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Mt 25 equipment. Vulnerabilities of the machine

Hello, dear tankers. Today we will talk about the tank that came to us with patch 0.8.7 (so far only in test form). Many are unhappy with this “bug”, but as always, there is no trust in everything new and alien. Let's hope that this car will find its fans, and perhaps even adequately replace its predecessor. Meet MT-25!

To get the MT-25 you need to earn 24,400 experience on the KV-1S tank, which is a little strange. If you had one before the patch, then the MT-25 will be issued in return, with full compensation for the crew, modules and other small items. The cost of MT-25 will be approximately 725,000 silver. As for the crew, there are three options for training and boarding the tank:

  • Free option. If before patch 0.8.7 you had a T-50-2 with a well-trained crew, then the entire crew for the MT-25 (along with the tank itself) will already be retrained in 0.8.7 and, most importantly, you will get it all completely free of charge as compensation. You will also receive a 100% radio operator for the MT-25 for free, due to a change in the crew (also free).
  • Training for gold. If you decide to upgrade the MT-25 after it appears in the new patch, then I strongly advise you to train a crew for gold for this tank. As we know, the performance characteristics of a tank are revealed in full only with 100% tankers, so you shouldn’t suffer with 50% or 75% “men”. Such training will cost 5 * 200 = 1000 gold.
  • Training for silver. If for some reason you do not have gold, then you can train a crew for the MT-25 for in-game silver. Such training will cost 20,000 * 5 = 100,000 silver.

Since the MT-25 is a light tank, camouflage is a very important improvement for it. We definitely install it and don’t skimp on it. The cost of camouflage for a month will be 3 * 60,000 = 180,00 credits.

Research tree

MT-25 is a tier 6 light tank. Since we have an increased level of battles, we should quickly reach the top configuration (solely due to our primary task - light). But let's take a closer look at the modules available for the MT-25.

Like the T-50-2, we have a very " big choice» guns - as many as 7 pieces. But in fact, such variety exists only in pictures; in reality, we will use only one (and we will not have much choice). The best of them is the 57 mm ZiS-4, which has the best penetration.

We have two towers - stock and top. The top turret will add some armor and +40m to our visibility, and will also make it possible to install a 57 mm ZiS-4 gun.

The engines, both in parameters and in names, are exactly the same as those of the T-50-2. For light tank the number of “horses” is very important, because the lion’s share of the experience we earn comes from exposure, which directly depends on our speed and dynamics. Therefore, a good engine is the key to successful battles for us.

The chassis has been completely changed and now has a higher maximum load (due to the increase in the weight of the tank itself) and gives us the ability to turn on the spot, which was previously inaccessible. Also, wheeled tracks are likely to have a positive effect on our ski jump flights when landing from them.

The radios also remained completely similar. The walkie-talkie is also one of the main attributes of our machine, since a good radius will allow us to successfully transmit data about the enemy to our allies, from which, in fact, we can gain most of the experience.

Leveling up

In general, upgrading the MT-25 to top condition happens quite quickly. This is influenced by the low level of the car and the high levels of experience gained.

We install the modules in this order:

  1. Chassis
  2. Engine
  3. Walkie Talkie
  4. Tower
  5. gun

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration


  • Good dynamics and speed
  • Opportunity to earn huge amounts of experience
  • It’s impossible to go into the red while playing “top” games


  • Not the best best review and radio station on the level
  • Not the best weapons at the level
  • Increased level of battles for level 6, with technical characteristics of level 5.

Balance weight

MT-25 has its own personal balance weight. It falls into games from level 6 to level 11 (inclusive).


Most likely, MT-25 will bring you a stable income even without a premium account. IN good games there will be an opportunity to receive very substantial sums. If you have a PA, then while playing for fun, you will not notice how “extra” millions will accumulate.


We need to start with the fact that for a firefly (with weapons like ours, that is, not the best) there are two types of behavior on the battlefield: active or passive light. These tactics are very different from each other, but both types are quite complex. If you want to SUCCESSFULLY finish battles (even losing ones), then for this you will need to have knowledge about the main tank movements, invisible places for exposure, angles at which you can be shot from behind a hill - that is, little things that come with experience . And of course, you are unlikely to gain any experience if your allies do not deal damage, because it is for their damage due to your exposure that you get your hard-earned money. Also, do not forget that one of your main tasks on the MT-25 is killing enemy artillery. Although in the current realities there is not as much art as before, there is still some, so there will be someone to hunt. In any case, you should look for even the smallest gap in the enemy’s defense, and if such an opportunity arises, you can easily ruin the lives of many tops by going to the rear. Study the cards and play randomly. Good luck!

Optional equipment

MT-25 is a classic firefly. Based on this, you can choose two tactics for playing it - active or passive light (depending on your personal preferences). For active light the best option there will be the use of equipment such as “coated optics”, “improved ventilation” and “springs”. Optics will give us visibility while moving, ventilation will improve all indicators, and springs will protect us from damage to the chassis during dangerous jumps. For passive light, you will need to install a “stereo tube”, “ventilation” and a “camouflage network”. You understand that these two styles are very different, so it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. The cost of each device is indicated below.

  • “Coated optics” - 500,000 silver
  • “Improved ventilation Class 1” - 50,000 silver
  • “Reinforced torsion bars 1 t class” - 20,000 silver
  • “Camouflage net” - 100,000 silver
  • “Stereotube” - 500,000 silver


  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Lend-Lease oil

A repair kit and a first aid kit are a must. Since I believe that strengths need to be improved, and our strength is precisely dynamics, then it would be best to put “oil” in the third slot. But if you're old school, you can use a fire extinguisher.

Crew Perks


  1. Disguise
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. An eagle eye


  1. Disguise
  2. Sniper
  3. Repair

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. Virtuoso
  3. King of off-road

Radio operator

  1. Disguise
  2. Radio interception
  3. With all my might


  1. Disguise
  2. Optional
  3. Optional

The main skill for us, as for a firefly, is camouflage. We download it first. Next, we pump up the sixth sense for the commander, which will notify us of our exposure. Perks for vision, such as eagle eye and radio interception, will also be very useful. As a loader, you can upgrade those skills that you like.

Vulnerabilities of the machine

In those battles in which the MT-25 conducts most time, its level of booking does not allow us to count on anything. Only our good dynamics and speed can save us from being hit. But still, knowing the location of the modules and crew is very important. You can find out about this by looking at the pictures below.

Orange - commander, gunner, loader

Red - engine, tanks, transmission

Green - easily penetrated areas

White - ammunition rack

Blue - driver

Several good video reviews of the MT-25

11-01-2017, 22:35

Hello to all fans of light equipment and welcome to the site! Friends, now we will talk about a very fun, fast and popular device, the Soviet light tank sixth level, in front of you MT-25 guide.

This tank can be considered popular because most players who decide to upgrade light tanks start with this one (the reason for this may be the level, nation, subsequent tanks in this branch, etc.). In addition, at MT-25 characteristics in total they are very good for their class and level, now we will get acquainted with them.


Let's start looking at the tank's parameters with the fact that we have at our disposal a very modest margin of safety, even by the standards of other LT-6s, and even smaller compared to other classes of equipment. In addition, at MT-25 WoT the weakest review parameter among classmates and it will need to be improved in every possible way.

If we consider MT-25 TTX bookings are still very mediocre. We must remember that we have a light tank in our hands, it can penetrate all of them and very easily. But still, this option is not yet the most cardboard one; thanks to the various bevels, ricochets will periodically delight you.

By the way, light tank MT-25 quite tall and pot-bellied, but even so it can be called compact and has a decent camouflage coefficient.

Of course, the strongest point of our firefly is mobility; it is this parameter that you should rely on throughout the battle. MT-25 tank World of Tanks is the absolute leader among its classmates, because we have the best maximum speed, better dynamics and simply good maneuverability.


We all understand perfectly well that the weapons of most fireflies in World of Tanks leave much to be desired, and this case will not be an exception, although our gun is not that bad.

Let's start with the fact that MT-25 gun installed with a caliber of 57 millimeters. It has low one-time damage, but has a high rate of fire, thanks to which our DPM is approximately 2150 units of damage, in theory.

The penetration parameters of this barrel are weak; it will rarely cause damage to the forehead, and then only to cardboard targets. But there is a strong need to buy at tank MT-25 WoT There are no gold sub-calibers, thanks to our mobility we can easily enter the enemy’s stern and here penetration will be enough in 98% of cases.

In terms of accuracy, our gun is somewhat average when compared with its classmates. Soviet light tank MT-25 World of Tanks capable of boasting good dispersion, acceptable convergence and weak stabilization. But the most noticeable deficiency is in the corners. vertical aiming, our gun bends down only 5 degrees and this is bad.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to have a clear idea of ​​how to play a tank, what it is capable of, and which aspects of it you can rely on, you should sum up some results. So now let's highlight the main advantages and disadvantages MT-25 WoT.
Excellent driving characteristics;
Not bad damage per minute;
Good accuracy.
Bad review and safety margin;
Frequent criticality of modules and crew members;
Little Alphastrike;
Mediocre penetration;
Uncomfortable vertical aiming angles.

Equipment for MT-25

As can be seen from the above, this machine has a lot of shortcomings, and we must compensate for the main ones. However, we should not forget that it is important to take care of improving existing strengths. In addition, we do not have the ability to install , so for MT-25 equipment It's better to choose the following:
1. is perhaps the most important module for our tank, because what kind of firefly is it that has such poor visibility.
2. – will perfectly complement the kit, because we will get a little more overview, and also test the accuracy and DPM.
3. – this baby’s accuracy is fine, but it wouldn’t hurt to slightly speed up the aiming speed.

However, the third point is worth thinking about, because there is a very worthy alternative to it -. As mentioned earlier, our machine is pot-bellied and has a tall silhouette, so if you want to work with passive light, increasing the quality of camouflage will be very useful.

Crew training

An even more important and responsible nuance of playing on any tank, and even more so on a light one, will be the choice of skills and leveling up of the crew. We have as many as 5 tankers at our disposal, this is undoubtedly good, but here it is important to avoid mistakes and tank MT-25 perks It is better to teach in this sequence:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for MT-25

You also can’t go into battle without consumables, especially on a firefly, where a downed harp can cause you to be instantly sent to the hangar. Of course, if you don’t have a lot of silver, it’s better to go with a set of, , . However, remembering the frequent crits of crew members and modules (in particular, the engine and tanks), it is better to carry MT-25 equipment as , , . By the way, it is extremely undesirable to change the latter to, but decide for yourself.

Tactics for playing the MT-25

Playing on a light tank is always a lot of drive, speed, the desire to kill several artillery pieces, carousel a couple of tank destroyers and so on, however, everything is not so simple here, because our weapons are weak, there is no armor, and the safety margin is also scanty.

For these reasons, MT-25 tactics behavior in battle may initially consist of several points:
1. We go to the treasured bush, stand in it, activate the camouflage network, try not to breathe and passively obtain the explored ones for the team. The main thing here is to leave your home in time so that you are not killed there.
2. Initially, or after completing the mission described in the first paragraph, we begin to surf the expanses of the map and highlight everyone who is found nearby. With this task light tank MT-25 copes very well, because we have excellent masking and dynamics on our side. But be careful, flying forward headlong is stupid, you just need to step slightly beyond the line of what is permitted and immediately drive off to cover, hiding behind some obstacles or in the terrain.

Of course, the two tactics described above can and even need to be combined, alternating them depending on the situation. Don't forget that MT-25 World of Tanks can shoot, so when detecting an enemy, it will not be superfluous to fire a few shots on the move.

If you behaved carefully throughout the battle and by the middle of the battle you retained a sufficient margin of safety, after sending half of the enemy team to the hangar, you can gain courage. Going hunting MT-25 tank is able to find battered and less mobile opponents, carousel them and incapacitate them without harm to himself.

In other words, playing on such a mobile light tank you will never get bored, the main thing is to act carefully, think with your head, analyze the situation around you and always keep an eye on the mini-map. MT-25 WoT capable of much and remember, the firefly is useful while it is alive.

During the Great Patriotic War, the People's Commissariat of Defense regularly received letters with technical proposals authored by proactive citizens. Specialists and ordinary people who wanted to help their army offered various original ideas and designs for weapons and military equipment. Most of these letters, after a short analysis, were sent to the archive, since the proposed ideas had no practical value. However, some proposals were of some interest from a technical point of view. One of these proposals was the preliminary design of the MT-25 light tank, which appeared at the very beginning of 1943.

At the beginning of February 1943, employees of Chelyabinsk plant No. 200 F.F. Gorodkov and A.I. Starodubtsev was sent to I.S. A letter to Stalin with an explanatory note and a set of drawings for the MT-25 project. Wanting to help the Red Army, Gorodkov and Starodubtsev completed a preliminary design of a promising combat vehicle. When determining the appearance of the MT-25 light tank, the authors of the project pursued several goals. They intended to create an armored vehicle with high speed, low vulnerability and a long range. In addition, “the surprise of an attack on the enemy” was noted as a separate item.

To fulfill all these requirements, Gorodkov and Starodubtsev decided to use the original chassis. The MT-25 vehicle (“Mototank weighing 25 tons”), according to the project, could move both on wheels and with the help of a caterpillar propulsion unit. Similar ideas have been repeatedly proposed before, but in the MT-25 project the wheeled propulsion system was considered as the main one. In addition, it was proposed to make all the road wheels of the promising tank leading.

It was proposed to build a tank with an original chassis according to the classical design. The driver's workplace was to be located in the front part of the armored hull, the fighting compartment with a turret was in the middle, and the engine and transmission were proposed to be installed in the stern. It was proposed to make the case up to 45 mm thick cast. At the same time, the possibility of creating a welded body with similar protection indicators was not excluded. The front part of the body should have looked interesting. To make the driver more comfortable and to provide the highest possible level of protection, the relatively narrow front part of the hull had no sections placed above the tracks/wheels.

The characteristic shape of the cast turret of the MT-25 tank speaks of its “roots”. Apparently, when designing this unit, the engineers of Gorodki and Starodubtsev relied on existing tank designs. This feature of the project can be explained by the fact that Plant No. 200 was engaged in the production of tank corps during the war. This is probably why the authors of the MT-25 project decided not to develop an original turret, but to adapt an existing one.

The tank turned out to be relatively compact. Its length did not exceed 5.3 meters, its width was approximately 2.8 m, and its height was 2.3 m. Sufficiently thick armor and heavy internal components affected the combat weight. This parameter was supposed to reach 25 tons. Thus, the MT-25 project no longer fully fit into the requirements for light tanks at that time.

As already stated, main feature of the MT-25 project, designed to provide high performance, became an original chassis. It was proposed to install six dual road wheels with individual torsion bar suspension on each side of the tank. The drive and guide wheels were absent, which was due to the main operating mode of the chassis. According to the proposal of F.F. Gorodkov and A.I. Starodubtsev, the MT-25 “motorized tank” had to move with wheels most of the time. The vehicle's transmission was designed in such a way that torque from the engine was transmitted to all 12 road wheels. To make the ride smoother and reduce the dimensions of the tank, the road wheels were placed in a checkerboard pattern: three rollers were to be located closer to the hull, three further from it. If necessary, such a chassis could be equipped with a track that could improve the mobility of an armored vehicle on rough terrain.

Despite the comparative complexity, the proposed chassis, in theory, made it possible to rid promising armored vehicles of one of the most serious drawbacks - loss of mobility when the track is damaged. The MT-25 “mototank”, which has a combined chassis, if the tracks were damaged, could throw them off and continue the battle on wheels. Of course, a wheeled propulsion system could not compete with a tracked one in cross-country ability, but in combat conditions it is better to move at low speed than to stand still.

It was proposed to use a V-2K diesel engine with a power of 550 hp as the power plant. The engine was supposed to be located in the rear of the tank, near the rear plate, and the transmission units were supposed to be moved to the rear wall of the fighting compartment. This arrangement of the engine-transmission compartment made it possible to simplify the transmission units responsible for transmitting torque to all 12 driving rollers. The transmission units associated with the engines were supposed to drive a set of final drive gears located at the sides of the hull. Inside the hollow suspension balancer it was supposed to install two gears designed to connect the shaft from the final drive and the roller-wheel. To compensate for the loads that arise during movement, this pair of gears had to receive spring shock absorbers.

The original chassis promised the MT-25 tank high mobility characteristics. According to the calculations of the project’s authors, a “motorized tank” on wheels could reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. At the same time, the recommended speed was more than two times lower. Fuel reserves should have been enough for 400-450 kilometers.

A crew of three or four men would have used a 47 mm cannon and three rifle-caliber machine guns. For what reason Gorodkov and Starodubtsev decided to use a gun of such an unusual caliber for domestic tanks is unknown. It can be assumed that the choice was related to the balance of the tank's combat weight and its firepower. However, the true reasons for the proposal for a 47 mm caliber gun remain unknown. To the left of the driver, in the front part of the hull, there should have been a gunner-radio operator, who had at his disposal a DT machine gun in a ball mount. The second machine gun of the same type was supposed to be installed in tandem with the cannon, and the third - in a ball mount on the rear plate of the turret. The design of the turret suggests that the MT-25 tank in the future could receive a larger caliber gun, for example, 76 mm.

For all its advantages, the MT-25 project had several serious shortcomings that determined its future fate. First of all, it is necessary to note the complexity of the chassis and transmission. Despite its apparent advantages, the original all-wheel drive transmission was too complex for mass production. In addition, twelve driving rollers would complicate the repair of the machine in a field workshop. The short length of the torsion bar suspension balancers limited the vertical travel of the rollers, which in practice did nothing to improve the smoothness of the ride over rough terrain. The start of serial construction of MT-25 tanks would entail large expenditures of rubber needed for the manufacture of road wheel tires. Finally, the absence of a high-mounted guide wheel made it impossible for the tank to climb even small vertical walls.

Based on the results of the analysis of the proposed MT-25 motorized tank project, specialists from the Main Armored Directorate of the Red Army rendered their verdict. The MT-25 project was of some interest, but was not recommended for further development. The combination of expected characteristics, design complexity and expected combat prospects was not in favor of the new project. The documents sent to Moscow went into the archives and lay unclaimed for several decades. Only a few years ago, an interesting project of a wheeled-tracked “motor tank” attracted the attention of the authors of the famous computer game, thanks to which the general public was able to learn about him.

Based on materials from sites:

MT-25: is there life after T-50-2?
Review, but not a guide

Happy new patch, new nerf! Yes, it was a rather sad congratulation, but nothing: the game is changing, and, nevertheless, in better side. I’m writing these lines, and at this time my World of Tanks client is trying to log into the server, which still won’t start after the update.
And I urgently want to log in so that I can be one of the first to plop into the MT-25 - the tank that replaced the legendary T-50-2 firefly. I’ll play, evaluate, share my impressions and compare with what happened.

I want to warn you in advance about two points: there will be a lot of letters and little specific advice. I haven't gained much experience playing this tank, so this will be a first look at new technology, and not about the guide.
These are the realities game changes– some people like the update, others don’t. For example, I was glad about the nerf to the artillery. But now the developers have taken on light tanks, and it’s my turn to be dissatisfied.
And there are enough reasons for dissatisfaction: the developers are systematically destroying Tier 5 light tanks, beloved by many players. They have already dealt with the German VK2801 twice. Now it’s the turn of the “moped” - T-50-2. And now there remains the “last of the Mohicans” - M24 Chaffee. Let me remind you that the tanks from this trio were kind of pioneers among the LT class. These vehicles were the first tier 5 light tanks in the game - the top of their class with a fairly strong potential to influence the outcome of the battle.
Well, hold on, Chaffee, you’re the last one, and I’ll stop “spreading my thoughts on the tree” and move on to the subject of the review – the MT-25 light tank.


First battle on the MT-25. Like other players, I burst out with disappointment: “this is not the T-50-2 at all.” There was no trace left of the moped’s agility, and the car’s acceleration had deteriorated significantly.
However, when I returned to the hangar after the battle, I discovered that I had not looked at the “body kit” and went to fight with the tank in its stock configuration. Having knocked on my forgetful little head with a heroic fist, I equipped the experimental vehicle with top modules and went into battle again.

Oddly enough, I arrived from this battle already with the “Reconnaissance”, simultaneously managing to inflict some damage on the enemy tank destroyer. So, for those who are most worried about the “care” of the T-50-2, I would advise you to first check which modules are on the tank.
However, I still will not argue that the MT-25 is better than its predecessor. This is not entirely true, although at first glance all the characteristics of the tank have only become better. Judge for yourself:

The MT-25 is better in everything than the T-50-2. Or rather, all the “numbers” in its performance characteristics are greater (with the exception of equal visibility, maximum speed and power of the radio station). But the MT-25 has more numbers in the “Weight” column: it is 10 tons heavier than the T-50-2, while the power of their engines differs by only 50 horsepower. I am now indicating the mass of tanks without additional equipment.
In a fully top-end configuration and with equipment, the MT-25 weighs 25.83 tons. The tank can be made a little lighter by replacing the top 57mm ZiS-4 gun with a 37mm Sh-37 assault rifle. But one way or another, the specific engine power of the MT-25 will be approximately 23 hp. With. per ton, while for the T-50-2 this figure was approximately 35 liters. With. per ton.
Such a decrease in specific power could not but affect the dynamics of the tank. Where the T-50-2 reached maximum speed in a matter of seconds, the MT-25 maintains approximately 60 km/h. Acceleration from a standstill became more difficult. Agility has also, at first glance, deteriorated, although the MT-25's chassis turning speed is higher than that of the T-50-2.

But did the MT-25 become a tombstone over the removed “fifty dollars”? At first I was sure the answer was yes. Then my clanmate and I had an argument on this topic. He expressed the idea that the heavier MT-25 moves around the map much more confidently than it did in Lately T-50-2, and this happens precisely due to the increased weight.
Well, I don't want to agree, but I have to admit: this is true. The T-50-2, although it was quite a nuisance for enemies, noticeably lost ground with the introduction of a new physics model. Where previously a “moped” could spin for almost several minutes without losing speed, with the new physics serious dangers appeared. The main ones: skidding from sharp turns, bouncing on bumps, which caused the tracks to tear, the possibility of drowning in a puddle or carelessly falling off a cliff and dying.
On the one hand, the legendary agility and agility of the T-50-2 has not gone away, but on the other hand, the player on this tank was forced to turn much more carefully than before. Having gotten into a skid, the T-50-2 almost stopped. You know what happened to it next. Thanks to the increased mass, the MT-25 experiences much less problems with skidding, and therefore can afford more or less sharp turns, making it difficult for the enemy to aim.
Well, let's check in practice what it's like to shine on the MT-25?

“Ololo” light on the MT-25 – is it a reality?

For the sake of experimentation, I selected the following configuration for the tank: I replaced the gun with the lightest Sh-37 assault rifle, installed “oil” and “adjusted speed controller” in the consumables.

Like a real crab, crayfish and deer (three in one!) I went into battle so that at the very beginning I could go to the enemy base, have fun there and try to leave alive. I didn’t manage to survive, but I managed to earn the Scout medal. As my clan assured me, the MT-25 maneuvers quite well, and in order to kill you, the enemy will have to aim very well. But, you must admit, especially well-aimed enemies could easily shoot down even “vagrant” T-50-2s earlier.
“Ololo”-light was studied. The tank can easily reach enemy artillery under heavy fire. He has enough maneuverability and speed for this.

Float like a butterfly and sting like a wasp?

It's time to try more meaningful tactics. On the T-50-2, my favorite thing was making my enemies nervous. Appear on one flank, bite someone in the side, run away, appear on the other - repeat. Wait until the corridor to the enemy artillery appears - and remember what their name was. Will the MT-25 cope with this task?
In order to sting, we will have to change the weapon again. The machine gun is a completely useless gun for a level 6 tank; it can only damage artillery, and even then not for every shot. Therefore, I decided to sacrifice weight and return the top 57mm ZiS-4 gun.

It is with this weapon that the MT-25 will be able, if not to flutter, then at least to sting. Excellent rate of fire, good time information and high accuracy for level 6. In order to “please” an enemy tank to the side or stern, ordinary armor-piercing shells will most often be sufficient. But the main “raisin” is the penetration of a sub-caliber projectile: 189mm.
The only really disappointing thing is the low average damage - 85hp. The same VK2801 until recently had 150mm penetration and 350 HP damage with a premium projectile, but now its penetration has been reduced to 104mm. We can only hope that the MT-25 gun will not be touched, and if necessary, this tank will be able to shoot a strong enemy even head-on.

The first fight when I tried to highlight on different directions, didn’t work out. The second one didn't work out either. I was quickly targeted and dumped. The problem was again in the mass. As I already said, the tank maneuvers quite well and accelerates well, but you still need to remember that this is not a T-50-2. On the MT-25, the route must be planned so that in the enemy’s field of view you are under no circumstances driving uphill - this “fifty kopeck” could easily climb a slope at a speed of 65 km/h, and the MT-25 overcomes slopes more slowly, for which is punished.
In general, I won’t pour water, but I will say that I didn’t succeed in “fluttering like a butterfly.” It seems like you’re trying not to get too impudent, but running around on the flanks leads to quick death. It’s not possible to irritate enemies with your mere presence, as it often worked on the T-50-2. This imposes on the tank a role closer to Chaffee’s – to shine extremely carefully, and when the enemies are busy, to shoot their sides and backs. The tank copes especially well with the not-so-glamorous task of hunting for dead animals.

Conclusion? Stinging - it works, fluttering - not quite. The guns became more accurate, and the MT-25 became less dynamic than the fifty-kopeck piece. This combination more often ends up in the form of a burning MT-25 than with more damage to light.
During the process of running in the tank, it was also revealed that the MT-25 is good at ramming. The weight of this tank is now similar to that of the VK2801. No, no need to swoop in heavy tanks, but many LT about MT-25 can be killed.

Instead of a verdict

The main question I ask after writing this review is: was it necessary to replace the T-50-2? In my opinion, dangerous physics, increased accuracy of tank guns and a serious nerf to artillery (in particular, rate of fire) were sufficient nerfs for it.
Because of all this, the role of active light has decreased significantly. The T-50-2, which used to be a regular in absolute companies and on the Global Map, has long been pushed out of there by level 10 medium tanks. In addition, I cannot now remember a time in the last couple of months when I was destroyed by artillery by a T-50-2. Most players learned to fight this tank a long time ago, and for a long time now it has not been the horror for the entire enemy team that it used to be. But still, it remained a fairly “fun” tank, and now it is gone.

MT-25 is not T-50-2. This needs to be remembered and understood first. On the heavier and “tighter” MT-25, thoughts arise about moving “biting” the enemy from an accurate and rapid-fire cannon to the first place, and using high mobility for purposes other than active exposure of the enemy.
Well, for those who like to drive into the enemy’s base in the style of “ololo-candle!” I can say with confidence: this tactic still works.

This concludes my “stream of consciousness”. I’m going to play at least a hundred battles on the MT-25, after which I’ll start writing a guide - with tips, examples, parameters, modules and crew skills. There I will also prepare a historical certificate.
I invite those who want to continue thinking about the fate of our fireflies to comment – ​​let’s chat and argue. At the same time I can collect more information for the guide. Thank you for your attention!
Wishing you dynamic battles and “iron” results!

Review of video guide tank MT 25 World of Tanks

The MT-25 tank, which is a representative of the Soviet nation, is at the 6th level of development and has LT qualification. For MT 25, the guide, which will be discussed below, is purely informational, which in no case should be used as the main one. Always act based on the current situation in battle. This machine is purely a design work; no real models have been created. In the game, equipment takes quite a noticeable amount of time to upgrade and further development presented in a single variant in the form of ST KV-13.

General information.

For the MT-25, World of Tanks has become an excellent arena for its implementation, since the tank is very fast, it has practically captured the hearts of many who like to shine enemy tanks. This technique has excellent weapons, speed and dynamics, but is deprived of armor and safety margins. The main firepower is provided by a 57 mm gun with a penetration of 112 mm and damage of 85 HP. The rate of fire is 22 rounds per minute.

The mass of the tank reaches 28 tons, which comes from an engine with a power of 600 hp. The speed in this situation is 72 km/h, and the view stopped at 370 meters.

MT 25 armor is:

  • Body: forehead - 45, sides - 40, karma - 40
  • Turret: front - 45 mm, side - 45 mm, rear of the turret - 45 mm.

Properly selected equipment significantly increases effectiveness in combat:

  • Springs - increase the load capacity of the suspension;
  • Coated optics - significantly increases the visibility indicator in the active state of the combat vehicle;
  • Improved ventilation - increases the value of crew skills.
  • repair kit;
  • twisted speed controller;
  • first aid kit


As for skills, they must also have a strictly defined set.

  • Commander: light bulb, disguise, military brotherhood, eagle eye;
  • Mechanic-driver: massaging, king of off-road, military brotherhood, virtuoso;
  • Gunner: camouflage, repair, bb, sniper;
  • Radio operator: camouflage, radio interception, bb, inventor;
  • Loader: camouflage, repair, BB, non-contact ammunition rack.
Weak spots

MT-25 is as intended light tank, and this class of vehicles does not have any special difficulties in terms of penetration, so any area is subject to excellent penetration. In addition, inflicting critical damage will also not be difficult; all vital parts of the machine are very poorly protected.

Comparison of technology.

As for comparing equipment, the MT-25 ranks third in terms of combat potential. The first line belongs to the French AMX 12t, the second place went to the American T21, the fourth position went to the German VK 28.01, and the Chinese 59-16 closes the ranking.