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Cool places in GTA San Andreas. A huge map of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and its secrets

There are several interesting details to be seen in the Johnson home. Family photographs and countryside scenes hang on the walls. In the living room connected to the TV game console CJD-500, reminiscent in its shape of the one popular in the early 90s Sega Mega Drive (in the USA - Sega Genesis). However, the gamepad is more similar to the controller from the PlayStation 2, only with the “C”, “J”, “M” and “D” buttons. The console is quite working and you can use it.

There are magazines on the nightstand in the living room. Taking a closer look at them, you will notice that the cover of Classic Rides depicts the NRG-500 and FCR-900 motorcycles, and the cover of Thrust shows the Bullet and Super GT sports cars. Rogue and Hell magazines are visible in the stack, parodying women's publications Vogue And Elle.

In the bedroom on the second floor there are several more magazines on the bed. The theme of this issue of Top Nosh magazine is the restaurants of San Andreas, with the name of Los Santos misspelled: “Las Santos.” An article on the pages of an open magazine talks about the Las Venturas casino. All three photos show the game interface. One of the pictures was used in articles about GTA: San Andreas before the game comes out.

There are also a lot of interesting things in the kitchen of the Johnson house. First up is an open packet of Biglog's Cok O Pops. Similar flakes in real world called Kellog's Coco Pops. Several empty cans from the 24-7 store chain lie nearby. Nearby are two bottles with black labels. They show the inscription “Rockstar” and the company logo. Gangsters on the streets also drink Rockstar drink, although the bottles are made of light glass and the labels are green.

There is a surfboard in the corner of the wardrobe on the second floor. It shows a familiar picture from GTA: Vice City - sunset, embankment, palm trees, a girl in a bikini on roller skates...

You can fly airplanes long before you go through desert pilot school. In fact, you can fly without even starting the first mission. Park your car (for example, a taxi) next to the booth located to the right of the airport gate. This gate is located on the north side, in the El Corona area. Jump onto the car and then onto the roof and jump over the fence. On the airport grounds in Los Santos there are Dodo and Shamal. It should be noted that other than this couple, the doors of all planes and helicopters at the airports of San Fierro (with the exception of one Maverick) and Las Venturas will be closed until a certain point.

IN GTA: Vice City the secret packages looked like small figurines. Although in San Andreas They cannot be collected, but one can be seen - a giant image adorns the wall of one of the establishments in the East Los Santos area. Judging by the sign, this is a semi-legal porn club. To get there, drive west from the Johnson house and, after passing under the bridge, turn right at the intersection. It will be the third building on your right, red.

Find Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos (a few blocks north of the Johnsons' house). Next to the building there is a small parking lot, at the exit of which there is a regular wooden electric pole. If you move to the metal fence of the parking lot and look at the post, a passerby will appear in the middle of it. He will hang for a short time, fall onto the sidewalk and calmly go about his business. A similar picture can be observed in one of the places in Las Venturas. You will read a possible explanation for this phenomenon later.

During the mission "" a car punches a hole in a billboard for Sprunk drink. It originally reads "A Taste of Things to Come", but due to a missing piece it becomes "A Taste of... Come", which sounds very similar to "A Taste of Cum". The hole in that place was clearly not made by accident. To see the poster, head straight from the Johnson house to the railroad and turn right. When you reach the bridge, you will see this advertisement on your left.

To see an image of a soldier (Cerberus Guard) from Manhunt, head to Ten Green Bottles. It is located in the Ganton area. Once inside, look at the wall to your left. The same drawings can be seen in other bars. For example, at Misty's bar, which is located across the street from the gym in San Fierro. There are various signs hanging on the walls, including a parody of Notre Dame - Notre Lame. And there you can see the warning “Beware: Pickpockets and Loose Women.”

One of the members of the Orange Grove Families gang is based on the character O-Dog from the movie Menace II Society. He has short dreadlocks and is wearing a green checkered shirt.

On the western wall of a small building, which is located north of the hairdresser in Playa Del Seville, the Virgin Mary is painted, next to the inscription “Jesus Saves”. The same words can be seen on signs above conservation sites in GTA2. The letters there blink, forming a phrase-call: “...U SAVE” (“Save”).

There are located throughout the state that are a parody of the American retail chain 7-Eleven. As many as seven are located in the northeastern part of Las Venturas, one each in the desert and rural areas, and two in Los Santos. Among other goods, they sell ice cream from the Cherry Popper company, a branch of which Tommy bought in Vice City. Another product from Vice City was pizza, which had to be delivered during the corresponding mission. To find one of the 24-7, drive west from the Los Santos gym until you hit the wall of a building. Turn left and you'll see a store next to the 8-Ball's Autos garage.

Go to any Pay 'n' Spray. Just come in, without a car. Standing in this garage, you can shoot at anyone and anything - the police will not notice you. You will receive stars, but the special forces passing at a distance of two meters from you will not even look in your direction. As soon as you run out of the garage, everyone will immediately start shooting, new police cars will arrive, etc. You can use this glitch not only for entertainment, but also for personal gain. First, you can improve your weapon handling skills and criminal rating. Secondly, you can pick up new weapons. Thirdly, you can wait for the tank and jump out of the “ambush” and get into it.

In the center of the Atrium there is a sculpture of a man doing THIS, causing all the other statues to cover their eyes with their hands in horror. To get to the building, head from the gym across the train tracks and further west until you hit the wall of the building. Turn right at this intersection and turn left at the next one, passing the nightclub. Behind the intersection you will see a large but low building with escalators. Climb them and the entrance will be in front of you.

The Los Santos police station is located across the street from Pershing Square, in the Commerce district (two blocks west of the Atrium). To get free access to the underground garage under the site, drive there in a police car. Inside you will see this picture: in the corner, one policeman is beating a man, while another watches.

In the shower room of the police station in Los Santos you can find a long, double-sided purple dildo, the methods of use of which can be found in "". The entrance to the shower room is the first door on the right in the corridor. There you can also pick up armor and a police baton.

If you are far from San Fierro and want to skydive, then head to the tallest building in Los Santos, which is in the Downtown area, two blocks north of the police station. The entrance to the skyscraper is hidden behind columns on the northeast side.

All large Ammu-Nation stores offer shooting competitions. Once you start, get out of it. After this, you will notice that 100-1000 rounds will be added to the Tec9, SMG, M4 and sawn-off shotgun. If you collect more than 9999 ammo this way, it will no longer be displayed on the counter in the HUD.

Some (like downtown Los Santos) have cardboard targets with CJ on them!

From dirt to Kings

In order to get rich easily at the beginning of the game, buy a house in the Jefferson area for $10,000 and find one, which is located just south of the Mulholland Intersection. Having previously saved, head to the bookmakers and bet as much money as possible on the last horse. If you win, save again and then play again. If you lose, load your saved game and try again. Soon you will have more money than you can spend.


Do not press any keys or move the mouse for several minutes. The game will go into screen saver mode. The in-game interface will disappear, and the camera will begin to focus on various events happening around - people talking, just pedestrians, fights, cars passing by. Also, a little earlier, Karl will begin to hum songs from time to time that he heard locally.

Many architectural objects in Los Santos are copied from similar ones located in Los Angeles. This is the city hall, and the Conference Center (in Los Angeles - the Convention Center, which hosts various exhibitions, including E3), and the Chinese Theater on the Avenue of Stars, and the amusement park on the pier, and the Rodeo, and much more . Some of the district names migrated from Los Angeles in a slightly modified form.

The observatory at the top of Verdant Bluffs is modeled after the existing Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, which is one of the highest points in the city. There is a beautiful view from its roof. The paths there are one of the few places where you can meet cyclists (in appropriate clothing and with a helmet on their head), as well as passers-by engaged in race walking.

Travel agency signs across the state advertise Vice City Air.

Burger Shot stands have billboards in front of them that read in large print, “Everything is 69 cents.” Just below this inscription is a list of food and drinks. Each product on the list costs 29 cents instead of 69.

On the streets you can meet a blonde dressed in a white dress with a short skirt. She looks a lot like Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct.


In the mission "", the main action of which takes place in the rapper's mansion, you will meet a security guard playing a video game on the console. He says to himself: “Yeah, look how this Tanner guy runs!” He moves like his bowels have let go... These sucks. I mean, how could Refractions mess up so bad? Tanner, you suck ass! Translation: “Look at how that Tanner runs! He moves like he's shit himself... What a mess. Damn, how could Refractions screw up like that? Tanner, you suck!

For those who don't know: Tanner is the main character of the game. Driv3r companies Reflections. So the developers from Rockstar responded to the appearance in the third " Driver» character Timmy Vermicelli with small water wings (after all, Tommy Vercetti from GTA: Vice City couldn't swim).

On the city streets in the game True Crime: Streets of L.A. you can see billboards on which, in the style GTA: Vice City a guy in a pink bandage and the Jockstrap logo are drawn. It's not hard to guess that the authors made fun of the Rockstar logo. In turn, this same Rockstar Games posted posters in San Andreas with the inscription “Get rid of old rubbish fast!” True Grime: Street Cleaners." One of these posters can be seen at the Unity train station in Los Santos, above the tunnel (at this point the railway comes to the surface).

Do it ninja style!

During the mission "", before robbing a house, Ryder says: "Yah, yah, we gotta do it ninja style!". In Game True Crime: Streets of L.A. the main character Nick Kang says the same words before starting any stealth mission.

On Santa Maria Beach, near the parking lot just west of the long pier, there is a huge concrete roller. Its real-world counterpart is located in Santa Monica Beach. The video was created Chen Chang in 1988 and was used to create patterns in sand. Of course, a person cannot move such a device from its place; a tractor was used for these purposes.

Among the shop signs on Santa Maria beach there are a couple of very original ones. For example, “Hippy Art Shit” and “Son Of A Beach: T-Shirts ‘n’ Shit.” The sign design for another store, SubStandart, copies the yellow-green colors of the restaurant chain. Subway.

There is a gym on Verona Beach where you can work out your muscles in the fresh air.

Graphics engine improvements GTA touched on one more thing that is not mentioned in press releases. Take a close look at the breasts of girls in bikinis walking along the beach.

Find the bridge that connects Rodeo and Flint County. After driving along it to the east, turn left at the second intersection. When you pass the first house (that's a store) on your left, you'll see a large billboard featuring Vice City porn star Candy Sachs in all her glory. This is a commercial for the movie Vinewood Call Girls.

When you reach the intersection from the Candy Sachs poster (north of the ProLaps clothing store in Rodeo), look to the right. You will see a parody of the logo Ferrari. The style is conveyed accurately, instead of a horse there is a hare, and the Grotti trademark is called.

From the Pay 'n' Spray in the Temple area of ​​Los Santos, walk a little west and then follow the road south and stop at the first intersection. To your right is the main entrance to the cemetery. Walking straight along the path, past the fountain, you will see the hospitably open doors of the crypt. Inside there are not only coffins, but also a chair with a TV. There are pizza boxes nearby. The vampire Spike, one of the characters in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, lived in a similar environment.

If you go to a cemetery in Los Santos at night (between 20:00 and 6:00), you will see graffiti on the walls. During the daytime, these inscriptions mysteriously disappear. The content of one of the inscriptions is ironic: “Families 4 Life.”

Posters with logos are pasted onto the windows of one of the buildings in Los Santos GTA III And GTA: Vice City. The theater is located in the Vinewood area, at the intersection northwest of the cemetery.

Posters for the film The Discharger: Evacuator III are plastered on the walls of many houses, depicting a black man who looks suspiciously like Carl Johnson. The advertising slogan under the picture reads: “He’s back, he’s now black... And an android, from the future!!” Of course, this is a parody of Terminator 3. By the way, “Tow Truck 3” was filmed by the film studio Inter Global Films, which is based in Vice City. Such posters can be seen on the wall of a building located northwest of the cemetery in Los Santos. And the film itself is shown at the Vice cinema on the Avenue of Stars.

Some stores in the 24-7 chain sell dog food with the original name Bitch ‘n’ Dog Food. Advertisements for the same products could be seen in GTA III, where the factory owner also gave us tasks. Judging by the inscriptions “pussy flavored horse eyelids”, the jars contain horse eyelids with an interesting smell. On each can of food, where the manufacturer's information is usually located, there is a strange phrase printed in very small print: “CJ. Was just playing the game normally onto as Blacos bet there was no entry-exit at the door to get back out! Strange." This dog food is sold in Los Santos too. The store is located in the Mulholland area, northeast of the cemetery.

Not far from the 24-7 store in the Mulholland area there is an establishment with an ironic sign “Quite Humorous Comedy Club”.

Secrets of the Countryside

Hello everyone, dear users and guests of the site. I make videos about secrets, easter eggs, bugs and glitches in GTA games. At one point I thought it would be nice to have text versions of my findings. The administration of this site provided me with this opportunity (by also making me an administrator). At the bottom of my articles there will be a link to my videos, where I talk about the same material and clearly demonstrate it. Choose the format that is more convenient for you! Article or video. With uv. VampireStyle69

I’ll tell you right away how to get into them, and only then I’ll explain why they were made.

Underground city No. 1

To get to the first underground city you need to buy this house in the vicinity of Las Venturas"a
This house has a small glitch with interior collision, which we will use.
To do this we will need a parachute, which we can get at a flying school or using a cheat code
and you will also need to activate the cheat code for Mega Jump or Bunny Jump.
We just write down the cheat codes we need and jump into this wall. There's a save icon in the distance, I have no idea what it's doing there
After the jump, if we don’t immediately fly down, then we take a couple of steps forward and then we definitely fall down, waiting until the first secret underground city begins to be visible from the darkness.

We can't be afraid to land by, because most of city ​​is invisible, that is, no textures are applied to the 3D model.

Among the interesting things we can find in this city is a wanted star, which is useless here due to the fact that the city is located in the interiors, and in them the police spawn script is disabled, that is, even if we earn wanted stars, the police will not appear. We can also find a sawn-off shotgun, a micro-machine gun and armor here.

As I wrote in my previous video on this topic: not everyone sees random passers-by in the city. Moreover, this does not depend on chance: if they are there, then they are always there, and if not, then no matter how much you use this bug, they will not appear.
Due to the reinstallation of Windows, I did not save that version of GTA, but even when I installed it from the same disk as then, passers-by still did not appear. Write your guesses about what the appearance of passers-by in this city might be related to in the comments. To confirm my words, here are fragments from my video where you can see that there are passers-by in the city (see fragments from the old video in the new video).
If you have random passersby and you just want to shoot at the NPS without the police bothering you, then this place might be quite interesting for you. Owners of SAMP and MTA servers should also pay attention to this city, because it can be turned into a good DeadMatch zone.

Underground city #2

To get to the second underground city, we need to go to the gym in Los Santos, be sure to kill all the people,
that are in it, write the code for the Jetpack or, as it is also called, the jetpack.
After which we need to run up to the front door and just fly up, in this part of the gym there is a glitch in the collision and therefore we can easily fly through the texture. Next we need to go to the point that I marked on the map. If we do not kill all the people in the gym, then we will suddenly lose altitude and naturally will not get to the place we need, since it is at a certain height.
When we arrive at the point previously marked on the map, we need to find a marker, although we will have to tinker with this, since it is difficult to navigate in the dark and understand at what height it is located.

Then we find ourselves in this room, the purpose of which is unclear, for me personally, just like markers in interiors, all the objects in it are static, that is, nothing breaks. Next, you need to enter the code into the Jetpack again and go to the next point that I marked on the map. The flight takes a few minutes.

When we approach the city, we will have 5 wanted stars, unlike the previous city, everything here
the police do appear, but only without transport, so this city will be of interest to those who just want
shoot law enforcement officials.

Of the interesting things in this city, we can only find 2 bulletproof vests. There are no passersby here, but the garage is open and we can walk around in it calmly. Not far from the city there are a couple of objects from which you can also shoot dugs well.

What are these cities for?

In fact, these cities are not some kind of secrets or mysteries of the game, everything is much simpler. They were created specifically for cutscenes. Cutscenes are game videos with animations and scripts that we watch at the beginning of each mission.
The first city was created specifically for the cutscene in the mission "Burning Passion", and the second city was created for the cutscenes
in missions whose names you see on the screen (if you are interested, watch the video).
Naturally, the developers did not plan for players to end up there, but due to bugs in the game, players still found
such an opportunity.

In fact, these cities are not even underground, although visually it seems so. Yes, we go into houses and after that we have to fall below our house and fly below our gym and therefore the players think that these cities are under the main game card. But it's not that simple. When we stand on the marker and get inside the house, we are teleported high into the sky, that’s where all the interiors are located. But it so happens that the interiors of cities are located below the interiors with bugs through which we get to these cities.

Johnson House

Several interesting details can be seen in the Johnson house (CJ house). Family photographs and countryside scenes hang on the walls. In the living room, a “CJD-500” console is connected to the TV, its shape reminiscent of the Sega Megadrive popular in the early 90s, although the gamepad is similar to the controller from the PlayStation 2, only with the “C”, “J”, “M” and “D” buttons "

About magazines

There are magazines on the nightstand in the living room. Taking a closer look at them, you will notice that the cover of “Classic Rides” depicts the NRG-500 and FCR-900 motorcycles, and the cover of “Thrust” shows the Bullet and Super GT sports cars. The stack shows "Rogue" and "Hell" magazines, parodying women's magazines Vogue And Elle.

Something more about magazines

In the bedroom on the second floor there are several more magazines on the bed. The theme of the issue of Top Nosh magazine is the restaurants of San Andreas, and the name of Los Santos is misspelled - “Las Santos”. An article on the pages of an open magazine talks about the Las Venturas casino. All three photos show the game interface. One of the pictures was used in articles about GTA: SA before the game comes out.


There are also a lot of interesting things in the kitchen of the Johnson house. First of all, there's an open packet of Biglog's Cok O Pops, which are called Kellog's Coco Pops in the real world. Several empty cans from the 24/7 chain of stores lie nearby. Nearby are two bottles with black labels. They show the inscription "Rockstar" and the company logo. Gangsters on the streets also drink Rockstar drink, although the bottles are made of light glass and the labels are green.


There is a surfboard in the corner of the wardrobe on the second floor. It shows a familiar picture from GTA: Vice City- sunset, embankment, palm trees, a girl in a bikini on roller skates...

And I want to fly...

You can fly airplanes long before you go through desert pilot school. In fact, you can fly without even starting the first mission. Park your car (for example, a taxi) next to the booth located to the right of the airport gate. This gate is located on the north side, in the El Corona area. Jump onto the car and then onto the roof and jump over the fence. On the airport grounds in Los Santos there are Dodo and Shamal. It should be noted that other than this couple, the doors of all planes and helicopters at the airports of San Fierro (with the exception of one Maverick) and Las Venturas will be closed until a certain point.

Figurine from Vice City

IN GTA:VC the secret packages looked like small figurines. Although you cannot collect them in San Andreas, you can see one - a giant image adorns the wall of one of the establishments in the East Los Santos area. Judging by the sign, this is a semi-legal porn club. To get there, drive west from the Johnson house and, after passing under the bridge, turn right at the intersection. It will be the third building on your right, red.


Find the Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos (a few blocks north of the Johnsons' house). There is a small parking lot next to the building, with a simple wooden electric pole at the exit. If you walk to the metal fence of the parking lot and look at the pole, then a passer-by will appear in the middle of it. He will hang for a short time, fall onto the sidewalk and calmly go about his business. A similar picture can be observed in one of the places in Las Venturas. You will read a possible explanation for this phenomenon later.

About tastes

About soldiers and women

To see an image of a soldier (Cerberus Guard) from Manhunt, head to Ten Green Bottles. It is located in the Ganton area. Once inside, look at the wall to your left. The same drawings can be seen in other bars. For example, in Misty's bar, which is located across the street from the gym in San Fierro. Various signs hang on the walls, including a parody of Notre Dame - “Notre Lame”. And there you can also see the warning “Beware: Pickpockets and Loose Women" (“Beware: pickpockets and slutty women”).

Menace II Society

One of the members of the Orange Groove Families gang is based on the character O-Dog from the movie Menace II Society. He has short dreadlocks and is wearing a green checkered shirt.

Jesus Saves

On the western wall of a small building, which is located north of the hairdresser in Playa Del Seville, the Virgin Mary is painted, next to the inscription: “Jesus Saves”. The same words can be seen on signs above conservation sites in GTA2. The letters there flash, forming the appeal phrase “…U SAVE” (“Save”).

24/7 and GTA:VC

There are 24/7 stores throughout the state that are a parody of the American retail chain. Seven/Eleven. As many as seven are located in the northeastern part of Las Venturas, one each in the desert and rural areas, and two in Los Santos. Among other goods, they sell ice cream from the Cherry Popper company, a branch of which Tommy bought in Vice City. Another product from Vice City was pizza, which had to be delivered during the corresponding mission. To find one of the 24/7, drive west from the Los Santos gym until you hit the wall of a building. Turn left and you will see a store next to the 8-Ball's Autos garage.

Pay "N" Spray

Go to any Pay "N" Spray. Just come in, without a car. Standing in this garage, you can shoot at anyone and anything - the police will not notice you. You will receive “stars”, but special forces passing at a distance of two meters from you will not even look in your direction. As soon as you run out of the garage, everyone will immediately start shooting, more police cars will arrive, etc. This glitch can be used not only for entertainment, but also for personal gain. First, you can improve your weapon handling skills and criminal rating. Secondly, you can pick up new weapons. Thirdly, you can wait for the tank, and jump out of the “ambush” and get into it.


In the center of the Atrium there is a sculpture of a man doing THIS, causing all the other statues to cover their eyes with their hands in horror. To get to the building, head from the gym across the train tracks and further west until you hit the wall of the building. Turn right at this intersection and turn left at the next one, passing the nightclub. Behind the intersection you will see a large but low building with escalators. Climb them and the entrance will be in front of you.

Brutal police

The Los Santos police station is located across the street from Pershing Square, in the Commerce district (two blocks west of the Atrium). To freely enter the underground garage under the site, drive there in a police car. Inside you will see this picture: in the corner, one policeman is beating a man, while another watches.


In the shower room of the Los Santos police station you can find a long, double-sided purple dildo, the uses of which can be found in "Armament". The entrance to the shower room is the first door on the right in the corridor. There you can also pick up armor and a police baton.

Tallest building in Los Santos

If you are far from San Fierro and want to skydive, then head to the tallest building in Los Santos, which is in the Downtown area, two blocks north of the police station. The entrance to the skyscraper is hidden behind columns on the northeast side.

Free Ammo at Ammu-Nation

All large Ammu-Nation stores offer shooting competitions. Once you start the Ammu-Nation Challenge, quit it. After this, you will notice that 100-1000 rounds will be added to the Tec9, SMG, M4 and sawn-off shotgun. If you collect more than 9999 ammo this way, it will no longer be displayed on the counter in the HUD.

Heroic Target

From dirt to Kings

To get rich easily early in the game, buy a house in the Jefferson area for $10,000 and find the betting shop, which is located just south of the Mullholland Intersection. Having previously saved, head to the bookmakers and bet as much money as possible on the last horse. If you win, save again and then play again. If you lose, load your saved game and try again. Soon you will have more money than you can spend.


Do not press any keys or move the mouse for several minutes. The game will go into screen saver mode. The in-game interface will disappear, and the camera will begin to focus on various events happening around - people talking, just pedestrians, fights, cars passing by. Also, a little earlier, Carl will start from time to time humming songs that he heard on the local radio.

Los Santos and Los Angeles

Many architectural objects in Los Santos are copied from similar ones located in Los Angeles. This is the city hall, and the Conference Center (in Los Angeles - the Convention Center, which hosts various exhibitions, including E3), and the Chinese Theater on the Avenue of Stars, and the amusement park on the pier, and the Rodeo, and much more. . Some of the district names migrated from Los Angeles in a slightly modified form.


The observatory at the top of Verdant Bluffs is modeled after the existing Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, which is one of the highest points in the city. There is a beautiful view from its roof. The paths there are one of the few places where you can meet cyclists (in appropriate clothing and with a helmet on their head), as well as passers-by engaged in race walking.

Vice City Air

All at 69?

The basic Instinct

On the streets you can meet a blonde dressed in a white dress with a short skirt. She looks a lot like Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct.

In the mission Madd Dogg's Rhymes, the main action of which takes place in the rapper's mansion, you will meet a security guard playing a video game on the console. He says to himself: “Yeah, look how this Tanner guy runs! He moves like his bowels have let go... These sucks. I mean, how could Refractions mess up so bad? Tanner, you suck ass!"

Translation: “Look at how that Tanner runs! He moves like he's shit himself... What a mess. Damn, how could Refractions screw up like that? Tanner, you suck!

For those who don't know: Tanner is the main character of the game. Driv3r companies Reflections. So the developers from Rockstar responded to an appearance in Driv3r figurines of Tommy Vercetti with small water wings (after all, Tommy from GTA:VC couldn't swim).

True Grime

Do it ninja style!

During the mission Home Invasion, before robbing a house, Ryder says: "Yah, yah, we gotta do it ninja style!" In Game True Crime: Streets of L.A. The main character, Nick Kang, says the same words before starting any stealth mission.

Concrete roller

On Santa Maria Beach, near the parking lot just west of the long pier, there is a huge concrete roller. Its real-world counterpart is located in Santa Monica Beach. The video was created Chen Chang in 1988 and was used to create patterns in sand. Of course, a person cannot move such a device from its place; a tractor was used for these purposes.

Secret and interesting places :)

URGENTLY! secrets for GTA San Andreas!
Grand theft auto San Andreas
You can find a lot of interesting things in the state of San Andreas.
It could be a weapon, a reminder from previous versions GTA,
secret rooms and other jokes.
Grand theft auto San Andreas
1. In the Ganton area, you can find Tec9 on the roof of Sweet's house.
2. There is a shovel behind Ryder's house.
3. Behind the second house on the left, from Sweet's house, there is a pistol.
4. In CJ’s house you can find several interesting photographs: his mother, and a cool cat.
5. The Ten Green Bottles bar has billiards. If you lose, you can take your money by killing your opponent.
6. In the state of San Andreas, people sleep with their eyes open!
7. At noon, the asphalt cracks from the heat.
8. In the last mission from Catalina, she says that she is leaving with her new boyfriend for Liberty City. Her newfound fan is very similar to the main character of GTA3.
9. If you eat too much, Carl will vomit on the counter.
10. Not far from Mount Chiliad there is a ghostly Glendale. Approach this place and wait a little. In a few seconds, Glendale will arrive, but there is no driver!
11. The Zero store sells Manhunt and Vice City CDs.
12. In the mission where the Mafia boss, having seen Karl, dies of a heart attack, you must, while protecting Ken Rosenberg, escape from the warehouse. In one of the hottest shootouts, the following dialogue occurs:
-Like the old days good times yes, Tommy?
-Ken, what the hell is Tommy?
13. This entrance is located under the historic Gant Bridge (San Fierro). If you go there, unfortunately, you won't find anything there.
14. In the mission where the Four Dragons gang is planning a casino robbery, the casino plan is on a stand with a picture of the band Love First, the most famous band in Vice City.
15. Ferrari prototype in San Andreas.
16. In Las Venturas there is a giant image of Avery Cunnington (a famous businessman from Vice City).
17. A big board featuring Candy Sachs can be found throughout the state.
18. Not far from Ryder's house you can find brass knuckles (it's under the bridge).
19. A six-barreled machine gun can be found at the railroad crossing from San Fierro to Las Venturas.
20. In the desert, not far from Las Venturas, you can find a picturesque geyser.
21. At the top of the Gant Bridge there is a sign: “There are no Easter eggs here. Get out of here!”
22. Make sure that the cops catch you in the first city, and when you appear near their headquarters, go into it, then go straight and to the right, there will be a locker room, and then a bathroom. There you will find a mysterious weapon!
23. There is one joke in the mission “Poems of the Mad Dog”. There, one of the guards, playing a game, says - Tanner is a hulking ass, etc. How did you understand this about the game Driver.
24. In Los Santos, find the tallest skyscraper (on the map it has the shape of a circle). You can go into it. On the roof you will find a parachute, you can jump straight from a skyscraper
25. In the house where there was a mission on a monster truck in the suburbs of Las Venturas there are all four types of killer weapons. This is a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, an RPG, and a minigun.
26. You can find the plane on which we fly when we buy a ticket. It is located at the las venturas airport, at the very end there is a huge hangar, I think you can see it.
27. Just like in Vice City, you can shoot at the moon with a sniper, and it will change in size.
28. If you think that the tank is very slow, then it is not so. All you have to do is turn the turret back and shoot. The result is that you can even catch up fast car.
29. If you take a combine harvester and run over a couple of people, then instead of wheat, processed human meat and bones will fly out of the pipe.
30. The license plate of Sweet's car says: GROVE4L.
31. You can find a lot of cool things in the sex shop, such as a diy chainsaw or CDs from Vice city and Manhunt.
32. Night Vision Device and Heat Goggles are located in Mad Dog's mansion.
33. You can find a homing bazooka between canisters at the San Fierro airport. Closer to helicopters.
34. If you have completed the game 100%, then this is for you. If a car, boat, helicopter, etc. suddenly catches fire, then simply dial HESOYAM and the car will stop burning.
35. Packer, tug, tractor - what do they all have in common? This is that they can transport wheelbarrows. For example, an infernus is needed for export, but the door is closed. No problem - take a packer, drive up to the car backwards, and let the car drive into the driveway. Then we hold 2 or 8 (humpad) and that’s it, we’re good to go. And the tractor and tugboat have the same system: we hold 8, we drive up and see that the cable has caught the bumper, and then we hold 2 to lift the car.
36. In the San Marina beach area in los santos, closer to pan n spray, there is the inscription SON OF BEACH (son of the beach), and below are T-Shirts "N" (T-shirts with the inscription no).
37. In the Stone County area in the suburb of Las Venturas there is a tavern called Lil Prob. So, in the tavern in the back room there is a room with a UFO map. More details.
38. There is a Vice City poster hanging in Denise Robinson's house.
39. In the Los Santos cemetery, one grave is dug up, and in the crypt there is a TV and a box of pizza!
40. If you do not touch the controls for 2-3 minutes. Then the camera will begin to follow the female gender.
41. If you crash into the cops and wait for them to get out, AND AFTER THAT IMMEDIATELY START, then the cop’s car will drive a couple of meters on its own, i.e. without a driver.
42. If you look at the sky at night (better away from the city or streetlights), you can see the constellation Ursa Major, as well as the North Star.
43. There is also a place where the plane is parked and there is a sniper (sometimes there is none), a map is shown on which this place is marked with a pink marker.
44. How to get to the airport in San Fierro without skills flight school you need to jump off a cliff above the airport in a car. By the way, there is always a car on the side of the road, apparently just for such cases.
45. RombotIn one of the ports of San Fiero there is a submarine.
46. ​​The ammunition contains a paper CJ.
47. On some ammunition it says guns guns guns - gta3 code for weapons.
48. At the police station, on a stand there are photographs of gangs from Manhunt.
49. On the beach in Los Santos there are flower girls identical to the same ones in Manhunt on level 8.
50. The thieves' van is not only in Los Santos but also in San Fierro. It is located next to the driving school between residential buildings to the right of the entrance!
51. On the shore of the Red County, which is located near Los Santos, there is a photographer. If you approach him, he will start taking pictures of you and then rush into the water.
52. Remember in Vice City we collected Voodoo figurines with drugs inside (you had to collect 100 pieces)? In San Andreas there is a building whose symbol is such a figurine, although it is a center for call girls: zloy:.
53. At night, as in Vice City, in the sky we can contemplate the Rockstar logo made of stars.
54. In the police garage in los santos and las venturas there is always some vehicle: plane, boat and even hydra.
55. If you shoot at the cash register of any clothing store, $ bills will fall out of it, but not for long, after 5 seconds they will disappear.
56. At the airport in Los Santos, if you jump over the fence, at the end of the runway (from the side of the large passenger plane) there is an M-4 machine gun.
57. When stealing, it is better to go into houses with orange windows (they have cool and very $expensive $acoustics). It is best to kill the owners right away with a 9mm with a silencer (save a lot of time!).
58. If you ride a train very fast (especially in the opposite direction), the train will go off the rails!
59. To the right of BURGER SHOT behind the houses you can find a (RUSSIAN FOREVER) AK-47.
60. Behind the "VineWood" sign you can find a cane.
61. From the airport side, at the final train station (there are only carriages there), just inside them you can find sawn-off shotguns and armor.
62. A heat-seeking rocket launcher can shoot at a bicycle!
63. There is a glitch, if you go into a house (during theft) and there will be people sitting there, then after the theft is completed you can go into the same house!
64. Today I tried to hijack a train... Apparently, I accelerated too much and my train turned over at the bend. There was no standard train explosion, but after getting out, I, an ordinary city resident, was able to push this train (manually) all the way to the station

Secret and interesting places part 2

65. Next to the snack bar by the bridge (on one of the supports there is a sign “There are no easter eggs") on the pedestal lies a piece of cable from the bridge. Also, nearby there is a board with data about the bridge (length, height and, most interestingly, the number of polygons, and the amount of space it occupies on the HDD!).
66. Find and go to the Zero's RC store and pay attention to the racks that are located behind the counter. On the racks you can see plastic figures of Tomie Vercetti and Lance Vance for sale, on another shelf you can see Cash and Pigsy, these are characters from the maniac simulator - Manhunt.
67. In every bar you can see on the wall a SWAT officer from the maniac simulator Manhunt.
68. You can find flowers for your girlfriend at any cemetery in the state.
69. In the bone county area in the suburb of las vetnurs, not far from the dam there is a large satellite dish, and next to it is a sandking car (king of the sands). The jeep is very suitable for driving on sand.
70. There is a funny glitch in San Andreas. If you jump with a parachute and then turn on replay, CJ will not have a parachute on him, he will be holding it in his hand.
71. In the first mission for Catalina, at the gas station in the window it is written: "MAX PAYNE".
72. Near the zero store (which we will buy) there is a courtyard with a shallow fence, there lies a desert eagle.
73. At the construction site where the toilet was bricked up, there is a chainsaw.
74. At our airport, one of the planes has a bulletproof vest.
75. When you are riding a bike, hold down jump, and then quickly press shoot (if you have a weapon). The bike flies much higher!
76. In strip clubs you can not only spend, but also get some money. It’s enough to stand as close to the stripper as possible (but don’t overdo it - if you hit her, the guards will open fire on you - “don’t touch with your hands.”) The money that visitors periodically throw to the girl ($100 each) will then end up with you, not she has.
77. In the Ammu-nation shooting ranges you can easily get endless ammo to the machines. To do this, enter the shooting range and immediately exit. The number of cartridges will double. By repeating these steps several times, you will receive an endless supply of ammo. Additionally, these Ammunation shooting ranges are the only place where you can aim behind you. It looks quite funny sometimes.
78. The magnetic card that you need to get from Millie, the croupier of the Caligula casino, is an exact copy of a similar card from Vice City. By the way, it has the inscription “Chuff security” on it.
79. Near the Gant Bridge in San Fierro you can find a table with information about it (including its size on disk and the number of polygons). Also nearby is a certain “Actual piece of cable”.
80. In the desert, not far from the flight school, there is a hole in the ground, and in it lie some strange objects. According to one version, these are corpses in bags, according to another - fragments of a UFO, according to a third - just a pile of stones.
81. In a police parking lot in Los Santos, you can see cops beating up a man.
82.Go to Angel Pine, there are three trash cans near the Clucking Bell, two of them without lids, and inside you can see maps of Vice City.
83. To the west of Los Santos is a huge rock called Northstar Rock. Let's rearrange the syllables and get Rockstar North - the name of the developer.
84. To the right of the road leading from Los Santos to the village near Mount Chiliad, you can see a photographer (each time a new one), who, after taking a couple of pictures, drowns in the ocean.
85. Rockstar loves making parodies of famous titles. Here are some of them: Sprunk - Sprite (this drink was still in Vice City), Max Pane - Max Payne (in full: "Max Pane. Bulletproof glass" - "Max Pane. Bulletproof glass"), True Grime - True CrimeRogue - Vogue (magazine, can be found in one of the houses), Evacuator III - Terminator III.
86. In San Andreas there are references to the group Love Fist from Vice City, and in Las Venturas there is a hotel dedicated to VRock radio from VC.
87. If you don’t touch the mouse and keyboard for about two hours (in-game, of course), then all the information (health, time, minimap, etc.) will disappear from the screen, and the camera will begin to “live its own life”: sway slightly, focus on passers-by and keep an eye on them (special attention, by the way, is paid to girls, or more precisely, to some parts of their body:
) 88. In a mission where you need to catch up with a guy on a motorcycle together with OJ Loc, try to drive through the first block and stop and look at the sidewalk on the left - there will be someone’s corpse lying there, and a person will be sitting next to him (each time a new one), obviously grieving the loss of a friend
89. Take a closer look at the signs located next to any Burger Shot (OJ Loc was required to work in one of them after liberation). At the top it says: “Everything is 69c” (“Everything is 69 cents”), which in itself is surprising. What seems even stranger is the fact that there is a price of 29 cents below against each point. So how do we understand this?
90. There is a film studio from Weiss in Los Santos, although slightly modified. Also not far from Mount Chiliad there is a landfill from the same place.
91. Near a lake north of Los Santos there is a pier with a rusty wheelchair at the end of it. What associations does the imagination draw...
92. In the desert to the west of Las Venturas there is a so-called "phallic rock". I don’t think there’s any need to explain what it looks like.
93. There are two memorials in the game: the "War Memorial" in San Fierro and the "Sherman Dam Memorial" at the dam to the west of Las Venturas.
94. In one of the buildings of Los Santos (the Atrium, this is in the center) you can see a dilapidated monument. It is not difficult to guess what the person depicted on it is doing.
95. When a helicopter flies behind you and sometimes there is more than one, then there are no drivers in these helicopters!!
96. If you jump from a skyscraper (which has a parachute, although you can do it from others too) on a bike or motorcycle and land on both wheels, the guy won’t die and won’t even get hurt if he doesn’t fall off the bike or motorcycle when landing.
97. There is a Starfish casino in Las Venturas (you probably remember this island from Vice City?).
98. There is a village in the suburbs of Los Santos. In its western part there is a cemetery. From 16.00 to 19.00 some old man comes to the cemetery and starts hitting the grave with a shovel =).
99. Stand in front of the cop's car, in which the policeman-driver is sitting, and shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle. It shouldn't fall out. Then shoot at the car with a Kalash rifle so that it catches fire and then the man without a turret must move on!
100. If the gate to another city is broken several times by train (at high speed), the gate will not stop the train and you can go to the next city! (However, the asterisks also remain
101. In some houses, you can steal the same thing several times! (mostly TVs)
102. After the theft, if you crash into the cops, the cost of all things is significantly reduced!!!
103. At horse races, the more you bet, the less chance of winning.
104. If you place mines (code: UZUMYMW) in the amount of 5 pieces, move away and when someone (preferably a cop) approaches them, press the remote control button and enjoy the spectacle of this person flying at the height of a good house over a fairly long distance! (I tried it with a commando on the highway, flew over it from the beginning of the first road to the end of the second)
105. Try to tow any car with a tractor and climb a mountain at high speed. If the speed is sufficient to take off, the car in tow will fly away doing some pretty beautiful somersaults!
106. In cases of great luck, when the train derails, only the carriages on it can come off (at the same time, I advise you to slow down in order to avoid the train itself derailing)
107. In Las Venturas you can find an image of the famous porn star Candy Sachs from Vice City.
108. In the race you drove cool car, huh in a normal game you can’t find it? No problem, during the race you just don’t go to the checkpoints, but head to the nearest garage, park the car and get out of it. After 25 seconds have elapsed, they will write to you that you disqualified for getting out of the car. You will return to the race selection place, take the car, drive to the garage and see the sports car has not disappeared!!

Secret and interesting places part 3

Secret and interesting places part 4

147. In the last mission to destroy Big Smoke, you can quickly kill him if you cut him with a knife, and then poke him with it at the lying fat man, not paying attention to his minions. Smoke won't even be able to stand up. P.S. If you stab him with a knife or even hit him on the head with a dildo, then in the video of his death there will be bullet holes on his body. They probably caught their own... In the same mission, when Tenpenny shoots at the unit, the explosion often tears off his head, but this does not stop him from riding on the fire truck later
148. If, while capturing territory, you go down into a canal (if it’s not far), then the defenders will definitely run to the nearest bridge and begin heroically jumping from it and crashing; it’s convenient to finish off those who are especially tenacious with a Kalash.
149. If you press space while flying on a rocket engine, the rate of descent will increase.
150. You may not have noticed, but when you get into the Swat truck you get a bulletproof vest.
151. Sometimes the following glitch happens in the game: if you aim at an active enemy with a sniper from a very long distance, he will start jumping in place, and unusually high.
152. When you pick up a prostitute, you can, after doing all the work, drive the side of the car with which she is sitting towards a cliff, then it will fall out and possibly break. Money can be collected.
153. In my opinion, it is easier to drive a loader and a combine in reverse. Give it a try.
154. You can pit two cops against each other. To do this, smoothly push the cop's car (with the driver) onto the walking cop and knock him down. Then the victim will get up and throw the first cop out of the car and start beating him. It’s quite difficult to make this joke, but it’s possible.
155. The moment you get into a car/motorcycle/helicopter/etc., you are immortal!
156. In one of the towns on the territory of the brewery you can find Kalash, and in Los Santos in the corner of the car dancing area you can find an excellent SMG.
157. A quiet pistol is not such a useless thing. With appropriate shooting skill, it hits accurately and hard like a shotgun (short distances don’t count).
158. It’s strange, but when you fall on a wheelbarrow into the water, it floats on the surface, and when you get out of it, it begins to sink.
159. These flying luminous points in the sky are not airplanes at all, but rather leaving a trail, maneuvering luminous points the size of a ball. You can only catch up with them on a fast plane or by car (if you dial the code).
160. In San Fierro, on the street where they sell URBAN clothes and make rasta tattoos, there is a store of a crazy weed manufacturer (found in missions), he is depicted on the store window with a joint.
161. Do you have a problem with attractiveness? And you don’t have enough money to spend? And you dance well!? Go to the club and dance! If you finished the dance with a “GOOD” mark, rejoice! Attractiveness has improved significantly. =) But if everything went wrong... =)
162. If you help the police kill a criminal, they will start hunting you.
163. To easily get a lot of weapons, you need to kill members of your gang. If you attack them, they do not start shooting, but run away.
164. Opposite the house where you need to work as a footman, there is a ZIP clothing store. There is a cane near the entrance. There is also a tall skyscraper opposite. If you go around it, you can find open door. Once you enter it, you will find yourself on a high pipe where there is a parachute.
165. Remember big Pirates' ship near the hotel in Las Venturas (the "Pirates in Men's Trousers" area)? So, there is one like this in the real Las Vegas. This is an attraction that fires fireworks from cannons during the night. You can also find a saber there!
166. At the docks of Los Santos there is exactly the same ship as in Vice City! Didn't he come from there?
167. You can attach explosives (in any quantity) to your girlfriend (any one), and she does not run away (like most citizens) but, as you understand, runs after you. You can blow it up at any time, without it dying (apparently the Terminator has been revised))). This is how I get suicide bombers =).
168. On the glass of the store that you need to rob with Catalina, Max Payne is written.
169. In the mission where CJ and Ryder hit a local dealer and then kill the Ballas in a brothel, in the background screensaver you can see a chick giving a blowjob to a dude
170. Under one of the houses in Los Santose there is a basement, in it you can find a strange wall with an image of a Satanic cross. If you look at the cross for about one minute, you can see a strange scene.
171. At the airport, there is a small hatch near one of the landing strips. It is easily broken by a pistol shot. I advise you to look there.
172. In the ocean (between San Fierro and Los Santos) at depth you can find an underwater rock. If you dive under it well, you will see a huge treasure chest!
173. In Las Venturese there is a small satellite dish (it can be seen from a helicopter). If you hit it in the emitter (such bullshit in the center), you will see a very colorful explosion.

Hello. Tired of wandering in the dark? Here are all the interesting cards for. We do not attribute their authorship to ourselves, because the maps were created at different times by different people.

And each of them made his own contribution to cartography GTA San Andreas.

Good luck searching! All cards in large sizes, therefore, if they are compressed in a modal window when opening, save them to your computer or open them by clicking on the picture with the mouse wheel.

Realistic map of San Andreas

Map of the state of San Andreas, made in a realistic style of shooting from above, like Google or Yandex satellite maps.

- Larger version 6000x6000 is possible (6Mb).

Map of secrets and interesting places

A selection of notable places marked on the map that are worth visiting while traveling through GTA SA.

Light map

An unusual map with a selection of unusual places where lights glow. If you think you know the game inside and out, then go to these points. And a wide open mouth is guaranteed. Yes, and don’t forget your camera!

Unique jumps

A map of unique jumps that all need to be performed.


A most interesting collection of horseshoes. Well, just really interesting, yeah.


Collecting oysters in GTA San Andreas is no less exciting. Plus, they don't smell at all.

Graffiti map

As you know, San Andreas has a very strong street hip-hop culture, so there is a lot of graffiti to find.


Probably the most mysterious task that the developers could come up with, because how can a normal person find the places that need to be photographed? When they are not marked with anything. This card will save one hundred percent of gamers.

Purchased property

Places that can be purchased in the state with your hard earned money.

Car map

Rare and necessary cars.

Weapon card (including rare ones)

Why give money and shed blood for weapons if they just lie on the streets.