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Game park of culture and recreation to play. Game "culture and recreation park"


  • prevention of smoking and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents;
  • creating conditions for the manifestation of students’ creative abilities and self-realization in socially significant, useful activities.

Equipment and necessary materials:

  • Computer, presentation for the performance, stage design, tasks for the stages, stationery, route sheets, invitations, map of the Park of Culture indicating the location of the stages

Rules of the game

The game lasts for 1.5 hours, it starts in the assembly hall, then the classes, divided into 5 teams, disperse into stages located in the places indicated in the route sheets.

In the assembly hall there is a map with the location of the stages, the first stage is indicated to the teams, then the teams choose the order of passing the stages themselves. The time for the stages is 1 hour, after which the teams gather in the assembly hall to sum up the results.

A few days before the game, invitations are distributed to classes. ANNEX 1

Progress of the game

1. Introductory part:

Teams line up in the assembly hall, the leader talks about the purpose of the event,

Then the students are given the floor. Presentation on screen.

1st verse (sung to the tune of “Nadezhda”

You came here today,
To talk about the benefits of health
We don't always think about it
At least we treat ourselves with love
At the game we'll discuss what's what,
We'll give it to you good advice,
In the holiday park you all to that
Intricate stories await.

Think about how important it is to lead
Throughout life we ​​are healthy.
And tell bad habits
A loud “No!” you try

And, of course, we cannot forget,
That we go through life with friends,
Everyone also has a family,
They are loyal to her and to the Motherland.
Do sports every day
You should also be able to rest,
And suddenly you won’t be too lazy to study,
You can get an education.

Get on your skis and skates
And “No!” tell the cigarette
May happiness find you in life
Love nature, create.

After the performance, the presenter explains the rules of the game and distributes route sheets to the teams, the stage leaders also receive evaluation sheets and disperse to stages.


Conducted within 1 hour.

The presenters at the stages give tasks to the incoming teams, then the completion of the task is assessed according to the system established for each stage separately.

Scores are entered into the team’s route sheet and into the leader’s score sheet. (Appendix 2, Appendix 3)



After completing the stages, the classes line up in the assembly hall, the presenter announces the end of the game, collects route sheets from the teams and evaluation sheets from the leading stages.

The final results are summed up at the end of the “Decade of Knowledge”, the best classes are noted, best teams, best players.

Students' speech at the end of the game:

They sing to the tune of “Komsomol Volunteers”

What we learned together with the game
Let's summarize
Not only peace is important in life
And everyone should be strict with themselves

We have a healthy lifestyle

And with the people around
Let us live together.

Let's play sports

Let the heights of heaven be without smoke,
The beauties of the earth are available to us
We learned to live and create
And love both yourself and Russia

We have a healthy lifestyle
It is very necessary to constantly lead.
And with the people around
Let us live together.
This is the only way to find happiness.
Let's play sports
We will not forget about our family.
We won't let the planet be destroyed,
We will make an important choice along the way.


Proverb attraction

Love for the homeland is one of the components healthy image life. Remember or come up with proverbs and sayings that talk about the Motherland.

House of life

A person who leads a healthy lifestyle knows how to properly organize his daily routine. Do you know how?

Write the correct daily routine for the days of the week.

House of Culture

A component of a healthy lifestyle is the ability to find a common language with the people around you. Write rules for communicating with each other (for example: listening to each other).

House of Creativity

A person who leads a healthy lifestyle is proud of his family and his family traditions, and tries to spend more time with his family and friends. Draw a picture “My family traditions”, what holidays you and your family celebrate. Where do you travel annually, etc.

Green stage

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the ability to say “no!” bad habits. Come up with anti-tobacco advertising, say “No!” to cigarettes. Stage it.

Gaming club

A person who leads a healthy lifestyle always knows how to find himself useful activity or in your free time, do something interesting to occupy others, for example, play a fun game that motivates everyone present to do good. Now we will play with you

They sit in a circle, remove one chair, with the leader in the middle. He says “Good afternoon to the one who (invents things or properties of people, for example, who is wearing red today). These people must change places.

Ferris wheel

A happy person is a person who leads a healthy lifestyle. Write an essay or article, poem, etc., urging everyone to lead a healthy lifestyle, not smoke, turn to adults to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle.

Laughter room

A person leading a healthy lifestyle must have a good sense of humor. Come up with songs, jokes, anecdotes, etc. that make fun of smoking, act out scenes.

Lunapark events.

A person leading a healthy lifestyle should be satisfied with his activities. Remember what interesting events were held this year, and write what else you would like to do, where to participate?

First aid station

Assignment: Medical literacy is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. From the proposed medications, collect those that are needed in the situations you have chosen and tell about the actions:

  • Headache analgin, citramon
  • Poisoning: sulgin, activated carbon, potassium permanganate, smecta, Imodium
  • Cut my finger Hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, Bandage, Rescue ointment, Antibacterial plaster
  • Fainted Ammonia
  • Got sunstroke put in the shade
  • broken leg tourniquet, splint, bandage
  • stomach pain noshpa
  • pain in the heart area valerian, validol
  • purulent abscess on the hand Calendula ointment, Rescue ointment, Bactericidal plaster
  • bee sting tavigil
analgin aspirin sulgin Activated carbon Potassium permangantsovka
Hydrogen peroxide brilliant green iodine Ammonia Noshpa
valerian smecta Corvalol validol Bandage
tourniquet tire citramon mucaltin Imodium
Boric alcohol otipax tavigil hematogen multivitamins
Biseptol Patch Calendula ointment Ointment lifesaver Bactericidal patch

Leisure embankment

Write a story about the most wonderful summer holidays

Psychological service

Game “Two-color felt-tip pen”

Condition: One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is psychological satisfaction. Even when facing life's difficulties, a person should see something good in them. Let's play a game.

I have a two-color felt-tip pen in my hands, we will pass it around in a circle, turning it over. I, as the presenter, will say the first phrase and pass the felt-tip pen upside down; the person sitting on the right must repeat the second part of my sentence and continue it depending on the color of the felt-tip pen. If the marker is red, the phrase continues with words and this is good, because (the reason is stated), if it is blue, then the phrase continues with words and this is bad because...

Probably, many in childhood dreamed of having their own attractions. To ride them until you drop! Of course, the game “Park of Culture and Recreation” on VKontakte is not exactly the same, but to a certain extent it is still the embodiment of that very childhood dream.

Game plot

So, in this attraction simulator, as in “”, you will have to set up an entertainment business: carry out competent operation of the park itself and all the accompanying shops, cafes and fast foods on your territory. And for this, install new attractions, arrange the territory of the park, observe safety precautions, control food products and then, under your competent and skillful leadership, the best amusement park in the whole world will grow!

You need to set shifts in the park; you regulate their duration yourself.
Everything in the park is paid for in the following categories of currency:
— coins received from visitors;
- banknotes purchased for votes.

To install the attraction you need:

  • Select and install your favorite attraction complex.
  • Build an entrance and exit to it.
  • Add the number of workers required for its construction and maintenance.
  • Set the outline of the queue.

At the top of the screen is an indicator of the largest number of workers available to work in the park at each level of the game. The higher your level, the more workers you can have.
It is very profitable to have shops and cafes in the park, the normal operation of which you will have to provide with goods and products.
In addition to all this, do not forget to landscape the area and place decorations on it - this attracts customers.

Tips and secrets in the game “Park of Culture and Recreation” on VKontakte:

— Without a road, the attraction will not work.

— The more attractions, the more guests.

— The shorter the shift, the more profit.

— Thirty-minute shifts are free. This means more means less costs.

— Cheap food lasts longer, but sometimes it makes visitors feel sick.

— Friends invited to the game are free labor.

— Paper bills in the game are obtained either by hacking the “Park of Culture and Recreation” application, or by gaining a lot of votes.

GD Star Rating
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Game "Park of Culture and Recreation" VKontakte, 4.4 out of 5 based on 8 ratings

The gaming section never tires of delighting us with new products. social network In contact with. Although it would seem that now there are so many different applications that it would be time for some kind of lull.

But that was not the case, the catalog is becoming larger and larger, as if every day increasing the already considerable pace of updating. Today we looked there again in search of new products and spotted one very interesting application. You didn’t have to go far to find it; it was located at the very top of the popular games for this week. So we are not the only ones interested in this game. We won’t bore you any further and move straight to our new review. Otherwise, you're probably already tired of waiting.

Game Park of Culture and Recreation on the social network VKontakte

From the name, especially among people of the new generation, there might be misconceptions about this game. The fact is that the game tells us about an amusement park, which have become widespread in the last decade. And now they have become static, although they started with mobile options. Previously, in ancient times close to the USSR, such parks full of a variety of attractions were called nothing other than a park of culture and recreation. A modern resident with such a name has associations of something in the style of a simple park, with benches and fed pigeons. But we are talking here specifically about a lunar park, an amusement park, a small Russian analogue of the almighty Disney Land. So, you most likely already understand that the game is a construction strategy. So here everything is replete with controls, but there is no military action. We need to build and develop, earn capital in order to build even more and hire staff. This is how progress in the game is achieved. Also, do not forget that your main measure of success in the game is your own visitors. Everything you do here is all for them. So it is extremely important to get a favorable assessment from them, this will be the basis of your profit. If people are happy with your park, then their number increases day by day, they tell their acquaintances and friends about such a wonderful place. If they don’t like something, then the number of visitors will steadily fall. So, what do we need to lure as many people as possible into the network of our amusement park?

Attractions in the game

This is the most important attribute of such places of entertainment. Like water slides at a water park. So the main part of all finances will come from the attractions. There are two spending indicators. The first is the purchase of an attraction, that is, its direct construction. And the second is the repair of the attraction. Because after long-term use it has a bad habit of breaking down. And your visitors really, really don’t like it when this or that attraction is broken. Even more than if it had not existed at all. Therefore, you always need to repair them on time, which your assistant will tell you about. In general, different attractions have different capacity and ticket prices. So the higher the level of the attraction, the more profit it will bring. And there will be more spending on its construction.

Personnel in the game

Less important, but still important indicator. You understand that without staff as such, you simply will not be able to make your water park work at all, who will service the attractions, sell tickets and drinks, who will clean the streets and delight children by dressing up as a clown or super hero? So hiring staff is important. But you should hire exactly as many workers and employees as you need. There is a very stupid situation when you end up with more staff than you need, and they stand idle. In this case, you urgently need to find something to do for them. Well, or get rid of them. Your staff also has their own level of experience. And why is it yours? The more efficiently they work. Try to hire good employees right away, it’s more expensive, of course, but it pays for itself in the end.

Friends in the game

Your friends in this application have their own recreational parks, and you will sometimes have to help them. More precisely, you don’t have to, you can help them. But this action brings additional bonuses for you, so it’s better not to refuse them. These are a kind of mini-quests, small actions that do not require much time. And the more friends you have. Registered in the application, the more you can use such mini-quests. Therefore, it makes sense to invite more friends to the game. Moreover, there are bonuses for this.

Overall rating of the game

This is not to say that the idea is fresh and new. But at the same time, the implementation is quite worthy of praise. Therefore, we will not worry and look for non-existent shortcomings. There are some small disadvantages, such as mediocre graphics, rather hackneyed gameplay and the whole game process, relatively little functionality in the game, and so on. But these are minor things, for the most part the game is quite decent. So we can safely give it eight points. Everyone should play, even those who are not fans of the strategy genre.