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Where are they going? World of Tanks - tactics on the new Fjords map


A vibrant and lush environment with many forests and villages located throughout the map. A large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. Numerous mountain ridges provide excellent ambush locations, but wide fields make moving between positions dangerous.

Border of the Empire

First asian map in the game after update 1.0. Its distinctive feature is the Great Chinese Wall, dividing the location into two parts. Different areas of the map are suitable for different classes and playing styles.


Swamps, cliffs and rocky cliffs divide the map into three main operational areas. The absence of buildings and a small number of rock shelters favor artillery operations. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the attacking forces in one of the directions while using diversionary actions or strictly containing the enemy in other sectors.


An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to get within striking distance of the enemy. An open lake in the center of the field allows you to provide fire support to your allies at a fairly large distance.

Siegfried Line

A successful combination of open spaces and city blocks is a feature of this map. Winding streets allow you to penetrate behind enemy lines, and numerous bunkers can be used as cover.


The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-crossed field. This map in World of Tank is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using shelters - copses, folds of terrain and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack across the field at high speed, with artillery support, can also be successful, but is quite risky.


It is a mixed type card. Two zones with dense urban development are separated by an open section of the Svisloch River embankment. The main clash occurs on opposite sides of the avenue. Attempts to quickly break through the defenses in this place are extremely risky. Only by achieving success on the flank can you count on victory.


In the center of the map there is a large monastery and a city. Three roads allow travel from north to south. The monastery courtyard is an advantageous firing position. The long hill to the west and the winding ravine to the east provide excellent protection from artillery fire.


A picturesque area with a mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an ancient castle in the center of the map, a small town and a hill with watchtowers in the northern part, and rolling plains in the southern part.


A map depicting the atmosphere of the landing of Allied forces in the coastal part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. It is interesting not only for its historical component, but also for its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of German fortification samples from all over the Atlantic Wall.

Oryol ledge

Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The map is intended for the General Battle. There are several zones: a factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, a church above the plain, a small bridge and a destroyed plane.


We can safely say that “Paris” is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also an excellent gaming location for virtual tank battles. The features of the map open up opportunities for varied and dynamic combat operations. Three playing zones provide freedom of action for all classes of vehicles. There is a place for everyone, the main thing is to decide on your own desires.


This map is characterized by mountainous terrain, which is characterized by rugged terrain. Numerous cliffs and stones protect from enemy fire, various hills are excellent places for ambushes, and winding roads allow you to strike at the enemy base.


The hills along the edges of this map are filled with numerous houses. Winding streets will allow you to deliver unexpected blows. The wasteland lying between the hills is the shortest path to the enemy base.


Open hilly terrain divided by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.


The game location is a rural area in Britain. There is a small town in the center of the map. Fields that gradually turn into hills are an excellent place for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the map does not interfere with the movement of vehicles and serves as a good reference point.


The high hill in the center of the map is a key point on the map. Despite the difficulties in occupying it, it dramatically improves the position of the winning team. The village northeast of the hill and the island west of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


The concentric system of city streets, dense trees and bushes in the park allow for hidden maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are greatly hampered, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows us to provide effective support to our allies.

Fisherman's Cove

This map is a good combination of open space and rugged terrain. The narrow, winding streets of the port city located on the flank will help you gain an unexpected advantage. Gentle hills with numerous bushes will allow extensive use of ambush tactics.


Open flat terrain. The only shelters are large stones, folds of terrain and Railway on the embankment to the north. Both bases are connected by a road, hidden in the lowlands from what is happening on the flanks.


For a whole week, the village of Studzianki was the site of fierce battles between Red Army units (including the 1st Tank Brigade of the Polish Army) and the German invaders. In memory of these events, which ended in great success for the Allied forces, in 1969 the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Studzianki Pancerne).

Quiet coast

The land area is limited at the edges by mountain ranges and water, occupying a third of the map. A railway runs through the entire territory from north to south. The hilly terrain with dense vegetation on the western flank would be an ideal place for a quick attack. The direct road between the bases passes through a small town where protracted battles can be fought. The bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but are vulnerable from the flanks.


The mountain in the east provides a serious combat advantage, while control of the central part of the map provides a tactical advantage. The swamp to the west can be used for reconnaissance and attack from the rear.


The map represents a Western European city. It is no coincidence that the working title of the map was “Munich”. Factory districts, destroyed houses, freight trains are the features of this location. An embankment with a railway, dividing the map in half, allows you to concentrate forces for an attack.


The team bases are separated by rocks and cliffs. The presence of many shelters allows you to concentrate forces in the right direction. The center of the map has some advantage, but neglecting the flanks is fraught with defeat.


Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow for a variety of tactical decisions. You can conduct a fire duel across the bay or a pistol-range fight in a coastal city, or you can choose a deep detour with the capture of an enemy base.


The varied terrain of this map gives it a unique charm and makes it possible to use different tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flank attacks, and urban areas involve intense close combat. The pre-release name of the map is “Kansas”


A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and outflanking of light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill with the castle dominating the area and along the railway station tracks - will help you get out of the resulting positional deadlock.


The labyrinth of city blocks and the flat field of the suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station tracks. When concentrating forces, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of combat vehicles in each of their directions: artillery can disrupt a breakthrough across an open field, but is almost helpless against an enemy hiding behind the walls of buildings.

Winter cards


The location is North America. The mine in the north of the map consists of many corridors, buildings and narrow passages. The island to the south is a vast open area dotted with lonely buildings and the ramshackle wooden shacks of diggers and miners. In the central part of the map, a bridge connects the muddy banks of the river. The map has been upgraded to improved quality and returned to the game in update 1.0.2

Mannerheim Line

Snowy and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and shelters. Winding roads leading around mountain ranges and along river banks allow you to unexpectedly find yourself in the rear of an advancing enemy, and also create many convenient places for ambushes. The former name is “Polar Region”.


The urban area in the center of the map is the most important strategic area. Two more areas are highlighted on the map: the city square, where you can conduct long-distance battles, and the area outside the city limits, where maneuverable vehicles can best perform.


A map in the middle of the snow-capped mountains of Scandinavia in the atmosphere of endless winter. The central part of the map, pierced by fierce winds, provides scope for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. A ship graveyard in a frozen bay is suitable for positional warfare. Roads along the mountains will serve as breakthroughs to the enemy base, and fishing villages will become the site of deadly ambushes to repel attacks.


Divided in half by a river, the map has three possible lines of attack. The central bridge is located among the ruins of a small city. The area near the north and south bridges has a small amount of cover. You can use the castle and the line of hills on the opposite side of the map as firing positions.

Desert maps


The map represents a British military airfield and its surrounding area. The location is North Africa. The team bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky hill, which allows you to control the surrounding spaces and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous routes for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself, with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to the surroundings: in this game location you can find various equipment (airplanes, fuel tankers, ambulances), a radar station, a canteen and shower for staff, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more.

Sandy River

At first sight, this map seems very open, but it's not. Despite the fact that clay houses in villages are easily destroyed, they can be successfully used as protection. The flanks are well covered by rock formations and high dunes, which allows attacks from unexpected directions.

Lost City

A symmetrical mixed map with a carefully balanced balance, created with the participation of leading players. The restrained color palette and soft daylighting are designed to provide maximum comfort when playing. One of the maps on which battles took place as part of the “Supremacy” game mode.

El Halluf

In the center of the map is a spacious valley filled with rocks and small vegetation. The high mountains on both sides of the valley provide numerous firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face a difficult climb to the enemy camp.

Special cards


This is what Kharkov looks like in a world of destroyed technology, under the control of Leviathan. The map was created for a gaming event on Halloween (October-November 2017).

Retired cards


The map highlights two main directions along the flanks and the direction of support - through the center. Heated battles for dominance in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small factory with the central square. The team that manages to break through the crossing will have more opportunities to bypass the enemy and perform tactical maneuvers. You can go behind enemy lines and provide support to your allies by destroying enemy artillery through the northwest direction at the foot of the mountain. Plenty of shelters and small elevation changes throughout the route will allow you to fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable vehicles. The central diagonal is the shortest route to the enemy base, it provides the opportunity to quickly transfer forces and support allies on the flanks.


The map is completely identical to the well-known “Ruinberg”, differing from it only in the time of year. The circular square in the western part of the city serves as the site of protracted positional battles. Concentric city streets are suitable for gradually breaking through enemy defenses with heavily armored vehicles, and a long radial street will allow you to conduct dagger fire at the enemy. The eastern area of ​​the map is quite open and quite suitable for maneuvers of medium tanks, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

Pearl River

The rugged landscape opens up enormous opportunities for the use of various combat tactics - ambushes, surprise detours, clashes in small areas. Movement along the riverbed allows you to quickly reach the enemy base and engage in battle. Remember that on this map you cannot forget about your rear.

Winter Himmelsdorf

The map is a complete copy of the original Himmelsdorf, except that it is a winter type map. A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and outflanking of light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill with the castle dominating the area and along the railway station tracks - will help you get out of the resulting positional deadlock.


The game location consists of two areas of low-lying wetland. They are separated by a river, which can be crossed by three bridges. In the center of the map there is a small hill with abundant vegetation and several buildings. Players call it "the island", although technically it is a peninsula adjacent to the northern shore. Bases are located in the west and east, but teams begin the battle in the north and south.


Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so best tactic there will be a successful occupation of city streets. There is artillery on both sides of the city cathedral - a breakthrough into this area will be a significant contribution to victory.

Fire Arc

The “Fire Arc” map is a copy of the “Prokhorovka” map, however, in this location the lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment during the battle have been changed in order to convey greater atmosphere during the battle. “Arc of Fire” is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on the Kursk salient, when in July 1943 the largest tank battle in human history took place between Germany and the USSR. Open hilly terrain divided by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.

Ruinberg is on fire

The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg map with changed lighting and design. The concentric system of city streets, dense trees and bushes in the park allow for hidden maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are greatly hampered, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows us to provide effective support to our allies.

Sacred Valley

Most of the area is occupied by a ravine lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high cliffs, trees and bushes allows you to choose optimal tactics fighting.


Visually, the landscape and nature of the map resemble the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain ranges in an early autumn atmosphere. The map is replete with buildings, hills, and rocky shelters. The buildings are mostly indestructible, there are quite good positions for heavy equipment and places for exposure. At the same time, there are good positions for self-propelled guns, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The map is sufficiently balanced for all types of equipment and does not have a pronounced imbalance, because has diagonal symmetry.


The map was added in update 0.8.7, the working name was “Belogorsk 19”. The snow-covered Soviet factory town, bisected by an ice-bound river, can be captured from a variety of directions, but it is well under fire from the surrounding hills, which offer numerous cover, firing positions and routes. Removed from the game in update 0.9.5.

Hidden Village

The most sheltered direction is at the foot of the mountain, which is perfect for heavy equipment. Fast and maneuverable vehicles can be used to storm a village, but you should be wary of the enemy lurking on the hill. Altitude control provides a tangible tactical advantage.


Dense urban development in the center of the map allows you to use various tactics. The open embankment is well suited for quick battles and maneuverable vehicles.

In today's guide we will tell you about the main routes for tanks on the Fjords map in the game.

This map is quite original and since it is completely new, many players will be interested to know where they are going and where the main battles take place in this location.

Red circles indicate the main hot spots in this location; this is where the largest battles take place.

Light tanks on the Fjords map can travel along 4 different routes. Basically, light tanks move through a clearing and through the mountains; the route across the coast is not popular with light tanks, because there is little room for maneuvers and if you jump out at the enemy at high speed, you will most likely be instantly eaten.

Tank destroyers in this location mainly move behind heavy tanks. Green circles indicate the main places where tank destroyers can be located. This map has very uneven terrain, so tank destroyers cannot take a good position here; they have to follow the allied tanks and help destroy enemies.

Medium tanks on the Fjords map in the game World of Tanks They mainly organize battles in clearings and near the shore; sometimes you can see a group of STs breaking through in the mountain area.

The artillery on this map occupies positions marked with purple circles. 95% of the artillery is located in these places, since moving from place to place on this map does not make much sense, because the shelling terrain for artillery from another position will be almost the same.

Heavy tanks on the Fjords map move along the routes indicated by red arrows. The main battles of heavy tanks take place in the area of ​​the clearing and the shore, sometimes heavier tanks drive through the mountain, but the priority routes remain the clearing and the shore.

As for Rush tactics, it has not yet been particularly practiced here, but nevertheless, one of the best routes for Rush is indicated on the map with white arrows.

If you think about it different tactics there can be a lot on each map, the main thing is to correctly distribute forces and act in time, then even the best enemy tactics can be destroyed in an instant.

5 years and 3 months ago Comments: 2


Yellow color - self-propelled guns
Green color – Medium tanks
Purple color – Firefly light tanks
Red color – Heavy tanks
Blue color – “ambush” tank destroyers
Brown color – Heavily armored tank destroyers

Everyone takes positions in the beginning of the battle. Yes, of course in random battle You can’t even hope for coordinated actions, but for example, no one forbids you to stand on your equipment where you need it.

Everyone is often guided by “The bigger the pile is the better”, that is, they all go together. In addition, it is problematic to secure all the firing points well with 5 units of military equipment...

And here company battle For example ! It is something! No matter how experienced the players are, a team that plays well is superior many times over (how many cases have there been when a team of “crayfish” defeated “extras” because team game!), and that’s exactly what tactics are for! After all, a commander who knows the tactics on the map, monitors the situation, and issues the right commands on time is a godsend for the team. This article is for future commanders (I myself have neither the desire nor the experience for this). So let’s look at the technology:

Light tanks

Where to go…

On this map I would recommend LT drive near lakes And mountains. This is the only type of equipment capable of driving there. I saw how the “borscht” and the IS-3 tried to drive there... They were dismantled from the city within 30 seconds after the light... The LT, on the other hand, has speed, mobility and small dimensions (they are needed to hide behind boulders from fire from the city). We eat and stand behind the boulder. We wait for some time, and when the road seems safe, we give the gas until the next boulder. ATTENTION! In 7 out of 10 cases, you can meet an enemy tank here, and then it will depend on you whether you can defeat him or not. Left A quick death will await you from the mountain, since at least 3 “barrels” are aimed at the leaving tanks (I know from myself, I tried it) and only thanks to great luck you will be able to dodge them (9 out of 10 that they will kill you). IN city the danger is even greater since the clashes there are the most brutal...

Heavy tanks

Where to go…

At the beginning of the battle, it is advisable for the heavies to go to the city center and stand behind the church (There you can use the side and the tower, causing a lot of damage). You can go to the left of the mountain, but the heavy ones are better there. Tank destroyer(as I will henceforth call Heavily armored tank destroyers), for example, the “British” with their crazy armor. It is also reasonable for one “heavy” to stand on a small hill and shoot those who want to get out, but there is one caveat, he will not get out on his own and he needs the help of his allies. On the road that lies between the mountain and the lake. Definitely. We're a very easy target there.

Medium tanks

Where to go…

In town. But stand not for the church as TT do, but for the houses around it. By doing this we will increase the chance of survival many times over. You can also prevent enemy heavy forces from getting to the center of the city (to the church), otherwise it will be difficult to knock them out from here later. To the center and to the left. Why? On the left, armor and, not at all, mobility are important. And in the center because our mobility is no longer sufficient like that of the LT.

self-propelled guns

Everything is very clear here. We stand where we are the last to be seen and help our allies in the city and at the pass.

Heavy tank destroyers

Where to go…

Left from the mountain. That's what we need and... I advise you to wait for the cord, the enemy will come out on his own and “treat” him with a delicious “splash” to the city and the center. It’s clear why it goes to the center. In the city because the enemy might come to our rear, and then that’s it. Hello hangar!

Ambush tank destroyers

Covering the rear in case of an enemy breakthrough. They finish off a half-dead enemy after a fierce battle, and hold the defense until reserves arrive.

Well, that's all I think. I hope everyone learned something new for themselves. Please write your comments and suggestions in the comments.

Good luck to you on all fronts!

Prepared by: DavydenkoNikita.

So, fighter, you have already mastered the general mechanics of controlling tanks and know what the different types of equipment are needed for in the game.

However, what and how to do various maps, of which there are already more than thirty in the game? Why did the firefly, who spent the entire battle standing in an inconspicuous bush on the outskirts, gain more experience than you, who bravely fought the enemy? How did one of your tank destroyers choose its position on the map so wisely that it was able to destroy ten tanks? Why was a heavy tank able to stop six opponents at once in the city “corridor”, and not only survived, but also earned a medal? "Steel wall"? We'll figure out.

The Banana at Himmelsdorf is a favorite place for heavy tanks. But even a tank with strong frontal armor will be comfortable there.

Cartography World of Tanks

At the first levels, only cards are available to the player "Himmelsdorf", "Mines" And "Robin"- these are one of the very first maps created by the developers. From the second to third levels more are added to the first locations "Ensk", "Karelia", "Prokhorovka" And "Provinces". Starting from the fourth level, the player can get to any map in the game.

At Malinovka, newcomers are taught not to stick their heads out into the open.

Each map has spawn locations, which are called for short "resps", and bases(depending on the battle mode, there may be one or two bases). Usually spawns and bases are located in the same place, but maps such as "Komarin", "Swamp", "Provinces", "Erlenberg" in standard mode, they have spawn locations and capture points that are distant from each other.

On Erlenberg, players appear in the corners of the map, and the bases for capture (marked with flags) are closer to the center.

Each map has the following restrictions: size no more than 1200 meters by 1200 meters (minimum size 800 meters x 600 meters), spawns are not located in direct line of sight from each other (so that players do not get an advantage).

Cards are divided into the following types:

City maps (on them main part of the area is occupied by a “labyrinth” of buildings, structures, railway lines, etc.). These are the maps: Himelsdorf, Ensk, Port, Widepark, Lasswil, Ruinberg. "Siegfried Line"

"Mouse" is practically useless on open maps, but at proper game very dangerous in urban areas.

Open maps (they represent open terrain, where it is quite difficult to hide and the tactical capabilities of teams play a large role on them). On this list: “Robin”, “Prokhorovka”, “Steppes”, “Highway”, “Sandy River”.

On the open “Steppes”, the role of medium tanks is critically important, which are not greatly hampered by the lack of normal cover.

Mixed maps (these are the majority at the moment - they have both open spaces, urban development, and natural shelters and obstacles). These maps are: “Westfield”, “Fisherman’s Cove”, “El Halouf”, “Quiet Coast”, “South Coast”, “Airfield”, “Erlenberg”, “Polar Region”, “Dragon’s Ridge”, “Fjords”, “ Cliff”, “Swamp”, “Komarin”, “Mines”, “Redshire”, “Province”, “Pass”, “Murovanka”, “Monastery”, “Live Oaks”, “Karelia”.

Let's consider the general principles of map construction.

  1. There are at least two or three passages to the enemy base, formed by natural/urban cover from flanking fire and enemy artillery fire.
  2. There is open space that allows the Fireflies to play their main trump card - speed.
  3. There are natural lines of defense where it is convenient to hold back an enemy attack, and in the area of ​​the respawn/base there are shelters for artillery work.

You can see the artillery that is hidden in this position only if you come to this hollow yourself. In front the art is hidden by a hill, on the right there are many bushes.

How to understand where to go in your class of equipment?

Where to go on TT, ST or PT?

First, try to look at the mini-map at the beginning of the battle and determine possible directions of attack on the enemy base, as well as cover options that can help your team (city blocks, hills, rocky wastelands).

Secondly, look from where the main enemy forces will attack.

Only two STs went north, and they definitely couldn’t cope without our help.

Thirdly, after the countdown ends, look where your allies are moving in medium, heavy tanks and tank destroyers. If it seems to you that our strength is not enough in some direction, go there. The general principle of building your route is approximately the same on any map. For most of your journey you need to look out for:

Shelter from artillery fire;

Covers from flanking fire;

The ability to return to base in the event of a breakthrough from the other flank;

The best path to the enemy base (shortest, most secure)

Availability of good visibility in ambush areas

Where to hide on artillery?

If you are playing with self-propelled guns, then at the beginning of the battle you should choose cover so that you have:

Shelter from the fire of enemy self-propelled guns in the event of a “light” breaking through to your base (if they break through to you, you should be able to immediately hide behind impenetrable cover so as not to be destroyed by the first shot).

Maximum stealth (even if someone breaks through to you, you will have precious seconds before you are noticed)

The ability to abruptly change position in order not to be caught by enemy artillery fire using tracers

If a firefly arrives, I can quickly roll behind the house and the enemy artillery will not reach me.

Which route to choose for reconnaissance?

If you are playing on light tank, then at the beginning of the battle you must choose one of three options:

Passive light in a dangerous direction (you need to find a position from which you can “shine” the entire direction of the enemy attack, it should have excellent visibility and be as invisible as possible);

Active light on the main direction of your attack, followed by a breakthrough to enemy self-propelled guns (you need to know all the places where yours can go heavy tanks, which means you should know all the city alleys, hills and shelters like the back of your hand; the same applies to places where enemy artillery “works”);

Active light on the secondary direction of the advance of our forces, if some direction on the map has been abandoned and has minimal cover - move and light it. You must not only know the terrain in which you will have to fight, but also remember the possibility of returning to your base to shoot down the enemy).

A classic point for passive light at Prokhorovka. The bushes reliably hide from the enemy, and almost the entire alley is visible.


Light tanks on maps look for open spaces (fields, roads, rifts according to the “see-it-run” principle) and the most “transparent” directions (bushes, trees that do not allow you to be seen ahead of time - all this is in the direction of a likely enemy attack).

Medium tanks attack certain directions, but must always be able to conduct flanking fire on the enemy, as well as the ability to move safely/secretly (“greenback” in city blocks, hills, bypasses);

Heavy tanks must have maximum protection from artillery fire and advance in attack directions that are protected from the possibility of flanking (city blocks, cliffs, rocks, hills);

Tank destroyers either support the attack or take a covert position to “cover” a dangerous direction (city blocks, “green”);

Self-propelled guns occupy positions that provide maximum security, secrecy and the possibility of emergency escape from an enemy who has broken through.

And here is the result of a correctly taken position. According to my exposure, more than 3000 units of damage were inflicted, and I shot almost 2000 myself.

Below we have selected several examples of map analysis and tactics on them for various types of tanks.

Guides from Kirill Oreshkina and WG TV:

  1. Fjords. General concepts about directions, shelters, options for attacking and defending the base.
  1. Prokhorovka. A general story about the map, the main directions of attack/defense, the principles of operation of various classes of tanks on this map.

Guides from Sasha BANG. Excellent guides with excellent and understandable diagrams for all types of equipment, an excellent understanding of combat situations and principles of the game. Perhaps the best thing you can find on YouTube.