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What is a card and what is it for? What is a map?

Why is it needed, what types of maps are there, and in particular, about the map of Russia and the world.

Ancient times

The widespread development of continents and the discovery of new lands began in the Middle Ages and continued until the beginning of the 20th century. The last to “surrender” to people was Antarctica, which became the grave for many explorers. But with the development of navigation and travel in general, an urgent need for maps gradually arose. After all, new lands or the path traveled had to be somehow marked for followers. The first maps were very approximate and schematic images. Due to the poor development of navigation equipment and, as a consequence, the low accuracy of maps, their compilers, compensating for the latter, competed in artistic design. But, fortunately, in our time, cartography has reached its heights, especially with the launch of thousands of satellites into orbit. So what is a map? What are they and what are they needed for? We'll figure this out.


According to the dictionary, a geographic map is an image of the Earth's surface with a coordinate grid, maintaining proportions relative to its scale and applying conventional symbols.

If we take this definition as a general one, then a map can be called a generalized, smaller image of the Earth's surface, another planet, a celestial body or space as a whole, which shows all the objects in one or another system of conventional signs. We figured it out, but what is it for?

The answer is very simple - for orientation. By finding certain objects or an array of them on the ground and doing the same on the map, you can accurately determine your location. In fact, in our time it is absolutely impossible to do without maps; even the abundance of pointers will not help, and besides, they are not available everywhere.

Maps are used by tourists and geologists, captains of sea vessels, military and civilian pilots, in the end, in big city You can’t do without guidebooks, since anyone can get lost in the interweaving of streets. Now we know what cards are. But what types are there?


The first and most basic is geographical. It accurately shows the outlines of the continents, all proportions are observed on one scale or another, and natural objects are indicated - rivers, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, etc. But you can’t find similar ones so often, and more common are general geographical ones, on which roads, cities and other things are also marked. settlements.

The second type is thematic cards. They are dedicated to a single object - a natural park, forest or tourist route. This type can also include socio-political ones. Their goal is not just to reliably show the area, but to display a particular state - maps of states, their natural resources, political system or population.

Map of Russia

The territory of this country ranks first in the world in terms of area. And its map is also large, and on all scales. It includes many natural and climatic mountains. Over the past centuries, it has changed many times due to wars and political regimes, and the map with the largest scale was created in the Soviet Union. Of course, it also includes those territories that in our time do not belong to Russia, but it is suitable for orientation.

World map

The final and complete image of the globe was obtained only with the discovery of all continents. But for a long time it was supplemented by new objects, such as islands. Now anyone can get acquainted with the world map, and for this there is no need to look for an atlas - high-quality satellite images are available to all Internet users.

So now we know what a card is and what it is for.

At the summer camp they held for us interesting game: we ran all over the territory, collecting pieces cards. When we collected it entirely, it showed us the way to the treasure. Even then I realized that the map is a very cool thing.

What is a map called?

More often A map is an image of the area on a plane. So that you don't have to draw everything in life size, scale is applied.

How to navigate on the map

Imagine a sad situation: you are lost. Luckily, I was with you map. Now we need to understand how navigate it.

This happens in four steps:

  • Step one is to calm down. Panic will not help matters; now the main thing is to act carefully.
  • Step two is to correctly orient the map on the ground. This means that the top of the map should be facing north.
  • Step three is to find the place where you are now on the map.
  • Step four is to move in the right direction, checking whether the map matches the terrain.

Orienting the map on the ground

The easiest way - do it with a compass. His the arrow will point north, respectively, The top of the card must be turned in this direction.

There's only one problem: Usually no one takes a compass with them. In this case, there are also options for how you can act.

If you find yourself with magnet and needle, Can rub them together then place the needle in a mug or puddle of water. The magnetized needle will align with the line connecting south and north.

Usually, Tree moss grows stronger on the north side. This will help understand where north is, but the method is not very reliable. It is good in combination with the previous one - after all, the needle does not exactly indicate where is north and where is south.

You can wait sunset or sunrise. The sun, as you know, rises in the west (where we turn the left side of the map), and sets in the east (the right side should be turned towards it).

At night Can understand where north is, with help Polar Star. To detect it, we connect the two outermost stars of the Big Dipper and mentally extend this line until it hits a bright star. The easiest way to understand what needs to be done is in the picture below.

Finding your location on the map

To understand, where you are using a map, we have to try find some kind a noticeable landmark. In the city it could be something building.In open areas - rivers, railway tracks, roads, any terrain features (hills, ravines).

What other cards are there?

Don't think that there are only area maps. All kinds cards surround us every day:

One thing is clear: You can't survive in this world without cards. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly.

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Friends, you often ask, so we remind you! 😉

Flights- you can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

My acquaintance with a geographical map happened a very long time ago. Above my grandfather’s table hung a map of the cultivated territory (my grandfather was engaged in land reclamation in the village). I often sat down at the table and simply admired the map. Then I still did not understand what all these signs, numbers and different colors cards. When my grandfather saw my interest, he told me a little about the card and how to work with it.

A map is analogous to a globe

Maps refer to information graphic models. This is an analogue of a globe, but only on a plane, not a ball. This model features image of the earth's surface or a small section of it, reduced several times.

The card must contain:

  • Legend.
  • Meridians.
  • Parallels.
  • Self image and symbols.

Legend cards - symbols everything that is shown on the map. The legend makes the map readable not only for other cartographers, but also for ordinary people.

Meridians- lines running along the map from north to south(or from south to north, depending on how you look at it). In reality they do not exist; they were invented to simplify navigation on a map or globe.

Parallels- lines coming from west to east on the map. The largest parallel is the equator. Like meridians, parallels are simply imaginary lines that help with orientation.

Conventional signs- certain symbols that are supposed to convey certain information (for example, the location of ports, roads, etc.)

Changes to maps

Maps have been used since very ancient times (used even before ancient Babylon and Egypt arose). Over time, the maps improved. If the very first maps were simply rock paintings (maps that appeared before our era) of the area, then in our era maps were drawn on clay tablets and only then on paper. Later the scale changed. Maps from small, showing one small territory (a city, well, at most a country) have become global. Later, when digital technologies appeared, cards became Computer World. Nowadays, with the help of satellites, ultra-precise and detailed maps are created (for example, maps from Google), and satellite technologies allow you to view the territory in real time.

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As children we often played various games, one of which was a treasure hunt. Some drew a map, and others had to use it to find what was hidden. It was very interesting and quite educational. Now I use the map only to navigate the area, and nothing more. Although various cards play a huge role when traveling.

What is a card and where can it be used?

If we consider it globally, a map is an image of a surface on a plane. Maps can depict cities or regions, countries, continents, or the entire planet.

We are used to thinking of a map as a small piece of paper with an image of the area, but in the era of digital technology, most people use electronic cards, however, you often have to use the classic version.

When I didn’t yet have a smartphone, when I arrived in an unfamiliar city, I bought a map so that I could navigate on my own, rather than asking passers-by. This is very good way explore unfamiliar terrain.

When we go to the mountains with friends, we always take a paper map of the area, where all the trails are marked. If you know how to navigate it, you can find a way out of almost any situation.

How is a map different from a globe?

It is clear that the map has a flat shape, and the globe has a spherical shape. A globe is a more accurate model of our planet than a map. But these are not all the differences.

Since the map is on a plane, the closer to the poles there are, the more distortions there are, so the measurements will be inaccurate.

Unlike a globe, you can easily take a map with you on any hike or trip; it will not cause any inconvenience.

What is a contour map

Under contour map you should understand a special type of map, where there are relief elements, as well as a coordinate grid. But often conventional signs are missing completely or partially.

Such maps are used for educational purposes in geography and history. The essence of the tasks that need to be performed on these maps is that you need to apply the symbols yourself.

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Today, almost all over the world, the fashion for wearing clothes with the image of a map of one’s native region or country is gaining momentum. Not only geologists and tourists, but also the creators of stylish clothing came to the aid of geography, namely, knowledge of the map.

What are the different types of cards?

For more fruitful work, people of various professions can add their own flavor to the map, that is, make it thematic and give additional meaning. Maps can become propaganda material in the hands of cultural figures. They are colorful, simple, complemented by drawings - similar to a poster. With the help of these cards, people's cultural horizons are expanded. There are also educational maps; they are used as visual material when studying, for example, geology or history.

And the most interesting maps, I believe are intended for travelers! IN tourist maps depicts the most interesting places for recreation - nature reserves, museums, tourist centers, holiday homes, camping spots, famous monuments, etc. Such maps helped my husband and I a lot when we went on a trip to the cities of the Black Sea coast: Adler, Tuapse, etc.) . There is also technical cards, they are used:

  1. Astronauts.
  2. Sailors.
  3. Engineers.

They are, in my opinion, the most difficult. With their help, important technical issues are resolved.

Who is a cartographer

People who make maps are called cartographers. They appeared already in ancient times. There was no written language yet, and people schematically marked on the rocks of caves the places where it was best to hunt or fish. Already in the Middle Ages, well-read people who were also talented mathematicians and artists became cartographers. And today there are cartographic factories and bureaus where people of various professions work in close-knit teams (geologists, planners, programmers, designers, economists, surveyors, meteorologists, etc.).

A modern cartographer spends most of his working time at the computer, because an electronic map is becoming an increasingly popular product.

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Because I like to travel to deserted places where there is no Internet, I have to take a bunch of paper maps and a compass with me so as not to get lost. Knowing what a map is is essential for every traveler. One day she will be the one who can save your life.

What is the map

Everything is simple here, this is what they call a flat scaled (!) image of the earth's surface or sky. Since ancient times, maps have helped people navigate the terrain. Interestingly, the first maps depicted the starry sky.

How to get out of the forest using a map

Let's start with the fact that one card is rarely enough. You will also need a ruler and a compass, with them you will make your life much easier. Some may think that a compass is enough to find their way back, but the fact is that its readings are not accurate. There is always an error of several degrees, this is due to the mismatch of geographical and magnetic poles. Because of this, you can deviate from the route by several meters every kilometer.

If you take a map, you will have landmarks and a plan of the area. Place it on the ground, put a compass on top, then decide where you need to go (the direction of the cardinal direction from where you came). It is important not to deviate from the route and not to follow animal paths, otherwise you risk meeting an animal.

How to overcome panic

I still managed to get lost a few times. I know from my own experience that panic sets in a few seconds after realizing the situation. To a person, when he is sitting at home and just planning a trip, it seems that it is not so difficult to fight it. But this is not true.

So that you don’t prevent yourself from escaping from the forest, I will give some tips on how to get rid of panic:

  • take a deep breath and hold your breath, close your eyes and count to 60;
  • think that this is just an interesting adventure, and you will definitely tell your friends about it;
  • It helps me if I look at one point for a long time.

Remember that if you think rationally, you will definitely get out of any situation.

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Cards- this is my hobby. You can say that I collect them, because the walls of my house are covered with various cards, beginning with world maps and ending with a map of each country or continent. Of particular interest to me are ancient maps, but unfortunately, I don’t have a single one in my collection :(

What is commonly called a map?

Since time immemorial, man has been for transmitting and displaying some surface information created maps. Nowadays the map is a common thing V Everyday life. The most common - general geographical, which indicate the features of the area: settlements, relief and vegetation. There are others - thematic, in which special attention is paid, for example, to temperature or precipitation.

Geographic map- surface display Earth on surface. All of them are classified according to the following criteria:

  • by appointment;
  • by content;
  • by scale;
  • by territory coverage.

Ancient maps

Today we have photos of the planet from space, but there are few unexplored places left on the Earth itself. Of particular interest is consideration ancient maps, on which ancient people displayed their worldview. Typically, the world is represented as the only island, surrounded on all sides by water. Here are some ancient maps that have survived to this day.

Babylonian map. It is a clay tablet, presumably from the 6th century BC. The land on it is surrounded "salt water", and behind it are triangles indicating high mountains of unexplored lands. The center of the map, naturally, is occupied by itself Babylon.

Eratosthenes Map. The uniqueness of this creation lies in the fact that it is the first image taking into account sphericity of our planet. Eratosthenes, the creator of the map, lived in the 4th century BC in Greece. It is believed that the term itself "geography" also has his authorship. In this map, the world is represented by one island, surrounded by ocean above and below. He admitted the existence "antipodes" on the other hemisphere, but it was impossible to get there.

Piri Reis Map. It is famous for the fact that the Turkish navigator marked on it Antarctica, discovered almost three centuries later. Many believe that this is absolutely nothing surprising, since many ancient scientists guessed about the existence of an unknown "southern land" or bullets, then, using mathematical calculations, an image is obtained in a plane. Others are also used surfaces:

  • plane;
  • cone;
  • cylinder.

Cardinal directions placed according to the standard - relative to the beholder: north- above, south- from below, west- on the left, and East- on right.

To depict oceans and continents on a map, they use the method flat projections. In this case, the surface of the continent is applied to it. Maps are drawn up in the plane Antarctica and subpolar regions.

For design Asia, Eurasia and the world use projection cone. In this case, 1-2 cones visually impaled to a model of the planet. Then, all points of the Earth are transferred to them.

Form cylinder used to create world maps. The model of the planet is visually immersed in a cylinder, then its surface is depicted on its walls. When cylinder will be deployed - it will work flat image.

Inverted geographic map

Yes, yes, there is such a thing! Map with south at the top and north at the bottom is a map of the world on which And are at the top, and not at the bottom, as we are all used to seeing. is in the center and America and Europe- on both sides . But there are also inverted cards on which Greenwich meridian is the central object. In more modern world, in the northern states, rare, but there are maps with the south at the top. For example, a map Switzerland, subsidized

Map: A cartographic sheet publication containing a map that occupies the entire area of ​​the sheet. Source: GOST 7.60 2003: System of standards for information, library... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Card: Deck of cards: Playing cards Tarot cards Card game Trading card game Space (terrain) map: Geographic map Landscape map Marine navigation map Topographic map Sports card Digital card... ... Wikipedia

- (Italian carta, Latin charta paper). 1) a rectangular piece of paper on which signs of one of the four are depicted card suits. 2) drawing of the sky, earth, sea, etc. ( geographic Maps). 3) a list of foods and drinks in hotels. Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

MAP, cards, women. (German Karte, from Latin charta). 1. A drawing of part of the earth’s surface, the same as a land map (geographical map). A map of Europe. || The same with primary consideration, according to the rules of cartography, of certain special features... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Lay out your cards, play cards, show your cards, put on a card, play cards... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. map diagram, local map, ... ... Synonym dictionary

map- map Karte – modified (scaled), flattened, based on the important mathematical laws (laws of map projections) images of significant areas or all areas of the earth’s surface, other celestial bodies or the underground space on... ... Girnichy encyclopedic dictionary

Women drawing of any part of the earth, sea, firmament, geographical, topographical (particular and detailed), marine, etc. map. Flat nautical chart, which is drawn taking the surface of the globe onto a plane; Mercator, on... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

The card is coming- to whom. The card went to someone. Razg. 1. Starting to get lucky for someone card game. Dr. Klebe rather accommodatingly allowed the game to be extended for half an hour, especially since in the second rubber he had an unprecedented card (K. Fedin. Arcturus Sanatorium). And the more... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Map- * map * map 1. Graphic description of physically or genetically established positions (positions) of k.l. indicators on a linear or circular DNA molecule, their relative location and distance. K. can show the location of sites... ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

map- Built in map projection, a reduced, generalized image of the surface of the Earth, the surface of another celestial body or extraterrestrial space, showing the objects located on them in a certain system of conventional symbols.… … Technical Translator's Guide

map- Constructed in a cartographic projection (on a plane) using special symbols, a reduced and generalized image of the surface of the Earth, other celestial bodies or the celestial sphere. Syn.: cartographic image;… … Dictionary of Geography


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The article tells you about what a map is, what it is needed for, what types of maps there are, and about the map of Russia and the world.

Ancient clock

The widespread development of continents and the discovery of new lands began in the Middle Century and continued until the beginning of the 20th century. Antarctica “was given up” to people and became a grave for the rich people who came before them. With the development of navigation and the rise in prices in general, the need for maps gradually arose. Even new lands and the passage of paths needed to be taken into account for the followers. The first maps were very approximate and schematic images. Due to the weak development of navigation skills and, as a result, the low accuracy of the maps, their managers, compensating for the rest, painted in artistic design. Well, fortunately, in our time, cartography has reached its heights, especially with the launch of thousands of satellites into orbit. So what is a map? What kind of stinks exist and what are they needed for? Let's figure it out.


According to the dictionary, a geographic map is an image of the surface of the Earth with a coordinate grid, in different proportions to its scale and the application of mental symbols. Since it is more important than the earth, then a map can be called a more detailed image of the Earth’s surface of another planet, a celestial body, or space in general, which shows all the activities in one or another system of the mind ovnyh signs. What kind of map did we draw? Why is it needed? The answer is even simpler - for orientation. By knowing the locality of each object or their array and having drawn the same on the map, you can accurately determine your location. In fact, in this day and age it is absolutely impossible to do without cards; there are too many indicators to help, and besides, the stink is not going away.

Tourists and geologists, captains of sea vessels, military and civil pilots, Vreshti-Reshti, use maps; the great place cannot do without travelers, as in the intertwined streets one can easily get lost. Now we know what the cards are. How do you see them?


First and foremost, it is not geographical. It accurately shows the outline of the continents, detailing all the proportions in this or that scale and the designation of natural objects - rivers, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, etc. However, such drawings are not so common, and are more common galnogeographical, They also show roads, places and other settlements. Another type is thematic maps. They are dedicated to one object, a natural park, a forest or a tourist route. To this type can be considered suspense-political. Their meta is not just to reliably show locality, but also to represent one another country - maps of powers, their natural wealth, political structure and population size.

Map of Russia

The territory of this region occupies first place in the world behind the area. And the map itself is large, and on all scales. It includes an abundance of natural and climatic regions. Over the course of the remaining centuries, it changed a lot due to wars and political regimes, and the map with the greatest scale was created in the Radian Union. Of course, it includes those territories that are currently not visible to Russia, but are useful for orientation.

Map of the world

Residual and external images of the earth's core could be removed from all continents. For a long time now, it has been supplemented with new objects, such as islands. Anyone can get acquainted with the map of the world, and there is no need to search the atlas - all the Internet users have access to satellite information photos. So now we know what the map is. , and why it is needed.