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GTA 5 story missions walkthrough. Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions

There are many ways to private a territory in Minecraft.

  • Someone uses WorldGuard (hatchet)
  • Someone - Towny
  • And someone understands that this is yesterday and writes their own version of private messages (as we did and were right).

This article discusses the first option - WorldGuard.

Private WorldGuard

In order to claim your territory, you need to follow several steps.


Before we privatize anything, we need to allocate the territory we need. To do this we write the command

and a wooden hatchet appears in our inventory.

How are we going to work?- you ask. Very easy.


LMB is the first point. RMB is the second point. You can highlight anything with two dots. In this picture, these dots are the green and blue frame of the blocks. The red grid is a designated private area.

You can also use the commands

We will use them to designate the points in the cube where your legs are located (not on the cube, but in it). In the chat it will look like this:

If it’s too far for you to climb up (or you’re just too lazy) or you want to hide under the house, then this command is for you. In the chat we write:

//expand<кол-во кубов> <направление>

For example:

//expand 2 down (or just d)

Thus, we expanded the territory that we had allocated with the ax by 2 cubes down (not in a specific place, but over the entire area) Directions:

Down or d - down up or u - up north or n - north south or s - south east or e - east west or w - west

When you select a region, a grid appears that visually displays the boundaries of the selected region. You can remove this grid by typing the command:


To private a territory in the chat, write the following commands after selecting the territory:

/region claim zone_name

So we privatized the territory to ourselves. "What if I live with a friend?" - you ask again. We write in the chat:

/region addmember zone_name friend's nickname


If you are moving somewhere or something else and you need to delete the territory, then write the following command:

/region remove zone_name

Basic commands for working with regions:

/region claim - creates a region /region addmember username - adds a user to the region. /region addowner username - adds the owner of the region. /region removemember username - removes a region user.

Subregions (subsidiary regions)

Regions can be specified as child and parent regions:

/region setparent zone_name parent zone_name

In this case, "zone_name" becomes a child region of the "parent_zone_name" region.

For such a union, you need to be on the list of owners of both regions. To remove a parent relationship, you simply do not specify the parent region, i.e.

/region setparent<регион>

If you simply select one region inside another, they will not be child and parent. Only the owner of the old region can allocate a new region that partially overlaps the old one.

Additional (edit, delete)

If you made a mistake when marking a region and have already saved it, you can select it as a selection using the command:

/region claim zone_name

You can delete a region using the command:

/region delete zone_name

While playing Minecraft, you decided to acquire a private area on the server. But everyone knows how to do this. After reading this article, you will be able to avoid many unnecessary problems and learn all about the intricacies of private.

Translated from English, private means private. Has a similar function WorldEdit plugin. With its help, you can make your territories inaccessible to flooding and destruction, and protect them from the dangers that may threaten from griefers. This feature, unlike others, is available to everyone who plays on the server.

It is very important to know that if the WorldEdit plugin is not installed on the server, then 99.9% of the privacy will not be available!

Private has several options:

1) using a wooden ax and the following command - /regionclaim
2) using WorldEdit flags.

The first method is the easiest and most reliable to use, as you will see later. Where does private territory begin? What and how to privatize it?

The first thing we need for this is a wooden ax. You can make it manually, or get it using the //wand command, which is much more convenient, since everything can be done right on the spot, instead of crafting an axe.

So, you already have a wooden axe, what's the next step? Next, we need to select the boundaries of the required territory, which will become the boundaries of your home on the server.

To select the territory that you have decided to privatize, you need to go to its first point and click on the block with the left mouse button.

The inscription “First position set” with coordinates will appear. Then we find the second point (most often it is the opposite vertex of the cube) and, taking the ax, right-click on it.

1. open the chat (by default - T) and write /regionclaim

2. press the spacebar and write the name that you want to assign to the region, for example “Myhouse111” or “VasyaNagibator666”

3. write your nickname, which is the name on the server

If you depict this schematically, you will get the following: /regionclaim - name of the region - Your name on the server - enter. Now the desired territory is secured for you!

Why is it necessary to privatize the territory?

To ensure personal safety and protect your precious diamonds from the attacks of the insidious uncles of griefers. Faced with such protection, they will no longer be able to destroy your blocks or install new ones, much less open chests and create other troubles. However, there are other ways to protect yourself from griefer attacks. They look like this:

1. You can find a hard-to-reach place (Edge, mountains, Hell, cave, etc.) and build a house where griefers don’t want to go.

2. If you hide all your things in secret chests, this will help you recover from an attack.

3. You can set up traps, but this is a very delicate matter - they should not be visible to X-Ray. In addition, you will need knowledge of redstone.

Private commands

changing territory - /regiondefine (/regionredefine)
assign region - /region claim
select region - /region select
information about your region - /regioninfo
adding (removing) region owners - /regionaddowner (/regionremoveowner)
list of your regions - /regionlist


1. When privatizing a territory, it is best to dig 5-6 blocks down under the first point, and at the second point place a pillar of blocks, which will increase the height of the privatization.

2. During private, you need to be extremely careful not to make mistakes in choosing points, otherwise there will be completely different places in the private zone. Check everything at once on the spot!

3. Be careful when adding private owners! One of them may turn out to be a griefer. In this case, you will lose your beloved home.


When playing on a server, privacy is one of the most important things. When selecting a region and assigning a name to it, you need to be very careful. Don't make everyone a private owner. Try to create reliable protection from griefers. And the last thing - finally, give yourself straight arms and everything will work out for you.

In Minecraft, you need to take care first of all about security. Many players, playing Minecraft online, ask the same question: “ How to private territory in Minecraft? In this article you will find detailed instructions about the privacy of the territory on Minecraft server Gamai.Ru, about how to make a child private (region within a region), how to use protection against user commands. We'd love to see your comments! If we missed something, we will definitely add it at your request.

So, you have found a wonderful place where you want to keep your house. Having chosen the territory where you want to settle, it is advisable to secure it.

To make an area invulnerable, it must first be allocated. Open the chat (Letter T on your keyboard) and enter the command there


A wooden ax will appear in your inventory. It is they who need to allocate the territory in the form of a cube diagonally.

Selecting a territory in Minecraft

We take an ax and click on the first cube with the LEFT mouse button (in the figure it is “Point 1” - for the top point you can build, for example, a pillar from the ground), then go to the second cube (in the figure - “Point 2”) and click RIGHT mouse button to set the second point. Our recent innovation will greatly help you - illumination of the allocated area.

After this, the region must be named somehow:

/region claim (region_name)

We call the region whatever you like, but without spaces.

For example:

/region claim gamai

Now your region is completely protected from other players. No one will be able to destroy or build on your territory unless you invite a player to do so.

Protecting the territory from creepers, fire, mobs

To protect your territory from creepers, TNT, mobs, fire and all sorts of other destruction, you need to set flags for your territory.

To set the flag we write the following:

/region flag (region_name) (flag) (constant)

(region_name) is the region you created

(constant) - deny-prohibited, allow-allowed, none-no constant.

For example:

/region flag gamai creeper-explosion deny

This command will prevent creepers from destroying your territory when they explode.

By default, all flags are enabled - allow.

List of flags for protecting territory:

Flags available to players (on some servers, some of the flags are available only to VIP players):

  • pvp- attack by other players
  • sleep
  • tnt- ability to explode tnt
  • creeper-explosion— the creeper explosion destroys the territory or not
  • lighter
  • lava-flow- can lava flow?
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage
  • pvp- attack by other players
  • enderman-grief- ability to grief enderman
  • lighter- ability to set fire with a lighter
  • lightning- lightning can destroy your building
  • use— possibility of using mechanisms (doors, plates, etc.)
  • water-flow- can water flow?
  • lava-flow- can lava flow?
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • sleep- players can/cannot sleep in your zone
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage

If you did everything correctly, your region has become invulnerable.

So, to protect your territory you need to do only three things:

  1. Enter the command //wand and select the territory in the form of a cube with the left and right mouse button.
  2. Register the selected territory with the command /region claim region_name
  3. Specify the required flags with the command /region flag (region_name) (flag) (constant)

How to add/remove another player?

You can add another player (overlord) so that you can build/destroy together with the following command:

/region addmember region_name player_nick

Removing a player:

/region removemember region_name player_nick

To find out who is the co-owner of your territory, you can type the command

/region info region_name

How to remember the name of your region?

Take the rope in your hand and right-click on the welded area.

or enter the command

/rg list

(you can /region list)

How to remove visual highlighting of an area?

Enter the command //sel (yes, with two slashes).

To select your region again, type the command

/rg select region_name

Special teams

What to do if you have a powerful stack of spawners and you don’t want any of the VIP users to change the mob spawner? In this case, you can prohibit one command from changing the spawner

rg flag rg_name blocked-cmds /spawner

or prohibit the execution of any command except one, for example, returning to spawn:

rg flag rg_name allowed-cmds /spawn

Use this flag with caution and be fully aware of what you are doing!

How to delete your region?

Your region is deleted using the command:

/region delete region_name

Thus, you know how to private a territory on the Minecraft Gamai.ru server.

We wish you a pleasant game and incredible buildings!

How to reassign a region (move, shift, resize)?

If you need to make some changes to the region, for example, make it larger, then you don’t have to delete it!

Select a new zone using //wand (or /rg select region_name), make adjustments and run the command:

/region redefine region-name


/region move region-name


/region update region-name

Now the region has been changed, but all flags are retained from the old region.

How to make a child region (region within a region)?

This function will mainly be useful to mayors, because They have a very huge allocated area for the city.

If you have a main region, for example “reg1”, and you do not want to give a friend full access to the region, then you can simply allocate some small area for it in the “reg1” zone.

To do this you need to be the Owner of “reg1”:

/rg addowner region owner_nick

Now you can start selecting a region for a friend (player) using //wand, and then:

/rg claim region_name_for_friend

After this, make the new region (for example “reg2”) a child of the region “reg1”:

/region setparent child_region primary_region


/region parent child_region main_region


/region par child_region main_region


/region setparent reg2 reg1

Now the region reg2 belongs to the region reg1, and if reg1 is deleted, all the regions attached to it will be deleted.

Each child region can have its own flags, regardless of the flags, but to avoid flag conflicts between the child and main regions, the priority must be specified for the child region:

/region setpriority child_region priority_number


/region setpriority reg2 20

The default primary region priority is 0.

In the fifth part of GTA, completing 100% of the entire game is a matter of principle for many users. The developers have made it so that players will have to spend hundreds of hours inside the project for this result.

How to do this, the requirements and rewards for complete completion of the game are written in this material.


In GTA 5, 100% completion is impossible without completion story campaign. It is for this reason that many users buy this project and disappear inside the world of Los Santos for a long time. The player must complete 81 missions, including the prologue and the final mission, "The Smart Solution." In short, the user will learn the story of three heroes - Trevor, Franklin and Michael. They decided to pull off a big deal before retiring and ending their criminal lives.

Trevor, Franklin and Michael

The user will take part in a plot with many twists and turns of fate and unexpected turns. Even without the desire to complete GTA 5 100%, any self-respecting fan gaming industry a must-try adventure. Other people should definitely know that completing the single player campaign is only 50%. There is still a lot of things to do.

Secondary quests

Completing GTA 5 100 percent also requires completing twenty missions from the “Strangers and Eccentrics” series. These additional tasks do not affect storyline, and their total number reaches fifty-eight. A third will be enough to add another 10 percent to the total treasury. Additional tasks are not boring at all. The developers even noted their signature satirical humor here. The player can take on several missions from the same non-player character, which will complete the mini-campaign. Or travel the world and look for other interesting tasks for yourself.

For example, the task “Meeting the Truth” will require 2-3 minutes of time from the user. According to the plot, one of the characters will be given a special sheet of paper with an appeal. He must drive up to a red pickup truck and read it in front of him. Two “brothers” will come up from behind, beat the character, and then throw him out in an unknown area almost completely naked. The task will count, but you will have to look for ways to get back to the city. The player can join everyone for fun additional tasks, but for progress in passing twenty is enough.

Entertainment with benefits

It's no secret that you can interrupt the passage of missions in GTA 5 at any time and go away for a variety of entertainment. This list includes sports, racing, shooting, and other interesting activities. If the player has a desire to complete the game 100 percent, then these entertainments will also be beneficial. There are 52 missions in the “Hobbies and Fun” list, and 42 of them must be completed to receive ten percent of the overall completion rating. Initially, it is recommended to go to the shooting range and collect required amount points for victory with each type of weapon. After this, you should get used to driving fast types of cars and start testing your luck in racing.

Sports activities like golf, darts and tennis can be a great distraction from heavy chases and shootouts in story company. Other hobbies include water racing, testing flight school, as well as skydiving. If GTA walkthroughs The player is not interested in 5 for the maximum result, then other advantages can be found here. For example, each of the entertainment helps to earn money and increase the level of the character. Don't forget about upgrading a variety of skills. If you complete 42 missions out of 52, the heroes will rise to a completely different level.

A number of requirements

If before it seemed that in GTA 5 it was quite easy to complete 100% completion, then the following requirements will quickly change this idea in the opposite direction. For the next 10 percent to the overall rating, the player must complete 14 missions in a cycle of random events. A total of 57 such tasks can occur at different points on the map. The interesting thing is that to complete this, the player will have to help other citizens. This could involve a fight, robbery, bag theft followed by a chase, and the like. The easiest way to pay attention to the following when exploring the world is: random events and pass when possible.

Difficulties will begin the moment the player reaches the last category called “Miscellaneous”. This includes some activities that take up a lot of time. This does not apply to the need to buy 5 real estate properties and one vehicle via the gaming Internet, because any player will do this without 100 percent completion. The player must take a walk with Chol and also play with the dog using a ball. One store robbery is also on this list. The next task will be to seduce a stripper, and then use the services of “night butterflies”.

Latest tasks

Of course, completing heists online in GTA Online is not included in this list, but even without it the player will face difficulties. This will be especially felt during the search for fifty fragments of a spaceship and the same number of scraps of letters. They are well hidden in a wide variety of nooks and crannies in the vast world of Los Santos. The only way to help here is to use a map with all the places marked. The same applies to unique jumps, for which there are special places in the city and outside it. The map will help you do 25 out of 50, after which you should master flying vehicle out of the need to make half of the fifty flights under the bridge.

The situation will be more complicated with a trick called “on the knife”. They need 8 out of 15 in order for the next item from the “Miscellaneous” category to be completed. After this, there are only a few entertainments left, such as going to the cinema. The list ends with having fun with a friend. The player must go with a friend to a bar, to a striptease, play darts and again to the cinema, but not alone. Not everyone may like such entertainment, but you shouldn’t stop one step from your desired goal. There are 30 missions in the “Miscellaneous” category, but it is the 16 above that are required to complete 100%


Developers from rockstar studios Games understands how difficult it is to complete the entire list discussed above in the article. That is why they have prepared interesting gifts for GTA 5 fans. First of all, this concerns the “Professional Criminal” achievement, which not every owner has. licensed copy games. Immediately after appearing at 100%, a special mission opens for Franklin called “ The Last One." In it, the player learns a story related to Bigfoot.

The world will be transformed in the sense that in some places it will be possible to see UFOs. This privilege is also available only to those who have achieved full progress in the passage. Last a nice bonus is a T-shirt in Franklin's wardrobe that says 100%. These rewards are reason enough to put in the effort to complete all the above missions.