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What perks to download on Rudi. Tank Rudy: history and photos

Tier 6 medium tank T-34-85 RUDY (Rudy with a dog), this is one of the representatives of the so-called “Berlin Three” - equipment put into the store in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The real prototype was produced by the Polish company BUMAR LABEDY under license. This modification of the tank took part in the filming of the television series “Four Tankmen and a Dog”, hence the name RUDY (red). In the game, the average premium tank is an exact copy of the T-34-85 tank, however, some performance characteristics have been changed and the collision model has been improved, and when the light comes on, the dog barks.

T-34-85 Rudy performance characteristics

Between premium and pumped-out equipment, changes in the chassis are clearly visible. In particular, the Prem has a weaker engine, which, however, does not prevent the tank from accelerating to 54 km/h and confidently keep the maximum speed on the climbs. The chassis turning speed has been increased to 42 degrees/sec, which indicates excellent maneuverability of the vehicle. Tank safety margin – 720 units, a completely acceptable indicator for the sixth level. The viewing radius of the T-34-85 RUDY is 365 meters, which is not very good for a medium tank.

In terms of weapons, the T-34-85 does not look deprived. Installed here 85 mm S-53 gun with armor penetration indicator 144 mm, with one-time damage 180 units. This is quite enough to deal with classmates and confidently “snarl” at level 7 equipment. It should be noted that the T-34-85 RUDY does not have a reduced level of combat, so it can fall into the eights.
Armor-piercing shells will be ineffective against high-level armored heavies, so you will have to stock up on sub-calibers, increasing armor penetration to 194 mm. The gun's rate of fire is 10 rounds per minute, which provides a relatively good DPM; aiming time, stabilization and accuracy are quite decent, so they do not cause any complaints.

Equipment on the T-34-85 Rudy

Judging by player reviews, the T-34-85 RUDY has virtually no shortcomings, but this does not mean that the vehicle will feel comfortable without additional equipment. Installing modules will help improve performance characteristics and eliminate minor shortcomings. For the T-34-85 RUDY we can recommend the following set of equipment:
Coated optics– don’t forget that this is an ST with a very mediocre viewing radius.
Rammer– this is a premium tank, so by improving the DPM you can increase profitability.
Drives tips– medium tanks are often forced to shoot on the move, so accuracy and stabilization are paramount.
By the way, coated optics or reinforced drives aiming can be replaced with improved ventilation to immediately improve all the characteristics of the tank.

Perks for the crew on the T-34-85 Rudy

Under the armor of the tank, 4 crew members and a dog named “Sharik”, which performs a decorative function, can be comfortably accommodated. The commander also performs the duties of a radio operator, which must be taken into account when improving skills. In addition, in the basic configuration, the vehicle comes with a 100% crew, with the “Combat Brotherhood” perk. This simplifies the task somewhat, so the remaining skills can be researched in this order:

As for combat consumables, the developers do not offer a wide variety here, so we take the standard set into battle.

Reservation T-34-85 Rudy

The vehicle's armor is decent for an ST. In the frontal projection of the turret there is a 90-mm plate, reinforced with a gun mantlet. Thanks to well-placed bevels, the tank's turret turned out to be ricochet-like, so you can confidently receive ricochets from your classmates.
The front part of the hull is protected by an armor plate, thick 45 mm, side armor – 45 mm, stern: 40 mm. In principle, the T-34-85 has little armor, but the proper placement of armor plates significantly increases the chance of survival of the vehicle.

How to play T-34-85 Rudy

Considering that the tank does not have a reduced level of battles, the tactics of behavior in random can be divided into three schemes:

  1. Against classmates. Being at the top, you can realize the most daring ideas and ideas. The ideal action would be to take an advantageous position, identify the least protected flank and go to the aid of your allies. The tank's speed helps it quickly change attack directions and return to base if captured. In general, even if you are at the top, it is better not to take risks and not rush into the midst of enemies in splendid isolation. It is better to systematically destroy opponents while on the second line, reducing the number of firing barrels.
  2. Against sevens. You can feel quite comfortable here, but it is better to avoid collisions with top technology. Therefore, we choose a direction where there are no sevens, and begin to methodically destroy our classmates. The level 7 tanks left alone can then be overwhelmed by numbers.
  3. Against eights. Here you don’t need to listen to the team’s advice and go out to find the direction. The T-34-85 RUDY does not have decent visibility and maneuverability of the tank, so such actions open a direct path to the hangar. It’s better to stay behind high-level teammates and attack enemies, trying to inflict maximum damage. Be sure to charge the Golda: if you shoot accurately, you won’t be able to go into minus.

In general, in any level of battles you need to soberly assess your strengths and try not to be alone.

Every gamer who is interested in the "World of Tanks" can safely say that he has driven one or another tank, because in this project all models military equipment are carried out in maximum accordance with reality. This means that the developers use real parameters, such as armor thickness, cruising speed or gun caliber. That is why this game so loved and appreciated all over the world. And also due to the fact that the already huge fleet of installations and artillery trains is constantly being replenished with new models. And so, for Victory Day 2015, the developers prepared a surprise - a rather interesting example, the Rudy tank, went on sale. What kind of car is this and who would be interested in it? You can learn about this from this article.

New tank

Tank Rudy- This is a completely new model, the details of which were kept secret for quite a long time. Naturally, many users guessed what it would be, as well as when it would appear in the game, but no one could say anything for sure. Information that “Ores” will appear in “World of Tanks” appeared already in March-April 2015, but exact date no one knew the way out. However, it was not needed, because it was not at all difficult to guess - after all, the release was announced before a very large and thematic holiday, Victory Day. Accordingly, the tank went on sale on May 9, 2015, so now absolutely every user can afford to purchase this model. Many older players quickly figured out what the Rudy tank is connected with, but young gamers may not guess what the symbolism of this model is.

What kind of tank is this?

If you are over 25-30 years old, then you most likely immediately understood the concept of this model, but young gamers may not understand what the point is. What makes the Rudy tank so special? It's actually quite simple. The fact is that recently a model used in Brad Pitt’s film “Fury” appeared in World of Tanks. This tank gained incredible popularity and was purchased so many times that the developers decided to use this gold mine, and now a new model has been born, which, however, is aimed at people who know the old movies. After all, “Rudy” is the same tank that appeared in the Polish black and white series “Four Tankmen and a Dog.” That is why older players will instantly recognize this tank and go buy it. But what is hidden behind this big name?

Model of tank

Everyone understands perfectly well that Rudy is just a nickname for the tank; in fact, there must be a specific model that was actually used. And in this case, everything is quite simple - the T-34-85 Rudy tank was used for filming the film, and accordingly, the same model is also used in the game. It is worth noting that practically nothing has changed, so this is still the same tank, which was simply transformed visually and also added some special effects. What are these effects and how does the Ore differ from the standard T-34-85 tank? In the World of Tank game, the Rudy tank has practically no features that would affect game process, so you need to focus your attention on those pleasant little things that the developers have prepared for you.

Tank features

In the World of Tanks game, Rudy was a fairly expected guest, so gamers tried to get as much information as possible even before the model was released. Now all the data is in open access, and you can easily find out how the “Ore” will differ from the standard T-34-85. First of all this appearance- the number 102 appeared on the tank, which was applied to it in the series, and also, of course, on the other side you can see the inscription Rudy, around which you will notice the same four handprints that the heroes of the series made. However, the differences do not end there - you will find some other features, among which the most important is the presence of a dog in the carriage. How does this affect the tank's performance? Naturally, this does not affect the battle in any way, but now, when you click on a tank in the garage, a dog barks is heard - you can also hear it during the battle at various events.

How to get this tank?

Well, now you know enough about this unit of military equipment. All that remains is to find out how to get the Rudy tank. Many gamers were afraid that they would have to complete various annoying tasks in order to gain access to this model, but the developers took pity on them and abandoned such an idea. As a result, it was decided to make this tank a gift - this means that you can only purchase it in a premium store, that is, for real money. Of course, those gamers who try not to invest real money in a virtual account were unhappy, but still this did not affect them too much, since such players are usually not keen on such collectible tanks.

Is it worth purchasing this model?

After the release of the tank, lively discussions arose, in which the main topic was whether it was worth purchasing. What can be said on this issue? If you are ready to invest money in the game, and also remember the series “Four Tankers and a Dog”, love it and would like to get “Rudoy” for your collection, then you should definitely spend money on purchasing this model. But if your goal is efficiency, then there is no point in buying this model, since it is absolutely no different from the T-34-85 in technical terms, but the original tank can be bought for in-game currency, and the "Rudy" - only for real money.

1-06-2015, 18:24

Hello, dear friends and welcome to the site! Now we will talk about an analogue of the most famous, one might even say legendary vehicle, the Soviet medium premium tank of the sixth level - this T-34-85 Rudy guide.

This device appeared in our favorite game in connection with the seventieth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and was introduced into the “Berlin Four”. In fact T-34-85 Rudy WoT practically no different from the regular ST-6 USSR -. The peculiarities of our guest today consist in a unique camouflage, all the properties inherent in preferential premium technology, as well as almost imperceptible differences in characteristics, but first things first.

By the way, the most remarkable feature World of Tanks T-34-85 Rudy there is a special crew member - the faithful dog Sharik, when you click on him in the hangar, you will hear a joyful bark.

TTX T-34-85 Rudy

We will begin our analysis of the tactical and technical characteristics with the fact that this device has a safety margin that is quite standard for its level, as well as a decent basic visibility of 365 meters, which is 5 meters more than the standard T-34-85.

Now let's talk about the survivability of our tank and the truth is that T-34-85 Rudy characteristics reservations are only good in the forehead of the tower. Thanks to rational bevels and slopes, the reduction here varies from 94 millimeters (a very small flat point near the gun mantlet) to 350 millimeters at the thickest point. But everything is very ambiguous, since it happens that Soviet medium tank T-34-85 Rudy classmates penetrate, and sometimes the eights can ricochet, that is, a lot depends on the FBR, but you definitely can’t substitute a large 90-mm commander’s cupola.

As for the body, it is always better to hide it and it does not matter whether they shoot you in the frontal or side projection, since both sides T-34-85 Rudy WoT break through equally easily. The only exceptions will be those moments when you turn your body at the very last moment and the enemy hits you at an unfavorable angle for him, then a ricochet is possible. By the way, hits on our side often crit the ammunition rack, tanks and even the engine in the rear, so be extremely careful.

Of course, we need to remember the driving characteristics of the tank, and in our case they are not bad. T-34-85 Rudy tank has a high maximum speed and good maneuverability. The dynamics at our disposal are also decent, but it is noticeably lower than that of its pumped-up brother, since our engine power is 100 horses less.


With weapons, everything is of the highest standard, because the same excellent cannon is installed on board, which is top-of-the-line in the case of the regular T-34-85, but let's talk about it in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that T-34-85 Rudy gun in comparison with its classmates, it has excellent one-time damage, which, combined with a good rate of fire, makes it possible to inflict a decent 1800 units of damage per minute.

There are also no complaints about the armor penetration of this barrel, medium tank T-34-85 Rudy is capable of confidently inflicting damage on almost all opponents, up to the seventh level, thanks to which you can farm well. You can also punch through eights, but not all of them, so you’ll either have to aim vulnerable areas, or charge golda.

The main problem with this gun is accuracy. The fact is that T-34-85 Rudy World of Tanks endowed with a comfortable mixing speed, but a rather large spread. However, the biggest problem is the frankly poor stabilization, which makes it almost impossible to deal damage while moving.

Angles vertical aiming Not everyone will like it, since the barrel bends down 7 degrees. In general, play from the terrain on T-34-85 Rudy WoT you can do it quite confidently, the main thing is to remember this figure.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can already understand, this device is really not much different from its pumped-up fellow national, and the differences are almost invisible. However, for ease of perception, it is still worth carrying out T-34-85 Rudy review strengths and weaknesses, breaking them down point by point.
Decent viewing range;
Strong frontal armor of the turret;
Good mobility;
Powerful one-time damage and good DPM;
High penetration parameters;
Good vertical aiming angles.
Tall silhouette of a tank;
Weak hull armor;
Frequent crits of internal modules when hitting the sides;
Poor accuracy (especially stabilization);
Full level of combat.

Equipment for T-34-85 Rudy

The machine in our hands is really strong and there is no point in arguing with this, but there are a number of factors that need to be improved for more comfortable game. Of course, you can improve the parameters by correctly setting tank T-34-85 Rudy equipment and it is better to take the following kit:
1. – the best and most popular option, because the more often you shoot, the more dangerous you will become for the enemy and the higher the DPM will be.
2. – due to problems with accuracy, this module is really important, because with faster aiming, you will be able to hit the target more confidently.
3. is a good choice for a mobile medium tank that will significantly increase your viewing range.

But it should be said right away that the second point can be replaced with. Firstly, this will increase your damage per minute, and still slightly increase the aiming speed. Secondly, by making only such a choice, one can achieve maximum visibility, but without the appropriate skills this goal is unattainable.

Crew training

While continuing to achieve the greatest comfort and maximum performance in playing this tank, one cannot ignore the process of learning skills by the crew members (unfortunately, Sharik can only bark). So, the choice must be made intelligently, but in this case it is quite standard, that is, for T-34-85 Rudy perks pump in the following sequence:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for T-34-85 Rudy

Let’s not deviate from the standards when purchasing consumables, because there are very rarely any innovations here. The main thing is, if you need to save money or want to farm more, take , , . However, let us remember that internal modules can often be criticized, and simply for safety reasons, it is better to carry T-34-85 Rudy equipment from , , . By the way, if you play carefully, fires should not bother you, which means you can replace the last option with .

Tactics and style of play on the T-34-85 Rudy

In our hands is a real representative of its class of medium tanks. It is perfect for players who love dynamic battles. In terms of what T-34-85 Rudy tatika combat, this unit is simple and unpretentious. There can be a huge variety of tactics for playing on it, but I will describe 3 main ones to you, these are: battles at the top, battles with 7 levels (in the middle of the list) and battles at the bottom of the list with 8 levels.

In the top T-34-85 Rudy WoT tank is a dangerous opponent, especially if it is played by a very experienced or skilled player. Your main task will be to cause damage and disable enemy tanks, while trying not to receive unnecessary hits from enemies. Best tactic will rush with a group of allied medium tanks in the chosen direction. This will need to be done very quickly and carefully, since battles of the sixth levels are usually very fast.

Also, the faster you push your direction, the faster you can come to the aid of your allies who are defending or pushing through other directions. And if at the beginning of the battle you notice that the allies have left one of the directions without cover, then I do not advise you to go there in alone because Soviet T-34-85 Rudy tank It is unlikely that you will be able to hold back all the opponents who come to meet you. Best choice will take some position with cover not far from your base in order to shoot enemies who have entered it, thereby knocking down the base capture points in the hope that your allies will come to your aid.

In battles with 7 levels World of Tanks T-34-85 Rudy tank USSR feels just as comfortable as wearing a top. The main thing is to try not to get involved in battle with level 7 vehicles that can send you to the hangar with a few shots. Try to incapacitate as many unwary opponents of your level and below as possible, thereby increasing the numerical superiority in your favor. It’s also not a sin to spin the slow and lonely ones heavy tanks and enemy tank destroyers, or go after enemy artillery if the opponents left it without cover.

Well, in battles with 8 levels on T-34-85 Rudy WoT you will need to act extremely carefully. Try not to catch the eye of enemy top-end vehicles at all, this can lead to death for you. Therefore, you will need to play either as a tank destroyer, standing somewhere in the bushes and shooting at enemies from a long distance, or stick behind your higher-level allies, helping them dismantle opponents from behind them. In such battles, in most cases little will depend on you, so try to simply benefit your team. Also, do not hesitate to use premium sub-caliber shells against armored enemy vehicles; their penetration should be enough for you to be able to inflict damage on enemy vehicles in most cases. The main thing is to try to target them weak spots, or go into their sides and stern.

Bottom line

T-34-85 Rudy buy It’s worth it if you get the opportunity, because it’s almost the same T-34-85, and therefore, all fans of pumped up cars should like it. The tank, as mentioned above, is unpretentious in handling and every player can play it. Also, this tank is one of the premium vehicles, and therefore it has an increased profitability of loans, experience points per tank and experience points per crew. In general, the machine will appeal to all fans of the game at medium levels and especially collectors.