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Ori and the blind forest skills. Walkthrough of the game Ori and the Blind Forest

Ori and the Blind Forest - computer game in the platformer genre, which was developed by Moon Studios. The publisher is Microsoft Studios, the project was released on March 11, 2015 for the platforms Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Once upon a time, Ori, a guardian spirit, falls into the forest during a powerful storm, he is found by a bear named Naru, who accepted Ori as her own child and cared for him throughout for long years

. A chain of natural disasters destroyed life in all its manifestations. Trouble has not spared Ori either; Naru dies of hunger and the guardian spirit sets off to meet his fate in order to save his home and put an end to the darkness forever. The game begins with a backstory, guardian spirit Ori leaves the tree of spirits and ends up in dark forest where it is found Naru

. The bear takes the main character in and takes care of him as if he were his own child. The storm launched a chain of natural disasters that led to the death of the forest. Naru the bear dies of hunger, and Ori is forced to go to meet his fate.

And so, in the thick of a dark forest, deprived of strength and any possibility of survival, the main character, awaiting his inevitable death, receives help from his creator. Next, Ori comes under the control of the player; at this stage, the spirit can only run and jump.

Lower bogs

In the Lower Marshes we move to the left. Before, following the advice of the game, you jump down, running along the tree trunk, you need to go further - Ori will pick up a vessel with spiritual light (on the map - 1, this substance allows you to receive skill points). We go down and continue to move to the left, cross the pond (you shouldn’t jump into the water, since Ori doesn’t know how to swim at this stage of the game) and pick up a fragment of life (on the map - 2, replenishment of spent health). Main character

Next, Ori meets an aggressive inhabitant of the swamps, at this stage the spirit cannot attack, so you need to approach the wall and jump over the enemy (on the map - 4, a small collapse will occur). We continue exploring the forest, under the tree trunk it is worth paying attention to the vessel with spiritual light (5 on the map, most likely the player will have enough light to learn the skill). We climb up the tree trunk and find Seina

(on the map - 6), which will join Ori and allows the main character to attack using flames (the player will immediately have the opportunity to try new skills on creatures of darkness). After repelling the attack, it is worth walking through the explored places and knocking out the light from various objects (flowers and various obstacles, when destroyed, leave behind resources). By destroying the wall of thorns, Ori gains access to

well of spirits (on the map - 7), which allows you to save the game (in the same area there is a skill vessel that allows you to get a skill point, but you can climb onto the ledge after gaining the ability to climb walls). We go up and destroy another wall of thorns (8 on the map), under the tree you should pay attention to Stone key which will allow you to open (on the map - 7), which allows you to save the game (in the same area there is a skill vessel that allows you to get a skill point, but you can climb onto the ledge after gaining the ability to climb walls). Spirit Gate (on the map - 9). Next, we go up using wooden beams and move to the left, another one will be hidden on a small ledge

(10 on the map). Now that the main character has received two keys, we open the Gate of Spirits (11 on the map). At this stage, Ori must go to Upper bogs to find the spirit tree, but to do this you need to gain the ability to climb walls. By storyline Stone key at the fork (on map 12) near the gate we move to the left, but it’s worth going right into the Upper Marshes, a little higher on the ledge you can find

Life cell , which will allow you to cripple the amount of life (on map 13, Ori will be able to break through the wall glowing in blue later). The main character will discover locked(on the map - 14), we go in search of the Stone Keys.

We go down and move to the left (15 on the map), running along the tree trunk, jump off and move to the right. The player will find a broken climb walls(on the left we climb up the wall and get an energy cell).

We go up to the fork and move to the left (on the map - 18), after repelling Ori’s attack, you need to push stone boulder, avoiding contact with traps. Using this large stone, the main character will climb onto the ledge and receive the second Stone Key (19 on the map, there will be an energy fragment in the upper left corner).

We continue to move to the right, use the lever and lower the wooden beam. We jump over the abyss and get splinter stone map (there are 20 on the map; by placing a fragment in a damaged monument, the player will open a map of the unexplored part of the location). Back to Gate of spirits and remove the seal (on the map - 14), begin to rise, avoiding contact with the traps (on the map - 21 and 22, along the way we collect Stone Keys). In this area there is a locked door, which can be opened if the main character collects 4 energy cells. Collected in the area 4th Stone Keys

, go up to the locked gate (23 on the map) and open it.

Upper bogs

Next, Ori leaves the Lower Marshes and moves to the Upper Marshes. The main character discovers a sleeping Tree of Spirits, which tells about the causes of disasters.

During the summoning of Ori, Kuro kidnapped Sein and desecrated the Tree of Spirits. Previously, the Tree of Spirits nourished three important components - the Water Element at the top of the Ginzo tree, the Wind Element in the depths of the Forlon Ruins, the Heat Element in Mount Horu, and they in turn maintained harmony in Nibel. To save his home, Ori must restore three elements. Search for the element of water We move to the right and find a damaged floor; to continue moving, we need to force a forest dweller, similar in habits to a frog, to jump to the designated place. We go down and go to the left branch of the cave (on the map - 1), Ori will discover the spirit of Anno, who teaches the main character to use

Enhanced Flame

We destroy the wall and continue to explore the Upper Marshes. The main character discovers a large stone, which is completely covered with spider cocoons (4 on the map). We climb along the wall and destroy the stone boulder on which the web rests. We jump onto the dropped stone and go to the right side of the cave (5 on the map, on the left you should pay attention to the cache in which Ori will find an energy cell). We cross a water obstacle; at this stage the main character cannot swim, but jumping out of the water is quite possible.

Using the blue buds, we rise to the top of the rotten tree and on the left we find a fragment of a stone map (6 on the map). We restore the stone monument (7 on the map) and move to the right at the fork (8 on the map).

Spiny Swamp

At the new location, we move to the right and overcome the system of traps (on the map - 1, at the end of the cave there will be a Well of Spirits), you need to move the boulder to the pit with thorns (push the stone to the right, then jump over it and push it to the left).

Using the boulder, we go up and continue exploring the swamps, Ori discovers Gumo from the Ruins of Forlon, who stole the Water Vein from the Ginzo Tree (on the map - 2). We move to the right and jump into the abyss after Gumo (on the map - 3), clear the area from the presence of creatures of darkness (you can find a Vessel of Skills in the right branch of the cave) and go left (on the map - 4).

During the pursuit, Gumo locks the door (5 on the map), in order to continue moving it is necessary to provoke a hostile plant to attack the barrier (i.e. Ori must gradually move away from the fire in order to destroy the passages for the plant).

Moon Cave

The main character leaves Spiny Swamp and ends up in the Moon Cave, we overcome the system of traps (on the map - 1) and go down (on the map - 2, Ori will discover a well of spirits, which will allow you to save the game).

We continue to pursue the kidnapper, Gumo manages to activate the sliding bridge (3 on the map) and the Guardian Spirit falls into Gumo's Shelter(the main character will be next to the map of the area, a fragment of the map is on the left side of the abyss, on the map - 7). We move to the right through the trap system and find Stone key(on the map - 4).

First (on the map - 7), which allows you to save the game (in the same area there is a skill vessel that allows you to get a skill point, but you can climb onto the ledge after gaining the ability to climb walls). will be located in the same part of the cave to the left of the gate (on the map - 5), the second key is in the abyss on the right (to gain access to the second key, Ori will have to defeat a relatively simple boss, you need to attack the enemy at the time when he jumps out of the ground ).

We activate the locked gate (4 on the map) and continue moving to the right; at the end of the cave, Ori discovers the Tree on which Leroux rests (8 on the map). The main character receives a new ability - a double jump.

We return to the stone map in Gumo's lair (at the top of this branch of the cave there is an energy cell) and overcome the spikes using a new skill (on the map - 9, climb the wall on the right and jump over to the opposite side).

We return to the fork (on the map - 10) and cross the water obstacle, overcome the next system of traps using a double jump (on the map - 11, there will be a small cut-scene with Gumo, it is better to save before passing this place and after it too =)).

We move to the right and again observe the fleeing villain (12 on the map), cross the abyss using a new skill and begin to climb to the top. Gumo will activate the trap, and Ori will have to avoid falling stones while climbing (13 on the map).

Ori retrieves Gumo from the rubble and, in gratitude, a resident of the Ruins of Forlon gives the stolen Element of Water to the main character.

Ginzo Tree

We leave the Moon Cave and return the Element to the Ginzo Tree (on the swamp map - 2), the main character needs to climb to the top of the tree. To do this, the spirit can use a very intricate system of portals (1 on the map). Link to location diagram

In the cave with the flower (2 on the map), the main character needs to solve a small puzzle (you need to use movable wooden shelters to break the cracked walls).

Next, Ori finds herself in a locked room; the doors will open only after destroying the aggressive plant (3 on the map).

During further exploration of the Ginzo Tree, the guardian spirit will come across a closed Spirit Gate (4 on the map), to activate which you will need 4 stone keys (5 on the map, to get to them, the player again needs to use portals).

Next, the player needs to collect 4 Stone Keys (8 on the map) to unlock the locked gate (9 on the map, using the newly acquired ability). Ori will have to defeat the Boss (10 on the map), who will attack the main character with clots of dark energy. To win, you must use the “Strike” to direct energy to the enemy.

Finally, the guardian spirit reaches hearts Ginzo Tree (11 on the map), in order to breathe life into it, Ori must destroy the corruption on both sides. In the right room (12 on the map), the essence of the task is to control the flight of the projectile in order to break through the damaged wall (i.e., you need to change the direction of flight in time so that the energy is reflected from luminous objects).

In the left room (13 on the map) the puzzle is similar, except that Ori must use his enemies (frogs will allow you to jump higher; a fired projectile aimed at a damaged wall will break it).

After Ori revives the Heart again, the flood begins, you need to quickly get out of the Tree using the “Strike”. The main character is expected to meet with Kuro, but Ori tries to escape and falls from the top of Ginzo (Ori is saved by Gumo).

The article is part of the series Complete walkthrough of Ori and the Blind Forest

Keywords: ori and the blind forest, ori, naru, kuro, nibel, lower swamps, sein, stone keys, spirit gates, stone cards, energy cells, platformer, spirit tree, storm, upper swamps, water element, spirit of anno, gumo, Spiny Swamp, Moon Cave, Gumo Hideout, Heart of the Tree

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In distant times. In another universe on a small planet. There was a magical forest full of mysterious spirits, living according to its own laws. In the middle of this forest grew a large tree of life. This tree had many leaves, one of them was named Ori. On one of the most terrible days there was a strong storm. The storm wind carried baby Ori very far from home. Having fallen to the ground, the leaf turned into a charming animal, somewhat similar to a snow-white luminous kitten. This is how Naru found him. She looked like a big, clumsy bear. She took the poor baby in her arms and carried him to her cave. Naru began to take care of Ori like a mother., similar to a large owl. He stole the heart of the tree of life, from which the forest began to lose its vitality. The fruits on the trees stopped growing, and the animals of the forest began to starve. Naru and Ori wandered through the forest and continued to look for food, but found only one fruit. After which we went home. Already at home, Naru knew that everything would die and gave the food to Ori. Naru didn't want the baby to see her die and her last last request was for Ori to leave. He fulfilled the request. Realizing that he was left alone. Ori walked in an unknown direction and met a spirit named Sein. The spirit said that the heart of the tree of life was stolen and because of this the forest began to lose strength. Ori went to the tree.

But a dark spirit stood in his way. He was already about to attack the baby. But there was thunder, a volcanic eruption. After all, all this time he was held back by the power of the tree. Ori ran away from the spirit pursuing him and the already approaching lava. In Shotaki, the spirit caught up with the baby, grabbed him in its paws, flew very high and released the baby. He fell to the ground and tried to get up but couldn't. The dark spirit landed next to Ori. Naru ran up to him, followed by Sein, she took the animal into her arms and hugged it. The dark spirit, seeing this, remembered himself in childhood.

After which he took the heart of the tree and returned it to its place. At the same moment, a bright light appeared due to which the owl deteriorated, the lava disappeared and the forest began to bloom again. Naru and the baby went home. Now the forest was not in danger.



Maybe;) More work by this author Fandom: CreepyPasta Rating: PG-13- fan fiction, which can describe romantic relationship at the level of kisses and/or there may be hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Size:


- average fanfic. Approximate size: from 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 1 page, 1 part Status: frozen Tags:


A 13-year-old girl named Jay fell in love with a boy. But this love turned into many losses but also a new life. More on fandom "Ori and the Blind Forest" Fandom: Ori and the Blind Forest Pairings and characters: Ori, Naru, Gumo, OP Rating: romantic relationship G

- fan fiction that can be read to any audience."> G Size:


Fandom: Ori and the Blind Forest Pairing and characters: Characters: Ori, Tree of Spirits, Kuro's chick, Laya, Dark spirits, Gordar, Corrie, Zero, Hori, Astral, Magmadar. More on fandom "Ori and the Blind Forest" Fandom: Ori and the Blind Forest Pairings and characters: Ori, Naru, Gumo, OP Rating: romantic relationship Rating:

- average fanfic. Approximate size: from 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 36 pages, 7 parts Status: finished Tags: Mini - small fan fiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 3 pages, 1 part Status: finished Tags :

Life changes, but it is still life.

Game process

The game is entirely a 2D platformer. The player controls a character named Ori (a fairy-tale white creature, something between a fox, a squirrel and a wild cat) and a protective spirit named Sein - a clot of energy that revolves around Ori. With the help of Sein, he attacks enemies, in which he (by pressing the left mouse button, the “X” key on the keyboard or the gamepad button) releases charges of Spiritual Flame. In addition, Sein can make a powerful burst of energy (which costs a resource), hitting all enemies in the vicinity of Ori and destroying some objects. Ori himself initially only knows how to jump, but as the game progresses he can learn to climb walls, dive underwater, float in the air, make double-triple jumps and use energy to shoot himself or push away enemies and objects. Download the game Ori and the Blind Forest to your computer via torrent.

The game map, which represents various sections of the forest, is loaded in its entirety, and the player is free to go where he wants, however, without opening the ability specific to a given section of the forest, the player will not be able to get there in any case.

Initially, the player is thrown into the game world without any explanation of what to do, and must find a solution on their own through trial and error. After the player finds Sein, he will already receive tips from him.

Ori has a health meter and an energy meter, represented by cells. Ori is initially very weak, so he only has three health cells and one energy cell. While exploring the world, the player will find additional cells for these indicators. In addition, by killing enemies and finding skill points, Ori's abilities can be improved. The player can save at any time during the game, which is also part of, because in the game the control points are placed on the map very far from each other, and after in-game death you will have to start from the last saved point. Saving the game consumes an energy cell, so the player at the beginning of the game is forced to save selectively. Towards the end of the game, when there are usually more cells, saving the game is no longer a big problem. Download the game Ori and the Blind Forest in Russian without registration.

The plot of the game tells us about a magical forest full of mysterious spirits, which lives by its own laws. Ori is a leaf of the tree of life, a forest protector spirit, which was torn from a branch by a storm wind and carried far from home. Having fallen to the ground, the leaf turned into a charming animal, somewhat similar to a snow-white luminous kitten. In this form, Naru found him, who became Ori’s adoptive mother, a creature somewhat similar to a large, clumsy bear.

But the time came when darkness enveloped the magical forest. The dark spirit Kuro stole the heart from the tree of life, causing the forest to rapidly fade, losing its vitality. After some time, a catastrophe occurs that destroys the forest: the water becomes polluted, the trees stop blooming and producing fruit, and the forest becomes covered with impenetrable thorns. Soon after, Naru dies, leaving Ori completely alone. After wandering behind the scenes, his life comes to an end, but the Tree of Spirits, next to which Ori ended his journey, uses the power of its Light to resurrect him. Moving through the forest, Ori finds a forest spirit named Sein, who knows how to fix the situation and heal the forest. However, not everything is so simple: our heroes are confronted by a mysterious enemy - the giant spirit Kuro. Together with Sein, they explore the world around them, revive withered giant trees, purify the water of lakes and rivers that have become undrinkable, and drive darkness away from their home. Download the game Ori and the Blind Forest on PC via torrent full version.


Ori and the Blind Forest was developed over 4 years by Moon Studios. One of the leading developers, Thomas Mahler, formerly worked for Blizzard Entertainment. According to Microsoft producer Daniel Smith, Moon Studios is not concentrated in any one place: developers are located in different parts of the world, such as Austria, Australia, Israel, the USA and other countries. Programmer David Clarke stated that "Ori and the Blind Forest" is a tribute to such classic adventure games, like Rayman and Metroid.

When writing the plot, the developers were guided by such works as “The Lion King” and “The Iron Giant”: in particular, the scene in which Naru dies and Ori mourns her, in key points copies the death scene of Mufasa, and Kuro's self-sacrifice repeats the final scene in The Iron Giant. The game itself is written in game engine Unity. The game takes place on one big map no visible loading of parts game world, so before playing you need to wait a fairly long time to load. According to the developers, not a single background drawn element is duplicated.

The game was first revealed at E3 2014 at a presentation at the Galen Center; By the way, E3 was the event where all the developers came face to face with each other for the first time. During E3, visitors stood in long lines to try out the demo.

After E3, Moon Studios announced an Xbox version of the game would be released in early 2015. In November 2014, Moon Studios announced plans to push back the release for all planned platforms, but did not mention anything about the Xbox 360 platform. They later stated that the game would be released for that platform soon. Download the game Ori and the Blind Forest via torrent on PC.

If you are having problems with walkthrough of the game Ori, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Ori and the Blind Forest. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough of Ori and the Blind Forest read on our website.


Watch the video, in it a leaf is torn off from the Tree of Spirits. He flies and then turns into a defenseless creature named Ori. He will meet Naru, look at their friendship story. Naru dies some time later, and Ori leaves the house. The Tree of Spirits sees this story, gives new strength to Ori, and as a result, he goes on a journey.

Start of the journey

Go down, take the path to the left, go through the crevice. Run along the logs, jump into the purple water. Go further, you will meet the Hedgehog, your first serious opponent. He will sometimes shoot spikes at you, so be careful. Next on your way, take the sphere and save with it. Then you will be attacked by a monster who loves to ram everything in its path. Stand near the wall, wait for the moment and jump over the enemy. Open the abilities menu, you will be taught how to improve your character and unlock new opportunities. Go up the log and watch a scene with the heart of the Spirit Tree named Sein. Talk to her, then monkeys will attack you, roll under them and start shooting with light. Open the mini-map, head east. Destroy spores on your way that will block your path. Go into the cave, interact with the spirit well to save and restore your strength. Jump up the flower and break the barrier ahead. Go a little further, go down and move the stone. Jump up and get the Stone Key. Climb up using the hanging logs and pick up another Stone Key. Go to the spirit door, open it with two clicks. Go to the sign, go down and go left, you will find the Ancestor Tree. You can now climb walls and push off them. If you want, you can explore the small rooms nearby and train your abilities; you will receive particles of energy as a bonus. Go back, climb up the log and head west. On your way you will see a stick with spikes, move the stone and climb up along the edge. Move another stone, jump forward, get the Stone Key. Using the lever, lower the log, jump up over it and gain access to the Map Fragment. Go right, go down and insert the fragment into the map. You will see a completely open location and receive another Stone Key. Climb up and open the passage. Take the key from the top left, continue to climb up, beware of the plants, so jump from one wall to another, get the fourth key (to do this, go down into the pit with spikes). Take the last key behind the log on the right. Open the map, return to the Spirit Tree along the short path. You will learn that in order to restore balance in nature, you need to collect three elements and combine them together. Then the Tree of Spirits will regain its former strength and the world will prosper. Go right and up, you will go for the first element, and your path will take you through the Upper Marshes.

Quest for the Element of Water

Lure the monkey onto a loose surface, it will clear your way down. Go down, go left and learn the Burst Creator ability. Go right, blow up the rock. Click on the lever, lower the log. Climb up the logs, avoid the crawling enemies. Go straight ahead and destroy the blue wall using your new ability. Ahead you will encounter a cobweb, better save yourselves. Using an explosion, loosen the web so that the lump falls down. The spider will be unhappy with you, so give it a fight and dodge the insect's attacks. Head east and jump over the wooden pillars. Now go right, jump on the mushrooms and flowers. Beware of the Toad, try to kill it, and then go upstairs. Destroy the spores, jump to the left, pick up the card. Reach the Spiny Swamp. Push the stone back and then climb up. Watch the video, run after the thief. Next you will meet a Shadow, constantly dodge it. Follow the creature and it will go out the door. Breed enemies so that they break branches and stones. Destroy the passage and nests, go to the door. Destroy it with the help of Shadows. Go straight and down, pick up a map fragment. You will meet the Shadow boss. Attack her when she is in the air. Defeat the enemy and get the key. Climb up to the platforms, head east. Move through the columns, be careful of falling down onto the spikes. Go through the door and learn the new Double Jump skill. Now go back to the columns and continue your way up along them. Continue to the West, jump over the columns and logs, go to the pool, and after it turn left. Watch the video, then follow the creature. Jump on ledges and columns. Watch another video, it will show the collapse. Talk to Gumo, you have made friends with him, get the Water Vein Orb from him. Open the map, return to the surface. Go to the Tree, insert the Water Vein into it. A passage to the Tree of Gnizo will open in front of you. Further actions will be described by floors

1st floor: Climb up through the logs and teleports, save at the top.
2nd floor: Enter the teleport on the right, and exit through the left. Climb up the islands, beware of the thorns. Go through the right teleport again, go to the island on the left.
3rd floor: Go to the left teleport at the first fork. Interact with the walls to receive bonuses.
4th floor: Go upstairs, throw the stump down. Push him into the portal on the left, wait until the second stump appears. Push the first stump into the teleporter on the right, and place the second one under the flower. Then repeat the steps in reverse. As a result, the projectile from the flower will fly through two teleporters and destroy the wall, thus opening up a further passage. Kill the Shadow.
5th floor: Take two keys, go to the upper right portal.
6th floor: Pick up two more keys, open the door.
7th floor: Go to the Tree, learn the Strike ability.
8th floor: Carefully climb up and destroy enemies using your new ability. Destroy the branches, and then shoot at the teleporter. Adjust your shots.
9th floor: You will have to fight a boss on this floor. To defeat the enemy, after the first shot, jump onto the left or right wall and deflect the shot. After defeating the enemy, save in the Well of the Spirit.
10th floor: Watch the video, and then go left, dodge the shots and climb up. Use the spider attack and destroy the wall on the right. Go to the heart of the tree, cut the growths, then the path down will open for you. Now go right, kill two hedgehogs. Bring the flower's attack to the left corner. Go up through the stumps and shoot. Destroy a few more growths, talk to Sein. Purify your hearts, your actions will cause a flood.
11th floor: Water is about to fill the tree, so you need to climb up. Push away from the lanterns, then jump away from the monkey into the teleporter on the left. Meet a shadow on your way, push off its shot twice in a row. Jump on the blue spring flowers. Continue your movement up the walls through the thorns. Double jump, then shoot in all directions. As a result, you will find yourself at the top of the tree. Now you will need to find the second Element.

Quest for the Wind Element

Kuro will attack you, you will fall down into the swamp, but salvation will come from Gumo. Now you can swim in clean water, dive into it, just don’t forget that you can run out of air at any moment. Swim to the right, on your way you will receive a map and two keys, then return to the shore. Keep your way to the East. Dive into new location , find the Tree and learn the Stomp ability. With its help you will get a beam, then you will have to fight a monster called Tyrant. Dodge his jumping attacks and pin the boss to the ground with the Stomp. Return to the lake and activate the map. Dive into the central part, swim to the first passage on the left. Destroy the log with a bomb. Go back and head west to the Valley of the Wind location. Watch the video featuring Kuro the raven. Go left, break the wall on your way. Dodge the owls, break the rotten tree, take a skill point under it. Go West to a dead end, then go up. Continue to the left and jump through the smoke using Double Jump and Feather. Reach the end, take the key and go back, the location has changed. Go down using the Feather, go right into the new passage and find a torch. Jump into the pit with the thorns and use shadow shots to survive. Go West, approach the tree and learn the ability called Climb. Next, you will have to jump over the mushrooms, just to move straight, first make a couple of jumps in place, and then jump forward. Jump straight to the end, get the Stone Key, and then use the parachute to return back. Next you will meet green rays, you will have to jump over the mushrooms again. After the third mushroom you can just run quickly, be careful. Head back along the new path, reach the mushroom platforms, and then glide to the left. You will have to fight Two Ghosts, dodge their attacks and attack in time. After the victory, take Atsu's Torch. Go right, ignore the enemies and carry the torch, don't let it go out. Get the Gumon Seal, go to the destroyed bridge, go to the Valley of the Wind location and go down using the Feather. Take a piece of the map, pull the lever, jump down. Using the monster, break through the walls, then activate the lever and apply the seal on the door. Go through it. Take the vessel of light, with its help you can activate semicircular structures and move along hot mechanisms. Climb up, and then start jumping on the fiery stones. Reach the ceiling. Jump on the cubes, explore the location, collect three Stone Keys. Get to the laser, go around it by jumping on cubes, get to the altar. Insert the Vessel of Light into it. Watch the video, talk to Gumo, activate the mechanism. The destruction of the entire complex will begin. Dodge icicles, landslides and ice flows. Run away from the location, jump into the hole that formed after the boulders. Get to Kuro's Nest and examine the bird's egg. Watch the video, it will tell you that the Tree of Spirits injured Kuro's chick, which is why he is trying to stop you. The Raven returns to the nest, and you must go in search of the last Element.

Quest for the Element of Fire

Kuro continues to hunt you, so hide behind objects and only go out into the open for a short time. Run to the right, and then jump from the lantern to the right again. Use the spider to collapse the ledge of the tree, lure the beetle out, and then jump to the right. Go down, hide behind the log and move it into the cave. Go to the location Gorge of Sorrow, push the stones on Kuro. Use a feather to ride the wind, go up and get a map of the location. Go down and take three Stone Keys. Go to the side arrow, push off from it towards the enemy. Collect a few more Stone Keys, and then take the lump of wood and push it towards the door. Go down and close the harmful beam with a lump. Place another lump on the air stream, go up, close another beam on the right. Break the floor, this will open a path for the wind. Take two keys, head west and pick up two more keys. Go to the door on the right, open it and learn a new ability called Strong Jump. With its help, you can now break and break through various walls. Approach the Well of the Spirit and save. Break the wall, then grab onto its remains and jump. Break another floor for the wind, move up. Receive the Sun Stone. Return to the Upper Marshes and head East. Cross the pond, then change your direction to the north. Go to the old tree, there you will find part of the map. Then go up and to the left. you will meet the new kind enemy - Energy. He will just try to burn you, quickly run past him. Use the beetle to break the wall, use the Stomp to break the beam and open the passage. Save near the Well of Spirits, jump down the hot stones. Then go to the large gate, go West. Climb to the very top, and then make your way to the right. Visit the side doors to block the lava that tries to overtake you. Use a beetle to break the wall at the top. Visit all the doors to stop the lava, then throw the stone up. Use Sen to throw another stone onto the lava. Visit the last two doors and then talk to Sena. It will put out the flames and you will receive Heat Revival.

The final

You have restored all three Elements, now you need to get to the Tree of Spirits. Unexpectedly for everyone, Kuro will appear and he will begin to hunt you. Go into the cave through two fallen stones. Fall down, push off the left wall to break the right one. Jump down the burning leaves, you can even use the slowdown, just not too often. Use your stomp to dive into the pond. Return upstairs, use the feather to climb up and sit on the ledge that is to your right. Kuru will fly by and not notice you. Charge up your boosted jump and jump up over small rocks. Watch the video, in it Kuro will attack you. Watch the scene where Kuro sacrifices himself for the sake of balance. Watch the final scene, this is where the walkthrough of the game ends, Congratulations!

Of the four years it took to create, Moon studio spent a year and a half just perfecting the mechanics. This time was certainly not wasted: Ori may look as beautiful as it wants, but first and foremost it is still an exceptional platformer - balanced, thoughtful, complex.

Nature, your mother

In the center Ori and the Blind Forest— exploring a vast world and solving platform puzzles. Not tricky puzzles, as in, but those that test primarily your reaction and dexterity.

Tiny Ori is entrusted with the task of saving his native forest from an impending disaster, and to do this he must find three elemental spheres - water, air and fire. Accompanying Ori is the firefly Sein. He doesn’t speak in poetry, like Igniculus from, and doesn’t have a squeaky “Hey, listen!”, like Link’s fairy, but he knows how to destroy obstacles and beat monsters.

The touching introduction briefly tells about how the inhabitants of the magical forest lived before the cataclysm. As you can see, much better.

Ori moves smoothly from simple to complex. Ori and Sane learn new abilities, and these abilities are immediately reflected in the level design. Double jump and wall running are unlocked - and the game immediately finds a use for them. They allow you to jump away from enemies, launching yourself into the air like a rocket - get ready for tasks where you need to adjust the direction of projectiles, use monsters as trampolines and consolidate the acquired skill in a battle with a boss whose patterns are tied to the use of a new skill.

Mechanics are developed, supplemented, and intersect with each other, but all this happens gradually. New skills are naturally woven into the overall fabric, and after minutes there is a strong impression that they have been there all along.

When Ori finds one of the spheres, the forest waters are cleared, secret caves open and new problems appear - predatory fish, for example.

In such conditions, the open world works especially harmoniously. You constantly return to old locations and discover places there that were impossible to reach with your previous abilities. The world evolves along with the main character, the corruption that torments the forest weakens its grip. Places you've already been to change, opening up new paths.

Ori encourages explorers: by being attentive, you will constantly find new paths and hiding places. After a series of difficult battles or another grueling platforming stage, returning to already completed locations in Ori is a very pleasant release.

The “Great Evil” in Ori and the Blind Forest is the ancient spirit Kuro, blinded by hatred of everything that nourishes life.

The further into the forest

Ori can be called anything you want: diverse, thoughtful, breathtakingly beautiful... but not simple. It requires good concentration and does not forgive mistakes. Here are the platforms that open and close every time you jump. Added to these are a pair of deadly rays, spikes underfoot and flocks of scary crows ready to pounce on Ori. If something doesn't stick together, roll back to the checkpoint.

But the thought “they went too far here” usually does not arise: Ori is honest in test design and does not stoop to petty tricks. Didn’t have time to react, jumped too early, didn’t calculate the flight path? It's my own fault.

The forest thicket is perhaps the most atmospheric location. Ori manages to instantly get lost there: the map doesn’t work, eagle owls are hooting somewhere in the distance, and the forest keeps changing, revealing new nooks and crannies.

A flexible save system comes to the rescue. Checkpoints in Ori are somewhat of a consumable resource. You can save almost anywhere (as long as it’s not in the middle of a battle), but this costs mana—which is also needed for Sein’s spells. As a result, you yourself find a balance between strength and safety: either you fly through all levels on a whim, incinerating monsters with powerful combat spells, but risking losing everything you have achieved after one fatal mistake, or you move quietly, sedately, saving after each obstacle course, but losing in combat power. Remember how you neglected save points in or for the sake of greater reward and adrenaline. In Ori it turned out very similar.

With such an improvised parachute, you can cross large chasms and, if something happens, quickly escape from enemies.

The further into the forest

Looks like Ori amazing, and it’s hard to say what’s more impressive: the amazingly smooth animation of everything in the world or the fact that not a single blade of grass in this world is the same. The jungle gives way to underwater grottoes, volcanic caves and eerie forest edges with eagle owls hooting somewhere in the distance and bats hanging on branches.

As a game, Ori takes a little time to get up to speed: the same clashes with monsters are not very exciting at first and are even annoying. But soon Ori learns, for example, to jump through the armor of strong monsters or turn their own attacks against enemies - and the initially tedious fights turn into an amazing dance. Amazing both in appearance and in tactile sensations.

In the depths of the volcano you will experience one of the most intense moments of the game.

Ori can also be scolded for disturbing her open world take place as an open world. There’s nothing stopping you from straining yourself and unlocking the map 100%, collecting all its pieces and door keys, and at the same time developing Ori’s abilities to the limit, but this is simply tiring. Towards the end, Ori literally flies through the levels, but when you abandon the plot and decide to purposefully search the opposite latitudes of the world, a longing for fast travel in any of its manifestations suddenly sets in.

An important note for those who leave secret corners for later: after the credits, the passage automatically begins again. Keep this in mind if you are going to knock out all the achievements, and save in a spare cell before the end.

In this puzzle you need to control the flight of the projectile, from time to time redirecting it from one portal to another. One wrong move and everything will have to start again.

* * *

But all these are little things. IN Ori little is new or original, but almost everything that others have done before her she retells with a diligence and talent worthy of admiration. This is both a charming children's fairy tale and simply an exceptional platformer. Beautiful and verified.