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Dark souls 3 what the letters mean. Dark spirit

A class is a specialized role that a player chooses for their hero at the very beginning of the game.

IN Dark Souls 3 Each class has different starting skills and equipment. As a result, starting the game again with a new hero, the user can radically change his play style at the first stage. The fact is that the initial class does not affect who the player character becomes in the middle and later stages of playthrough.

Regardless of the chosen class, players can increase any parameters and use any equipment if the character's characteristics meet its conditions. Thus, it can be noted that only the starting equipment depends on the class in Dark Souls 3, which can include weapons, spells, rings and armor, as well as the first distribution of parameters.

The third installment of the Dark Souls series features 10 primary classes. Below we will provide detailed information about them and give some advice on choosing a particular class.

What does the Luck skill affect?

Since many players do not know what exactly the Luck parameter affects, we decided to make a small clarification. Luck is one of the characteristics in the game. It affects how often your opponents will drop multiple items after they die. This parameter also increases resistance to Curse and increases the chance of triggering Poison and Bleed effects when hitting enemies.

  • You can increase your luck percentage by using a soft, sharp and hard cap (99 percent).
  • Resistance to Curse is calculated from this stat.
  • Luck increases the chance of Poisoning and Bleeding effects on enemies from your hits.


The class description says the following: “An unknown knight who collapsed to the ground after long wanderings. Resistant to damage due to high vitality and strong armor."

As in previous parts of the series, it is a classic “tank”. His armor will not save him from attacks from bosses, but it can help him survive several attacks from ordinary monsters. Ideal for those who are used to hiding behind a high shield, rather than tumbling around enemies in the hope that they will not be able to hit them. We also recommend choosing it for beginners playing Dark Souls for the first time.

  • Armor: has the full Knight set (helmet, armor, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: Knight's long sword and shield.


  • Soul Level: 9
  • Vigor: 12
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 11
  • Vitality: 15
  • Strength: 13
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 7


The class description says the following: “An experienced warrior and a true veteran who has visited many battlefields. High agility makes the mercenary a master of the use of double scimitars."

An agile and jumping character with whom it will be easy to evade enemy attacks. Suitable for both experienced players and beginners who don’t like to sit behind a shield.

  • Armor: Has the full Sellsword set (helmet, jacket, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: double blades and wooden shield.


  • Soul Level: 8
  • Vitality (Vigor): 11
  • Attunement: 12
  • Endurance: 11
  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Faith: 8
  • Luck: 9


The class description reads as follows: “Descendant of northern warriors known for their physical strength. Great strength allows him to use a heavy battle axe."

A kind of damage control in the game, capable of inflicting a lot of damage on the enemy and not dying from one or two hits from the enemy. Suitable for players practicing aggressive style games. If desired, it can be easily turned into a “tank”, since it has increased survivability.

  • Armor: has the full Northern set (helmet, cape, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: battle ax and round shield.


  • Soul Level: 7
  • Vitality (Vigor): 14
  • Attunement: 6
  • Endurance: 12
  • Physical Vitality: 11
  • Strength: 16
  • Dexterity: 9
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 11


The class description reads as follows: “A former herald on a journey to complete his mission. Wields a strong spear and uses healing miracles."

Even though he has strange name, but, in essence, is a paladin. Not as strong as a knight, but from the very beginning he can use good miracles for healing. A good option for the early game, but in the later stages it can fall into the “neither fish nor fowl” category.

  • Armor: Has the full Herald set (helmet, armor, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: teardrop shield, spear and talisman.
  • Spells: healing.


  • Soul Level: 9
  • Vigor: 12
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 9
  • Vitality: 12
  • Strength: 12
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Faith: 13
  • Luck: 11


The class description says the following: “A common thief and pathetic deserter. He is quite good with a dagger and has an excellent military bow.”

This class should be chosen by players who have completed at least one part of Dark Souls and are familiar with game mechanics series. He has well-pumped agility and light armor, and therefore can easily dodge enemy attacks. In addition, he has a developed “Luck” parameter, which helps him survive in places where anyone else would have died long ago.

  • Armor: Has deserter armor, deserter pants and a thief mask.
  • Weapons: bandit knife, iron round shield, short bow and 30 wooden arrows.


  • Soul Level: 5
  • Vigor: 10
  • Attunement: 11
  • Endurance: 10
  • Physical Vitality: 9
  • Strength: 9
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Faith: 8
  • Luck: 14


The class description reads as follows: “A skilled assassin who stalks his prey from the shadows. He wields a sword well and is well versed in sorcery.”

Not a bad option for those who plan to kill their enemies from behind. Thanks to his high agility, he dodges blows well. In addition, he can use sorcery spells that enhance his abilities.

  • Armor: Assassin's Hood, Assassin's Jacket, Assassin's Pants.
  • Weapons: Estok (blade), target shield, sorcerer's staff.
  • Spells: Ghost (muffles noises made by the caster and reduces damage from falling from great heights).


  • Soul Level: 10
  • Vigor: 10
  • Attunement: 14
  • Endurance: 11
  • Vitality: 10
  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 14
  • Intelligence: 11
  • Faith: 9
  • Luck: 10


The class description reads as follows: “A loner who decided to leave academia to pursue his own research. He has high intelligence, which allows him to cast powerful sorcerer spells.”

A wizard from brain to bone. Flimsy and moderately dexterous. In the initial stages, he will die with half a punch, but in the end he will be able to destroy most opponents himself with a half-turn. We do not recommend choosing for beginners.

  • Armor: has the full Sorcerer set (helmet, armor, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: Sorcerer's staff, leather shield, dagger.
  • Rings: Ring of a young dragon (gives a bonus to sorcery).
  • Spells: Spiritual Arrow, Heavy Spiritual Arrow.


  • Soul Level: 6
  • Vitality (Vigor): 9
  • Attunement: 16
  • Endurance: 9
  • Physical Vitality: 7
  • Strength: 7
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Faith: 7
  • Luck: 12


The class description says the following: “A pyromancer from distant lands who can control fire. He is also a skilled warrior, using a hand ax in battle."

A standard battle mage, capable of both throwing fireballs and hitting someone on the head with an ax. This class can also be chosen by beginners. The main thing is to be able to switch from spells to melee weapons in time and then you will not care about any enemy.

  • Armor: Has the full Pyromancer set (crown, armor, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: hand axe, pyromancer's flame, round shield.
  • Rings: Ring of the Great Swamp (gives a bonus to pyromancy).
  • Spells: fireball.


  • Soul Level: 8
  • Vitality (Vigor): 11
  • Attunement: 12
  • Endurance: 10
  • Vitality: 8
  • Strength: 12
  • Dexterity: 9
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Faith: 14
  • Luck: 7


The class description reads as follows: “A traveling cleric who collapsed from exhaustion. High faith allows the cleric to create a wide variety of miracles."

Another mage who specializes in healing spells. However, if necessary, he can fight enemies at close range, healing himself with miracles. We do not recommend taking it for beginners, since in the initial stages it is still difficult to play as a cleric.

  • Armor: Cleric set (blue robe, gloves and pants).
  • Weapons: blue wooden shield, mace, cleric's sacred bell.
  • Spells: healing, push (creates a small force wave around the hero, which scatters opponents, but does not harm them).


  • Soul Level: 7
  • Vigor: 10
  • Attunement: 14
  • Endurance: 9
  • Physical Vitality: 7
  • Strength: 12
  • Dexterity: 8
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Faith: 16
  • Luck: 13

Beggar (Deprived)

The class description reads as follows: “A naked poor man of unknown origin. Either he was an unimaginable fool during his lifetime, or he was buried without any property.”

This class should be chosen only by experienced players who have completed previous parts and are familiar with the game mechanics Souls series. It is ideal for those players who want to develop their own class from the very beginning of the game. It will be extremely difficult for them to play in the initial stages.

  • Armor: scraps of clothing.
  • Weapons: club, plank shield.


  • Soul Level: 1
  • Vigor: 10
  • Attunement: 10
  • Endurance: 10
  • Vitality: 10
  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Faith: 10
  • Luck: 10

Burial Gifts

  1. Life Ring – a small ring with a small red precious stone. Increases maximum health points.
  2. Divine Blessing - Warm, blessed holy water. Fully restores health and cures all ailments.
  3. Hidden Blessing - pure, blessed holy water. Fully restores the hero's health.
  4. Black Firebomb is a powerful bomb with a special charge. A very strange gift for the deceased.
  5. Fire Gem is a material that can be used to improve fire weapons. A great gift for real warriors.
  6. Sovereignless Soul – the soul of the person sleeping next to you. Use it to get a lot of souls.
  7. Rusty gold coin(Rusted Gold Coin) - an item buried with a person so that it remains rich after death. Increases the likelihood of finding good items for a short period of time.
  8. The Cracked Red Eye Orb is a multiplayer item. Helps to become a dark spirit and invade other worlds.
  9. Young White Branch - The branch of a young white birch tree is perhaps a symbol of peace. Can be used to blend in with the outside world, but only once.

Most starting items are nothing special. In addition, many of them can be found already in the initial locations. We recommend taking black fire bombs, which can help in battles with difficult bosses, a ring of life, a fire gem, or a rusty gold coin.

We hope our guide to classes in Dark Souls 3 will help you do right choice and play with the right character from the very beginning.

The hardest part of Dark Souls 3 isn't fighting the bosses, or even navigating the trap-infested terrain. All hardcore starts with choosing a class. Surely, series veterans will remember how much indecision there was when choosing a class. After all, each class has not only unique characteristics, but also a number of features that make it possible to create a cool build.

general information

IN network game levels are used. The level of pumping and the level of the Soul are used in co-op mode for compatibility. When invading someone else's world, you must have a level lower than that of the target.

Life force

  • characterizes resistance to cold and the number of health points.


  • affects the number of Focus points (a resource that is used for magic and special attacks). In addition, it affects the number of consonance slots.


  • affects the stamina of your hero. Very important resource, since it is consumed when casting magic, attacking, blocking, dodging, and running.

Physical strength

  • affects physical defense, depending on a number of attributes. Power is also responsible for resistance to poisons and equipment weight.


  • is responsible for the ability to carry heavy and powerful weapons. Also affects attack power and fire resistance. Some types of weapons depend on strength.


  • is responsible for the ability to use advanced weapons. Improves attack power, reduces falling damage, and reduces the time it takes to use magic. Sharp and Refined weapons also depend on Dexterity.


  • necessary for pyromancers and magicians. Affects the power of spells and magical defense. Dark, Simple, Crystal and Chaos weapons also depend on intelligence.


  • needed for pyromancy and using miracles. Increases the power of spells, in particular Pyromancy. Dark defense, as well as Chaos, Dark, Blessed and Lightning Weapons depend on this attribute.


  • affects the chance of finding items. Improves bleeding and poisoning ability. Empty weapons and curse resistance depend on luck.
  • Equilibrium When leveling up this attribute, you will not be knocked down when running, casting, attacking or rolling. Also, due to Balance, the stamina consumption when blocking an attack is reduced.

Balance Damage

Weapons are your main offensive means if your character is melee focused. However, even for spellcasting characters, weapons can be extremely important and useful. Weapons vary significantly in size, shape, attack type, and performance requirements. Most weapons require advanced Strength and/or Dexterity stats, but there are also Intelligence and Faith based weapons in the game.

The characteristics of most weapons are also rated from E (worst) to S (best). A higher score provides an additional attack power bonus from the corresponding stat. Some weapons don't rely as much on stats, but receive a significant bonus in the form of raw attack power. When comparing weapons, carefully study its parameters.

The character can stand in a one-handed or two-handed stance. Press the triangle button to switch between one-handed and two-handed stances with the current weapon. This way you can quickly switch stances for a short time for heavy attacks, and then return to using a shield or other weapon while the enemy recovers.

If you hold down the triangle button, you will activate the two-handed function of the item in your left hand. Many heavy and super-heavy weapons perform best in a two-handed stance. So, let's look at the main parameters of the weapon:

Weapon category. All types of weapons that belong to the same category have similar properties.
Types of physical damage that weapons cause. It can inflict not only regular physical damage, but also damage from crushing, slashing or piercing blows.
Skills available for weapons. Remember that using skills costs CP.
Consumption of CP, which are spent when activating a skill.
Weapon weight.
Weapon durability. It decreases with use. After a certain point, the effectiveness of the weapon drops sharply.
Parameters responsible for attack power
The physical damage the weapon deals during an attack.
Magic damage dealt by a weapon during an attack.
Fire damage dealt by a weapon during an attack.
Lightning damage dealt by a weapon during an attack.
Dark damage dealt by a weapon during an attack.
Critical hit parameter - determines the strength of critical hits - for example, backstabs and retaliatory attacks after a parry.
Ranged weapon range.
Spell enhancement parameter. Spells can take the form of enchantments, pyromancy, or miracles.
Parameters responsible for absorbing damage when blocking
Reduces physical damage while blocking.
Reduces magic damage while blocking.
Reduces fire damage while blocking.
Reduces lightning damage while blocking.
Reduces dark damage while blocking.
Protection stability parameter. The higher this value, the less stamina consumed during blocks.
Parameters responsible for additional effects
Bleeding strength parameter. The higher the number, the faster bleeding is caused.
Poison strength parameter. The higher this number, the faster the poison will act.
Frost strength parameter. The higher this number, the faster frostbite occurs.
Character stat bonus
How much your strength increases the attack power of your weapon.
How much agility increases your weapon's attack power.
How much intelligence increases the attack power of your weapon.
How much faith increases the attack power of your weapon.
Character Requirements
The minimum amount of force required to use an item.
The minimum dexterity required to use the item.
The minimum intelligence required to use the item.
Minimum faith required to use the item.

Based on the character's stance, the weapon deals various combinations of attacks (moveset). So, if a character in a one-handed stance holds a weapon in his right hand, then he can deliver the following blows: and piercing swords have a special blow that is done instead of a kick. If a catalyst is equipped in your right hand, this will not allow you to perform a kick or jump attack. If you do not have a weapon in your right hand, then the enemy, using a shield, will block the kick.

In the two-handed stance, the normal and power strike will change, and it will also be possible to activate a special weapon skill. In addition, the character's strength parameter will increase by one and a half times. This makes it possible to use weapons with parameters that you have not yet achieved. By equipping a weapon that has a bonus from the character's strength parameter in this way, you will increase the weapon's attack based on the already increased character's strength parameter.

In addition, in a two-handed stance, the attack of each type of damage increases by 3%, regardless of the bonus to the weapon parameters. By holding down the power attack button (R2), you can significantly increase the damage from the blow, and if you manage to fully charge it, the attack will activate hyperarmor.

Just like armor, weapons have a hidden damage parameter for durability and balance. If you equip a weapon, it will increase the durability damage several times. In this part of the game, the choice of weapon does not affect hidden parameters. In Dark Souls, weapons affected hidden meanings.

At the end of each attack, the character's absorption of piercing damage drops for a second (maximum, this value can drop by 30 points). This moment must be used for a counterattack. Some weapon skills, for example, parrying with katanas, increase the absorption of each type of damage several times for a second.

The blacksmith Andre, with the help of titanite, can strengthen any weapon. After this procedure, the base damage and bonuses from the character’s parameters increase. In addition, Andre, with the help of various gems, hardens weapons. Depending on the type of gem and coal, the weapon enhances the following indicators: physical, magical, fire, lightning damage, dark damage, bleeding, poisoning.

Hardening a weapon allows you to increase some parameters while decreasing others. There are weapons that can only be strengthened with shimmering titanite and titanite scales. Hardening a weapon is a rather dubious procedure, since it only slightly increases damage. As a rule, weapons tempered with a rough gem deal more significant damage than weapons tempered with a fiery or abyssal gem. In order for a weapon with split damage to deal as much damage as a similar weapon with physical damage, its total attack must be approximately 50-70 units greater. During your first playthrough, try to experiment with different types weapons available for your stat level.

Characters in Dark Souls 3- This key feature gameplay. Depending on the chosen class, further passage is built storyline And side quests. The developers have prepared heroes for hardcore users and complete beginners in the world of RPGs.

Character classes in Dark Souls 3 allow you to create a well-oiled killing machine. Each guild representative has starter kit attributes that influence the game in the initial stages. In the future, you can turn the Thief into a Pyromancer, but this is a bad idea because then a lot of skill points were pumped into unnecessary attributes. Now let's move on to the classes presented in Dark Souls 3.

Types of heroes


One of the best options for beginners. Has a high health reserve. Operates powerful weapon BattleAxe (battle axe), which causes enough damage to opponents. If you take the ax in two hands and then activate the battle cry, then the probability of emerging victorious is extremely high. It is this class that deals with the initial boss the fastest.


Ideal for tanking. Boasts the second strongest shield and sufficient balance. In addition, the knight is equipped with a high threshold of survivability, which is necessary to wear heavy armor. This class forgives beginners some mistakes. He fights with a long sword.


Along with the warrior, Herald is endowed with a large number of hit points. Unlike previous fighters, he has a predisposition to healing spells, but is more focused on his spear and shield.


Another representative of half-breed magicians. He has a skill in his arsenal that allows him to sneak up on an enemy unnoticed. This ability removes damage after falling from a height.


Another member of the community of healing sorcerers. With just one casting of such a spell, the Cleric can restore most health.


In case your acquaintance Dark series Since Souls is just getting started, playing as a Thief isn't going to be much fun. This character's inventory contains only a dagger and a bow, which will appeal to fans of stealth mode. The reward for possible difficulties is a unique skill that allows you to move behind the enemy. In addition, it is endowed with the best indicator of luck.


The second representative of difficult-to-master heroes. At first, he uses a dagger and magic as weapons, which in equal proportions do little to cripple opponents. You'll have to do a lot of dodging and rolling to stay alive.


Balanced hero. If desired, he can become a powerful magician who is fluent in earthly weapons. His fireballs will help you defeat the first boss with ease. The main thing is to hit him with fireballs.


Looks very stylish compared to others. He has an extensive list of special moves aimed at attacking and parrying enemy attacks. His military background allows him to wield two types of weapons at once.


Belongs to the “Create yourself” category. All characteristics are distributed evenly. The weapons and armor serve as a reference to prehistoric times. It does not have pronounced skills, so it is suitable for advanced gamers.

Starting character classes in Dark Souls 3 can receive a narrow specialization as they progress, which will help them focus on certain abilities.

Determining Talent Points

Unfortunately, the game itself does not detailed description characteristics that are the fundamental basis in building a unique fighter. Character stats in Dark Souls 3 are divided into eight main skills and three additional attributes:

Basic skills

  • Vitality – health points and cold resistance.
  • Scholarship - the amount of mana and the ability to cast certain spells. Upgrading this item will increase the number of slots for spells.
  • Endurance - is similar to endurance. Shows how much energy is needed for a particular action, regardless of what type of activity the body movements are (reading a curse or waving a sword).
  • Physical Power is the undiminished part of a tanking hero. This attribute is aimed at protecting the character from all kinds of negative effects. In addition, it allows you to wear heavy armor and armor.
  • Strength - Carrying heavy weapons and increases the consequences after an enemy encounters them.
  • Agility is a classic version of AS (attack spead). The main attribute for those who rely on the maximum speed of performing certain actions.
  • Intelligence is another “building block” for heroes with a focus on magic. Increases the power of casts and also increases resistance to witchcraft attacks.
  • Faith determines the power of miracles. It is necessary to open access to black magic aimed at the destruction of living beings.
  • Luck – increases the character’s overall luck. In particular, the loss of several things and the poisoning of enemies.

Minor Characteristics

  • Balance – is responsible for the coordination of the fighter.
  • Balance Damage – Chance to knock the enemy down.
  • Critical Hit - Increases the chance of dealing additional damage from a normal attack.

It's complex and interesting RPG game, the third installment in the series, which is known for its unique combat system. In it, our hero most of the time fights with various opponents, and therefore it is of great importance what weapon we choose, how we pump it up, and how its damage changes depending on the character’s level of pumping. About this, as well as about which weapon will be the best in initial stage, I want to tell you in this article.

Which weapon should you choose?


This is a very important indicator in the game. What does it mean? In relation to 4 characteristics - strength (s), agility (l), intelligence (int) and faith (v) - the developers came up with a “bonus to characteristics”, which is denoted by the following letters: S, A, B, C, D, E . The strongest bonus is S, the weakest is E. How do you understand this? Each weapon has its own scaling depending on one or another character characteristic. And the more we develop this characteristic and improve the weapon during the game, the greater the increase in damage of this weapon we ultimately receive. How it works?

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

On the screen above are the characteristics of the Assassin's (Killer) initial weapon - Estok. This is a piercing sword that has scaling D for strength and dexterity. With the initial parameters of my character (s-10, l-14), this sword has physical damage of 105 +12. That is, the damage scaling is now 12 units.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

And in this screen, we see the same Estok, towards the end of the game, strengthened to +8, and tempered with an elegant gem to improve the scaling from strength and dexterity from D to S. As a result, with the character’s strength being 40 and agility being 35, to the main weapon damage of 170, another 168 units of scaling damage are added, which is a very serious addition.

Weapons can be improved. At Blacksmith Andre's in the Firelink Shrine. There are 2 parallel paths.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

1. Weapon Enhancement– this is when we increase the level of the weapon itself (and, accordingly, its damage) with the help of titanite (and souls) from the blacksmith Andre in the Fire Temple. Ordinary weapons can be upgraded with ordinary titanite, up to level 10. Up to +3, 12 titanite fragments are required (2-4-6 for each of the subsequent levels); up to +6 you need 12 large fragments (2-4-6); up to +9 – 12 titanite fragments (2-4-6). Well, to strengthen a weapon to +10, you need 1 piece of titanite. Unique weapon amplifies to a maximum of +5. To reach level +4 you need 15 pieces of shimmering titanite, and another 1 piece of titanite for +5. Weapons from Boss Souls require 15 pieces of titanite scales to level up +4, and 1 piece of titanite for +5.

2. Weapon hardening– this is a process that affects the change in scaling parameters, or the addition of elemental damage (but physical damage is reduced). For 4 options of basic hardening (for scaling), only the corresponding gem (plus souls) is required. Gems are found and dropped from mobs as the game progresses. The Rough Gem increases base damage by 30%, but completely removes scaling from stats. An excellent choice for a first weapon until we upgrade our strength and agility parameters. An elegant gem improves scaling from strength and dexterity - this is the choice for those builds where both characteristics are developed; sharpened - improves scaling only from dexterity, heavy - only from strength. To add elemental damage (fire, magic, darkness, etc.), as well as increase scaling from intelligence or faith, in addition to the corresponding gem, you also need to bring a certain coal. So, for example, to temper a weapon into chaos (which gives an increase in fire damage, plus improved scaling from int. and faith), you need to find a chaotic gem and bring the Giant's Coal to Andre. I would not advise non-magicians to sharpen weapons for elemental damage, since, on the one hand, physical damage is reduced and upon impact there is a decrease in damage in terms of each type of damage, and at the same time the weapon loses the ability to be enchanted with temporary buffs (spells and resins). And considering that in this part of the series, resins are sold in large quantities at a ridiculous price from the maid in the fire temple, and there is an excellent pyromancy spell for causing fire damage to weapons (which was not the case in the first part), it is better to use basic hardenings. But for magicians, on the contrary, it makes sense to sharpen their weapons with a crystal gem in order to increase the scaling from inta and faith.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Sword with fire damage

Well, finally, an important question that usually plagues most beginners who start the game for the first time: What weapon to choose at the beginning so that it deals maximum damage? In DS 3 this is a very important question, because... the game is designed in such a way that in the first half of the game (up to and including the Smoldering Lake) it is possible to upgrade only one regular weapon, and then only to +7. There are a lot of conflicting comments on the Internet. So what should you choose?

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Irithyll Sword

1. Estoc- piercing sword. He got here simply because I played as an Assassin, and this is the initial equipment of this class (you can also buy it from Gray Rat after his 1st outing). Estok is the best and longest sword from the class of piercing swords, but it is far from the best in terms of damage at the beginning. However, the point of playing as an Assassin is backstubs under silence (the “Spy” spell, which the Assassin initially has), and finishing off with Estok’s magnificent special move “Shield Breaker,” which allows you to deal damage to enemies when they are covered with a shield.

2. Panzerbrecher- a dagger that we find in the High Wall of Lothric. It has the highest percentage of critical hits - 140% in the game, and is exactly the weapon that my Assassin used to backstab throughout the first half of the game.

3. Uchigatana- a katana that we can get to the left of the entrance to the Fire Temple if we defeat the Sword Master. “Kind” people on the Internet advise you to hone your fighting skills on this particular enemy - I really don’t advise you to do this, because... any of your first weapons received during the character generation process is nothing more than a “digging stick” against a Master with a katana. It's easier to use a trick - aggro this mob, and then run and jump off the ledge. The master will rush after you and fall off the cliff, after which you will take his weapon where he originally stood. How to do this - YouTube can help you.

4. Long sword– the initial equipment of the Knight class, and can also be easily knocked out from “hollow” opponents in the High Wall of Lothric.

5. Sword- a short sword found in the High Wall of Lothric.

6. Claymore– this two-handed sword can be easily picked up if you shoot the Wyvern with a bow, which pours fire on everything in the High Wall of Lothric. To do this, we need to stand behind the turret to the left of the entrance, where we will then run, and shoot about 50 arrows. After that, turn around - there is a Claymore in the corner.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Sword of Darkness

7. Lothric Knight Sword- drops from this Knight. It's very easy to farm.

8. Deep ax– we can get this ax by killing a mimic in the High Wall of Lothric. Don't go to him right away, level up a little first!

9. Lucerne hammer- This halberd is guarded by one of the Lothric knights in the area of ​​the High Wall of Lothric, between the entrances to the bosses Vordt and the Dancer.

10. Sword of Darkness. There is so much information about him on the Internet! It is dropped by the Dark Spirit, which sits behind the initially locked door in the High Wall of Lothric, in the same place as the Mimic. To open the door, we need to find a pale tongue in the Undead Settlement and give it to Leonhard Ring Finger in the Fire Temple, after which we will receive the key and can try to knock out the sword of darkness from the Dark Spirit. But there are difficulties here: 1) The dark spirit is a fairly strong opponent at the initial stage of the game; 2) the sword falling out is pure randomness. I killed the spirit in this location 50 times, but never received the sword (parts of his set and a pale tongue fell out). But when I killed this mob for the first time in the Path of Sacrifices location, the Sword of Darkness immediately fell from it. So go for it...

11. Irithyll Sword– drops from a legionnaire knight in the Undead Settlement, at the bottom of the tower (where there is a giant archer at the top). This legionnaire guards the passage to the Path of Sacrifices. A very strong enemy, it is better to lure him to the elevator shaft (after sending him up), standing on the far side of the shaft - the mob will rush at you and... will fall into the mine.

12. Partisan- we will find this spear in the Undead Settlement, when we go up from the Foot of the Cliff bonfire to the second floor of the house to kill the mobs throwing fire bombs and save the pyromart. Before going to these mobs, you need to cut down the corpse hanging on the left, and the spear will fall onto the path (a very dangerous enemy will stand there).

Unfortunately, I did not find a Large Scythe in the Undead Settlement, which according to the description should be there, but I don’t have it (I checked it twice).

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark spirit. We use it to farm the Sword of Darkness

How did I compare these 12 weapons?

Certain criteria were selected and the result is visible in the table below.

- Weight– given for a conditional division into light and heavy weapons;

- Weapon requirements for strength/dexterity. Initially, my Assassin had 10 strength and 14 agility, plus 1 unit of strength I took from the High Wall of Lothric in order to wear the first shield with 100% protection against physical damage. Therefore, the calculation of damage proceeded either from my initial indicators s-11, l-14, or the initial requirements for the weapon, if some characteristic had to be higher. Those. The calculation of damage for the Broadsword was with parameters c-11, l-14, and the calculation of damage for Uchigatana was with parameters c-11, l-16.

- Presence of additional effect– for example, Uchigatana causes bleeding. After filling the bleeding scale - 3-4 damage, there is an additional decrease in the character's life level.

-Series– I checked how many quick hits at toughness-30 (my standard toughness in this game) each weapon does. This is important for “spamming” the enemy. A number like 5.5 means that the weapon made 6 quick hits, but had very little durability left for the last one.

- Hardening\Temporary buff– the ability to harden a weapon or apply buffs is a very important criterion for me.

- Initial Damage– what is the total damage shown in the parameters of an unpumped weapon.

- Damage +4– what is the total damage shown in the parameters of this weapon, enhanced to +4 (you need 12 titanite fragments and 2 large fragments). Why was this particular indicator taken? The fact is that we find this amount of titanite before the battle with the boss Vordt in the High Wall of Lothric (6 fragments are scattered throughout the first locations, 2 can be knocked out from 2 Rotten ones if you first let them change into another form, like the first training boss Gundir ; we knock out 4 more from ordinary mobs. We exchange 1 large fragment from the Chick in the Fire Temple for a fire bomb, and 1 more falls out of the wyvern if we shoot it with a bow). In the future, we will run with a +4 sword all the way to Farron Citadel, where we can increase the leveling to +5.

- Damage to Knight. This is the culmination of my comparison. You never know what the general damage figures are. I was wondering what the real damage would be when delivering quick strikes to a powerful opponent. A Lothric Knight was chosen for the experiment in the High Wall of Lothric location. I took every weapon that showed maximum damage at +4 with me, and fought with the Knight at least 2 times, and saw what the damage was.

The results of my analysis are in the table below.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

What we see as a result: Everything is clear with Estok and Panzerbrecher, and I already wrote above why they were included in this table; From light weapons: The Irithyllian sword, which causes frostbite, was not included in the top because... is a very situational weapon. It is improved only by shimmering titanite, which is not available at the beginning of the game, so this sword is much inferior to any ordinary +4 sword; However, it cannot be hardened or given temporary buffs. Protazan dropped due to low damage. The sword of the Lothric knight, with average damage, requires too high initial characteristics in comparison with others. As a result, the swords have almost the same damage indicators as the Broadsword, Long sword, Sword of Darkness and Uchigatana, but up to 7 hits in a series are delivered by the Long Sword and Broadsword, and the rest - 6. What you choose in the end is up to you. Special move of the Broadsword (and Long Sword) - Stance, in my opinion, is more interesting than the Furious Attack of the Sword of Darkness; Moreover, the latter is quite difficult to obtain; Uchigatana has additional bleeding. From Heavy Weapons - the Lucerne Hammer lost in terms of damage, but the Claymore is very good with 120 damage, but I didn’t like it because of the relatively slow swings (although 6 hits in a series). And who is the leader? This is the Deep Axe! A light ax that requires minimal characteristics, deals 7 hits in a series, has additional damage with darkness, deals maximum total damage to the knight 128. And at the same time, it can be hardened and buffed. Those. take a rough gem, harden it, and immediately get another +30% damage! And his special move Battle Cry itself increases the damage done. My conclusion is the best option to start the game, and next time I will go through DS 3 with the Deep Axe.

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Dark Souls 3. Weapon scaling and improvement. Choosing a weapon to start the game

Deep ax

And each of you can choose your favorite weapon yourself, based on my table. I advise you to do this: go through the High Wall of Lothric, get pumped up, kill the boss Vordt without strengthening your weapon, and then run around the area and farm Lothric Knights using different weapons (after all, we will find everything that is in the top in front of Vordt, with the exception of the Sword of Darkness ). This way you will kill several birds with one stone: accumulate 20,000 souls to buy the key to the Fire Temple Tower (now is the time to get the Estus Ring), learn to fight with serious opponents, farm coal, titanite fragments, parts of the Lothric Knight set (each costs 500 souls) and choose YOUR FAVORITE weapon for the first half of the game. Good luck!