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How to make a diamond generator in Minecraft. We get diamond blocks

There are quite a lot of ways to generate diamonds in a not entirely honest way and without using mods. We will consider one of these options. It consumes few resources and requires little knowledge and time.

And so, this method of building a diamond generator is to create a portal in lower world, that is, you will need obsidian and a lighter, a diamond pickaxe, two workbenches, then you will need several blocks to build a current fence, two blocks of water, and, in fact, the copied item itself - a diamond block.

Making a diamond generator in minecraft

First of all, we dig a hole one block deep and wide and four in length, in it we create a portal to the Lower World, that is, we build a square of obsidian with a hole, do it exactly as shown in the picture.

We lead nine blocks from the portal so that we get a kind of railing to the portal, and fill two blocks of water, filling them so that the water flows exactly to the border of the portal, and we put two workbenches on the restrictions so that they are located one block closer to the portal than the initial ones blocks of water (see picture).

We activate the portal using a lighter. We clear the inventory of excess debris, leaving behind the lighter, also known as the flint, and the diamond block. We stand next to one of the workbenches (as in the screenshot) and place the block in the opposite workbench.

Now, jumping over the water, we open the workbench and put the diamond there, without closing the workbench, we give in to the current that carries us through the portal, when passing the portal, two diamond blocks will fall out of you. we approach the diamond blocks, picking up one of them, and staying right on the other, we transfer the taken block to the inventory and divide it, the second one that is in your inventory is also laid out in it. When you move diamonds in your inventory, or throw them outside, they will not run out, so you get an endless source of diamonds, or any other blocks and resources.

Everyone has known the game “Minecraft” for a long time; thousands of PC users have been enthusiastically playing the game for a long time. But not everyone knows all the secrets in it. We tried to reveal some secrets for fans Minecraft games. How to make a diamond generator? Let's talk about exactly this today.

Creating the Nether

During the game, you will probably encounter many difficulties along the way. After all, this game, like many others, has its secrets and pitfalls. If you are wondering how to make a diamond generator, then read carefully.

To create a diamond block generator, we will need to create a portal to the Nether (Hell). If anyone doesn't know, the portal is assembled from obsidian blocks. To do this, you need to vertically arrange the obsidian blocks in the shape of a frame (a rectangle with a “hole” in the middle). The area of ​​this “hole” should be two blocks wide and three blocks high. After this, you need to set fire to one of the lower blocks with a lighter. In this case, a portal is immediately formed. A lighter can be crafted from one iron ingot and one silicon. This can also be done in the inventory by placing these elements diagonally in the crafting window. To use the portal, you need to stand in it for a few seconds. But this is of no use to us now. Our portal is part of the diamond block generator.

Connecting the walls

The base of the portal should be flush with the current surface. That is, it must stand so that it can be entered without jumping. Now from each column of the portal, build a wall in one direction one block high and any 6-9 blocks long (9 is the maximum). Connect these two walls using two more blocks. Thus, you have a moat ending in a portal. Now, on the opposite side of the portal, pour two buckets of water to create a water slide flowing towards the portal. Place a workbench on the wall.

We get diamond blocks

Now jump into the water, open the workbench and place a diamond block in it (crafted from 9 diamonds). When the stream carries you to the portal, the workbench window will close and 2 diamond blocks will jump out of it. The first one rises without problems. To take the second one, you need to stand, open your inventory on it and move the raised block from cell to cell. At the same time, you will have another block, and the one that was lying on the ground will remain there.

It is important not to try to join the raised blocks - this will only leave 1 of them. But you can go to the workbench and disassemble these blocks into diamonds one by one. Next, approach the lying “bug” block again. Pick it up twice and go to the workbench again. Thus, you can copy any objects. For those who haven’t figured it out, ask YouTube channels for the game Minecraft how to make a diamond generator.

There are practically no restrictions in the Minecraft game; users are given the opportunity not only to fight the undead, but also to create their own world. As you gradually get into the game, you will understand that you need to regularly increase your resources, and there are various ways to do this. Some users simply collect and mine elements and fight for them, while more cunning players increase their accumulations using various generators. Not only products are mined, but also various building materials and objects of high value. Important resources include the one we will discuss now. Today we decided to talk about diamonds in Minecraft, because this issue is currently of high relevance. In addition, not every player can create such a building.


If you have already dealt with such a resource as diamond, you are very lucky, since precious stones are extremely rare in the world of Minecraft. Absolutely every player wants to use this resource to get new things, so knowing how to make a diamond generator in Minecraft is extremely important. Created with precious stones things have very high rates. Diamonds are used to design armor, swords, and various tools. Let's move on to the main question about Minecraft: “How to make a diamond farm?”

Manual search

Exist various options but they will be relevant for you if you do not plan to build your own farm. Mining ores is not the easiest task, since you will need to spend a lot of time on the entire process. Every player has probably thought more than once about whether there is an easier way to get these important resources. In fact, it is possible, and all you need to do is use a generator. Now we’ll talk about how to make a diamond farm in Minecraft and what you need for it. To build your “production”, as a rule, you will need special resources, and now we will list them. The most important material is obsidian, you need fourteen units of it, and you also need to have any blocks, water, a pickaxe, a workbench, flint and steel and, of course, the coveted gem.


If you don’t yet know about diamonds in Minecraft, then carefully read the instructions provided. We will try to describe it for beginners. At the first stage you need to create a portal to hell. Many players know how it is built. Nevertheless, we decided to write how to do it. For the portal, it will be necessary to dig a ditch of small depth in one block, and its length should be 4. Next, it is laid with obsidian. You must place four blocks in height; they are installed on the sides, and the upper space between them must be closed. The question of how to make a diamond farm in Minecraft has almost been resolved. In order to activate the portal, you will need to lay out 9 blocks and fill in the water, it should go straight to the entrance. With the help of a flint, the passage itself is activated. Now you know how to make a diamond farm in Minecraft.