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Who is Doctor Boom and what can we expect from the new expansion The Boomsday Project? Walkthrough of Dr. Boom's puzzles. Hearthstone Boomsday Project Doctor Boom Card where to get it

Doctor Boom(English Dr. Boom) - a researcher and inventor from the goblin people, who was known under the name Zhivchik Eternal Motion. He was the apprentice of Chief Sapper Bjimbum and worked with him in the most dangerous places near Area 52 in Outland.

Although the mentor constantly warned Zhivchik about the dangers of radiation for which the Netherstorm was famous, the student neglected safety and did not wear the protective helmet of the Nether. His brain was exposed to radiation and it gradually destroyed his mind and personality.

One day the day came when Zhiwchik finally went crazy and took a new name for himself. Calling himself Doctor Boom, he escaped from Area 52 and kidnapped most demolition equipment, which allowed him to construct explosion bots. These dangerous mechanisms were supposed to protect his new camp, named after Boom and set up in the same Netherstorm.

Dr. Boom hated his former teacher, the other goblins from Area 52, and generally everyone he came across. He continued to interfere with the inventors' experiments. When he stole critical equipment intended for the X-52 Void Missile, the main project of the local goblins, the senior sapper's patience ran out.

Bjimbum turned to the hero from Azeroth, who had just reached the Netherstorm and decided to help the inhabitants of Area 52, as well as earn extra money. The hero received the position of junior laboratory assistant 3rd degree, and the senior sapper ordered him to go to Doctor Boom’s camp and deal with him. Bjimbum also warned the hero about the explosion bots and issued his own set of specially prepared explosives, with which he could deal with the distraught student. The hero did not stay long and reported that the order had been carried out - Doctor Boom, who had caused so much trouble to the goblins from Area 52, had finally been destroyed. Bjimbum expressed regret over what happened to his promising protégé.

  • This character's name is a reference to Doctor Doom, a famous supervillain from Marvel comics who became the archenemy of the Fantastic Four. Dr. Boom also invented unique robots that were exactly like him, and called them Doombots.
  • Dr. Boom became a Legendary card in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, added with the Goblins & Gnomes expansion. The card received 7/7 stats for a cost of 7 mana and the accompanying text “Battle Cry: Summons two 1/1 Explosion Bots to the battlefield.” Because of its effectiveness, the card is used in a large number of decks, and special names for it have spread among players - Doctor Balance (because the card is considered unbalanced) and Doctor Seven (because every now and then it is played right on the seventh turn).

In the topic “How Dr. Boom makes a big boom under my chair...” Strateg complained that after meeting this character, he no longer understood the essence of legendary cards.

“I don’t understand, it seems that the essence of legendaries is not that they are awesome and better regular cards, but that they should be special,” the player wrote on the forum. “But either I’m blind or Blizzard is stupid, it’s obvious that Dr. Boom is an imbecile. Just compare to a 7 mana golem. Same 7-7. But! Dr. Boom's bombs are mechanisms, therefore they can be buffed. They have characteristics of 1-1, in total 2-1 (health is stupid to add up), but in addition to these two units of free damage, after death they also inflict 1-4 units. damage."

Despite the same cost, the player noted, Dr. Boom is many times better than the golem, and he needs to be nerfed as soon as possible.

The author of the topic was supported by Clif. He believes that the doctor is superior to the old legendaries, which either had penalties or required certain conditions, and this led to Boom becoming one of the most important maps for tournaments.

Martofski noted that the problem with the golem is not its stats, so comparing Boom to it is incorrect. The doctor's problem is that he creates three creatures at once, and due to the large role of chance in the game, bombs rarely manage to plan the exchange.

Other players compared their dissatisfaction with Boom to Leeroy, whose characteristics, however, were nevertheless reduced.

The idea of ​​the nerf was supported by Zloytushkan. He emphasized that he liked the card, but it was impossible to remove it from the table without unpleasant consequences.

InnocentWish voiced the idea on the forum that Dr. Boom's incredible power is the result of the company's marketing strategy. Thus, according to the player, by releasing an OP card, Blizzard encourages buyers to purchase boosters and adventures.

Regi suggested nerfing Boom not the characteristics, but the damage from bomb explosions.

“There is nothing awkward in his stats; he is one-shotted by an experienced hunter. For example, minus 1 to the maximum damage of the explosion is a great nerf, since there will be less losses if it is countered, but it will not become a dead card after the nerf. Dead cards are the worst. You can also raise the cost, but this is a very strong nerf and it will not help in any way from the randomness of bombs,”

Puzzle 1/9 - Icy blood. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Use your hero power.
  2. Cast Deadly Poison.
  3. Boost your Bluegill Warrior with Cold Blood and kill your opponent.

Puzzle 2/9 - Frostbite. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Fire one Ice Arrow at an opponent.
  2. Cast Ice Lance on it.
  3. Hit with Manaswyrm.

Puzzle 3/9- War boar. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Play Stonetusk Boar.
  2. Cast Windfury on it.
  3. Strengthen it with Abusive Sergeant and Rockbreaker.
  4. Attack your opponent twice.

Puzzle 4/9- Stay close. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Destroy Grizzly Steelfur with a 3/1 Stonetusk Boar.
  2. Destroy the Shield Bearer with a 4/1 Bluegill Warrior.
  3. Play each creature in your hand next to Flame Totem in turn, immediately dealing damage to your opponent.

Puzzle 5/9- Angry fighters. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Play two Rabid Worgen.
  2. Cast Whirlwind.
  3. Trade both Raging Worgens with the Timbersteel Golem.
  4. Use your hero power.
  5. Damage Enraged Berserker with Shield Slam.
  6. Attack your opponent.

Puzzle6/9 - Return of Leeroy. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Play Leeroy Jenkins.
  2. Destroy the Ticking Abomination with Rebirth.
  3. Attack with Leeroy Jenkins.
  4. Use Rebirth on Leeroy and attack with the revived Leeroy again.

Puzzle 7/9- Cosmic fire. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Cast Space Anomaly.
  2. Destroy an enemy Taunt with Arcane Blast.
  3. Use the Coin.
  4. Play Messenger of Heaven. Don't get confused! First the Coin and only then the Messenger of Heaven, otherwise the damage from spells will be spent on the Coin.
  5. Deal 10 units. damage an opponent with Fireball.
  6. Attack with Mana Wyrm.

Puzzle 8/9- A tight bowstring. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Destroy the Clockwork with the Carnivorous Cube.
  2. Use False Death on the Carnivorous Cube.
  3. Use Hunter's Mark on the Carnivorous Cube.
  4. Destroy the Carnivorous Cube with Arcane Shot.
  5. Use Hero Power (32 damage).

Puzzle 9/9- Backup plan. DEATH. Poisoner Pollark

  1. Play Plan B and enjoy the show.

DEATH. Mira Gnilling

Puzzle 1/7 - Fast and quiet. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Cast Ironbeak and silence Tiger of Stranglethorn.
  2. Attack with all creatures.
  3. Use your hero power.

Puzzle 2/7 - Age of Dinosaurs. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Steal a Frostwolf Fighter using a Potion of Madness and trade with the second one.
  2. Attack enemy hero Sylvanas Windrunner.
  3. Destroy Sylvanas with Shadow Word: Death.
  4. Attack with King Krush.
  5. Use Mind Blast and Divine Smite to deal the missing damage.

Puzzle 3/7- Potato. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Hit Kick ME with Fire.
  2. Equip the Bloody Blade.
  3. Use Inner Rage on Enraged Berserker.
  4. Destroy Kick ME.

Puzzle 4/7 - Low flame. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Destroy a Grizzly SteelMech with an Ice Arrow.
  2. Use your Hero Power on Gurubashi Berserker 2/3.
  3. Use Forbidden Flame on Gurubashi Berserker 5/2.
  4. Attack with both Gurubashi Berserkers.

Puzzle 5/7- Leprosdeath. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Defeat the Pompous Actor with a Backstab.
  2. Attack with both creatures.
  3. Return Kobold Geomancer to your hand with Shadowstep and cast it again.
  4. Play Leper Gnome and destroy it with Backstab.
  5. Deal the missing damage with Razorbloom and Sinister Strike.

Puzzle 6/7- Wall. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Boost Grommash Hellscream with Rampage.
  2. Play Blood Mage Thalnos.
  3. Use Shield Slam on the Arena Lord.
  4. Cast Whirlwind.
  5. Destroy an Abomination with a weapon in hand.
  6. Attack with Grommash.

Puzzle 7/7- Four horsemen. DEATH. Mira Gnilling

  1. Cast Uther the Black Blade.
  2. Use your hero power.
  3. Cast Blackwood Spirit.
  4. Use your hero power.
  5. Play Auctioneer Wihlun.
  6. Restore all your mana with the Accumulator.
  7. Use your hero power.
  8. Destroy Brightron using the Hammer of Wrath.
  9. Use your hero power.

DEATH. Stormy

Puzzle1/7 - Light and flame. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Hit the Goblin Bodyguard with the Paladin Recruit.
  2. Cast Consecration.
  3. Attack with Tirion Fordring.
  4. Play Bluegill Warrior and attack your opponent with it.
  5. Use Equality and deal the missing weapon damage.

Puzzle 2/7 - Harmful jumpers. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Play Sonya Shadowdance.
  2. Play two Jump Skokers.
  3. Destroy 1/1 with Backstab and 3/3 with Eviscerate.
  4. Play a Coin and two more Jump Skokers.
  5. Return the 5/5 to your hand with Shadowstep and cast it again.
  6. Cast Escape and deal lethal damage.

Puzzle 3/7 - Fallen spirit. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Use Inner Fire on the Auchenai Priestess.
  2. Cast Circle of Healing.
  3. Steal the Auchenai Priestess using a Potion of Madness.
  4. Use two Divine Spirits and Inner Fire on her.
  5. Attack your opponent.

Puzzle 4/7 - Best defense. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Play Scout in Distress, Drywhisker Armorer, Armor Master, and Eternium Rover.
  2. Cast Whirlwind.
  3. Use Dash on the Eternium Rover and attack the Wrathguard with it.
  4. Destroy a Wrathguard with a Shield Slam.

Puzzle 5/7 - Healing hammers. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Play Defender of Argus to the left of Healer.
  2. Destroy one Tentacle of N'Zoth with an Elven Archer.
  3. Apply 1 unit. damage to the Knight of Stormwind by the second Elven Archer.
  4. Cast Healing Rain.
  5. Attack with Healer and Stormwind Knight.
  6. Use the Coin and deal the missing damage with two Lightning Bolts.

Puzzle 6/7 - Fried Hydra. DEATH. Stormy

  1. Play two Furious Pyromancers.
  2. Cast Command Shout.
  3. Use the Coin.
  4. Attack your opponent with a weapon.
  5. Use Blood and Pus on the Bittertide Hydra.

Puzzle 7/7 - C'Thun! C'Thun! K'TUN! DEATH. Stormy

  1. Cast Caller of Evil.
  2. Cast Astral Scourge.
  3. Steal the Sorceress-Cultist Dark Madness and attack her.
  4. Cast Circle of Healing.
  5. Cast 2nd copy of Astral Scourge.
  6. Cast C'Thun.

DEATH. Electra Stormqual

Puzzle1/6 - Kick more often. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Play Skaterbot to the left of Kick ME, buffing the latter (magnetism).
  2. Hit the River Crocolisk with KICK ME.
  3. Hit Kick ME with the Speeding Kodo.
  4. Play Blackwing Technique, Shield Bearer, two Coins and only then Twilight Dragon (sequence is important).
  5. Cast Desecration.

Puzzle 2/6 - Give up your pride. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Play Timber Wolf, Swamp Leech, and Savannah Tallmane.
  2. Attack your opponent with all creatures.
  3. Use the Coin and destroy your Savannah Highmane with the Kill Command.
  4. Deal the missing damage with Hyenas.

Puzzle 3/6 - Gatekeepers. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Apply 1 unit. damage to Goblin Bomb using Face of Decay.
  2. Cast Desecration.
  3. Cast Hellfire.
  4. Deal lethal damage with three Doomguards.

Puzzle 4/6 - Shaman's power. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Play Flametongue Totem between Stoneclaw Totem and Emerald Reaver.
  2. Break the Divine Shield of the Bittertide Hydra with the Stone Claw Totem.
  3. Trade Leper Gnome with Hydra of Bitter Waves.
  4. Trade Emerald Reaver with Demoman.
  5. Destroy the Bittertide Hydra with Crushing Hand.
  6. Empower the Tunnel Trogg with Rockbreaker and deal lethal damage.

Puzzle 5/6 - Fierce race. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Copy the Tundra Rhino with the Faceless Manipulator.
  2. Play Bloodfen Lizard and Emerald Queen and destroy the Abomination with them.
  3. Play Timber Wolf and attack with all creatures.

Puzzle6/6 - Passion for magic. DEATH. Electra Stormqual

  1. Play the Fake Coin.
  2. Use Backstab on the Mana Lover.
  3. Cast Firebloom Flurry.
  4. Use Razorbloom on the Thrifty Dragon.
  5. Use Eviscerate on the Thrifty Dragon.
  6. Play the two Coins you receive.
  7. Damage an opponent with Shadow Strike.
  8. Damage your opponent with your 2nd Razorbloom.
  9. Attack with Mana Lover.

DEATH. Smash Boom

Puzzle1/4 - Pirates and regulars. Smash Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play a Super Soldier, Enraged Berserker, Fire Axe, and two Dread Corsairs.
  2. Trade Dread Corsairs with Slime Belcher.
  3. Destroy the Slime with the Gloomy Regular 3/2.
  4. Cast Whirlwind.
  5. Use Slam on Gloomy Patron 3/3.
  6. Attack with all creatures and weapons.

Puzzle 2/4 - Chaotic Explosives. Smash Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Vicious Pyromancer.
  2. Power it up with Power Word: Tentacles.
  3. Cast Circle of Healing.
  4. Cast Cooldown.
  5. Deal damage KICK ME with Divine Smite.
  6. Play the magic teacher.
  7. Play two Defile.

Puzzle 3/4 - North Earth Syndrome. Smash Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Use Power Word: Shield on an enemy Northshire Cleric ( last card in the deck - Furious Pyromancer).
  2. Shuffle 3 copies of Northshire Cleric into your deck using the Lab Personnel Officer.
  3. Play Vicious Pyromancer.
  4. Apply 1 unit. damage to the Laboratory Personnel Officer using the Elven Archer.
  5. Cast Accumulator to restore mana.
  6. Play Magic Mushroom (you'll get three Northshire Clerics).
  7. Play all Northshire Clerics.
  8. Use Binding Heal on any creature of YOURS.
  9. Play Exchange.
  10. Use Treachery on the remaining Northshire Cleric, destroying it.
  11. Cast Circle of Healing.

Puzzle 4/4 - Dangerous Northshire. Smash Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Put two copies of Northshire Cleric on top of your deck using Undercover Reporter.
  2. Apply 1 unit. damage to any creature using the Elven Archer.
  3. Cast Power Word: Shield on the Elven Archer.
  4. Play Northshire Cleric and use a Hero Power on the minion you damaged with Elven Archer.
  5. Play another Northshire Cleric.
  6. Restore mana using the Accumulator.
  7. Play Exchange.
  8. Play Vicious Pyromancer.
  9. Use Treachery on the remaining Northshire Cleric.
  10. Play Magic Mushroom.
  11. Restore the Undercover Reporter's health with Binding Healing.
  12. Cast Circle of Healing.

REFLECTION. Boom's puzzles. Answers, Solutions and Walkthroughs of Puzzles

REFLECTION. Subject #362

Puzzle 1/8 - First steps. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Place the River Crocolisk to the right of the Wisp.

Puzzle 2/8 - Flaming Shield. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Use a fireball to kill Shield Bearer Sen'jin.
  2. Play the Fire on the left, under the enemy one.
  3. Place the Frosty Yeti on the right.

Puzzle 3/8 - Super fast. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Kill a Wolf Rider with a Stonetusk Boar.
  2. Use Flash Heal to restore the Frost Yeti's health.
  3. Use your hero's power to heal the River Crocolisk.

Puzzle 4/8 - Cute victim. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Use the Small Fin to hit the Bloody Marsh Lizard.
  2. Finish off the Bloody Marsh Lizard with an Elven Archer.
  3. Use Hero Power to finish off the Elven Archer.
  4. Play Fire.

Puzzle 5/8 - Thirst for knowledge. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Use Sorcerer's Intelligence.
  2. Place a Novice Engineer on the table on the left.
  3. Place the Creepy Mole to the right of the Spider Tank.

Puzzle 6/8 - Crispy Bacon. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Attack Frost Yeti with Rocktusk Boars.
  2. Using Hero Power, finish off one enemy Rocktusk Boar.
  3. Finish off the second one with a fireball.

Puzzle 7/8 - Raise the shields! REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Place the Stonetusk Boar in the center.
  2. Strengthen your two boars with the Protector of Argus.
  3. Kill a Frostwolf Fighter with your right Stonetusk Boar.

Puzzle 8/8 - Odd Yetis. REFLECTION. Subject #362

  1. Trade the River Crocolisk on the left with the Frosty Yeti in the middle.
  2. Heal an enemy River Crocolisk with Hero Power.
  3. Damage your right yeti with Divine Smite.

REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

Puzzle 1/7 - Lost and found. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Use a dark bomb to damage your hero.
  2. Use Dark Pact on one of the Vile Tentacles.
  3. Cast Forbidden Ritual.

Puzzle 2/7 - Explosive attack. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Use Ice Arrow to destroy an enemy Unstable Ghoul.
  2. Trade your taunt with the Bloody Marsh Lizard.
  3. Cast Arcane Explosion.

Puzzle 3/7 - Dragon Slayer. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Use Inner Fire on the enemy Sleeping Dragon.
  2. Destroy it with the Word of Darkness: Death.
  3. Kill your Faceless Giant against an enemy.

Puzzle 4/7 - Fires of the Wild. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Use Wrath on an enemy Wisp with 3/3 stats.
  2. Trade one of your Wisps with an enemy 3/2 Wisp.
  3. Use Hero Power to finish him off.

Puzzle 5/7 - Molten Flow. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Use Elven Archer on the enemy left Gurubashi Berserker.
  2. Use your second Elven Archer to damage your Gurubashi Berserker on the right.
  3. Cast Volcanic Potion.
  4. Use Hero Power to damage your Gurubashi Berserker on the right.

Puzzle 6/7 - Divine Parade. REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. Damage your Frost Yeti on the left with Divine Smite.
  2. With your second Divine Smite, damage your left Faceless Giant.
  3. Play a Parade of Planets.
  4. Use Divine Spirit on your 10/4 Faceless Giant.
  5. Heal your Faceless Giant on the right with hero power.

Puzzle 7/7 - Aha! REFLECTION. Astromancer Arvin

  1. To the left of Archmage Antonidas, place the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
  2. Cast the sorcerer's Intelligence.
  3. Place the second Sorcerer's Apprentice to the right of Archmage Antonidas.
  4. Copy one of the Sorcerer's Apprentices with a Lava Copy.
  5. Cast the sorcerer's Intelligence.
  6. Use Coins to get 4 Mana Crystals, then use Fire ball on Frosty Yetis, your Archmage Antonidas and the extra Sorcerer's Apprentices on your opponent's board.

REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

Puzzle 1/6 - Switch. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Damage your Goblin Bodyguard with Divine Punishment.
  2. Use Divine Spirit on an enemy creature.
  3. Cast Confusion.
  4. Use Divine Spirit on your Goblin Bodyguard.

Puzzle 2/6 - Star Riddle. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Cast Astral Lash...
  2. Use Divine Punishment on your Rusty Recycler.
  3. Heal your Spider Tank with Hero Power.
  4. Play a Parade of Planets.
  5. Cast Circle of Healing.

Puzzle 3/6 - Fried egg of the void. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Use Ironbeak to silence one of the Devilsaur Eggs.
  2. Use the dark bomb to break another egg.
  3. Hit the Devilsaur 5/5 with the Meat Wagon, which will cause a Devilsaur Yayo to appear on your side as well.
  4. Cast Hellfire.

Puzzle 4/6 - Dirty rodent. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Cast Dirty Rat.
  2. Use a battle golem to kill an enemy taunt.
  3. Attack the enemy War Golem with the River Crocolisk.
  4. Use the Heavy Fist Ogre to kill the same creature on your opponent's side.
  5. Use Divine Punishment on your Boulderfist Ogre.
  6. Use Shadow Word: Pain on your Mud Rat.
  7. Heal your War Golem with Hero Power.

Puzzle 5/6 - Adventure for three. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Damage your Adventurer with a backstab.
  2. Use Poisonous Injection on him.
  3. Destroy your Fire by evisceration.
  4. Use Hero Power to destroy the enemy Wisp.

Puzzle 6/6 - Frosty winds. REFLECTION. Stargazer Moon

  1. Play Kobold Geomancer.
  2. Use Moonfire to kill the enemy 4/2 Frost Yeti on the right.
  3. Use Healing Touch to heal the 4/2 Frost Yeti in the center.
  4. Use Moonfire to kill your Kobold Gemont.
  5. (You can use Insight for style.)

REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

Puzzle 1/5 - Self-sacrifice. REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

  1. Destroy the Paladin Recruits about the Abomination.
  2. Cast Bolvar Fordragon.
  3. Play the Coin.
  4. Cast Cosmic Projection.
  5. Play Lighting.

Puzzle 2/5 - mini-solutions. REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

  1. Heal a wounded Sea Giant with Hero Power.
  2. Use the Shrinkster on the Priestess of Darkness.
  3. Cast Confusion.
  4. Use the Communication Channel on the Sea Giant on the left.
  5. Use a potion of madness on the Shrinkster to destroy the Dark Priestess.

Puzzle 3/5 - the best regulars. REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

  1. Use Execution on Gloomy Patron 3/2.
  2. Cast Whirlwind.
  3. Use your hero power.
  4. Use a shield smash to destroy an enemy 3/2 Grim Regular.
  5. Cast Whirlwind.

Puzzle 4/5 - Deathwing's Dilemma. REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

  1. Cast Confusion.
  2. Play Radiant Elemental.
  3. Use Light of the Naaru on your Vicious Pyromancer.
  4. Use Divine Punishment on your Battlesuit.
  5. Heal your Vicious Pyromancer with Hero Power.
  6. Use the Living Nightmare on it.
  7. Cast Astral Scourge.

Puzzle 5/5 - Infection! REFLECTION. Cloner Zerek

  1. Use Whirlwind.
  2. Cast Charge on Animated Berserker.
  3. Cast Dirty Rat.
  4. Cast Incubator and copy Dirty Rat 2/5.
  5. Cast Cosmic Projection.
  6. Cast Dirty Rat.
  7. Use your Animated Berserker to damage the Dirty Rat on the right side of your opponent's board.


Puzzle 1/4 - Cruel souls. REFLECTION. Doctor Boom

  1. Copy the Abomination with Prince Taldaram.
  2. Use Reaver on the Sea Giant.
  3. Use the Reaver to destroy the Abomination.
  4. Trade your Abomination with the Worgen Hipster.
  5. Destroy the remaining Sea Giants with Soul Burn and Cruel Dinomancer.

Puzzle 2/4 - Ride the wave. REFLECTION. Doctor Boom

  1. Attack any creature with Archbishop Benedict and return it to your hand with Frost Trap.
  2. Cast Insight.
  3. Use Rework on the Ultrasaurus.
  4. Kill the Thrifty Dragon with a Filthy Scavenger and a Shining Elemental.
  5. Play the Coin and place Archbishop Benedict on the table, Doctor Boom copies him with Reflected Essence.
  6. Kill a Treasure Collector with Frostfury.
  7. Use Healing Wave to destroy the remaining Ultrasaurus.
  8. Trade Auchenai Priestess with Crazy Rocket Launcher.

Puzzle 3/4 - In the dark. REFLECTION. Doctor Boom

  1. Cast Insight.
  2. Play Boots of Speed.
  3. Use Toxic Arrow on the Creepy Mole.
  4. Use Betrayal on the Creepy Mole.
  5. Use your Hero Power to finish off the Creepy Mole.
  6. Cast Vanish.
  7. Play Robber's Gloves.
  8. Play a Novice Engineer.
  9. Copy Darkness with the Faceless Manipulator.
  10. While close to nature, destroy the Novice Engineer.

Puzzle 4/4 - Burn Beam. REFLECTION. Doctor Boom

  1. Use Dark Madness on Glinda Crowskin.
  2. Copy Aviana with Prince Taldaram.
  3. Copy Prince Taldaram Mal'Ganis twice to give him more than 10 health.
  4. Play Kun, the Forgotten King and restore the crystals.
  5. Use the Burn Beam.

CLEANING THE TABLE. Boom's puzzles. Answers, Solutions and Walkthroughs of Puzzles

CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

Puzzle 1/8 - Quick attack. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Hit Ogonyok with the boar-stonetusk.
  2. Frenziedly worgen kill the Bloody Marsh Lizard.

Puzzle 2/8 - Waves of light. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. An Elven Archer shoots an Infected Wolf.
  2. Cast Ring of Light.
  3. Cast Astral Lash.

Puzzle 3/8 - Crush the snail. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Play two Tentacles of N'Zoth.
  2. Use the Coins obtained from Gilded Gargoyles to cast Stubborn Gastropod.

Puzzle 4/8 - annoying scarecrows. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Use Sap on the enemy Harvesting Golem.
  2. Use Eviscerate on your Golem and then cast Backstab on the Damaged Golem.

Puzzle 5/8 - Pig power. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Hit two Rocktusk Boars at Soggoth.
  2. Use your hero power.
  3. Use Shield Slam on your Enraged Berserker.
  4. Finish off Soggoth with it.

Puzzle 6/8 - Advantageous position. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Wolf Rider in Toxic Ooze.
  2. Explosive Shot at Frosty Yeti.
  3. Use Hero Power to finish off the River Crocolisk.
  4. Trade the Cartel Sniper with the Bloody Marsh Lizard.

Puzzle 7/8 - Scorched Earth. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Power Word: Use Shield on the Furious Pyromancer (one of them will die).
  2. Hit Deathwing with Divine Punishment.
  3. Use hero power to heal the pyromancer.
  4. Hit Deathwing twice with Divine Punishment.
  5. Use Flash Heal on yourself.

Puzzle 8/8 - Rending. CLEANING THE TABLE. Dendrologist Dexter

  1. Use your hero power to equip a dagger.
  2. Backstab your Sinister Blacksmith.
  3. Deploy a Toxicologist, then activate Deadly Poison.
  4. Valeera must attack Deathwing.
  5. Use Prepare to cast Blade Flurry.
  6. Use the coins received from Thrifty Dragons to finish off your creatures with Evisceration.


Puzzle 1/7 - The fighter's last exit. CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use Humility on Deathwing.
  2. Resolve Entrance to the Colosseum.
  3. Use the Heavy Fist Ogre to attack Anomalus.

Puzzle 2/7 - Down with N'Zoth! CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use a Voodoo Healer to heal an enemy Spawn of N'Zoth.
  2. Kill one of the Lesser Fins with a Stonetusk Boar.
  3. Play Dark Iron Silencer.
  4. Use Eviscerate on him.
  5. Finish off the Voodoo Witch Doctor with a backstab.

Puzzle 3/7 - pollution! CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use Pollution on the enemy Sen'jin Shieldbearer.
  2. Use the Heavy Fist Ogre to smash it.
  3. Attack the Frosty Yeti with your other creatures.
  4. Swing will destroy the Spider Tank.
  5. Finish off your Frosty Yeti with Moonfire.

Puzzle 4/7 - Stolen darkness. CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use your inner vision.
  2. Attack the Faceless Giant with the Clockwork Giant.
  3. Cast Confusion.
  4. Use a potion of madness to steal the Faceless Giant, who now has a low attack indicator.
  5. Cast a second Confusion.
  6. Use the Flame of Darkness on the stolen Faceless Giant.

Puzzle 5/7 - Terrible hurricane. CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Hit Shieldbearer Sen'jin and Wrathion with the Storm Guardian.
  2. Use Heavy Fist Ogre to attack the Earth Elemental.
  3. Use the Spider Tank to hit the Lord of the Arena.
  4. Use Confusion.
  5. Cast Shadow Word: Horror.

Puzzle 6/7 - Curious crabs. CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use a hungry crab to destroy Megamrrrgl.
  2. Use the Mad Alchemist to change the health and attack of the Sleeping Dragon.
  3. Place Void Terror between two of your creatures.
  4. We cast Flame of Darkness on it.

Puzzle 7/7 - Shock magic. CLEANING THE TABLE. Squishy Squish

  1. Use the Fake Coin.
  2. Play Prepare.
  3. Cast Firebloom Flurry.
  4. Play both Razorblossoms into Golemagg.
  5. Use a backstab to destroy two Gelbin Coils.
  6. Step through the shadows and remove the last reel from the table.

CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

Puzzle 1/5 - Mini-horror. CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

  1. Use Flip on your Sleeping Dragon.
  2. Use it to attack the Hungry Ettin.
  3. Use the Frosty Yeti to attack the Fire Giant.
  4. Cast Confusion.
  5. Use Dwarf Potion.
  6. Cast Shadow Word: Horror.

Puzzle 2/5 - Feldemons. CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

  1. Use one of the Imps to attack one Abyssal Demon.
  2. Use the Dreadguard to hit the Void Lord.
  3. Use the Face of Decay on the Heavy Fist Ogre.
  4. Cast Desecration.

Puzzle 3/5 - Warrior Weapon. CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

  1. Equip the Bloody Blade.
  2. Use Whirlwind.
  3. Equip the Fire Ax and attack the Fighter.
  4. Cast Retribution.

Puzzle 4/5 - Chicken on edge. CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

  1. Use Sign of the Wild on the enemy Evil Chicken.
  2. Use Hero Power to attack the empowered Evil Chicken.
  3. Cast Pollution on your Abomination.
  4. Use it to attack the enhanced Evil Chicken.

Puzzle 5/5 - Battle of bots. CLEANING THE TABLE. Demonologist Draan

  1. Cast Brann Bronzebeard.
  2. Play Galvanizer.
  3. Lampusey strengthen the sheep.
  4. Use pyrotechnics on the Explosive Sheep.
  5. To the left of the sheep, place one of the Skaterbots and attack the Power Tank.
  6. Play the Mechanical Assembler.
  7. Place the second Skaterbot to the left of.
  8. Attack the last Power.


Puzzle 1/5 - Air attack. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Morrigan

  1. Place the Flame Totem between the Windflyers.
  2. Place a Furious Pyromancer to the right or left of the Windflyers so that it does not come into contact with the totems.
  3. First, attack the Shield Bearer Sen'jin and the Goblin Bodyguard with the Wind Flight (in that order).
  4. With the second Windfly, attack the Writhing Tentacle and the Arena Lord (in that order).
  5. Equip the Stonecrusher on Thrall.
  6. Use Windfury on any creature.
  7. Use lightning to destroy the Flame Tongue Totem.
  8. Finish off the River Crocolisk with your hero.

Puzzle 2/5 - Dog's share. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Morrigan

  1. Cast the Unleash the Dogs spell.
  2. Place the Dire Wolf Leader between the two Hounds.
  3. Place a Timber Wolf to the left of the Tundra Rhino.
  4. Place the Carrion Hyena in the right corner of the table.
  5. Play a Coin and use Power Shot on the Golemagg.
  6. Kill one of the Fire Giants with Hounds.
  7. Attack the second Fire Giant with the last Hound and the Leader of Dire Wolves.
  8. Attack Golemagg with Timber Wolf, and then finish him off with Carrion Hyena and Tundra Rhinhorn.

Puzzle 3/5 - Grumpy Grumble. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Morrigan

  1. Play the Herald of the Fire Crown.
  2. Copy the Herald of the Fire Crown with the Ash Gorgon.
  3. Play a copy.
  4. Use one of the Batteries.
  5. Play a second copy of Herald of the Firecrown, followed by Grumble, Shaker of Worlds.
  6. Play Herald of the Fiery Crown.
  7. Then place the Rumbling Elemental on the table.
  8. Copy the Herald of the Fire Crown again with Zola.
  9. Play both cheap copies of Crown of Fire for (0), then play the 3rd copy for (0).
  10. Use Plan B.
  11. Use the second Accumulator, which will restore (8) mana.
  12. Play Frost Giant (4) and destroy it with Shadowflame (4).

Puzzle 4/5 - Toxic Ancients. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Morrigan

  1. Use two Ancients to attack the Plague Walker.
  2. Cast Marvelous Slurp.
  3. Play Poison Seeds.
  4. Play Magus Umbra and then Ticking Abomination.
  5. Use Pollution on the enemy Ancient.
  6. Cast Crusher and attack the enemy Treant.
  7. Use Hero Power to finish off the Radioactive Slime.
  8. Use Charm: Small Jasper to destroy the Ticking Abomination.

Puzzle 5/5 - Dance with death. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Morrigan

  1. Use a faceless manipulator to copy Sonya Shadow Dancer.
  2. Use the Elven Archer to shoot at the Enemy Cutter-4000.
  3. Cast Tentacle of N'Zoth and kill him with your second Elven Archer.
  4. Play the last three Tentacles of N'Zoth and destroy one of them with Elven Archer.


Puzzle 1/4 - Vortex of souls. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Boom

  1. Play your Radiant Elementals and Test Subject.
  2. Use Living Nightmare on a Test Subject.
  3. Use Flip on Subject 0/1.
  4. Cast a Living Nightmare on Gelbin's Coil.
  5. Cast a coup on the Radiant Elemental.
  6. Use Divine Punishment on the Test Subject.
  7. Use Shadow Word: Pain on a 2/3 Radiant Elemental.
  8. Use Divine Punishment on the last Possessed Peasant (if there is one left, if not, use the spell on the token).
  9. Use Divine Punishment on Gelbin's Coil.
  10. Finish off a 3/2 Shining Elemental with Divine Punishment.
  11. Finish off the last coil with the same spell.

Puzzle 2/4 - Main plug. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Tundra Rhino.
  2. Attack the average Thermal Plug Engineer with Cave Hydra.
  3. Attack a Medium Thermal Plug Engineer with a Novice Engineer.
  4. With another Novice Engineer, attack the Thermal Plug Engineer on the right.
  5. Use Windfury on the Cave Hydra and attack the Leper Gnome who is between the right and middle Heatplug Engineer first, and then attack the Heatplug Engineer who is on the right.
  6. Use Windfury again on the other Cave Hydra, attack the Leper Gnome next to the remaining Engineer Thermal Plug with it, and then attack the legendary creature itself.
  7. Finish off the Thermal Plug Engineer with the Tundra Rhino.
  8. Finish off the remaining Leper Gnome with a Novice Engineer.

Puzzle 3/4 - Experiments. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Radiant Elemental.
  2. Use Living Nightmare on the Subject and kill the 0/1 copy with Shadow Word: Pain.
  3. Use Inner Fire on the Radiant Elemental.
  4. On the same Test Subject, cast Living Nightmare again and kill the 0/1 creature again with Shadow Word: Pain.
  5. Cast Living Nightmare on a Radiant Elemental.
  6. Use Shadow Word: Pain to kill the remaining test subjects except the one you cast spells on.
  7. Play Battery.
  8. Use Divine Spirit and Living Nightmare on the Test Subject, and destroy the resulting copy using the Word of Darkness: Pain.
  9. Play Kobold Geomancer.
  10. Cast Sergeant Sally and use Divine Spirit on her.
  11. Cast two Living Nightmare on Kobold Geomancer.
  12. Kill the test subject with the Word of Darkness: Pain.
  13. Use Divine Spirit on Sergeant Sally.
  14. Cast Confusion.
  15. Cast Nightmare Alive on Sergeant Sally.
  16. Cast Astral Scourge.

Puzzle 4/4 - Warlock's Apprentice. CLEANING THE TABLE. Doctor Boom

  1. Use Demon Fire on the Ultrasaurus.
  2. Place the Ditch Lurker on the table on the right side and destroy your Vicious Pyromancer with it.
  3. Place the Magic Anomaly on the left side of the table.
  4. Use Demonfire on the Jade Golem.
  5. Use the Pied Piper on the Dread Demon and position the new creature to the left.
  6. Use the Potion of Blood Fury on the Summoning Portal.
  7. Cast Void Terror and place it to the right of Ditch Lurker.
  8. Cast Desecration.

SURVIVAL. Boom's puzzles. Answers, Solutions and Walkthroughs of Puzzles

SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

Puzzle 1/8- Don't panic. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Heal yourself with the Light of Heaven.

Puzzle 2/8 - Gentle Touch. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Use Binding Heal on the Mad Doctor.
  2. Damage the Mad Doctor with Divine Smite.
  3. Heal yourself with Flash Heal.
  4. Trade the Mad Doctor with the Flaming Faceless.
  5. Heal yourself with hero power.

Puzzle 3/8 - Clear the corruption. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Cast Silver Blade.
  2. Cast Seal of Light.
  3. Destroy the Corrupted Healer with a hero.

Puzzle 4/8 - Fierce beast. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Play Equality
  2. Hit a Corrupted Healer with a Recruit Paladin.
  3. Heal yourself with two copies of Heaven's Light.

Puzzle 5/8 - Twice as much. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Play Crystalmancer Kangor.
  2. Heal yourself with Forbidden Healing.

Puzzle 6/8 - Priestly feast. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Heal yourself with two copies of Flash Heal.
  2. Destroy a Shining Elemental with Shadow Word: Pain.
  3. Heal yourself with hero power.

Puzzle 7/8 - Splashes. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Use Rebirth on the Potion Maker.
  2. Heal yourself with Healing Wave.
  3. Destroy the Potion Maker with Lightning.
  4. Heal yourself with Water Speaker.

Puzzle 8/8 - Visions of life. SURVIVAL. Paper technician Bryna

  1. Play Radiant Elemental and Glutton Priest.
  2. Cast Dark Visions.
  3. Select Dark Visions and play them again.
  4. Select Dark Visions and play them again.
  5. Select Flash Heal and use it on yourself.

SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

Puzzle 1/6 - Auction. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Trade the Mad Doctor with the Goblin Bodyguard.
  2. Use 2 copies of Flash Heal on yourself.
  3. Heal yourself with hero power.
  4. Heal yourself with the Light of the Naaru.
  5. Heal yourself with hero power.
  6. Cast Coup on any target.
  7. Heal yourself with hero power.
  8. Heal yourself with a Voodoo Medicine Man.

Puzzle 2/6 - Planting seeds. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Play 2 Wisps.
  2. Cast Marvelous Slurp.
  3. Trade two Wisps with the Possessed Crawler.
  4. Play both copies of Poison Seeds.
  5. Play Tree of Life.

Puzzle 3/6 - Mechanical medics. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Play Brightron to the left of Windfly.
  2. Play Zilliax to the left of Windfly.
  3. Hit the Turret Sentry twice with the Wind Flyer.
  4. Heal yourself with Forbidden Healing.

Puzzle 4/6 - Real Steel. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Cast Steelfury.
  2. Play Brightron to the left of Steelfury.
  3. Destroy a Target Dummy with Steel Fury.
  4. Play Battery.
  5. Heal yourself with Forbidden Healing.

Puzzle 5/6 - Double Trouble. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Cast Rumbling Elemental.
  2. Play the Snack Vendor.
  3. Cast Forked Lightning.
  4. Destroy one of the Turret Sentinels with a Lava Burst.
  5. Play Shudderwock.
  6. Cast Ancient Healer and Healing Wave on yourself.

Puzzle 6/6 - Alive and unharmed. SURVIVAL. Explosive Master Iskryak

  1. Use Rebirth on the Corrupted Healer.
  2. Use Ancestral Spirit on the Corrupted Healer.
  3. Cast Electroshock.
  4. Cast Zilliax.
  5. Boost Zilliax with Rock Crusher.
  6. Trade with Corrupted Healer.

SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

Puzzle 1/6 - Spirit of Prophecy. SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Play two Replicators to the left of the Microbot.
  2. Trade with the Turret Sentry.
  3. Cast Astral Scourge.

Puzzle 2/6 - Healing water. SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Strengthen the Turret Sentry with the Power of Earth.
  2. Play Vicious Scalefish from the left or right edge.
  3. Trade both Rusty Scavengers with the Turret Sentry.
  4. Cast Milky Eyes.
  5. Heal yourself with Water Speaker and Healing Wave.

Puzzle 3/6 - Annoying priestess. SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Damage the Auchenai Priestess with Light of the Naaru.
  2. Play Escape.
  3. Hit the Abomination with Auchenai Priestess.
  4. Heal yourself with the Earthen Ring.
  5. Use Binding Heal on the Abomination.
  6. Strengthen the Guardian of Light with the Elixir of Life.
  7. Hit the Abomination with the Tournament Healer.
  8. Cast Circle of Healing.
  9. Heal yourself with hero power.
  10. Destroy the Abomination with the Guardian of Light.

Puzzle 4/6 - Hallazil, heal! SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Freeze one of the Turret Sentinels with Brrrlock.
  2. Cast Hallazil the Reborn.
  3. Use Rebirth on an unfrozen Turret Sentry.
  4. Destroy an unfrozen Turret Sentry with a Ditch Lurker.
  5. Cast Rumbling Elemental.
  6. Cast Electroshock.

Puzzle 5/6 - Paleo-era. SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Cast Zilliax.
  2. Empower Zilliax with Seal of Might.
  3. Destroy the Bronze Gatekeeper with Zilliax.
  4. Use Forbidden Healing on Paleomurloc Defender.
  5. Hit the Turret Sentry with Paleomurloc Defender.
  6. Trade Mana Lover with Turret Sentry.
  7. Heal yourself with Forbidden Healing.

Puzzle 6/6 - Healing hands. SURVIVAL. Yarkotron-2000

  1. Play Senopal Ogneus.
  2. Cast Uther the Black Blade.
  3. Destroy a 4/3 Turret Sentry with a hero.
  4. Play Steel Snake to the left of Microbot.
  5. Heal yourself by laying on of hands.
  6. Trade Microbot with the remaining Turret Sentry.
  7. Heal yourself by the laying on of hands and the Light of heaven.

SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

Puzzle 1/5 - Just Jaraxxus. SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

  1. Mix Lord Jaraxxus with a Phase Portal.
  2. Use your hero power.
  3. Play Study of Imps.
  4. Play Lord Jaraxxus.

Puzzle 2/5 - Finish me off! SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

  1. Destroy one of the Turret Sentinels with a Ditch Lurker.
  2. Play Stoneflower.
  3. Play Senopal Ogneus.
  4. Play Slum Trader.
  5. Play Stoneflower.
  6. Play 2 Strongholds of Light.

Puzzle 3/5 - Is this all for me? SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

  1. Cast Tentacle of N'Zoth.
  2. Hit the Turret Sentry with a Nerubian Netmaster.
  3. Use Silence on the Lord of the Web.
  4. Shuffle Lord Jaraxxus into your deck with Entombment.
  5. Apply 1 unit. damage to the Magic Ghost using the Elven Archer.
  6. Play Vigilant Scout.
  7. Play Lord Jaraxxus.

Puzzle 4/5 - Dangerous experiments. SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

  1. Destroy the Potion Maker with the Carnivorous Cube.
  2. Use Dark Pact on the Carnivorous Cube.
  3. Cast Cataclysm.

Puzzle 5/5 - Alluring demons. SURVIVAL. Crystalmancer Kangor

  1. Shuffle Lord Jaraxxus with Phase Portal into your deck.
  2. Play Study of Imps.
  3. Play the Forest Flutist.
  4. Play Potion Maker.
  5. Destroy the Potion Master with the Dark Pact.
  6. Destroy the Forest Flutist with the Sacrificial Pact.
  7. Play Lord Jaraxxus.

SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom

Puzzle 1/6 - Mal'Ganis and me. SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Swap the Turret Sentinel's stats with the Mad Alchemist.
  2. Play the Underground Apothecary.
  3. Cast Soul Suppressor.
  4. Destroy the Soul Suppressor with the Pied Piper.

Puzzle 2/6 - Sharing means loving! SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Lorewalker Cho.
  2. Create a copy of it using Cinder of the Gorgon and cast it.
  3. Play Forbidden Tree.
  4. Play Battery.
  5. Play the Lotus Sign.
  6. Use the Earth Scale on the Forbidden Tree.
  7. Play Azalina the Thief of Souls.
  8. Play Battery.
  9. Play 2 copies of Sign of the Lotus.
  10. Use 2 copies of Earthscale on the Forbidden Tree.

Puzzle 3/6 - Path to Victory. SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Call of the Wild.
  2. Play Zilliax to the left of Steelfury.
  3. Use the Rusty Klaxon on the Turret Sentry. Destroy it with Steel Fury.
  4. Play Tough Marauder.
  5. Use Earthscale on Steelfury.
  6. Play Fork for 12 units. armor.

Puzzle 4/6 - Doom. SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Shuffle Mal'Ganis with Phase Portal into your deck.
  2. Destroy two Worthless Imps using Sacrificial Pacts.
  3. Play Study of Imps.
  4. Cast Perdition!
  5. Cast Witch Imp and Soul Suppressor.
  6. Destroy the Soul Suppressor with the Carnivorous Cube.
  7. Destroy the Void Lord with the Dark Pact.
  8. Cast Perdition!
  9. Play Fire Imp on the left.
  10. Cast Void Horror between summoned Soul Suppressors.

Puzzle 5/6 - Copycats. SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Crimson Mana Wyrm.
  2. Play Archmushroom Ixlid.
  3. Play Battery.
  4. Play Genie of the Winds.
  5. Cast Wild Roar.
  6. Play Battery.
  7. Play Slurper between two Wind Genies.
  8. Use Earthscale on the Crimson Mana Wyrm.

Puzzle 6/6 - Mushroom Kingdom. SURVIVAL. Survive Dr. Boom. Doctor Boom

  1. Play Explosive Sheep.
  2. Play Archmushroom Ixlid.
  3. Use Barkskin on Ixlid.
  4. Use your hero power.
  5. Play Battery.
  6. Play Magus Umbra.
  7. Play Potion Maker.
  8. Play Voodoo Doll and target Explosive Sheep.
  9. Play Armored Beetle.

In case you missed the main news last days- next Hearthstone expansion, which will be released on August 7, will be Boomsday Project. The developers shared both a trailer and several new maps, which you can learn about from, where you will also find all important information about the addition known to this moment. In the same article, you are invited to talk about the lore of the upcoming addition: the location of the action, the main characters and possible maps that everyone will be able to play with very soon.

You will learn about the history of Doctor Boom not only in World of WarCraft, but also in Hearthstone, about how this previously not very noticeable and remarkable character became almost the calling card of Hearthstone and the face of the upcoming expansion The Boomsday Project.

And it’s worth starting the story of this character from his habitat - Netherstorm in the world of Outland.

Netherstorm, Area 52 and surroundings

Netherstorm is a game location in World of WarCraft from additions The Burning Crusade. All actions of the first full-scale addition to the game take place in the world of Outland, formerly called Draenor.

Draenor is the home world of the orcs, practically destroyed by Ner’zhul, and the invasion of the world by the Burning Legion led to these tragic events. You can read more about Ner'zhul's role in the destruction of Draenor and how he became the Lich King.

Looking at the map of Netherstorm, you will find a lot of notable areas. Attracts attention to itself Tower of storms, otherwise called the Eye. This structure was built by the Naaru race and was originally used as a way to travel between worlds. But as soon as the Fortress of Storms was in Outland, it was captured by the notorious Kael’thas, driven by a thirst for strength and energy.

But the most important location for today's article in Netherstorm is Area 52. The very name of this place refers to the well-known American secret base “Area 51”, around which there are many conspiracy theories and speculations about UFOs.

Area 52 itself in World of WarCraft is a small settlement of scientists, experimenters and other madmen of this universe. In Area 52 you can meet mainly goblins and gnomes; these two races of the Horde and Alliance, respectively, are very fond of creating unusual mechanisms and technologies.

Doctor Boom in World of WarCraft

Not far from Area 52 you can find Doctor Boom himself, who must be killed during the “Doctor Boom” task, given by senior sapper Bjimbum.

Doctor Boom and the Blast Bots in World of WarCraft

This is what Senior Sapper Bjimbum says when sending the player on this mission:

You know, my former charge, Lively Evermover, never wore a helmet while down here, and one day he turned into the infamous Dr. Boom! He fled to the northeast, stealing most of our demolition equipment! He and his explosion bots have been a threat to Area 52 ever since. I want to send you to Camp Boom, located outside the city, in order to put an end to this scoundrel. Use those Doom Boom bombs to get rid of him. And under no circumstances come close to him or his explosion bots!

Of course, one cannot help but draw the reader’s attention to another pop culture reference. Doctor Boom and his Blast-Bots are very much reminiscent of the villain from the Marvel comic book universe, Doctor Doom, who, during the fight against the Fantastic Four, created the Doom-bots (in Wow they became Boom-bots).

In fact, few people remember Doctor Boom in World of WarCraft for anything other than an unusual task and a funny reference to the antagonist from Marvel comics and films.

Except that Doctor Boom’s large health pool was something that heroes with ranged attacks in WoW liked to use in order to measure outgoing damage per second (it was possible to take a position so that Doctor Boom would not attack you, but you could attack him).

Doctor Boom in Hearthstone

In Hearthstone, Doctor Boom appeared as part of the first full-scale expansion (not to be confused with the first adventure Curse of Naxxramas) Goblins and Dwarves as a legendary card for 7 mana crystals.

Interestingly, before the release of the add-on, few people paid special attention to it. Dr. Boom has been called a weak alternative to Baron Geddon, or even just a Battle Golem with two useless tokens.

But very quickly after the release of Goblins and Dwarves, players realized how wrong they were. Dr. Boom is by far the most powerful Legendary card in the expansion, and perhaps Hearthstone as a whole.

A few months ago, one of the developers of Hearthstone, Dean Ayala, also known as Iksar, held an open vote on his Twitter account for the title of the strongest card in Hearthstone in the entire existence of the game. The hero of today's article won the bitter struggle.

Among the players, already in Goblins and Dwarves, as well as in subsequent additions, even alternative names for Doctor Boom appeared: “Doctor Seven” or “Doctor Balance”. Indeed, Doctor Boom was considered the best and even dishonest seventh move, and the legendary card was used by almost all decks in the game, from the most aggressive to control.

Later, when others began to appear strong cards, for example, Paladin's Mysterious Challenger, it became popularly known as "Doctor Six", again a reference to how powerful this card is when played on its mana curve.

Doctor Boom is no longer available for use in Hearthstone decks along with the introduction of Standard mode in the spring of 2016 (however, it can still be played in the Wild format). But even before this moment, he managed to make a lot of noise and become a kind of calling card of the game.

Thus, we can conclude that Doctor Boom gained his fame not as a reference to Marvel and not as an NPC in World of WarCraft. Moreover, it became so popular not thanks to the efforts of the developers. We made it this way, that is, the Hearthstone gaming community.

Doctor Boom was loved and hated, asked to be nerfed or re-released as a new legendary card. Few people in Hearthstone were left indifferent by this small and previously completely unattractive crazy goblin. And it’s great that the developers realized this and decided that Hearthstone with Doctor Boom would be better and more fun, and would also remind old-time players of the glorious old days.

What to expect from the Boomsday Project expansion?

With the new expansion The Boomsday Project, we can hardly expect a re-release of Doctor Boom with the same characteristics and the same battle cry as before. The developers themselves have already joked about this.

Still, it is likely that if Doctor Boom is re-released, the card will cost exactly 7 mana crystals. Maybe there will be something related to Blast Bots in the mechanics of the legendary creature. The developers are faced with a difficult task: to embody a famous character in a legendary card so that he is neither too strong (like the old Doctor Boom) nor too weak (like Illidan Stormrage). Blizzard successfully coped with a similar task last summer by releasing the Lich King. We can only hope that this time everything will work out.

In addition to Doctor Boom, the Boomsday Project expansion will include a ton of other cards. You can expect, as in Goblins and Dwarves, a lot of mechanisms, bombs, experiments and complex devices, as well as the inhabitants of Area 52 and its environs themselves: scientists, goblins, gnomes and other creatures. You can expect to meet blood elves from the nearby Tempest Fortress, as well as demons of the Burning Legion. For example, it is already known that the Boomsday Project will feature new hero Warlock Mecha-Jaraxxus. This, of course, is not quite a demon, but something close.

Blizzard, once again, set itself a difficult task: to make an expansion with a theme similar to the 2014 expansion Goblins and Dwarves. Will the company create something unique and inimitable this summer? Or will players see Goblins and Dwarves v.2? The questions are open, and the answers to them can be found out very soon.


What do you expect from the new expansion The Boomsday Project? What do you think it should be? legendary card Doctor Boom and will she exist in principle? What about the yet to be announced hero card for Warrior?

Now, perhaps, there are many more questions than answers. Don't forget that all known information You can learn about the Boomsday Project from.

Thanks for reading, see you soon!

Prepared by redsnapper.

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It looks like Classic Mode will be the main mode in Hearthstone. You just have to come to terms with it. In this article we will tell you which cards you can start saying goodbye to :)

[Doctor Boom] is the most unbalanced card in Hearthstone history. Yes, there is an opinion that the only problem with [Doctor Boom] is that he has no competitors in his slot. If there was at least some alternative for 7 mana, perhaps so much attention would not be paid to this card. Nevertheless, we have what we have. It’s quite difficult to imagine the meta without this card right now.

[Loathib] is a very powerful card, when used correctly, it often breaks the game for combo decks, and also removed [Pyroblast] from mage decks. The [Loathib] effect has absolutely no analogues, we will miss you, mushroom monster:

Once upon a time, only Goblins controlled the [Manned Shredder]. These days, every [Doomsayer] and [Millhouse Manastorm] wants to ride it.

It's an automatic addition to most decks, it's the best 4-mana minion and will be missed by many. It's great that he simply disappears from the main game rather than becoming an unplayable card like [Warsong Commander].

said: “That same feeling when a nameless spider turns out to be more useful than you.”

This excellent smaller spider generator is used in huge numbers in both aggro and control decks. This is a wonderful "sticky" creature that is extremely difficult to eliminate and will be sorely missed.

Who doesn't love free "secrets"? The one who doesn't have [Mad Scientist] on his desk, that's who.

With this card gone, hunters and mages will once again have to play the secrets themselves. The paladins laugh loudly at them.

[Slime Belcher] was received very positively when it was announced, it struggled well against aggressive decks, but with the general slowdown of the meta, it was pushed out of most decks. You never know, maybe the meta will speed up again soon, and we will really miss this card...

[Kezan Mystic] was the only answer to the secrets available to all classes. Hunters will still be able to use [Flare], while other classes will suffer.

We hope the developers will add some cards to counter secrets; it will be very strange if everything remains as it is.

Best friend control decks in early game. 2 damage and 3 HP for 1 mana, this creature is unparalleled in its effectiveness at the beginning of the game. Also, it was actively used in the combo [Delicious Zombie] + [Aukenai Priestess].

The developers fully realized that they needed to do something with aggressive decks only in the Goblins and Dwarves expansion. If a player felt like their deck was too slow to handle aggressive decks, they could add a couple of [Ancient Healer] and life would become easier.

Key class cards that will be removed from play


Hunters are parting with the versatile [Teammaster], as well as the aggressive weapon [Glaive Thrower].

Quite a strong blow to mechanomages. And in general, when [Division] disappears, playing against the magician’s secrets will become easier.


The disappearance of [Protected Mini-Bot], [Call to Battle], and the most annoying part of the secret tree - [Vengeance] will have a huge impact on Paladin on Secrets.


Warlocks are one of the hardest hit classes. In addition to the fact that the warlock's favorite neutral creatures are leaving, excellent class cards are also disappearing. #Everything's Broken is likely to be the most popular hashtag among Warlocks.