer

Unlocks yellow magic, which can be used to break cracked walls and destroy armored monsters

8F - underwater, in the room where water currents are blown away (go down and left)

1) 8F - from Roo, when you give Roda Fruit

2) 11F - room with many platforms and torches

3) 18F - room with poisonous red liquid

Worm Medallion

Opens the door to the boss

8F - underwater, in a large room with spikes and armored monsters;

you will find behind a cracked wall (break with yellow magic)

Opens a passage

Red Moon Carving

Half Plate

Third armor

11F - in a room with many platforms and torches

Silver Harmonica

Removes harmful sound in The Devil's Corridor (after you recognize the melody from Roo)

11F - from Fina

Phoenix Sword

Second weapon for Unique and also unlocks red magic

11F - after meeting Fina


1) 11F - in front of The Devil's Corridor

2) 14F - when you get the Gold Bracelet, there will be a ramp on the left. You need to jump onto the ledge while you roll down

Spirit Cape

Restores HP while standing still

Leg Guard

Third shoes

12F - in a room with green circles on the floor (which throw you into the air)

Opens the door to the boss

Cryptid Medallion

13F - after you light 4 torches

Evil Ring

Opens the door to Rado's Annex. To do this, you need to charge the ring by killing the red skeletons that live below Rado's Annex. To open the door, you must first equip the Blue Necklace

14F - to the left of the save (for the bridge to appear you need to wear Mask of Eyes)

Opens the door

Marble Key

14F - to the left of the save, below

Gold Bracelet

Adds a double jump

14F - after you deal with a horde of monsters with bombs

Sylphen Boots

Fourth boots, reduce the effect of quicksand

14F - from Roo. To the right of the save, then to the right (double jump required)

Allows you to completely kill skeletons and other evil spirits

Opens the door

14F - from Rhea

Rado Annex (behind the door with the devil's face)


Fourth armor

14F - behind the door opened by Amber Key

Opens the door to the boss

Weed Medallion

Earth Dragon's Claws

Allows you not to slip

14F - in the center from the large sloping intersection, and then down

MU Origin has received a huge new update, bringing a ton of cool new stuff to players. Find new adventures in Ragnarok Arena mode, explore a new pet skill system, or seek penance for your sins in the new Guild Temple. There are many things to study. Read on to find out what you can expect in the new update and some tips to help you get started.

This new arena, Ragnarok, hits the top players across all servers in Server Arena 100 with high stakes, trying to find out who is really best player in Game. Experienced warriors can come together to fight in a series of rounds until the best of the best remains. These epic battles take place every month from the 10th to the 16th, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm during the seven-day event. The winning player each month receives the title, MU Origin No. 1. For those who want to try their luck, keep these useful tips in mind:

  • Go to the Event menu, select Server Event, and then click Ragnarok.
  • If you don't want to compete and have four rebirths or more, you can bet on the other participating warriors once the competition is narrowed down to 16 participants. You can get Ragnarok points for betting on the winner.
  • Players also gain Ragnarok points for simply participating in these matches, winning or losing. Use them in the store to purchase exclusive items.

Bring your pets into battle with you

If you've ever wanted to bring your cute and cuddly pets to your home, or if you want to turn them into scary, fighting beasts, new system abilities for pets is definitely a nice addition. An evolution of the basic pet system, the Pet skill allows you to teach your pets new abilities, up to a maximum of four, depending on their level. You can access this new system at level 6 of Rebirth 80 after completing the A Just War quest and when your pet reaches level 30.

  • A new skill slot opens at levels 30, 40, 50 and 60, up to a maximum of four.
  • You can use Elemental Stones to upgrade these abilities, but the cost will increase depending on how many upgrades you perform.
  • You are able to obtain a special skill if you have enough Epic skills.

Guild Temple

Guild players now have even more reasons to celebrate the addition of the Guild Temple. This new system provides players with additional buffs based on your Guild level and the amount of gold you currently have. Here's how you can make the most of your Guild Temple:

  • To access the Guild Temple, go to the "Guild" menu and click on "Guild Temple".
  • The maximum level of the Temple is limited by the current level of your Guild.
  • The player must use guild contributions to increase the level of Temples.
  • If all Guild Temples are on the same level, you will receive an additional buff.

There are some really big changes coming to MU Origin, but with this robust guide, you'll be well prepared to take on these new challenges. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned veteran, this exciting new update has something to appeal to all players.

MU Origin - MMORPG game, developed by Webzen Inc. It is essentially a conversion of the popular computer game MU Online with mechanics adapted to the specifics of . The player enters a fantasy universe torn apart by a war between the forces of good and evil. Players begin the battle by choosing one of three character classes, distinguished by abilities and items used on the battlefield. The gameplay is focused on exploration, completing various quests and fighting enemies, taking place in real time. Heroes can also interact with each other through trading and duels as part of the competitive PvP module.

Very big game. There was a place for everything - a huge world, many different tasks, dozens of types of weapons and combat skills. But Ancient Egypt contains something else, and it’s very interesting!

The Mystery of the Great Sphinx

As you know, the setting of Assassin's Creed: Origins is Ancient Egypt. This means that in the game you can gaze at the Great Sphinx.

So, the Great Sphinx is a real-life monument in Giza. In the game, there is a large coastal village next to it. The region can be accessed immediately after killing Medunamun via the main storyline(quest “The False Prophet”).

At the bottom of the Sphinx there is a hidden entrance inside. Walking forward and lighting the way with a torch, main character will soon run into a dead end. In fact, everything is just beginning, because the wall can be broken (sorry, ancestors!) and you can get some valuable items. There, an attentive assassin will discover a passage deep into the tomb.

There is a round room, the ceiling of which is dotted with painted stars. This is an ancient planetarium, one of the very first in human history.

Connection between Origins and Watch Dogs

It is widely known that the universes of Assassin's Creed have a lot in common. In the latter, for example, you can find workers from Abstergo, and during the passage you can find documents telling about the Bloom corporation. The circle is closed. , but with the release of Origins new evidence has emerged.

IN Watch Dogs There is an escort mission called Requiscat in Pace, during which Aiden Pearce must eliminate Olivier Garneau, one of the Abstergo Entertainment employees.

So, if you rummage through Layla Hassan's laptop in the "modern" timeline of Assassin's Creed: Origins, you can find photographs (actually screenshots from Watch Dogs) in which someone in a cap and scarf is shooting at another person on the road.

Animus-grabber from the film - unambiguous canon

If during the game you assumed that the world of Assassin's Creed: Origins is connected with the world, then you were absolutely right. The controversial Animus Grabber, which caused a stir among fans of the "assassin" franchise, is not only canon, but was also created by one of Origins characters- Laila Hassan.

Her laptop also contains correspondence with Sophia Rikkin, played by Marion Cotillard. Interestingly, Rikkin herself at first did not appreciate the idea of ​​​​a new design of the Animus, which holds the test subject in the air with a special “hand”.

It is in your interests to give the test subject some mobility, a sense of freedom. This will allow the machine's core to maintain communication no matter how crazy acrobatics it performs.

But that is not all. As further confirmation that everything that happens in the film is strictly canon, we can cite the very files on Alan Rikkin, which were later discovered by Callum Lynch, played by Michael Fassbender. There are even letters from Lila in the neighborhood, sympathetic to Sofia and her father.

Senu makes a "barrel"

A fan of classic Internet memes will feel warm when he learns that Senu, Bayek's pet eagle in Assassin's Creed: Origins, can perform a maneuver popularly called a “barrel roll.”

Once in the skies of Egypt, you need to quickly twist the left stick, and then the bird with obvious enthusiasm will turn into a top with feathers. Wow! However, the “barrel” is of no use, so it is better to return to stately flight with the obligatory marking of potential skins for dressing.

Doctor Who is here!

Assassin's Creed: Origins has something for fans of the time lord. If you sail east from Letopolis in Nome Sapi-res, then under the water near the stones you can find a stone statue that is very reminiscent of you-know-what. Strange, that the telephone box called the TARDIS has been petrified, but there can be no mistake: Doctor Who was here!

However, perhaps he still hasn’t gone anywhere, because if you look closely, at the base of the fossilized booth you can find a pair of legs sticking out of the silt. It's entirely possible that Doctor Who is in trouble again, but this time it couldn't be more serious.

How to get Bayek's hair and beard back

Good news for those who miss Bayek's hair after it was shaved off by Aya: everything can be brought back! To do this, the developers have built special secret commands into Assassin's Creed: Origins.

To use them, you need to open the equipment screen, then press L2 (or left trigger) and triangle (or Y). After this, the gods of Egypt again give Bayek his hair. And if you press R2 (or the right trigger) instead of L2, even the beard will return. What happiness!

Bugs or... Mirages?

If, purely for fun, you try to cross the desert on your own two feet, then after a while Bayek begins to sweat a lot and see different things. The heart rate increases greatly, and Pisces appears in the eyes! Yes, Bayek sees fish splashing in the hot Egyptian sands.

Further more. A huge black storm cloud appears in the sky in front of the main character, and distant thunder is heard. In short, thanks for the nightmares, Ubi. And also for the trophy that is given if you see mirages in Assassin's Creed: Origins.

How to get a fire sword

I wouldn’t like spoilers in this article, but at a certain stage in the plot of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, the main character receives a fire that reeks of fire.

It is enough to take it out and wave it a couple of times to start a real fire. This weapon has a particularly destructive effect when using a skill that doubles fire damage.

Oh yes, we almost forgot: you shouldn’t break the wooden cages with prisoners with a fiery sword, otherwise you’ll have to replay everything from the previous save. We've warned you!

Taming a cat

Despite not a large amount of violence and other manifestations of cruelty, Assassin's Creed: Origins can touch. When passing by a cat, Bayek can start stroking it. To do this, you need to sit down next to the cat, and then the main character will extend his hand, but not to kill, but to pet her. This is a great time to take a screenshot.

It's funny that sometimes in the game you can find entire clusters of cats, and sometimes touching petting happens by accident, even if the player is busy with much more important things like clearing out the next camp or completing the next task. Unfortunately, cats do not give any bonuses, and you won’t be able to play with other creatures. They are either neutral or want to snack on Bayek.

The most realistic camel in the world

Complete historical authenticity, 100% realistic Giza Plateau, accurately depicted life of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt?.. Don't tell us: the guys from Ubisoft are capable of more! For example, the most authentic implementation of a camel in video games.

Ever wondered why you behave strangely at times? Not weird, but realistic! After all, all camel animations in Assassin's Creed: Origins were created using motion capture technology.

One of the development team members spoke about this. He also added that the similarity is indeed absolutely complete: when an animal hears the call of nature, it answers it.

Indiana Jones reference

While exploring the next tomb in Assassin's Creed: Origins, you will come across a variety of different ones more than once or twice.

One of them is poisonous snakes, of which Bayek is afraid, like the famous Indiana Jones, the hero of the cult adventure series, played by Harrison Ford. He is so afraid that he even quotes Jones: “Snakes?!” Why are there always snakes?!” Really, Bayek, why?

How to level up quickly

  • Complete tasks
  • Discover new locations
  • Passage of quests
  • Destroy the pharaoh statues
  • Sync areas
  • Hidden Murders
  • Vengeance for the player
  • Solving papyrus riddles
  • Random quests

How to get Isu armor?

  • Step 1: Get items from 12 stone circles. This will open the secret room of the Great Sphinx of Giza.
  • Step 2: Get 50 Quartz Stones (Yellow glowing stones) from tombs. Each tomb contains several of these stones. There are more than 50 quartz stones in the game. The tombs contain at least 80 pieces of graphite. They have a fixed location. 50 Silicates can then be exchanged for Isu Armor inside the Sphinx (you can access the required room after finding the Stone Circles).
  • Step 3: In the Great Sphinx of Giza, you can interact with the large console after finding all the stone circles. Then in the hidden room you can sell 50 silicates for Isu armor. The Sphinx is marked on the map as a tomb called "Eesfet Oon-m'Aa Poo" or as a quest marker if you haven't discovered it yet. This is in the Giza area. By placing 50 silicates in the ancient mechanism at the end of the Sphinx, you will receive armor.

What abilities should I upgrade at the very beginning?

  • Recovery(Warrior) - Allows you to heal during battle. This skill should be one of the first to be upgraded.
  • Strengthening a powerful blow(warrior) - with it, Bayek will be able to break through the shields of legionnaires and knock down opponents. A very useful ability, since guys with shields are very annoying opponents.
  • Two bows(hunter) - you will be able to carry two bows. We carried with us something light and something heavier. Hunting or predator bow, depending on the mission objectives.
  • Parry(warrior) - essentially this is a counterattack in blocking mode with a shield with the ability to inflict critical damage and break through the enemy’s defenses.
  • Arsenal(Warrior) - You will be able to carry a second melee weapon. For different opponents and combat situations, you may need different types of weapons. Somewhere a spear will come to the rescue, but somewhere you can’t do without a sword.
  • Dawn and sunset(seer) - allows you to immerse yourself in meditation and speed up the passage of time. A useful skill for completing many story and additional tasks. If you need to meet the courier at dawn, this is the fastest way.

How to quickly earn gold (drachmas)

Side quests: A great way to earn gold. For example, in Alexandria you can start the side quest “The Last Bodyguard”, in which a woman asks for your protection. By completing the task you will receive a little less 600 drachm. Rely on common sense - if an ordinary farmer asks for your help, then do not expect much financial reward from him. However, if a merchant asks for a service, you can count on good compensation.

Papyri: Another great way To earn money is to complete small tasks related to papyri. There are a total of 25 papyri in Assassin's Creed: Origins, each of which will reward you with 300 drachmae. A total of 7500 gold and you don't even have to fight most time - just solve the riddle and get the treasure.

Chariot racing: Once you reach Alexandria, you can take part in the chariot races at the Lageon Hippodrome. There are several tournaments you can register for. In addition, you can participate in the same races over and over again.

Exchange: Finally, you can exchange Helix Credits for Drachmas. You can spend 200 free Helix Credits for 2000 gold.

Why doesn't sneak attack kill enemies?

At the very beginning of the game, the GG only stuns enemies. Go further along the plot and get the blade, everything has its time. I advise you to upgrade additional. experience for hidden kills.

How to get materials for crafting?

In the items section, disassemble unnecessary weapons or buy items from a merchant if you have the appropriate skill.

Where to get materials

  • Chests
  • Tombs
  • Hunting, for example, soft skin can be obtained after killing a gazelle, hard skin after killing a crocodile or hippopotamus, and fur after killing a lion or jaguar
  • Military convoys
  • traders (if you have the appropriate ability)

How to get an Anubis costume

Starting yesterday, the game has opened access to all three Trials of the Gods, meaning you will be able to destroy Sebek, Anubis and Sekhmet in one week (the event will last until December 26 inclusive). The developers have added a similar feature so that users who missed all or just one test can catch up. However, not all players managed to reach level 40 in November.

So, if you have already dealt with all the gods and want to get the legendary costume Dark side Moon, then there is nothing complicated about it. The fact is that the developers did not add a fourth deity to the game, so you will have to fight one of the previous gods. That is, you need to approach Sebek, Anubis or Sekhmet and challenge him to fight again. As a reward you will receive a new suit.

What should those players do who are hearing about trials and battles with the gods for the first time? On their street the holiday will come a little later. This week they will only be able to deal with three gods that have appeared, that is, they will not be able to fight one of these bosses for the fourth time, so they will have to wait for the next event with them.

However, the developers immediately began to reassure those who were late, informing them that they planned to regularly introduce gods into the game, so everyone would have a chance to get the Anubis costume. Let's add that in addition to clothes, the reward is a unique bow called the Scales of Truth, which is capable of firing a second arrow, thereby causing double damage to enemies.

Solving the hourglass puzzle and getting Que

We already said above that an unusual quest appeared in the game related to Final Fantasy. For completing it you can get a new mount named Que. If you want to take on this mission, we advise you to open global map and find Sneferu's pyramid. Then look in the lower left corner of it for a green sign that marks the quest “Gift of the Gods.”

To pass of this quest your hero must be at least level 23. Having reached the right place, you will see the fall of a mysterious space object that has collapsed not far from the pyramid. It will partially touch the tomb and a passage to the dressing room will appear in it, and the Roman numeral “XV” will appear on the stone slab.

Click on the door, and then walk forward along the corridor without turning anywhere. You will find yourself in a large area with an obelisk located opposite the entrance to the burial ground. Get closer to him. It turns out that this stone pillar is actually part of a huge sundial.

Rewind time and wait for the day to come. After this, 3 columns located next to the obelisk will lower. In addition, you can see luminous signs in them. Find the pillar with the "IIII" symbol, and then shoot it exactly 3 times. After this, the columns will begin to glow brighter than before. Next, return to the tomb, where you will witness one very interesting event.

After watching a short cutscene, pick up the Perfect Sword, which was created in Insomnia, and the legendary shield called Zidrich. Among other things, you will have at your disposal the Que mount, which looks like a hybrid of a chocobo (huge riding birds from Final Fantasy) and a camel.