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How to make a drum field of miracles description. How to make the game "Field of Miracles" with your own hands

The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players.
Leadingthinks of a word(rarely a phrase) indicated on the scoreboard, and during the game gives guiding hints for the participants.

In the early 1990s, there was an “insurance” that consisted of the following: participants called an “accident” (for example: the “Bankrupt” sector fell out twice in a row, not a single correct letter was named, a move was not completed at all, etc.), and , if something happened to the participant that he was “insurable” from, he received a cash prize. In these years, each of the top three, finals and super games was held for the first time in a TV game by independent companies.

Players take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different numbers of points may appear on the reel, which the player will receive if they guess the letter, or special sectors:

  • Prize (P)- the player can choose: to continue the game or drop out of it, but receive a prize hidden in a black box. The host bargains with the player for a prize, which can be any item (from car keys, a TV, a player, a check for $10,000 to a pumpkin, an onion, a toy car, slippers). Also, instead of a black box, you can take a cash prize (the player chooses the amount himself). If the player refuses the prize, then it is considered that the player received a sector with 2000 points.
  • Plus (+)- the player can open any letter in the account (if this letter appears several times, then all of them are opened).
  • Chance (Sh)- the player can call the phone (the number is given by a random viewer in the studio) to get an answer or a hint. If the person at the other end of the line answers correctly, they will send him a prize. If a player refuses this sector, it is considered that he got a sector with 1500 points. Currently, the “Chance” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a telephone.
  • Key- the player is given 6 keys, one of which is for the car. The player selects one of these keys and tries to open the car door with its help. If the key fits, the player takes the car, if not, he continues to play. Moreover, you can refuse this sector, and then the presenter offers 2000 points for the guessed letter. But if a player uses a sector and chooses the wrong key, then the turn goes to another player. Next, the assistant comes up and shows that there really is a key to the car. Currently, the “Key” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a key.
  • Bankrupt (B)- the points scored by the player are burned, and the turn passes to the next player. If the “Bankrupt” sector appears twice, the player is given an incentive prize.
  • Zero (0)- the points scored do not expire, but the move is transferred to another player.
  • x2- the player’s points are doubled if he names the letter correctly (if there are two letters, then it is tripled, if there are three, it is multiplied by 4, etc.)

Unused and temporary sectors:

  • At the end of 1991, the drum used a sector Fant (F), the player fulfilled the leader's wishes.
  • Since February 1992 there was a sector Alternative (A), the player was given a 6-letter word, the player threw dice 6 times, the dropped number meant the letter on the account that should open, and after that the player had to name the word to play further. If he did not say this word, the move was passed to the next player.
  • During New Year's time the sector was used New Year with a snowflake on the drum.
  • Also from 1993 to 2001 there was a sector Capital (K)(before the monetary denomination in 1998 it was called Million (M)), when the player was given two bags: one with bagels, the other with money, and he chose the one that, as he believed, contained three million rubles (after denomination - three thousand rubles). If a player chose a bag with bagels, then he took the bagels and the turn passed from him to another player, if a bag with money, then he took the money, and he still had the right to move, while the participant could name any letter.
  • In 1998-2001 the sector was used Scoreboard (T), the player opened special squares on the scoreboard, hoping to find a prize.
  • In December 2002, the “Good Friends” competition was held. Within a month, the program received letters in which viewers told what their loved ones dreamed of. On December 30, 2002, in the New Year's episode aired, letters from viewers were read by the presenters entertainment programs Channel One Maria Kiseleva (“Weak Link”), Maxim Galkin (“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”), Valdis Pelsh (“Lord of Taste”, “Russian Roulette”), Leonid Yakubovich (“Field of Miracles”).
  • Sometimes there are also sectors from sponsors, and when they appear, prizes are awarded. From December 1995 to 1997, the sector " Unistroy", for the opportunity to get a new apartment, and in the thousandth issue, held on December 30, 2009, there was a sector “ Nescafe"- new sponsor of the program. In several issues there was a sector " One hundred beauty recipes" In the issue dated November 23, 2012, there was a sector “ Continent" The main prize was a TV.
  • In the issue dated March 7, 2013, there was a holiday sector " March 8", and the participant received a prize.
  • Since October 4, 2013, there has been a sponsorship sector " NanoPlast" The move remained with the participant, and he received a prize. Also, sometimes the presenter gives a patch to elderly people.
  • In one of the 2014 issues there was a sector “ Pyaterochka" Also in this issue we celebrated the birthday of the Pyaterochka store.
  • 25 . If the player got this sector, he was awarded 25,000 rubles.
  • On October 30, 2015, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the program, there was a sector 1990 . If the player got this sector, he was given a food set made in 1990.
  • On October 30, 2015, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the program, there was a sector 2015 . If the player got this sector, he was awarded a modern food set.

Next, the player names a letter of the Russian alphabet, which he believes is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points (if there are several such letters, all are opened, and points are awarded for each), and can spin the reel again. The letters “E” and “Ё”, “I” and “Y” are counted as one letter. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the next player. The number of points is not displayed anywhere, and the amount scored by the final winner is announced by the presenter. In the early 1990s, the number of points would sometimes appear on the screen in the event of a successful move.


First of all, make a drum: to do this you need to divide the circle into sectors and label the values ​​for each cell. In addition to the prize amounts, additionally indicate the “zero” sector, when hit, the turn passes to the next player, the “bankrupt” sector, when all the player’s points are reset to zero, the “plus” sector, which allows you to open one letter, and the “x2” sector, which doubles the points . Don’t forget about the “prize” field, which allows the player to guess where the prize is and get it.

Indicate the remaining fields with prize amounts of different denominations. Then cut out several identical black squares that will cover the hidden word.

The game is played by up to 4 players, and there must be a presenter who counts and records the players’ totals. The word written on a blank sheet of paper is covered with black squares and the game begins. If you have a chalkboard at home, use it by writing letters on it and covering them with squares.

It is important that they hold well and do not slip during play. The rules of the game are simple and known to everyone; the one who can be the first to name the hidden word wins. Therefore, after spending just an evening on setting up the playing field, players of any age can play it for a long time, since the complexity of the game is determined by the complexity of the hidden word.

A child's birthday is an important and joyful holiday, in which not only the child's parents and relatives take part, but also his peers - friends from kindergarten or school. The task of parents is to make the holiday interesting and exciting so that not a single child gets bored or inconvenienced. There are many different games, which can diversify a child’s birthday, and you can spend it for children fun game"Field of Miracles".


In the game, the leader can be either a child or one of his parents. In the latter case, you can offer to become an assistant to the presenter. Write in advance the tasks for the game that will need to be given to the participants, and divide the game into three successive stages, followed by the final and the super game.

In advance, come up with an analogue of the reel that the players must spin - for example, draw a circle of thick cardboard into sectors, color it and write numbers in each sector, and also mark which sectors will receive guaranteed prizes.

Place a small bottle covered with foil or any other shiny paper in the center of the field - the children should twist it until the neck of the bottle points to the desired sector of the field. The tasks that you come up with should in one way or another relate to the day - both questions, and should be combined into the theme of the birthday person.

Prepare prizes for the children participating in the game, and also select a separate, more valuable gift for your child. Together with your child, decorate and decorate the “TV studio” in which the game will take place - hang up the game logos, balloons and tapes, install a scoreboard on which the guessed letters will be revealed.

You can start the game already at the festive table - invite the children to draw out pieces of paper with lots to determine who will participate in the first three players, and who will join the game with the next teams.

When children end up in sectors with boxes during the game, offer them sweet prizes that they can draw from your own box or any box. Each child, before guessing the letter from the hidden word, must introduce himself and congratulate the birthday person on his birthday.

The capital show “Field of Miracles” first appeared on television on October 26, 1990. Since then, thousands of people from different parts of Russia and other countries of the world have taken part in the game. Among them are ordinary factory workers, police officers, firefighters, teachers, pensioners, war veterans, housewives, famous athletes and artists. You too may be one of them.


The opportunity to become a participant in the TV show “Field” is available to everyone. You don’t have to pay to participate in the show and for the opportunity to get there. The easiest way to try your hand is to fill out a special form. This can be done in the “Field of Miracles” museum, which is located at: Moscow, Central Pavilion of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC),

Today is Katyushka's birthday. She turned eight years old! We spent the whole day on the "pirate island". They were looking for treasure, playing, making noise...

The day was extremely busy, the children went to bed tired, but happy and satisfied. Among all the entertainments, the greatest delight among children was game "Field of Miracles".

Even the little ones - three-year-old Nastena and David, who had just turned five - took an active part in the game. Nastya managed to guess the letter, showing it on her piece of paper with the alphabet, and learned to write “Ш” and “Ш”. And David won the game and earned a prize. No one was offended - there were many incentive prizes, Katyushka received her prize as the heroine of the day, the rest - as worthy participants. The most important pleasure for them was visiting the mysterious cave.

Game "Field of Miracles".

My husband and I made the game together. I drew the playing field in CorelDraw. My husband cut a circle out of chipboard and made drum on bearing- it spins just great.

The rules of the game, I think, are known to everyone. I will only explain the meaning of our symbols on the playing field:

Anchor- skip a move binoculars- peek the letter box- "Prize sector" cards in hand- "Fant sector", " Jolly Roger" - bankrupt. O " cave“I’ll say it separately. We hung candies and surprises on strings in the closet, the one who ended up in the “Mysterious Cave” sector went to the closet with a blindfold and cut something for himself.

The picture is clickable - open it in large size and enjoy it for your health!

Game scenario: Field of Miracles


On the front door half an hour before guests arrive, you can hang a bright poster with the following content: “Attention! Only with us! Only today! Famous game“Field of Miracles” with its permanent presenter Vasily Yakvadratych, dedicated to the next anniversary of the birthday of the respected and beloved Ivanov N.N.! All those invited should have a good mood and an inexhaustible supply of humor!” If you are afraid of an excessive number of uninvited guests attracted by your wonderful poster on the doors, hang it in your hallway in a visible place, or even better, hand out invitations to your guests in advance - tickets with content similar to the poster.

Setting of "Field of Miracles"

In the middle of the hall, of course, there should be a table - “Field of Miracles”. It is better for the table with festive dishes to stand separately from the gaming table, but if you have a problem with tables and free space, then at least free up the center of the table by pushing the gourmet dishes under the playing field. Now let's move on to the details.
Don't you have the same game reel as Yakubovich on TV? Well, good. You will do better. Instead of a drum there will be a multi-colored circle cut out of whatman paper or cardboard with a rotating tape measure. Do you agree? You don't know where to get a tape measure or what it looks like? Even simpler. An ordinary bottle, covered with shiny paper for a special occasion, can work with it. Like? Then let's get to work.
Cut a circle out of whatman paper, either the size of the entire table, if you decide not to waste time on trifles, or of such a size that it fits into the empty middle of the table with holiday dishes.


Divide the circle into equal sectors and bright colors color each sector using the Cheburashka recipe. Remember how Cheburashka and his friends painted the walls of the house? Everyone chose a wall and painted it their favorite color.
When the walls, i.e. sectors, are painted, take a black marker and label each sector. You will get the following sectors: I’ll sing now!; I want to dance!; Hahaha yes hihihi!; Turn around, my dear accordion!; Isn't it time to have a drink?; Prize Sector; Sector - give the roulette to someone else and Sector - name the letter and continue to spin.
Just in case, let's explain the purpose of each sector.
I'll sing right now! – of course, the player whose roulette has settled on this sector will have to sing a song in any genre, with any quality of hearing and voice.
I want to dance! – here, it seems, everything is clear, just dance like that.
Hahaha yes hihihi! - The player must try to make the rest of the guests laugh. And it doesn’t matter what it is: an anecdote, a funny story or a funny prank, the main thing is that the haha ​​and hihi sounds.
Turn around, accordion soul! – sector of ditties.
Isn't it time for a drink? – everything is also clear, just don’t forget to make a toast.
The Prize sector is a sector borrowed from the game show. Its functions are the same as in the TV analogue. Don’t forget to prepare a prize box so that you can then bargain properly for the contents, of course, not for money, but for something intangible, for example, the presenter’s kisses.
That is, the bargaining will look something like this: “Kiss the host - and we don’t open the box. Two kisses from the host - and we keep the prize! Three kisses from the presenter...
Or maybe it's still a prize? Let’s ask our guests,” etc. Prizes can be candy, chocolates, or humorous notes of the following type.
1. You won a castle in the air in the thirtieth kingdom!
2. A second cousin on the side of a fourth cousin from Hong Kong left you a billion-dollar inheritance. Attention! The rights to inheritance must be presented no later than six hours from the moment of receipt of the relevant information, otherwise all rights will automatically be transferred to the nephew on the part of the fifth great-aunt.
3. You have the privilege of cutting the birthday cake!
4. You get the title of Party King.
5. You get the title of Party Queen. (Diplomas are attached, names are entered manually.)
6. You won a donut hole!
Give the roulette to someone else - similar to the “bankrupt” sector in the game show. You don’t do anything, you don’t guess the letters.
Name the letter and move on - the most ordinary sector. Guess the letters, name the words.
You can have exactly as many sectors as we suggested, or you can come up with new ones. Some of the sectors, at your discretion, can be repeated several times. In general, use your imagination! Here the cards are in your hands.

Presenter's assistant

Don’t forget that the presenter must have an assistant who brings and takes away the prize box, carries gifts for the birthday boy on a tray (similar to the TV show “Field of Miracles”), closes and opens the letters on the scoreboard. But let's return to our gaming table.

Game board

The playing field is prepared, the purpose of the sectors is explained. It's time to start making a game board with letters. Just write required letters on whatman paper, on squares measuring 30 × 30, or 40 × 40, and hang it with the wrong side on the attached canvas, pinning it with the most ordinary pins.
And at the right moment, the presenter’s assistant will turn them over! For an interesting selection of words, do not be lazy to climb explanatory dictionaries, according to dictionaries of foreign words or, as a last resort, according to solved crossword puzzles. You can use our selection of words.
Diadem - headband of Greek priests; a sign of royal power, the headdress of kings in ancient times and the Middle Ages. (According to the dictionary of foreign words.) The second, well-known meaning of the word, that is, that it is a woman’s head jewelry, should be kept silent until the word is guessed.
Patchouli is an Ostindian plant of the Lamiaceae family, growing in the subtropics and used in perfumery (according to the dictionary of foreign words).
Galena is a lead-gray mineral, lead sulfide; main lead ore (according to the dictionary of foreign words).
Bas-relief is a sculptural image that protrudes slightly above a flat surface (according to the explanatory dictionary).
Abracadabra is a meaningless word, to which magical powers were attributed in the old days, and was written on amulets (according to the dictionary of foreign words).

Qualifying rounds. Final game. Super game

Each word is for one round of the game, i.e. as many words as there are so many rounds. And the last word on final game. For a super game, something more frivolous would be suitable, for example: “What is the birthday boy’s favorite dish?” Do not forget that you need to time one minute and open two letters at the request of the finalist. It’s better not to select players for each round separately; don’t forget that it’s still a birthday, and you need to keep not only your household members busy, but also all your guests. Let the guests and your family take turns spinning the roulette on the table, and if (with a large number of invitees) the word has been guessed, but not everyone has participated yet, then start the next round with the one where the previous one stopped..
Only those who won in the qualifying rounds play in the final game; in the super game, the absolute winner.
We hope that you have already selected the words and drawn the necessary letters in the required quantity. Don't forget to prepare prizes for the winners. And it doesn’t have to be anything expensive. Better prepare medals with funny drawn faces and inscriptions:
“To the most erudite player of the 1st round!”;
“2 rounds for the most erudite player!”;
“The most erudite player has 3 rounds!”;
“To the wisest player of the super game!”


Before starting the game, do not forget to offer players insurance. This could be insurance with the usual wording for this game: “I played, but didn’t get my turn”; “I played, but didn’t guess a single letter,” and corresponding to the circumstance: “I played too much, but didn’t get the birthday cake.” As insurance, you will distribute candy or kisses from the presenter, which you will inform the players about after their insurance is approved.

Yes, yes. They will certainly have to be announced. The commercial break can be anything you want:
1. Children's performance.
Pay special attention to this point! Don’t forget that this is a family holiday, and children should definitely participate in it! Don't worry, they'll have some adorable commercial breaks in store.
2. Comic advertisements:
Buy five bottles of Smirnovskaya vodka and get a free subscription to the sobering-up center!
Promotion from the military registration and enlistment office: bring two friends and get a deferment for a year!
3. Pause for a strong desire to sing, dance or drink, if similar sectors do not seem to be enough.
4. Pause for games and competitions (presented below).
During the commercial break, you can arrange a comic presentation of a teaspoon. For example, like this.
Great multifunctional tea spoon! An indispensable item in any kitchen! A thousand positive reviews! Smooth surface, comfortable shape, ergonomic handle! With its help, you can easily and quickly stir sugar in your tea, snack on a healthy salad, or skim the foam from boiling milk.
If you care about your figure, you will only use our teaspoon! In addition, it is the only convenient way to teach your baby to feed himself. Considering its miniature size, it will easily fit in his small hand. You can take it with you anywhere: to work or on vacation, on a visit or on a camping trip. Due to its convenient shape, it will easily fit into any trouser pocket without causing you any inconvenience. It can be carried in a handbag or a hiking backpack. She is relevant and irreplaceable everywhere. Hunger won't take you by surprise if you have our spoon! Eating it is a pleasure! Call now - and you will also receive a coffee spoon completely free of charge! Don't miss your chance! Thousands of housewives have already thanked us.
You can present something else or arrange a competition among guests, asking them to advertise some thing. The winner is awarded the title of the most enterprising and inimitable in the world of show business!
Well, that's probably all. Everything is clear to you, but you don’t know how to start? At least like this:
V. Yakvadratych: Well, we met again on our body..., oh, sorry, home game with its permanent presenter Vasily Yakvadratych! I don't hear applause! Come to our playing field. I think everyone knows the rules, but just in case, let’s clarify. It's simple: you spin the roulette, guess the letters, complete tasks according to the inscriptions on the sectors. So, who's first? Incomparable Maria Antonovna, beloved aunt of the birthday boy! (Dear Viktor Petrovich, best friend birthday boy, beloved niece, daughter, granddaughter, spouse, etc.)
(The player, as expected, congratulates the birthday boy. An assistant comes up with a tray, collects and takes the gifts to the birthday boy).

Elena Tyukova

Good day, dear colleagues. I present to your attention a small master- a class on creating an irreplaceable attribute for such a favorite TV viewer games like a capital show « Field of Miracles» .

It's about drum, which is played by the participants of this famous TV show.

The idea of ​​this games with children in kindergarten I got it a long time ago. But how to make one like this drum so that it is strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing.

As usual, the Internet came to the rescue. Having looked through many master classes, ideas and plans appeared. Of course, my idea helped me bring it to life family: husband and son. It would simply be impossible to do without them.

So, you will need: sheet of plywood 90 by 90, plywood for making a stand, a wheel from a children's bicycle, balls for decorating a Christmas tree (unbreakable, wire for an arrow, white paint, multi-colored colors, fasteners.


First of all, do drum: to do this, you need to cut a circle out of plywood, divide the circle into sectors, and sign the values ​​for each cell. Except "P"- move transition, specify additional sector "Zero", when hit, the move goes to the next player, sector "Bankrupt", when all the player's points are reset to zero, the sector "Plus", allowing you to open one letter.

Label the remaining fields with amounts of different denominations.

Rotates drum using the axle of a wheel threaded through the center of the circle. The wheel and axle are attached to a plywood stand.

The role of the handles for rotation drum- make Christmas balls. They must be unbreakable.

Advice: Because make it spinning drum at home is problematic, you can simply use a children's spinning top with an arrow attached to it.

The game is played by up to 3 people, and there must be a leader who keeps score and records the amounts players' winnings. The word written on a blank sheet of paper is covered with black squares and the game begins. You can use a drawing board by writing letters on it and covering them with squares.

It is important that they hold well and do not slip during games. Rules games simple and known to everyone, he wins who can be the first to name the hidden word.

This guide can also be used for games"What? Where? When?".

The presenter places envelopes with tasks into additional sectors marked in numbers: 1, 2, 3, and so on until 12.

I will be glad if my experience helps someone useful.

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