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How to install mods on minecraft launcher 2.12. Installing mods for Minecraft, instructions on how to install mods on Minecraft

Every real Minecrafter has installed mods at least once, because they can add absolutely anything, the main thing is to choose the most interesting one. But the problem is that not everyone knows how to install them. That's why it appeared this guide: How to install mods in Minecraft !

Video guide:

The guide will be for versions higher (1.6.*, 1.7.*, 1.8.* 1.9.* and so on), because before it was a little different.

(You can click on the pictures, they will take their full size)

1) Download and install if you are using something else. It is much better, you can read about the features on our website on the launcher page. For installing mods, it is good because Forge (If you don’t know what this is, it will be described later in the article) can be installed in one click.

2) Select the mod you want to install, we have a directory: . Let’s remember what version of the game it was developed for; our example will be Plants Vs Zombies: Minecraft Warfare 1.7.10, that is, version 1.7.10.

3) Go to the launcher and select Forge version(This is an intermediate mod that processes all the others) for the version for which you selected the mod (In our case, Forge 1.7.10) and click “Install”, then wait for the installation to complete and the first launch.

4) Next, we proceed to install the mod itself; to do this, click on the “Open folder” button in the launcher and a folder with all the game files will open.

5) Find the folder " mods"(It will appear by itself, if it is not there, then you have not installed Forge, but you can try to create it manually if you are sure that Forge is installed) and copy the mod file there, it will have a .jar or .zip extension (Perhaps it will be packed in .rar, which means you need to unpack it and transfer the file with the desired extension to the folder).

6) Launch the desired Forge from the launcher again. To make sure that the mod works properly, in the main menu, click the mods button and see the new mod there:

Done, now you can play with the new mod! We hope you understand now, how to install a mod in Minecraft!

Every real Minecrafter has installed mods at least once, because they can add absolutely anything, the main thing is to choose the most interesting one. But the problem is that not everyone knows how to install them. That's why this guide appeared:!

The guide will be for Minecraft versions 1.5.2 and higher (1.6.*, 1.7.*, 1.8.* 1.9.* and so on), because before it was a little different.

1) Download and install TLauncher if you are using something else. It is much better, you can read about the features on our website on the launcher page. For installing mods, it is good because Forge (If you don’t know what this is, it will be described later in the article) can be installed in one click.

2) Select the mod you want to install, we have a catalog: Minecraft Mods. Let’s remember what version of the game it was developed for; our example will be Plants Vs Zombies: Minecraft Warfare 1.7.10, that is, version 1.7.10.

3) Go to the launcher and select the version of Forge (This is an intermediate mod that processes all others) for the version for which you chose the mod (In our case, Forge 1.7.10) and click “Install”, then wait for the installation to complete and the first launch.

5) Find the folder “ mods"(It will appear by itself, if it is not there, then you have not installed it, but you can try to create it manually if you are sure that it is installed) and copy the mod file there, it will have the extension .jar or .zip (Perhaps it will be packed in .rar , which means you need to unpack it and transfer the file with the desired extension to the folder).

6) Launch the desired one from the launcher again. To make sure that the mod works properly, in the main menu, click the mods button and see the new mod there:

Done, now you can play with the new mod! We hope you understand now, how to install a mod in Minecraft!

Sometimes Minecraft players get bored with the simple, familiar version. They want to add more variety to the game and go in search of new adventures. Mods (from the word "modification") allow you to complement the game, add new elements in graphics, increase capabilities and expand game world. For example, with their help you can achieve the immortality of the main character, provide him with new equipment and weapons. You can replace the textures of trees, houses and other structures that have become boring for a long time in the game with more interesting ones. For all this, mods were invented. But many people ask the question: on Minecraft?” In this article you can find the most detailed answer to your question.

Important information

Before you check their version, also check the version of the game itself. If the type of mod and game are different, then both elements will not work correctly. You should also find out what programs are required to install modifications. As a rule, these are developments of Forge or ModLoader.

The first method is through Forge. First you need to download this program, it should be noted that it must match the version of the game.
Afterwards you must open the minecraft.jar file (this can be done with any archiver). This document is stored in hidden folders with the game, which can be found by doing the following on your PC: open Windows 7 - C:/User/ "Custom name"/ AppData/ Roaming/ .minecraft/ bin "Custom name" - this is the folder of your computer profile.

Once you have found the Minecraft.jar file, you need to open the Forge archive and transfer all its contents to the Minecraft.jar file. Once these two steps are completed, run Minecraft game. In the meantime, Forge should scan the files of this application and then create a Mods folder.

The next way to install a mod on Minecraft is through ModLoader.

First of all, download the latest version of the program from the official website. If you download an old type of this software, the mod may not install or may not work properly. Then, using the archiver, open the Minecraft.jar file. It is stored in and if its location cannot be found, the path to the file will be described below:

Windows 7 - C:/User/ "Custom Name"/ AppData/ Roaming/ .minecraft/bin "Custom Name" is your computer profile folder.

The second step is to open the ModLoader archive and move all the files to Minecaft.jar. And to install the mod you need, you need to move the folder with it to the Minecraft.jar file. After that, just go into the game and enjoy it.

Mods that do not require installation of additional programs

There are add-ons that do not require installation of Forge and ModLoader. To run them, you just need to open the Minecraft.jar file and move the mod folder into this file.

Additional Information

Please read this information before doing so. Be extremely careful when downloading various modifiers, because instead of an add-on, you can download a virus. Always save information only from trusted sites.

If you install a large number of modifications, they may be incompatible and conflict. In such a case, simply remove some mods. Therefore, after installing this system, make a backup of Minecraft. If the version of the mod and the client are different, then you should not install it, since they will not interact with each other. That's all, now you know how to install the mod on Minecraft.

The most pressing question for novice players is how to install mods in Minecraft? Today, the process of installing mods for new versions has been greatly simplified, and this is thanks to Forge and Liteloader.

In this article we will describe three ways to install mods:
-Old method (adding mods to the minecraft.jar archive) for 1.5.2 and below
-Installing mods with using Forge
-Installing mods using Liteloader

METHOD #1 - replacing files in minecraft.jar (outdated)

For Minecraft version > 1.6
  1. Go to the game folder. To do this, press WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft
  2. Open with an archiver versions\x.x.x\x.x.x.jar. (where xxx version of Minecraft)
  3. Move the files from the archive with the mod to x.x.x.jar.
  4. Remove the META-INF folder from x.x.x.jar and agree to update the archive.
For Minecraft version< 1.6
  1. Download the archive with the mod you are interested in.
  2. Go to the game folder. To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\bin
  3. Open the file with WinRAR archiver minecraft.jar.
  4. Move files from the archive with the mod to the archive minecraft.jar.
  5. Remove from archive minecraft.jar folder META-INF and agree to update the archive.

METHOD #2 - installation using Forge

  1. Download and install for your version of Minecraft.
  2. Go to the folder " mods" To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\mods
  3. Move to this folder jar your mod file
  4. Play with Forge profile

METHOD #3 - installation using Liteloader

  1. Download and install Liteloader.
  2. Go to the folder " mods" To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\mods If this folder does not exist, then create it
  3. Move the mod file with the extension to this folder .litemod
  4. Play
P.S. You can also install mods using Forge ModLoader (FML), but this method is outdated and may conflict with Minecraft Forge, we do not recommend using it

P.P.S. There are also alternative way installing mods using Meddle ModLoader. Learn more in the video from Heron

There are a huge number of mods and they all add to game process new things, crafting and even in some cases the plot. Most mods run on the Forge loader, in conjunction with which the LiteLoader Player API can also be used. Also, you cannot install a mod for one version of the game on a completely different one, this will lead to critical error games.

Installing a mod on minecraft

So to install mods for minecraft, study and do the following:
1. Find out what loaders are required for the mod (In most cases, only Forge is used);
2. Run the Forge installer (.exe or .jar file) and install it;
3. Select the created profile in the launcher (1.8-Forge - looks something like this);
4. Make a test run and close the game;
5. Move required mod in the minecraft directory, mods folder;
6. Check the operation of the mod.

Beginners most likely will not understand this instruction; it is made for more advanced Minecrafters. The detailed installation of mods is discussed in the video below.

How to install the mod: video