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Initial tips for beginners. Beginners in Minecraft: everything a new player needs to know What you need to know to play minecraft

Guide for a beginner

This guide dedicated to those who have never played minecraft, but I've heard about it and would like to try it. In the majority computer games When we start, we immediately understand what is required of us and where we need to go. In minecraft, everything is different, namely, we are not given any hints and are left to our own devices.

How to start playing minecraft? Everything is very simple: first we must decide whether we want to play alone or with friends (for more details, see how to create your own server). This guide will cover game alone.
By selecting “ Single player“We are asked to create a world in which we will play. There are also three game modes: survival, hardcore and creative.

Survival- a mode in which you need to monitor your health, hunger, look for ore and build houses.
Hardcore- also survival, only if we die, we will no longer be able to be reborn - the world will have to be deleted.
Creative- a regime in which we do not need to worry about hunger and health - we simply do not have them. We also have access to flight (double-press spacebar) and an unlimited number of resources.

First day

So, you've created a world in survival mode - what should you do? The first piece of advice is – don’t run far from the place where you appeared – this is spawning. Better yet, mark it with, say, a column. If you die, you will be reborn in the same place. In the future, you can create a bed that will transfer the location of your respawn. It doesn’t matter what area you appear in - be it mountains, swamps, deserts or forests. The first step is to build a temporary shelter, like the one in the picture. For this we need various blocks and tools.

We must act quickly, since we only have 10 minutes while the day passes, then night comes and the monsters come out. Let's collect some wood - to do this, we'll go to the nearest one and hit (by pointing the sight at it and holding down the left mouse button) at the desired block, cracks will appear and eventually it will fall out in the form small cube. The block can be collected while being at a fairly close distance from it - it goes into the inventory (you can open it with the E button).

In the same inventory on top there are 4 slots for crafting. You need to craft a desktop in them. And on the desktop (3x3 cells) we steal an axe, a shovel and a pickaxe. They are needed to quickly collect wood, earth, stone and other blocks.

example of crafting a pickaxe

Let's assume we managed to build a more or less usable box before sunset. Now we need to illuminate it with torches. Torches are made from coal and sticks. You already know how to make sticks, now about coal. The first way is to go to a cave. On the surface we may encounter caves leading down, in which we can find coal, iron and other ores. Remember: to mine coal and iron we need a stone pickaxe, it is made like a wooden one, but we replace the boards with stone. The second way is to fry the tree. To do this we need to assemble the oven. Having placed kindling material in the lower cell and wood in the upper cell, we wait until coal is formed. Now you can start creating torches. To do this, place the ember over the stick and get 4 torches. They, like other blocks, need to be placed with the right mouse button.

By this time, most likely, night has already fallen and it is best to wait it out in our temporary shelter. What should you be afraid of at night? Monsters! As darkness falls, spiders, skeletons, zombies and creepers begin to spawn around.
The night also lasts 10 minutes, but shouldn’t we sit at home and be bored?! Let's get to the mine! Here our task is simply to dig down (it’s better to use a ladder or, if there is enough wood, you can make a ladder yourself and dig down). Don’t dig deep, otherwise you might accidentally fall into the lava and burn. It is best to dig down to the cave or just start digging through the earth and stone in search of ore. But be careful, there are monsters in the caves! So, the first day of our game in Minecraft is over.

Day two

In addition to lives (10 hearts on the left above the quick access panel), there are 10 “chicken legs” - this is hunger. Over time, our character loses these “legs”; they need to be restored by eating something, for example, beef or pork, preferably fried. How to get food?
Surely on the way to your house you met pigs, cows and chickens - if you kill them, raw food may fall out of them. Dishes are fried in the oven. In addition to meat, there is other food in the game, but you can read more about farming later.
You will also meet sheep with the help of scissors, you can cut the wool from them (2-4 blocks of wool in the color of the sheep) or you can kill the sheep, but in this case you can’t expect more than 1 block of wool. Wool serves as a material for decoration, and you can also make a bed from it to change the location of our spawn. But you can sleep on it only at night, and the night passes and dawn comes.

On the second day special tasks There is not. If you continue play minecraft, then it’s best to prepare for the next night or look for material to expand and decorate your home.

Oh yes! I almost forgot about the chest - a place where you can store things. If there are ores, or just blocks, you can drag them into the chest, where they will remain safe, because if you die, all your things will fall out of you.

Happy endeavors!

Well, as promised in the title of the article - video about starting a game of Mancraft!

In Survival Mode, at first glance, everything is the same. Actually, no: you find yourself in the middle of a hostile world, in which at night terrible monsters crawl out of all the cracks at you, and you can only build them with the blocks that you picked up or made yourself during the game. The emphasis is shifting radically: in Survival you build not because you want to, but because without creating shelters and various items you cannot survive. Although you will also sculpt for pleasure - but only after you have secured the rear, got comfortable and settled in game world more comfortable.

Secondly, you don't need them. Whatever poultice you use is a game made for your imagination. No beautiful effects can replace the hard work of your brain. was originally created in such a way that you can disassemble into small pieces and reassemble its endless worlds - that is why the game engine and construction mechanics are built around cubes; the concept and geometry of the cubes is clear even to a child (remember? - this is LEGO), and the logic of exploration and construction of the world, thanks to these same cubes, is completely transparent. Having realized this and accepted this forced assumption, you will immediately begin to see forests, mountains, rivers and ominous caves beyond the set of strange stairs - and as soon as this happens, a brave new world will open up to you.

5. Once you start the game, don’t get lost

Each game starts in a randomly generated world. This means that no one in the world, not even Markus Persson himself - even though he is in second place on Time's list - has any idea where your journey starts. Meanwhile, the tactics and your first actions in the game greatly depend on what biome you find yourself in.

You may be lucky and find yourself in a sunny clearing next to a forest and mountains. The forest is a source of wood, from which you can build houses, interior items and even weapons. In the mountains there are often caves that hide vital coal and rare minerals (and monsters, of course); In addition, the mountains themselves contain a lot of stone, which is indispensable in any construction.

Or you may be unlucky, and you start the game in the middle of a hot desert, in which there will be no wood, no stone, no coal - nothing at all, except useless cacti and endless sand. Or you start on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, from which you can only get to the mainland by swimming - and you still don’t know which way to row.

All of this can be discouraging. However, wherever you start the game, don't get lost or panic. Remember that you can die in this game mainly for two reasons: meeting a monster or not eating on time.

Monsters live and breed in the dark: so don’t try to venture into caves and dark forests without being armed to the teeth. Remember: it will begin to get dark pretty soon, night will fall - and at night it is completely destructive to be outside the walls of your home. Therefore, when you start the game, immediately think about where you will spend the night. If there is a forest nearby, collect several blocks of wood with your bare hands, then make an axe, chop more wood and build a hut, albeit a very small one, where you can sit out the first night (instead of a door, you can close the passage into it with mud or sand - the main thing is just not to leave exit to the street). If there is no forest and it’s already getting dark, don’t panic - dig a hole right in the ground, hide there and wall yourself up for the night. Or climb a tall tree (a piece of stone, an earthen hill) and wait for the morning at the top. At worst, hide in some dead end - there is always a chance to survive the night (especially the first one).

6. Forage for food ahead of time.

The problem of hunger for a novice player is probably more serious than finding a place to sleep. Over time and with every action you take in the game, you will want to eat more and more - and if you delay your meal, you will begin to lose health. As luck would have it, cows, the killing of which is necessary to obtain meat (just kill the animals not with your bare hands, but with a sword!), are rare and not in all biomes. Once you find meat, try not to eat it raw, unless you are on the verge of death - cooked over a fire, it satisfies hunger much more effectively; In addition, the risk of food poisoning is reduced.

Try to make a fishing rod as soon as possible: you can catch fish in almost every puddle, and this is a great way to periodically refresh yourself without wasting time on hunting. Well, study on the Internet the rules for organizing vegetable gardens and watering systems: it’s always a good idea to have home-grown bread in your backyard.

7. Learn to build

Your reference book when playing should be an iPad with an open encyclopedia of “recipes” for creating certain items. Study carefully the properties of things and create everything you need. At first, you won't be able to live without a workbench and a furnace, but don't stop at them. It would be a good idea to cover the entrance to your new home with a door. Be sure to build a bed in your house: thanks to it, you will be able to sleep at night, reducing the time you wait for dawn, and in case of death, you will be reborn next to it, and out of nowhere.

Never forget about torches. Monsters are known to be born in the dark; Therefore, if you fence yourself off from the outside world with high walls, but forget to carefully illuminate all the corners of your home, sooner or later, at the moment of your relaxation, some kind of nasty thing will attack you - hopefully, without a heart attack. Very soon you will become bored and cramped in your hut, and you will decide to expand it, adding new rooms and corridors, or even deepen it, starting to dig down. Hang torches on the walls at short intervals and collect all the coal found in the mountains at the first opportunity: without it you will not be able to make fire.

A game about construction; you can construct certain objects, sculpt the most grandiose buildings in it ad infinitum. Just remember to replenish your supplies and ensure your own safety.

8. Explore!

The worlds generated are almost endless (at least in the PC version): you will have to spend more than one year of real time to reach one of the ends of the local universe. Such a long journey is, of course, overkill, but do not hesitate to expand the area of ​​​​your domain and explore, explore, explore. Finding walled-up underground vaults of crystals, or bizarre lava lakes, or beautiful waterfalls in the forest, or strange abandoned buildings hiding treasures is one of the key delights of the game. The further you move away from your first home, the more time you will have to drag yourself back; build additional houses or transit points instead. You can even pave railway and start riding back and forth in a car!

A key element of world exploration is excavation. Arm yourself with a shovel and a pickaxe and start gnawing the ground or picking at a stone - and sooner or later, going deeper into some mountain or making your way down, you will stumble upon something interesting: a gold mine or a cave with spiders, for example. Don’t be afraid to dig, just always keep in mind the most important rule: you can’t dig directly above or below yourself; always work diagonally or sideways. Otherwise, you risk dropping a ton of sand on your head or falling into a lava lake.

9. Imagine!

As stated at the beginning of this article, this is a sandbox game in which you need to entertain yourself. If you are used to similar games and are ready to spend hours working random missions in GTA, this won't bother you; If you like games to lead you by the hand, you may get bored.

Once you get comfortable in the game world, build a small house, learn how to fight monsters and get food, you will definitely ask yourself: what to do next? The answers can be very different. For example, there is a kind of "end game": you need to get to parallel world and kill the dragon, and also fight the three-headed skeletal monster. It’s clear that in order to achieve this goal, you will have to go through all the circles of hell, learn how to make the most powerful weapon and armor, collect a bunch of rare minerals (including visiting the local hell - the world of Nether, in which it is extremely difficult to survive) and defeat dozens of strong enemies.

However, you can do without this. The best incentive to continue playing and discover new facets is to turn on your imagination. Set an ambitious goal and start working. For example, build the entire building of your office - with all floors, rooms, doors and windows. Or explore every single cave you can find. Or lay several branches of the underground (ground? air?) metro. Or build the underwater city of Rapture or the sky city of Columbia out of glass. Or build huge calculator. Or build death star. Basically, open up YouTube and start getting inspired.

Unless, of course, you have a couple of years of completely free time.

10. Play with people

Sociopathy and endless loneliness are one of the delights of exploring a hostile world, but be sure to try playing with other people. You can find a random server and join a world where people are already building their civilization - just walking around and seeing what other players have been able to achieve is very interesting. Settle right there, build your house next to your neighbors, plant a garden - and soon you will understand that showing off your architectural achievements to other living people is much more interesting than meditating on them in splendid isolation. And then you will gather into a gang and organize a joint raid in Nether in order to gain experience points and pick up rare sand.

And if some bastard comes to your house, ruins it or burns it to the ground, you can do the same. Go and blow up your neighbor's castle with dynamite. Fill his cellar with lava. Destroy his garden. Destroy his Rapture or devastate his Columbia. - a game about construction, but you can also destroy in it; there is no limit to human abomination, except for server settings.


A game you can spend years playing. This is optional; A few days are enough. But you have to try the classics, and no excuse will work. If, of course, you like video games at least a little and appreciate the emotions and impressions that they can give. Just start - then everything will work out on its own.

This collection of tips (instructions for the game) begins from the moment you enter the game. If you don’t yet know how to install the game, we recommend reading our instructions: .

Introduction: About World Generation

When creating a new world, it is generated completely randomly, and your position in it is also random. If you don’t like the generated world (for example, I don’t like deserts and winter, and once the starting point was in the water) - just create a new game.

We are starting to explore a new world

A player appears in the world with absolutely nothing, and the first thing to do is tools. But before you run away from the starting point in an unknown direction, advice number 1:

1) Do not run far from the starting point - the same point will be the place of appearance after death. Remember this place.

The very first tools that can be made are wooden. We run to the nearest tree and “chop” it with our hands.

2) In order to destroy blocks you need to hold down the left mouse button

For starters, 4-5 blocks of wood will be enough. Afterwards, open the inventory (key E) and make boards from wood:

We make sticks from the boards (you won’t need more than 8 for now):

And we make a workbench from the boards:

Now we need to use the workbench to gain access to the 3x3 crafting grid. To do this, open the inventory, move the workbench to the quick launch panel, and place it on the ground with the right mouse button (RMB). And RMB open it.

3) To place or use an item, you need to right-click on it.

Open the workbench and make an axe, shovel and pickaxe:

4) Each tool is effective for its blocks. Ax - for wood, Shovel - for earth/sand/crushed stone, Pickaxe - for stone, sandstone, cobblestones.

Now, you need to mark the starting point (forgot where it was?), to do this, we dig the earth/sand with a shovel. Having collected 50-60 blocks, we make a vertical pillar up to the clouds - we jump, and at the moment of the jump we place a block under ourselves. It should look something like this:

After which we jump off, die (naturally), but immediately “respawn” nearby and pick up all our things.

5) When you die in Minecraft, you lose all your items. And if you die near the starting point, then, in fact, you don’t lose anything, because... you can collect everything at once.

And here’s how our “lighthouse” is visible from the outside - it’s always easy to find the way home if you build a house near the starting point:

6) Build your first house near the starting point - it’s convenient and practical.

But, before you start building a house, you need to do some more things: - find a cave and get cobblestones - because... wooden instruments are very “weak” and break quickly.

If there is no cave anywhere, you can dig a hole in the ground and get to the stones.

After you have acquired stone tools, it's time to make a furnace and a chest:

The chest is great for storing spare tools and extra junk, and the furnace is an essential tool in Minecraft.

Now it's time to make torches.

7) Torches illuminate a small area around them. Torches burn indefinitely. The torch can be installed on any plane except the “ceiling”. And, most importantly, monsters do not appear in the illuminated area.

For torches you need sticks and coal:

Coal can be found in caves, but it’s easier to make it yourself - using a stove:

8) Loading into the oven necessary materials, you can close the oven window and go about your business - the process goes on without the participation of the player.

If you are not in a hurry to build a house, you can also melt sand in a stove to get glass. My favorite house is made of glass:

Having built a house, surround it with torches, install them inside - so that there is light everywhere. Also, move the workbench, stove and chest into the house (for this you need to break them and pick them up).

So that you can enter/exit the house, but the monsters cannot, you need to make a door:

The door takes up 1 block in width and 2 in height.

There should be no “holes” in the house because spiders can climb walls and your house can become your trap.

9) When a house is built where you can wait out the night, you need to think about food. How to get food for yourself is written in.

How to survive the first nights

It’s easy to survive, but spending the first nights interestingly and usefully (I mean construction and crafting) is almost impossible for a beginner. Therefore, contrary to many advices, I recommend not to take a steam bath during the first nights, and not to wall yourself up in some cave, without tools and with one torch.

And during the night you can:

  • prepare a site for building a house (including with the help of creepers);
  • meet the local nocturnal inhabitants;
  • get the basics of combat.

If you did everything as I wrote above - you started to settle down right next to the starting point - then when you die, you immediately come back and pick up things / kill enemies. I happened to fight three skeletons at the same time with my bare hands and killed them.

After the house is built, there are two options for spending the nights: 1) “scrolling” the night using the bed:

To create which you need boards and wool. Wool can be obtained by killing sheep (or shearing them with scissors).

Or, what’s more interesting (an option for real miners) is to dig underground and explore natural caves. And I recommend starting to dig your first cave right away in the house:

And it turns out: during the day, we explore the surrounding area, extract “ground” resources, at night we go into the house and go down into the dungeons.

As you dig your dungeon, sooner or later you will stumble upon the “natural,” and they can be very, very large and deep. And most importantly, with valuable resources - diamonds, redstones, etc.

Rare resources

In order to create something serious, you need rare resources - redstones, gold, diamonds. But where can I get them? There is a universal rule - the deeper you go, the greater the chances of finding a rare resource.

The best option would be this - dig a hole to the very “bottom” (to the “bedrock” blocks that cannot be broken), after which you climb 5-7 blocks up and dig out a cave wide.

The bedrock blocks have begun, there is no need to dig deeper:

I started digging immediately in width, but it’s clear that the resources go a little higher:


Bookmark and explore.

You can share your tips in the comments.

Welcome Minecraft recruits. You've decided to join the large army of your favorite indie game, and that's great. Like any neophytes, you have a lot of questions. Let's try to answer the most basic questions.

Goals of the game

The difference between Minecraft and a lot of other games is that here you don’t have to pursue other people’s goals, with the exception of one. The goal prescribed “from above” is to explore the vast cubic world. Otherwise, you are your own writers and directors.

Minecraft “allows” you to play both alone and - on one of a bunch of servers - collectively. Let's assume you already know this and have even started playing. From now on your name is Steve. This name and image will be yours until you change the skin, that is, the “skin” of your character (you will find a huge number of skins in our section skins for minecraft, instructions for changing the skin - how to install a skin in Minecraft). At the beginning of your gaming journey, you find yourself in a random location in the cube world. The first thing you need to take care of is your survival, you need to survive your wedding night.

Steering by Steve

Survival will be completely impossible if you do not know how to steer your character. Here are the main keys:

  • W- let's go forward
  • A- turn left
  • S- stomp back
  • D- for sure!
  • Space- jump and swim
  • Shift(in hold mode) - bend down to the ground
  • Ctrl(left) - run
  • E- inventory
  • 1-9 - choose things from your stock

By the way, to play, you need to reconfigure your biorhythms. In Minecraft, a day is not 24 hours, but 20 minutes. Of these, exactly half of the time lasts for the day, 7 minutes for the night. The rest of the time is divided equally between twilight - evening and morning.

Basics of crafting

So, about the first night. This dark time is characterized by the appearance of various monsters in the game. Before dark, you need to have time to build a home in which you can fight off the aggressors. To build your first house, you need tools. You already have one. These are your hands. Now you need to find a tree. It is a source of wood, which is necessary for crafting other tools and tools.

Go to the nearest tree and, holding the left button, hit it with your hands. An ax would be faster, but you don't have one yet. You need five blocks of wood. Now go (remember, E key?) to crafting mode.

Use your mouse to place the wood blocks in the cells and craft four boards. You will need them to craft a workbench, which we described in detail in the article on how to make a workbench in Minecraft. Follow the links to read the details.

It's cooler to play with a workbench, because then you have 9 cells for crafting. You have to place it on the ground using the left and right mouse buttons.

Return to our instructions on how to make a pickaxe and how to make an ax in Minecraft. Now you can craft them, like a house, from stone. But a weapon wouldn’t hurt you at all, so check out the instructions

Most likely, you will have many questions. This beginner's help (guide) will help you understand all the intricacies of the game. In the Minecraft game you need to complete various tasks that appear as the game progresses. In the world of Minecraft, you can build or transform anything in accordance with your imagination.

Features of playing time in the game Minecraft.
A day in the game passes in 20 minutes, a day lasts 10 minutes, and a night passes in 7 minutes. 1.5 hours are given in the morning and the same in the evening. At night you can hardly see anything and monsters appear.

Game character control.
Movement is carried out using the keys w, a, s, d. The jump is performed by pressing the Space key. To bend down you need to press Shift. The inventory is accessed by pressing the E key. You can use the items on the belt by pressing keys 1-9.

First steps in the game.
After starting the game, the very first thing you need to do is make tools and create a shelter from monsters. All this must be done before night falls in the game.
Tools are made from wood, which can be obtained from trees. To get wood, you just need to press the left mouse button and hit the wood with your fists until a piece falls off. For the first time, 10 blocks of wood will be enough.
Now you need to find a place to shelter for the first night. The top of a hill or a small mountain is perfect for these purposes. To build a shelter you need to process wood into planks. By pressing the E button, we open the inventory and using the character slots we get 24 boards, while spending 6 blocks of wood.
You need to make a workbench from the boards, which will be useful to you in the future for making tools. You will also need sticks, which can be made from boards. For the first time, 12 sticks will be enough.
The first shelter can be built from earth, but if there is a stone nearby, it is better to use it. You also need to build a furnace in the shelter; for this you need to find rock and get 20 stones.

Using tools.
Using boards and sticks on a workbench, you need to make the first tools - a pickaxe, an axe, a shovel and a sword.
With a pickaxe you can quickly chop stone, with a shovel you can dig the ground, an ax is used to cut down trees, and with a sword you can defend yourself from attacking monsters.

Home improvement.
To protect yourself from monsters, wall up the entrance to your home. When you have mined stones and built a furnace, you can start making torches. To do this, you need to open the oven and put a board in it - at the exit you will receive charcoal. Make at least 5 pieces of coal. Open your inventory and use a stick and coal to make the first torches.

After following this short instruction, you will have in your arsenal a dwelling, a workbench, a stove, a pickaxe, a shovel, an axe, a sword and torches. This is exactly the minimum that will allow you to successfully complete the Minecraft game in the future.