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How to get upgrade points in Diablo 3. Levels of Improvement

Update 2.0.1 added a new Paragon level system (known as Paragon 2.0) to the game, which expanded character development options and made the game more interesting for subsequent playthroughs. After the release of the add-on, these changes affected all accounts Diablo III in each of the regions.

What changed?

The upgrade level system itself was added to the game in update 1.0.4. Its goal was to provide players with room to progress and further development characters after achievement maximum level. It was introduced as an addition to the standard scheme game progress In Diablo III, a hidden object-based adventure, players acquire increasingly powerful artifacts to better fight the legions of demons of the Underworld.

While the Paragon Level system was able to accomplish most of its goals in its original form, players would eventually have to reach Paragon Level 100 one way or another. After this, progress in battles with the forces of evil is no longer felt so noticeably. Update 2.0.1 significantly changed this system and allowed players to have more control over their characters. Thus, there are even more development options!

Change #1: Say goodbye to level caps!

First, the new system will not have a maximum level of improvement. This means that once you develop your character to level 70, you can earn experience and gain new levels of improvement endlessly!

Change #2: General Improvement Levels

The second major change is that cultivation levels are now shared across account and for all characters. However, for different modes games (normal and heroic), they are counted separately. In other words, all characters created in normal mode will have their own level of improvement, and characters created in heroic mode will have their own. After the release of update 2.0.1, the experience gained by your characters in one mode or another will be taken into account when increasing the corresponding improvement level.

We decided to make these changes to the game so that players do not have to play the same characters in an attempt to speed up their development. We want the game to be truly fun to play different classes, receive rewards for your efforts no matter what characters you play as. We also want all players to be able to enjoy the new content in Reaper of Souls (including new class Crusader), without thinking that they were wasting their time developing another character. Only characters who have reached the maximum level can gain the experience necessary to increase their overall cultivation level. On the other hand, all characters will be able to use the upgrade points they receive, regardless of their level. And now is the time to move on to the third major change.

Change #3: Upgrade Points

As noted, the rewards for achieving new upgrade levels have undergone major changes. In update 2.0.1, static bonuses to character characteristics, gold search and magic items will be replaced with special improvement points that you can distribute yourself.

Thanks to the new system, you will be awarded one point for each level of improvement you achieve. How to spend these points is up to you. You will be able to increase indicators belonging to one of the categories: “Characteristics”, “Attack”, “Defense” and “Other”. The categories for the development of which improvement points can be spent at one time or another depend on the current level of improvement. At the 1st level of improvement, you can invest one point in the “Characteristics” category, at the 2nd - in the “Attack” category, at the 3rd you can increase the performance in the “Defense” category, and at the 4th - invest one point in the “Other” category. The distribution of improvement points across categories will then follow this cyclical pattern (sometimes called a “carousel”).

In the “Attack” category, you can increase the indicators that determine the damage dealt and the character’s power: attack speed, reduction in skill cooldown, probability of a critical hit, and critical damage.

The “Protection” category includes indicators that allow the character to survive in the harshest battles: an increase in health (in percentage), an increase in armor and resistance to all types of damage, as well as health replenishment.

The “Other” category includes highly specialized indicators that allow players to customize character capabilities to suit their needs. Here you can invest improvement points in indicators such as area damage, reducing resource costs, replenishing health on impact, and finding gold.

Currently, all categories, with the exception of the main characteristics (strength, intelligence, agility and vitality), have restrictions on the number of points that can be invested in them. This also means that the total number of points that can be distributed across the three categories is limited. Once you reach cultivation level 800, you will no longer be able to invest points into the Attack, Defense, and Other categories. Thus, when you reach subsequent levels of improvement, you will be able to increase only the main characteristics of the character using the points received.

While working on update 1.0.4, we came up with a lot of great ideas on how to get rid of existing shortcomings and make the game even better. You already know about some system changes, incredible enhancements to legendary items, changes to the barbarian, demon hunter, monk, sorcerer and sorcerer classes. All the developers took part in creating the update to make it truly awesome. And now I would like to talk in detail about one of the innovations - the system of improvement levels.
During the development of Update 1.0.4, we paid a lot of attention to two aspects of the game, namely finding magic items and what you can continue to play for after level 60, not including item hunting. I'm sure many of you are familiar with our blog, where we discussed how you can eliminate the need to change equipment to find magic items. In addition, in our blog you could comment on what you can do after reaching level 60. The new improvement system is designed to solve these problems, but before we look at it in detail, let's briefly talk about these problems.

Finding Magic Items
As you remember, we suggested several ways to get rid of the need to change equipment and asked what you thought about it. And during the discussion of certain options, we realized that if some players need to be carried with us additional set equipment and changing clothes before the murder brought her to white heat, then others were completely indifferent to her. And some players who did not use such techniques even wanted such a technique to be provided with consequences. Those who change equipment sets usually do so to increase the character's power. We don't want our decision to negatively impact these players' opportunities. In general, the harsh truth was this: the parameters of the items “search for magic items” and “search for gold” are very controversial, although they have a good effect on the variety of items.

Promoting Level 60 Characters
We understand that once you reach level 60 and have collected a decent set of gear, the feeling of progress begins to be lacking. It’s very disappointing when, after an hour of playing, nothing valuable comes out, and you still have to spend money on repairs. Often during the game you not only gain nothing, but also lose. Everyone wants to feel like they accomplished something when they leave the game, even if they couldn't find a new sword.

Upgrade Level System
Thanks to the new upgrade level system, which will appear in update 1.0.4, the issue of dressing up to increase the search rate for magic items will be resolved, and the system for increasing character levels will also change.

How it will work:

  • Once you reach level 60, you can gain upgrade levels by killing monsters.
  • There will be 100 improvement levels in total.
  • For each level you will receive:
    • an increase in basic characteristics (strength, agility, intelligence, vitality), just like when receiving a regular level;
    • A three percent increase in the “search for magic items” and “search for gold” parameters.
  • In addition, the character's portrait on the group panel will be surrounded by a special frame, which will change every 10 levels of improvement. This frame will indicate your level. It will also be shown wherever the character's normal level is displayed.

We know that many of you have already reached level 60, and many times, but thanks to the new system, you will be able to strive for new heights every time you log into the game.

To further cement the new system, each effect of Nephalem Valor will increase experience gained by an additional 15%. To reach the first level of cultivation, it will take approximately the same amount of time as it takes to move from level 59 to level 60. But then required amount experience will only grow. Reaching the highest levels of cultivation will require no less time than developing a character to level 99 in Diablo II.

What are we doing with the search for magical objects?
The benefits of increasing your level are obvious, but you're probably wondering how this will affect the "search for magic items" parameters of your equipment. We wanted our solution to be lenient towards those who change equipment. In addition, it should allow us to gradually make the “search for magic items” parameter less dependent on equipment. This parameter is so important to the core of the game that tying it to items is a bad practice that will continue to cause problems. We need to move away from the current system without turning the game upside down.

When the upgrade level system is introduced into the game, the maximum value of the parameters for finding magic items and finding gold will be 300%, not counting the increases from Nephalem Valor. This means that you will receive the maximum bonus to these indicators upon reaching cultivation level 100. In the process of development, you can easily wear your usual equipment while searching for gold and magic items. Once you reach the maximum level of improvement, you can completely switch to characteristics that allow your character to survive and kill monsters more effectively. The point is that if you currently dress up in equipment to search for magic items, then you can continue to do so... but after reaching a certain number of levels of improvement, the need for such manipulations will simply no longer exist.

It is also very important to mention that the effects of Nephalem Valor are not subject to the 300% cap. This means that by gaining five Nephalem Valor effects, you can reach the maximum parameter value - 375%.

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FAQ from Lylirra employee on accruing improvement points, and a couple more interesting points!

So, as you may have already heard, with , all your Paragon levels will be applied to the same game mode (Normal and Hardcore). All regular mode characters on your account will have a common cultivation level. Identically, all characters in the hardcore mode of diablo 3 accounts will have their own general level. Once Paragon 2.0 comes to life, any cultivation experience your normal or hardcore character gains will be added to your Normal General Cultivation Level or Hardcore General Cultivation Level.

Once Paragon 2.0 launches we will add up all of your cultivation experience for each of your characters, and use the added number (total experience, not total levels) to determine your Total Paragon Level. Again, it will be divided by game type.

While all your characters share a common cultivation level, they will not share a common level of Cultivation Points. Instead, the characters on your account will receive their own set of Upgrade Points to distribute independently (meaning you can spend your Upgrade Points separately for each character). For example, if your Normal overall cultivation level is 100, all regular characters (even those who have not reached the maximum level) will receive 100 cultivation points.

(In case you're not familiar with Upgrade Points: As of Parago 2.0, we're removing the non-optional bonuses that accrue from Upgrade Levels, and players will now receive upgrade points for each level up. These points can then be spent on various stats in four different categories : Base stats, Offensive, Defensive and Additional.)

Wow! Paragon points will also be available for characters who have not reached the maximum level!

After the release of Paragon 2.0, if you are level 60 and do not have the add-on on your account, you will continue to gain experience in the new system. This is because you are technically still at max level. However, if you decide to activate the expansion at level 60, you will stop receiving cultivation experience. This is because the expansion will increase the level cap to 70. Once you reach level 70, you will be able to pick up paragon experience again from where you left off. (So, technically: only characters at the maximum level will be able to receive an enhancement level. If you don’t have the expansion, the maximum level is 60, if you have it, it’s 70)

Hope this helps! There is some more information about the 2.0 improvement system.

We're working on putting all the information together into a full written report on Paragon 2.0 that will explain the underlying philosophy of these changes, as well as provide a first look at all the details of how the mechanics work.

Dedicated to all fellow Diablo lovers. Blizzard is looking for a solution to two eternal Diablo problems 3 came up with a new feature for the game. But we will begin our story from afar, and specifically with what exactly prompted them to take these rails, in particular levels of improvement in Diablo 3. The first reason is that players who reached level 60 were simply left without entertainment, and the only thing that could help them brighten up the dull crushing of monsters into pieces was new equipment and earnings at the auction for real money and the opportunity to buy gold in Diablo 3. Which gave rise to the second reason for indignation, since finding something worthwhile was becoming almost impossible. Gamers began to rage on the forums, pouring out tones of indignation about this, and as we know, ectoplasm is capable of raising even the dead, not only the development team.

Then the employees of one of our favorite companies came up with a simple, but absolutely brilliant idea that would suit everyone: “What if the player just continues to swing? He won't have any new spells, but he will get various bonuses for doing so. Including increasing the likelihood of finding magical things.” What scoundrels. Have you thought about escaping Sanctuary as soon as you kill the Prime Evil on the final difficulty level? No, now Diablo 3 will enslave us, even if we go through the Inferno. Although these bonuses will partially save you from endless farming of gear.

The essence of the innovation is as follows: a level 60 hero continues to gain experience and upon reaching the level he is given a bonus to his characteristics, as before, plus 3% to MF and the search for gold. So the Blizzards killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, the character continues to level up, and secondly, at the same time, his likelihood of finding a magic item increases. Total such levels perfection will be 100. In terms of leveling difficulty, this is equivalent to level 99 of a character from the second part of Diablo, that is, an eternity at the computer, several eye transplants and the change of a couple of generations. Plus new achievements in Diablo 3 thanks to upgrade levels!

Paragon levels are also designed to control the madness of gamers stacking MFs. To do this, the developers set a ceiling for this indicator of 300%, excluding nephalems. In an example, it looks like this: a hero of level 100 improvement will have all 300% of “search for magic items” and “search for gold”, which of course kills the need to carry rare items with MF.

The final blow to the coffin for the personal life of Diablo fans will be special icons for heroes with upgrade levels. They will change every 10 levels. Such beauty is comparable only to pony level.

And now more details. Six months had not passed before Blizzard realized that sixty levels was still not enough. And they followed the proven path, introducing a second progress scale after the maximum level, calling it an improvement system. True, in the new school we do not choose passive skills - with each level of “perfection” we receive a % search for gold and things, and bonuses to key parameters. Glory to the farm!

While working on patch 1.0.4, we came up with a lot of great ideas to fix existing bugs and improve the game. You probably already have an idea about some of the changes that are off the charts with the awesomeness of the gain legendary items, changes to the classes of sorcerer, sorcerer, monk, demon hunter and barbarian. All developers participated in the creation of the patch to make it truly awesome. And now I will talk in detail about one of the updates - the system of improvement levels.

During the development of patch 1.0.4. We paid a lot of attention to two game aspects, or more precisely: the search for magic items and the reason why you can continue the game after level sixty, not counting farming. I'm sure some of you are aware of our blog where we opened up a discussion regarding eliminating the need to change equipment in order to find magic items. In addition, in our blog you could express your opinion on what you could do after reaching level 60. The new improvement system is designed to solve these problems, but before we look at it in detail, let's talk briefly about these problems themselves.

Finding Magic Items

As you may remember, we proposed several ways to get rid of the need to replace equipment and asked your opinion on this matter. And in the process of discussing these or those options, we came to the conclusion that while some players were literally driven to the edge by the need to carry additional equipment and change clothes before killing, others were completely indifferent to it. And some of the players who did not use such techniques even wanted a similar technique to be provided with consequences. Those who change equipment sets usually do it to increase the hero's power. We do not want our decision to have a negative impact on the capabilities of these players. The harsh truth, in general, was this: the parameters of the items “search for gold” and “search for magic items” are quite controversial, although they have a good effect on the variety of items.

Promoting level sixty characters

We understand that after reaching level sixty and collecting a decent set of equipment, the feeling of progress begins to be lacking. It’s quite a shame when, after an hour of playing, nothing valuable comes out, and you also have to spend money on repairs. Very often during the game you not only do not gain anything, but also lose. Everyone wants to feel like they accomplished something when they leave the game, even if they didn't find a new sword.

Upgrade Level System

Thanks to the new improvement system, which will appear in patch 1.0.4, the issue of dressing up to increase the search rate for magic items will finally be resolved, and the system for increasing hero levels will also be changed.

How it will work:

— Upon reaching level sixty, you can, by killing monsters, receive levels of improvement.

— There will be 100 levels of improvement in total.

Upgrading upgrade levels– for each level you will receive:

1. 3% increase in the characteristics of “search for gold” and “search for magic items”;

2. an increase in basic parameters (vitality, intelligence, agility, strength), just like after receiving a regular level.

- In addition, the hero’s portrait on the group panel will be surrounded by a frame that will automatically change every ten levels of improvement. This frame will indicate directly your level. It will also be displayed wherever the hero's normal level is displayed.

We know that most of of you has already reached level sixty, and more than once, but thanks to the new system you will have the opportunity to strive for new heights every time you enter the game.

In order to secure new system, each effect of Nephalem Valor will increase the experience gained by an additional fifteen percent. How to quickly upgrade your cultivation levels? In order to get the first level of improvement, it will take approximately the same amount of time as to move from the 59th to the 60th level. However, further the required amount of experience will only increase. To achieve the highest levels of improvement, you will need to spend no less time than in the second part of the game to develop your character to level 99.

What about finding magic items?

The benefit of increasing in level is obvious, but you are wondering how it will probably affect the “search for magic items” characteristics of the equipment. We wanted the decision we made to be lenient towards those who do change equipment. In addition, it should provide the ability to make the “search for magic items” option less dependent on equipment over time. This characteristic is so important for the game itself that tying it to objects is a bad practice that will continue to create problems in the future. We need to move away from current system so that the game is not turned upside down.

When the cultivation level system is introduced into the game, the maximum value of the stats “find gold” and “find magic items” will be three hundred percent, excluding the bonuses from “Nephalem Valor”. This means that you will receive the maximum bonus to these indicators upon reaching the hundredth level of improvement. As you progress, you can easily carry around your usual equipment while searching for magic items and gold.

After reaching the maximum possible level of improvement, you will be able to completely switch to parameters that will allow your hero to kill monsters and survive more efficiently. The bottom line is that if you are currently dressing up in gear to search for magic items, then you can continue to do so. However, after reaching a certain number of levels of improvement, there will simply be no need for such manipulations.

It is also very important to mention that Nephalem Valor's effects are not subject to the 300% cap. This means that after gaining five Nephalem Valor effects, you will be able to reach the maximum parameter value, which is 375%.