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How to play Texas Hold'em poker. Rules for playing Texas Hold'em poker

Immediately good news for beginners - the rules of poker are so primitive and simple that they are accessible even to those who have never held cards in their hands. The rules of Texas Hold'em are especially easy to learn, which is not surprising, because it is thanks to its simplicity that this type of poker has become so popular in the world and especially on the Internet. This is what is played in all sorts of tournaments that you might have seen on TV. Therefore, it is better for dummies to study the rules of this particular variant of poker, because in 99% of cases, both on the Internet and among friends, you will play this particular game.

Tip: It’s easier to learn the rules of poker by practicing at free tables and playing for “candy wrappers”. Download your free one Pokerdom and train for health (there is an Android version). You can also download using this link you will receive up to 40,000 rubles bonus on your first deposit. Pokerdom is the most popular Russian poker room in the CIS.

Texas Hold'em is played deck of cards of 52 cards, the number of players at one table is from 2 to 10. The winner is the one who collects the best poker combination or remains the only player who has not folded at the end of the current hand.

Poker combinations

Beginner poker players first need to learn poker hands. All of them are shown in the bottom figure and are arranged in ascending order as follows:

  1. High card
  2. Two pairs
  3. Straight
  4. Full House
  5. Straight Flush
  6. Royal Flush

As you can see, there are only 10 poker combinations, but in reality, the most common combinations in the game are 1 to 8. Therefore, remembering poker combinations is very easy.

Each combination is created from 2 cards dealt face down to each player and 5 community cards open cards laid out in the middle of the table, i.e. 7 cards are used. This way you only see 5 cards, but you have no way of knowing what other 2 cards your opponent has. That's why poker is called a game with incomplete information.

Game process

Poker is played by 2 to 10 people. They take turns and there are several stages in the game, the so-called streets - Preflop, Flop, Turn, River.

To make it more clear for beginners, the article provides, as an illustration, screenshots from the 888 poker room, which makes it possible free game on play chips- “Game for fun.”


The first thing the game starts with is that 2 people after the Dealer (D icon) bet mandatory rates Small Blind and Big Blind. From these the initial bank is formed.

Next, all players are dealt 2 face-down cards and it’s the others’ turn to play. Players move clockwise starting with the next player after the big blind.

Although the two dealt cards still provide little information, it is based on it, as well as on your position at the table and the actions of other players that you will need to make a move. The player has 3 options:

1. Fold– Card reset. If you have weak cards (eg 72), then this is practically the only thing you should do. If you fold, you are already out of the game and do not pay any money.
2. Call– You support a bet previously made by others. Let's say you have average cards, a lot of players have entered, and there are no raises. You bet exactly as much as others have bet, in our case 10 chips.
3. Increase/Raise– You are raising the stakes. Let's say you have good cards and you want your opponents to pay you more. Perhaps no one will answer you and you will take this bank right now. Depending on the Hold'em variant, you can raise from 1 blind to all-in.

For beginners, all this will seem a little complicated, but in fact real game after literally a few hands, all this is done simply and almost automatically. And some experienced players can play up to 24 tables at the same time!


After the preflop betting round has ended, everyone has made bets or folded their cards, the first 3 cards are dealt common cards out of 5.

After the flop is dealt, the situation in the hand becomes more or less clear. Our player sits in the dealer position (D), and the dealer always goes last. In this hand, we see that our player almost has a flush with diamonds. All the players before him checked and now it’s his turn. He can fold/check/bet:

1. Fold– Card reset. In this case, this is simply not necessary. Firstly, a good combination is planned, and secondly, no one has made a bet yet, so next card In any case, you can watch it for free.
2. Check– i.e. take no action, just pass.
3. Place a bet/raise– No one has placed a bet yet, so you can do it. If you place a bet, a new round of betting will begin and other players will be forced to also place bets or throw away their cards. It is also possible to receive a raise in response if someone decides to check-raise. The bet size is limited only by your stack, for example, in this case you can bet from 10 to all-in (479.70 chips).


After the flop, the next stage of the game begins - the turn. Here the penultimate 4th card of the hand is dealt.

On the turn we still don't have any poker hand and the player from middle position made a bet of 10 chips. According to the rules of the game of poker, now we will not be able to pass as on the flop, and we will have to play Fold / Call / Increase the bet. There are already a lot of chips in the pot, and we have good odds for a flush, so folding is out of the question. Increasing the bet is also not an option, although we may have a flush, but it is far from high, so if it comes up we will have to play it very carefully. All that remains is to support the bet.


The moment of truth is coming. By the end of the game, the winner of the hand will be determined on the river.

A lucky card comes out for us and our player collects his flush. The player in front of us makes a bet of 1/2 of the pot. It's up to us to answer. As always, we have several options for answering: Fold, Call or Raise. With a ready flush, it’s tempting to raise, but what’s confusing is that we don’t have the nut flush and a paired board (the possibility of a full house), so we just call.

Show down

Revealing the cards is the final step in Texas Hold'em and reveals the winner(s), who will take the pot. In our case, it turned out to be an opponent from Australia, who showed a high flush and took the entire pot.

Practice for Beginners

A 1-2 hour session is usually enough for any beginner. online poker to reinforce the rules of playing poker in your head. The best way to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice is with friends or at one of the free poker rooms by playing with play chips.

For all poker fans - both beginners and advanced players, we recommend starting your game at Party Poker. The most famous poker room that will not disappoint you at all. Good luck!

One of the most popular types of poker today is Texas Hold'em(Texas Hold'em) . This type of poker is played by the largest number of players and the largest sums of money are played. According to experienced players, this game has the largest number of strategies. However, even despite these factors, the rules of Texas Hold'em are easy to understand.

Many players who start playing poker for the first time understand the rules very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes. Moreover, when playing poker online, software poker rooms calculate many points automatically. So, what are the rules of Texas Hold'em poker?

The purpose of playing Texas poker

The goal, of course, is to defeat your opponents. Poker can be played simply or in tournaments. When playing tournament poker, the goal is to win all tournament chips from all players or collect as many of them as possible and take the top place. And in a game for money, when a hand is won, the player takes the entire amount bet by the players in this hand (bank). The final success is influenced by the number of hands won and the amount in each of them. Moreover, you can win the hand in two cases. Firstly, if you happen to have the strongest combination of cards. Secondly, if you remained in the game and all your other opponents refused to accept your bet and folded.

Progress of the game

The game consists of a large number of hands; there can be from 2 to 10 players at the table. Cards are dealt clockwise and one at a time. In each hand, players deal cards in turn, the next player after the dealer enters the auction. Dealer (button, button, dealer) is in the most advantageous position because he is the last to decide on his bet.A total of seven cards are available during the game, and a combination must be made of five cards.After the start, each participant is given two cards “in the dark” (face down, other players do not see the cards). The remaining five cards are revealed gradually in the center of the table: first 3 then 1 and then the last 1 card.

The pair of cards dealt is usually called "With pocket cards", each player receives them individually. Actually, it is these cards that make up the so-called “hand” (read, combination) with community cards (5 of them). Community cards are dealt in the following game rounds.


1. Let's continue to describe the rules of the game of Texas Hold'em. The period of time when individual 2 cards have already been dealt to the participants, but the community cards are still in the deck is called Preflop). Before the community cards are dealt, the 2 players behind the dealer make mandatory bets ( Blinds ), so that before the start of trading there is a bank for which there will be a fight.Participants at this stage evaluate how good the cards are to them and must make their first bets or refuse further play (they make a fold - discarding cards, while for those sitting in the blinds the first forced bet is lost).

The rules of Texas poker allow each participant not only to accept the bet that was placed before him, but also to raise it. If a player raises the bet, the remaining players must accept it (this is called a call), or raise (raise), or discard cards (pass) - thereby abandoning the game.


2. Bets are summed up into one pot, and a new game stage starts - it’s called FLOP. Describing the rules of Texas poker, we will focus on the flop - this is the name for the situation when the first three community cards out of five are revealed on the table. After they appear, the player can work on composing a winning combination of cards using pocket or community cards. At this stage, a round of betting occurs again, during which you must either agree with the previous bet - call or raise -raise, or reset - fold. The betting level is the same as preflop.

For the attention of the reader concrete example. Pocket cards - Queen and King. The first three community cards were revealed on the table - Queen, six and seven. Thus, the flop brought a combination of Queens. The second round of betting begins, during which you can fold your cards, abandon the game, raise the bet, or accept it.


3. The next stage, which is provided for by the rules of Texas Hold'em, is called Turn. The fourth card is already revealed on the table; these four community cards are called the turn. After the turn appears on the table, you can, again, refuse to play, accept the bet, or raise the bet. In this case, the minimum rate increases by 2 times.


4. The final part of the game is called River– at this time, all five community cards are present on the table and players are invited to go through the last round of bets. The remaining participants open the combination collected during the game and find out who won. The participant who has the strongest combination of cards wins the total pot. The betting level at this stage is the same as on the turn.

Briefly about forced bets (blinds)

An important point that is included in the rules of the game of Hold'em poker is mandatory bets (forced). Anyone who is trying to understand the rules of Texas Hold'em must understand them.

Hold'em is played with the so-called “dealer chip” - in fact, the dealer in the game is determined by it. The player who deals the cards in a given hand. This chip goes in a circle (clockwise) after each game. The dealer himself makes the bet last, which gives him a significant advantage as a player.

Players on the left hand of the dealer make mandatory “blind bets” or blinds before any pocket cards are dealt. Players who make “blind bets” are called “blinds”. The player closest to the dealer is called Small Blind, the second player is called Big Blind, respectively.

Now - the Small Blind places half the minimum bet (of those valid at the table), but the Big Blind makes the minimum table bet. So, considering the rules of Texas Hold'em, let's give a specific example - let's say there is a minimum bet of $20 on the table, respectively:

1.Small Blind bets $10

2. Big Blind – $20.

After the hole cards are dealt (two cards face up to each player), the right to make the first "regular" bet is given to the person sitting to the left of the Big Blind (the player two people from the dealer on the left hand).

Varieties of Texas Poker

In modern Texas poker, there are three main types, which differ in bet limits.

1. No-limit Hold'em (no-limit): the player has the right to make any maximum bets, but not less than the minimum possible. In no-limit poker, $2/$4 implies blinds of $2 and $4. The player can even bet his entire stack at once (all the money with which the player sat at the table). This is the most popular variation of Texas Hold'em, it is the most profitable, but also the most risky. You can lose your entire bank in one hand.

2. Limit Hold'em (limit): the amount of bets is limited by the rules - the player can only raise by the amount of the bet determined by the table limit. For example, for a $2/$4 table you can only raise $2. This type of poker is perfect for beginners.

3. Pot-limit (pot-limit): the maximum bet is limited by the size of the bank. If there is $10 in the pot and the player has a $5 bet, then you can bet $15.

Texas Hold'em is the most popular form of poker in the world. This article is dedicated to introducing you to the rules of this wonderful card game.


According to popular belief, Texas Hold'em poker originated in the state of Texas in the early 1900s. In 1967, it was first introduced in Las Vegas, where its rules were changed so that aces were considered the lowest, rather than the highest, cards. In 1972, the game became the main event in the newly created World Series of Poker. At that time, 8 people took part in the tournament. By 1982 the number of players exceeded a hundred, and by 1991 - 200 people. Hold'em continued to grow in popularity after games began being played online in 1998. And after some time, an event occurred that caused a real boom in Texas hold'em. In 2003 World Series poker was won by an unknown participant named Chris Moneymaker. By 2004, interest in the tournament tripled. People have realized that they can win big money with just a few dollars in their online account.

Today, no-limit Texas hold'em is still the most popular form of poker, although admittedly the word "Texas" is often dropped today. In general, if someone says that they play poker, then most likely they mean this particular type of poker. Most films with game scenes also depict Texas Hold'em, while older films usually show stud or draw. In 1998, the cult film "Rounders" also played a big role in the growth of the popularity of poker, which everyone plays today.

Account management

Like all other variants of the game, each participant starts with a certain number of chips (tokens). These are small round pieces of plastic or clay that are used for betting and scoring. Typically, they can be exchanged for money after completing the game. The goal of Texas Hold'em is to win your opponents' tokens. In a poker tournament, a participant wins when all the chips on the table go to him.

Blind and position

For poker table There can be from 2 to 10 players, with one of them being the dealer. A special chip is placed near it, which is a plastic disk with the inscription “dealer”. It moves around the table clockwise after each hand, indicating whose turn it is to deal. If the game takes place at home, then the participant with the dealer's chip shuffles and deals the cards, but in a casino this work is performed exclusively by an authorized dealer. The dealer's chip is still used to indicate the difference in the positions of the players at the table.

To create a starting pot, certain participants must place mandatory bets before cards are dealt. Directly to the left of the dealer is the small blind (SB), to the left of which is the big blind (BB). Both participants are required to place bets blindly. In most cases, the BB pays twice as much as the SB, although this may depend on the casino.

To the right of the dealer's chip (BTN) is the cut-off (CO), then the middle position (MP) and the "under the gun" (UTG). Specifically, on a table with 9 or 10 players, the place immediately to the right of the CO may be called hi-jack, and further to the right - lo-jack. The fundamental difference between a table with 6 and 10 players is that the latter will have 3 middle positions and "under the gun", while the former will only have one. Place plays an important role in hold'em as it determines the order of bets. The best position at the table is usually considered BTN, and the worst position is SB or UTG.


After all the participants are seated, you can start playing poker! The game is divided into bidding rounds called streets. Each hand of Texas Hold'em is broken down into 4 streets called preflop, flop, turn and river. On each street there is a round of betting. If there is more than one player left at the table by the river, then it is time for “showdown”. All remaining participants show their cards and the one who made the best combination takes the chips or the bank, which is located in the middle of the table.

Round 1: preflop

Before any action is taken, all players are dealt 2 hole cards, starting with the player to the left of the dealer in a clockwise direction. In Texas Hold'em poker, these cards are kept secret and should not be revealed to others. At the time of the hand, the SB and BB must make their mandatory bets. Before any additional cards, a round of bidding is held. The UTG (to the left of the BB) makes the first move and so on around the table clockwise. The BB will be last preflop. Once all bets have been placed (more on this below), players move on to the next street. On each street, as a rule, you can declare a bet, call, raise or fold. However, depending on the situation, not all of these options are possible.


The betting order on the flop changes slightly. On each street, SB will be first and BTN will be last. This is why BTN is considered the most profitable position on the table. This player even before his turn he knows the actions of everyone else.

Round 2: flop

Before bets are made, three draw cards, called the flop, are dealt face up to the center of the table. Together with one or two of their own, each player can use them to build a combination of 5 cards. You can check, bet, fold or raise.

Round 3: Turn

After the betting round is completed, an additional community card (turn) is dealt face up and another round of betting is held.

Round 4: river

Finally, the last community card is called the river. This answers the question of how many cards are there in Texas Hold'em. A total of 5 community cards and 2 pocket cards are dealt to each player. Next comes the final round of betting. After this, all remaining participants must show their hole cards. The player with the strongest hand wins the pot.


Below is a list of actions that participants can take during the bidding round.

Bet is the player’s desire to bet some of his chips on the outcome of the hand. Generally, the bet assumes that no one has acted yet on the current street (and therefore cannot be called preflop since the blinds have already been posted). Players must place their chips in the center of the table or bank. When playing online, this is done automatically.

Check - refusal to take any action. The move passes to the next participant to his left. Note that this is the only valid option when there are no bets on the current street (and therefore cannot be executed preflop). If this happens, then the rules of “Texas Hold'em” are limited only to calling, raising or folding.

Call is an action allowed when the previous participant made a bet on the current street. To continue the game, you must put at least as many chips into the bank. For example, if a bet of 5 tokens was made, you must also bet 5. If you do not want to continue with this layout, you should fold, that is, instead of calling or raising, put the cards on the table.

Depending on the actions of the previous player, you can check, bet, call, fold or raise.

Fold - the player’s desire to stop playing after the previous beta. At the same time, he agrees that he no longer participates in the distribution and has no chance of winning. The cards are returned to the dealer unopened.

A raise is possible if the previous player made a bet. It can be increased by putting more chips into the bank. The next player, including the first raiser, must now call, fold, or raise. The round will end only after a call that stops any action, or a fold.

Players can repeatedly raise each other's bets until one of them goes all-in. After this, the next participant chooses only from two options. He can either call or fold.

The rules prohibit increasing the bet more than the player has chips. Texas Hold'em is sometimes portrayed in films as a game in which participants can bet on watches, phones, houses and yachts. In any casino, players can only bet what is on the table. Although a standard bet can also be considered a raise, this term is only used when the previous player has already made a bet and there is a desire to raise it.

Card combinations

Naturally, the above information is useless without understanding how to determine hand strength. Below are all possible poker combinations. Texas Hold'em allows you to take into account combinations of five cards. For example, if we assume that two players have a pair, then the remaining 3 cards or kickers will help determine the winner. In a situation where they are the same, the pot will be divided equally between the winners.

A royal flush is a 10, a jack, a queen, and a king of the same suit. In Texas Hold'em poker, combinations of this kind are extremely rare.

  • Straight flush - 5 cards of the same suit in a row. For example, 56789 worms.
  • Four of a kind - 4 cards of equal rank. For example, DDDD.
  • Full house - 3 cards of the same rank and 2 others. For example, DDD44 or KKKVV.
  • Flush - 5 cards of the same suit. For example, 579DK worms.
  • Straight - 5 cards in order. For example, 56789, regardless of suit.
  • Three of a kind (set) - 3 cards of equal value. For example, KKK75T king or 3 queens). Since all hands consist of five cards, the remaining two are called "kickers". KKK97 loses to KKKT9. This combination is called a “triplet” when it is made up of two community cards, and a “set” if both hole cards are taken into account.
  • Two pair - a combination of 2 cards of the same rank with two others. For example, KKDD5 or BB447. The combination is also called a "doper".
  • Pair - 2 cards of the same value. For example, 99523, or DD764.

The secret of popularity

So what makes No Limit Hold'em so popular and exciting? Firstly, it is very easy to learn. The rules may seem complicated, but after a few hands you realize that the concept of the game is extremely simple. However, learning to win at Texas Hold'em is difficult. Developing a strong strategy can take a master's entire life.

One thing that sets Texas Hold'em poker apart from other variants of the game is the betting structure. Many varieties set their maximum amount. The Texas Hold'em rules do not provide for such restrictions - each player can risk all his chips at any time. This speeds up the game and makes it more exciting.

And although at first it seems that Texas Hold'em poker strategies are about making the best possible combination, this is not true. After some time, the beginner understands that the bank can only be won by pretending to have good cards. This is called "bluffing". The excitement a player feels when he receives big win, without having a worthwhile combination in hand, attracts many to this game.

It is also important to remember that the game of Texas Hold'em is only partly about luck. Ultimately it is a matter of skill. Although good players may lose for a long time, they will always win if they have enough experience. While any given hand is more about luck than skill, given a large number of games, the best strategists are likely to make a profit. For experienced players, Texas Hold'em can be a source of income, regardless of whether poker is just a hobby or a profession.

  • In Texas Hold'em poker, combinations should be assessed very critically. Typically, only 25% of hands are played. And beginners should limit themselves to only the best 20%.
  • You should take advantage of your current position at the table, playing more often in the dealer's place and less often at gunpoint.
  • The bet must be correlated with the bank. Instead of counting in chips or money, it is better to focus on a certain percentage of its size. This means that as the bank grows, the rate must also increase.
  • Slowrolling should be avoided. This is the practice of delaying the moment of calling on the river when there is clearly a good combination in hands. This tactic of playing on the early streets allows you to mislead your opponents. However, delaying the end of the game on the river, when all actions are completed, is considered bad manners and will make the player an unpopular opponent.
  • Partial bets are also not allowed. Texas Hold'em poker on a computer does not have this problem, since the order of actions is limited by the program. If you need to raise the bet, you should declare a raise and place the tokens into the pot in one smooth movement. There is no need to imitate players from some films, when when they call they add chips and immediately raise the bet, repeating the contribution. If you try to do this in a casino, only the first action will be taken into account. This allows you to avoid unethical play when a participant, seeing a reaction to accepting a bet without raising it, changes his decision and announces a raise.
  • You can't always open cards. Showing your hand after a fold is made is prohibited by the rules. Texas Hold'em does not allow cards to be revealed, as this affects the decisions of other players. In a casino, such actions may result in a fine. At the end of the game, you are allowed to open the cards, but you need to remember that this is not necessary if no aggressive actions were taken before the end of the game. So if someone bets big on the river and the player calls, then the opponent should open first. If you lose, you don’t have to show your cards to anyone. At the same time, no one has the right to insist on their opening, except in situations where this is agreed in advance. Those players who assume they have the best hand and claim the pot must, of course, always show their cards.
  • Conversations during the game that do not relate to it, although they are even practiced professional players, are considered bad manners. You cannot scold or insult your opponents. One of the signs of a true professional is the ability to accept the blows of fate with dignity.

Hello friends!

Today I will introduce you to one wonderful game that I learned relatively recently, but I really love it! This game is a variation of poker.

And it's called Texas Hold'em Poker. This game is gaining popularity very quickly and nowadays only the deaf have heard of it.

Stores are full of sets for playing Texas Hold'em, broadcasts of tournaments are shown on television, and during lunch, workers sit down to play this game instead of those who are already fed up with " twenty one"Seka", "Frap" and others. The game of deceivers, as it is sometimes called, is gaining momentum.

And in this article I want to tell you the rules of Texas Hold'em.

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Want to play poker with real people? Write to me at [email protected] or VKontakte here and I will add you to the private club.

“So what’s so special about it and how to play it?” - you are perplexed.

Game rules and combinations

The peculiarity of this poker is that you are dealt only two cards, and the remaining cards (there can be five in total) are laid out on the table and are common to all players. Otherwise, Texas Hold'em poker resembles classic poker.

So, taking into account their two cards and those laid out on the table, players must score one of the following combinations. I’ll say right away that they play with a deck of 52 cards and there are no jokers in this type of poker. So, here are the rules of Texas Hold'em:

  1. Senior card. Well, this is when you tried really hard, but couldn’t get any combination!
  2. Pair. Two cards of the same value. For example: two threes, two queens.
  3. Two pairs. Two cards of one rank + two cards of another rank. For example: two twos + two sixes.
  4. Set. Three cards of the same value. For example: Three jacks, three eights.
  5. Straight. Ascending cards in order of different suits. For example: 4+5+6+7+8 of different suits.
  6. Flash. A set of cards of the same suit. For example: 3+6+10+V+D peak.
  7. Full House. Two cards of one rank + three cards of another rank. For example: two queens + three jacks.
  8. Kare. Four cards of the same value. For example: four kings.
  9. Street Flash. Ascending cards in order of the same suit. For example: 2+3+4+5+6 hearts.
  10. Royal Flush. The best combination in Texas Hold'em. Starts with 10. Ascending cards in order of the same suit. For example: 10+B+D+K+T worms.

Preflop and who are the blinds?

So, we have more or less figured out the combinations. Let's move on. The first round of the game, called "Preflop", begins. The game always moves clockwise.

To begin with, by drawing lots or by choice, a player is selected who will be called the “Small Blind”, sitting next to him clockwise will be the “Big Blind”.

The small blind places a minimum (pre-agreed) amount of money. Chips are often used instead of money. The big blind bets 2 times as much.

Let's say the small blind bets 5, then the big blind must bet 10. The next players bet at least 10. Each player, starting with the big blind, can raise the bet after betting the required 10 units.

Sometimes they play not only for money, but also for stripping.

The round ends with the small blind delivering the required amount. During the game, any player can either place bets or fold cards by saying “Pass”.


The remaining players advance to the second round of play, called the Flop. At the beginning of the second round, three more cards are laid out on the table, which are common to all players. Taking into account these cards and their cards in hand, players try to collect some kind of combination.

The bidding begins again. The small blind starts again. If he decides to play but doesn't want to raise the bet, he can say "Check". Then players can also say “Check” or raise the bet.

If the bet is raised, then all players must either bet the same amount or fold. In this case, the betting round ends with the player who raised the bet.


This is followed by the third round of “Turn” betting. Another card is placed on the table. Everything is repeated as in the previous ones. Players can either say “check”, “pass”, or bet.


Then the most interesting thing happens - “Showdown”. If at the end of the bets there are two or more players left on the River, the cards are revealed and the highest combination wins. The combination must consist of five cards. Two cards in your hand and any of the five cards on the table.

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After this, all the cards are taken by the dealer, shuffled, and the small and big blind are changed, moving one person clockwise.

That is, the players remain sitting in their places, only their status changes. Someone becomes the small blind, someone becomes the big blind, someone becomes the dealer. The cards are shuffled by the new dealer, dealt, and a new game begins.

If during the game all players except one fold, then the remaining player takes the pot and has the right not to show his bets at all!

So we have explained to you how to play Texas Hold'em poker. Learn, play and you will be happy!

I advise: ,

Friends, at first the game of poker may seem tedious or difficult, but that’s just the first step. Once you figure it out, I’m sure it will become one of your favorite games!

The game involves a deck of 52 cards from deuce to ace in each of four suits. The highest card in a suit is an ace, the lowest is a two, an ace plays as the highest or lowest card.

  • The Flop bet is equal to twice the Ante bet.
  • “Turn” and “River” bets are equal to “Ante”.

Your score decreases by the amount you bet when you place bets and increases by the amount you win.

Having made bets in accordance with the rules and within the range established for this table, confirm your intention with these bets by clicking on the “Deal” button.

To start the game round, place a bet in the “Ante” field, after which the dealer will deal two cards to you and two to himself (the dealer’s cards are face down).

After looking at your cards, you can make a Flop bet to continue playing, or abandon the game by clicking the Fold button.

When you select the “Fold” option, the game stops: the “Ante” bet goes to the house, the dealt cards go to waste.

When choosing “Flop”, the dealer deals 3 cards face up to the table. You are offered to place a “Turn” bet or continue the game without an additional bet (“Check”).

The fifth card is placed face up on the table.

Determination of winnings (“Showdown”)

The dealer's cards are revealed and the best five-card combination is determined from 7 cards (5 on the table and 2 in the dealer's hand).

The best five card card is highlighted in your hand poker hand(5 out of 7) and is compared with the dealer's combination. If your combination is better, then all your bets except “Ante” are paid 1:1. Otherwise, bets are not considered.

The “Ante” bet will be paid 1:1 if you have collected a combination not lower than a Straight.

If both the dealer and you have no combinations, then the higher card wins.

If there is a tie, all bets are returned to your account (“Push”).

Game buttons

  • Deal - Click on this button to confirm your bets.
  • Cancel - click on this button to cancel playing field all bets.
  • Repeat - click on this button to repeat the bet you made in the previous game.
  • Give Up - Click on this button to give up the Flop bet. The “Ante” bet is not counted towards you.
  • Bet - Click on this button to place a "Turn" ("River") bet.
  • Check - click on this button to continue the game without the "Turn" ("River") bet.