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Didactic game “Sea inhabitants. Game rescuing sea creatures Games about sea creatures or

A selection of games for seniors preschool age on the topic "Underwater world"

Didactic games

Target : Clarify and consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, and the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment.

  • "Who Lives Where"

(pictures are divided into images: sea, river, aquarium).

  • "Name the fish"

Educator . Strange fish live in the world,

They swim as they have been called since childhood.

Those who named them were playing with words.

Have you ever met these fish?

(Children stand in a circle and the teacher throws the ball, the children name the fish)

  • "The Fourth Wheel"

Find the extra picture in each row and explain your choice.

  • “Call me kindly” (ball game)

You need to stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and names the fish, and the children must catch the ball and call the fish affectionately.

  • “Who is missing?”

Educator: Pisces love to play hide and seek. You need to close your eyes and then open them. Who is missing?

  • "My, my"

So many fish. Look carefully and name only those fish about which you can say MINE, and now name only those fish about which you can say MINE.

Word games

Target : develop the ability to describe a body of water and its inhabitants by description.

Expand children's vocabulary: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, seahorse, flounder.

  • "Describe the animal"

It is necessary to describe the sea creature shown in the picture.

  • "Guess the riddle"

Solve sea-themed riddles.

He is a real circus performer -

He hits the ball with his nose.

Both the French and the Finn know:

Loves to play...(dolphin)

It's like a huge house,

But calm, modest.

He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea -

This is how he lives in the world...(whale)

Suddenly the mountain floated up from the bottom,

The ship was lifted up.

It's so naughty in the sea,

The giant is funny...(whale)

This fish is an evil predator,

It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And sank to the bottom... (shark)

A transparent umbrella floats.

“I’ll burn you!” - threatens. - Don’t touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What's her name? (Jellyfish)

It pinches painfully with its claws

And shouts: “I’ve had enough!

I'm tired. I am not your slave."

Scared the neighbors...(crab)

Looks so much like a horse

And he lives in the sea too.

That's a fish! Jump and jump -

The sea jumps...(horse)

Both on land and in water -

He carries the house with him everywhere.

Travels without fear

In this house... (turtle)

She is not afraid of any beast -

The shell is worn on the back.

He lives for three hundred years without fear.

Who is this? (Turtle)

Maybe a giant fish

Launch a fountain over the water.

Who is famous for this?

Ocean Dweller -...(whale)

He is huge, thick-skinned,

And it looks like a fish.

A fountain of water flies upward -

So welcomes everyone...(whale)

What kind of tailed, dark cloak

Cutting through the waves in the sea?

Carefully! There is a rank in it.

It's electric...(scat)

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with his claws.

Round shell, ten legs.

Did you guess it? This...(crab)

She has such a mouth!

Anyone can fall into it.

She closed her sharp teeth

Predatory fish -... (shark)

What kind of ball floats with spikes,

Quietly waving its fins?

You just can’t take it in your hands.

This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)

Guess what kind of horses

Are they rushing into the sea from the chase?

I was able to hide in the algae

Little sea...(horse)

  • “Find an item by description”

Guess the sea creature from its verbal description.

  • “Whose children?”

The teacher names the aquatic inhabitant, the children must name his baby.

  • Who does this?

One of the participants makes a wish for an object. The others take turns asking him questions, which can be answered affirmatively or negatively.

All questions should relate to the functional purpose of the item: “Does it fly? Can it be cut? etc.

For the correct answer, you can offer a chip or transfer the right to host.

  • Chain

The first child names the object.
The second is its property.
The third is an object with a named property.
The fourth is another property of the new object, etc.

Outdoor games

Target : Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

  • "The Fisherman and the Fishes"

All participants in the game are divided into two groups. One group is the “fishermen”, the other group is the “fish”. These two groups should stand opposite each other at some distance. A conversation takes place between the “fishermen” and the “fishes”:

What are you doing?


What will you catch?


Which one?


Catch it!

The “fish” run away, and the “fishermen” try to catch up with them. If the “fisherman” catches up and greases the “fish”, it is considered “caught”.

  • "The sea is agitated"

Any number of players can take part. The presenter turns away from the other participants and says:
- The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place!
At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The first one to move takes the place of the leader.

  • "Water"

To play, children must choose a driver (“water guy”) and stand in a circle, holding hands. The “water man” is located in the middle of the circle, he closes his eyes and extends his hand forward. The outstretched hand is a pointer.Then the players, holding hands, walk in a circle (the water one can spin in the opposite direction) and loudly say in chorus:

Vodyanoy - Vodyanoy,
Why are you sitting under water?
Come out for a minute -
Let's play a little:
One, two, three - burn!

After the word “Burn!” everyone stops and the player at whom the merman is currently pointing with his hand goes to the center of the circle, performs any amateur performance (dance, song, poem) and becomes a merman himself. After which the game is repeated.

There are other rules:

After the word “Burn!” water with eyes closed must come up and insult the player he pointed at. Players must remain in place during this time (but you can dodge his hands and crouch). The salted one becomes “watery”.

  • Fishing rod

The players stand in a circle, in the center is the teacher, he holds in his hands a rope to which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope in a circle just above the ground, and the children jump up, trying to prevent the bag from touching them. Having described two or three circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of those caught is counted.

Finger gymnastics

  • Waves

Bend your elbows and interlace your fingers, bringing your hands together. Make several smooth wave-like swings with clasped hands, lifting one or the other elbow.

There are waves in the open air,
Did you find out? This is the sea.

  • Seagulls

Cross your arms at wrist level and press them together. Relax your palms, lower them, then flap your palms several times like wings.

A seagull soars above the wave,
The seagull is catching up with the seagull.

  • Steamboat

Place your slightly rounded palms on your ribs. Press them onto the table surface. Connect the tips of your index, middle and ring fingers. Give your thumbs up - this is a steamship chimney.

Look, steamboat
Floats forward on the waves.

  • Binoculars

Fold your fingers to form the “eyepieces” of the binoculars and bring the “binoculars” to your eyes. The thumbs are on the bottom, the tips of the other fingers are pressed to them.

  • Spyglass

Fold your fingers again to form “eyepieces.” The thumbs are on the bottom, the tips of the other fingers are pressed against them. Now place one cam against the other so that you get a pipe. Look through the telescope. The other eye must be closed!

The captain stood on the bridge,
Looks here, looks there.
Now through binoculars, now through a pipe -
Left, right, astern.

  • Palm trees

Raise your hands up, spread your fingers like a fan - these are “leaves”. Connect the forearms of both hands - you get a palm tree trunk.

The captain looks and looks.
What's that there?
There are trees on the shore.
The trees are unusual.
Accustomed to the southern sun.(Palm trees)

“Oh, who’s that big, big one floating on the waves?”

Extend your arms forward and interlace your fingers. Round your arms slightly, depicting the oval body of a whale.

Across the sea - ocean
A miracle giant is swimming,
It lets out fountains.
Who will recognize him? (Whale)

  • Dolphin

Press your wrists to your body, round your palms, and touch your fingertips.

And next to me I see someone’s back:
Swimming in the waves towards me... dolphins

  • Warm-up “Sea”

Waves splash in the ocean(children wave their hands, imitating waves)

What do we see in the fog?(children stretch their arms forward)

These are ship masts(children stretch their arms up)

Let them sail here quickly!(Children wave their hands in greeting)

We walk along the shore, waiting for sailors(walking in place)

Looking for shells in the sand,(lean forward)

And we clench in our fist(Children clench their fist)

To collect more of them, you need to squat more often(squats).

Now take hold of your hands and imagine that you are swaying the seaweed, the wind is blowing, the waves are swaying.

  • Physical education lesson “Fish”

A fish swims in the water

It's fun for the fish to walk.

(Join fingers alternately from index to little finger and back)

Fish, fish, mischief,

(Shake your index finger)

We want to catch you.

(Twist hands forward and backward)

The fish arched its back

(Squat, twisting the body)

I took a bread crumb.

(Show grasping exercises with hands)

The fish waved its tail

(Squat, twisting the body)

She swam away very quickly.

Here you can play for free online game- Rescue of Sea Life, original name - Aquatic Rescue. This game has been played 7318 times and has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 with 15 votes.

  • Platform: Web browser(PC, mobile phones and tablets)
  • Technology: html5. Works in all modern browsers
  • Ability to play in full screen

How to play?

So, the bubbles, which at first glance seemed absolutely harmless, captured peaceful sea inhabitants. In appearance these balloons They give the impression of being fragile and tender, capable of bursting at any moment, but inside it is simply impossible to get out of them! Our heroes volunteered to help their friends and will direct all their strength to destroy the air prison. To free the prisoners, it is necessary to carefully consider the algorithm of actions, placing rescuers in specific places. Do not rush into battle with bubble enemies without preparation; first go through the training, which consists of two levels. Based on existing objects on the screen and algorithmic calculations, determine the character’s position so that you can get closer to solving the puzzle as quickly as possible.

Yulia Stepankina

Didactic game"Sea life"

Purpose of the game: help consolidate children’s knowledge about sea ​​creatures.


Strengthen children's knowledge about sea ​​creatures;

Develop the ability to classify sea ​​creatures(mammals, fish, shellfish;

Expand children's horizons by introducing children to marine life.

- Develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking.

To promote the development of coherent speech and the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowel sounds using onomatopoeia.

Monitor the correct pronunciation of sounds and posture.

To cultivate a sense of love for the world around us, a caring attitude towards inhabitants of the underwater world.

Strengthen students' knowledge about sea ​​creatures, recognize them and name them. Develop memory, observation, teach to see the main features of difference and similarity, bring to the consciousness of a general concept " sea ​​creatures".

Progress of the game: there is a playing field " seabed"and cards with images not only sea ​​creatures, as well as various garbage;

1 option: children should only spread out marine life against the backdrop of the seabed.

Option 2: in the background sea At the bottom, the teacher lays out all the available cards (garbage, animals, fish, etc., and the child should leave only sea ​​creatures.

Option 3: “Let’s clear the sea of ​​garbage”: children should only remove garbage, and leave the inhabitants in place.

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