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Id of iron ingots in Skyrim. How to get a steel ingot in Skyrim

For many players, especially those new to this wonderful game, silver is not a particularly useful material, but in fact, with the help of this material you can get quite good leveling. This article tells you about all the possibilities of a silver bar.

Where can I get a silver bar?

To create a silver ingot you will need two silver ores. Using a special device - a smelter, you can smelt ore into ingots. There are smelters in provincial capitals and in most mines. Silver bars can also be purchased from merchants. Silver ore can be mined using a pickaxe at deposits of this ore.

Silver ore deposits

White Shore (area around Dawnstar)

Black Reach
Wreck site of the Salt Hammer


White Watchtower
Camp Silent Moons
Kiss of a Second
Throat of the World


Kurgan Zhelezny
Eastmarch (area near Windhelm)
Hilgrund's Tomb

Reach (area around Markarth)



Autumn watchtower
Stendarr Signal Tower
Yellow Stone Cave
Tolvald's Cave


Divided Gorge
Bloody Throne
Haafingar (area around Solitude)
Grotto Broken Oar

The largest amount of silver ore is located in the Reach (Markarth). In the city there is a very high probability of finding not only ore, but also ready-made ingots.

The easiest way to mine silver ore is the Transmutation spell. This spell can be used to turn iron ore into silver. There are much more deposits of iron ore than silver, and it costs much less - only two septims. This spell can be purchased at the College of Winterhold, or found in the Pure Springs Camp.

To make it easier to find silver bars, you can use the silver bar id in skyrim. To open the console, you need to press the tilde on the keyboard (Russian ё). Using console command"player.additem 0005ACE3 500", 500 silver bars will be added to the player's inventory. In the same way, you can add absolutely any item to your inventory. You need to enter the command player.additem, then separated by a space id required item, then, again separated by a space, quantity.

There are quite a few different combinations called cheats; for a combination associated with an object, its id is required. 0005ACE3 - this combination of characters is exactly the id of a silver bar in Skyrim. However, using codes is no fun. Going through the game yourself is much more interesting and exciting, so do not use dishonest methods to complete the games.

What can you do with silver bars after they are in your inventory? These ingots are not used to create any weapons or armor, all that can be made from them is jewelry, necklaces or rings. To create a necklace you will need one ingot and some gem. One ingot also produces two rings.

At first glance, nothing very valuable. Indeed, gold jewelry is much more expensive. However, both the necklace and the ring can be enchanted. Then their practical benefits will become quite great. The biggest benefit of silver is skill development.

Surely, many have heard about the development of blacksmithing with the help of daggers. You need to buy iron ore and strips of leather, make the maximum number of daggers out of it, and go sell the daggers. And so on until the money runs out, because the dagger costs less than the materials for it. Therefore, to develop this skill it is much more economical to use silver:

Silver ore costs less than a ring, and one ore produces one ring. Moreover, if you find the volume
spells “Transmutation” - then you can buy iron ore and make silver rings from it. The cost of the ore is 2 septims, and the rings are 30 septims. A very good income, especially in the early stages of the game. But Speech and Blacksmithing are also progressing.

Steel Ingot is an item used in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for crafting (creating items). Namely: it is used to create steel one-handed and two-handed weapons, steel armor, and to improve these items.

What is it for?

To create items from steel, you must have the "Steel Armor" ability. This ability can be selected in the “Blacksmithing” skill tree if you level it up to level 20. Steel armor protects the character quite well at first.

Armor and weapons are created using an anvil. In addition to ingots, you may also need other crafting ingredients. To improve equipment, you need a workbench (armor) or a whetstone (weapon). By upgrading items, you increase their characteristics, such as damage or defense. You can find all the necessary crafting machines at any forge.

How to get it?

Steel ingots in Skyrim can be obtained in several ways:

  • Craft it yourself. To create one steel ingot, one unit of iron ore and one unit of corundum ore are required. The smelting of ores into ingots is carried out in a smelter, which is often located in a forge right next to the anvil. The ore itself for the ingots is usually mined in the corresponding mines scattered throughout Skyrim, using a pickaxe, or purchased from blacksmiths and merchants.
  • Buy. Steel ingots are inexpensive and fairly common. You can find them from almost any blacksmith, as well as some other merchants. A little trick: if you bought all the ingots from the blacksmith, but you don’t have enough to craft a set of equipment or level up a skill, then just sleep or wait a few game days - the ingots will appear in the merchant’s stock again.
  • Find or steal. You can find many ingots lying around in caves or near forges. If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, you can steal a few from the blacksmith shops.

It can also sometimes be found as loot from draugr in dungeons, but this is purely random. It is much easier to mine or buy ore and smelt the ingots yourself.

About ten years ago, the American company Zenimax media registered a trademark such as Skyrim.

The developers worked on the model for a long time new game, and tried to bring something into it that would make the gamer feel like he was playing on a new generation console.

Over the long four years, the company managed to achieve results, and in December 2010, the first teaser of the game was shown, which received the same name “Skyrim”. A year later, the entire launch package for this game was finally completed and the product was sent to press.

According to the publisher, in the first week the game sold out in such quantities that no one could have imagined it.

Sales totaled more than seven million. In Russia, the product appeared with an official worldwide release.

This game is designed in such a way that a huge space opens up before the gamer’s eyes, numbering about nine cities and several small villages, which he can independently explore, while finding new tasks.

The point of the storyline is that the main character will need to fight the powerful dragon Alduin, whose efforts are aimed at returning the dragon dynasty to the province. However, before meeting this enemy, the main character will have to trodden more than one road.

The game character has the ability to upgrade his skills, as a result of which the level increases. The higher this indicator, the stronger and stronger main character. The creators also introduced a system such as leveling into the game, that is, they filled the dungeons and shops with new items and weapons. So, for example, in a forge a player can buy an iron ingot skyrim id.

Using this item you can create various military weapons and armor. The ingot is essential for forging various nails, locks and other iron parts. It is extremely rare to obtain such items by defeating one or another enemy.

As already mentioned, they are either found in forges or bought from draugr. Draugr are humanoid creatures that once served the dragon dynasty.

An equally interesting factor in the game is that the developers have introduced special cheats, with the help of which the player can obtain certain items, as well as improve their skills, without wasting time searching for the desired item.

That is, a player who wants to get this or that weapon must know a special code with which his inventory will be replenished with this item. For example, a gamer wants to receive a skyrim id iron ingot, so he enters a special code, and this item automatically falls into his inventory, and the player, in turn, does not make any effort to do so.

But even here the developers did not stop, deciding to complicate the task of the main character by introducing various diseases into the game. The main ones include cannibalism and vampirism. These diseases reduce the player's skills, as a result of which he loses his inherent strength.

That is, his health deteriorates significantly, and the player will no longer be able to perform certain tasks at the proper level. Animals are carriers of these diseases.

However, it is possible that infection can be obtained in one or another dungeon. There are also pitfalls here, so you need to be extremely careful. Active effects found in the magic menu will help you find out about infection. You can recover from such diseases with the help of various temples and statues.

I can’t even believe that something like this could be combined in one console. We should give credit to the people who worked on this game. Products of this kind have no analogues on the gaming market and are in great demand among buyers.

Graphic arts, story line, variety of tasks - everything is at the highest level. The developers deserve a standing ovation. They created a truly high-quality product and made sure that everyone remembered it.

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In this article you will find full list Cheats for Skyrim 5: for money, for dragon souls, for ability points, for skill points, for ingots, for backpack weight, cheats for master keys, in general, absolutely all cheats for TES Skyrim!

Skyrim is the fifth serialized part of the popular role-playing series games The Elder Scrolls, has gained enormous popularity among the community thanks to its spacious and open world, a well-developed character development system and an abundance of side activities that significantly diversify the gameplay. It is also worth noting that it is friendly towards third-party modifications. The ease of creating custom additions made it possible to use Skyrim as a designer, creating your own graphic improvements, tasks, characters, items and much more.

The game not only received several large-scale additions and was released on several (besides PC) platforms, but was also re-released several times. Now, 7 years after the release, stable online on Steam remains at the level of 10+ thousand concurrent users. Many of them often use the built-in cheat system to gain a certain advantage in gameplay or simply speed up character development. This article will list all the necessary codes and identifiers.

How to enter cheats

Before listing Skyrim 5 cheats, you first need to decide where to enter them. There is nothing complicated here - open the in-game console by pressing the tilde (~) key, also known as the Russian E on most keyboards, enter the command and press Enter. Of course, the use of codes does not always leave a mark on the game. Sometimes there are glitches that lead to quest bugs and other unpleasant phenomena that interfere with progress. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically save into one or even several clean slots, from which you can then restore the gaming session.

Basic codes

The commands from this table mainly relate to the gameplay of the game - battles, movement, leveling up, and make the passage much easier.

tcl The character gains the ability to walk through walls.
tgm immortality. Enemies and the world(fire, cold, etc.) do not cause damage.
tmm 1 unlocking all fast travel points on the game map.
psb Instant learning of all spells, shouts and talents.
killall all NPCs within a certain radius of the player die.
qqq exit the game.
advlevel gaining a level, no ability points required.
tfc free camera mode.
tdetect NPCs will no longer react to player attempts to steal something.
tcai shutdown artificial intelligence from computer opponents/allies.
set timescale to [numeric value] time management. The higher the number, the higher the speed. If you want to stop time completely, write “0”.
sexchange quick change of character's gender to the opposite.
showracemenu an advanced editor in which, as the game progresses, you can change all the settings that you chose at the start (name, appearance, etc.).
player.setlevel [number] Cheat for level in Skyrim. Valid parameters range from 1 to 255.
player.setav invisibility 1 the hero becomes invisible. You can remove invisibility by changing the value to zero.
player.modav carryweight [number] increase the maximum weight the character can carry by the specified number.
player.setav speedmult [value] changing the character's movement speed.
player.setscale [number] character growth management. Each digit adds 100%, for example 2 = 200% increase.
setgs fJumpHeightMin [number] Using this command, the maximum height to which the hero can jump is set.
player.setav (Health, Magicka, Stamina) [value] The command allows you to raise one of three parameters to a specified value: health, mana or stamina.
player.setav attackdamagemult [number] change in weapon damage.
player.setav leftweaponspeedmult [number] changing the attack speed of two-handed weapons.
player.setav weaponspeedmult [value] change in attack speed when using additional weapons.
player.setav LeftitemCharge [number] command to charge the main weapon. The numerical value is limited to 3000 units.
player.setav RightitemCharge [number] charging additional or two-handed weapons.
player.additem 0000000F [X] Skyrim cheat for gold. Instead of X you should put the number of coins you need.
player.additem 0000000A [number] The command allows you to get additional master keys into your inventory.
player.placeatme 0010BF90 spectral horse challenge.
player.setcrimegold 0 If there is a bounty on your head, the team will reset its wanted status.
player.addspell 00092C48 adding the “Lycanthropy” skill, which allows you to become a wolf/werewolf.
player.addspell 000B8780 adding the “Sanguinare Vampiris” skill, which allows you to become a vampire.
player.moveto [id] By registering the ID of an NPC located in the game world, you will automatically move to it.
coc qasmoke moving to the test location.
coc teleports a character to a location with a specified identifier. For example, “coc riverwood” will take you to Riverwood.
player.setpos moving a character to a specific point game world, defined by three coordinates.
player.getpos [coordinates] informs the player at what specific point his character is located.

Cheats for interacting with objects and NPCs

player.removeallitems Complete inventory clearing, removing all items.
prid [identifier] take a target with the selected ID (to find it out, you can hover over it with the cursor when the console is turned on).
stopcombat stopping the current battle with a computer opponent.
kill The targeted character/creature dies.
resurrect 1 resurrecting a dead character.
resetai Reboots the selected NPC's memory. If you spoke to him before, he will forget it all.
openactorcontainer 1 opening the inventory of the specified target.
removeallitems clearing the inventory of the specified purpose.
equipitem [identifier] transferring an item with a given ID to a character.
duplicate allitems player your character will copy the entire contents of the target's inventory to himself.
resetinventory reloading the inventory, only the default items will remain in it.
setownership The command allows you to become the owner of the specified item.
unlock opening the specified lock without a master key or other auxiliary means.
disable hiding the selected item. If you want to make it visible again, use the opposite option “enable”.
markfordelete deleting the selected item or NPC.

Summoning NPCs is done using the command player.placeatme [numeric value]. Specifying the quantity is optional; if you do not specify it, only one character will appear. The command does not work in all cases.

Identifiers. Changing Skill Levels

Tired of having to level up for a long time, many players are looking for Skyrim cheats for skills. And there really are some. Using the command player.setav [value], you can open skills for the character. And if you write the command advskill [value] – pump them up.

OneHandedPowerMod One-handed weapon skill identifier.
TwoHandedPowerMod skill with two-handed weapons.
MarksmanPowerMod long-range weapon skill.
BlockPowerMod defense skill (shields, bucklers).
SmithingPowerMod mastery of blacksmithing.
HeavyArmorPowerMod heavy armor.
LightArmorPowerMod light armor.
PickPocketPowerMod pickpocketing skill.
LockpickingPowerMod ability to pick locks.
SneakPowerMod stealth skill.
AlchemyPowerMod the ability to create alchemical potions.
SpeechcraftPowerMod eloquence (affects options in dialogues with NPCs, discounts in stores, etc.).
AlterationPowerMod alteration skill.
ConjurationPowerMod mastery of magic.
DestructionPowerMod destruction skill.
IllusionPowerMod the power of illusion.
RestorationPowerMod recovery skill.
EnchantingPowerMod the power of enchantment.

Skyrim cheats for ability points can be used both to level up a character and to reduce his powers. This feature will be useful for modders testing their modifications under different conditions.

Identifiers. Armor, weapons and other loot

To get the desired result, use the command player.additem [identifier] [numeric value]. Below is a list of various items that can be obtained using this cheat code.

Daedric armor set

Considered one of the best in the game and gives a lot of advantages, but has by-effect in the form of a conflict with the Stendarr faction. Their sentries, seeing you in this set, will attack.

  • 0001396B – armor.
  • 0001396A – boots.
  • 000D7A8C – boots with the effect of +50% fire resistance.
  • 000D7A8B – boots of silent movement.
  • 000D7A8A - boots that provide greater load capacity (+50 units).
  • 0001396D – helmet identifier.
  • 0001396C – mittens.
  • 0001396E – shield identifier.
  • 000D7AF9 - shield with resistance to electricity (70%).
  • 000D7AF6 - shield with resistance to cold (70%).
  • 0010DFA3 - shield of magical resistance (22%).

Dragon Shell Armor Set

Beautiful armor made from dragon bones and skin.

  • 00013965 – boots.
  • 00013966 – armor.
  • 00013967 – mittens.
  • 00013969 – Helmet ID.
  • 00013968 – Shield ID.

Dragonscale Armor Set

  • 0001393D – boots.
  • 0001393E – armor.
  • 0001393F – mittens.
  • 00013940 – Helmet ID.
  • 00013941 – Shield ID.

Daedric Weapon IDs

000139B4 Ax ID
0001DDFB Infernal Ax ID +30 to fire damage.
0001DFCB Thunder ax ID +30 to electrical damage, but you have to say goodbye to 15 units of magic.
000139B5 Bow ID.
0001DFEF Petrification Bow ID. Has a chance to paralyze the target for six seconds.
0001DFE6 infernal bow. Adds +30 fire damage, igniting the target.
0001DFE9 winter bow. Characteristics +30 cold damage and -15 stamina.
0001DFF2 thunder bow Electrical damage +30, magic reserve -15.
0001DFFC Holy bow ID. Effective against undead, since up to a certain level of the enemy (40 or less) it puts them to flight.
000139B6 Dagger ID.
000139B7 two-handed sword.
000139B8 mace ID.
000139B9 sword ID.
000139B3 Battle ax ID.
000139BA Warhammer ID.

Unique Weapon IDs

000F1AC1 Dragon Scourge gives ten units of electrical damage and +40 damage if the target is a dragon.
000F5D2D Pale Blade frost damage 25 units, reducing stamina debuff + the ability to put the enemy to flight if he is less than you in level.
000956B5 Wuuthrad A particularly effective weapon against elves.
000B3DFA Crayon's Eye fiery explosions that cause 40 units of damage and set fire to targets within a certain radius.
000A4DCE Bloody Thorn Having managed to kill an enemy in three seconds using this weapon, you will charge the CD.
00053379 Fierce cold damage 15 units + weaken the enemy.
000F8317 Cooler cold damage +30 and a chance to cause a two-second paralysis of the enemy upon impact.
0001C4E6 Ax of Sorrow weakening enemies by 20 points upon impact.
00035369 Staff of Magnus Absorbing the enemy's magical powers at a speed of 20/sec. If the enemy is not magical, health is drained.
0010076D Staff of Hevnorak strikes the enemy with lightning (50 units/sec). The effect lasts 30 seconds.
000AB704 Holdir's Staff Weak opponents calm down for a minute. If you kill with this staff, you can collect enemy souls.
000E5F43 Staff of Yurik Goldurson Deals 25 damage and slightly weakens enemies.
00094A2B Phantom Blade deals an additional three points of damage, ignoring the target's armor.
000AB703 Curse of the Red Eagle effective against undead at the first levels (13 and less), as it ignites them and forces them to flee.
0009FD50 Fury of the Red Eagle adds five points of fire damage and sets the target on fire.
000B994E Valdar's Lucky Dagger the chance of inflicting a critical hit on the target increases by ¼ of the current value.
0006A093 Tandil's Staff disarmament of people and creatures at low levels (12 and below). They won't attack for a minute.

Artifact IDs

In the world of Skyrim, artifacts are extremely rare objects endowed with unique properties. Even if you use Skyrim cheats for money and run around all the merchants in the cities, you won’t be able to find them. Therefore, we suggest you use the identifiers from the list below.

000240D2 Mehrunes' razor With a certain probability, it allows you to instantly kill any enemy, regardless of how much damage you deal to him.
000233E3 Mace of Molag Bal filling the soul stone, 25-unit debuff on the strength and magic of opponents.
0004E4EE The Light of Dawn in addition to ten additional units of damage, it has a chance to cause an explosion that disperses the undead within a certain radius of the player.
000EA29C Ebony Blade an armed attack using this blade is not considered an attack by enemies.
0002ACD2 Volendrung 50-unit debuff to remove enemy strength.
0002AC6F Wabbajack each use has random effects.
0001CB36 Rose Sanguina Dremora is summoned into battle for a minute.
00035066 Skull of Corruption additional damage of 20 units. You can also collect dreams, receiving a +50 bonus to damage.
0002AC61 Skin of the Savior +50% poison resistance and +15% magic resistance.
00052794 Ebony Mail your movement becomes quieter, and an enemy who comes close will receive 5 units/sec of poison damage.
000D2846 Clavicus Vile Mask eloquence increases by 10 points, and thanks to the increase in eloquence, prices from merchants will decrease by 20%.
00045F96 Spell Breaker The destroyer block absorbs up to 50 units of magic damage.
0002C37B Ring of Namira your stamina increases by 50 units, you can eat corpses, which will increase your HP and regeneration rate.
0002AC60 Ring of Hircine if you are a werewolf, get additional opportunity transform.
0001A332 Ogma Infinum book.
00063B27 Azura's Star endless soul stones.
0003A070 Skeleton Key a master key with an infinite safety margin.

Potion IDs

Arrow IDs

Skyrim cheats for summoning chests with items

By using these identifiers together with the command to make an item with the specified ID appear, you will create a chest with treasure inside near the hero.

000C2CDF chest with enchanted weapons.
000C2CD7 chest with enchanted armor, jewelry.
000C2CE0 treasure with standard weapons.
000C2CD6 treasure with standard armor.
000C2CDE one of the staffs to choose from.
000C2CD8 set of armor and jewelry.
0010D9FF chest with skill books.
000C2CD9 chest with spell books.
000C2D3B ordinary books.
000C2CD4 set with arrows.
000C2CDA set with ingredients.
000C2CDB bunch of keys.
000C2CE1 set of magic scrolls.
000C2CE2 a chest with medicines, magic elixirs, potions.

Dragon Screams

As you progress, the character will have to learn special abilities called screams, the use of which allows you to obtain a wide variety of effects.

Shout IDs from the main campaign

46B89 46B8A 46B8B Call of the Dragon.
13E22 13E23 13E24 Ruthless force.
602A3 602A4 602A5 Ice form.
6029A 6029B 6029C Thunderous call.
20E17 20E18 20E19 Fire breath.
48ACA 48ACB 48ACC Time dilation.
2F7BB 2F7BC 2F7BD Swift dash.
60291 60292 60293 Friendship with animals.
3291D 3291E 3291F Elemental Fury.
32917 32918 32919 Ethereality.
5D16C 5D16D 5D16E Frosty breath.
602A0 602A1 602A2 Voice cast.
5FB95 5FB96 5FB97 Disarmament.
3CD31 3DC32 3CD33 Clear sky.
51960 51961 51962 Call of Valor.
44251 44252 44253 Dragon Slayer.
60297 60298 60299 Death sentence.
60294 60295 60296 Whisper of aura.
6029D 6029E 6029F World of cinema.
3291A 3291B 3291C Fright.

Shout IDs available in Dawnguard

02008A65 02008A64 02008A63 Life sucking.
020030D4 020030D6 020030D7 Calling Durnevir.
02007CB7 02007CB8 02007CB9 Soul rupture.
0201A162 0201A163 0201A164 Call from the Cairn of Souls.

IDs of screams available in the Dragonborn expansion

Console commands related to quests and tasks

showquesttargets By writing this command, you will receive a message about the identifier of the task that you are currently running.
getstage [id] displays information about what stage the player is at in a particular quest.
setstage [id] [stage] transition to the established task stage.
sqs [identifier] information on the active task, including a list of all stages.
movetoqt [id] moves the player to the point where the quest ends.
resetquest the job with the selected ID is reset. The player will be able to go through it again from beginning to end.

Enchanting items and weapons

To enchant items, enter PlayerEnchantObject [item identifier] [enchantment 1] [enchantment 2] in the console. It is advisable to select unimproved items. In addition, for everything to work for sure, it is better to level up your enchantment skill by 100 points or higher.

The item is endowed with bonus characteristics to skills

0008B65C upgrading alchemy.
0007A0FE improving shooting skills.
0007A104 trading skill.
0007A0F3 blocking with a shield and weapons.
0007A0F9 wearing heavy armor.
0007A0FB wearing light armor.
0007A0FC burglar skills.
0007A0FF handling one-handed weapons.
0007A106 handling two-handed weapons.
0007A100 pickpocketing skill.
0007A102 mastering the blacksmith's craft.
0007A103 stealth skill.

The item is endowed with bonuses to character characteristics

The item will add elemental resistance to the character

Other effects from enchanting items

Adding modifiers using enchantment

0004605A fire damage modifier.
0004605B cold attack.
0004605C electrical attack.
0010582E additional damage to the Nord race.
00105831 Animals take increased damage from attacks.
000FEFBC Light of Meridia modifier, inflicts a panic effect on the undead and causes them to flee.
000AA155 Absorbing enemy health.
000AA156 Absorbing enemy mana.
000AA157 draining the reserve of strength.
0003B0B1 At night, weapons will cause additional damage.
0001EA77 Inflicts a panic effect on impact with a weapon.
0005B46B undead scaring effect.
0001EA6E paralyzes the target for a short time on impact.
0004DBA3 the ability to capture souls using weapons.
001019D6 increased blacksmithing skill and additional electrical damage when attacking.
0002C593 access to elemental rage and increased combat speed.

Codes of various objects

To summon the item or object you need, use the command player.placeatme [identifier]. If you want to call several items/objects at once, write the required number after the identifier, separated by a space (this, however, does not always work).

Craft Tool Identifiers

Bag IDs

Urn IDs

Safe IDs

Ingot IDs

Ingots are one of the critical resources in the game, necessary to create various equipment. In order not to waste time collecting/purchasing ingredients, we suggest you use Skyrim cheats for ingots.

Chest IDs

0010FBF6 Storage of heather hearts.
00066181 Calixto's chest.
0007CD37 Captain's chest.
0010E7E5 With confiscated goods.
000267E7 With physical evidence.
0010DD41 Guild Chest.
0003C59C Alchemical chest Ingun.
000B8589 Jorgen's chest.
0004EC4F Chest of Gloom.
00108D36 Containing the property of captives.
000DC173 Sabina's chest.
00023A6D With trophies from a wrecked ship.
0002AC72 Things taken away.
000EA299 An ownerless chest.
000B622D Caretaker's Chest.
00087900 The flooded chest is empty.
00062F5D Flooded chest.
000D30CC Investigators' Chest.
000D8E4B; 000D8E4C; 000D8E4D; 000D882F; 000D8830; 000D882D; 000D8831; 000D882E; 000D54C5. Thieves Guild Buyers' Chests
000DDEF7 Velek Sein's chest.
000F68AE Guild Leader's Chest.

This was a complete list of Skyrim cheats and a list of IDs of the most popular items. If desired, players can also use programs called trainers that change game parameters. By installing and launching the trainer, you can press a key in real time to upgrade your character’s characteristics and talents to the desired level, restore life/mana and stamina, and gain invisibility and immortality.

Of course, before downloading the trainer, you need to check its compatibility with the game version. The latest one at the moment is Legendary Edition It is best to use a pure distribution (licensed or similar to a licensed one), rather than repacks.

"Skyrim" - a game with open world. Here you can travel, complete the main quest chain, look for treasures, get resources or complete Additional tasks. All this helps character development. In The Elder Scrolls V, players are able to craft. Let's say blacksmithing. Forging weapons and armor - good way earning and saving on your own ammunition. But all this requires skills and resources. For example, ingots. Codes in Skyrim allow you to quickly give a character required amount relevant resources. Next we will talk about how to take advantage of this opportunity. What do you need to know about mining ingots in Skyrim?


Ingots are the main resource for blacksmithing. It is a product of raw materials mined in isolated ore deposits and mines. In order to get it, you need to work with a pickaxe and then smelt the ingot in a furnace.

Unfortunately, getting a resource in The Elder Scrolls is not as easy as it seems. Some types of ore are well hidden. In addition, the ingots are heavy. And therefore, to instantly create a complete set of armor and weapons, you sometimes have to use ingot codes in Skyrim. Or the player will take a long time to create ammunition for his character.

What are they?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are many types of ore in The Elder Scrolls. Including ingots.

The following blocks are currently available in the game:

  • gold;
  • iron;
  • steel;
  • silver;
  • corundum;
  • orichalcum;
  • ebonite;
  • metal Dwemer;
  • purified malachite;
  • mercury;
  • purified moonstone.

Some resources can sometimes be found in or near forges. Ingot codes in Scarim will greatly simplify the search process.

Why are they used?

A few words about what exactly this or that type of ingot is used for. This is extremely important point. It is possible that the player will not need a specific type of block.

The bulk of ingots are used in forging equipment - armor and weapons. The resource being studied allows you to improve your ammunition.

Some types of blocks (such as iron) are used during the construction of houses and estates or to create various items for sale (locks, nails, etc.).

Allows you to create armor and weapons High Quality. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to obtain. And that’s why some players prefer to use codes for bullion in Skyrim.

How to use cheats

It's not too difficult to do this. Especially for those who have already dealt with the game console in The Elder Scrolls V.

To use Skyrim cheat codes for ingots, the player will need:

  1. Set keyboard layout to English language. In Windows, you need to adjust the operating system language settings. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the console.
  2. Launch the game and load the required save.
  3. While in the game, press the "~" button.
  4. Type the command player.additem.
  5. Indicate the ID of the item, separated by a space, and the number of issued resources of the selected type, separated by a space.
  6. Press the Enter button on your keyboard.

That's all. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible. It remains to find out what codes for ingots exist in Skyrim. Otherwise, the player will not be able to give himself the required amount of resources for blacksmithing.


In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. To give yourself bars of one type or another, you can use the following block IDs:

  • 0005ACE5 - steel;
  • 0005ACE3 - silver;
  • 0005AD93 - corundum;
  • 0005ACE4 - iron;
  • 0005AD99 - orichalcum;
  • 0005AD9E - gold;
  • 0005AD9D - ebonite;
  • 0005ADA0 - mercury;
  • 0005ADA1 - malachite;
  • 0005AD9F - purified moonstone;
  • 000DB8A2 - Dwemer metal.

However, during use game console the user may not print the first three zeros. The system will still understand which command to process.

Important: if you want to give yourself a lot of ingots using codes in Skyrim, it’s better to do it right away at the forge. When the bag is full, the character will move slowly.