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For honor how to play new heroes. All characters in For Honor, overview of all heroes

CBT For Honor has ended and next time everyone who bought it will officially play in the open beta test, which will take place from February 10 to 13. The game itself will be released on February 14, and we want to pump up your brains so that you know which class to choose, who is stronger and on whose street blood will definitely be shed today. We will also add a list of their combo attacks under each class, so that you will definitely and surely emerge victorious from the fight.

As you know, each faction has its own subclasses and for ease of division, we will divide all classes into these categories.

Attack heroes

Attacking heroes are one of the simplest classes, which are designed for offensive movements deep into enemy territory. These heroes are always at the forefront of the attack, but at the same time they are the simplest to control. Let's look at each of the heroes in this category in all three factions.

How to Play the Guardian Class in For Honor

The Guardians dedicated themselves to protecting the people and their native lands. Clad in armor, they are armed with a bastard sword, which is excellent at cutting enemies into pieces. They personify the real ideals of honor that are inherent only to real knights! But will you be able to save them in battle?

This character is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy simple, slightly slow, but at the same time rhythmic combat. In battle, his blows hit wide and in an arc, and also allow him to make fairly fast combos that, once he gets into a rhythm, will leave no chance for the enemy.

His armor is the strongest among the attacking classes, but you have to pay for everything! In this case, it’s speed; even though his strikes are the strongest in this category, his speed is far from being at the highest level.

Holdar - class without fear and reproach

A true embodiment of Viking strength. At all times, they have always been at the forefront of the advance of armies and cleared the way from all enemies who dared to stand in their way! Reckless courage and rage, as well as a complete lack of fear, make them very strong warriors.

This type of hero is less sophisticated than the Guardian. The main emphasis here is on strength and brutal attack style. All of his combo attacks are designed to knock the opponent to the ground. Rush is the only strategy for this character. For example, Holdar has the ability to grab an enemy and throw him against a wall or off a cliff. And also the ability to strike in an area that cannot be blocked.

He is the second strongest among attacking heroes, but the fastest, which makes him best choice for newbies

A little about the Kensei class in For Honor (Kensei)

Kensei is the fastest of the attack hero class, largely due to his lighter armor, which makes him less durable. But this does not mean the character is weak. He's just a little different. His combo attacks are some of the most refined. Easily breaking the enemy's balance, Kensei calmly cuts even knights with his katana. As a piece of advice, please note that it is better to attack with this character from the flank. Use the space and you will become invincible.

Heavy class

The heroes of this class are tanks from the world of For Honor. Slowly and surely, they move like an iron through the enemy’s encirclement. Heavy armor allows them to withstand almost any blow, which makes them indispensable characters for defending the flag.

Conqueror - what you need to know about knights

Oh, these heavy knights. A massive shield and flail are one of the most dangerous combinations in the world of For Honor. Despite the fact that Conquerors have low damage, they are very strong in counterattacking. Largely due to the fact that this character can interrupt an enemy attack when blocking, and also has the ability to counterattack with a shield. Despite the fact that this counterattack is not blocked, this makes it not only good tank, but also a Damage Dealer character.


Its functionality is very similar to the Conqueror, but a little faster. Which makes it a support class due to its defensive mode which increases armor.


Assassin Classes


In her lace dance, with the help of two sharp knives, she brings chaos to the game. And even though the character has little armor, their speed allows them to attack from the flank and open any tin can with bleeding blows.

IN game For Honor has three factions of four characters each. Each of the characters represents a class, and has its own abilities and weaknesses. In this article I will talk about all the characters in For Honor, an overview of all the heroes.

Guardian in For Honor - Knights faction

Guardians are powerful and noble warriors dedicated to protecting their people and homelands. These knights are dressed in armor, chain mail, leather and are armed with bastard swords, with which they cut down enemies and block enemy blows. They know a lot about diplomacy and personify the ideals of pride and honor inherent in members of the knightly order. However, few managed to maintain their commitment to these ideals.

Possessing a variety of skills, they assist their comrades on the front lines, clearing the way for them with massive bastard swords. Guardians are good in both attack and defense. Thanks to the extensive range basic abilities, the Guardian is a great choice for new players.

  • Vanguard class
  • Control difficulty: low
  • Adaptive fighting style
  • Preferred in frontline combat

Features of the guard in For Honor

  • Shoulder strike that cannot be blocked
  • Can interrupt an enemy attack

Weapon - bastard sword

Conquerors in For Honor - Knights faction

Conquerors are former prisoners who became warriors against their will, but over time earned the right to be called elite fighters. Initially, they were taken into battle as "human shields", but those who managed to survive were promoted and underwent harsh training. These are warriors in heavy armor, armed with huge flails. They prefer a defensive fighting style and wait until the enemy is exhausted before delivering a fatal blow. Knights respect conquerors, because they achieved their position only through their own perseverance and skill.


Conquerors are warriors in heavy armor, armed with huge flails. To win in battle, they use a variety of defensive abilities and rain down blows on the enemy, not allowing him to come to his senses.




Weapon - Flail

Redeemer in For Honor - Knights faction

Deliverers are excellent duelists, capable of defeating their opponents before they become aware of their presence. Not everyone will be ready to complete the tasks that are set before them. They are not looking for glory, because they are killers who can turn the tide of a war. Deliverers go unnoticed, but change the world in the most visible way.


In battle, these fast and deadly warriors prefer to use short swords and daggers to cause their enemies to bleed. They fight only at a short distance, but gain an advantage in battle due to their high speed of movement.




Weapons - Sword and Dagger

Justiciar in For Honor - Knights faction

Justiciars are Ashfeld's justice. They enforce the laws and punish the guilty. Their armor is a work of art. Their weapons are a grim reminder of the inevitability of punishment for lawlessness. They are always there when you need them, and pray that the punishing hand of the law does not fall on you.


The Justiciar combines the capabilities of a defender and a vanguard fighter. He is strong and very effective in counterattacks.


Special Skills


Weapon - Polex

Kensei in For Honor - Samurai faction

Kensei try to live in accordance with the bushido code, the samurai "Way of the Warrior." They are trained from childhood and taught several types of martial arts. They will readily accept death for the Emperor and always protect their brothers in arms - even at the cost of their own lives. Kensei wear heavy armor and use an extended version of the katana - nodachi. Armed with such a blade, the samurai warrior cuts his enemies with powerful, but at the same time, graceful blows. In every battle, the Kensei hones his technique, constantly striving for perfection. Few can compare with these warriors in the art of swordsmanship.


Kensei are good in both defense and attack. They are slower than other fighters, but they can strike without coming close to the enemy.




Weapon - Nodachi

Orochi in For Honor - Samurai faction

Orochi are assassins in the service of the Samurai Empire. They use skills of stealth and deception, moving across the battlefield like ghosts and killing anyone unlucky enough to get in their way. Imperial Assassins wear light armor and use katanas to cut enemies to pieces. These warriors are loyal to the Emperor to the end and master secret killing techniques. Orochi can kill an enemy in a variety of ways, such as deadly throwing daggers or a poisoned blade.


Orochi are agile samurai armed with katanas. They force the enemy to attack and then strike back with deadly blows, but their methods of warfare require calculation and remarkable skill.




Weapon - Katana

Shugoki in For Honor - Samurai Faction

Shugoki seem slow and clumsy, but do not deceive yourself: they are powerful, like demons, and their will is strong. As guardians of their people, Shugoki have great fortitude, and are therefore ready to protect their allies at all costs. Their weapons look bulky, but in the hands of an experienced warrior they are no worse than any blade.


Shugoki fights steadfastly in the front ranks, disrupting the enemy's battle plans. Thanks to their significant health reserves, they are able to withstand many hits and cause significant damage. With the help of kanabo, these warriors can easily deal with several opponents at once, but the speed of their movement and attacks is low.




Weapon - Kanabo

Nobushi in For Honor - Samurai faction

Nobushi guard villages far from the Imperial City. These skilled fighters wield the most unusual weapons. Their armor is incredibly light, allowing them to move at the speed of the wind - although at the expense of their protective functions. But do not underestimate the nobushi, because they are the most experienced warriors among the samurai.


Nobushi operates effectively in his surroundings. Nobushi keeps his distance from the enemy, but does not give him a break.


Special Skills


Weapon - Naginata

Holdar in For Honor - Vikings faction

Wielding a two-handed axe, the Holdars are always at the forefront of the Viking advance, clearing the way for enemies who dare stand in their way. Their bodies are covered with numerous tattoos telling of victories, and over armor they prefer robes made of thick leather and fastened with metal rings. Tireless warriors embody the Viking ideals: reckless courage, rage and aggression. Holders believe that the day of their death is determined at the moment of birth, and therefore are not afraid of death. Of course, they will not hesitate to take as many opponents as possible with them to the grave.


The Holders are the backbone of the Viking army. They rush onto the battlefield, crushing enemies with two-handed axes and inflicting monstrous damage to their opponents.




Weapon - Two-handed ax

Berserker in For Honor - Vikings faction

Berserkers are fierce warriors armed with two one-handed axes. Allies fear their ferocity and bloodthirstiness no less than their enemies. In battle, berserkers are relentless and are capable of sweeping away the enemy before he has time to prepare for defense. They are not afraid of death and think about their protection. The only thing that matters to them is the number of defeated enemies.


Berserker Vikings strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. They use close combat skills, combining them into a variety of attacks.




Weapons - one-handed axes

Chieftains in For Honor - Vikings faction

Leaders are not born: they become leaders in bloody battles. To be a leader means to devote your life to serving your people. Their shields protect those who cannot stand up for themselves. Their swords will strike anyone who encroaches on the peace of their allies. Their fighting style is simple, but they are not short of cruelty. Leaders always lead their army to victory.


Slow and powerful leaders fight at a short distance, but are able to respond blow to blow, steadfastly withstanding enemy attacks.




Weapon - Gladius and shield

Valkyrie in For Honor - Vikings faction

The Valkyries made a pact with the gods. They fight in place of those who cannot do so, so that they too can get to Valhalla. Valkyries are scouts who fight using spears and shields. They were chosen by the gods themselves - and death awaits those who meet them on the battlefield.


Valkyrie is a character with flexible and complex mechanics. She easily adapts to any situation and can knock opponents off their feet.


Special Skills


Weapon - Spear and Shield

Summing up

This article showed all the characters in For Honor, an overview of all the heroes. It is worth noting that at the moment, Universal class heroes have not yet been added to the game. According to the developers, they will be added a little later.

Gamers can experience the third-person fighting game For Honor, adhering to different fighting styles: some prefer a heavily armed warrior who shreds enemies into small pieces, others prefer an agile fighter who quickly moves across the battlefield and strikes unexpectedly. We offer you to look at the weaknesses and strengths of characters from the Knights and Vikings factions.

The most agile warriors: Berserker (Berserker and Deliverer (Peacekeeper)

If you like to “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee,” then the Deliverer (Knights faction) or the Berserker (Vikings) are best suited for you. These characters do not seek to parry the blows of their enemies, but rather to avoid them.

Features of the Deliverer: After dodging a blow, this fighter can instantly launch a counterattack that has a high chance of causing the enemy to bleed. If the "heavy attack" was repelled, the enemy's affairs will still be bad, because he will suffer from the "light attack". When blood begins to ooze from the enemy’s wounds, the Deliverer can simply run away: soon the opponent will slowly die.

The Deliverer is armed with a sword and a dagger, so her strength is short-range attacks. However, she makes up for this with her fast movement and Dashing Thrust ability.

Berserker Features: Like the Guardian, this Viking is excellent at dodging attacks. However, unlike the Guardian, who prefers to quickly strike and run away, the Berserker effectively fights in the thick of enemies, swinging two sharp axes. In particular, thanks to the ability "Dance of Two Blades", he attacks without interruption, alternating light and heavy blows. The main problem is that during a light attack, the enemy can launch a powerful counterattack, which is likely to cause a lot of damage to the Berserker.

Best attacking warrior: Holdar (Raider)

Features of Holdar: This hero is almost impossible to control when he unleashes devastating attacks. One of the main advantages of this hero is the ability to seize the initiative (Guard Break) and inflict monstrous damage with a two-handed ax as a result of a terrifying blow (Stampede Charge).

With the help of an ax, Holdar can literally cut his way through the thick of enemies. He can also stun the enemy by pinning him to the wall: after this, the Viking will unleash a series of blows without resistance. In addition, Holdar is able to block a “Heavy attack” with a quick poke of the ax handle (Stunning Tap). Finally, the warrior is capable of unleashing a lethal unblockable combo (Raider Fury) in the middle of any attack.

Best Defensive Warrior: Leader (Warlord)

Leader Features: If you prefer reliable defense and guaranteed damage to fast but risky attacks, then the Warchief will be your first choice. Despite the fact that this hero can only reach nearby enemies, he has a number of serious advantages.

Firstly, the fighter is able to interrupt the enemy’s attack by carrying out a light blow (Light Attack); secondly, the enemy will not be able to block the Leader’s “Heavy attack” even if he himself struck at that moment (however, in this case the Viking will still lose HP). Thirdly, by adopting a defensive stance (Block Stance), he blocks any attacks from all sides. After this, you can activate the “Block and Stab” ability, during which the enemy is guaranteed to suffer damage.

Best Warrior for Beginners: Guardian (Warden)

Guardian Features: This Knight is perfectly balanced and is equally good in attack and defense. When carrying out a counterattack, a fighter armed with a bastard sword is guaranteed to perform a combo of two light attacks (Light Attack).

One of the Guardian's features is the Shoulder Bash, which stuns the enemy. He can also perform a double attack ("Zone Attack"), consisting of a light and heavy attack (Light Attack and Heavy Attack). The second hit of the combo is always to the left, allowing you to hit multiple enemies at once. Finally, he performs a “Crushing Counterstrike”: parries the blow and immediately makes a devastating lunge towards the enemy.

In For Honor, players can play as warriors from different nations and eras to achieve glory and fame. But not all of them are the same; some may be stronger than others. How not to make a mistake when choosing a character? In this article we will try to figure out what kind of heroes there are in the game For Honor.

Warriors in the game can be roughly divided into three categories - the best attackers, heroes with the best defense and those with a balance of power. For each type you can see two examples with a description of their abilities and combat training.

Best offensive heroes for For Honor

  • Peacekeeper – if you are looking for a hero to attack enemies, then this class is just for you. It is also suitable for anyone who enjoys a fast paced game. They are characterized by incredible mobility, they easily parry blows, while inflicting their own. This class has the shortest time between attack and defense. You can easily develop stealth in them, they use two swords and a dagger. Stealth and Crossbow techniques are suitable for their fighting style.
  • Berserker. Suitable for those for whom the main goal is attacks, and everything else does not matter. They are all aggression, using dual axes to destroy their opponents. Their attacks are the most powerful among all heroes, but their defense level is the weakest. The most optimal technique is Revenge Attacks.

For Honor Heroes with the Best Defense

    • Warlord are counterattack specialists. They wield a sword and shield, protect themselves from blows, and then attack at the most necessary moment. They perform best by luring enemies closer and delivering crushing blows. This warrior also has a headbutt in his arsenal and cannot be blocked. Deal with moves like Deadly, Flesh Wound, Auto Revive without losing a single point of your health.
    • Conqueror – heroes of this class are like an iron wall, they are almost impossible to crush. They block blows with their spiked shield, while managing to cause damage to the enemy. Their unwavering defense makes them useful on the front lines. Techniques used to increase defense are Heal on Block and Dauntless.

For Honor heroes with the maximum balance of power

  • Warden – best hero, regardless of weight category. Particularly suitable for beginners, as it has the perfect balance between attacking and defensive forces. It can take any position on the battlefield, but develops only when it seizes control of objects or defeats several enemies at the same time. This is the most versatile class and in terms of the way it fights, it can deal any blows that the player wants.
  • Orochi – this class can easily be considered the best attacker, but its defensive powers are also excellent. These heroes are very mobile, easily avoiding and repelling enemy attacks. Their katana unleashes a whirlwind of light attacks and ends in execution. The best moves for them are Kunai, Fear Itself and Slip Through.

The game breaks all records for gaining the full attention of gamers. In it, everyone finds what is more interesting to him - ferocious Vikings who honor the code of the samurai or noble knights. Each type is different not only in appearance, but also has its own combat system and tactics. Join a new world in For Honor!

For Honor is deep combat system, filled with many details that are invisible at first glance. You don’t always have the time and desire to figure everything out yourself, that’s what guides are for! For example, this guide is designed for beginners who bought For Honor, completed training and already know how a heavy attack differs from a light one, deflecting a blow from a parry, and what breaking through a defense is.

Before moving on to the heroes, let's look at the characteristics of the equipment. There are quite a few of them - three for each element of armor and weapon, and from the names it is not always clear what exactly this or that equipment affects.

Blocking resistance
Reduces incoming damage from a strong attack that partially passes through the block.

Speed ​​of assistance
Reduces the time it takes to revive a fallen ally.

Restoring Stamina
Increases the speed of stamina recovery.

Health restoration per finishing blow
The higher this parameter, the more health is restored at the end of the finishing blow animation.

Block Damage
Increases the damage of your strong attack, which partially penetrates the enemy's block.

Running speed
Increases running speed, but only during sprinting.

Resistance to negative effects
Reduces the power and duration of some active abilities enemy heroes, as well as bleeding and stunning.

Rage effect duration
The higher the indicator, the longer the effect lasts.

Stamina recovery
Determines how quickly your stamina bar will regenerate after it has been completely depleted. Not to be confused with Restore Stamina.

Throw range
Determines how far you can push an opponent after breaking through a guard.

Attack in Fury mode
Increases damage dealt while under rage.

Rage points when taking damage
Increases the rate at which the rage meter fills when taking damage from enemy attacks.

Reduced reload time
Determines how quickly your active abilities will regenerate.

Defense in Fury mode
Reduces incoming damage taken while under the influence of rage.

Rage Points when defending
The higher this parameter, the faster the rage gauge will fill upon successful blocking.

Increases base damage from hits.

Increases base resistance to incoming damage.

Reduced stamina cost
Determines the amount of stamina used to hit, block, and dodge.


Faction: knights; class: avant-garde

How to play him:

Aggressively. The Guardian holds up just fine against any other character in the game - especially against shield warriors who rely on dense defense, because they are easy to catch with a charged shoulder ram. The guard's strong point is light attacks, his focus is on them passive abilities. Use them, and save heavy hits for when the enemy is stunned or knocked down by the shoulder. If the first light attack from the side hits the target, the second is guaranteed to cause damage, and parrying an attack from above with a light attack, the guard will instantly counterattack.

How to play against him:

Catch him with a charged shoulder strike: This move has a fairly long animation, making it easy to dodge left or right. If the guard doesn't hit you, he opens up to break through the defense. Interrupt his onslaught by parrying and force him to go on the defensive by any means - the guard is most effective in attack, which means you need to drive him into a corner. And never hit the guard with a strong blow from above - it is very easy to repel it with any character, and the guard, in addition, also counterattacks in response. Even if you stunned him by breaking through the defense, it’s not worth it.


Build: When choosing equipment, it is better to concentrate on restoring your stamina reserves in order to maintain the onslaught on the enemy for as long as possible. The attack bonus will also come in handy because most of your hits will be light.

Helpful advice: If the enemy is already fighting with someone, then under no circumstances attack him from your ally - you will almost certainly hit your own and ruin his combination. They won't say thank you for this. It’s also not worth hitting with simple blows in such a situation, because the enemy will easily block them, thanks to which he will quickly accumulate the “Rage” scale and give both of you a light. Enter from the side or from behind, use unblockable attacks, break through defenses and knock down.


Faction: knights; class: defender


How to play him:

From defense - exhausting the enemy and waiting for an opportune moment to attack. An unblockable shield slash breaks through defenses and leaves the enemy open to a combination of light attacks. An empowered heavy attack can be prepared in advance, but cannot be canceled, so it must be discharged carefully - for example, immediately after the opponent hits the block. The Conqueror easily stands up to multiple opponents thanks to its enhanced defenses, allowing it to block attacks from all directions at once.

How to play against him:

The Conqueror is predictable because it cannot feint and cancel attacks. Make him waste stamina: if he charges a heavy blow, then let him hold it longer - he requires stamina to maintain; if he went into reinforced defense, then either leave him in it (it also consumes stamina), or break through the defense. The Conqueror will definitely try to hit you with an unblockable shield strike - you can dodge it.

Build: When choosing weapons and armor, it is worth assembling a set for maximum effectiveness in the “Fury” mode: a bonus to filling the scale when defending, attack power under the effect of rage, and its duration. Considering the specifics of the character, such a set of bonuses will come in handy.

Helpful advice: A fully charged Conqueror Heavy Strike is very slow, but it has the longest attack range - even longer than Nobushi and Justiciar.


Faction: knights; class: assassin

How to play her:

Use blows and combinations that cause bleeding. The best way: Do a dodge in the direction of an incoming enemy strike - this will deflect the blow, and the next light attack after this move is guaranteed to cause damage and cause bleeding. This is a rather complex technique, but effective. A simpler option is deception: starting a heavy attack, replace it with a light one, and the deliverer will inflict lightning strike with a dagger. After breaking through the defense, it becomes possible to carry out three light blows with a dagger to the side of a stunned enemy, but to prevent the combination from going astray, the light attack button must be pressed

beat animation beat.

How to play against her:

The killer's attacks are a priori faster than the attacks of all other classes, so it is better not to try to disrupt her attack - especially since the deliverer has the ability to replace a heavy attack with a light one even during a combination. She will definitely try to break through the defense (she will probably try to do this from a running start at the beginning of the fight) in order to throw a dagger at your kidneys and cause bleeding. This can only be avoided by being on guard and blocking the penetration of the defense with a counter penetration. Expect this move every second and try to hit the deliverer with an area attack that will be very difficult for her to dodge.


Build: Look for things to increase your running speed to evade pursuit and quickly move between points in the “Territory Capture”. The deliverer has little health, so you need to increase the attack power to reduce the battle time and the associated risks. It is also worth taking an increase to the throw range and getting rid of difficult opponents by throwing them off ledges and pushing them into dangerous areas of the map (spikes, fire, circular


Helpful advice: It is better to activate the “Rage” mode at the moment when the enemy is about to strike - this is guaranteed to knock him down.

Justiciar (Lawbringer)

Faction: knights; class: hybrid


How to play him:

Perform unblockable moves after successfully blocking and parrying - the Justicar has a whole range of such attacks. Each strong blow from above stuns the enemy, and it becomes more difficult for him to make out where the next blow will come from - this good point to start a chain of attacks. We parry the attack, respond with a stun on the head, throw it behind our back and do a combination, if possible ending it with an attack from above, and then we can continue in a circle.

How to play against him:

He will definitely hit you from above with a heavy blow, so we keep the weapon in the upper stance by default. Avoid unblockable attacks - they are all quite slow and do not pose much of a threat outside of a combination. It is very convenient to jump back, not to the side, so as not to fall under an area attack and have time to strike back. Remember that the Justicar has many options for controlling your position in space, so stay away from the cliff and spikes.

Build: The Justicar can collect items for both attack and defense - depending on his preferred play style. But in both cases, it's worth increasing the damage when hit by a block, because his most effective attacks are quite slow, and are easily blocked.

Helpful advice: Even while waiting for a revival, you need to remain useful to the team. On the tactical map, you can change the viewing angle and zoom the camera - use this advantage to track the movements of enemies and report them to friends in voice chat.

Holdar (Raider)

Faction: Vikings; class: avant-garde

How to play him:

Disorient an opponent with a blow from the handle, use an unblockable area attack in any combination, break the enemy's formation in group battles, ram a crowd and carry away one enemy in an unblockable grab to deal with him one on one. Remember to break through defenses and push one enemy towards another to drain both of their stamina.

How to play against him:

Most likely, the holdar will try to carry you to the cliff. If you notice such an intention in your opponent, then use it against him: watch the animation and neutralize his penetration of the defense with a response, and when he tries to repeat it, be ready to dodge and hit. Remember that the Holder uses an unblockable area attack in any combination - it is better to jump back from it.


Build: Take things based on attack power and you won’t go wrong.

Helpful advice: In the “Territory Capture” mode, the gain in team points increases when the character is on a captured point - but only on those where computer extras are not fighting.


Faction: Vikings; class: defender

How to play him:

More active than as a conqueror, because the leader knows how to counterattack with light attacks, and can ride on a shield - as far as a holder. The leader's strong attack cannot be interrupted; use this advantage to inflict great damage on a stunned or thrown back enemy - even if he manages to catch himself, the blow will still reach him. The most profitable tactic for beginners is to deliver one weak blow after each one blocked by the shield. True, this greatly delays the fight, and stimulates the enemy to look for workarounds: to break through the defense more often and knock him down. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to counterattack.

How to play against him:

Not very aggressive, because he can counterattack after any of your blows. This is difficult, and not every leader will be able to pull off this trick all the time, but you shouldn’t give him unnecessary opportunities.

Break through the defense, dodge the head blow and don’t stand close to the cliff - you’ll be taken away.

Build: Try combining equipment that improves defense and blocking resistance with the speed of stamina recovery. This will help you stay on the defensive longer and launch a series of heavy attacks when a good opportunity presents itself.


Faction: Vikings; class: assassin

How to play him:

Hit the enemy until he dies or leaves the game. Alternate a light and a strong attack from the right and left stance, but not the top heavy one - this will complete the series. Try to surprise the enemy by choosing the direction of your attack. This combination can be carried out endlessly as long as you have enough stamina, and after the fourth hit your attacks become uninterruptible, which makes the task much easier. Start the sequence after side dodging - even if there was no blow worth dodging. Perform a distraction: pretend to hit with the right, and as soon as the animation starts playing, dodge and strike with the left. The main thing is to start the series.

How to play against him:

React to blows with the speed of a cobra and block all his attacks. Ideally, parry to interrupt the combination and prevent him from gaining more than four hits. The berserker will spin around you without stopping, periodically reflecting an attack and then automatically breaking through the defense, so do not disdain a sudden attack in an area (not relevant for all characters). Like any member of the assassin class, the berserker can stay in a blocking stance for a very short time - he can be tricked into canceling a heavy attack and striking in the same place.


Build: If you are confident in your skill, then take things with attack power. Otherwise, reduce the amount of stamina spent on strikes, this will give you more time and attempts. For both options, high running speed and resistance to negative effects are good.

Helpful advice: If during the break between matches you did not have time to invest influence points on the world map, they will not be lost, but will be distributed evenly between all territories.


Faction: Vikings; class: hybrid


How to play her:

This is a very complex character, who has a little bit of all the other Vikings. No one will tell you how to play, what style to choose, because the Valkyrie adapts to any situation - this is her trump card. See for yourself: she can ram with a shield, block attacks from all directions with it, counterattack, apply a bleeding effect, stun, knock down with unblockable techniques, cancel attacks and replace special techniques with other attacks. The difficulty here is to quickly figure out when and how to react - in terms of tension, this hero resembles the Invoker from Dota.

How to play against her:

There is no need to rush and throw blows at the Valkyrie. Probably at the beginning of the battle she will wait for your actions - she has nothing to fear, because blind blocks and counterattacks with bleeding are always at hand. If she is waiting, break through the defense; if she attacks, dodge the ram to the side with your shield and do not miss sweeping attacks with a spear, because the last blow in this series may be a sweep.

Build: Despite the variety of combinations and techniques, when choosing equipment for the Valkyrie, you need to determine one thing for yourself: are you going to attack or plan to play defensively. If the first, then increase the damage, and for defense, increase the protection and stamina recovery parameter.


Faction: samurai; class: avant-garde

How to play him:

Aggressively. Kensei is slow, but deals a lot of damage and hits very far. It is better to initiate the battle with a heavy running strike or the “Cleaver” technique - this allows you to quickly close the distance, and the enemy will have to react very quickly to place the upper block. If this happens, then the enemy is open to breaking through the defense, after which you can either start a series or immediately deliver a powerful unblockable blow from above. The area attack covers a huge area and cannot be knocked down by a counter strike, making it great when fighting multiple opponents.

How to play against him:

Parry. Even Kensei's powerful unblockable attack, which can usually be seen a kilometer away due to its unnatural swing and flammable blade, can also be parried.
If you decide to dodge it, an experienced player will replace the vertical unblockable attack with a regular horizontal one and catch you dodging. But Kensei cannot counter parry with absolutely nothing.

Build: Take things for attack power and damage when you hit a block.

Helpful advice: When an enemy is climbing the stairs, you can jump on top of them and kill them with one blow - just like if they were standing below you.


Faction: samurai; class: defender


How to play him:

Calculate every attack, but don’t be afraid to exchange blows with your opponent: to interrupt a Shugoki’s attack, you need to hit it twice, and its damage is quite high. Moreover, the first attack against the Shugoki hits his armor and causes less damage, and the health lost during the exchange of blows (of which he has a lot) can be restored by using the “Demon Embrace” technique. Shugoki has many outlets for various grabs and other control over the opponent, for which he pays with low attack and movement speed.

How to play against him:

Don't trade blows with him, obviously. Parry and evade all kinds of grabs. A large amount of health and armor cause a long and even tedious battle, to which additional enemies will most likely have time to rush in, so do not disdain dangerous areas of the map - the higher the cabinet, the louder it falls!

Build: It is better to collect Shugoki in full protection with high resistance to negative effects.

Helpful advice: Don't waste your metal on character equipment packs entry level- all the equipment in them will be of inferior quality. The loot in the sets corresponds to the character level, so pump up reputation points on the heroes (issued for every 21 levels), and then good things will start falling out of the boxes: with one reputation point you will find blue equipment, with three - purple.


Faction: samurai; class: assassin

How to play him:

Learn to counterattack. Doing this systematically is difficult, but the effect is amazing: not only does the orochi combine high damage and high speed, it also automatically discharges an unblockable attack at the enemy after reflecting the blow. This ability is well complemented by a delayed attack: Orochi stands ready and makes one running strike. If he reaches the target, then it is worth continuing with a double light blow from above, then immediately breaking through the defense and delivering a heavy blow. That's a lot of damage.

How to play against him:

Immediately place your weapon in the upper stance to block - Orochi love attacks from above.
Parry or at least block his blow with a delay, and don’t give him an extra opportunity to repel your attack and counterattack - it’s better to catch him during attacks, break through his defense or incapacitate him in other ways.

How to play against her:

Nobushi's unblockable kick is easy to dodge (provided it doesn't immediately follow a guard break, of course), and all light, heavy and area attacks can be parried. The main thing is to be careful when closing the distance. You'll be in her range much earlier than you get to her yourself, and she'll definitely try to throw bleeds at you.

Build: Bleeding damage is calculated from the attack power, which means it needs to be raised to the maximum. And if you add to a solid attack a high speed of running, assisting allies, filling the rage scale from successful defense and the duration of this mode, then you will have an ultimate support and a supporting character - for holding points and promptly helping friends.