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An ordinary person rides a GTA 5 train. The freight train is programmed as a stationary object

In the fifth part of the most popular series Grand Theft Auto, being developed by Rockstar studio Games, presents a mind-boggling amount of available equipment. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, special equipment, boats, boats, helicopters, yachts and much more, but for some unknown reason the developers did not provide the opportunity to ride late in GTA 5.

Train hijacking in GTA: SA

But earlier, in the days of San Andreas, trains and trains were quite playable transport. Unless you can put it in the garage on Grove Street, otherwise it’s very a good option travel around the big game world.

To do this, it was enough to simply find a stopped train or stop it yourself using any in an accessible way(for example, by blocking his movement with a tank). After that, all that was left was to climb into the cabin and ride wherever you wanted.

How to steal a train in GTA 5 on console

It is not surprising that now people who spend a large amount of their free time in GTA 5 and GTA Online are wondering how to hijack a train?

If you play on a console, then we have to disappoint you, because at the moment there is no way in the game to feel like a machinist. Of course, maybe it will be added in updates, or maybe it’s already in the game, but very well hidden (like a jetpack, for example), but this is an open question.

How to steal a train in GTA 5 on PC

If you play on your personal computer, you can use custom modification "Driver mode", which adds the ability to steal a train to the game.

Mod for a train driver in GTA 5

By installing this mod, you can finally start traveling on the rails of Los Santos. By the way, it is not at all necessary to follow the rail route, since the mod allows you to travel by train on regular roads and even off-road. This is a simple modification, but quite useful for some.

Video: how to become a driver in GTA 5

Many gamers are experimenting with the GTA 5 project, as it offers almost limitless possibilities. For example, you can steal almost anything, even a Boeing 747. However, a huge question remains with the ordinary train, which you can find almost everywhere. How to steal a train in GTA 5? Is it possible to do this in principle? These questions torment many gamers who spend a lot of time in fruitless attempts. Well, this article will give a definitive answer to this question.

Trains in "GTA 5"

If you are interested in how to hijack a train in GTA 5, then you have most likely seen the trains that travel around Los Santos and beyond. There are quite a lot of them and you can see them almost everywhere. However, the problem is that they never stop, at least not in front of the player. Accordingly, all you can do is admire how the trains fly past at great speed. But without trying, you don’t want to give up, so you should still definitely find out how to hijack a train in GTA 5, if possible. Because almost everyone is attracted to this prospect, especially considering that even in the first part of the game this could be done.

Train Hijacking Mission

Unfortunately, the answer to the question of how to hijack a train in GTA 5 will not please you. The fact is that such an opportunity will present itself to you only once in all your time, and you will spend very little time behind the wheel of a train. In one of the missions as Trevor you will need to hijack a moving train. To do this, you need to chase him, get alongside the carriages and jump onto the roof of one of them. Then you will need to make your way to the driver's cabin in the style of Hollywood action movies and take control. Only now you won’t stay in your new role for long, since you will have to urgently leave the train because it will collide with another train. This will complete your mission successfully, but from now on you will never be able to lead the squad again. Now you know how to hijack a train in GTA 5 story mission, and if you don’t believe that there are no other ways to manage the composition, then you can check all this yourself.

Train hijacking attempts

Many gamers have already wondered how to hijack a train in GTA 5. They spent many hours trying. Unfortunately, they were unable to detect the possibility of hijacking and controlling the train. What did they do to gain control of the lineup? Naturally, they tried to do the same thing that was necessary in the mission for Trevor: catch up with the train and jump onto the roof. This can be done, but when you get to the driver’s cabin, you will be disappointed: you won’t be able to get inside. Gamers also tried to kill the driver so that the train would stop. Then we could take control of it. However, unfortunately, the death of the driver does not lead to the train stopping, which is quite strange given the detailed study of the entire surrounding world in this project. In general, many attempts were made to hijack the train, but they all ended in complete failure. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to hijack a train in GTA 5, you can safely answer in the negative: you only have this opportunity in a thematic mission.


Naturally, gamers do not give up hope that one fine day they will be told where to hijack a train in GTA 5 and what needs to be done for this. It doesn’t matter to them whether these will be actions on the part of the developers, who will finalize an annoying misunderstanding, which in fact is more like a bug, and not a planned refusal to control trains, or on the part of modders, who will be able to change the game code so much that trains will become available. In the meantime, all that remains is to enjoy those precious moments when Trevor finds himself in the driver's cabin and controls the train before it collides with another train. Of course, no one is happy with this state of affairs, but at the moment this is the case. Therefore, for now you should try both ground and air and even sea-based ones available to you. And wait for the day when trains will turn from ordinary objects isolated from the player into full-fledged interactive modes of transport that you can take possession of, and then go down to travel around railways islands.

In the fifth part of the most popular Grand series Theft Auto, developed by the studio Rockstar Games, a mind-boggling amount of available technology is presented. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, special equipment, boats, boats, helicopters, yachts and much more, but for some unknown reason the developers did not provide the opportunity to ride late in GTA 5.

Train hijacking in GTA: SA

But earlier, in the days of San Andreas, trains and trains were quite playable transport. Unless you can put it in the garage on Grove Street, but it’s a very good option for traveling around the big game world.

To do this, it was enough to simply find a stopped train or stop it yourself in any available way (for example, by blocking its movement with a tank). After that, all that was left was to climb into the cabin and ride wherever you wanted.

How to steal a train in GTA 5 on console

It is not surprising that now people who spend a large amount of their free time in GTA 5 and GTA Online are wondering how to hijack a train?

If you play on a console, then we have to disappoint you, because at the moment there is no way in the game to feel like a machinist. Of course, maybe it will be added in updates, or maybe it’s already in the game, but very well hidden (like a jetpack, for example), but this is an open question.

How to steal a train in GTA 5 on PC

If you play on your personal computer, you can use a custom modification " Driver mode", which adds the ability to steal a train to the game.

Mod for a train driver in GTA 5

By installing this mod, you can finally start traveling on the rails of Los Santos. By the way, it is not at all necessary to follow the rail route, since the mod allows you to travel by train on regular roads and even off-road. This is a simple modification, but quite useful for some.

Video: how to become a driver in GTA 5

Freight train in GTA 5 is one of the most talked about features of the game among fans. Many YouTubers tried to stop him, but they failed. There are a lot of videos where almost every object in the game was tied to a train. The question remains: why can't anyone stop this? Luckily, the game developers explain why.

Freight train programmed as a stationary object

There are two types of objects in GTA 5, dynamic and static. Dynamic objects react to external events, that is, they can influence action. Examples are cars and characters. Cars can be controlled and crash when colliding with another object, be it dynamic or static. The NPC may die. The character can be blocked by other objects and can also be killed.

The opposite is true for static objects. Examples are buildings, trees and a train. They simply cannot be moved by external force. Even if the train is moving, nothing can stop it or perhaps make it move unless it is its code. In short, static objects are programmed this way. Consequently, every obstacle placed by the player will be pushed to the side.

How to visually stop a train

Only by delving into the code of GTA 5 will players be able to stop it. Changing the XYZ coordinates will not make the train move from its spawn location, if anyone can do it at all.

Another way is to kill the driver, who would stop him until the NPC disappears and reappears. Rockstar also programmed the train to take explosive damage. So blowing up the engine should stop the movement. However, there is no way to stop the train by placing an object in front of it.

After one of the updates, placing a tree in front of a train will also not work, because now static objects do not collide at all. The train will pass through a tree trunk.

IN GTA world There is still a lot of interesting things and we will try to tell you about everything. Follow the news and stay updated on new events. Also visit our GTA 5 fashion section. We closely monitor this section, so all the best will certainly be there. You will always find something for yourself. Of course, along with detailed description how to download and install.