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Protesting a bank card transaction. Disputing card transactions

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Chargeback, or How to cancel a card transaction?

Dear readers, you, of course, know that in any transaction with a plastic card two parties are involved. The client and the bank (if this is a cash withdrawal from an ATM) and the client and the store (if this is a card payment at a merchant). Naturally, situations occur when one party makes claims against the other, but the money has already been debited from the card. How to cancel a card transaction that has already been completed?

Chargeback - how much is there in this word

The procedure in question is called chargeback. You can find many definitions of this operation on the Internet, but most of them are written so vaguely that an ordinary person cannot figure it out.

A chargeback is a financial claim that your bank (based on the application) issues to the merchant's bank. Based on the results of the investigation, the money is either returned to you or not.

In what cases can a chargeback be initiated?

  • You paid with a card in a store, and the purchase amount was debited 2 times.
  • You did not receive the product (for example, purchased online) or you are not satisfied with its quality.
  • You do not agree with the amount/date of the debit.
  • Are you sure you didn't perform the transaction?
  • The seller refuses to return money to the card for the product you want to return.

These are the most common situations.

Canceling a card transaction: the devil is not so scary

The Internet is simply teeming with indignant posts from customers reporting that the bank allegedly refused to “do a chargeback” and return the money. All this is from the evil one due to ignorance of the process. I will try to describe it to you as simply and accessible as possible.

  1. It all starts with an extract. For example, you receive a statement at a branch (or in Internet banking) and see that the amount of the purchase you made was written off twice or you did not make such a transaction at all.
  2. You contact the bank, write a statement about the disputed transaction and provide supporting documents (for example, a receipt from a store). There is one very interesting point here. The point is that you are limited in time. Read carefully the agreement you entered into with the bank. Thus, Bank Vozrozhdenie says that the client must submit an application within 45 days from the date of the transaction, otherwise the claim may not be accepted by the bank. And a client of Petrocommerce Bank must dispute the transaction before the 15th day of the month following the month in which the transaction was made. Of course, each case is individual, therefore, despite the specified deadlines, banks require clients to keep all checks for 180 days.
  3. The bank, having received a statement from you about a disputed transaction, sends it to the appropriate payment system. Please note that this is where its functions end (roughly speaking). That is, it is completely in vain that many clients shower bank employees with curses. They simply cannot influence the situation in any way, because... she is already beyond their reach.
  4. The payment system analyzes the received documents and sends a request to the acquiring bank.
  5. The acquiring bank, in turn, makes a request to the store demanding receipts (or other confirmation of the transaction). As you understand, if we are talking about the so-called double write-off, then the store must provide 2 receipts.
  6. If a store has only one receipt (and more often than not this is the case) or does not have one at all, then the acquiring bank informs the payment system about this, which instructs the issuing bank to satisfy the client’s chargeback and return the money to the card.
  7. Subsequently, the acquiring bank withholds the required amount from the store for subsequent refunds.

If you return the product to the store, then, as a rule, everything is resolved on the spot. Or the store is equipped with a terminal with a return function, the card is swiped in front of you and you receive a receipt indicating that the operation was canceled and the money will soon be returned to your account. Or the retail outlet itself contacts its bank and initiates the procedure for returning the funds to you.

If the store refuses to return the money, you should not be upset. You need to initiate a chargeback again, i.e. complete the entire procedure described above. The same can be done if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product or it was not delivered at all (for example, when purchasing online).

But what to do if the fact that you did not complete the transaction is not confirmed? In other words, did you perform the operation?

Chargeback: the cost of error

We talked a little about what awaits those whose claim turned out to be unfounded in the article “Money was stolen from the card. Who is to blame and what to do? "

You understand that the money and time of three organizations were spent on your application!

Accordingly, someone must answer for the fact that the alarm was false. And that “someone” will be you. So, the penalties for an unsupported financial claim are as follows:

  • VTB24 - 1500 rub.;
  • KB "Renaissance Capital" - 600 rubles;
  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development - 600 rubles. + costs of the parties involved in the investigation.

What to do to avoid paying such fines? Before reporting a disputed transaction, interview your closest relatives who have access to your card to see if they were the ones who made the suspicious transaction. Believe me, the percentage of cases when this is true is close to 100.

In all other situations, you will be able to cancel the transaction and get your money back. The main thing is to check your statement carefully and on time!

User comments:


The scammers somehow learned the card number and cvs and wrote off 1,500 rubles from it to the MTS number, and on the same day they wrote a claim to the bank and to MTS. The money was in HOLD state for another 4 days, MTS replied that they would not return the money and wrote off the money. And you say, you can return it. Greedy guys from MTS are even ready to take stolen money

Oleg, unfortunately, in this situation, when you yourself, having violated the terms of use of bank cards, provided strictly confidential information to third parties, neither the bank nor the organization receiving the funds will return the transfer; they simply have no legal grounds for this.

You can file a corresponding application with the court or other internal affairs bodies to compensate for the damage.


I paid for major repairs a month ago, 1000 rubles through Sberbank online, is it possible to reverse this transfer and return the money when contacting the bank?


They swiped the card in front of me and returned the goods. They issued a receipt that the operation was cancelled. How long do I have to wait until the funds are credited back to my card account? What if they never enroll?


Good day. I accidentally transferred 15,000 rubles to my Avito wallet. Tell me, is it possible to return this money back to your card and how to do it?

Maxim, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to withdraw funds transferred to the Avito electronic platform. In this situation, you can try contacting the Support Service or writing a request on the website. After this, depending on the response received, further actions can be taken. However, the list of services provided does not include withdrawal of funds from an electronic wallet.


Good afternoon. We paid for the kindergarten according to the details but did not indicate the child’s ID, the kindergarten said there was no payment. Is it possible to somehow return the money to the card?

Victoria, in this situation, you need to contact the Bank branch and fill out a request for a copy of the payment order confirming the transfer of funds. Next, you need to contact the accounting department of the preschool child care institution with this document. The organization's current account will show the movement of funds. That is, whether they are on the current account of this institution or were returned to the sending bank due to the impossibility of identifying the final recipient.


Good day, Natalia! How can I return money from the broker to the card? How to properly carry out the return procedure.


Hello Natalya! In the store we paid for the purchase with a card, a cancellation was made for one item. They said that the refund would be received within 3 days, but this did not happen... we wrote a statement to the store, attached a bank statement and a receipt, the answer was received that the claim you need to direct the jar...Is this correct?! Where is the money now?! In the statement on the date and time of purchase it says “transaction cancelled”

Alina, as a rule, there are no problems with such refunds. Please note that funds are not always returned to the card within 3 days; very often crediting occurs before 7-10 business days have passed, which is what the sales and service point employees usually warn about. At the same time, problems with non-refunds should be resolved not by the bank, but by the store.


Natalya, I'm sorry! I wrote an application to the store a month ago and received a response yesterday. And two months have passed since the purchase... I’m confused where to turn now?!


Natalya, money was transferred from a Sberbank VISA card to a broker, where several transactions were made, some profit was made, but I don’t want to work further, I made a request for withdrawal, but they are silent, as if they don’t refuse and don’t allow for withdrawal, I contacted and to the support service, but all in vain. The money is in my personal account, but I can’t withdraw it.


Good afternoon. I bought equipment from an online store, which later turned out to be fraudulent. The payment looked like bank details, but in fact it turned out to be in Yandex.Wallet. A statement has been filed with the police, but the case has not yet been opened. Does it make sense to contact my bank? To Yandex?



A parcel ordered from China was stolen at a local post office; the seller refuses to return the money, citing the fact that according to the tracking data, the parcel was delivered to the local office. What should be done?

Maxim, if the track was tracked and its status in the system is “delivered to the post office,” then you need to make all claims specifically to the Russian Post. In this situation, the seller is absolutely right that he refuses to compensate you for losses, because he fulfilled all his obligations.


Good afternoon,

Please tell me, does it make sense to contact the bank and write a statement of disagreement with the operation?

I made an order in an online store more than a month ago (the online store is located abroad), the purchase amount was written off, I never received the goods, the seller regularly replies to letters, something from the series that the goods will be sent soon and this has been going on for a month.


Good evening! I bought a card for the gym, but it never opened. She won the case, but there are no funds in the defendant’s bank account at Alfa Bank. I paid with a Sberbank card. Please tell me, is it possible to return funds through Sberbank? Thank you.


Please tell me, they called supposedly from the bank and told me to name the month/year of the card, after which the funds were entered, the SMS with the confirmation password was not given, after which the funds were written off, went to Personal Area The transaction is being processed, is there any way to cancel it or freeze it?



Tell me how to understand this situation.

In general, I made an online money transfer from card to card, apparently I fell into a scam http://card-to-card.org/, that is, the site no longer exists as such, is there anything you can do about it or you won’t be able to get the money back? ? If there are still options, then what is the algorithm of action?

Thank you in advance!

Pavel, you can contact the branch of the issuing bank and file a claim. However, as a rule, because It is not the fault of the bank itself, then it is unlikely that they will reimburse you for the lost funds.


Paid kindergarten through Sberbank Online, and all the details were changed. How to get my money back?

Olesya, in this situation, you need to contact a Sberbank branch, where employees will be able to see the status of your payment. Most likely, if the recipient's account specified in the payment order no longer exists, the funds will be returned to your card or account from which the transaction was originally carried out.


499 rubles are debited from charge4me.com. every month from a bank card how to block money being written off to this site


Hello! I paid a deposit of 1000 rubles for the services of lawyers, signed an agreement for 35 thousand, and then I read on the Internet that it was a scam. And even if you refuse their services, they stipulate in the contract the obligation to pay the full amount. I don’t want to use their services or go to their office. Is it possible to request the bank to cancel a purchase, citing the fact that the services were not provided and will not be provided? Or is everything decided by an agreement that is not in my favor?

Sergey, in this situation the bank is only an intermediary in the transfer of funds. That is, you sent them on your own initiative, and at the moment the funds are already with the recipients, with the second party under the agreement. Therefore, the bank cannot, on its own initiative, without the acceptance of the transfer recipient, cancel it and return the funds to your account/card.


I registered on nfl.com in order to use the free 7-day opportunity to view content. When registering, you indicated your credit card. Because I don't know well English language I didn’t see a section about renewal of subscription in my personal account. After the end of the free period, the amount of money for purchasing a ticket for the entire season (game pass) worth ~12,000 rubles was debited from my account. I wrote three letters to the site’s technical support asking for my money back. To which I received a negative response (I am attaching the text of the letter):

Unfortunately you finished your free trial of 7 days without stopping it on time.

Currently you don't have the autorenewal, so until next year you can enjoy your game pass.

In this case, we are sorry to inform you that no refund has been allowed.

I strongly disagree with this. I haven't even watched a single match or used the site (other than logging into my personal account), so... paid service haven't used it (and yes, the season hasn't even started yet). I do not know what to do. Since this is not Russia and I don’t know American legislation on these issues. The amount is large and I would like to return it. Help me please.

best regards, Artem

Artem, unfortunately, in this situation, you are unlikely to be able to return the written off funds. In such cases, payment is made regardless of whether you used the services of this site or not. And ignorance foreign language cannot affect the fact that you probably checked the box during registration confirming your agreement with all the terms of use of the service.

In this case, any legislation will be on the side of the recipient of funds providing paid services.

Ivan Panarin

Good afternoon Could you please advise on this issue? Now summer is vacation time. Everyone is going south to rent accommodation. We found an option that suited us and contacted the person who advertised. We talked and agreed on the dates we needed and so on. The girl said that she works through an agency and in order for our option not to be taken, we need to leave an advance payment of 3,300 rubles through the agency’s website. My girlfriend transferred the required amount through the website from her Alfa Bank card. The next day I decided to check the site, it turned out that they charge money not for booking, but for providing a database of apartments and houses from whom I can rent a house! They refused to return the money in a telephone conversation. Is it possible to cancel the transfer and get the money back?

Thank you in advance!)


Thank you for your detailed, knowledgeable answers!

Ivan, unfortunately, it is impossible to cancel a transaction carried out on your initiative using a card. In this situation, I recommend that you first contact the landlord and clarify the legal aspects within which she interacts with this agency (unfortunately, you did not leave a link to it, it would be interesting to look at this site). It is possible that the amount you transferred will be used as an advance payment for your stay. Further, if both the landlord and the intermediary agency actually operate outside the laws of the Russian Federation and do not intend to fulfill contractual obligations, it is up to them to decide this problem will be necessary when contacting internal affairs bodies and courts with a corresponding application.
More details:

If the payment for air tickets was made on the official website of any airline or its representative office, then you need to contact the support service by phone or send a request to the email address indicated on the website.

Olga, the article above describes in detail how to process a refund to a card in certain situations.


Hello! You can learn more about the chargeback procedure. The description says that:

You did not receive the product (for example, purchased online) or you are not satisfied with its quality.

You answer everyone that it is impossible to return the money, because... we pay at our own discretion. How else? I now want to buy an expensive product in an online store. Of course I will voluntarily transfer money to them. How can I do this so that I can make a chargeback if the goods are not sent to me? Thank you!


Good evening. I made a purchase in an online store and immediately paid the full price on the website with a Tinkof debit card. The money was written off and a “waiting for authorization” sign appeared. After 8 days I received the parcel in my hands and signed for receipt. They sent me a fiscal check by mail. However, this purchase was still hanging in the application, awaiting authorization. After 10 days, this purchase completely disappeared from the list of transactions and the funds were returned. The goods remained in my hands. I did not write any complaints and on the product website in my personal account it is indicated that the purchase was completed, transferred and paid for. How did this happen and who did not receive the money in this case? It is worth clarifying that the purchase fell into special offer Tinkov, which ends in 11 days. And I should have received a good cashback. If the operation is carried out again outside the promotion period, the cashback will be different.

Yulia, most likely, the operation was not reflected in the statement on your card for some technical reason. However, the date and amount are unchanged details, and it will not be possible to repeat this operation without using the card or its details. If for some reason bonuses are awarded in the wrong amount, you can always file a claim, attaching information from your personal account in the online store as evidence.


The child transferred 15,000 rubles. from a Sberbak credit card to the website www.ok.ru. How can I cancel this banking transaction and return the specified amount?

In the life of any of us, there have been cases when the seller made a mistake when paying with a card or had to return a low-quality product. And what if, even worse, a bank client was faced with fraud?... Our article from the series “Fingramot with MTBank” is aimed at helping resolve such cases so that they do not turn into a “walk through agony.”

Traditionally, Nadezhda Denichenko, head of the Card Center of the MTBank Retail Operations Services Department, helps us.

Disputed transactions can be divided into non-fraudulent ones(those operations that were carried out by the cardholder or with his knowledge, but the client does not agree with them for any reason) and fraudulent(that is, transactions in which the cardholder did not participate or authorize them).

Let's consider each type of contested transactions and start with everyday ones: practice shows that our citizens are more often faced with situations that are more related to the human factor.

In the practice of any person, there are cases of challenging the purchase amount(for example, a person took three bottles of milk, but they counted four for him). Or we may be talking about discovering a marriage upon returning home.

In case of payment in cash, everything can be quickly resolved on the spot - the main thing is that the receipt is kept.

Difficulties may arise when paying by card - in this case, sellers begin to refuse to cancel the transaction, citing some mythical difficulties. However, this is not true - the operation can be canceled.

So, if such an unpleasant situation occurs, then first of all the client can (and should) try to independently resolve this situation with the point of sale, since only she can cancel the transaction that has already been carried out. The bank cannot do this, since according to the rules of the Ministry of Railways it is obliged to accept successful authorization for processing and write off funds from the client’s account.

In this case, the seller or store administrator can solve the problem in different ways: either return the difference in cash, or cancel the incorrect transaction and make a new one.

The main problem for store staff with canceling a transaction is that sellers or cashiers do not know what to do in this controversial situation. Although acquiring banks are required to provide their merchants with instructions that indicate the cancellation procedure. Thus, if the seller cannot or does not want to cancel the transaction, then he must be asked to act according to the instructions of the acquiring bank or call the bank for advice.

Provided the transaction is canceled correctly, the money should be returned to the buyer’s account within 5-7 days.

If it is not possible to establish contact with the outlet or the outlet refuses to resolve the situation, the client can contact the issuing bank and write an application to protest the specified operation. It will be very good if the client managed to save checks/receipts/correspondence/other documents confirming the transaction and containing the “correct” transaction amount. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to prove the validity of the client’s claims and the outcome of the protest will rather depend on the integrity of the retail outlet.

The time for solving the problem in this case is declared in the agreement concluded between the client and the bank. It specifies the period within which the client must, in case of disagreement with the account statement, file a claim with the bank. If the client does not do this in a timely manner, the bank has the right to refuse to consider the application.

In addition, the rules of the Ministry of Railways also provide for maximum periods for challenging transactions. In most cases, they are 120 days, but in some cases less. And only if the payment is disputed due to non-receipt of goods/services, this period can be up to 540 days, subject to a number of conditions.

After these deadlines, the issuing bank simply will not have the opportunity to even try to protest the transaction disputed by the client.

The period required for the bank to investigate/protest a payment may vary significantly depending on the situation and the list of actions taken, but, as a rule, does not exceed 90 days. It is clear that the period for considering a controversial situation in the structure of a bank will be much shorter than conducting an international protest under IPS procedures.

You also need to understand that when conducting arbitration proceedings in the Ministry of Railways, the time frame increases significantly.

Another common situation is when receiving cash from an ATM or cash dispenser, the cardholder did not receive the requested amount or the amount received differed from the requested amount (including by a larger amount). Here the client needs to contact the issuing bank and write an application with detailed description circumstances of the situation. The bank will conduct an investigation and, if a failure/error is confirmed, will credit funds to the client’s account.

It's the same story with self-service devices. If the cardholder topped up the account or made a payment through an information kiosk, but the funds were not credited to the account or transferred to the service provider, then you must contact the issuing bank and write a statement.

If the client, due to his negligence, forgot the money at the ATM or did not wait for it to be issued and they were taken by another person after he left, then in such a situation it is necessary to contact the Department of Internal Affairs to conduct an investigation in accordance with the law. The bank, in turn, will provide information support to the investigative authorities by providing all the necessary data and video surveillance footage.

Now let's talk about unauthorized operations.

If a client discovers that someone has performed actions on his account without his knowledge, then first of all it is necessary to immediately block the card through which these transactions are made. Information on how this can be done is contained in contracts, on the bank’s website, and must be communicated to the client at the time of issuing the card. In addition, 24-hour customer support phone numbers are located on the back of any card.

Next, the client needs to contact the issuing bank within the time period specified in the contract (but it is better to do this as early as possible) and write an application to protest these transactions. In addition, depending on the situation, the bank may need other documents, for example, a copy of visa marks from the passport, indicating the location of the client at the time of the controversial transactions, and others. Of course, you will need to provide and return the compromised card to the bank.

Next, the bank will consider the received application according to established procedures: conduct an investigation, request from the retail outlet documents confirming the transaction (if appropriate), protest the operation according to the IPS procedures (if possible and appropriate).

Often, during an investigation, the bank is able to establish the fact of so-called “friendly fraud,” that is, the involvement of relatives or acquaintances of the client in the commission of disputed transactions. And it happens that the client himself “forgot” something. In this case, the bank will offer the client to continue the proceedings independently or with the help of the Department of Internal Affairs.

If the bank was unable to protest the transactions, the bank may consider reimbursing the client for unauthorized debits of funds at the bank’s expense. And here, of course, the extent to which the client conscientiously followed the rules and followed the bank’s recommendations to ensure the safety of his own funds will play a role.

If unauthorized use of the card occurred on the territory of our country, then the client also has the right to contact the Department of Internal Affairs to conduct an investigation in accordance with the law.

Previously in the series " Financial literacy» with MTBank

Please help me figure out how I can block a card transaction.

One day I was debited 100 rubles for services that were not provided. I came to the bank, wrote a statement to dispute the transaction, and the money was returned.

But it's 100 rubles. What if the amount is greater? As far as I know, neither Visa nor Mastercard transfer money immediately. This takes 3-5 days.

Is it possible to dispute a transaction and get the money back after a month? What do I need to do?

Natalya Sh.

Michelle Korzhova

financial consultant at Tinkoff Bank

Natalya, if it was definitely not you who performed the transaction, the issue of erroneous debiting will be resolved through your bank. This is how it will be.


The service for challenging transactions is called “chargeback”. You can challenge an erroneous write-off or an operation that the client refused.

The agreement with any bank specifies the time frame within which you need to contact the bank to challenge the transaction. Most often, this period is no more than 60 days - this is 30 days from the date of the statement in which this operation was reflected. If you contact the bank after 61 days or more, the chargeback may be denied.

At Tinkoff Bank, this requirement is specified in clause 7.2.5 of the general conditions for opening, maintaining and closing accounts for individuals and looks like this: The time frame for contesting varies depending on the situation. General rule

It may happen that you are sitting at home, and you suddenly receive a notification about a completed purchase or debit. I recommend that you first check whether you definitely did not perform this operation. It happens that the message about the debiting of money arrives after a while. For example, I sometimes buy applications from Epstore. Messages about debiting payment for these purchases always come to me after some period of time - a week, or even two. At first I’m scared that this is some kind of mistake, but then I realize that I actually confirmed such a purchase myself.

If you realize that you absolutely did not make the payment, block the card and contact the bank. If the operation was carried out by fraudsters, this will help avoid even greater losses. If this is some kind of failure on the bank’s side, the money will be returned soon. Usually such issues are resolved within a few hours and you don’t even need to go anywhere.

Situations with such write-offs may vary, for example:

  1. your bank wrote off the money;
  2. the acquiring bank wrote off the money;
  3. scammers have worked.

Depending on the type of transaction that needs to be disputed, the period and procedure for returning funds will depend.

Since you did not talk about fraudulent activities in your letter, we will consider the first two cases.

If the money was mistakenly written off by your bank

If the charge was for some service of your bank - for example, a fee was charged for SMS notifications about all transactions, although they are disabled for you - you just need to contact your bank. Sometimes a simple call is enough for this. Specialists will check the information, and if the service is indeed disabled, your money will be returned within a day.

Sometimes failures can occur on the banks' side, due to which amounts are written off without explanation. The procedure is similar: contact the bank, a specialist will record the request, explain the situation - and the money will be returned. Usually such issues are resolved within 24 hours.

The acquiring bank wrote off the money

If the failure occurred on the acquiring bank's side, it may take longer to return the funds.

It is important here not to confuse a failure in the acquiring bank and money stolen by fraudsters. For example, if you are in Moscow, and your card was used for an operation in Rio de Janeiro, this is most likely the work of fraudsters. Here you will need to contact not only the bank, but also the police. How to try to get money back from a stolen card,

If, at the time of purchase, you were repeatedly charged for the same service, contact your bank. In some cases, a call may be enough, while in others an application may be required: it all depends on the bank’s internal procedures. That's it, your actions end here, and all you can do is wait.

Your request will be recorded and your bank will contact the acquiring bank. If the information about the error is confirmed, your money will be returned. But this may take more than one day.

A friend of mine once paid for his subway fare and was charged five times. He contacted his bank, and the money was returned: a failure was confirmed on the side of another bank, which processed the payment from the metro.

Erroneous challenge

If, when checking the information, it turns out that you made the transaction, the money will not be returned to you and you may also be charged a fine for an erroneously disputed transaction. Usually it is 1000-1500 rubles and is specified in your agreement with the bank:

If you have a question about personal finance, luxury purchases or family budgeting, write to: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

Credit card is the most convenient way to pay in modern world. But its mobility and comfort do not exclude the possibility of errors when making transactions. If an error is discovered, you should immediately contact the bank so as not to lose money and challenge the completed procedure.

What card transactions can be disputed?

Moments in which transactions are completed erroneously are a common occurrence. People ask the question: “Which card transactions can be disputed?”

List of credit card transactions that can be challenged:

  • transactions without the owner's knowledge;
  • debiting an amount after a credit card is lost or stolen;
  • an operation to transfer money abroad when the owner did not travel anywhere;
  • double transactions, the amount was written off twice by mistake;
  • The refund amount has not been credited in full.

Losing a credit card is a dangerous moment. Fraudsters can find her and withdraw the entire amount of money from her. To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should immediately contact the bank and block the account.

The owner’s foreign passport will help you challenge an erroneous transaction abroad. It is provided to the bank, and based on it, the amount written off is returned to the account.

When paying for services with a bank card, the terminal may stop working and the cashier will withdraw the same amount from the account twice. In this case, you must dispute the transfer and provide the bank with a receipt from the store. Based on this, the money is returned and the error is confirmed.

Situations in which a person withdraws money, but the ATM does not give it back, can also be challenged.

To challenge credit card transactions you must:

  • withdraw from an ATM on your phone;
  • contact the bank branch that installed the ATM;
  • write an application for a refund of the completed transaction;
  • wait for a response from the bank.

The bank verifies the transaction details. If there is a problem with the ATM, then he returns the money to the credit card. If the problem is with the bank that provided the credit card, then you need to write a statement to them to challenge the operation.

How to do it?

The NPS Law states that the owner of a credit card must immediately report its loss or an incorrect transaction.

If the bank informs the credit card holder about questionable transactions, the client must challenge them within 24 hours and write a statement.

How to dispute a card transaction?

Step 1. Notify the bank about an erroneous transaction:

  • by phone;
  • via SMS, through the “mobile banking” function;
  • in the client card on the bank's website.

It will be preferable to write to the bank department. The application is a guarantee of consideration of the case.

Step 2. Attach the necessary documents:

  • payment receipts;
  • purchase receipts;
  • copy of international passport;
  • account statement;
  • a copy of the complaint to the police about the loss, etc.

Step 3. Block your credit card to avoid fraudulent activity.

Step 4. The bank's security service checks the submitted facts of fraud.

Step 5. If the money was written off through no fault of the owner, then the bank seduces it.

If you do not understand how to challenge erroneous credit card transactions, contact our lawyer. He will competently answer your question and help you solve the problem.

Where to contact?

The cardholder's first action should be to call customer support to block the card.

The next step is to contact the nearest bank branch. The victim writes a statement about the loss or theft of the card, supporting it with the documents indicated above in the article.

The application is considered from 10 to 60 days.

By Sberbank card

Sberbank is loyal to customers and gives the opportunity to return the money written off.

There are two options for a return:

  • through Sberbank Internet banking;
  • personal communication with a bank employee.

To dispute an error, the claimant must have a receipt of the transaction. An error in the transfer details freezes the money and after 10 days it is automatically returned. If an account with an error exists, the person will receive money. In this case, you should submit an application to the Sberbank department for a refund. If this cannot be done, the application is submitted to the court.

By debit card

In order to dispute transactions debit card a statement is written. All transactions that were not completed are indicated and evidence is provided.

To keep your card secure, you should activate the SMS service. Alerts about card transactions will help the owner track the debiting of funds.

If the applicant filed a false alarm, he will need to pay a fine. Banking institutions set the fine amount independently. It can vary from 600 rubles to 1500. The applicant must also cover the expenses of the banking institution’s employees for the investigation.


Within 24 hours, the cardholder must report its loss.

To the question: “When can I challenge the transfer of money from card to card?” the law does not answer clearly. There are cases when the owner does not know about the transactions and the bank extends the deadline for submitting an application until the statement is received.

Employees of banking institutions consider the complaint within 30 days. If transactions are performed abroad - 60 days.

If the victim files a complaint in court, bank employees must return the money within 10 days. After the amount of money is returned, an investigation into the erroneous debit is conducted. If employees of a banking institution prove that it is the fault of the injured party and not them, then the money is transferred to the bank’s transit account. There they are stored from 45 days to 90, depending on the complexity of the situation.