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When will the last Bitcoin be mined? What happens when all the bitcoins are mined? The maximum number of bitcoins on the network.

How many Bitcoins are there now? How much did the FBI seize during the Silk Road investigation? Where did all those bitcoins go? Who owns the largest amount in the world?

If such questions have not yet occurred to you, sooner or later you will ask them.

To date, 14.75 million bitcoins have already been mined out of 21 million, defined as an unchangeable limit on their number. Who owns it? most of currencies? Several names have been heard.

One of them is the Wicklevoss twin brothers, who purchased $11 million worth of bitcoins back in 2013 at a rate of $120 per 1 BTC. Since then, Bitcoin has lost value only twice, and at the moment its price is much higher than what the brothers paid for it. If at the end of 2013, during the price jump to $1,000, the Winklevoss had sold their bitcoins and then bought them again with the proceeds, the number of bitcoins they now own would be five times larger.

Naturally, buying bitcoins with money is not the only way to get them. There are two more ways - mining, as well as selling goods and services for bitcoins. One of the largest Bitcoin holders in the history of cryptocurrency was Ross Ulbricht, who earned huge sums from transaction fees on the infamous and now defunct underground market.

During the investigation, approximately 174,000 BTC were confiscated from Ross Ulbricht and Silk Road. Of these, approximately 144,000 BTC were confiscated from Ross Ulbricht's computer, and the rest were found in numerous wallets belonging to .

After the confiscation, it was decided to sell these bitcoins in several lots at auction. At the moment, three auctions have already been held. The fourth and final one is scheduled for November 5, 2015.

We do not have detailed information about the people who bought these bitcoins, but some names are still known. Thus, venture capitalist Tim Draper purchased $17 million worth of bitcoins at the first auction.

Bitcoin Investment Trust bought the majority of BTC in the second auction. Most of the bitcoins from the third auction were sold to a mysterious company called Cumberland Mining. There are rumors that a large exchange was hiding behind it - Coinbase or Bitfinex. Even itBit purchased about 3,000 BTC in the third auction.

In addition to Bitcoins from Silk Road, there are also coins of Satoshi Nakamoto, shrouded in secrecy. No one knows the actual number of coins, and they have not been in circulation since the disappearance of their creator in 2011. During 2009 (the first year of mining), more than 1.5 million coins were created, and it is believed that Nakamoto controlled a large part of them. The release of these coins into circulation could lead to major panic in the market. Last time the movement of these coins was observed in February 2011, after which their owner publicly stated that he did not intend to scare anyone by releasing old coins into circulation.

As of July of this year, the largest number of bitcoins is contained at the address coweGgC8CPZ6hYL1BBEfc1zqbSfHsprW. The amount on it is now about 65,000 BTC, and the address remains active and transactions for tens of thousands of BTC periodically take place with it.

Be that as it may, it is almost impossible to determine who actually owns the largest amount of BTC. Most cryptocurrency owners are wisely silent about the state of their finances. In addition, few people store large amounts of coins at one address.

But if you still try to make an assumption, with a high probability we can say that the greatest control is now in the hands of the winners of the Silk Road auctions, and the remaining large sums are distributed between the Winklevii company and several other large companies.

Either way, it doesn't really matter who controls the majority of Bitcoin. It appears that the greater the number of currency holders, the more difficult it will be for individual entities to raise large sums, and this could protect the price in the event that one of them decides to leave the market.

Most people know how many bitcoins are planned to be issued in the world, but calculating all the details often baffles even some economists. The system operates according to a predetermined algorithm, constantly expanding and reducing quarterly emissions.

Some people are interested in how many bitcoins have been mined to date, while others are interested in the number of coins left and the possibility of mining at least some of them for personal use. It’s worth immediately canceling that more than 78% of the 21 million coins have already been mined, while the remaining 22% will take many more decades.

How many bitcoins have already been mined?

If desired, you can even calculate perfectly accurate data on how many coins have already been mined. To do this, you need to take into account several factors:

  • in the first 4 years 10,500,000 btc were mined;
  • in the second 4 years 5,250,000 btc were mined;
  • The third period is now underway, during which 2,625,000 btc will be mined.

It’s enough to simply find out how many bitcoins the system can currently produce per day if you make the following calculations:

  • 2625000/4= 656250 – this is an annual figure;
  • 1797.94520548 – daily crypto mining indicator (the system is limited to eight decimal places).

To more accurately find out what volume is currently in circulation, you will also need to take into account how many days the crypt is issued. The launch took place on January 3, 2009, and counting down from that day. At the time of January 3, 2018, the figure will already be 16,406,250 btc.

Using the above method, you can easily calculate how many litecoins have been mined from any cryptocurrency. After all, all systems work on a similar principle, and the differences are only in the speed of block generation, rewards, adjustments and billing period. Sometimes projects are launched without a maximum limit, which negatively affects reputation and demand, but in practice the reduction factor will also not allow you to produce an unlimited quantity.

Maximum number of bitcoins in the world

From the first days of the launch of the crypt, it was known that the maximum number of bitcoins in the world cannot exceed 21 million. The reasons for this particular volume of emission remain known only to the project developers, while users and miners can only focus on this finishing point.

The Bitcoin blockchain is designed quite simply and logically, but for miners, only numbers are important here:

  • a new block is generated every 10 minutes;
  • for recording one block, 50 tokens are initially allocated, but the amount is reduced by half every 4 years (210 thousand blocks);
  • the reward is divided among all mining participants.

There is a misconception that the total number of coins can be generated ahead of schedule by using very high powers or working in huge pools. In practice, this is completely excluded, because the creators initially made the concept of Bitcoin completely different.

In addition, it is important to remember that wondering how many tokens are left today is incorrect. The amount decreases every 10 minutes by exactly 1 block, and the mining speed will remain the same until the last day.

What influences individual Bitcoin mining?

Many people are wondering how many coins can be obtained in the upcoming 2018, and what may affect the volume of mined tokens. This number totals 656,250 Btc and it does not depend on how many bitcoins are mined and on the number of working farms.

In this case, the system gives each participant such a share of all coins that corresponds to the invested capacity. To increase your profit, you need to know a few nuances:

  • working on a home PC is unprofitable and often does not even cover the cost of electricity;
  • for the farm it is advisable to use TOP video cards, because they provide maximum Mh/s (data processing speed);
  • the farm is expensive, it is difficult to transport and there is a risk of breakdown, but the production speed and possibilities of use are as convenient as possible for the user (in addition, it can be disassembled and sold in parts with minimal financial losses);
  • ASIC is a convenient device in which the manufacturer has provided almost everything necessary, but it is almost impossible to maintain and repair it.

Pools deserve special attention, to which you can provide your capacity for obviously increased receipt of rewards. Participants in such communities receive a particularly high percentage of the bitcoins that were produced.

Thus, in order to mine the maximum possible amount of cryptocurrency, you need to invest a lot of money in equipment, and then join the community.

When will the last token be mined?

In the first four years, exactly 10,500,000 tokens were issued, in the second 5,250,000 and then the amount will decrease by 2 times with each “season.” If the developers’ plans do not change, and the production rate remains in accordance with the algorithm described above, then production can be mathematically represented by the following formula:

A+A/2+A/4+A/8+…A/2x, where x is the degree corresponding to the number of cycles completed.

The system was designed in such a way that division occurred for as long as possible. As a result, there comes a time when for each block participants in crypto mining will receive the minimum possible reward, which is 1 satoshi (1 Btc contains 100,000,000 satoshi), and in a year only 210,000 (0.0021 Btc) will be received.

If these figures are converted into years, we get 33 seasons, which amount to 132 years. The last Satoshi can only be mined in 2140, and in the last year the last block 6,929,999 will be closed.

For most miners, the operating period will be limited to 2036. In this case, 99.2% will already be mined, while the remaining 0.8% that remains to be mined will be worked out only by the most notorious enthusiasts.

In addition, many are interested in if the limit of 21,000,000 has been reached, what will happen next to the coin. When it is, the currency will continue to exist in a static state, miners will start mining other tokens, and the price will continue to stabilize. It is only important to remember that 2140 is a rather distant future and there are no guarantees that interest in crypto in those years will not completely disappear, and that it will not be replaced by a more advanced payment system.

Reason for limiting the maximum number of coins

The maximum limit of twenty-one (21) million Bitcoins is solely at the discretion of the developers. There are a number of reasons why the maximum emission limit was set:

  • psychological factor;
  • increasing competitiveness in relation to fiat money, and then to other currencies;
  • maintaining demand in accordance with the laws of the market;
  • exclusion of inflationary processes.

Thus, the reason for the limited release of money was initially a psychological factor: if something is limited, then it has a significantly higher price than something that will always be available to everyone. In practice, there is no end in sight for the coins being produced for a long time, and with the condition of dividing by satoshi, the quantity turns out to be huge.

By the end of November, 78% of all tokens had been mined, which is why the growth rate increased tenfold. Within a few days, the price increased from 8 to 18 thousand dollars per coin, which is why a lot of miners and traders began to hunt for this produced token.

Mine Bitcoin or give preference to altcoins

If you look at how many bitcoins have been mined, most people have a logical question: is it worth mining them, knowing how many bitcoins exist. It is almost impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, because each person has his own powers and prerogatives. To understand the issue, you need to pay attention to a number of criteria:

  • how many bitcoins can you mine using your existing equipment if you convert them into USD;
  • how many different altcoins you can mine in the corresponding period in terms of US dollars;
  • prospects for the growth of the cue ball and the selected token in%;
  • whether long-term storage or immediate sale is planned (often used in pools).

If the cryptocurrency developers do not change their policy, then we can safely not wait for all the bitcoins to be mined, because more than 100 years will pass. Some can be purchased for other currencies in order to be saved for the longest possible period of time in anticipation of an increase in value, but more and more people prefer to switch to developing projects, in which the actual daily profit is many times higher, and an increase in the exchange rate provides many prospects.


The turnover of bitcoins is growing every year, and with it the available number of tokens and their value are increasing. The final level will not be reached very soon, and even at that moment the turnover will be significantly less money than it was planned. There are many reasons for this - more than one generation of people will change, many wallets with coins will be lost, and some exchanges will close without compensation, etc.

The number of transactions is increasing every day, and even skeptics have no doubt that electronic currencies will replace fiat money that has existed for centuries. But no one even knows approximately which cryptocurrencies will survive. After all, even Bitcoin with its positions is subject to regular criticism, and modern systems of protection and anonymity surpass it many times over.

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The galloping growth in the exchange rate of the two most popular cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and Ethereum – is creating a stir around digital money. Both the mining of coins and the volume of investments in these currencies are increasing. More and more often questions arise: how many Bitcoins and Ethereum have already been mined, what is the maximum number of Bitcoins and whether the limit of cryptocurrencies will be exhausted, whether there will be enough cryptocurrencies for all...

Exhaustible and inexhaustible crypto coins

Cryptocurrencies can be divided into exhaustible ones, in the code of which a limit on the issue of coins is built in, and inexhaustible ones, which, on the contrary, can be mined endlessly. Of the 25 largest cryptocurrencies by capitalization, 17 (which is 68%) have an emission limit. These include Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash(BCH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), etc. The developers of the remaining 8 of the analyzed cryptocurrencies do not have any limits (for example, Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), NEM (XEM), etc.).

Below is a table showing the share of mined cryptocurrencies with limited emission.

Cryptocurrency Capitalization, billion $ Number of coins in circulation, million coins Issue limit, million coins Share of mined coins
Bitcoin (BTC) 117,6 16,8 21,0 80%
Ethereum (ETH) 32,2 96,9 No -
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 21,4 16,9 21,0 80,5%
Ripple (XRP) 8,1 38739,1 100000,0 39%
Litecoin (LTC) 3,5 54,8 84,0 65%
Dash (DASH) 3,3 7,8 18,9 41%
NEO (NEO) 1,95 65,0 100,0 65%
IOTA (MIOTA) 1,9 2779,5 2779,5 100%
Monero (XMR) 1,9 15,6 No -
NEM (XEM) 1,8 9000,0 No -
Ethereum Classic (ETC) 1,7 99,1 No -
Lisk (LSK) 0,9 117 No -
Qtum (QTUM) 0,87 73,8 100,2 74%
OmiseGO (OMG) 0,79 102,0 140,2 73%
EOS (EOS) 0,77 604,9 1000,0 60,5%
Zcash (ZEC) 0,73 3,1 No -
Hshare (HSR) 0,73 42,5 84,0 50,6%
Cardano (ADA) 0,7 25927,1 45000,0 58%
Stellar Lumens (XLM) 0,6 17890,5 103432,4 17,3%
Tether (USDT) 0,59 1468,1 1468,1 100%
BitConnect (BCC) 0,56 6,3 28,0 22,5%
Waves (WAVES) 0,5 100,0 No -
Popular (PPT) 0,4 37 53,3 69,4%
Stratis (STRAT) 0,35 98,7 No -
Ark (ARK) 0,3 98,0 129,2 76%

Table - Bitcoin emission and the 24 largest crypto coins by capitalization
Source: calculation site according to coinmarketcap.com

How many bitcoins are left?

At the time of writing, the number of bitcoins in the cryptocurrency market was more than 16.8 million, which is 80% of the established emission limit. In other words, only 4.2 million bitcoins remain in the cryptocurrency depths.

The rate of Bitcoin emission is built into its code and is strictly limited. Every four years, production is halved. In addition, as the graph below shows, it becomes more difficult to find a new block every month.

Source: blockchain.info

In what year will all the bitcoins be mined?

When will the last Bitcoin be mined? Around 2140, the last 21 millionth Bitcoin will appear; it is difficult to predict how much Bitcoin will cost and what will happen next. Some experts believe that by this time the rate may increase thousands of times compared to how much Bitcoin used to cost, due to the shortage, others believe that the developers will lift the emission limit and the rate will level out.

In addition, it is worth considering that during the circulation process, some part of BTC coins is constantly lost and goes into oblivion forever. According to DigRate research, about 21% of bitcoins are “dead” and not in circulation.

How much ether is there on the market?

One of the popular queries of Internet users is how many Ethereum coins there are. As stated above, Ethereum has not set a maximum number of coins to issue, and at the moment more than 96.9 million coins have been mined.

The next logical question is how much ethereum will cost when the plan to issue all bitcoins is completed, and the amount of ETH will be hundreds, or even thousands of times higher than the amount of BTC. There is no clear opinion on this issue yet, and experts believe that by 2140 (by the time Bitcoin is exhausted), the cryptocurrency market will change beyond recognition.

It is worth noting that Vitalik Buterin (one of the creators of Ethereum) is thinking about limiting the emission of Ethereum, but he intends to do this not by analogy with Bitcoin, but in a more “cunning” way. The developer proposes to introduce a commission on applications created on the Ethereum blockchain system. This will contribute, according to Buterin, to the withdrawal of part of the tokens.

As for the difficulty of mining Ethereum, it, like Bitcoin, increases over time. However, at the end of October, after a protocol change, it became twice as easy to mine ETH.

The emergence of Bitcoin in 2009 was the basis for the development of a unique direction in all respects, characterized as mining. Quite quickly after their appearance, hundreds of thousands of people decided to start mining cryptocurrency using the devices and computer equipment at their disposal. They are interested in how many Bitcoins have been mined to date. In this article you can find out how much currency has been mined today, as well as how much is left to be mined if the maximum number of coins in the world is set.

On initial stage mining carried out on a regular PC gave significant results, but over time, income indicators began to decline.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the total amount of cryptocurrency cannot be infinite, its quantity is limited.

Experts note that the number of Bitcoins generated will reach a maximum of 21 million coins. The closer modern users get to this indicator, the more complex the Bitcoin mining process is, and the more power is required to obtain it. Despite such difficulties, the number of miners is rapidly increasing. The multi-million army of people who want to earn money in this way is increasing almost every day with new volunteers.

Currency generation is a special area of ​​online earnings. It is carried out not only by private individuals, but also by fairly large enterprises that combine their forces in pools. This process is called mining or coin mining through the generation of new blocks. The process of obtaining cryptocurrency is based on complex tasks and actions in mathematics.

Huge modern resources are involved in solving them, innovative technical devices are involved.

Knowing that the number of Bitcoins is limited, the “miners” throw all their resources into mining, spend the money they earn, and make full use of the capabilities of mining organizations.

Approximately 3,600 coins are added to the overall currency network every day. New arrivals are increasingly costing users more and more complexity. According to certain data, users have already received 13 million coins. Users will be able to reach the upper limit around 2140. This decline in speed is based on two main reasons:

  1. The requirements for the devices used to produce currency are constantly growing.
  2. The time required to mine one Bitcoin increases significantly.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that modern mining companies, focused on the extraction of new coins, invest large sums on the purchase of new expensive equipment. Such organizations calculate as accurately as possible how many coins they need and how long it will take to return the invested funds.

Maximum number of Bitcoins in the world?

The number of cryptocurrency coins that can be mined over time is 21 million units. Currently, users have received approximately 60% of this amount. Each coin received is valid. Currency, unlike ordinary monetary units, is not backed by gold and debt, but solely by supply and demand.

Professionals note that the ever-increasing value of Bitcoin is based on the amount of resources spent that are required to obtain each individual coin.

In some cases, currency is backed by the price of the product, which is set by the seller, as well as the price offered by the buyer.

How many Bitcoins are left to mine in 2019?

Information answering the question of how many Bitcoins are left to be mined this year and in general is not a secret. A failure in such forecasts can only occur if someone decides to purchase a large number of coins at once, which is unlikely.

The impossibility is based on the fact that the seller, knowing full well the situation with Bitcoins, will constantly increase the cost of the financial product, increasing it until the buyer has completely exhausted all funds.

Also, not all Bitcoins can be sold, especially since approximately 40% of the coins have not yet been mined at all, that is, it is clear how many Bitcoins there are at the moment and how many more are planned to be mined.

We can conclude that one coin is a means of making calculations with an exchange rate price that directly depends on the current demand and supply at a given moment. The closer the end of mining gets, the higher the currency shortage, the faster the cost of one Bitcoin increases.

The cost and quantity of mined coins is influenced not only by supply and demand, but by such factors as:

  • Features of application in leading countries of the world;
  • Relations of the main financial regulators;
  • General political situation;
  • Use of coins by powerful financial market players.

It is for this reason that the question of how many Bitcoins are left and at what price the coins are sold is relevant only for traders and for people who carry out basic calculations using currency.

Despite some forecasts indicating the possibility of cryptocurrency mining before 2140, many experts doubt this. The time to receive the last Bitcoin directly depends on a large number of factors. This includes the degree of popularity of the currency, the level of power used, and the development of the technical field. There is a good chance that in a year or two a machine will be developed that can generate all the remaining coins.

Why is the number of Bitcoins limited?

All miners know that the total number of bitcoins cannot exceed 21 million coins. Not everyone knows the reason for this restriction. The thing is that the production of new coins is spelled out as accurately as possible in the special BTC protocol; it is “hardwired” into its main program code. Based on the new protocol, a reward can be paid to miners for each new block of transactions made to the blockchain. Initially, professional miners received about 50 coins for each block.

Summing up

The information in this article may be thought-provoking, but people who are mining professionally need not worry. Simultaneously with the increase in the total number of coins, the volumes, as well as the scale of ongoing financial transactions, where bitcoin takes part. In a few years, when the currency takes a dominant position in the modern financial market, professional miners will completely change the type of their activities.

After some time, individual calculation nodes will begin to receive decent commissions for approving a money transfer.

21 million coins and not a token more - the issue of Bitcoin is limited, which means that one day new BTC will no longer be issued. When the last Bitcoin will be mined and what will happen to the network next, we will analyze it in detail.

New bitcoins appear every time miners confirm the next portion of transactions and create a block in the blockchain chain. This happens as a result of computers or specialized devices calculating complex mathematical sequences called hashes.

Each block is created on average once every 10 minutes. As more and more powerful devices are connected to Bitcoin mining, the hashing difficulty is also being revised each time. This event occurs every 2016 blocks. Interestingly, at some moments it can even decrease - this happened, for example, when one of the largest mining pools, GHash.io, stopped working.

The issued tokens are paid as a reward to crypto miners for their work.

Reward halving

Once every 4 years, every 210 thousand blocks, the size of the reward is reviewed and reduced exactly by half. At the initial stage, from 2009 to 2012, miners received 50 BTC. Further, according to simple calculations, we see the following picture:

  • November 2012 – 2016 - 25 BTC;
  • July 2016 – 2020 - 12.5 BTC;
  • June 2020 – 2024 - 6.25 BTC, etc.

Thus, half of all tokens were mined in the first 4 years after the launch of the network. Another quarter - until 2016. And 80% of all coins will be put into circulation just the other day in January 2018.

Miners suffer the most from the halving of the reward, since their earnings decrease accordingly. Many people leave the game after the reward decreases because they see no point in continuing to participate in token mining.

Currently, or more precisely at the end of 2017, 16 million, 760 thousand BTC have been mined. Of these, about 1 million tokens belong to the legendary founder of the network, Satoshi Nakamoto.

It is impossible to say that all these millions of bitcoins are in circulation. As you know, if a user loses access to a digital wallet, the tokens in it are withdrawn from circulation forever. There are known cases where hard drives with coins stored on them were thrown away.

Currently, more than 16 million bitcoins have already been mined, but about 3 million of them have been lost

This happened especially often in the early years, when few people believed in Bitcoin and the attitude towards it was appropriate. They could mine or buy it for literally pennies, and then they just as easily lost interest in purchasing it. An example is that in 2013, UK resident James Holes threw a hard drive containing 7,500 bitcoins into a landfill. The reason for the loss of tokens can also be the death of the owner of the wallet if the password is no longer known to anyone.

There were cases when coins were deliberately burned, as happened during the launch of the startup Counterparty - then a little more than 2 thousand tokens were deliberately destroyed. This happened during the distribution of XCP’s own coins - they were received by users who transferred BTC to a wallet to which no one had access. Thus, the company tried to make the distribution process as fair as possible.

According to the latest research conducted by Chainalysis, about 3 million BTC can already be considered “dead souls” in the digital world of Bitcoin, which is approximately 20% of the total number of issued tokens.

Researchers brought coins here that supposedly belonged to Nakamoto. We are also talking about tokens located in wallets for which no movements have been observed since 2013. The reason is simple - if their owners, after a rapid increase in value, have not made any attempts to spend at least a small part of the coins, it is unlikely that access to such wallets will be retained.

The last Bitcoin - what's next?

According to estimates, the last token will be issued in 2140. This will happen after the generation of block number 6,929,999. More precisely, most of the coins, namely 99.2% of BTC, will be released by 2036, and then new bitcoins will be poured into the system in very small batches. Thus, miners will have to mine the remaining less than 1% of tokens for about 100 years.

After the last Bitcoin sees the light of day, the algorithm of the network will not change - new blocks will continue to be created. What will motivate miners to keep the network running?

Since the issuance of new coins will cease, rewards will now consist of fees that network users pay for adding transactions to blocks. Many people are already complaining about high fees when making payments that require you to indicate in order for them to be processed. Currently, you can enter a minimum amount, but often in this case you have to wait for days until miners pay attention to such transactions.

After the last Bitcoin is released, the miners' reward will consist of commissions

For such users, the bad news is that with the growing popularity of the network, the reduction of rewards, and even more so the cessation of coin issuance, commissions are likely to increase even more. Otherwise, miners will not have the motivation to generate new blocks.

In general, no one undertakes to try to predict the amount of payment for conducting transactions in such a distant future. Much will depend on the efficiency and cost of the devices used to generate blocks. Miners’ access to cheap electricity, as well as the number of payments made per second, will also play an important role.

End of issue and token cost

How much Bitcoin itself will cost after the emission ceases is no less difficult to say. If we take for example any national currency, as we know, it devalues ​​and loses value over time, since the government periodically prints a new batch of banknotes and thereby increases the money supply in the market.

Bitcoin is not threatened by inflation, and therefore its value will only grow. And they are responsible for this computer algorithms, originally built into the system. A decrease in the total number of tokens over time will also contribute to an increase in value.

Experts predict that over time, bitcoins will be used to pay for expensive goods and services, large investments, and small coins - satoshi - will appear in everyday use. Let us remind you that 1 Satoshi is equal to one hundred millionth of a token.

Based on this, it becomes clear that Bitcoin is not called digital gold for nothing. Just like with real gold, resources will be depleted at some point. Moreover, if the probability of discovering new deposits precious metals exists, with Bitcoin this possibility is absolutely excluded.


The limited release of coins is a big plus for the system, since the value of one token will only increase. There are completely different opinions about how much 1 Bitcoin will cost in the future. 50-100 thousand per token, given the recent rise in price to 20 thousand, no longer seems fantastic. Some forecasts also mention figures of 500 thousand - 1 million per 1 BTC.

What will be the value of the coin after the last Bitcoin is mined, only our descendants in 2140 will be able to find out.