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Geographical maps of Feodor Schubert leader. What are the best vintage maps to use to find coins?

One of the most popular maps for treasure hunters is the Schubert three-verst. Important card in the arsenal of every metal detector lover.

Schubert three-verst online

The full name of Schubert's map is: Kriegsstrassen Karte eines Theiles von Russland und der angraenzenden laender; nach der unter der Leitung des Russ. kaiserlichen Generalstabes vom General Major Schubert im Masstabe von 1/1680000 im Jahre 1829 herausgegebenen Karte auf das Mass von 1/1400000 vergrossert, von dem k.k. osterr. Generalquartiermeisterstabe herausgegeben im Jahre 1837.

The territory of Russia on Schubert's map

Schubert's maps of Russian territory 1837 online. Old maps to help treasure hunters and lovers of the history of their native land.

The territory of Ukraine on Schubert's three-verstboard

important military map, covering the territory of Ukraine and parts of neighboring countries, by the famous Russian military cartographer Theodor Friedrich Schubert [Schubert Fedor Fedorovich] (1789-1865), in an Austrian edition published in Vienna. On a scale of about 1:1,400,000.

You can always view interesting military finds made by a metal detector in the section.

The first topographical surveys based on triangulations began to be carried out in Russia in 1818. To do this, and create maps based on this data, was entrusted first to employees of the General Staff, and then to the specially created Military Topographical Depot. The Depot was headed by Lieutenant General Fedor Fedorovich Schubert.

Before the creation of the three-verst map, they mainly used the 40-verst Military Road Map, and then the more detailed Special Map of European Russia on a scale of 10 versts per inch, created under the leadership of the same Schubert. Provincial 5-verst maps were also used for military operations. From 1818 to 1843, the Military Topographic Depot and the Corps of Military Topographers attempted to create a more detailed Military Border Map of Russia on a scale of 4 versts. But the work on it was not completed due to the small amount of collected materials. By the beginning of 1845, it became clear that in fact a map of this scale would not meet the needs of the military, because it would be impossible to display all the topographical details of the area.

On December 13, 1843, Major General Pavel Alekseevich Tuchkov (1803-1864), nephew and full namesake of the hero P. A. Tuchkov, hero of the war of 1812, was appointed director of the Military Topographical Depot. It was he who raised the issue of imperfection existing maps and initiated a request for the creation of a new Military Topographical Map of Western Russia.

For this reason, on March 28, 1845, the Quartermaster General, Adjutant General Berg asked Highest resolution stop engraving the 5-verst Provincial and 4-verst Military Border Maps and immediately begin publishing the 3-verst, new Military Topographical Map of Western Russia, as the Military Topographical surveys carried out at that time are completed. Berg's request was granted on April 2, 1845, and military topographers under the leadership of Tuchkov began creating a map, and already in 1846 the first sheets of a new three-verst map of the Russian Empire were published.

Therefore, it would be more correct to call the “Schubert map” the “Tuchkov map”, but among modern seekers of antiquities the first, common name has taken root and in the future we will stick to it. Moreover, Tuchkov himself supervised the work only until 1851, when maps of the northern provinces were drawn up.

During the period from 1846 to 1863, 435 sheets of the three-verst map were compiled and engraved. In subsequent years, until the 20s of the 20th century, reconnaissance of already removed provinces and survey of new ones were carried out. So, for example, by 1886 the map already consisted of 508 sheets, by 1922 of 680 sheets, and by 1934 of 730. Map sheets for which topographic surveys were carried out after 1863, as a rule, are not so detailed and do not contain information about the terrain.

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On the pages of this blog, I wrote quite a lot about the use of cards in our difficult but interesting business - treasure hunting. Thanks to maps, we learn about old villages, where they were located, how the street ran and when it existed and disappeared.

Using maps, we can even find places where no digger has gone before. So, last spring we found ourselves in an unbroken repair situation. On the PGM there was only a barely noticeable small square. But in fact, there actually turned out to be a settlement where the four of us did some good digging.

Thanks to maps we can make our own discoveries. After all, without them, you don’t know where to go, unless, of course, you talk with the local population or identify the tracts by the poplars that can be seen from afar.

In our time of heyday of the Internet, almost any maps, ancient or not, are easy to find and start working with them. In this article I will talk about some useful maps for coping, in particular those that I use myself.

Satellite images

I'll start with the newest cards. Satellite images are now quite good quality. From them we can see the current state of the place we are interested in. Is the field overgrown with forest, are there any houses left in the village, find out the way to the digging point. This is a very detailed map, but it is difficult to see changes in elevation. The terrain looks flat. The scale of the photographs is detailed. By the way, if one service does not have a detailed, clear image of the desired area, you can find one from another. For example, if Google’s terrain is blurry, then Yandex’s will most likely be of excellent quality.

General Staff cards

Quite interesting cards too. They are intended for the military, as the name suggests. But they were also popular with topographers, surveyors, geologists, road workers, and others who work on the ground. All General Staff maps are similar: sheets of individual squares, divided into smaller squares. The scale is different. From 250 meters to 10 km in 1 cm. I heard a couple of times that there are also hundred meters, that is, 100 meters in 1 cm. At the same time, the maps of the General Staff have a very low error and can be used with great success on a GPS navigator for orientation and navigation, as well as finding places to dig and plotting routes. All villages are clearly indicated and it is written how many inhabitants there were at the time the maps were created, the order of the location of streets, roads, and mills is shown. I often use it myself, besides, the General Staff is loaded into Ozik on my phone.

Red Army maps

Maps of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. They are very similar to the General Staff, but they began to be created back in the 20s of the last century. Due to a lack of funds, people and opportunities, pre-revolutionary maps were taken as a basis. These cards have limited coverage. Namely, you can find maps of the Red Army only in the western part of our country. There isn't even a Kirov region. Although, somewhere there was a mention that there are topographic maps older than the General Staff of our region. By the way, the inscription “Coordinate system 1942” is very often confused with the date of creation of this map. In reality this is not the case; here we are only informed about the coordinate system. And the date of shooting and release of the map is written in the upper right corner of the sheet. If the General Staff sheet was from 1942, then this would already be a map of the Red Army. According to the information I have, they were produced from 1925 to 1941. Scale from 250 m to 5 km in 1 cm. Having examined this map, it attracted me with its detail and relative antiquity. It shows even the smallest settlements. The number of yards is indicated. Undoubtedly great card for the search engine! But it’s a pity that it is not in our Vyatka region.

Schubert map

With your permission, a brief background. At the beginning of the 19th century, F. F. Schubert headed the corps of military topographers and under him a 10-verst map of the Western parts of the Russian Empire was created on 60 sheets. But for some reasons it turned out to be inconvenient for practical use. I had to start working on a new one. It began to be created under the direction of P. A. Tuchkov, but later Schubert took over the work on it. It covers the time period of almost the entire second half of the 19th century, starting in 1846. But the main work was done before 1863, when it amounted to 435 sheets. Further work continued at a similar pace. In 1886, 508 sheets were drawn. Basically, they used the already compiled ten-verst, only supplementing and clarifying it. Very good detail of objects. Literally everything you need is indicated: settlements, forests, rivers, roads, crossings, etc. There is even the nature of the relief. Its scale is 1 inch 3 versts or 1260 m in 1 cm. However, not all areas were drawn by Schubert. For example, Vyatka, alas, is not there.

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Strelbitsky Map

In the mid-19th century, I. A. Strelbitsky was part of the Military Topographical Department at the General Staff and was tasked with updating and supplementing the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Strelbitsky supervised this work from 1865 to 1871. The new map consisted of 178 sheets and covered the European part of the country and parts of the adjacent western and southern provinces. The scale is very undetailed. There are 10 versts in 1 inch. And if we translate it in our manner, then 4200 m in 1 cm. In particular, this map was also used as the basis for creating maps of the Red Army. What can we say about the Strelbitsky map: there is a large error; only major roads and settlements are marked. It will fit, of course overview map, but I don't use it.

Mende Map

Its author is A.I. Mende. From 1849 to 1866, he led the work on creating a map in the central provinces of the Russian Empire. 40 surveyors and 8 officers of the Corps of Military Topographers worked to create this map. Its scale is 420 m in 1 cm. Very interesting map, but does not cover the entire European part of Russia. It's a shame... This is a boundary map with decent detail. Very similar to PGM.

PGM or General Survey Plan

The oldest map presented here and, despite its age, very accurate and detailed. The decree to create a general survey plan was given in 1796. Under Catherine the Great, mass land surveying began: the country's territory was divided into counties, and they were divided into dachas - plots of owners who had rights to these lands within certain boundaries. They were assigned numbers, and their decoding is given in the economic note, which was an addition to the plan for each province. The scale of the map is 1 or 2 versts per inch, which is the usual 420 meters per 1 cm. When superimposed on modern map and when connecting to satellites you will encounter a difficulty - the error is quite large. After all, this is not a map tied to coordinates, but just a plan. But quite a detailed plan! You can get a lot out of it useful information for searching with a metal detector about the time of the appearance of the site, its size at that time, the location of the street and houses, roads and highways. Churches and church lands were marked, on which markets and fairs could be located, since these territories were not subject to taxes. The map is very interesting and I use it. It’s suitable as an overview map: look, think and go. I don't see the point in tying her up. But it’s still worth overlaying it with modern satellite images! By the way, some sheets, due to their dilapidation, may not be well preserved and instead of the places of interest you will see a hole.

Thus, we have just looked at those cards that are mainly used by treasure hunters. There are also other cards, but more on them later.

Each map is good in its own way and brings its own specific benefit to the digger when planning digging sites and studying the history of his region. And you need to use the maps at the same time, mentally superimposing them on each other and comparing the terrain in the old and more new map. These maps are the history of our country.

Where to download?

Yes, right here on this blog. I recently started uploading old maps. You can view and download them.

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Website business card

Why did we create this project... Strange as it may seem, all “sites” “projects” are created for practically one purpose - “traffic”. There are many areas of Internet projects: “contextual” sites, “video-photo” hosting, “galleries”, “catalogues”, “file” services, “clouds” of files, “forum” projects, etc. We haven't been spared either - this has happened. The same interest is in traffic, that is, in “visitors”. After all, all Internet “traffic” is “me, you, and you and me”, these are “people”, the people of the planet (who have access to the Internet), speaking in our language. We have the "create" interest, you have the "search" interest. This is what the Internet is based on, some create “sites-projects”, others look for “information useful to themselves”. This topic is not new for a long time, but it is our “hobby”. And that’s why we decided to open “such and such” a project for ourselves, it has already become dear to us. After all, “treasure hunting” is like a “drug”; it’s addictive and it’s hard to break out. Interest is constantly growing, and with every discovery you give an answer to your questions: “Yes, not in vain, not in vain.” And you rejoice like a child, even if you just found a “farm heel.” And the most important thing is that any “digger” has at least a “small” hope, but there is “that one and only hope”. For us, this is not a job, it’s really a “hobby”; we go out searching in our free time from work and family. Although, if you look at it, there is no “free” time? We simply run away from home under any pretext, just like children, sometimes we feel ashamed in front of our beloved. Nothing can stop us, we just say that we are on vacation... :) Sometimes you spend the whole day walking through fields, abandoned farms, without “eating” anything, the water has run out, and all you have on your mind is “well, one more coin and All". And after this “one” there is another one, etc. You arrive in the evening, tired but happy, you show your loot (a bunch of coins and various junk) and she answers you, “Are you sick, how old are you?” Well, like in the joke “a husband returns from fishing with a crucian carp in his hand, and his wife hits him in the head with a frying pan.” But not everything is so bad, because now we have a “bunch” of interesting and beautiful coins that will remain for our descendants... We We decided to divide our “treasure hunter” project into different categories. The first category is the “context-file” part, where you can read or download text information about “treasure hunting” and download the map of “Tsarist Russia” you need from a “file hosting” or from the “cloud”. The second category is the “video catalog”, we have linked it to the YouTube hosting, where we post our video reviews of finds. The third category is the “forum part”, its idea is communication between “numismatists”, “diggers”, “collectors” and simply interested people, where you can find out more “broad” information about your find, as well as sell or buy interesting "coin". The fourth category is a “photo catalog” of our finds, where you can view and copy a “high-quality” photo of our cops, plus a photo rare coins on the planet with a description of each coin, including our finds. The fifth category is a “price catalog” in which you can at least approximately know the “price of a coin,” although the true price is when there is a buyer for it. This is how we will share our “hobby” and give information to others who want to do it - this is not an easy, but quite enjoyable task. Good luck to everyone, find the one...

Gambling hobby is contagious

we are in search of our dreams, in the hope of unearthing oblivion...

Have a nice stroll through our site!!!

Treasure is money or valuable objects buried in the ground or otherwise hidden, the owner of which is unknown and cannot be found, or has lost the right to them. According to Article 233 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the discovered treasure is divided equally between the finder and the owner of the land (building, structure) where it was found. However, the treasure hunter and the owner of the land can agree in advance on other proportions for the division of the treasure. If the treasure hunter has not received the consent of the owner of the land (building) where the treasure was subsequently discovered, then the treasure is completely transferred to the owner of the land (building). If the items contained in the treasure are of cultural value, they are transferred to the state. The state pays a reward for them in the amount of half the value of the found treasure. This amount is divided between the treasure hunter and the owner of the land (building) as described above. People hired to search for treasure, as well as those for whom searching for treasure is part of their professional duties (for example, archaeologists), are not treasure hunters and cannot lay claim to the treasure. In ancient times, a person who found a treasure buried in the ground became its owner if the treasure was not located on someone else's land. Some Roman emperors demanded that the found treasure be transferred to the treasury in whole or in part. After Nero’s expeditions for treasures, Adrian restored the ancient custom according to which a treasure found in one’s own land could not be taken away by anyone, but one found on someone else’s land should be divided between its owner and the finder of the treasure. According to British law, the discovered treasure belongs to the state; the finder is obliged to report the treasure to government authorities within 14 days, and failure to report entails criminal liability. The state may pay monetary compensation determined by independent experts (usually equally to the treasure hunter and the land owner), or return the treasure to the treasure hunter. In the United States, treasure laws vary greatly between states. In most states, treasure found on private land usually belongs to the finder; in other states (such as Idaho and Tennessee), the treasure always belongs to the owner of the land; and in Louisiana the treasure is divided equally between the treasure hunter and the landowner. The treasure, more than a century old, found on federal land, is considered archaeological value and belongs to the federal authorities. A treasure hunter is a person who is looking for treasures (not only buried, but also simply hidden in some way, or rather hidden). Treasure hunters are people who engage in this craft, both professionally and as a hobby. Archaeologists are not treasure hunters, since the search for treasures and treasures is not their direct responsibility, but rather it is a by-product of their activities. Treasure hunting is the purposeful actions of a person, as a result of which he finds a treasure (if this goal is achieved). In this case, a person must set in advance his immediate goal of finding the treasure. For this reason, archaeologists are not treasure hunters. Another type of treasure is considered to be gold mines, information about the location of which was lost for various reasons. Among the most famous and legendary gold mines are: King Solomon's Gold Mines.

I think there is no need to tell you what importance maps have in finding coins and treasures. The success of most events depends on their presence or absence. If in the old days the simple desire to get out into the fields was quite enough, now the situation has changed radically. All more or less well-known tracts, yes, even those completely lost in forests and steppes, turned out to be quite thoroughly cleaned for ancient finds.
To continue to expand your collection or simply enjoy being a cop, you have to increasingly demonstrate remarkable abilities in the field of finding untrodden places. In this matter, the most important role is played by maps of bygone centuries.

Currently, many of them are available to anyone, but as the advertisement says, they are not all equally useful. Yes it is most Of these, they are only suitable for planning trips to selected places.

Below we will tell you what types of cards there are, reveal their features and characterize them from the point of view of their usefulness in business.

General Survey Plan - PGM (1780-1830)

Topographic materials began to be actively created under Peter I, at which time a large number of geographical atlases of the empire saw the light. During the reign of Catherine II, these works were continued. They, like Peter’s, were also not particularly accurate, but, nevertheless, they still conveyed the necessary and necessary information.

It was under Catherine the Great that the process of mass land surveying began. Its essence was as follows - the entire territory of the country was divided into counties, which in turn consisted of so-called dacha plans, which were nothing more than plots of owners (allotments) who had confirmed rights to them and established boundaries. All of them received numbers; to decipher them, an additional Economic Note was later issued for the land survey plans.
These publications can hardly be called maps, because... They are still far from accurate and look more like diagrams and drawings. But still, from them you can get a lot of useful information on the emergence or existence of a particular settlement in those days.

Maps of Mende (1849-1866)

The names of these, and subsequently many other maps, were given by the names of the people who made the greatest contribution to their development and creation. All of them were based on and had the basis of publications created under Catherine and Paul I; it was on these undertakings that further development of the much needed, in primarily for the military, modern maps.
New realities of that time revealed the need to create more accurate and detailed maps, than the existing Military Road 40-verst publications. Taking the PGM as a basis and conducting large-scale cartographic surveys, military topographers under the leadership of A.I. The Mende began to create new detailed publications.

A total of two varieties were released.:

— one-verst, scale 1 inch equals 1 verst or 1cm equals 420m

- two-verst, scale is 1 inch 2 versts or 1cm 840m.

Such detailed publications appeared in 8 provinces, although surveys of the area were carried out in 21 provinces over 17 years.


1 and 2 versts - Tverskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ryazanskaya, Penza, Simbirskaya and Tambovskaya.
1 verst - Nizhny Novgorod and Penza.

Schubert maps (1860-1870)

Under the leadership of F.F. Schubert, who headed the Corps of Military Topographers at the beginning of the 19th century, a 10-verst map of the Western part was created Russian Empire on 60 sheets. But it, like the border 4- and 5-verst points, turned out to be not very convenient, so work soon began on another.
The new map, a three-layout map, was first created under the leadership of Major General P. A. Tuchkov (until 1851), and then work continued with the participation of Schubert. The period of its creation covers the second half of the 19th century, starting in 1846.
Scale - 1 inch is 3 versts or 1260m in 1cm.

The main part of the work was done before 1863 (435 sheets), later the work was not suspended (in 1886 - 508 sheets), but basically it came down to adding and clarifying previous editions.
They contained cartographic material for all provinces of the European part of the empire (with the exception of Moscow) and parts of the adjacent territories (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic states).
This map is distinguished by good detail, showing the type of relief and the nature of the area: forest, swamp, rivers and streams, bridges, crossings, etc. It contains all significant objects, from city maps to villages indicating the number of courtyards, churches, mills, field and forest roads.

When using these materials, it is worth remembering two important features:

1) The accuracy of marking various objects has some error, for example, for the most significant ones it can range from 50 to 200m, for others - from 100 to 500m, and sometimes more.

2) When designating villages, it was customary to subdivide them by size using font; the names of large villages (20 or more households) were written in normal font, small villages and hamlets in italics.

Maps of Strelbitsky

Since 1865 I.A. Strelbitsky, who at that time was part of the military topographic department at the General Staff, was tasked with updating and supplementing the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Under his leadership, work continued from 1865 to 1871. The publication consisted of 178 pages and covered the provinces located in the center of the country, as well as parts of the adjacent western and southern territories.

Scale: 1 inch is 10 versts or 1cm is 4200m.

Subsequently, it served as the basis for the creation of similar publications until the mid-20th century.

Red Army

These cards are abbreviated as the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. These works have been published since the 20s of the 20th century. Of course, for the most part they were based on publications published before the 1917 revolution (mostly layouts were used) and covered primarily Western regions countries. They were published from 1925 to 1941. Scale - from 250m to 5km.

They were produced with a number of additions and improvements, so they were actively used during the Second World War.
These maps are characterized by very clear detail and detail; they display all the roads, including the smallest settlements, indicating the number of households, and other objects of interest from the point of view of military tactics. The vast majority of sheets are made in color, but there are also black and white options.
Their usefulness is certainly high, due to the fact that many villages disappeared immediately or some time after the end of the war.

General Staff

From the name it is clear that they were produced for military needs, although they were also used by other services, for example, geodetic, topographical, geological, etc. These include publications released after the Second World War, which again represent improved and modified previous maps. They all have the same shape - the territory is divided into sheets, each of them in turn is divided into squares.
Initially, they were considered secret and it was almost impossible to get them in Soviet times. Now many (not all) of them are available for use.
Taking into account the fact that the General Staff has a significantly smaller error relative to the coordinate grid, it makes sense to use them (in the absence of old ones) to search for areas and plan travel routes.

The scale of such maps is very diverse, ranging from 500 meters to 10 kilometers.

In addition to the above cards, of course, there are many other interesting ones. For example, in the 19th century, many provinces published their own governor’s maps; many search engines also enjoyed great success with German (KDWR), Polish (WIG), which are essentially redrawn Russian layouts.

All maps can be used literally, so to speak, but if you can find at least something from the Soviet General Staff (at least villages that existed after the war), then from verst maps it is much more difficult to do this, they require reference to the area. This is done using special programs, and then the processed materials are loaded into the navigator.

Filming of the area taken tens and even hundreds of years ago is the history of our country. They will provide invaluable assistance not only to amateurs, but also to those who simply love to travel, study their region, its origins and development, and those who simply want to know the origins of their family.