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Where is the bank in gta 5. How to rob shops and ATMs in a single player game

Game series Grand Theft Auto has always been famous for the abundance of a huge number of locations on the map, where players spend the most time. In this regard, the fifth part of the game was no exception and introduced a lot of interesting and exciting places and locations. To similar interesting places This includes Mount Chiliad (the highest point in the game), a specially guarded prison, as well as various institutions, including banks.

Almost every part of the series Grand games Theft Auto There is a small task or mission, one way or another connected with the bank. The fifth part of the game generally begins its plot with his robbery. Players are often tasked with getting easy money, but completing missions is not suitable for this purpose. Therefore, one of the surest decisions to get quick money in the game is to rob a bank. This crime can only be committed in single player mode games.

Bank location

First of all, before you go to rob a bank, you need to know where exactly it is located. Where the bank is on the map in GTA 5 has long been no secret for experienced players, however, beginners may have problems finding it. The bank in the game is located at the intersection of Alta Street Boulevard Winewood. Having reached this intersection you will immediately find a bank building.

Remember that when you go to rob a bank, you first need to be seriously armed, perhaps even use codes. Banks in GTA 5 are widely scattered on the map, but once you visit these buildings you will forever remember where each bank is located.
The opportunity to rob stores in the game has been provided for a long time, but they do not always bring a lot of money. In addition, a robbery alone will allow you to feel the adrenaline of committing such a crime. The Oriental Theater can serve as a good reference point for finding a bank, since this cultural building might be remembered by you for its grandeur.

Initially, bank robbery was not available in the computer version of GTA. Fans of modifications have created an add-on with the ability to rob several financial institutions at once. With a successful combination of circumstances and the player's dexterity, you can get a loot of $70,000.

As surprising as it may sound, committing a robbery in the game is not that difficult. It is enough to go into the vault basements and knock down its main door with explosives. This is how you can get some money to continue playing

Each subsequent part of the GTA game series simulates reality more and more realistically. GTA 5 has large map, and on it the gamer can have fun as he wants. However, pleasure requires money, and often a lot of money.

Robberies as a way to make money in GTA 5

The developers have provided many ways to make money in the game, and most of them, of course, are illegal and illegal, and therefore will attract the attention of the police. One of the most common ways to make money is robbery. You can rob everything and everyone, for example ordinary residents, other robbers, as well as banks.

How to rob banks in GTA 5

In order for your character to have beautiful cars, stylish expensive suits, excellent weapons and a thriving business in GTA 5, he will need a lot of money. Petty and insignificant thefts, completing missions will not be able to satisfy such needs, and therefore the simplest and effective way getting a serious amount of money is Bank robbery.

Of course, you won’t just walk into a bank, take money and just leave. Nobody will allow you to do this. Therefore, you should think through the robbery plan in advance and prepare for the crime as carefully as possible. Exactly as in real life. To rob banks, your character will need accomplices, vehicle and weapons. The roles of the heroes need to be distributed in such a way that everyone clearly knows and clearly understands what to do and how to behave during a robbery. Breaking into a bank and taking money out of it according to a well-thought-out scheme is quite easy. But dealing with the police chasing you will be much more difficult.

To better control other characters in the game, it provides a useful feature: switching between characters. You need to carefully monitor that each task is completed correctly by the heroes, in which case the robbery will be successful.

Other ways to earn money

It is much more difficult to earn a lot of money honestly. If you save a lot of money to purchase real estate, you will have the opportunity to open your own business, the profit from which will be constant and legal. But again, where to get money for business? Most likely, rob a bank, because this is the fastest way. You will also get money from a good car, which will allow you to win various competitions and car races.

For example, you can earn a lot if you play on the stock exchange, but to do this you need to understand at least a little about such activities. Receiving profit from the stock exchange is good income, if you control the situation and have an idea of ​​how it is done. IN game world there are two exchanges - LCN and BAWSAQ. The first depends entirely on what events occur in the game, but the second analyzes the behavior of all players without exception who are currently connected to the network.

Any of the improved versions of the GTA game are becoming more and more like reality. In version 5 of the game, a lot of entertainment has been created for the player. But, just like in real life, all this entertainment requires money.

Robberies in GTA 5 as a way to earn money

Many ways to make money in this game are illegal and, of course, illegal. The developers have provided such earnings so that the police pay attention to the player. The easiest way to make money illegally in GTA 5 is robbery. Robberies have their own variations. You can rob the same robbers, you can rob ordinary residents, or you can commit a bank robbery.

How to rob banks in GTA 5

Expensive clothes, beautiful cars, thriving business, newest weapons- to have all this in the GTA 5 game you need a large amount of money. To satisfy such serious desires, petty thefts and all kinds of missions are not suitable. The easiest and fastest way to get a large amount of money in GTA 5 is to carry out a bank robbery.

As in reality, you first need to think carefully about a plan to break into the bank, rob it and get out of the bank unhindered. Then it is necessary to carry out the most thorough preparation for the robbery. It is impossible for one person to commit such a robbery - he needs partners-accomplices, a car and a weapon. As in real life, we distribute the roles of accomplices. Each of them must clearly understand what function and when it should perform. The simplest thing in this operation is to enter the bank and take money. This happens according to a well-thought-out robbery scheme. And the most difficult thing is to escape from the police, who will certainly pursue you.

To control the heroes of the robbery in GTA 5 there is a function for switching characters. The main thing is to monitor the heroes so that they complete the task assigned to them correctly, then the bank robbery will be successful.4

Other ways to earn money

It is difficult to earn such an incredible amount of money through honest work. Having accumulated a huge amount of money to purchase real estate, opportunities will open up for you to create your own personal business - a business. And the business will bring constant profit and it will be legal. The question arises, where can I find money to start my own business? There is only one solution - the most in a fast way is a bank robbery. Can also be purchased good car in order to also receive considerable profits with its help. With a car you can win various competitions and car races, which brings good money.

Also one of the ways to legally earn large sums of money is. However, there is one caveat - you need to understand a little about this activity. When you control the situation on the stock exchange, you can make good money. There are two exchanges in GTA 5 - BAWSAQ and LCN. LCN depends on the events occurring in the game, and BAWSAQ analyzes the behavior of players connected to the network.

Hello, dear readers. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and we are continuing our series of publications on Grand Theft Auto V. Today we have another topic on making money in the game, or more precisely, we will talk in detail about robbing stores in GTA 5.

From this article you will learn:

What is it for?

In total, there are 20 stores in Los Santos and Blaine County that can be robbed, but only nineteen of them are available in single player mode.

In general, robberies are important in order to obtain the status of 100% completion of the game - for a hundred to be counted, it is enough to raid only one retail outlet.

Objects of interest are 24-7 convenience stores, pavilions with alcoholic beverages, as well as small supermarkets located on the territory of gas stations. Of course, this will bring less fun than the story ones, but if they have already been completed and there is no choice left, go for it!

With the help of these shops, your character will be able to restore his health; to do this, just hide the weapon and go into the room, and, of course, the protagonist should not be wanted by the police. The seller will offer to purchase various snacks, including chocolates. This is how they restore HP.

If everything is bad and there is not a cent in your pocket, then you can pull a candy bar from the counter, for which the character will be awarded one wanted star, but, as you know, getting rid of it is not at all difficult. An interesting point is the fact that after getting rid of the police, you can return to the same store again, and the seller will not even be indignant, but will again offer to buy something.

Location on the map

It is important to know that these objects are not marked on the map, so to figure out where to find them, we suggest you use the image below:

The robbery process itself

Now let's move from words to action, and figure out how to rob this or that store - immediately pull out a gun and rush inside, aiming the hapless merchant straight in the forehead. Of course, most often, as in life, the employee will get scared and start putting cash in a bag.

However, there are sellers who apparently do not believe in the seriousness of your intentions, so you will have to scare them with a warning shot at the ceiling or at the shelves with products - after this these guys become tame.

There is a third group of workers - “indoor Rambos”, who, sensing the smell of something fried, instantly pull out a shotgun in order to hold the defense. You shouldn't mess with guys like that - a bullet in the forehead and that's it.

Having taken possession of the cash, your character will achieve the first wanted level, and upon leaving the store, he will receive another star. If you shoot the cashier, you will receive three-star "popularity" among the cops. Therefore, in order to avoid arrest, always think about escape routes, for example, a car parked next to the exit will never be superfluous.

If, for the reason described above or any other reason, the employee is dead, as well as in cases where he is simply not at work, you can clean out the cash register yourself. The characters scoop up the money much faster than the sluggish cashiers, but the winnings in this case rarely exceed two hundred bucks.

Some establishments are equipped with two cash registers, in which case you can get hold of banknotes from each. This must be done in the following order - point the weapon at the employee and wait until he throws you a bag of money.

Only after you have the cash, you need to shoot at the second and cash register and take the money that fell out, because if you open fire prematurely, you will get an extra wanted star.

Keep in mind that having escaped from a shop that has been cleared out, it is better not to appear there for the next few days, since the employee may not have time to change his shift and then he will either try to run away immediately or try to shoot you.

The most advantageous targets for attack

Your possible profit will have a serious spread - from 200 to 1200 dollars, so below we have compiled a list of stores with the maximum possible proceeds from their robbery.

  • 24-7 at the foot of Mount Chilliad.

If there are two cash registers, the protagonist will be able to take possession of 950 dollars. The pharaohs will not rush to this challenge, so it will be easy to break away from them.

  • Mini market at the gas station in Grapeseed.

Blow up the cash from two cash registers, if everything goes well, then five hundred bucks will appear in your pocket. In addition, there is an excellent escape route here - leave the room through the back door and along the river get to a crossing under which you can hide.

  • 24-7 in Sandy Shores.

Money is not very good at Trevor Phillips' alma mater, so if you clean out two cash registers, you'll get a hundred from each. The only pleasing thing is the slowness of the pharaohs.

  • 24-7 at Grand Senora Desert.

Again, two cash registers, the proceeds from which will be 600 bucks - because of this amount, the police will arrive quickly, so after the robbery, hurry to get away as far as possible.

  • Liquor market in Grand Senora Desert.

As soon as you enter, wait until the employee gives you 350 greens, and immediately run away, as the police will not keep you waiting. It’s better to go off-road towards nearby hills.

  • 24-7 at Harmony.

Like Sandy Shorrs, you'll only get two hundred bucks here, and there's a good chance you'll have to slap the seller for being too "ambitious." The cops will not be in a hurry, so even with three stars you will have time to escape.

  • 24-7 in North Chumash.

Here is the first jackpot, having robbed two cash registers, you will receive $1,100, but for this you will have to intimidate the cashier quite a bit, and the police will arrive very quickly, hide from them on the beach.

  • 24-7 at Ineseno Road.

Having ransacked two cash registers you will receive about seven hundred dollars, however, be prepared that, as in the town of Northern Chumash, the police will arrive incredibly quickly. Without changing traditions, hide on the beach.

  • Liquor store on Great Ocean Highway.

One cash register, the most harmful salesman, revenue of a hundred bucks, cops arriving almost instantly. Do you need it?

  • Gas station on Tonga Drive.

You will have to fight for this one thousand two hundred dollars, because having cleaned out two cash registers, you will already encounter the police at the exit (if this does not happen, then you are lucky - buy a lottery ticket).

  • 24-7 in Vinewood.

Here the seller will give you a few hundred Basques, and the rest will have to be taken from the second machine. Together, the character will get six hundred, with which it will not be difficult to escape, since the police will not rush to the call.

  • 24-7 on Palomino Highway.

At this place there is a rather large supermarket, from which you can take out $1,050; of course, you will have to deal with two cash registers, but this is not so scary. The important thing is that the police will not keep you waiting, so if you want to escape quickly, fly in on a helicopter.

  • Gas station in Mirror Park.

When you fill up at the store, there will be two cash registers from which you will receive about a thousand dollars. The police are in no hurry to arrest you, so you can leave on foot and hide under the bridge.

  • Liquor market on Prosperity Street.

After robbing this store, you will get 550 bucks, but this time the police will appear quickly, so take care of the escape transport.

  • Liquor market at Vespucci Canals.

Just like at the previous outlet, there is only one cash register, and if you clean it, you will hear police sirens. The only difference is the income - 725 green, and also the fact that you can quickly get away from being chased along the beach.

  • Gas station in the Little Seoul area.

In two ticket offices you will find no more than eight hundred, but, as before, you should take care of transport for departure.

  • Liquor store in Murrieta Heights.

Here the amount varies from $300 to $700, and they are in no hurry to catch up with you, so you don’t have to rush either.

  • 24-7 at Strawberry.

From two cash registers, the character will get 400 bucks, and the police will take an awfully long time to get there, so throwing off the tail won’t be difficult.

  • Gas station on Grove Street.

At the mini-market, when you fill up, you will receive $1,000, which will be divided between two cash registers, after which you can run away through the courtyards, since the police will again drive very slowly.

Raids on retail outlets in GTA Online

In addition to all the above shops, multiplayer mode has a store, located on the lower floor of the kitchen where Trevor's assistant cooks meth.

Principles of raids online and in single player There are practically no differences, only certain points differ:

  • The payouts increase and amount to about $1,500, so you can rob together with your friends.
  • Stores are marked on the map with a grocery basket.
  • You can shout at the seller into the microphone, which helps to intimidate him, and, accordingly, increases the speed of collecting money.
  • All 20 robbed stores grant the "Raider" achievement.
  • By using clothing items, namely wearing a mask, you can lower your wanted level.
  • The raids happening one after another force the cops to assign a higher wanted level, so you can even get four stars.

You should know that calling Lester will always get rid of one $200 star.

That's all for today. Leave your opinions in the comments and share the article with your friends on in social networks. Have a nice day. Bye bye.