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How to make obsidian in Minecraft and what is it for? A special case of using obsidian.

About three months ago, one of the Minecraft forums hosted on a free hosting (something like 2x2 forums) was deleted by the administration for “violating the terms of use.” Former admins said that the reason was literally two or three copyrighted pictures, probably someone snitched on it. The forum was created for a pirate server (all sorts of additions to the white-list, etc.) There I met a player under the nickname TRFaust.

The server was not empty, but it was not packed to capacity either; the average online number was 10-15 people. While the majority of people were engaged in the collective construction of all sorts of pyramids, subways and various pieces of art, I was building myself a house with a swimming pool far from the main city and crafting all sorts of nonsense. One day, while digging another mine, I came to a vast void, quite close to the bedrock. This was clearly not generated by the program: the walls were smooth, in some places there was cobblestone instead of stone - which means the player put it there. While exploring this place, I came across TRFaust. It turned out that he dug up and developed this place for an interesting purpose - to create an obsidian generator.

From Minecraft Wiki You probably know that obsidian in the game can be obtained in two ways - either by pouring water on a lava source, or by pouring lava on a redstone (on a red stone chain) next to which there is water. The second method is clearly easier for artificially obtaining obsidian, since getting a lot of redstone is much easier than constantly carrying buckets of lava sources. In theory, you can make a structure in which lava flows will be turned on and off, then all that remains is to sprinkle redstone and fill it with lava - a sea of ​​obsidian is guaranteed. There remains one problem: constantly breaking it is very time-consuming and expensive in terms of pickaxes.

TRFaust thought that if obsidian for some reason dropped after formation (falls out, as if after breaking), then it could be obtained on a truly industrial scale, which would open up greater possibilities for construction. The same griefers (of which there were plenty on that server) could hardly have demolished a house made of obsa even in a day. But the random drop of blocks was clearly not planned by the developer, so Faust was looking for some kind of bug.

We started playing together. I frankly didn’t believe that Faust would find the bug he needed, so for the most part I minded my own business. Minecraft is a fun and thoughtful game, but because there is no end goal, many people get bored with building and stop playing it. I did the same thing closer to February. I continued to keep in touch with Faust. He continued to experiment, periodically changing servers. Somewhere at the end of March, he casually wrote to me that he was close to success. After that he stopped communicating. I sincerely did not understand how one could get carried away searching for a bug in Minecraft for several months. I learned virtually nothing about this guy, except that he was 16 years old and his time was an hour later than mine.

In June, aimlessly moving from site to site, I accidentally ended up on a site dedicated to the next Minecraft server. I almost closed it, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed the “list of online users” of the forum. There was a nickname of my old friend. I wondered if this was the same Faust, and I decided to write to him in a PM. A week later I received an answer, a rather long and strange letter in which he told me what he had been doing all this time. I quote it verbatim:

Hello. Sorry for not writing to ICQ, I stupidly forgot my password and can’t log into it. I have already deleted mine. I'm tired of spending all my free time playing with these cubes. IN lately I observed strange things in it, now Minecraft does not calm me down at all, and in caves I experience a strange feeling, as if its walls were pressing on me, although in real life I did not suffer from any claustrophobia.

At the end of March, I gave up looking for bugs and obsidian, and decided to build a house out of diamond for fun. I spent almost the entire month of April digging these fucking diamonds; even my finger hurt from constantly pressing the paint. In one of the mines, somewhere near the adminium, I came across a vertical layer of obsa (10 blocks). As far as I know, the world generator doesn't work like that. Well, maybe someone built it, I thought, and decided to break a stone nearby to get around the wall. But a part of that wall appeared below him, although I walked well to the right and to the left. The bedrock below cannot be broken either. Then it’s logical to reach the top of the wall from above, you say, right? But no matter how much I dug upward, I could not find the end of the wall. The area of ​​this wall visible to me was already such that it would have been impossible for an ordinary player without cheats to dig up so much obs, at least in terms of time (that server was only a week old). The next day I asked the admin what the obs was doing there, whether they distributed it in some boxes or something else. The admin said that he doesn’t distribute any blocks, and there isn’t even anything in those coordinates, just an ordinary stone. To make me fall behind, I even sent a screenshot from the editor, there was nothing.

I was convinced that the wall was not a glitch the same day when I found it again. I reinstalled the client, nothing disappeared. I decided to go to the top, to the ground next to the wall. The altitude coordinate went far into the positive, but I didn’t get to the ground, although I left the mine and walked to this place on the ground - there were no glitches. Then I dug another shaft to approach the wall from the other side, but was faced with the same thing - I couldn’t get around the wall and couldn’t dig my way up. I was about to go to bed (it took me all day) but I accidentally hit the wall wooden sword from the belt. When the unit broke under the attack, I thought that I was glitching from lack of sleep, turned off the computer and fell asleep. In the morning I still found that hole. I understand that everything written looks like nonsense, but please try to believe it and read to the end, I haven’t told this to anyone yet.

I took out my wooden sword again and hit the block nearby. It also collapsed and fell out. I remembered my experiments with obsidian, but the bug I needed clearly could not be used (you must admit, if the obs really broke like that, everyone would already know about it). There was a void behind the resulting 1x2 passage, but this was not my first mine. The coordinates went completely crazy, showing that I was exactly in it when I explored the strange cave. It also could not have been created by a generator, since its walls consisted of diamond blocks and stairs on them. I tried to break at least one block, but they would not break with either a pickaxe or a wooden sword. When trying to break through the diamond floor, I began to fall and flew for almost half a minute, the altitude coordinate did not change. Landed on lava and died.

It was very far from respawn to that place and I gave up on this matter until the next day (I didn’t click respawn). When I logged in in the morning, I suddenly found myself in that cave, although there was only one rep per server and it could not be changed. In my inventory I only had 64 torches and an obsa block. The entrance I made was no longer there. I had no choice but to continue walking through the cave. The passages were confusing and I could not understand where and how much I had moved away from the beginning. Despite the darkness, I did not encounter a single mob. True, after a long wandering, I began to come across skeletons lying (as if killed), which for some reason did not disappear. In one of them I saw in his hand diamond sword, and in the hand, and not dropped - I was not able to take it.

I wandered around this cave for about an hour, and came across a large tunnel made of stone. It also could not be destroyed, and there was nothing to do it with. In addition, another problem arose: torches were not placed on the walls of this tunnel. The only landmark was a glowing strip of redstone leading far into the depths. I walked along it and reached a fork in three roads - to the right, to the left and further forward. The decision not to turn aside, as it turned out, was a mistake - after 2 minutes I began to fall, flew for quite a long time and eventually died. To my surprise, I woke up at a crossroads. As it turned out, it wasn’t worth going left either - after a while the road turned into lava and I died. After the revival, I only had an obsidian block left. I went right. After some time, the redstone strip went out, but the light now came from the walls, just a slight glow - so I realized that this path was meant to be the correct one.

The path led me to a small room consisting of dark red blocks unknown to me. In addition to the strange color, something was flowing along them, and the level of detail of these jets clearly did not correspond to the Minecraft graphics - as if the flowing blood was filmed and somehow embedded in the game. Needless to say, I failed to break the walls; moreover, my character’s hand seemed to be smeared with what was flowing along the wall, although it probably seemed to me because of the red color surrounding me. In the center of this room there was a chest, and next to it lay a tablet that had fallen out of nowhere, which I managed to take. The chest did not open; when trying to open it, a redstone wire appeared on the floor for a second. After several attempts, I realized that the redstone forms the letter “P”. Probably “password” I thought, but where should I enter it? The only thing that came to my mind was that the password should be written on a sign and placed on it. I started trying various “qwerty” “123” and other common passwords, but nothing happened. After I placed the sign, it stood for about a second, after which it fell out again, although I did not break it. It was quite a shame that my long journey ended so absurdly and meaninglessly. I don’t know why, but I decided to enter my birthday in 6 digits - once all my passwords were exactly like that.

When I placed my birthday sign next to the chest, there was a lightning sound like rain on the surface. Being in complete silence all this time (it was already night, and I turned off the music and sounds of the game), I became numb. The pulse seriously jumped. I even looked out the window to check if it was from there that I heard thunder, but unfortunately, I couldn’t calm down - the sound came from the game. From that moment on, my memories are rather chaotic; the constant lack of sleep and sitting at the computer, along with nervous tension, affected my mind.

The chest was now open. Is it really my birthday? Why him? I didn’t tell this number to the admin, I didn’t indicate my date of birth either on the forum or anywhere on the Internet (I didn’t even tell you). There was a painting in the chest. All my attempts to hang her were unsuccessful - she did not want to fit on these red blocks. Fortunately, I remembered that I still had a block of obsidian in my inventory, so I placed it against the wall and hung a picture on it.

I once crafted paintings and decorated houses. I reviewed all the image options, but I had never seen this - some strange set of pixels, and nothing more. But still, I continued to peer and made out 3 numbers. It was easy to guess that these were the coordinates. I looked at the current coordinates - the height coincided with the one in the picture. The walls began to fade, and gradually the glow disappeared completely. I no longer remembered where the exit from the room was, I somehow figured out the coordinates and went in the direction of the point given to me. Strange, but I most likely walked through those walls, perhaps they had disappeared by then.

My path was again interrupted by falling into another hole. Apparently, I flew even longer than then, although it might have seemed to me. Having crashed, I was reborn in complete darkness, without any glow. I went to different directions, but couldn't see anything. And then the sound of thunder was heard again! I haven’t gotten over the first one yet, after the second my hands started shaking. I couldn’t stand it and went to the window again, but again there was no thunderstorm. I felt really uneasy, I literally forced myself to sit back at the computer. Nothing has changed on the screen. I found myself standing in the place indicated in that painting. I turned the character around and almost screamed - what I saw completely unsettled me. In front of me stood a character in purple armor, with a purple sword (by the way, I always wondered why it’s impossible to craft armor and weapons from obsidian, it could look something like this). But what he was wearing didn't look as strange as his face. If you think that a face made of several dozen pixels cannot scare you, you are very mistaken (although maybe I’m just too sensitive).

The character didn't do anything, he just stood and looked at me. But with every second his face became more realistic, turning from a pixelated grin into a face comparable to a photograph. It seemed familiar to me, although my sick imagination could itself add familiar features. I glanced at the clock - it was only 3 am, although time then seemed like an eternity to me. My mental tension was growing, I cursed this game in my thoughts, but I couldn’t even turn away from the monitor. And suddenly HE spoke to me... I froze, unable to even move. He began by saying that whoever searches will always find that I am one of the most persistent players, that it was not in vain that I spent those months when I was in vain looking for a way to get endless obsidian... It was as if I was being pulled into the screen, his words did not sound in the headphones, and in my thoughts, echoing. I sank deeper and deeper, saw only his face and heard only his words. He said that he would show me all the secrets of the game, that a generator was possible endless obsidian, gold, diamonds, that the game is much more real than it might seem to ordinary players, that everything is possible in it, even life... By that time I did not feel my body, I did not feel myself anywhere. All that existed for me then was his voice: “All this can be yours... just stay here, instead of me...”

In the world of Minecraft there is a huge amount of resources that can be mined and used for various purposes. Some are used to create objects, some are used for construction. Some resources are finite, while others can be used to create other types of resources. It will take more than one day to study everything, and it is unlikely that you will be able to cover everything. By the time you think you know everything, there will be other aspects of the game that you still have to learn. Therefore, there is no point in trying to cover everything at once - it is better to concentrate on one thing, but very useful. And this material is obsidian, which is practically the strongest in the game. Many people ask questions about how to make obsidian in Minecraft, but first it would be worth finding out what kind of material it is.

Durable obsidian

Throughout the game of Minecraft, you will find more and more new materials. Some of them are found at the very beginning, and some you will have to look for for a very long time. Obsidian belongs to the latter - it is extremely rare, so people sometimes don’t even try to look for it in nature, but immediately ask questions about how to make obsidian in Minecraft on their own. Such demand for this material is due to the fact that it is incredibly durable and strong. It has a black-violet color and has all the necessary characteristics for the construction of strong walls. Creating obsidian will require a lot of effort from you, so before you decide to figure out how to make obsidian in Minecraft, you should still try to find it in nature. There is no point in searching for it purposefully; it will only be a waste of time. But if you are careful, you may well find a deposit.

Where to look for obsidian?

Having briefly forgotten the idea of ​​how to make obsidian in Minecraft, go on a journey. Collect resources, explore lands, fight, but don’t forget to look around all the time. You need to look for places where lava accumulations are noticeable, because this is where obsidian deposits may appear. The fact is that obsidian is obtained just after mixing these two materials. But certain conditions are necessary: ​​the lava should not be flowing, since in this state it will turn into cobblestone upon contact with water - a very common material. If all the conditions are met, then you will have a good source of this useful material right in game world. However, there is still a question that torments many Minecraft lovers: obsidian, that is, do not mine it in nature, but create it yourself, because this is much more convenient?

Making obsidian with your own hands

Undoubtedly, creating obsidian yourself is much more enjoyable than hoping that it will be found somewhere in the world and you can get it. But you should understand that it won’t be easy anyway - creating obsidian requires serious effort and a lot of perseverance. There is one proven way to create this resource, and this is a generator that you can build with your own hands in Minecraft. The obsidian generator is a structure that is filled with water. As you may remember, to mine obsidian you need to combine water and lava, so you will have to collect as much lava as possible and then use it on your generator. Upon contact with water, a reaction will occur resulting in obsidian. Naturally, you should not expect that all attempts will be successful - lava is a very recalcitrant material, and there is a chance that it will still turn into cobblestone or even burn out. But don’t despair, because you will still get obsidian. You just need to mine it both in nature and in the generator using a diamond pickaxe, in which case the process will take you only ten seconds. If you don’t have such a pickaxe, then using any other tool you can get an obsidian block in a minute.

What is obsidian used for?

So, now you know how to get obsidian in Minecraft, how to make it yourself. Now it's time to figure out why this is even needed. As mentioned earlier, obsidian is one of the most durable materials in the game, so it is most often used to build walls. A house built from obsidian will be much stronger than one built from other materials. The protective function of this material is fulfilled one hundred percent, so the efforts to search, mine or create obsidian will be fully justified.

Special case of obsidian use

Separately, it is worth mentioning the function of obsidian, which was added in one of latest versions. Players will now be able to build the Gates of Hell using obsidian blocks. To do this, they will need to create a frame four blocks wide and five blocks high, that is, a total of 14 blocks will be needed. Set fire to the space inside the frame with a lighter, and you have your own gateway straight to Hell.

As an active Minecraft user, the player must replenish his supplies with valuable resources every day. And it is not always possible to get these resources in the mine. For example, mining obsidian is a rather complicated process if you do it in a standard way. It is much easier to build a generator that can produce the required amount of rock quickly enough.

Making a generator

You need a small amount of durable material that is resistant to falling and burning, 2 buckets of water, a bucket of lava, a dispenser (1 unit), a repeater (4 units), a stone button and two units of red dust.

Let's start the crafting procedure:
— We place the dispenser, taking into account the fact that red dust will be placed on the block below it. We remove one block near the construction site. This is necessary for the water to flow.

— The next step will be to place a grid of prepared blocks - three blocks long, two blocks wide. The construction process is carried out in the background of the dispenser and button.

— We are installing repeaters. This is done at the last stage of the delay.

— Next, we place the existing lava in the dispenser container.

— We press the button and start the mechanism. As a result of the movement of lava towards the red dust and the burning of the red dust next to the water, obsidian is formed.