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♠ Card combinations in poker - poker hands by seniority. How the combination is made

These are winning card combinations (the so-called " poker hands"). In this article you will find a description of all poker combinations with pictures and visual examples for Texas Hold'em, Omaha and other types of this card game. Let's start with the highest combination and describe them in descending order.

Card combinations in ascending order

We can represent poker combinations of cards in ascending order as the following sequence:

Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Set (Trips; Three of a Kind) > Two Pairs > One Pair > High Card

Don't forget that sometimes the combinations of players' cards coincide. In this case, victory is determined by the seniority of the cards participating in the combination.

Royal Flush

Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit. It is essentially a suited high straight. The rarest and strongest combination in poker.

Straight Flush

Any five cards in a row based on seniority and the same suit. If two players hit a Straight Flush, then the combination that last card older. A straight flush can either start with an Ace or end with an Ace (Royal Flush).

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same value. If two players have the same four of a kind, then the one with the higher “kicker” (fifth card) wins. For example: on a table of 8,8,8,8,7, both players hit four of a kind. One has K2 in his hands, the other has Q6. The first player with the combination 8,8,8,8,K wins.

Full House

Three cards of the same value and a pair of any two cards. If both players have collected a Full House, then the one whose three from the combination is the highest wins. If three cards are equal, the pair is compared and the one with the higher card wins.


Five cards of the same suit. The sequence can be any. If both players have a Flush, then the player with the highest card in the combination wins. If the highest Flush card is common, then the next highest card is compared.

Ace-high Straight

Five cards in a row in order of seniority with an Ace. The suits of the cards are different. If the Ace is the highest card in the hand, then it is the strongest straight (A,K,Q,J,T). If the Ace is the lowest card, then it is the weakest straight (A,2,3,4,5).


Five cards in a row according to seniority. The suits of the cards are different. If both players have made a Straight, then the one in whose combination the last card is higher wins. In this case, the Ace can be considered either the highest card in the combination or the lowest. The highest street is A,K,Q,J,T. Most junior street- A,2,3,4,5.

Set or Three (Three of a Kind)

Three cards of the same value. In our example, these are three Aces and two additional cards, which are considered the kicker and count if both players have the same Set or Three.

Two pairs

Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. In our case, these are two Aces and two Kings. If both players have collected a Two Pair combination, then they are compared, and the one whose highest pair is higher wins. If players have the same Two Pair, then the one whose fifth card (kicker) is higher wins.

One pair

Two cards of the same value. In the example, the pair will be two Aces. If both players have collected a Pair, then they are compared by seniority. If opponents have identical pair, then the winner is determined by the highest additional map(kicker). If they are equal, then the second and third additional cards are compared.

High card

Any five cards, which do not add up to any of the combinations described above. The winner is determined by the highest card. If both players have the same highest card, then the second, third, fourth and even fifth cards are compared. If all cards are equal, then the players simply divide the pot.

Poker combinations (video)


To make it easier for you to remember these simple rules, we have written several examples that clearly show how exactly combinations are formed and comparisons of player cards occur.


You win because your two Kings are older than your opponent's two Queens. The older the couple, the stronger it is.

Two pairs

You win because your two pairs 77 and 44 are higher than your opponent's (66 and 55). The comparison here is based on the top pair, i.e. 77 versus 66.

Set or Three

You win because your KKK three is older than your opponent's three. Kings are stronger than Jacks, just like 555 is stronger than 444.


Despite the fact that both players made a Straight, you are the one who wins, because your top closing card of the combination is higher (J versus 10). Essentially there is a comparison: J, 10, 9, 8, 7 versus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.


You win because... your flush is higher than your opponent's flush. In this case, combinations are compared according to the highest card, where the Ace is stronger than the King.

Full House

Both players have collected a Full House combination, having a common three of 555 at the base. In this situation, the pair that is higher than you (99 > 66) is compared. But most often these combinations have different threes at the base, which determines the winner. For example: AAA99 is stronger than KKKQQ.


You win because you have a quad of four sevens against a Full House of three kings and two sevens. If among the five cards on the table there are 4 of the same value, say 8,8,8,8,5, then the one who has the highest card in his hands wins.

Straight flush

You win because... your straight flush is higher. The opponent's highest card in the combination is 9, and you have Jack (J). In this comparison, the one whose closing card is higher always wins.

Royal flush

You collected the strongest combination and won by showing a Royal Flush of 10, J, Q, K, A of the same suit. There is nothing older than this combination.

If the players have no combinations at all, then the one with the most wins high card. If the combinations or all cards are the same, then the winnings are divided between the players.

Common mistakes (Not the most obvious things in poker hands)

Flush is higher than (>) straight!

This deserves separate consideration. It must be remembered that poker combinations they are arranged in ascending order (seniority) for a reason, but according to logic: the stronger the combination of cards in hold'em, the less often they appear. In the street problem< флеша, на первый взгляд, всё не так очевидно - на самом деле, всё в порядке, сейчас объясним почему.

When we have a flush draw, we kind of have 9 outs to improve. An open-ended straight draw only requires 8 cards. Paradox! The answer is on the surface - the flush is simply more beautiful. In fact: XXs will improve to a flush draw 10.9% of the time and will make a flush 0.8%. For a straight draw, the probabilities will be different: 10.4% for an open-ended straight draw, and 1.3% for a straight.

I'll take the kicker!

A kicker does not exist for all poker hands. A pair, two pair, a set and a quad (if the quad is on the board) - an ace or a king in the sleeve can come in handy here. It, like a diploma with honors when entering a university, will allow you to become the coveted owner of a bank, all other things being equal.

Kicker- this is a card that does not form a combination, but is taken into account when determining the winner if the players at the table have collected the same combinations. For example, both players collected a pair of queens. The one with the highest card in his hand, besides the queens, wins. If there are 4, 6, Q, 9, 2 on the board, one of the players has KQ and the other JQ, then the one with the king kicker will win.

Sometimes the kicker may be common, and then the opponents simply divide the pot. A classic example: a board with any two pairs and an ace. In general, try not to call raises from early positions with marginal hands like T3o.


In this case, it is better to re-raise and fold to aggression. (Don't thank me!)

Be sure to learn all the poker combinations in order of seniority, because without this it will be very difficult for you to understand your position at the table.

How the combination is made

Poker hand is a set of 5 cards that form one of the combinations: high card, pair, two pairs, set, straight, flush, four of a kind, straight flush or royal flush.

All combinations in Texas Hold'em and Omaha consist of 5 cards. Both the player's cards and the community cards on the table are used. The main rule is that only those cards that give the maximum possible combination in the hand are taken into account.

There are X number of options for using cards when making combinations in Hold'em:

  • 2 player cards + 3 cards on the table. For example, the player has QJ on the board A8Q2J. The combination will be QJ for the player + QJA on the board.
  • 1 player card + 4 cards on the table. For example, player 85 has 8K7Q4 on the board. The “pair” combination will be obtained from the player’s 8 + 8KQ7 on the board.
  • 0 player cards + 5 cards on the table. For example, player JQ has 5,6,7,8,9 on the board. The “common straight” combination will be obtained solely from the cards on the board.

Low combination- this is a combination that has the least significance of all possible in the hand. If the player has A8 on the board A7542, then his low combination is 24578. You need to collect low combinations in some types of poker, for example in Omaha Hi-Lo.

Congratulations! Now you know all the card combinations in poker! It's time to visit the "Poker School" section, where you will find simple and understandable educational articles, as well as receive no deposit bonuses that will allow you to start playing online poker for money, without investing a penny of your own funds.

Unlucky combinations 5/2 and 5/9

These combinations, which include the Frightful Five, are so obviously unlucky that every feng shui textbook without exception warns about them.

In fact, a feng shui professional should no longer stop at how to identify and neutralize these combinations. It is believed that every fan of Flying Star feng shui already knows enough about the dangers hidden in the 2/5 or 5/2 combinations. They bring misfortune, loss and failure to the home, regardless of the order in which they are combined. With this combination everything is very clear - 5 and 2 are always bad, both in the current and in the next period. Hopefully you've already had a good feel for it, so be careful.

The combination of 2 and 5 becomes the subject of professional feng shui consideration only when it cannot be dealt with by ordinary means. If you find that your remedies are not working and the combination of 5 and 2 is already beginning to manifest itself in the form of accidents, serious illnesses, financial difficulties and other troubles, then Feng Shui offers additional ways to combat it.

In normal cases, hanging a six-pipe "singing wind" is enough to provide control over the 5/2. The stronger this combination - for example, if it is supported by annual or monthly stars 5/2 - the greater the “singing wind” should be. If this is not enough, then you need to do the following: take six large metal coins (with square holes in the middle), thread a thread through them and hang them from the ceiling. If the unlucky combination is in the front palace, hang six coins above the front door. Then place another bunch of six coins on the floor and cover it with the carpet. The metallic yin energy contained in these coins will keep the 5/2 under control.

The next way is to set up a trap room in the palace where 5/2 is located. Make sure the door to this room is closed. You just need to ventilate this room from time to time, thereby releasing the accumulated negative energy.

The picture shows a house from the seventh period. Here 5/9 and 9/5 are located in the west and southwest, which puts the master bedroom at risk. To keep the 5/9 under control, place a blue carpet in your bedroom and a large copper vase. The 9/5 combination in the bathroom is quite suppressed by the toilet. As for the combinations 5/9 and 9/5, it should be borne in mind that in some circumstances they can mean even greater danger. If 2 adds disease to 5, then 9 strengthens the evil 5. This is due to the fact that 9 is fire, which gives birth to earth. In addition, nine generally has the property of multiplying and increasing everything. She makes good stars even better, but she turns unlucky ones into deadly ones! To control 9/5, place a copper vase with water* (but not in the bedroom). Here metal will suppress 5, and water will extinguish fire. It is not recommended to keep water in the bedroom; instead, it is better to use blue color. Metal in this case will be very useful, since its weakening effect is 5 stronger than the effect of water. on the wall.

Combinations of Ho-tu numbers 1 and 6. The element of this combination is water, the original direction is north, but this combination denotes good earthly qi, bringing happiness and good luck.

Wherever she is, her beneficial earthly qi should be activated with the help of earthly objects - stones, boulders or crystal. If there are mountains in the direction where Ho-tu 6/1 is located, this serves as an activating factor.

There is another approach to interpreting Ho-tu numbers, but this time their combinations include either period stars and mountain/water stars, or mountain and water stars. With this approach, the meaning of Ho-tu numbers changes depending on which period they belong to. If they belong to an increasing period, their combination is considered lucky, and if they belong to a decreasing period, it is considered unlucky. If the period is waning, or destructive, Ho-tu numbers carry great danger. Keep in mind that the interpretations of the numbers given here are correct only if they are located in the sector of the front door of the house. In any other palace they lose their meaning.

During the period of increase:

4 and 9 bring good luck in business. Wealth is acquired honestly.

4 and 9 are in the increasing period in the north. The best opportunities are in the western and northwestern palaces.

The point is that... base map of the eighth period, with 8 in the center, the number 5 flies to the southwestern palace. It should be remembered that the number 5 does not have its own yin or yang flight order. Every time 5 flies to a new palace, she takes on the flight order of that palace. Thus, 5 can have either a yin (minus) or a yang (plus) flight; depending on the palace she occupies. However, in the eighth period, the number 5 flew to the southwest, where in the original Yao-shu square there is a star 2, i.e. an even number. Therefore, in the eighth period, star 5 flies yin, yang, yang, or minus, plus, plus. In addition, the number 7 itself, which by its nature is considered an aggressive star of wars and violence, will turn into an unlucky star in the 8th period. You definitely need to remember this and beware of its dangerous influence. Residents needed to think ahead about how they could make the most of the stars on the eighth period map. If in the eighth period the door is located on C1, then we will get a front palace with a combination of mountains/water in the form of a double eight, and this is a sign of real luck.

On the map of your house of the eighth period with the front direction C1, the double 8 is in the front palace. This is one of the most successful combinations. Therefore, in order to realize the favorable possibilities of double 8, feng shui protection products should be used in Efim and Anna’s bedroom. In Efim's supposed bedroom there are very bad numbers 9, 5 and 7, which portend violence, loss and illness. In order to keep the 9/7 combination under control, Efim’s bedroom needs to be decorated in blue tones, symbolizing yin water. Just don't use real water under any circumstances! The blue bedroom will suppress the mountain star 9 and weaken the water star 7.

Two pair in poker is one of the weakest combinations in card game(only one pair wins).

It is not difficult to guess that this arrangement occurs quite often in the game. Therefore, it is important for novice players to thoroughly research this point. In today's article we will tell you how to leave two pairs, and how to determine the winner if two players have the same deal.

Probability of receiving

Compilation options

In Texas Hold'em, this layout can be composed in three ways. A lot depends on the specific method, so this point needs to be given special attention. We offer you a description of each option:

  1. Pocket pair– the probability of making 2 pairs in this case is approximately 16%. In this situation, the player already has a pocket pair, and the second one is added to the board. It is difficult for opponents to predict the strength of a pocket pair.
  2. 2 pairs in poker involving two cards of different ranks– only in 2% of cases the desired combination is obtained. To do this, the pocket cards need to find a pair on the board. In this case, it is easier for opponents to read the presence of a strong hand.
  3. One pocket card– a combination consisting of a common pair, as well as a pair made from a pocket card and a common one. Quite a rare case.

There is another interesting situation: two poker pairs made up exclusively of common cards. There is always a risk that your opponent has a Full House. It is also important to consider the strength of your kicker.

How to play a combination correctly?

In a situation where two poker players have equal hands with two pairs, the winner is determined by the rank of the highest pair. Here the hierarchy of denominations is taken into account. The seniority of a two pair combination in poker, when the cards are of the same rank, is determined by the kicker.

When playing this layout, it is important to consider several important points:

  • denominations of the cards that make up the combination;
  • kicker - it is important to take into account the strength of the highest card, as well as its value from the opponent;
  • the range of the opponent’s hands plays an important role, as well as the probability in poker of receiving a stronger hand;
  • if you come across two pairs in poker, you need to take into account the size of your opponents’ bets and the size of the total pot;
  • opponent's fold equity - correct calculation will help determine the most optimal: a regular bet or a raise;
  • the likelihood that opponents will add a flush or three of a kind;
  • the number of poker players at the gaming table - the larger it is, the lower the value of the composed hand.

To summarize, we note that two pairs in poker come across quite often at the gaming table. It is important to learn how to play this layout correctly. Success in this situation depends directly on the player, namely on his tactical skills and ability to read opponents.