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What coins does Sberbank accept? Collections of rare specimens

Numismatics, collecting rare and expensive coins, is a rather rare, but extremely profitable activity. Avid numismatists can sell their collections for fortunes. However, not only they, but also ordinary Russian citizens who are not interested in numismatics can get several thousand rubles per coin. Almost every house has a jar or box filled to the top with small change. Some have heard about the “mysterious” rare specimens and tried to find them. But what to do with them later?

The easiest way is to sell them to Sberbank of Russia. Its branches are located everywhere, and the bank accepts valuable coins, paying large sums for them. However, the financial institution does not accept all possible rare items. Let's figure out which of them can be sold to the Savings Bank of Russia.

The procedure for purchasing Sberbank

Unfortunately, the biggest difficulty that beginners or experienced numismatists will have to face when they decide to sell their collection largest bank Russia - this is the frequency of purchases.

The central office of Sberbank changes the “goal” of its searches every few weeks. For example, if in January they bought five-kopeck coins issued in 2001, then in February they will not buy the same value from you - the financial organization began to buy ruble coins issued in 2003. What is this connected with?

It makes no sense for the bank to buy more rarities than it needs. Therefore, after a sufficient number of coins have been received, he begins collecting others. In this regard, it is extremely important to follow the announcements of the central office so as not to miss your luck. Follow the news, online resources, and soon your collection will be purchased by the Savings Bank.

Read also: Topping up your Yandex.Money wallet

However, although Sberbank of Russia is the most affordable way Selling rare items, however, is not the best deal for you. Due to the “wholesale” purchase of collections by the bank, the real value of the collections is often underestimated. If you want to sell items from your piggy bank at a higher price, then you are better off turning to professional numismatists, collectors or buyers. It will take longer, but you will get more benefits. In addition, numismatists do not have the frequency of purchases that the Savings Bank of Russia demonstrates. You can sell them your collection of rare items at any time.

What coins does Sberbank buy?

The most popular coins for purchase by financial institutions are those issued in 1998 and 2003. These include:

  • Ruble 2001, “Red Book” series;
  • 1 ruble 2001;
  • The 1997 ruble is yellow, with a nickel alloy;
  • Ruble 1998 with wide border;
  • 2 rubles 2003;
  • 5 kopecks, issued in 2002. They are made of white metal (steel);
  • commemorative coins issued in 2003 with the image of Yuri Gagarin (2 and 10 rubles).

At the same time, all coins of 2003 are subject to a requirement related to the mint seal. If your coins have the Moscow sign on them, the bank will not accept them. However this requirement does not apply to anniversary copies with a portrait of an astronaut. They should not indicate at all which mint they belong to.

Cost of purchased copies

Sberbank, as already mentioned, often underestimates the real cost of rare items. Therefore, the maximum that you can get for any of the above coins is 30,000 rubles (1 ruble 2001 - silver, with a copper-nickel alloy (brass), crossbar 27 mm, weight 7.5 g). By the way, the price of a coin increases along with its improvement. appearance. The newer and cleaner it looks, the more the financial institution will pay for it.

Fortunately, these are not the only copies that the bank accepts. There are also more expensive and rarer money, for which the bank is willing to pay up to 10,000 rubles. However, their purchase by the central office is extremely rare. If you are the happy owner of a truly unique, rare and expensive item, then it is better for you not to wait for a specific offer from the central office, but to turn to professional numismatists who will be happy to buy this rarity from you for a colossal amount.

Most popular:


What coins does Sberbank accept?

Having inherited a piggy bank of old coins, many of our compatriots do not know what to do with this inheritance. Not many people know that Sberbank not only sells, but also buys coins from the population. Fortunately, he buys not only gold and silver collectible and investment coins.

What coins did Sberbank buy in 2015?

It should be noted that the bank does not buy coins on an ongoing basis. You cannot visit the bank at any time and sell your coin collection. As a rule, before a purchase, the central branch of the Savings Bank announces the upcoming purchase of coins. The bank needs a certain amount of coins. After the bank has purchased such a certain number of coins, it stops purchasing operations.

If we talk about 2015, the Savings Bank bought coins issued in Russia after 1991. Also in great demand at the Savings Bank are rare coins, which were released at the beginning of the new millennium. If you are the owner of rare commemorative coins, they will be purchased regardless of where they were minted.

In 2015, Sberbank bought coins that were issued in 2001 and 2003, in denominations of 50 kopecks, 1 ruble and 10 rubles. If we talk about coins issued by the St. Petersburg Mint, in addition to anniversary coins, the following coins were in demand at Sberbank: 1 ruble, 2 ruble (including anniversary coins), 5 ruble, 10 ruble (strictly anniversary coins).

At what price does Sberbank buy coins?

The cost of coins is greatly influenced by factors such as appearance and safety. Coins that are well preserved and have a pristine appearance are more expensive than coins that have lost their attractiveness over time. For example:

  • A two-ruble coin from 2003 can be sold for between 6 and 10 thousand rubles.
  • A bank can purchase a five-ruble coin from 2003 for 6 thousand rubles (provided it is in excellent condition).
  • A very rare coin with a face value of 5 rubles, issued in 1999, can be sold for 100 thousand rubles or more. This coin did not have a large circulation, which is why its value is so high.

As can be seen from the examples, the cost of coins can be different and is determined directly at the Sberbank branch. It is worth noting that the bank purchases coins at a lower cost. So before selling coins, find out its value at specialized auctions.

Coins worth 5 kopecks, differences and cost Those owners of coins whose coins have a distinctive mark should count on good money when selling coins worth 5 kopecks issued in 2002. As a rule, coins in denominations of 5 kopecks are issued by the mints of St. Petersburg and Moscow. And under the horse's hoof back side The coin must bear the symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Ruble coins and their differences. When deciding to check your coin collection for value, you should consider some factors:

  1. Wide edging of the coin. On a ruble with a wide edge, the petal of the pattern is superimposed on the edge itself. On a regular coin, the petal of the pattern is in full size.
  2. Coins in denominations of 1,2,5 rubles from 2003. A distinctive feature of these coins is that the mint mark located under the eagle’s paw is slightly lowered.

Cost of coins in Savings Bank

The Savings Bank of Russia is buying coins of 1,2,5 rubles at a price of 5000 per piece. The coin must meet certain requirements:

  • was released in 2003;
  • under the eagle's foot there should be a symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

This cost of coins is due to their small circulation of only 15,000 pieces throughout Russia.

Methods for receiving and selling coins

You can receive and sell coins in various ways:

  1. Sell ​​your coins to a banking institution. When choosing this method, you need to remember that banks do not buy all coins, but only those that have a certain year of issue and distinctive features. Although the bank buys coins at a reduced cost, the bank's method of buying coins guarantees safety and reliability.
  2. Sell ​​or buy coins at an online auction. In this case, the chance of selling rare coins at a higher price is very high. To participate in the auction, you need to take photographs of the coin from the side and on both sides, register on the website, write a description of the coin and indicate its value.
  3. Directly find seller and buyer. This is done through thematic forums, where photos and descriptions of coins are a prerequisite. After an agreement has been reached between the buyer and the seller of the coins, the seller sends a parcel with coins cash on delivery, which the buyer pays upon receipt. The downside of selling coins this way is that parcels often don’t arrive, getting lost along the way.


What coins does Sberbank accept and buy?

Large volumes of coins of various denominations and years of issue may not only be in the hands of numismatists. Almost each of us keeps a piggy bank with iron money. Also, very often we still have USSR coins that our relatives kept or simply lost for a while and then discovered.

Anyone who found a more or less old coin certainly wanted to know about its potential value, because everyone has heard about the very rare and very valuable specimens that can be found in circulation. If you have found a collectible coin, albeit not the rarest, then the question arises: “Where to sell it?” In this article we will talk about one of the ways to sell found valuable coins, namely the coins that Sberbank accepts in 2016.

What coins does Sberbank accept?

This bank is one of the few where you can sell a found copy. But not absolutely all coins are bought; we can roughly distinguish two categories:

Valuable coins purchased on an ongoing basis;

Periodic purchases.

On an ongoing basis you can sell representatives from precious metals, royal, commemorative coins of the USSR, exact lists can be found on the official website of the bank.

Periodic purchases occur constantly, and this makes it possible to get rid of a certain type of coin from the collection. The larger the piggy bank left to you, the higher the chance of selling it at a high price. Periodic procurement occurs as follows: the bank on the official website announces the beginning of the purchase of coins of a certain denomination and year of issue. The procurement period may vary up or down, depending on the number of copies purchased. After collecting a sufficient number of coins, this purchase stops and the next one begins. In this case, the bank will no longer accept coins from the first purchase. This is the selection system, if you don’t want to sell all the coins en masse, then you can wait and make a constant profit.

what coins does Sberbank accept in 2016?

  • 2001: 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 10 rubles;
  • 2003: 1, 2, 5 rubles;
  • 2003: 2.10 rubles with the image of Yuri Gagarin (Anniversary issue);

Collections of rare specimens

It is also important to remember that such coins must have the SPMD stamp.

Interesting: On commemorative coins, the manufacturer’s mark should be completely absent.

Sberbank accepts coins

The average cost of one copy in 2016, depending on the condition, ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per piece. The maximum that can be obtained from Sberbank in 2016 for one copy is 30 thousand. The amounts are, of course, less than the average for auctions, but the bank’s policy implies mass purchases, so the price is appropriate.

There are rare exceptions, for example, a 5 ruble coin from 1999 can currently cost more than 1,000 thousand rubles! Of course, you can earn a lot more by selling a precious copy via the Internet, but when you still have 10-20 coins and you need to tinker with each one separately, proving the truth, registering at different auctions, waiting for payment, etc. It is much easier to bring the entire piggy bank to Sberbank and once sell all valuable medallions.

What are the requirements for the coin?

One of the deciding factors when selling any coin is its condition.

Important The better preserved the copy, the greater the amount you can get.

You can determine the safety yourself, but the final conclusion will be given by the bank’s commission, which will determine your coin into one or another safety category. Although a bank expert will be able to more accurately determine the value of all the medallions presented, before going to the bank it is worth conducting an independent, small research on the Internet, so as not to simply waste your time.

How is the sale going?

What coins does Sberbank accept?

Having found a valuable coin in your home piggy bank, the question arises - where to donate it? In order to sell such a coin profitably, you must contact exclusively reliable banks and organizations.
In this article, we will look at what coins Sberbank of Russia buys and learn directly about the purchase process itself.

Today, Sberbank of Russia considers coins of certain years and denominations to be priority:

  • 2001 - 50 kopecks, 1 rub., 10 rubles;
  • 2003 - 1, 2, 5 rubles;
  • 2003 - 2 and 10 rubles. anniversary issue with the image of Yuri Gagarin;
  • collectible copies of rare coins.

The presented list is almost entirely identical to the 2014 list. This is dictated by the fact that in some individual categories there is a clear shortage. Before contacting the bank, you should check the necessary information on the website in advance.

As for rare collectibles, they are always of interest to the bank. However, in this case, it would not hurt to seek professional advice from experts or numismatists in order to confirm the authenticity and true value of the collection.

Among other things, it is worth considering some fixed requirements imposed by Sberbank for coins. They should have:

  • acceptable appearance - this criterion directly affects the cost;
  • coins of 2003 should have the mark of the St. Petersburg Mint, not the Moscow;
  • products of the Jubilee category should not contain any information about the mint.

Estimation of the value of coins in Sberbank for 2018

It is worth noting that Sberbank is not particularly interested in buying coins that do not contain precious metals and are not investment grade. For a more profitable sale of existing commemorative coins, it is best to use special forums on the Internet, where they can offer a higher price for them.

At Sberbank, the price of coins is determined by a specialized specialist after inspection. The above-mentioned species Russian coins the maximum maximum can be no more than 5,000 rubles. The only exceptions to the increase in cost are:

  • excellent appearance;
  • no scratches or abrasions;
  • good shine, etc.

There is a certain range of coin products that are classified as exclusive types. Their cost can reach 10,000 rubles. However, it is not recommended to sell such copies to banks. It is better to look for connoisseurs among private numismatists, as they are able to offer a better price.

If during the comparison the difference turns out to be insignificant, it is better to give preference to Sberbank of Russia, since this is the most reliable buyer. You should not trust those numismatists who try to offer very high prices. Such generosity may be dictated by the desire to deceive.

Purchase process at Sberbank

Knowing what coins Sberbank is buying, it’s time to clarify the procedure.
First of all, you need to decide on the bank branch by calling the Contact Center and clarify whether the required specialist will be on site during the visit.

The purchasing procedure goes like this:

  1. A specialist examines the coins to determine their condition.
  2. The cost is announced and approval is carried out.
  3. Papers confirming the transfer of coins are signed. You must have your passport with you.
  4. Funds are issued in cash or transferred to a card.

Price lists and conditions for purchasing coins at Sberbank

At the moment, Sberbank has prepared a list and pricing conditions for the purchase of coins of different values. All price lists and detailed conditions for cost distribution are on the official

Real and nominal value

Investment coins SB are valued at real and nominal value. The second remains unchanged. Real prices are determined by market conditions, and therefore are of particular interest to investors. For example, white metal coins with a denomination of three rubles have a real price of 3,500 rubles. and the cost is constantly increasing.

The free sale of the first investment coins was celebrated in 1996 on the Russian market the new kind financial investments have found a small but stable demand. However, with the introduction of tax rates (20%) on transactions with precious metals, the demand for them dropped to zero. In 2015-2016, Sberbank is the undisputed leader in the precious metals market, selling more than 1 million coins per year.

The main advantage of investing in precious metals is the reliability of investments and accessibility to a large circle of the population. The cost of investment coins in Sberbank today varies from 800-900 rubles, when ordering a large number of coins you can count on a discount of 1.5 - 3%. Tax payments of 13% are not taken into account if they have been in the possession of the owner for more than 3 years. special tax conditions are provided in relation to those who held coins for less than 3 years, but the acquisition amount was more than 125 thousand rubles.

The range of investment coins is not so large. Characteristic differences regarding the anniversary series are the quality of coinage, simple design and cost close to the real price of the metal. Simple “Uncirculated” coinage is typical for products produced in large volumes. Complex shapes and small details are not applied to the images; the picture and the coin field are characterized by the same structure, without mirrored coatings. From 01.04. In 2011, after amendments were made to the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, commemorative coins are not subject to taxation, similar to investment coins.

Popular coins

Investment coins made of yellow metal, created in honor of the Sochi Olympics, are in particular demand. Two coins depicting bobsleigh and curling, and a third coin depicting the goddess Flora, worth up to 400 thousand rubles. Equally popular are coins with the image of St. George the Victorious cast on gold or silver. The undisputed leader in the Russian Federation is the “Golden Chervonets” coin, issued in 7 million copies, which eliminates the possibility of problems with sales. The selling price is as close as possible to the purchase price. The Sberbank catalog also offers coins issued by other countries, for example New Zealand dollars.

Catalog of investment coins

Investment coins issued by the Central Bank and available for purchase at the SB of the Russian Federation:


Nominal value: 3 rubles.

Precious metal: silver 925 pr.

Quantity: 1 million pieces.


Nominal value: chervonets.

Precious metal: gold 900 pr.

Quantity: 6,665 thousand pieces.

"G. Victorious"

Nominal value: 50 rub.

Precious metal: gold 999 pr.

Quantity: 3,480 thousand pieces.

"G. Victorious"

Nominal value: 3 rubles.

Precious metal: silver 999 pr.

Quantity: 280 thousand pieces.

"River Beaver"

Nominal value: 100 rub.

Precious metal: gold 900 pr.

Quantity: 12 thousand pieces.

"History of circulation of money in the Russian Federation"

Nominal value 100 rubles.

Precious metal: gold, 900 pr.

Quantity: 27 thousand pieces.

Collection “Zodiac sign”

Nominal value: 25 and 50 rubles.

Issue: “Zodiac Sign”.

Precious metal: gold, 999 pr.

Quantity: 10 thousand pcs.

In 2005 A circulation with an updated design was released.

"Russian Ballet" (1993)

Nominal value of gold coins: 10.00, 25.00, 50.00, 100.00 rubles.

Nominal value of silver coins: 3.00 and 25.00 rubles.

Nominal value of palladium coins: 5.00, 10.00, 25.00 rubles.

Precious metal: gold 900/999 ave., silver 900/999 ave., palladium 999 ave.
Issue: from 2 thousand to 125 thousand pieces.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation adheres to long-standing traditions of making coins in honor of Olympic Games. As part of the Sochi 2014 program, envisaged for 2011 - 2014, gold and silver coins with a nominal value of 3 and 50 rubles. their physical properties are comparable to “G. Victorious." Gold coins with a nominal value of 100 rubles. contain pure precious metal from 15.55 g (1/2 troy ounce). Sberbank, as the main partner of Sochi 2014, has unique powers to sell coins within the Russian Federation.

Rules for purchasing investment coins

The purchase of coins made of precious metals from individuals is carried out upon presentation of a passport.

Bank branches buy coins made of precious metals in “excellent” condition without visible stains or damage, as well as with a complete set.

Within the framework of the established rules, the presence of:

  • Coins with a large diameter (6 cm or more) may have a “dot coating” on parts of the mirror fields near the edge.
  • Coins minted "uncirculated" (gold chervonets 7.74 g), gold coins dedicated to the "Victorious" (7.78 g) and silver items "Sobol-95" and "Victorious" (31.1 g) may contain visible " light" damage on both sides of the products and on the edging. Provision is made for the purchase of coins in “satisfactory” condition, provided that the price for these products is set by Sberbank.
  • The purchase of coins from precious metals is carried out according to the list of names and prices established by the bank for these operations.
  • The purchase of coins from precious metals is carried out in the presence of the original packaging in which the coins were sold.

Buying rare coins by a bank

The biggest difficulty faced by new and experienced collectors who decide to sell their collections of rare coins is the frequency of purchases. In SB, the “goal” of the search changes every few weeks. For example, from January 1, 2016, “Five Kopecks” coins issued in 2001 were purchased, and in February there was a demand for ruble coins issued in 2003.

The reason is that there is no need to purchase more rarities than required. After receiving enough coins, more are collected. “Wholesale” purchasing of collectible series often results in reduced series prices. In order to sell copies from the piggy bank at a higher price, the right decision would be to turn to professionals.

What coins does the Security Council of the Russian Federation buy?

The most popular coins for banks to purchase are coins manufactured in 1998 and 2003:

  • Ruble coins (2001) from the “Red Book” collection.
  • 1 rub. (2001).
  • Ruble coins (1997) - yellow, with the addition of nickel.
  • Ruble coins (1998) with a wide edging.
  • 2 rub. (2003).
  • 5 kopecks, created in 2002 (steel).
  • "Yuri Gagarin" 2003 (2 and 10 rubles).

A mint stamp is required when purchasing 2003 coins. If there is a Moscow sign, the bank will not accept them (except for the Yuri Gagarin coin, where there should be no signs at all).

Purchase prices

The maximum price of the copies listed above is 30 thousand rubles. (1 ruble 2001 - an alloy of silver and brass), 27 m in diameter and weighing 7.5 g. The cost of the coins depends on the appearance. For new and clean products it is higher.

For investors in the Russian Federation, investment coins are the optimal solution. The main advantage regarding bullion is the absence of taxation and the ability to keep it in hand. Leading experts recommend paying attention to small denomination gold coins “G. Victorious" or "Slavyanka". They are produced in Russia and Belarus, and the cost is approximately 17,000 rubles. Both contain 7.78 g of the yellow metal.

The negative aspects of this method include the long time it takes to verify coins during implementation. For small quantities it may take more than 1 day. Separately, there is a significant difference between the acquisition and sale prices. For example, 15.07. 2015 acquisition rate "G. Victorious" was 18 5 00 rubles. The repurchase of coins was carried out at a cost of 14 1 00 rubles. The difference amounted to 4 4 00 rubles and covered the possibility of short-term profitability.

When purchasing bullion, you are required to pay VAT at 18%. However, when storing actual gold in Sberbank, payment of VAT is not provided. Contributions to compulsory medical insurance exclude the presence of insurance.

Distinctive features of coins

Decor. The main difference from precious metal bars is the lack of indication of net weight, type of precious metal, fineness and name of the manufacturer.

The mandatory list of information indicated on coins includes the denomination and name of the issuer (state). Technical data about coins is published on the issuers’ websites. Both sides contain certain signatures and pictures. On the front side (obverse) the state coat of arms, denomination and date of manufacture are applied. On the back side (reverse) there is a main drawing dedicated to the theme of the circulation of products.

Technical data - the type of precious metal, weight and fineness are indicated on the obverse (domestic copies) and on the reverse (foreign versions). The side edges of coins are usually called an edge. It is usually presented in the form of a grooved or smooth surface. Less often the inscription is applied.

Below is the range of investment coins in the bank today, however, according to official data, new series are planned to be released in the near future.


* Attention! The information article may have outdated or incomplete information. Current information can be posted on the official website of Sberbank PJSC sberbank.ru

What coins does Sberbank accept in 2018?

Good day, friends. A mysterious friend was in our office today.

At first, he circled around the common room for maybe half an hour, refusing any help.

Then he left and returned half an hour later. And so three times. As a result, he came up to me and asked what coins Sberbank accepts in 2018.

It turns out that he has already accumulated a whole collection of various commemorative coins.

He decided to get rid of them. Provided him with a current list of coins. I will share it with you, dear readers. Suddenly you have a huge collection too.

Selling coins to Sberbank is a good way to make money if you have suitable samples on hand. Admission rules are constantly changing; in 2017, a number of innovations and special conditions should be taken into account. Now Sberbank buys only its own investment coins, which were issued in limited quantities from precious metals.

An organization can legally refuse to purchase if scratches and mechanical damage are found on the products. Pass banknote It will still be possible, but the price may fall in relation to the original, it will depend on the content of precious metals. The cost is formed from the following indicators:

  • safety of the coin;
  • availability of documents confirming ownership;
  • uniqueness of the product (number of coins in circulation);
  • special series or collection;
  • denomination and cost of materials used in production.

Selling Features

First you need to find out on the Sberbank website which coins are currently accepted. Interesting information can be found in the “Promotions” section; maybe at a certain time the cost of the product will be higher.

Receiving advice and resolving controversial issues is carried out via a single line with the number 8-800-555-55-50, you will be told the requirements and a list of offices to which you can contact. The process consists of steps:

  1. Appearing at one of the announced departments;
  2. Evaluation of the product by a special specialist;
  3. Announcing the transaction amount;
  4. If you agree to the proposed conditions, an agreement is signed;
  5. Receipt of money is carried out by transfer to a card or in cash after application.

What coins does Sberbank accept?

The catalog with photographs and prices is located on the official resource, where you can find almost all the information you are interested in. Here you can see the difference between buying and selling investment coins; the investment will be profitable only in the long term.

You must sell after three years, otherwise you will have to pay 13% tax, which makes the deal less attractive. Often you have to wait much longer for the difference to justify the investment.


There is also demand for simple coins, their list is strictly defined, the purchase period rarely exceeds 2 weeks. Sberbank bought coins of a certain year, with a special edging, with or without a mint mark. Current information can only be found on the website.

The purchase is not made in all offices, and not everywhere there are specialists with the required level of qualifications. Before going to the bank, it is better to check the possibility of selling over the phone.

source: https://sber-info.ru/kakie-monety-prinimaet-sberbank/


Having received an old, collectible coin at your disposal, or simply having discovered preserved old copies, the question arises: “Where can I sell such coins?” One reliable way is to contact Sberbank of Russia. Its branches are located throughout the country and in almost every city there are those that accept and sell coins.

There are certain restrictions that may become an obstacle to completing a transaction. In this article we will tell you how to find out whether Sberbank will buy coins from you and what the prices will be for them.

What coins does Sberbank of Russia accept?

Almost on an ongoing basis, they accept samples of gold, silver, investment, as well as rare anniversary and commemorative coins. Coins from the times of the USSR and Tsarist Russia are valued for commemorative or anniversary issues.

Speaking about rare coins of regular circulation and non-precious ones, buying does not happen on an ongoing basis; you won’t be able to go to the nearest branch and sell the entire collection. This is due to the fact that the bank buys only certain copies in limited quantities.

You can view the list of money currently being purchased on the bank’s official website or at the nearest branch. Having received the required number of purchased coins, the position is closed and a new one appears. Generally, procurement updates occur once every 2-3 weeks. In 2015, Sberbank of Russia accepts the following copies:

  • year of manufacture 1999 - 5 rubles;
  • year of manufacture 2001 - 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 10 rubles;
  • year of manufacture 2003 - 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 2 rubles, 5 rubles.

How to sell coins to Sberbank?

Once you are sure that the bank will buy the coins you offer, you should find the nearest branch that deals with such operations. The official website of the bank will help you clarify all the necessary information about the nearest branch engaged in operations for the purchase and sale of valuable coins. When you come to the banks, you must have an identification document with you.

Directly at the branch or before the trip, you must write a statement describing all the coins, their denomination, and year of issue. You can clarify the wording and obtain a sample application directly from the bank.

Having handed over to the employee all the samples that you want to sell, they will be sent for examination, often carried out right in the department in front of you. The expert will give his opinion on the authenticity and the price that the bank can pay. The further choice to sell at the proposed price of the coin or not is up to you.

How much can you get from the sale?

The estimated value will greatly depend on the condition of the specimens presented. Traces of wear and minor damage visible to the naked eye will greatly reduce the final price. The maximum price can be obtained for a copy in ideal or near ideal condition. The assessment will take place directly at the bank, by one of the employees.

Having carefully examined the condition, the appraiser will offer you the price for which the presented medallions will be purchased from you. It is worth considering that the value of some coins may be underestimated, this is due to bulk purchases; on the other hand, sometimes items appear that cannot be sold anywhere except Sberbank. Approximate cost:

  1. 2003, with a denomination of 2 rubles, 6-10 thousand rubles.
  2. 2003, parity 5 rubles to 6 thousand rubles.
  3. 1999, denomination 5 rubles 100 thousand rubles.
  4. other samples cost about 5 thousand on average, some can reach 30 thousand.

You can also sell coins at auction, which increases the chance of a better deal in terms of value. To do this, you will need to provide high-quality photographs, register, and sometimes independently carry out the procedure for confirming the authenticity of the coin.

You can also find a buyer through online forums and classifieds sites, but there is a high chance of falling for the tricks of scammers. By choosing a bank, you save yourself from unnecessary time costs and the chance of being deceived.

With the proceeds from the sale of coins, you can immediately purchase one or more offers from the bank, conditionally exchanging your old collection samples for new ones. Money can be received either in cash or transferred to a Sberbank card or another Russian bank.


To summarize, I would like to say, whether you are a numismatist trying to get rid of more coins in your collection or just a person who has found a large number of coins of the USSR, Russia or other ancient examples, Sberbank of Russia is an excellent place to realize your idea.

You can find a branch in any city, prices may be lower than auction prices, but you receive a 100% guarantee of the transaction. A huge advantage is the purchase of specimens that are not bought up by numismatists or just collectors, this allows you to sell them profitably most money that is destined to end up in the closet or be thrown away.

So, you can sell most of your jar of coins over a long period of time and still get a good amount of money.

source: http://numizmat-online.com/kakie-monety-prinimaet-sberbank/

What coins does Sberbank buy?

Collecting coins brings good profits. Not only avid numismatists, but also ordinary citizens who are lucky enough to find a valuable or rare coin can get money for selling coins. Have you found a jar of old coins at home and don’t know what to do with them? Try to find rare coins among the pile, because banks are ready to pay for them.

The easiest way would be to contact Sberbank of Russia, which has branches even in small towns.

What you need to know if you want to sell coins

The very first problem that awaits a person who decides to sell coins is that purchases have a certain frequency, so you need to follow the news. The purpose of Sberbank's search is constantly changing: so if in January coins from 2001 were in demand, then in February the purchase of coins from 2003 had already begun.

The reason is simple: as soon as a sufficient number of the required coins have been received, the search goals change and completely different ones become in demand. Therefore, it is so important to follow the news from the central office in order to accurately sell your collection to this bank.


The sale and purchase of coins is carried out in more than 800 different branches throughout the country, each person has a chance to sell collectible or commemorative coins to the bank, having previously learned the price from an employee.

This is the easiest and most convenient way to sell your accumulated copies, but be prepared for the fact that you won’t get much for them. The fact is that the bank makes wholesale purchases, as a result of which the real cost of copies may be somewhat underestimated.

Therefore, if you want to benefit from a transaction, you need to contact numismatists directly. This is risky and will take more time, but you can get a lot more for your collection. And here the doors are always open, unlike the periodic purchase of coins by Sberbank.

What kind of coins can you sell?

You will learn which coins Sberbank is buying in 2017 from the bank’s news, but usually this financial organization most often announces promotions for the purchase of such coins:

    <>rubles 2001 Red Book series, 2 and 10 rubles, as well as 50 kopecks;
  • 2 and 10 rubles issued in 2003 with a portrait of Gagarin without indicating the mint;
  • 1997 rubles made of nickel alloy and yellow;
  • 1998 rubles with a wide border;
  • 2 rubles of 2003, and priority when accepting coins of 2003 is given to coins minted by the mint in St. Petersburg;
  • 5 kopecks made of white steel 2002.

A catalog with prices and photographs is posted on the bank’s website, where you can clearly see what coins Sberbank buys. Remember, these are not the only copies that the bank announces the purchase of every year. There are also more valuable rare coins, the price of which is 10 thousand rubles and more. But the central office rarely buys them from citizens.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find a truly unique coin, then it is better not to wait for an offer from the office, but try to find a buyer yourself who will appreciate the beauty.


The list of purchased coins changes every few months, since only a certain amount of the declared denomination is needed. If you do not make it by the stated date, then the purchase will no longer be carried out, because a completely different denomination is already in demand.

If we talk about collectible coins made of precious metals, then Sberbank always has a demand for them. Therefore, first make sure that the copy is authentic, have it assessed by a knowledgeable person, and then go to the bank.

How much can you expect?

Rare coins from 1997-2010 are purchased at a price that is determined based on a number of parameters:

  1. the mint that issued them;
  2. year of minting;
  3. denomination

A well-preserved appearance is of great importance. The prices for coins that Sberbank buys depend on whether they have any defects and are approximately equal to:

  • 2 rubles of 2003 can cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • a five-ruble coin sells for 6 thousand;
  • Rare coins from 1999 with a face value of 5 rubles are considered the most valuable due to the fact that the circulation was too small. They are ready to buy it from the seller for an amount over 100 thousand rubles;
  • anniversary coins of 2001 in denominations of 1 and 2 rubles will cost 30 thousand rubles each.

The average price of coins sold in 2016 is 1-5 thousand rubles, we can say that this trend will continue in 2017. The maximum that Sberbank will pay for incredibly rare coins is only 30 thousand rubles, as noted above, the purchase is massive, which is why the corresponding price is set.

At various auctions, you can sell several valuable coins for a little more, but first you will need to prove their value and it is much easier to immediately take the piggy bank with you to the nearest Sberbank branch.

It is worth mentioning separately about coins with manufacturing defects and defects: 5 kopecks 2002-2003 without marking the place of minting, non-magnetic 10 and 50 kopecks 2007 and anniversary ruble with Gagarin 2001 (without marking the place of minting).

The price for them is determined individually. Please note that coins of 2 and 10 rubles from 1999 to 2010 are not valuable and you can get from 20 to 100 rubles maximum for them.

You won't be able to submit everything at once

Many coins are very rare, some are even taken out of circulation, and therefore are valuable. But the lucky one who found them in his piggy bank should not rejoice ahead of time. Sberbank sets a number of criteria for the appearance of accepted coins, so coins with defects will not be returned:

  1. just good looks. If it is satisfactory, the price may be reduced; a poorly preserved one may not be accepted at all;
  2. all coins issued in 2003 must bear the imprint of the St. Petersburg Mint;
  3. If we are talking about commemorative coins, then they should not contain information about the mint at all.

Therefore, follow the news to find out the dates for accepting coins from the Russians.

source: http://moneybrain.ru/info/kakie-monety-pokupaet-sberbank/

What coins are valuable?

As you know, valuable coins are valuable not only for coin collectors, but also directly for the country's banking institutions. But here we are talking about certain types of coins. And we will try to figure this out.

Despite the fact that rare coins, all the nuances that make them especially valuable, are understood only by avid numismatists, large collectors, even a common person can make money on such pennies. There are two conventional types of kopecks that you need to know about:

  1. Rare, rare specimens.
  2. Specially cast specimens from precious metals.

If we talk about the second option, then such coins are produced directly by the country's banking institutions for the purpose of further sale. By the way, this is a fairly profitable decision to invest your capital in the purchase of such coins, since over time they only become more expensive, thereby becoming a profitable investment.

It is important to know that such products are accepted back only by those banks that originally sold them. For example, coins issued by any other banking institution in the country are not those that Sberbank accepts now or previously accepted.

Regular coins bought by Sberbank

As for the simplest kopecks, which, as it turns out, are valuable for collectors and, most importantly, for Sberbank of Russia, their list changes dynamically. It all depends on how many coins of a certain denomination, year of issue or series were needed for collection.

When the desired number of kopecks is collected by the bank, their acceptance is completed. Not so long ago, for example, coins with a face value of 5 kopecks, issued in 2001, were the target of this financial institution. But a month later, apparently, having bought required amount copies, Sberbank stopped collecting them.

The value factor that an institution offers for coins, of course, often exceeds their true denomination, but it is important to understand that in the case of base pennies, experienced numismatists do not go to bank branches. We will return to this issue later.

In order to be aware of what year coins are accepted at Sberbank, it is necessary to systematically monitor news updates on the institution’s website, as well as on specialized Internet resources where such information is published.

Selling rare items

Let us first return to rare pennies, which, as we have already said, experienced numismatists under no circumstances hand over to Sberbank of Russia.

And all because these copies can be sold much more profitably. You just need to place relevant announcements on thematic forums or websites. Online platforms for selling all kinds of goods are also ideal.

Other coins, which may not be accepted by bank branches, but have a fairly high value, can be sold to numismatists for quite large sums. It could be several thousand rubles, or maybe a couple of hundred thousand rubles.

The sale of such coins, of course, is also carried out through online auctions, on thematic forums, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet today.

There they can also give you information regarding rare coins that are valued by collectors today, information about why and for what such specimens are valued. It is possible that you also have a coin at home or in your wallet that can easily be sold for a couple of thousand rubles, but you had no idea about it.

Sberbank buys rare money of various denominations from the population, and their value changes over time. In order to benefit from the sale, you need to know what coins Sberbank accepts and be able to determine the differences between ordinary cash and truly valuable coins.


What is the difference between regular coins and rare ones?

A coin is considered rare depending on the following factors:

  • small circulation;
  • year of release (anniversary or historically old);
  • valuable metal of manufacture;
  • unusual manufacturing defect.

There are very few coins with such features, so they are of some value to banks and private collectors.

Types of rare coins that Sberbank accepts:

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • anniversary;
  • investment;
  • memorable.

What coins are valuable in 2019?

Quarterly, Sberbank changes the list of purchased valuable coins, their historical and antique copies. In order to profitably give a rare monetary unit to the bank, you need to monitor the catalog “ Precious metal coins «.

In 2019, on an ongoing basis, Sberbank accepts only investment coins for money. They are issued by the bank itself for memorable dates in Russian history or anniversaries. The buyer purchases a coin from Sberbank along with its characteristics and confirmation of authenticity. Every year the price of the product increases due to the rising cost of the metal from which it is made. Subsequently, a person can sell the same coin back to the bank.

There are several rules for selling investment coins to the Sberbank savings fund:

  • they can be sold without additional tax no earlier than three years after purchase;
  • if a person sells a coin before the due date, he will be forced to pay a tax of 13% on the amount.

From time to time, Sberbank buys the following valuable items:

  1. Coins in denominations from 5 kopecks to 10 rubles. Information about the year of issue must be tracked on the Sberbank website.
  2. Money issued by the St. Petersburg Mint. The denomination and year of issue are posted on the Sberbank page.
  3. Money issued in 2001 (1, 2, 10 rubles, as well as 50 kopecks).
  4. Money issued in 2003 (1, 2, 5 rubles).

Cost of rare specimens in 2019

The price at which Sberbank will buy a coin in 2019 is determined not only by the quarterly catalog, but also by the results of a professional inspection by a specialist. Also, the bank is always interested in purchasing valuable antique coins, since their selling price is constantly increasing on the general market.

The video provides information about the most expensive coins ah, unique specimens in Russia. The author of the video is Dmitry Svechnikov.

5 kopecks

Five kopecks from 2002 are considered a rare coin.

It has the following parameters:

  • no mint mark (M or SP);
  • The cost of this product is 3500 rubles.

The most expensive five-kopeck coin for reception is five kopecks issued in 1999:

  • has a mint mark (SP);
  • the cost is estimated at 100 thousand rubles.

5 kopecks issued in 1999

1 ruble

One ruble of 2003 is a rare coin, since it was issued in a small circulation.

It has the following parameters:

  • there is a mark of issue by the mint (SPMD);
  • cost 8 thousand rubles.

An even more valuable specimen is one ruble from 2001:

  1. The coin has an MMD mark. One of the smallest issues of ruble coins.
  2. The cost of one ruble in 2001 reaches 30 thousand rubles.

1 ruble 2003 issue

2 rubles

In 2003 there was also a small circulation of 2-ruble coins.

Product parameters:

  • coin with SPMD mark;
  • cost – 8 thousand rubles.

Two rubles 2001:

  • cost 20 thousand rubles, since this is a very rare issue;
  • have the mint mark - MMD.

A less rare, but also valuable specimen is two rubles from 1999:

  • product price - 100 rubles per coin;
  • There is a mint mark.

2 rubles produced in 2001

5 rubles

Five rubles from 2001 is such a rare coin in circulation that there is no clear opinion among numismatists as to whether it has a mint mark on it. Its only copy was found in 2009. Its cost is estimated at 250 thousand rubles.

Coin with a face value of 5 rubles, issued in 2003:

  • estimated from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
  • is marked SPMD or MMD.

5 rubles issued in 2003

10 rubles

The most expensive 10 rubles in Russia are copies of the “Russian Federation” collection.

The following coins were issued in a small volume of 100-200 thousand coins:

  • "Chechen Republic";
  • "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug";
  • "Perm region".

Their cost at Sberbank ranges from 3 thousand to 12 thousand rubles.

Old coins

Sberbank does not accept coins older than 1991. The best way selling old money is an appeal to numismatists. Also, during bidding at auctions, the price of a coin can increase significantly.

Banknotes from the times of the USSR

Sberbank does not accept coins that were previously issued by the Soviet Union for purchase. However, there are bank promotions during which old-style money can be exchanged. An exception is also made for commemorative or anniversary coins.

Royal coins

Sberbank accepts ancient royal coins only if they are a commemorative issue or an anniversary edition.

Sberbank buys rare silver items from the royal mint of Nicholas II for the following price:

  1. One and two rubles 1896. Collection "Coronation". Cost – 12 thousand rubles.
  2. One ruble 1913. Collection “300th anniversary of the Romanovs”. Cost – 4 thousand rubles.

1 ruble, 1913 issue. Collection “300th anniversary of the Romanovs”

Commemorative coins

Sberbank accepts various commemorative coins, not only ancient ones, but also modern ones. In denominations from 1 to 10 rubles, they were released to mark the anniversaries of important events in the history of Russia.

Sberbank buys the following commemorative coins:

  • one ruble, 2001 issue, “Red Book” series;
  • ten rubles 2001, series “Forty Years of Gagarin’s Flight.”

1 ruble 2001 "Sakhalin sturgeon" 10 rubles 2001 "Fortieth anniversary of Gagarin's first flight"

Features of the evaluation and acceptance of rare coins

When accepting rare coins at Sberbank, you need to familiarize yourself with the bank’s requirements for purchasing and evaluating goods. Before going to the branch address, you need to make preparations for exchanging money.

The process of purchasing valuable coins occurs in several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to find out which department you can contact with this question. This information You can find out by calling the Sberbank office or checking this at any of its branches.
  2. The specialist first makes an appointment to evaluate and establish the authenticity of the goods. After this, the expert announces the value of the coin, depending on the appearance, wear, rarity and the necessary marks on the minted product.
  3. After the assessment, an agreement is concluded on the terms of the transfer of value. You will need a passport to sign the papers.
  4. Next, the coins are handed over. The proceeds can be received in cash at the cash desk or by transfer to a card.

Polished coins without damage will be valued much higher than items with defects.

Can I take regular coins to the bank?

Regular coins modern Russia Sberbank accepts it at exchange offices. Information about which mint products are in demand should be tracked on the bank’s website.

Admission conditions

Price regular coins may be the same as their denomination. For example, Russian fifty kopecks from 1993 will be purchased by the bank at their cost - 50 kopecks. The bank offers to exchange ordinary change, which is valid in free circulation, for banknotes.

Restrictions on delivery

Buying “minting” by a bank has certain rules and restrictions; Sberbank only accepts coins:

  • good quality;
  • without damage;
  • no stains.

Alternative places of sale

In addition to Sberbank, there are other legal ways to sell coins. They can be sold either to a private numismatist or at an online auction.

Numismatists collect coin sets for a variety of reasons. Many people buy them to have complete collection with certain parameters (year of manufacture, denomination), and there are those who expect to make a profit from their hobby. Over time, coins become more valuable and can be very expensive to buy.

Internet auctions

In order to profitably exchange money at an online auction, you will need time and the ability to present the product favorably.

  1. It is necessary to take high-quality photos of the product.
  2. Register on the auction website.
  3. Post a photo of coins on your profile page.
  4. Wait for a purchase offer.

In 2019, the most popular site for selling collectible coins is AVITO.

Sale to private collectors

Exchange of a collection by private individuals is practically no different from sale at auction. But you will need to spend a little more time finding a collector interested in buying.

There are many specialized forums where you can negotiate a deal with a numismatist. It is also worth monitoring similar platforms for collection exhibitions. There you can directly communicate with collectors and discuss the sale of rare coins.

Is it profitable to sell rare coins to Sberbank?

It is necessary to understand that when selling goods to Sberbank, a person receives exactly the amount that the bank itself sets. In addition, this operation can be carried out provided that an expert is on site. However, there will be no additional costs for photographing the goods, and in this way you can save time searching for a place of sale.

However, you can get great benefits from the sale of coins from private collectors. Since many numismatists have been buying up necessary parts of collections for years, they are ready to pay a significantly larger amount for the missing coin than Sberbank.

Photo gallery

The photo gallery contains several photos of expensive coins accepted by Sberbank.

Valuable commemorative coins Valuable commemorative coins Coin from the collection "St. George the Victorious" made in various precious metals The rarest coins of Russia


In the presented video you can find out more information on how to purchase investment coins and gold bars at Sberbank. Provided by the channel "1severtv".