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Isometric MMORPG games on PC. Tyranny

  • Quinton's Fury is a new role-playing RPG game. When the world was taken over by demons, the goddesses were trapped. Free the higher beings and receive their blessing. Real-time battles, battles with monster leaders, enchanting victories and deadly spells await you. To increase your chance of winning, buy a mount, create legendary weapon, insert stones into your equipment and upgrade your skills;
  • Goku Go is a good and old RPG game. Before traveling into the world of adventure, you need to choose a hero - Saiyan, Android or Meijin. Once you meet your mentor, he will teach you deadly techniques. But this is not enough to end the evil. In the game you will be helped by simple and legendary heroes. Some have honed their melee combat skills, while others have mastered magic, summoning creatures, etc. Goku Go was released in 2016;
  • Dragon Lord is a new top game. The plot revolves around the struggle of four factions - orcs, humans, elves and dragons. The situation changed when the dragon lord descended to earth. He was tired of the strife and decided to destroy the world. To prevent disaster, there are eight heroes to choose from. Each of them specializes in deadly technology. trials and save mortals?
  • Ocean Saga is a top game about pirates. You will have a deserted island at your disposal. Build a harbor, plants, factories and mining facilities. As soon as a piece of land turns into an impregnable fort, you can safely buy ships and send them on a raid. Rob your neighbors, kill monsters, look for treasures, capture colonies, etc.;
  • Fruit Wars is an old, but no less interesting RPG. Forget about warriors and magicians, fruits and vegetables run the show here. Although the characters look like plants, they still know how to fight. In order to save their home, the fantasy people are ready to go to war with demons, and you must help them in this.

The best RPG on the platform

Only here you will find old isometric RPG games from 2016. A prominent representative is Atlas Reactor. There are five fearless fighters on your team, but you can only control one. You will only have 30 seconds to make your move. Move around the map, look for safe places, hide traps, shoot from different weapons and upgrade your skills. After the battle, you will receive a chest containing a suit or skill inside. Not all isometric RPGs of 2016 will delight you with such dynamics and special effects.

One of the traditional disputes among fans computer games relates to the question, which is better: 3D graphics or isometrics? As a matter of fact, a real epic holiwar, like the one between Xbox and PlayStation fans, didn’t work out here. Probably for the simple reason that isometric games are truly divinely beautiful, at the same time fabulous and attractive. Even the most avid fans of 3D animation give up here.

Naturally, 3D is a more advanced method. It's faster and more functional. However, this really begs for an analogy with old Disney cartoons and modern ones drawn on a computer. Modern ones are more multifaceted, easier and faster to make, and also have a number of other advantages, but hand-drawn cartoons still have a greater aura, a fabulous atmosphere. They immediately endear you and generally look more like real art.
Further proof that isometric video games contain a decent portion of real art, made with soul, is that almost all gaming hits of past years, which, 10-15-20 years later, continue to be played to this day, are games with graphical model built by talented artists.

So, let's remember, and maybe even get acquainted with the best isometric video games of all time.

Diablo 1 and 2. This creation of Blizzard was and remains the best slash-RPG of all time, both according to the author’s and the popular version. Great respect for the same isometric Sacred will still not allow these two game series to be put on par. The first Diablo was a revelation in its time. Well, the second part completely raised the bar for graphic beauty. The way weapons were displayed in the inventory, and indeed the entire inventory with all its goodness, needs to be learned from current game makers. But 3D Diablo 3 came out and what do we see in the inventory? Small icons of incomprehensible weapons, on which the eye will no longer rest.

Bottom line: Diablo 1 and 2 are examples of excellent isometric special effects. Timeless masterpieces, especially the second part.

Fallout 2- one of the best, if not the best role-playing game of all time and people in general. The first and second parts of Fallout were so talentedly drawn that current game makers who create modern pseudo-Fallout continue to devoutly copy those very models of weapons, Nuka-Cola and other various equipment and environments. Main character I ran funny diagonally (by the way, all isometric role-playing games suffered from this), and the gameplay itself was sometimes glitchy due to the graphic nature of the gameplay, however, a masterpiece always remains a masterpiece.

Bottom line: Fallout 1 and 2 are an unattainable role-playing game in terms of atmosphere, which has no analogues to this day.

Planescape: Torment is one of the most unusual RPGs of all time. Playing as a walking corpse while traveling in the company of a talking flying skull is a lot of fun. Planescape: Torment is the technical successor to Fallout. Almost the same guys made the game. This game raised the quality of isometric games to a completely new, hitherto unattainable level. And, despite the fact that the palette in the game was rather meager, due to the obvious need to create a gloomy atmosphere, every location, every picture was simply a work of art, the place of which was in some author’s gallery.
Bottom line: Planescape: Torment is the most unusual and darkest isometric RPG that has ever existed. The game, by the way, is underrated to this day.

Baldur's Gate– a holiday of isometrics. The fact that BioWare this year re-released the adventures of the heroes of Baldur's Gate with a gold edition in HD resolution, although the main parts of the game series are already more than ten years old, speaks volumes. Fabulous, indescribable atmosphere, disturbing caves and dungeons, elven colorful forests and mysterious castles - all this is Baldur's Gate.

Bottom line: Baldur's Gate is an isometric masterpiece role playing games in fantasy style.

Icewind Dale – everything that was said about Baldur’s Gate can be repeated about Icewind Valley. A unique, beautiful role-playing game that will still have to wait for its real reincarnation, because fans of it are still willing to pay for the continuation of the adventures of their favorite heroes.

Bottom line: Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate are brothers forever.

WarCraft 2 and StarCraft– a couple more masterpieces from Blizzard. The first part of Military Craft somehow passed by the gaming market, but the second shot in such a way that Blizzard is still reaping the echoes of this shot in the form of multimillion-dollar and billion-dollar profits. The charm with which the WarCraft 2 strategy was drawn can only be understood by those who happened to play this game in the mid-to-late 90s. Only equally atmospheric, famous music could compare with its isometric charm. Until now, the older generation, when asked about a “racially correct isometric real-time strategy”, only WarCraft 2 comes to mind, although, however, StarCraft can also be placed in this category. Surprisingly, the game was drawn using only sixteen colors. As a result, StarCraft turned out to be strict and not bright, but this did not spoil it at all. And indeed, it was the first part of Starcraft that lived much longer than the same WarCraft, however, simply because the game was made a little later and the creators were already able to develop to the fullest.

Bottom line: WarCraft 2 and StarCraft are the best isometric real-time strategies of their era. It’s simply not better, and never was.

Age of Empires– one might say, the ideological successor to the games described above. The First and Second Ages of Empires created a sensation in their time. Especially the first part. And although it turned out to be somewhat tedious, the beauty of the isometric execution in which the game was executed left few people indifferent.

Bottom line: Age of Empires is a definite hit of its time, primarily because of its incredible beauty for those times, of course.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is an absolute masterpiece of global scale, in which thousands of people still play, despite the fact that the game is almost 15 years old. The heroes of Might and Magic flourished in full force in the third part, no matter what the super oldfags or, conversely, young people say. A wonderfully beautiful game, an indescribable fairy-tale setting, complemented by brilliant music, made this turn-based strategy the best game for centuries for millions of people. The author of this material is among them.

Bottom line: The creators of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 showed and are still showing the world what isometrics is and how to apply it correctly. The game is a definite, unattainable hit of all times.

Rise of Nations- a later, but no less famous pseudo-historical real-time strategy, executed in an isometric manner that is stunning in its subtlety. Unexpectedly demanding of the hardware of that time, it did not work on many computers, and gamers kept discs with the game until they purchased more powerful computer hardware. Rise of Nations came out at the very last stage, when isometrics began to gradually replace 3D. But the game still managed to grab its piece of fame, despite the supposedly dying technologies.

Bottom line: Rise of Nations is one of the most underrated, although if played for a long time, rather boring real-time strategies, which even now, almost ten years after its release, remains quite playable.

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines– the first two parts of Commandos shocked the gaming industry. Nothing like this has ever happened before. The most beautiful and interesting hand-drawn gameplay became the only refuge where such an idea of ​​a stealth strategy could take refuge. The second part, by the way, was also partially executed in an isometric format, and was stunningly beautiful, but the third part, which already had almost full 3D with the ability to rotate the screen, was lost in people’s memory and was safely buried there.

Bottom line: If you haven't played Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, you don't know anything about computer games.

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura– an underrated isometric masterpiece from the creators of the same Fallout. The explosive mixture of punk, magic, fairy tales and technology left almost no one indifferent. The game was either rejected outright or played through multiple times. The unique author's execution of absolutely all models, from characters to the environment, makes this game one of the most recognizable games in history. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura cannot be confused with anything else.

Result: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - isometric, stunning in beauty and power, with passage either step-by-step or in real time, is rightfully considered one of the most best RPG. It’s a shame that the developers didn’t get the project right when it came out, which is why Arcanum still remains one of the most underrated games of our time.

That's it, guys. If someone is attacked by nostalgia, there is no need to be sad. The trends in the global gaming industry are such that many of these veteran games will sooner or later be revived either in HD or on mobile devices like Android, iOS, etc. Then we’ll see whether these masterpieces have lost their former charm or retained it.

Isometric RPGs were predicted to die. They said that they would die out and only 3D versions would remain, saying that no one would shovel mountains of text without a good visual component. And this was in a year like 2010. Now it’s already 2017 and somehow they won’t die. Moreover, they go to new level. And “Tyranny” is a clear example of this. An example of how to develop the genre, using the old scheme, making your own contribution, making perhaps the best isometric of modern times.

So, the first thing the game greets us with is the prologue. And, you know, that's the best introduction an RPG gives you. The fate of the world is at your disposal. A lot depends on how you define events before you appear on stage. People's lives, entire cities. And it’s all presented so colorfully and atmosphericly that you really believe it. And how interesting it is then, after a few hours of play, to go on a mission to a place where everyone hates you, for example, because you burned down the library. Or vice versa, to see how you are blessed for solving the case without bloodshed. No Skyrim could ever dream of this!

The second undoubted advantage of this game is the fine-tuning of the character. You are free to do whatever you want, since your character’s class, skills, everything can be changed to suit you. For example, your humble servant played as a magician who had a huge hammer in his belt. And how fun it was to slash enemies over the head with them while their magical abilities were recharging. To the disadvantages of character customization, one could add a small selection of portraits. Which, of course, surprised me. After all, in the same Pillars of eternity from the same developers there are just a lot of portraits. At least that's how it was from the very beginning. Perhaps everything will be corrected with further patches.

The atmosphere is also one of the things that makes “Tyranny” a plus. Evil has won. If there is any good, it hides in the corners. Yes and even then. The concept of good and evil in this world is too vague. There are shades here rather than a pure palette. You have to take on the role of judge and servant of the master of all evil. Throughout your journey, you will meet different people, different situations, and their outcome will depend only on you. Moreover, any action you take tilts the scales of relationships between characters or factions to one side or another. What space is there for a joke? From the very beginning, at least three branches of scenario development await you. In fact, there are many more of them.

But as mentioned earlier, the developers didn't just take a ready-made scheme from old role-playing games - they improved existing things. Do you remember the old games with thousands of names, places, events? Some of them you can’t even keep in your head. Tyranny handled this problem with grace. Such words are underlined and by hovering over them you can either see a short reference or click to read detailed information. Convenient, don't say it.

And what are some tasks worth? Some challenge you as a moralist, others as a player. From the very beginning you are thrown straight into the pool headlong. You have time before the place you are in is simply destroyed by divine magic. Your task is to fulfill the will of the ruler. And how you will do it is of no concern to anyone.

Actually, I’ll let you try this wonderful game for yourself, rather than chatting and spoiling it here. But in my opinion, this game is one of the best in the isometric rpg genre. On top of all this, there are wonderful, interesting partners and the opportunity to interact based on your skills. The only downsides include the small number of portraits and the not too long duration of the campaign. Do not pass this game up for anything unless you are allergic to isometric games.

FINAL FANTASY IX - Square Enix continues to port its hit series of role-playing games to PC and here we have the ninth part, which at one time received many high marks and was called the best in the series! Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is an isometric action RPG made in the spirit of the classic Diablo series, but with a number of modern features. The best isometric games Top best RPGs of all times Catalog of the best online games, isometric rpg games, and games with the client. Here you will find only the best and most popular MMORPG games with incredible graphics and gameplay, only new items for 2014! Anito: Defend A Land Enraged is an isometric RPG that takes the player to the 16th century.

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Bottom line: Planescape: Torment is the most unusual and darkest isometric RPG that has ever existed. Bottom line: WarCraft 2 and StarCraft are the best isometric real-time strategies of their era. It’s simply not better, and never was. Age of Empires is, one might say, the ideological successor to the games described above. The First and Second Ages of Empires created a sensation in their time. A good game is like a good one. The best isometric RPGs, as well as the most NON-LINEAR, are Baldurs gate I and II, Follaut I and II. There are good games, I don’t argue, and I’m not a believer. So, for me, a veteran of isometric games, drakensang gave me a toothache with its hardcore nature. In general, autumn-winter will be a wave of good RPGs: Dragon Age

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Krum Edge Of Darkness is fascinating game project in the Action/RPG genre. In this game, users will take on the role of a medieval barbarian who has come to a fantasy world to eradicate. Victor Vran is an isometric action RPG with huge selection weapons, items, armor, demonic abilities and fate cards. Plunge into a whirlpool of intense battles with dozens of dangerous enemies. Top best RPGs of all time. Don't agree with the top? Then be sure to vote - your vote may become decisive, or add your own option, or you can simply create your own top. Top published: February 15, 2014. Top best RPGs. 40 the word Fallout makes me nostalgic. +1-1. 31 Best game about a post-apocalyptic world. +1-1. 25 isometric RPG without flaws. +1-1. The best game engines. Unity training course. Website: exult.sourceforge.net. Windows, Mac, Linux. --- 2D RPG. For free. FIFE (Flexible Isometric Free Engine) v.0.3.5 (2013). A free engine for creating 2D isometric games. Supports resources from Fallout games and Fallout 2. There are many developments for creating strategy games. As the name suggests, we are looking for isometric RPGs. Non-linear and with a good plot, with the ability to explore the world. Preferably without an emphasis on combat (that is, without Icewind Dale, etc.). With the opportunity to breathe fresh air, and not sit in dungeons for most of the game. And not from that opera, but also an RPG with elements of nonlinearity, albeit 3D (but this is actually unimportant, right? The main thing is that it is interesting to play) - I recommend Wizardry 8 (I didn’t get 7).

There is something special about isometric games that is so beloved and relatable to anyone and any player. Most of the best isometric games were created at a time when games were made not on an assembly line for the sake of multimillion-dollar sales, but for the pleasure of gameplay, and in the end, most of them turned out to be masterpieces, or even imperishable works of art.

Isometrics evokes warm, luminous feelings, similar to those you get from board games or playing DnD, playing MtG with friends, or even while painting Warhammer figures. Despite the outdated graphics or 90s technology, these games look much more natural and more alive than modern ones.

What is isometry? To find out the definition, let's turn to Wikipedia:

"An isometric projection is a type of axonometric projection in which the distortion coefficient in the display of a three-dimensional object on a plane (the ratio of the length of a segment projected onto the plane parallel to the coordinate axis to the actual length of the segment) is the same along all three axes. The word "isometric" in The name of the projection comes from the Greek language and means “equal size,” reflecting the fact that in this projection the scales along all axes are equal. In other types of projections, this is not the case.

As you can see, this is simply one of the options for displaying objects in pseudo 3D, in which objects maintain their proportions and sizes, which creates the effect of a “natural” image. This approach was popular in the 90s-2000s, as it was quite modern and did not require much performance from the PC.

I suggest you check out my list of the 10 best isometric games. Let's get nostalgic together, so write in the comments your favorite isometric games and what you remember most about them.

Top 10 best isometric games:

Ultima Online

One of the first MMORPGs, the founder of this popular genre. The creation of the legendary Richard Heriot, which made millions of players around the world live a second life in fantasy worlds. The most interesting thing is that official servers Ultima Online is still running and the game is receiving updates, although it will be 20 years old in just under 2 years!

Legendary series Blizzard games, the best slasher with RPG elements of all time in video games. The game is full of imitators, and even so-called "Diablo killers" - games that are supposed to offer something better, making Diablo a second-rate game. But no one has succeeded in this yet, although there are many games that offer similar gameplay and new ideas, but they clearly did not achieve their goal, and for many years this series has been developing and is only gaining popularity with each new game.


One of the most famous post-apocalyptic games, for which they created their own game mechanics SPECIAL and quite realistic world destroyed by atomic war. The game was developed as a sequel classic game Wasteland, but then the developers, for various reasons, abandoned this idea and created something of their own. The game received a continuation, another isometric part with a new plot and another location in the same world. Fallout differs from other games in its special style, replete with memorable images, and quite good black humor.

Theme Hospital

The best hospital simulator of all time, combining a fairly powerful level editor, the ability to develop and rebuild your hospital, with excellent eccentric black humor and graphics - that's what made the game a hit. Build the hospital of your dreams, treat patients with rather strange and funny ailments, and don’t forget - you can always kick the terminally ill out of your facility so as not to spoil the statistics.


Classic RTS from Blizzard, which have become the standard of the genre and do not need a detailed introduction. Starting with primitive graphics in a story about the confrontation between humans and orcs, they ended up with one of the best space universes in games. Elaboration of the plot, graphics and a strong plot are the main advantages of these games. Stirring up players' interest story campaign, the developers have forced gamers to grind in multiplayer for years. The last parts of both games were released in 3D, as this is required by modern trends gaming industry, and isometry is considered an outdated technology.

Simcity 2000

Building your own city, developing it and deciding its fate is quite ambitious. And video games allow you to do this. Simcity 2000 is a development of the founder of the Simcity series, being an improved version of it, both in terms of gameplay and graphics.


A peculiar but quite popular series of games based on turn-based strategy UFO: Enemy Unknown. Quite an interesting battle mechanic good story and worked on many small details Xcom games popular, which gave rise to many reissues original game, and obvious clones. In 2012, a remaster of the original game was released in full 3D, and now a new part of the series is being developed - XCOM 2.

Baldur's Gate

The first classic RPG in the Forgotten Realms universe from BioWare. The game combines the game mechanics of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2 edition, with a well-thought-out plot and a world with a deep history. Many innovations are well combined with best features series Ultima, Jagged Alliance and Wasteland, and in the end it turned out good game, which was valued not only for its graphics, but for each of its elements.

Little Big Adventure

A fairly advanced and high-quality action adventure game for its time, which used isometric scenes combined with 3D characters and objects. For its time, the game had quite advanced gameplay, and unlike simple quests, in LBA you could fight enemies, complete side quests and visit locations not related to the main plot.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

Another simulator, but this time we will be trusted to create and develop our own theme park with a roller coaster. The game has excellent detailed graphics and a powerful editor that allows you to create simply mind-blowing slides. The only thing the original isometric games in the series lack is the ability to ride built-in roller coasters with a first-person view. This opportunity appeared only in the 3rd part of the game, which was completely in 3D.