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Need hell in minecraft. How to make portals in Minecraft: to the city, space, heaven, hell and others

Hell in Minecraft is special, which is strikingly different from both the usual and other worlds of the game. Hell is full of lava, unusual blocks and materials, and there are also items there that are impossible to get in other worlds. There are in-game achievements associated with Hell that cannot be done in the normal world.

The world is inhabited by unusual monsters that cannot be found in other worlds, many structures, like Hellish fortresses, that are also not found anywhere except Hell. You can view . The main block that creates the world is Hellstone and Hellbrick (stone creates the world, and brick creates buildings, Hellfortresses). There are also blocks such as soul sand and glowing stone - they are not the main building materials in the dimension, but are also part of the landscapes. Using infernal bricks in the crafting process, blocks such as Infernal Slab, Infernal Steps, Infernal Fence are created. The only blocks in the normal world are gravel, bedrock, and lava, the only items are mushrooms, and the only monsters are a skeleton archer. But skeletons will not help you play forex the way Teletrade would, so if you play Forex, first read reviews about Teletrade, which will help you explain what it is and what to do next.

A landscape consisting of hellstone, gravel and lots of lava. Also visible glowing stones, attached to the top layer of hellstone

Hell is full of monsters, some similar to the monsters of the ordinary world: a zombie pigman is similar to an ordinary one, but still differs in behavior - it does not attack first; skeleton archers are familiar from the ordinary world, but wither skeletons spawn only in Hell. You can also meet Ghast, Ifrit, and Lava Cube here.

The player doesn't like the zombie pigman

Ghast floating in the air

In addition to landscapes, Hell contains naturally generated Infernal Fortresses - buildings made from infernal bricks and its crafting products.

The fortress is even greater from the inside

Fire takes huge place in this world - it can be present both in the form of fire itself (blocks of hellish stone set on fire with the help of flint burn forever), and in the form of lava, which, when flocking, forms entire lava lakes. The fire in Hell cannot be extinguished with water - it simply isn’t here, besides, if you carry water from the ordinary world in a bucket, when poured out it will evaporate, which makes it impossible to use it. Just like water, maps, compasses, clocks and beds do not work here. An important fact: if you put a bed in Hell and lie down on it, it will explode.

The computer game Minecraft may seem primitive or childish to some. But in fact, developers from every new version They try in every possible way to diversify it. In front of the player open world and complete freedom of action. The materials allow you to create even modern high-tech buildings and objects. And today you can find out how you can make a portal in the game Minecraft, namely Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest and much more.

What is a portal in Minecraft and why is it needed?

A portal in Minecraft works the same way as portals in other games. That is - this a magical gate that instantly transports you to a specific area. Usually the last point of movement is very far away. Or this area cannot be found at all by moving around in the usual way. game map. When the portal is ready, you can easily move to the specified areas. Your character will be able to see what hell and heaven are in the game. They will also useful for saving time.

For example, you need resources that can be easily obtained from the forest. And all you have to do is enter the forest portal. And you're right there be where you need to be. According to the principle of the game, the most valuable resources are located in hell and heaven. In other places they are very difficult or even impossible to find. So that you can create such portals, read about them all below.

Instructions for creating a portal to hell

In order to make a hellish portal in Minecraft, we will need an unusual material - obsidian. Let's find out briefly about him. This is the most durable but destructible block in our game. It is mined in two modes: adventure and survival. Obtained by merging the source lava and water. There is only one way to destroy it - wither skull explosion. Try to use latest versions Minecraft games, since this material may have different properties in outdated versions.

Obsidian in Minecraft

To mine obsidian you need a diamond pickaxe.

Diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

After this you need to find lava. You need to look in caves or underground. In total, you need to get 14 blocks for the portal.

When you have them, do the following:

To move to hell you need jump into this gate and stand for a while. After which the portal will begin to act and take you to the right place. This rule applies to all portals in the game.

How to make a passage to heaven in Minecraft

Now let's look at how we can reach heaven in Minecraft game. When you manage to do this, you will receive unusual items. But more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's start the story about how to create a portal to heaven in Minecraft, since we have already made one to hell. Next, you will also learn about how to make a portal to Ender, the city, the forest and another world.


There are other portals to heaven. For example, they can be made from gold blocks. But, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to obtain. When you get to heaven you can open a special bonus box. In which are located Valkyrie things.

Valkyrie's paradise items in Minecraft

With their help, you can defend yourself and extract resources much more effectively. There are also options for portals made from plants. And they can also take you to heaven.

Construction of the portal to Ender

All players can create a portal to Ender from version 0.17 of the game. To get into this unusual world for the game, you need 12 End portals and the same number of Ender eyes. Perhaps you don't know what it is.

In this case, some clarification is needed:

Name Peculiarities
Ender's eye (or Eye of the End) This is a special entity for finding the End portal. And also to activate it. If you right-click on it, the eye rises into the air and flies to the place where the End portal is located. May disappear once indicated. Once activated, the eye lowers to the ground and approaches the portal. Even if the frame is destroyed, the eye will fly to this place. And not to new portals.
End Portal These are special blocks with a greenish and blue tint, which are used to build a portal to the Edge or End. The portal itself, after creation, can be destroyed with simple water. Sometimes, instead of the usual Land, you can get through this portal to the underwater Land. It can be found in the fortress, above the lava pool.

Now let's create our End portal. To do this, you must have the above items in the amount of 12 pieces each.

Further procedure in Minecraft:

  1. First you need to dig a hole 1 cube deep and 3x3 cubes in size;

    Ditch for the portal to Ender

  2. After this, place 3 End portals on each side of the pit;

    Place End Portals along the edges of the pit

  3. Place the Eye of the End on every portal except one;

    Eye of the End on the portal

  4. Now stand in the middle of the pit and place the last eye on the End portal;

    The last portal without the eye of the End

  5. The game will start loading immediately new location;

    Loading Edge

  6. And in a few seconds you will find yourself in the right place. You have to fight the dragon to get useful resources and items.

    Edge or Ender

How to get to the Twilight Forest without mods in Minecraft

In order to get into dusk wood, the same items are needed as for Ender - the End Portal and the Eye of the End.


  1. We again make a hole in the ground 1 cube deep, 5x5 wide;

    Portals in earthen pits

  2. Now in each side we place 3 End portals in the middle;

    Place 3 End Portals on each side

  3. Next, place the Eye of the Edge on each of them;

    Place the Eye of the End on every portal

  4. Remove all the portals and eyes and fill the holes with earth to create one dark mirror in the ground;

    Portal without End portals

  5. Then plant flowers in a circle: poppies and dandelions every other.

    Plant poppies and dandelions along the edge of the portal

The portal is ready. You can try it out by jumping inside.

How to build a portal to a city in Minecraft

For the city portal, we will again need obsidian, which we used to build the portal to hell. You already know what it is and where to get it.

So let's start creating:

Many such portals can be built. And every time we return from hell or enter a new portal, we will be transferred to another city. It's very convenient and cool. This way we can move between cities and go to hell if necessary.

Way to go to the diamond world in Minecraft

For the diamond portal you need a mod for Minecraft, which can be downloaded here: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/64063-lockyz-extra-dimensions.html. Probably about diamond blocks You've already heard it more than once if you're not playing Minecraft for the first time. They can be mined like other ores - in the ground.


Here you will also encounter a boss that you need to destroy to get to the bonus chest. It will contain unusual things that will lift your spirits. So you have found out how you can make a portal in the Minecraft game to go to heaven, hell, Ender, city, forest and other worlds.

Hello young players. Today you will learn how to make a portal to Hell in Minecraft! It is built from obsidian, mined exclusively with a diamond pickaxe. Obsidian deposits are found in gorges with lava and water. There is a way to create obsidian: pour water on a lava lake.

Construction of the portal

The creation process is simple. You can build a portal to hell in the game Minecraft according to the instructions:

To save money, we suggest this method:

Set the portal on fire with flint to activate it.

Inhabitants of Hell

Zombie Pig- the mob does not burn in lava and is friendly. By attacking a zombie pig, the player will sign his own death warrant - they will attack ALL zombie pigs in hell. Exercise extreme caution!

Ghasts- easy to detect by screams and moans in hell minecraft. This mob is unfriendly and shoots fireballs. Hitting the fireball with your sword will cause it to bounce back. There is a legend that ghasts are the souls of dead creepers!

Lava cube- the closest relatives of this mob are slugs. It is unfriendly, does not sink, and attacks exclusively in close combat.

Skeleton- ordinary skeletons. They can spawn in the fortress of hell.

Wither Skeleton- looks like a skeleton in shape, taller than the player, black, with a sword, and slower than a zombie. In Hell in Minecraft, the wither skeleton is found in fortresses.

Ifrit- a stronger opponent. Found on the roof of the fortress, shoots fireballs, completely hostile. They say that these are the souls of dead zombies.

Fossils in Hell in Minecraft

Quartz Ore- Quartz (Decorative block)

Sand of souls(Block for planting hell warts, slows down walking)

Hell stone(Forever burning)

Glowstone(Decorative block with strong luminosity)


The Hell Fortress has corridors under the roof, a roof, rooms with infernal warts, chests with dungeons, spawners of Ifrits and Wither Skeletons. Finding a fortress is not always easy and depends on the generator of the Minecraft world and hell in particular. The fortress is generated on normal and high difficulty.

How to get to hell?

You can get to hell by making a portal. To create a portal you will need: obsidian, flint. Build obsidian in sizes 4 by 5 or larger.

What to do in Minecraft hell?

After building a portal to hell in Minecraft, you need to find a hellish fortress and Iphoites in it. They need to knock out the jade rods. In hell you can find many hostile and neutral mobs. They drop resources for making various potions.

Return from Hell

After returning from Mycraft hell, you need to knock out several ender ok from endermans and prepare them on the workbench. After this, you can safely fight the dragon; you need to find it using the processed edges. To fight the main boss you need best equipment and most importantly - onions. When the eye of the edge is thrown, it leads to a portal to the ender world.

To destroy the dragon you need to get into the ender world:

  • Destroy the crystals standing on the obsidian towers using arrows.
  • Kill the dragon itself.

After killing him, a portal to the ordinary world and about a hundred experience levels will appear. From now on, you can survive for your own pleasure, find different caves and new adventures.

The world of Minecraft is vast. And, for sure, many have thought about how to move around it faster. After all, if in creative mode it is possible to fly, then what about in survival mode? And here portals come to the rescue.

Of course, everyone knows that in Minecraft there are only mods without portals to hell and back. But you can use them in different ways. Of course, there is a portal to the End, but it cannot be built in survival mode, nor can it be used for fast travel.

Portal to Hell without mods

This is the only portal that can be built no cheats or mods. In an economical version, it requires a minimum 10 obsidian blocks, but if you have enough, then take 14 pieces. And lighter. It is needed in order to activate the portal. To build a portal you need to lay out an obsidian frame measuring 5 blocks high and 4 blocks long with an empty center.

Now it’s enough just to set fire to the bottom block and you’re done, the portal works. The same method works in creative mode, but on Minecraft PE the portal will look different. There, the portal is replaced with a lower world reactor, which works differently.

So, first we extract obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe. It is important that the pickaxe is a diamond one. And we prepare a lighter. Now we lay out a frame from obsidian, without corners. And we set it on fire. That's it, the portal is ready to transport you to hell.

In hell you will leave the same portal, to return back to the ordinary world just go into it.

In Minecraft PE versions 0.12 and older, the portal to hell is replaced with a nether world generator. And it is built from cobblestones, gold and this very reactor.

First you need to build a cross of five cobblestones, then place blocks of gold in the corners so that you get a square. Then we place a generator on the central block and a cobblestone on each gold block. Well, on top we make exactly the same cobblestone cross as on the bottom, only without gold.

To activate such a portal you need to touch the generator with your sword.

By the way, in addition to portals, you can quickly move at a distance using teleportation using coordinates. But for this you need to use cheats.

How to use the portal to hell

A portal to Hell can easily become your portal home, for example, from a mine. But in order to do this you will need calculation.

One block traveled in Hell is equivalent to one block in the overworld, so you can use this like teleporting home or to cover larger distances in less time, just calculate roughly how many blocks you need to walk, divide that number by 8 , build a portal to Hell, go through the counted number of blocks and build another portal. Done, now you have the opportunity to quickly move without cheats. And if you also lay it through portals railway, then you won’t have to think about anything at all.