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How to increase the size of your squad with fire and sword. A quick way to increase maximum squad size

Beginning of the game.

1. Creating a character. You will figure this out yourself. If you don’t want to create it yourself, just make money randomly until you find a skin you like.
2.Previous history.You will be asked a number of questions, the initial equipment and stats will depend on these questions. I advise you to choose the most noble background possible for greater intelligence at the start and better equipment.
3.Stats for a character’s stats have a separate section where you can see what affects what, but in the beginning, in my opinion, it’s better to upgrade your intelligence.
4. Arrival in the kingdom. You will be asked which ship you want to board
1) Kingdom of Swad (orange)
2) Sultan’s kingdom (yellow)
3) Khergit Khanate (purple)
4) Kingdom of Rodok (green)
5) Kingdom of Vaegir (white)
6) Kingdom of the Nords (blue)
If you play on a low difficulty level, it is better to go to Vaegir, bandits and robbers in Vaegir have very good equipment.

Character stats.

There are three main sections in character stats: 1) Attributes 2) Abilities 3) Skills
1.Attributes are the very basics of a character’s skills, there are 4 in total (1)STRENGTH (2)AGILITY (3)INTELLIGENCE (4)CHARACTER
1.Strength. Every 2 points add one health point.
The maximum skill point depends on strength:
1) Vitality
2) Strong blow
3) Strong throw
4) Powerful shot
These skills make up 1/3 of strength, for example: if strength is 3, vitality is not higher than 1
strength 12 Strong throw no higher than 3.
2. Dexterity. Each point brings 5 ​​weapon proficiency points and increases weapon speed by 0.5%.
The maximum skill point depends on agility:
1) Shields
2) Athletics
3)Weapon ownership
4) Riding
5) Shooting on horseback
6)Collecting trophies
These skills make up 1/3 of agility, for example: if agility is 3 - Shields are not higher than 1
agility 12 Collecting trophies 3.
3. Intelligence. Each point of intelligence adds + one skill point.
The maximum skill point depends on intelligence:
3) Tactics
4) Pathfinding
6) Vigilance
7) Dressing
9)First aid
11) Persuasion
4.Character.Each skill point increases the maximum squad size by 1.
The maximum skill point depends on your character:
2) Keeping prisoners
3) Trade
There are a total of 24 skills that affect everything from the number of prisoners to the speed of movement to global map.
1) Vitality: each new level health +2
2) Powerful strike: damage dealt by melee weapons increases by 8%
3)Powerful throw: damage dealt by throwing weapons increases by 10%
4)Powerful shot: damage dealt by a bow increases by 14%
5) Weapon Proficiency: facilitates character training and increases the skill limit by 40
6) Shield Mastery: reduces damage dealt to the shield by 8% increases shield speed
7) Athletics: increases running speed
8)horse riding: increases the speed of the horse
9) Horseback Archery: allows you to shoot more accurately and deal more damage while mounted with a bow
10)Collecting trophies: the amount of loot received increases by 10%
11)Training: your squad gains more experience
12)Tracking: the global map becomes more informative.
13) Tactics: each even level of this skill increases the advantage in battle by 1
14)Pathfinding: movement speed increases by 1
15) Vigilance pack: the squad’s field of vision increases by 10%
16) Dressing wounds: the squad’s healing rate increases by 20%
17)Surgery: 4% chance of surviving a mortal wound
18) First aid: after the battle, the hero and commanders resurrect 5% of health
19)Engineering: the speed of construction of siege towers and buildings in the city increases
20) Persuasion: helps you win people over to your side
21) Keeping prisoners: increases the maximum number of prisoners by 5
22) Leadership: the maximum number of soldiers increases by 5, reducing spending on the army
23) Trade: prices in stores are reduced by 5%
24)Packaging: the capacity of your inventory increases by 6 points
How much I play mount and blade, I still don’t understand what they are for. Most likely they do not give a big bonus to speed and damage, there are a lot of different bonuses but all of them are not significant, to confirm my words I will say that my favorite long-range weapon is a crossbow and with a level It was better at firing from a crossbow and did more damage. There are 6 of them in total.
1) One-handed weapon
2) Two-handed weapon
3) Three-handed weapons, joke, polearm weapons
4) Archery
5) Shooting from a crossbow
6) Throwing

Factions ( Mount and Blade: Warband)

There are 6 factions in this game. They are given below:

The Kingdom of Swad is a powerful faction. This faction's strongest knights have fairly well-equipped horses. The capital of this faction, Praven, is almost the largest city in the game. Lady Isolde de Suno claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Harlaus. The prototype for this faction is Germany.

The Vaegir Kingdom is a faction that exists in the snow. Knights are the weakest. There are many archers, but they aim poorly. Prince Valdym-Bastard claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Jaroglek. The prototype of this faction is Rus'.

The Kingdom of Rodok is a faction located in the mountains. They have no horsemen and their foot troops are inferior to the Nords. Lord Castor de Veluca claims the throne. The faction is ruled by King Gravet. The prototype of this faction is Italy.

Kingdom of Nord - northern faction. She has no cavalry. But they have the strongest infantry. Ideal for picking up locks. But it can also be useful in open combat. The Nords have the best fortified castles. Letvin the Wanderer claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Ragnar. The prototype for this faction are the Normans.

The Saranid Sultanate is a new faction that exists purely in the warband. The archers of this faction are quite strong. The Mamelukes, in turn, are only slightly short of the Swadian knights. Arva claims the throne of this faction. The faction is ruled by Sultan Hakim. The prototype of this faction are the Arabs.

The Khergit Khanate is the weakest faction in the game. There is only cavalry. But the Khergits have pretty fast horses. Dostum Khan claims the throne. The faction is ruled by Sanjar Khan. The prototype for this faction is the Golden Horde.

When capturing a castle, the character creates his own faction, it is red, and you come up with its name yourself.


Mount & Blade: Warband features a multiplayer mode. Multiplayer in this game supports up to 64 players. Some modifications allow multiplayer, maximum amount which has 222 players. Yes different modes battles: Massacre, Wall to Wall, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, Duel and Siege. In these battles you can earn money, which can then be used to buy new equipment for your character.


Companions can be found in taverns in different cities. Each of them has his own biography, which he sets out when joining your squad. Some of the companions require an advance payment, some agree to travel with you for free. You can keep several companions at the same time, but they will constantly quarrel with each other. But if you have lost your companion, you can always find him in some tavern and take him back. Below are the relationships of satellites with each other.

-friends with Imira
-feuds with Marnid and Nizar

-friends with Lezalit
-feuds with Jeremus and Cletti

-friends with Rolf
-feuds with Marnid and Catherine

-friends with Marnid
-feuds with Kletti and Deshavi

-friends with Catherine
-feuds with Lezalit and Rolf

-friends with Kletti
-feuds with Rolf and Borcha

-friends with Firentis
-feuds with Matilda and Artinmenner

-friends with Alaen
-feuds with Matilda and Lezalit

-friends with Bunduk
-feuds with Bakheshtur and Firentis

-friends with Deshawi
-feuds with Borcha and Artinmenner

-friends with Artinmenner
-feuds with Bunduk and Imira

-friends with Borcha
-feuds with Bakheshtur and Alaen

-friends with Nizar
-feuds with Imira and Jeremus

-friends with Mateld
-feuds with Firentis and Alaen

-friends with Bakheshtur
-feuds with Deshawi and Bunduk

-friends with Jeremus
-feuds with Nizar and Catherine
Afterwards, from the companion you can make your vassal with his own army. If your companions end up falling out, one of them may leave, but perhaps you can dissuade him with sufficient persuasion skill. A certain companion does not sit in a certain tavern, they all travel.

To activate cheats, select the settings menu in the game loading menu and check the box next to “Enable Cheats”. Use the following key combinations in the game:
Ctrl + F5 - during battle your character is controlled by artificial intelligence;
Ctrl + H - heal your character (only during battle);
Ctrl + Shift + H - heal a horse (only during battle);
Ctrl + F3 - cause damage to your character (only during battle);
Ctrl + X - +1000 gold (on the inventory screen);
Ctrl + X - +1000 experience (on the character screen);
Ctrl + W - increases weapon handling skills;
Ctrl + Alt + F4 - all enemies fall unconscious;
Ctrl + Shift + F4 - knocks down the enemy on whom the increase is;
Ctrl + Shift + F6 - knocks down all your allies;
Ctrl + F6 - knocks down one of your companions;
Ctrl + F4 - knocks down one of the enemies;
Ctrl + T - allows you to see all objects on the global map;
Ctrl + left click - teleports you to the point you specify on the global map.
I strongly do not recommend using cheats because of them the game will get boring in a maximum of an hour.
If you still use cheats during a battle using a combination of all opponents falling unconscious, do not accidentally press alt + f4, this will close the game. Also, with cheats enabled, you will not receive achievements.

When you capture a castle, you can appoint yourself as a leader, choose a flag and name the kingdom. In order for vassals to come to you, you need to designate a capital (main city),
for this you will need silks and tools that can either be bought or taken from the peasants, silks cost about 1000 dinars, and tools cost 450. The higher your honor and glory, the more often vassals will come to you. If vassals do not come to you, but you really want you can appoint your companion as a vassal. To do this, go to the squad section, click on the companion, say after clicking I want to ask you and ask him if he wants to receive a land plot, then choose what to give him. Soon you will see him patrolling your lands.
Relations with vassals.
If you already have many vassals and you give away another allotment, relations with the vassal who received the allotment increase and with the rest worsen. If one of the vassals does not have allotments for a long time, relations with him will deteriorate.
You can recruit not only soldiers, but also heroes (vassals) into your squad. There are 16 such heroes in total. But it’s impossible to miss all of them all the time, because... they constantly quarrel with each other, it is usually recommended to have 5-7 heroes at the same time, no more. NPCs can upgrade squad skills, which are transferred to the entire unit. You can have a doctor hero, or an engineer hero, etc. , thereby not spending your points on these skills. Heroes are immortal, they can only be stunned during battle, they can be captured, but they cannot be killed. NPC heroes level up just like main character.Alayen tactics 1
Artimanner Tactics 2, Engineer 4, Trade 3, Observer, Pathfinder 1
Borcha Pathfinder 3, Pathfinder 2, Observer 3
Bunduk Tactics 1, First Aid 2
Jeremus Surgery 4, treatment, first aid, trade 3
Catherine Trade 3, treatment 2, first aid 1
Cage Pathfinder, Observer, Pathfinder 2
Marnide first aid, treatment 1, trade
Meteld Tactics 1
Rolf First Aid, Surgery 1, Tactics
Imira first aid, trade 3 surgery, treatment 1

List of 8 NPCs who do not quarrel with each other. (there is not a single Noble NPC in it)

— Deshawi

— Jeremus

— Catherine

— Bunduk


On WarBand: when you have created a character, go to the global map (you can also during battle), select the Character section in the lower corner of the screen, and then select the Statistics section in the lower, left corner of the screen, it will be written there how many enemies you have killed and your own, and to the right will be Export and Import character. Select Export, then a sign will appear (if you have a license, it won’t run anything), click OK and expand the game to the desktop, then go here C:\Documents and Settings\1\My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters, and in front of you there will be several text documents (depending on how many Persians you have created) and incomprehensible hieroglyphs, the number of hieroglyphs depends on the length of your character’s name. Go to the text document and change everything you need, but do not exceed the Agility table more than 600, otherwise it will fly literally and figuratively, and so we changed everything, went out and saved and back into the game, we will see the same Import and Export, this time select Import and press OK again. Come back and don’t forget to write your name again.
On the Hero's History: everything is the same place: C:\Documents and Settings\1\My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters go to the root folder with the game, and go to the CharExport folder and see the same documents with the same hieroglyphs and do everything the same way procedure.
P.S. I just wrote about Warband and the hero’s story, but many are wondering: what about Fire and Sword? I’ll answer this question this way: if you have Great Battles, then the system is taken from Warband. Well, if you have the Gold Edition, then we do it according to the Hero's Story system

In detail, but one or two errors are possible.

charfile_version = 1
name = (name)
xp = (experience)
money = (money)

attribute_points = Attributes(strength, agility..)
skill_points = Skills(Trade, leadership..)
weapon_points = Weapon (One-handed, two-handed..)

strength = (strength)
agility = (agility, above 300 is already difficult to manage)
intelligence = (Intelligence)
charisma = (Charisma)

trade = (Trade)
leadership = (Leadership)
prisoner_management = (Prisoner Management)
reserved_skill_1 = 0
reserved_skill_2 = 0
reserved_skill_3 = 0
reserved_skill_4 = 0
persuasion = (Persuasion)
engineer = (Engineering)
first_aid = (First Aid)
surgery = (Surgery)
wound_treatment = (Wound Treatment)
inventory_management = (Inventory Management)
spotting = (Spotting)
path-finding = (Pathfinding)
tactics = (Tactics)
tracking = (Tracking)
trainer = (Training)
reserved_skill_5 = 0
reserved_skill_6 = 0
reserved_skill_7 = 0
reserved_skill_8 = 0
looting = (Gathering)
horse_archery = (Shooting from a horse)
riding = (Riding)
athletics = (Athletics)
shield = (Shield)
weapon_master = (Weapon Master)
reserved_skill_9 = 0
reserved_skill_10 = 0
reserved_skill_11 = 0
reserved_skill_12 = 0
reserved_skill_13 = 0
power_draw = (Strike power)
power_throw = (Throw power)
power_strike = (Shot power)
ironflesh = (Vitality/iron skin)
reserved_skill_14 = 0
reserved_skill_15 = 0
reserved_skill_16 = 0
reserved_skill_17 = 0
reserved_skill_18 = 0

one_handed_weapons = (One-handed)
two_handed_weapons = (Two-handed)
polearms = (Polearms)
archery = (Bows)
crossbows = (Crossbows)
throwing = (Throwing)
firearms = (firearm)

face_key_1 = 180001188
face_key_2 = 36db6db6db6db6db

This is interesting: after the squad runs out of provisions, several horses may be missing.

Many features of such a game as Mount & Blade are not trivial and remain outside the scope of all guides and manuals. Most players have no idea how interesting and deep the world of Calradia is. This collection of secrets, tips and tricks is a kind of express train that dives into the most subtle details of gameplay, which can only be learned by playing for days on end.

  • Crossbows are not as effective in the rain.
  • In the rain, people and horses move more slowly.
  • You can pause on the global map by holding down the Spacebar.
  • New warriors can be hired in taverns.
  • You can also give orders to your companions in battle.
  • The higher the group's morale, the faster it moves around the map.
  • The wounded are healed faster in taverns.
  • For quick purchase and selling items you have with you, press and hold the key Ctrl and click on the desired item with the left mouse button.
  • To open the command interface in battle, press the key Backspace.
  • If you are stationed in a city or castle, then you will pay the team half the salary. The same applies to units stationed in the castle as a garrison.
  • To immediately leave the area, press Tab.
  • To aim better, press the key Shift(optical sight effect).
  • You can order soldiers to hold a certain position by holding down a key F1(moving the flag).
  • On the mini-map (during battle, press backspace) you can order troops to move to a certain point by clicking on it.
  • You can move the player's troops and prisoners in bulk from/to a squad (for example, from a garrison) if you hold down ctrl
  • If you are a commander-in-chief (marshal), and a subordinate lord refuses to go to the desired city or castle, you can order him several times in a row and sooner or later he will definitely agree to carry out the order
  • If you are not a marshal (voivode), but asked an allied lord(s) to follow you, then he (they) will not help you during the assault, but only in field battles.
  • To rear a horse, you need to simultaneously press ctrl+J
  • A lame horse can be cured in the inventory. (in this case she may lose the bonus)
  • A lame horse may die in battle (disappear from inventory).
  • You can end the game at any time through the menu: camp=>retire(summary information and the further fate of the hero will be shown)
  • If you “secretly penetrate” into an enemy city, you can use all the benefits, including a tavern, merchants, tournaments, a guild master, etc.
  • Damaged relationships with lords can be improved through wives by sending gifts (money and goods will be required).
  • With good personal relationships, enemy lords do not attack you, and their villages provide recruits.
  • There are no completely incompatible satellites. There is little morality (leadership, victories, variety of food).
  • A squad can simultaneously contain no more than 32 types of troops (the same limitation applies to prisoners in castles/cities).
  • If you jump with the bowstring drawn, the target designator will not go astray, which allows you to effectively shoot bots.
  • If you hover your mouse over a NPC while talking, it will show your level of relationship with him or his faction.
  • If BEFORE the battle in the menu “attack\send warriors\retreat” press I, the inventory will open, with which you can change equipment.
  • The key works in the same menu P. Those. you can call up the squad menu, for example, for the purpose of regrouping. Works only during field combat and only if the main character initiates the battle (and does not join one already started by someone else)
  • If the bowstring or crossbow is already drawn, the shot can be canceled by pressing the right button. In the same way, a “false swing” is made when striking with a weapon in close combat.
  • In villages with a good attitude, you can hire higher-ranking troops instead of recruits.
  • The salary of soldiers stationed in the garrison is halved.
  • Did you know that at any time you can change the appearance and name of the hero by clicking on the name or portrait of the character window?
  • The location of any lord can be found out through dialogue with a lord of the same faction. (You can also find out where your vassal is from your wife)
  • NPCs can be located not only on the first, but also on the second floor of the tavern.
  • On the global map you can right-click on any locality or squad and a menu will appear: follow to this place (for the squad) and information about this place (squad)
  • Horse riding skill ( riding) is important not only as a limitation when choosing a horse, but also as a bonus to increase their speed and agility
  • After the death of the lord, his squad turns into a disorderly crowd (formations are lost).
  • The likelihood of each type of warrior entering into battle directly depends on the order in which it is located in the list (the higher the unit, the higher its probability)
  • Ordinary peasants and village women can be upgraded into high-ranking units. Peasant women, for example, end up becoming sisters of war, equipped with crossbows and heavy armor (in addition there is a shield, sword and horse).
  • All additional bonuses of the starting (temporary) character are retained. (noble flag, books, starting equipment).
  • After being captured, the main character randomly decreases by 1 point one of basic characteristics(strength, agility, intelligence, charisma).
  • As honor increases, relations with lords with a bad reputation worsen (and grow with those who enjoy a good one).
  • In tournament battles you can (and should!) manage your team.
  • Captured lords in other people's castles and cities can be freed not only by quest, but by their own free will.
  • Bounty hunters are upgraded to slavers - one of the top units in the game. Their main feature— equipment with crushing weapons, which allows you to capture enemies in large numbers.
  • Pressing a key "X", you can use alternative weapon capabilities. For example, attack with a dart as with a regular spear in close combat.
  • After creating your own kingdom, you can make your companions into lords by giving them possessions.
  • Allied lords and vassals can leave their prisoners in your city/castle. (For these purposes, you can use a holiday)
  • Packhorses increase the speed of movement of a squad when the inventory is loaded.
  • By showing nobility when completing tasks, you can increase your honor parameters. For example, refusing a reward for killing a criminal or for saving a village from robbers.
  • By talking with residents of villages and cities, you can get valuable information about the character of the lords, profitable goods, etc.

With great pleasure I will add your tips and advice on the game. Feel free to leave comments. I will gradually expand this collection.

A small guide for Mount and Blade , thanks to which you can learn how to create a large squad quickly without cheats and learn how to lead large squads. The main goal of this mini-lesson is to teach you how to lead large squads of 150-300 soldiers. To do this, you will need to remember 3 main points: , and . To level up quickly and get a lot, you will have to run alone and destroy squads of robbers (of course, it’s worth visiting if possible). preferably an archer, because this tactic does not require much effort. Run all the time you will be one hero without any soldiers or.

First, increase your strength so that you can improve it to 5. This is quite enough. After strength, you pump up agility to 12. Then improve it to 4. You won’t need any more skills. Upgrade everything else to charisma (at least up to 27).

Why run alone?

When the hero runs alone, the resulting number of dinars is much larger, since it is not divided among all the soldiers in the squad, so from a dozen robbers you can get a decent amount for all your needs. The situation is similar when it will not be divided among all the soldiers in the squad. Why then download? Because without leadership, morale in the squad will drop almost instantly, so if you want to lead good, strong groups of people, pump it to the maximum.

Upon reaching level 7-10, you will have a decent amount of money in your pocket, so it's time to buy good equipment and upgrade your weapon skill until you get tired of it. You should kill in 1-2 hits, so visit often. Don’t forget about the horse, which should always be in the best condition, because as long as your horse is alive, so are you. Don't forget about a strong shield, especially against long-range projectiles. Buy first good bow with arrows, armor and helmet.

Rules for fighting alone

  • Robbers run around with and without shields, so you shoot the ones without shields first. Try to shoot people with shields in the legs.
  • Move often, because there is always a chance of getting hit in the forehead by an arrow, bolt or dart.
  • When fighting opponents who have throwing weapons, get within range of them when they fire, but far enough so that they have a hard time hitting you. There aren't that many projectiles (often between 4 and 8), so run around them until they run out of ammo.
  • Carry more spare arrows with you, because even 34 arrows in your current inventory is very little. Ideally, it is best to carry one of these sets with you: bow + 3 sets of arrows; bow + 2 quivers of arrows + shield; bow + 2 quivers of arrows + two-handed weapon or spear. A two-handed weapon (or spear) helps keep infantry at a distance, ignores armor when struck, and has high penetration of shields and blocks.
  • Never jump on spearmen while on horseback. Likewise, if you are on foot, beware of cavalry, as they are often armed with a powerful pike and can take you down in one hit.
  • Don't rush into the crowd, because the horse will quickly be stopped and you will literally be torn to pieces.
  • Go into close combat only as a last resort (if you run out of ammunition or you are 100% sure that you will win).

Thus, following all the rules listed above, you will go through more than a dozen battles alone against numerous warriors, but it will pay off. You will quickly level up and get up to 500


We waited, we believed. And our faith was rewarded! Announcement Total War: WARHAMMER took place! The skeptics were put to shame, and the Vachomans rejoiced! But the developers have already managed to tell a lot of details on the forums. Was it first known? that this will not be one game, but a trilogy flavored with a whole bunch of add-ons and additional paid and free content. Secondly, there will be only four factions (Empire of Sigmar, Greenskins, Dwarves and Vampire Counts), but they promise to make them as detailed as possible, rich in units and really different from each other in gameplay. Thirdly, the heads of factions are now not just generals whom you don’t mind losing in battle. Now these are the Legendary Lords (Karl Franz, Grimgor, Thorgrim and Mannfred von Carstein), heroes with unique weapon, mounts, clothes and a set of quests. They also promise such new items as flying units, magic, tanks, cannons and muskets... in general, yummy! In general, we are waiting for more information and hope that the game will become a breakthrough in the series.

Well, we hasten to reassure apologists of historicity - a separate team is working on Warhammer. Historical games Total War is not slowing down the production of the fantasy game.

More details about

Total War: Attila

The announcement of Total War: Attila, on the one hand, surprised us a lot, and on the other hand, it once again proved that SA is following the beaten path. After all, Attila is essentially a sequel to the “Barbarian Invasion” addon for Rome 1. However, this time they did not become modest and called it “ new game". Ok, we won’t argue. A separate game about the invasion of barbarian tribes on the civilizations of the ancient world is wonderful. It should be noted that the developers really did a great job. According to most players, Attila really turned out to be a worthy product that allowed you to plunge into dark eras.

More details about Total War: Attila Part 1 And Part 2

Total War: Rome 2

The announcement of Rome II Total War took place on July 2 and it caused a real storm of delight in our community! People were so hungry for hand-to-hand combat and legionnaires that the announcement of the sequel was perceived as a real miracle and a “dream come true.” To again lead legions bound by iron discipline, unshakable Greek hoplites and Macedonian sarissophorians into battle, trample enemies with elephants and throw severed heads at them - isn’t this happiness! But the new Total War games are also sea battles. And there will be a lot of fun here, because the developers promise active interaction between the ground and naval forces. Mutual shelling between coastal fortifications and warships in the roadstead will give a new degree of freedom to the “strategos” of the ancient world.