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Minecraft how to craft a portal to hell. Portals in Minecraft

Computer game Minecraft may seem primitive or childish to some. But in fact, developers from every new version They try in every possible way to diversify it. In front of the player open world and complete freedom of action. The materials allow you to create even modern high-tech buildings and objects. And today you can find out how you can make a portal in the game Minecraft, namely Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest and much more.

What is a portal in Minecraft and why is it needed?

A portal in Minecraft works the same way as portals in other games. That is - this a magical gate that instantly transports you to a specific area. Usually the last point of movement is very far away. Or this area cannot be found at all by moving around in the usual way. game map. When the portal is ready, you can easily move to the specified areas. Your character will be able to see what hell and heaven are in the game. They will also useful for saving time.

For example, you need resources that can be easily obtained from the forest. And all you have to do is enter the forest portal. And you're right there be where you need to be. According to the principle of the game, the most valuable resources are located in hell and heaven. In other places they are very difficult or even impossible to find. So that you can create such portals, read about them all below.

Instructions for creating a portal to hell

In order to make a hellish portal in Minecraft, we will need an unusual material - obsidian. Let's find out briefly about him. This is the most durable but destructible block in our game. It is mined in two modes: adventure and survival. Obtained by merging the source lava and water. There is only one way to destroy it - wither skull explosion. Try to use latest versions Minecraft games, since this material may have different properties in outdated versions.

Obsidian in Minecraft

To mine obsidian you need a diamond pickaxe.

Diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

After this you need to find lava. You need to look in caves or underground. In total, you need to get 14 blocks for the portal.

When you have them, do the following:

To move to hell you need jump into this gate and stand for a while. After which the portal will begin to act and take you to the right place. This rule applies to all portals in the game.

How to make a passage to heaven in Minecraft

Now let's look at how we can reach heaven in Minecraft. When you manage to do this, you will receive unusual items. But more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's start the story about how to create a portal to heaven in Minecraft, since we have already made one to hell. Next, you will also learn about how to make a portal to Ender, the city, the forest and another world.


There are other portals to heaven. For example, they can be made from gold blocks. But, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to obtain. When you get to heaven you can open a special bonus box. In which are located Valkyrie things.

Valkyrie's paradise items in Minecraft

With their help, you can defend yourself and extract resources much more effectively. There are also options for portals made from plants. And they can also take you to heaven.

Construction of the portal to Ender

All players can create a portal to Ender from version 0.17 of the game. To get into this unusual world for the game, you need 12 End portals and the same number of Ender eyes. Perhaps you don't know what it is.

In this case, some clarification is needed:

Name Peculiarities
Ender's eye (or Eye of the End) This is a special entity for finding the End portal. And also to activate it. If you right-click on it, the eye rises into the air and flies to the place where the End portal is located. May disappear once indicated. Once activated, the eye lowers to the ground and approaches the portal. Even if the frame is destroyed, the eye will fly to this place. And not to new portals.
End Portal These are special blocks with a greenish and blue tint, which are used to build a portal to the Edge or End. The portal itself, after creation, can be destroyed with simple water. Sometimes, instead of the usual Land, you can get through this portal to the underwater Land. It can be found in the fortress, above the lava pool.

Now let's create our End portal. To do this, you must have the above items in the amount of 12 pieces each.

Further procedure in Minecraft:

  1. First you need to dig a hole 1 cube deep and 3x3 cubes in size;

    Ditch for the portal to Ender

  2. After this, place 3 End portals on each side of the pit;

    Place End Portals along the edges of the pit

  3. Place the Eye of the End on every portal except one;

    Eye of the End on the portal

  4. Now stand in the middle of the pit and place the last eye on the End portal;

    The last portal without the eye of the End

  5. The game will start loading immediately new location;

    Loading Edge

  6. And in a few seconds you will find yourself in the right place. You have to fight the dragon to get useful resources and items.

    Edge or Ender

How to get to the Twilight Forest without mods in Minecraft

In order to get into dusk wood, the same items are needed as for Ender - the End Portal and the Eye of the End.


  1. We again make a hole in the ground 1 cube deep, 5x5 wide;

    Portals in earthen pits

  2. Now in each side we place 3 End portals in the middle;

    Place 3 End Portals on each side

  3. Next, place the Eye of the Edge on each of them;

    Place the Eye of the End on every portal

  4. Remove all the portals and eyes and fill the holes with earth to create one dark mirror in the ground;

    Portal without End portals

  5. Then plant flowers in a circle: poppies and dandelions every other.

    Plant poppies and dandelions along the edge of the portal

The portal is ready. You can try it out by jumping inside.

How to build a portal to a city in Minecraft

For the city portal, we will again need obsidian, which we used to build the portal to hell. You already know what it is and where to get it.

So let's start creating:

Many such portals can be built. And every time we return from hell or enter a new portal, we will be transferred to another city. It's very convenient and cool. This way we can move between cities and go to hell if necessary.

Way to go to the diamond world in Minecraft

For the diamond portal you need a mod for Minecraft, which can be downloaded here: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/64063-lockyz-extra-dimensions.html. Probably about diamond blocks You've already heard it more than once if you're not playing Minecraft for the first time. They can be mined like other ores - in the ground.


Here you will also encounter a boss that you need to destroy to get to the bonus chest. It will contain unusual things that will lift your spirits. So you have found out how you can make a portal in the Minecraft game to go to heaven, hell, Ender, city, forest and other worlds.

Many novice players believe that there is only one world in Minecraft - the one in which their character appears. They can spend quite a lot of time exploring it, but at the same time not suspecting that the creators of this game have significantly expanded the gaming space. If you wish, you can travel between different worlds, among which, for example, are Heaven and Hell. Each world has its own path, but it can only be opened if you construct the gate correctly. Next, it’s worth talking about how to build a portal to Hell, what you will need for this, as well as how to then activate and use it.

Materials for the construction of the portal

The first step in traveling to any other world is to collect necessary materials. And if you want to know how to build a portal to Hell, then you will have to try. The fact is that the gates to the underworld are built from a rather rare material - obsidian. It is extremely hard, so you will have to get a diamond pickaxe to mine it. Moreover, this material does not exist by itself in nature - it appears only under certain circumstances. If water flows onto a lava block, then it can become obsidian. At the same time, it is always worth remembering that the reverse order (lava flows into water) will lead to the formation of an ordinary stone, which you absolutely do not need. It lies at every step, and you will only waste natural resources. Once you have at least ten obsidian blocks (preferably at least fifteen), you can think about how to build a portal to Hell.

Creating a frame for the portal

Any portal is a frame through which you will need to go after activation. If you are going to learn how to build a portal to Hell, you need to understand what this frame should be. The space in it should be of this size: two blocks wide and three blocks high. This means that you will need fourteen obsidian blocks to make the entire frame. But the secret here is that you can use four fewer blocks by leaving the corners empty or replacing the material with stone. In this case, the portal will still work, and you can go to unforgettable journey to the Underworld. Now you know how to make a portal - Hell (Minecraft also has other names for this world, one of the most famous of which is the Nether) is open to you. But it also needs to be activated. How to do this?

Portal activation

At the moment you have a frame, but it is empty. When you walk through it, nothing happens. What's the matter? How to create a portal to Hell that will work? Don't worry, you did everything right - your frame turned out great, but it needs to be activated. To do this, you will need a lighter, which you need to bring to the bottom of your portal. When you use the lighter, the space inside the portal will glow purple. This will mean that the portal is ready to take you straight to Hell.


Everything else is quite simple, so no special instructions are required. However, you should pay attention to the fact that speed will not benefit you here. If you try to run through the portal, you won't succeed. To get to Hell, you need to enter the portal and stop, wait a couple of seconds, after which the teleportation will take place - and you will find yourself in a completely new world waiting for you to explore. But remember - this is just one of many worlds that you have not yet discovered in Minecraft. Therefore, enjoy your stay in Hell, but prepare for a trip to Heaven, as well as to other interesting locations.

There is only one way to go to hell. In this article we will not describe what can be found in hell - what kind of monsters there are, tactics for destroying them, resources, etc. We will answer the question: how to build a portal to Hell in Minecraft.

What do we need?

Building a portal to hell is not that difficult. This will require a small area, a certain amount obsidian(14 or 10 pieces) and lighter/fireball. Obsidian is not difficult to get; you can make it yourself or find blocks underground.

Next we need a tool, namely a lighter or fireball. The second one is much more difficult to create, so we will not consider the process of creating it; for this you can go to the appropriate topic.

A lighter can be obtained from one iron ingot And silicon. They need to be placed on the workbench as follows:

Now we move directly to how to build a portal to Hell in Minecraft. To do this, you need to arrange the obsidian blocks as follows:

But, as is known from practice, obsidian blocks located on the sides of the portal are not needed, so they can be replaced with any other blocks. In this case, the portal will look like this:

After creating the frame of the portal, all that remains is to bring the lighter to it and click once with the left mouse button on any of the blocks located on the portal to Hell. After this you will notice changes. To get to hell, just step into the portal and wait a few seconds.

If you are already familiar with Minecraft, then you are well aware that this world is large and vast. How can you move quickly over long distances in it? Well, let’s say, in creative mode you can take off and move quite far in flight without any problems, but in survival it won’t take long to get lost and disappear into the abyss in search of your city. What to do if you urgently need to get exactly where you need to go? Portals will help us do this. You just need to build them and activate them.

What kind of portals are there in Minecraft without mods?

It is useful for a beginner to know that in any version of the game the portal can only be to hell and back, but this portal can and should be used to move to the city or to the point in the world where you built it. There is also a portal to Ender, but it cannot be built in survival mode, you can only find it. But in the creative field it can be done, this will be discussed below.

How to make a portal to hell without mods

As mentioned above, this is the only portal that can be built without mods. It requires at least 10 obsidian blocks (an economical version of the portal, but in general it is built from 14 blocks) and a lighter. We lay out a rectangle of obsidian in 4 blocks horizontally and 5 vertically with an empty middle.

We set fire to the lower block and the portal is activated. Now, upon entering it, your character will fall into HELL of hellstone and lava. It is possible to build a portal to hell in creative mode, but such a portal will not work on Minecraft PE (Android). In the tablet version of the game, the portal replaces the lower world reactor, which is done completely differently.
So, to build a portal to hell, we first get obsidian by filling the lava with water from a bucket (or vice versa, water with lava).

Then we mine obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe (and only a diamond pickaxe, no other pickaxe will work). We are preparing the flint.

We lay out a 4x5 frame, even without corners. Here are 2 frame options, choose any of the two.

We set fire to the bottom block and that’s it: the portal is ready to transport you to the very heat of hell.

In hell you will come out of the same portal, which will be created there by itself. To return back to your world, enter it.

IN Minecraft versions PE 0.12. and above, the portal to hell is built in exactly the same way. But in the versions below it is completely different: made of gold, cobblestones and a reactor. It looks like this:

How to do: first we need to place 4 gold blocks (you need to place them opposite each other). Between these blocks there are cobblestones (in a cross). Second layer: in the middle there is a reactor, on each gold block we place a cobblestone. Third layer: there is a cobblestone on top of the reactor, we stick 4 more cobblestones on it in the same way as below.

Then we switch to survival mode, tap on the reactor and, if you did everything correctly, you will go to hell. The portal is activated when you touch the reactor with a sword. By the way, good equipment not prevent.
And this is in hell:

How to make a portal to a city without mods

The portal to the city is, in fact, the same hellish one, only not an entrance, but an exit. No matter how many portals to hell you create, you will always exit from the one you built first, so you need to make it where your home is located, that is, in the city. If you make the first portal in the forest, then you will always exit into the forest.

There is no other way to get into the city without mods and you shouldn’t believe anyone who claims there is. Tested in practice, all other portals can be created only after installing mods.

Portal to the End (Ender)

The Edge is a world in the form of an island, where a large number of wanderers of the edge live, as well as a dragon (boss); after destroying the dragon, the player can see the end screensaver of the game.
In creative mode, it can be built from 12 frames + 12 End eyes. All frames should be parallel to each other and face inward (it is better to place blocks from the inside, being in the center of the portal).

To activate the teleport, place an Eye of the End into each frame.

A portal to the edge is not created in survival; it can only be found in the fortress using the Eye of Ender. It consists of 12 frames in the shape of a square ring. To find a portal to the edge and activate it, you will need a large amount of the “Eye of the Edge” item, which is crafted from “Pearls of the End”, which in turn drops from Enderman (land wanderers). The Ender appears in dark caves and at night, and quite rarely.
Eye of Ender Recipe: Fire Powder + Ender Pearl
Fire powder is made from a fire rod that falls from ifrits (ifrits live in hell, their spawners can be found there).
You need to throw the Enderman eye into the air with the right mouse button and look where it fell, from where the eye fell you need to throw the next one. When you see that the eye goes down into the ground, you need to start going down there - the portal to the edge is located directly below it. Be careful, scales will spawn near the edge portal, and there may also be other hostile mobs.
The portal is missing a certain number of eyes, they need to be inserted with the right button, then the portal to the edge will be activated and it will be enough to jump into it to get to the edge.

You can only leave the edge by killing the dragon or dying.

Mods for portals

Want more portals?
Wormhole X-Treme is a plugin that implements the functionality of minecraft portals. To create a portal in minecraft, you are required to build a certain figure from certain blocks. In the settings, you can change the form of the minecraft portal to any other, and you can have several forms at the same time for different purposes. The resources from which the minecraft portal is built can also be changed. TO minecraft portal A control panel is also included.

Maud Portal Gun For Minecraft games PE will allow you to get everything that was available in the PC version. After you download and install it, you will have a weapon that creates portals, and many other nice little things.
Nether Portal Mod for Android will add portals to hell. Or rather, the ability to build them in the same way as in the PC version.
And, of course, fashion for paradise and the twilight forest.

Paradise in official game Minecraft doesn't. There is an ordinary world lower world(hell) and the edge, and in order for heaven to appear, a special mod must be installed, which is called Aether. If the mod is not installed, the portal to heaven will not be activated. It can be done, but it will only work with the mod. Charlatans offer a bunch of ways to build without mods, but none of them work!
How to do:
Make sure you have an Aether mod installed that is compatible with your version of the game client.
Post it glowing stone frame 4 by 5 blocks and pour water from a bucket onto the portal.

Welcome to Paradise.

Twilight Forest- mod for the twilight forest. We install the mod and build the portal. For the portal you will need 1 diamond, a bucket of water, a shovel and 12 flowers or mushrooms. Dig a 2x2 hole one block deep.
Fill it with water.
We will plant the blocks around the perimeter with flowers or mushrooms.
We throw a diamond into the water and move away so that lightning does not strike us.
Let's go to the portal.

We immediately build ourselves a reliable shelter, preferably underground, in this world hostile mobs are always active.

Portal to space

Its construction without mods is possible only in version 1.2.5. For later versions of the game, in order to get into space, you should install one of the following mods: GalactiCraft or AstroCraft. And with the help of mods MarsPlanetAlfa or MarsPlanetMod You can make a portal to Mars. And don’t forget that before flying into space you still need to craft a spacesuit.

Enjoy your travels through the endless world of Minecraft!

Many players, having explored the lands lying on the surface in Minecraft world, sooner or later they stop at their favorite place and begin to rebuild their unique home. Get most The materials needed to construct a building are very easy - they either lie on the ground or are mined deep in the mines, while building a portal to hell is no longer so easy.

The first test that the inhabitants of the cubic world face is the extraction of obsidian. This is a very rare ore, characterized by increased strength, which is formed from the fusion of water and lava. Obsidian must be mined in any case, because without it there is not a single way to build a portal to hell. Minecraft boasts several methods for acquiring this rare material.

The simplest of them consists of three stages. First, a bucket is made, then water is drawn into it from the nearest lake, and now, before proceeding directly to how to build a portal to hell, you need to find lava. The easiest way to do this is to descend to the height of the sixteenth block, burying yourself deep underground.

There it is necessary to expand the network of caves until a lava lake appears. It is worth warning that digging at such a height directly above you is dangerous - this is fraught with sudden collapse by soil, if not fire from magma flows.

So you can only go to hell from obsidian, you need to find standing blocks of lava. If you fill it with water, you will get the material necessary for teleportation. But by pouring flowing lava from a bucket, you can get useless cobblestones, which are plentiful around.

The second way to mine obsidian is to make three buckets and fill them with water. After which you need to create another ten or fourteen (depending on how to build the portal to hell) containers that need to be filled with lava.

Moving away from flammable substances, you need to build a square from any blocks so that there are four left between the walls free cells. Three of them are filled with water and it turns out to be an endless well from which you can draw water.

Then you need to build a frame from any non-combustible materials with one empty block in the center. This void is filled with lava, which, just like in the first method, is filled with water. The result is obsidian.

Now, before building a portal to hell, it is necessary to obtain this super-strong material. This will require a diamond pickaxe and about a minute of time for each block. In total, you will have to spend from ten to fourteen minutes for all the extraction.

Now the turn has come for the penultimate stage - the construction of the frame. To do this, you need to arrange the obsidian blocks so that there are six empty cells between them. The most economical teleport option will require the use of ten units of obsidian.

But the door to the otherworldly dimension still does not work, since building a portal to hell is not enough, you need to launch it. A flint lighter is used for this. One hit to any lower block will trigger the magical process and the door will open.

Before you step outside the boundaries of the familiar world, you should make a bow, a strong sword, a dozen arrows, strong armor and an irreplaceable fishing rod, which will come in handy more than once in dangerous situations. And you should not be surprised to find creatures from the other side near the constructed portal - they are also interested in looking at what is on the other side of the teleport.