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Assassins creed unity story. Assassin's Creed: Unity - an afterthought

I just recently finished going through the Assassin's storyline Creed Unity. Yes, yes, this happens too. It's not that it takes so long to get through. There just wasn't time. I read in many reviews that the plot is not the best this part can boast of. I don’t entirely agree with this and therefore decided to speak out. If you haven't finished the game yet and don't want to get spoilers, don't read any further. This text is a total spoiler.

So what do we have? Arno's story is simple: his father is killed almost before his eyes, after which the boy is taken into the family by Francois de la Serre. As the game progresses, we learn that he is the head of the Templar Order, and Arno's father was an assassin. Of course, Francois has a daughter, Eliza, who is pretty and dear to Arno’s heart. Children grow up, relationships between them develop. But something happens that brings Arno to the assassins - the head of the Templars is killed. Arno, naturally, becomes the only witness and the first person seen with the corpse. In those days, they didn’t bother with the investigation and Arno was immediately thrown into the Bastille. The use of this cliche is depressing. We see exactly the same plot plot in The Crew, and in general this is a very common technique.

But thanks to him, we witness the “heroic” taking of the Bastille and Arno’s acquaintance with the Order of Assassins. It is in prison that he meets Bellec, an old friend of Arno's father and an assassin to boot. And, in fact, he becomes Arno’s mentor in the brotherhood.

Bellek himself

When I saw Arno being accepted into the brotherhood, a stingy nostalgic tear rolled down my cheek. Finally, the game has returned to its roots, to brotherhood, to the times of my favorite second part. And Ubisoft's rite of passage was simply amazing. The mission where you run around in your memory is one of the best in the game. But, unfortunately, the charm of brotherhood ended there. When I saw one of the heads of the brotherhood as a black man, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Black person? Assassin? In 18th century France? Are you seriously???? Adewale looked very natural in the role of an assassin. A slave who gained freedom and went to take revenge on his oppressors. Moreover, on the islands of the Caribbean, blacks were not uncommon. But in France, where will blacks come from?

And then a typical assassin story began - a story of revenge. For some reason, Arno is deeply convinced that he is to blame for the death of his adoptive father (I still don’t understand why he got this idea) and decides to find the killer and take revenge. Well, it's a noble cause. In addition, it turns out that the Assassins and Templars have a truce. The developers again decided to show us that not everything is so simple, but they again failed. Francois de la Serre was precisely the leader who supported the truce with the Assassins. As it turns out, not everyone loved this idea. The dismantling of the Templars is shown well: they kill each other, plot intrigues, and the assassins somehow ended up completely on the side with no visible goals. Only Arno wants revenge. And this revenge of his was perfectly suited to the search for the culprit for violating the truce.

Immediately, the scriptwriters throw us another interesting plot device: Arno finds out that Eliza followed in her father’s footsteps and became a Templar. Now love is harder to build, just like with an assassin. But the writers decided not to bother. Why make serious relationships and mental turmoil because of belonging to warring factions? Everything is much simpler: both Arno and Elisa want revenge. Therefore, together. Although for Arno everything turns out to be more complicated, but more on that later.

It’s interesting to follow the investigation: we come across unexpected places and people in revolutionary Paris. I really liked Napoleon. It's a shame there isn't enough of him in the game. And how amazing the Marquis de Sade, the founder of sadism, turned out! After the game I ran to read his novels.

Young Napoleon

An unambiguous look at the goat

During the investigation, Arno gets carried away and kills someone who should not have been killed. The heads of the brotherhood are indignant. The moment of Arno's expulsion from the Assassins impressed me to the core. I sat there and couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing. Arno is told that he, they say, violated all the covenants of the brotherhood, does not remember the creed and is too carried away by revenge.

Hey??? Is there anyone here of sound mind and bright memory? Isn’t the credo “Nothing is true. Everything is allowed"? What about the permissiveness clause? What's the complaint? Much revenge? So, after all, Ezio was only engaged in taking revenge on the Borgia family for the murder of his father and brothers. But Ezio revived brotherhood in Italy and therefore he is allowed, but Arno is not allowed. At this point, the writers got it right, of course.

And what do we have in the finale? And the ending, in principle, is not bad. I personally liked the idea that the Templars had no business collaborating with the Assassins. The world needs to be conquered by someone alone. Germain, the Grand Master of the Templars, was not happy about peace with the Assassins. Bellek also supported the same idea among the assassins. He considered the Templars the main enemies. Alas, Arno did not share his point of view and killed him. As he eventually killed the Grand Master of the Templars. Everything was fine if not for Eliza's death. IN Lately I am not a supporter of happy endings, but here I wanted the story of Arno and Eliza to end well. But the developers decided to take an unexpected turn. But in the end they made a fool out of Eliza, in my opinion. During the investigation, it turned out that Arno no longer does this, not so much for himself as for the sake of the girl, and that he is ready to do anything for her and that her safety and life are more important to him. Quite a noble move on the part of a man in love. But Eliza didn't appreciate it. Her father's revenge comes first. And it ruined her. The fact is that Germain had a sword, and not a simple one, but the sword of Eden, which struck his enemies with lightning. But Eliza decided that she could handle it herself, and without Arno she went into battle. And she didn’t leave it. Apparently, the developers decided to make Arno look like Ezio to the end. His personal life also settled down only towards retirement.

It remains to summarize. The plot in Unity is mediocre. Of course, the series has never been famous for strong stories, but I wouldn’t say that everything is bad at all. Arno is not so obsessed with revenge, he is even ready to give it up for the sake of his beloved. It’s interesting to investigate, but looking for opportunities to kill is doubly interesting. It’s a pity that the revolution turned out to be just a background, and the heroes don’t take part in it at all. I hope that the history of Victorian London will be deeper and more developed.

The first was often boring, but she still had one strong feature: she had to plan. Here's a square with a bunch of guards, here's a victim yelling something in the crowd, here's a set of assassin's tools - get out of it!

Very controversial, but nevertheless she was the first who was not afraid to return to where it all began. Gone naval battles, a complex trading system and little things like horse riding. What's left? The most important thing remains.

The simple art of killing

In the structure of ordinary missions Unity little has changed, but when it comes to the main thing - the murders - everything changes. Each time it is a large-scale puzzle in the spirit. You usually have to act in large locations, such as squares or palace-fortresses with adjacent lands. And again, you can decide for yourself which way to approach the victim.

Sometimes the game marks places worthy of attention on the map: here you can get the key to the back entrance, and here a keg of poisoned wine will come in handy. With these clues, you can pull off the job with special grace, finishing off the victim, say, in a confessional. By the time the guards come to their senses, you will be gone.

IN Unity, just like Hitman, you can disguise yourself, but without pulling on other people's trousers. With the help of a special ability, the hero briefly transforms into a guard, townsman or nobleman in a second.

In the new conditions of “hunting,” eagle vision, which illuminates opponents even through walls, will become almost the most popular tool.

But no one will impose this style of passing. There are usually so many guards at levels that it is rarely possible to carry out an operation completely quietly. However, this was the original philosophy Assassin's Creed- create opportunities, think on your feet.

Setting up locations helps. A commotion accidentally created on the fourth floor is unlikely to quickly attract the attention of a victim living on the first, but making a fuss in time will help get to her. This encourages decisive action: even the most hopeless situation can be turned to your advantage.

Several times during the game, the Animus (now Helix) will naturally freeze, and Arno will have to survive in another era for some time. It's a pity that such episodes are fleeting - wow!

It will no longer be possible to rush in noisily and daringly cut everyone off; the combat system has been significantly reworked, and enemies have begun to pose a significant threat. Your opponents no longer intend to wait for you to complete your swing or perform a spectacular finishing move. They don’t even attack in turns: catching two axes in the back and a bullet in the forehead at the same time is now par for the course.

Events can unfold in dozens of scenarios. So you carried out a massacre, but hid from the guards behind a smoke screen and go head-on towards the victim who was left without protection. But you carefully take down the sentries on the towers and walls, hoping to find a good point and jump onto the target from a height. And then they discovered that the window in the victim’s room was open. All that remains is to distract the bodyguards...

Brother for brother

The script has never been a strong point Assassin's Creed, And Unity, alas, is no exception.

This time we play the role of Arno, who as a child survived the death of his assassin father and came under the tutelage of a Templar. For the time being, he did not suspect anything and simply lived, experiencing deep and even mutual feelings for his half-sister Eliza. But one day Arno’s stepfather was killed, and it was our hero who was accused. And he should go to the chopping block, yes old friend his father, also an assassin, saves the young man and convinces him to join the brotherhood.

Pecking love story It's intriguing at first. Arno is an assassin, Elisa is a Templar. Almost Romeo and Juliet!

But nothing interesting comes out of this love. A conflict of interest does not prevent the couple from collaborating and kissing passionately. No drama.

Gradually, everything develops into a strange pattern: “Templars kill Templars, and the assassins help them in this.” The motives of most of the characters are difficult to trace, and they are not interesting. And Arno himself is a boring guy. He was driven by revenge and didn’t give a damn about the assassins’ creed or the revolution.

His “colleagues” are not far behind and either skillfully hide their goals from us or have none at all. The Templars are always striving for power, but what the assassins want and why they kill is not clear. For the greater good? Unconvincing.

It’s especially offensive that the Great French Revolution, for the sake of which everything was started, is almost not woven into the plot and serves only as a beautiful background.

Although only historical figures are of some interest (Arno, for example, will personally meet the Marquis de Sade and Napoleon), they will not play a significant role in the plot.

Robespierre lived in this house

Therefore, the main and most interesting actor Unity- Paris. Well, what, but the chosen era and place of action Ubisoft always worked with inhuman meticulousness. Paris to Unity is huge, beautiful and detailed, and in the whole city there are no two identical gateways. All the sights are in the right place, and using the local encyclopedia you can prepare for the exam in cultural studies. Large-scale handmade work.

But, having drawn a spectacular and believable Paris, the developers again failed to cope with its content. There are enough interesting activities here - take on the same cooperative tasks in which we, in the company of two to four people, hunt for victims or rob palaces. But the plot part and open world exist in parallel planes, almost without intersecting.

The townspeople skillfully portray life. Someone is sweeping the yard, someone is trimming the barber's mustache, and someone is swinging a stick with a guard's head over their head - the spirit of revolution is definitely felt in the city.

Just walking around Paris and exploring it is no less interesting than going through the story. Especially considering that now you can not only wander the streets, but also enter many houses.

Incentive to pass side quests no - you will get the best uniforms and weapons after completing the story. The developers tried to get out of it, but somehow clumsily: sometimes the game simply doesn’t let you go further in the story until you buy new equipment and level up. And even from under the stick interesting tasks It’s not too tempting to do.

The rude imposition of additional services is no less annoying. To open some chests, you have to bet mobile app or register on a special website. So far these are minor things, but the trend is alarming. Very alarming.

* * *

While the artists, 3D modelers and level designers were working their magic, the programmers and QA staff seemed to be stuck trying to make the game work. However Unity it still turned out to be buggy and poorly optimized. Ubisoft can still fix the sagging frame rate with patches and wean assassins from getting their heads stuck in the wall. But, alas, the public has already remembered Unity such.

Part 9: , , .
Part 10: , , .
Part 11: , , [M] .
Part 12: , , .

  • Co-Op Missions: Joint .
  • "Profit" quests. .
  • DLC Dead Kings

    general information

    The game was released on platforms: PC, PS4, X-Box One.

    Assassin's Creed: Unity is an action-adventure game that takes you to Paris during the French Revolution. You will learn the story of Arno, a young man who, by chance, found himself drawn into the bloody events of that period. New opportunities to control your character await you. Change and appearance objects and their specifications. You will be able to play Assassins Creed with friends, and even perform some tasks together. Witness legendary historical events!

    System requirements
    Assassin's Creed: Unity

    Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
    CPU Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz
    AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
    Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.4 GHz
    AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
    Video card 2 GB Video RAM, DirectX 9c
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
    AMD Radeon HD 7970
    3 GB Video RAM, DirectX 11
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
    AMD Radeon R9 290X
    50 GB 50 GB
    operating system Windows 64-bit: Win 7, Win 8 Windows 64-bit: Win 7 SP1, Win 8/8.1

    Completing story missions

    At the beginning of the game we see the menu of the Helix system, developed by the Abstergo organization. The menu lists 12 story-driven historical episodes, but only the first episode is available - The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay. And this episode serves only as a short 5-minute prologue to the main story of the game Assassin's Creed: Unity, where the main character is the French young man Arno Victor Dorian.

    All of these episodes are unavailable in the game; they are references to other games in the Assassin's Creed series, showing that these are all pieces of one large Abstergo system. Moreover, there are many more episodes than released games. Some historical episodes are possible themes for future games in the series Assassin's Creed.

    Episode title Historical era A game
    1 The tragedy of Jacques de Molay
    (The Tragedy of Jacques De Molay)
    France, XII-XIII centuries Assassin's Creed: Unity (prologue)
    2 Triumph of the Borgia
    (Triumph of the Borgias)
    Italy, 16th century ---
    3 Lonely Eagle
    (The Lone Eagle)
    England, XVIII century, Haytham Assassin's Creed III(prologue)
    4 Murder in the Levant
    (Murder in the Levant)
    Middle East, Altair Assassin's Creed
    5 In the Emperor's Shadow
    (The Emperor's Shadow)
    Japan ---
    6 Fear and Loathing in Florence
    (Fear and Loathing in Florence)
    Italy, 1460-1520, Ezio Assassin's Creed II
    7 Washington and the Wolf
    (Washington and the Wolf)
    America, 18th century, Haytham Assassin's Creed III
    8 Liberation of Lady Evelyn
    (The Liberation of Lady Aveline)
    America, 18th century, Evelyn Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD
    9 Caribbean devils
    (Devils of the Caribbean)
    Caribbean, 18th century, Edward Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    10 Bladed cross
    (The Bladed Cross)
    Spain? ---
    11 Jazz Age Scum
    (Jazz Age Junkies)
    USA, XIX-XX centuries ---
    12 Hell in Ireland
    (Hell in Hibernia)
    Ireland, 1845-1849 ---

    The tragedy of Jacques de Molay
    Assassin's Creed: Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Prologue

    Objective: Follow Jacques de Molay

    The assassins use deception to get inside the fortress. We, in the role of one of the crusaders, have to repel the attack.

    Goal: Find Templar artifacts

    We go to the building, climb along the scaffolding to the top floor to a large balcony. In the building we find a wounded guard and a fleeing assassin.

    Objective: Kill the assassin

    We are running after the killer. You won't be able to catch up with him, but you can't lag behind either. At some point the assassin uses smoke bomb, we run into the smoke and fight the enemy. With the help of game tips we learn how to attack and defend correctly.

    The assassin will run away from us again, let's catch up with him. Our hero himself will knock out the stolen artifact sword from the enemy, and then use it as a laser. The enemy has been destroyed. The hero returns the sword and book to their place - to the vault inside the fortress. But on the way out he is killed by another assassin.

    Seven years later

    We see how King Phillip and Pope Clement burn the last member of the Crusaders at the stake. The templar curses the entire royal family as he leaves.

    Present tense

    A girl with the call sign “Bishop” gets in touch with us. She talks about the plans of the Abstergo organization and offers to participate in the resistance. For reference, she downloads another segment of the story for us.

    Part 1

    Part 1: Memories 1. Memories of Versailles
    Walkthrough Assassin Unity

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 1: Memory 1

    Father and son enter the Palace of Versailles. The little boy Arno is left waiting for his father on the armchair. He still had his father's watch in his hands.

    Objective: Follow the girl

    We notice a girl in the hallway and follow her into the room. We go out into the courtyard.

    Goal: Steal the apple. Hide from the guards

    On the girl’s advice, we take an apple from the table. A guard notices us and runs after us. We run away and hide behind a green hedge, waiting for them to stop looking for us.

    Objective: Talk to the girl

    A guard stands in front of the gate. We show ourselves to him and run around the corner. While the guard left to look for us, we go into open doors. We catch up with the girl and get to know her. Her name is Eliza.

    Goal: Find out what's going on

    We run towards the noise of the crowd. We see that our father was killed. At the same time, we break the clock.

    Thirteen years later

    A grown-up boy broke into someone's house to return his father's watch. We are running away from the owner of the house. The watch will fall out and the owner's brother named Hugo will pick it up.

    Objective: Catch up with Hugo

    Let's run after Hugo. Along the way, we specifically jump into windows or slide under tables to fulfill an additional condition of the task.

    Goal: Don't get intercepted

    Having caught up with Hugo, we get the watch back. Now all that remains is to hide from the search area. The easiest way is to climb onto the roof of a tall building, where no one will see us.

    Objective: Go to the De La Serre estate

    We get to our house. Here, robbed people catch up with us, but Eliza’s father, who sheltered us, solves the problem peacefully.

    Part 1: Recollection 2. Estates General
    Walkthrough Asasins Creed Unity

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 1: Memory 2

    Eliza's father, Monsieur De La Serre, leaves in a carriage. Immediately after this, his assistant comes running with a letter. We need to catch up with Serra and give him the letter.

    Objective: Follow the cart

    We reach the gate, it is closed with bars, so we climb through the roof. After a couple of yards we catch up with the carriage, but it turns out to be a completely different carriage.

    Objective: Climb the church spire

    We run to the tallest building in the city. We climb up to synchronize the area and search for Serra.

    Objective: Find the entrance to the lower level

    We find Serra and Eliza, they are in a closed area in front of the palace. The entrance inside is guarded by guards, so it is better to approach from the right, climb over the fence and climb onto the roof of the palace. We jump from the roof onto the balcony of the central building of the building. Inside we go down to the first floor.

    Objective: Find De La Serra. Go behind the scenes

    We go down to the hall, squeeze through the crowd of people to the center. King Louis XVI performs here. We see Serra from behind the scenes. We go to the right, go up to the second floor. We observe how Serra communicates with the conspirators. We are attacked by offended brothers, we fight with them in a separate room.

    Goal: Defend yourself

    In the battle with the first brother, we repel his attacks with the “E” key. In a fight with the second one, we dodge (spacebar and to the side). Having finished the duel, we jump out of the window and run away from the guards.

    Part 1: Memory 3. High Society
    Assassins Creed Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 1: Memory 3

    Objective: Go to De La Serra's office

    We were never able to talk to De La Serra. We go up to his house and leave a letter under the door. (There is a chest with money nearby in the far corridor). We take aristocratic clothes from a local servant and go to Eliza’s ball.

    Objective: Find Eliza

    We walk through the crowd of people and don’t catch the eye of the guards. We use eagle vision ("V" key) to notice guards from afar. At the designated point we climb into the second floor window.

    We switch to stealth mode (Ctrl key), sneak through the rooms past the guards. In the first room, we wait for the soldier to move to the right towards another soldier, and we run forward. In the 2nd room we hide behind the sofa (spacebar to press against the wall), when the soldier stands by the fireplace, we run forward. In the 3rd room we wait for the guard to approach the window on the right, at that moment we ourselves go to the balcony behind this window. On the balcony we cling to the building and crawl to another balcony.

    Objective: Follow Eliza

    We walk through the dance halls following Eliza. After talking with the girl, we leave the palace.

    At the exit we see the wounded De La Serra. The killers are running away before our eyes. The guards who came accuse us of murder.

    Part 2

    Part 2: Memory 1. In prison
    Assassins Creed: Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 2: Memory 1

    The guards take us to prison. In the cell we look out the window, try to talk with other prisoners, and then sit down on our mattress.

    Objective: Stun the thief

    We wake up and discover that our cellmate has stolen our watch. We enter the battle with wooden swords. After the victory, we learn that the cellmate’s name is Pierre Bellec, and he was a good friend of our father Charles Dorian. Pierre is one of the assassins, he invites us to join the brotherhood.

    Two months later

    We while away the days in the cell, practicing fencing with Pierre. Suddenly, we hear that people have started a riot outside the walls of the prison, and cannon shots are heard.

    Objective: Hide from the guards. Kill the guards

    We hide behind the column to the right of the entrance. Two guards enter the cell, we attack them.

    Objective: Get out of the Bastille

    We get out of the building and jump on the cylinders. Pierre Bellec will show you the right path. We go out onto the platform, where a group of soldiers are already aiming at us. We immediately use a smoke bomb to avoid being killed. We kill 5 enemies. On the roof of the Bastille, following Pierre, we take a leap of faith - we jump into the water in front of the prison building.

    After escaping, we return to Eliza. We learn that she and her father belong to the Templar Order.

    Part 2: Memory 2. Rebirth

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 2: Memory 2

    We look at the amulet left by the assassin Pierre Bellec. We are walking through Paris towards our goal.

    Goal: Explore Sainte-Chapelle

    We climb to the second floor of the church with large stained glass. Inside the building, we climb onto the balcony in front of the stained glass window, place the amulet on the pedestal, this lowers the chandeliers in the hall, and along them we get to the opposite side of the second floor. We jump into the opened hatch in the floor.

    Objective: Follow Bellek

    We enter the sanctuary. A court of 4 assassins evaluates our candidacy for joining the brotherhood. We are offered a glass, we drink, and we watch the dream.

    In a dream we see pictures: Puerilis, Iuventus, Adultus, Mortis. We approach the edge and jump into the abyss. We run along the collapsing corridor, we see the murder of our father, and then Eliza’s father.

    We come to consciousness. Four assassins accept us into the order and hand us a hidden blade on our wrist.


    Girl Bishop shows us secret video, which talks about the existence of a race of forerunners with triple DNA. We return to the memories of Arno Dorian, during the French Revolution, to find references to the sage, who is one of the carriers of the Forerunner genome.

    Part 3

    Part 3: Memory 1. Issue
    Assassins Creed: Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 3: Memory 1

    From this moment we gain access to the assassin's skills and weapons. It is worth immediately buying a scimitar sword to increase damage in close combat. It is better to take lockpicking as a skill. Let's go to the task marker. Bellek sits on the roof and watches the guards in the courtyard.

    Objective: Kill the guards and disable the bell

    After this, we approach the signal bell and break it.

    Objective: Kill the bandit. Take the evidence

    In an alley there is a meeting between a Templar and bandits. Bellek forbids us to attack the Templar himself, since now a peace treaty has been concluded between the Assassins and the Templars. After the meeting ends, Bellek jumps on one of the bandits, and we need to approach from behind and kill the second. We search the bandit and find a book with notes.

    Objective: Get out of the Conciergerie. Follow Bellec

    Guards run into the alley, you need to leave this place. (You don't need to climb up right away, otherwise the soldiers will shoot at us and we will fall to the ground). First we use a smoke bomb, only after that we climb onto the roof after Bellek. We run along the roofs and return to the assassins' headquarters.

    Part 3: Memory 2. Confession
    Assassin 5. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 3: Memory 2

    Objective: Kill Siver

    A peace treaty between the Assassins and Templars was concluded with De La Serre. After his death, the Templars began to behave aggressively again, so the council of assassins gives us permission to kill the Templar Sizer. We go to Notre Dame Cathedral and meet with Bellec. Sizer is located inside the cathedral and is guarded by a dozen guards. Here we can choose how to eliminate the target.

    Infiltration Opportunity: Steal the key

    In the tavern to the left of the cathedral, there is a thief who has stolen the keys to the top floor of the cathedral. We enter the tavern through the far door, sneak up unnoticed from behind (Ctrl key) and use pickpocketing (hold down the E key) to get the keys. If the thieves notice us, we leave one door, run around the building, enter through another door and steal the keys from behind in the same way, while the enemies are looking for us in the other direction.

    Kill Opportunity: Kill Duchesneau

    The Templar has an agent among the clergy. This agent is located outside in front of the cathedral. We watch him, wait for him to go to the cemetery. When there are no passersby around, we approach from behind and kill Duchesneau. After this, we learn that the agent was supposed to meet with Sizer in the cathedral in a booth for repentance.

    Objective: Kill Siver

    We approach the left or right side wall of the cathedral. We use the standing mechanism with a rope to climb to the second floor. Using the obtained keys, we open the window and go inside the cathedral.

    We carefully go down. We are waiting for Sizer to enter the booth. We come closer, kill two bodyguards, enter the second half of the penitence booth, and kill Sizer through the bars.

    To leave the building, we use a standing mechanism with a rope, on the second floor we climb out of the window, along the roofs we move away from the cathedral.

    Objective: Go through the portal

    Suddenly, game world empty, all the characters disappear. This is Abstergo scanning their Helix server to find infiltrated and recruited assassins. We run to the goal, we see a portal open in the sky. To hide from scanning, we climb up onto a high long wall and jump from it into the portal.

    Server bridge. silver Age
    Assassins Creed: Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 3: Memory 3

    1898 belle époque

    Through the portal we found ourselves in the game world of another era - in Paris at the end of the 19th century. The famous Elphel Tower has already been built here, and next to it stands the almost completed Statue of Liberty, which will soon be sent to America as a gift to the newly formed independent state.

    Objective: Find the entrance to the subway

    The playing space around begins to narrow. The only salvation is the entrance to the metro tunnel. We go through the tunnels to where the light is brightest.

    Objective: Get to the subway exit

    We go up the stairs, along the railway tracks we go to the right. We fall down the tracks, run forward from the train, jumping over and rolling under obstacles. Using the lift we get out to the surface of the earth.

    Objective: Escape through the portal

    Hurricanes with debris of buildings fly across the surface; you need to hide behind boxes from them in time. We run forward, climb onto the building, jump onto the scaffolding around the Statue of Liberty. We climb higher and higher through the scaffolding and, using a mechanism with a rope, we fly into the portal above the torch of the statue.

    Part 4

    Part 4: Memory 1. The Kingdom of the Beggars
    Assassins Creed: Unity. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 4: Memory 1

    We return to the assassins' hideout and report that the target has been eliminated. We are given a new weapon - the Phantom Blade (a hidden blade that can be fired over a short distance).

    Objective: Explore the Court of Miracles

    We go to one of the northern poor neighborhoods of Paris. We examine the central square of the poor with the help of eagle vision, looking for a person highlighted in yellow. We find the desired target in one of the buildings. We see a man with glasses - this is La Touche - the assistant to the king of the beggars. Donatien-Alphonse-Francois talks to us and tells us how to get to the king of the beggars.

    Objective: Follow La Touche

    We follow the cart and follow the bloody tracks.

    Having followed, we learn that La Touche lives on the middle floor of the local clinic.

    Objective: Find La Touche

    We climb into the window on the top floor of the clinic and kill one guard. We go down to the floor below, go into La Touche’s room, interrogate him. Having learned where to look for the Templar King of the Beggars, we leave the building the same way - through the top floor.

    Part 4: Memory 2. The King is Dead
    Assassin. Walkthrough

    Video walkthrough: Assassin's Creed: Unity. Part 4: Memory 2

    Objective: Find cover

    In the quarter of the poor we climb to the highest point - to the top of the burnt church. From there we look around, we notice pipes coming out of the sewer and the main entrance to the underground catacombs.

    Infiltration Opportunity: Disable chimneys 0/2

    We approach the chimneys, the hero closes them with wooden covers. After this, visibility in the drains will decrease, and it will be possible to hide in the fog there.

    Distraction Opportunity: Protect Beggars 0/4

    We take part in the battle between the beggars and the bandits who exploit them. We kill all 4 enemies.

    Goal: Find the Beggar King

    We go into the northern building, go down into the catacombs (the path down is marked on game map in the form of a staircase). In the narrow corridors we kill several guards. We approach the closed central hall of the dungeon, we see how La Touche warns the King of the Beggars about our attack.

    Objective: Kill the Beggar King

    We pass along another corridor and enter the center. We climb along the right wall to a high platform and neutralize the shooter. The king is standing at the top on the opposite platform, we jump over to him along the bars and jump from above, killing the target. We learn that the Beggar King participated in the attack on De La Serra, and he used a special silver pin to kill him.

    Objective: Leave the area

    We return to the surface the same way. If all the dampers were closed, then we would walk through thick fog, and none of the enemies would notice us.

    On the surface we learn that the throne of the king of the beggars has already been occupied by Francois, who led us to the goal. This time, Francois advises us to find the jeweler who created the silver pin.

    Game tested on PC

    The French from Ubisoft have long surpassed their colleagues from Activision in exploiting the profitable series. The confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars has gone far beyond just digital entertainment: based on them, it is sold card game and books, several comics were released, a short series and a cartoon were filmed, and a full-length film is also in the pipeline. As for the games, there are two of them this year. True, this time we are supposedly talking about something truly new: for now, owners of last-generation consoles are content with Assassin's Creed Rogue(about which tomorrow), on Xbox One Assassin's Creed Unity is available on PlayStation 4 and personal computers. However, despite the beautiful engine and many loud promises, in reality “Unity” turns out to be the same game - with a boring process and familiar sores.

    Freedom equality Brotherhood

    This time we are transported to Paris - during the Great French Revolution. The monarchy is gradually losing its power, the people are starving, tension is growing, and real chaos is happening on the streets of the capital. Residents begin to attack food warehouses and retail stores, set fires and desperately fight for freedom. The soldiers, unable to do anything, turn a blind eye to what is happening and protect only the frightened rulers locked in their palaces. Even worse, a group of influential aristocrats begin their squabble for power, which will completely destabilize the already precarious situation in the country. As a result, the situation gets out of the control of the ruling elite and develops into a full-scale civil war.

    Meanwhile, you won’t envy the young hero of Austrian-French origin Arnaud Dorian. The adoptive father, a Templar, was killed by unknown assailants in front of the boy. So the son of a rich official, who has become useless to anyone, ends up on the street, works part-time as a groom and constantly gets into trouble because of scams in gambling. Because of his love of adventure, a young guy witnesses the murder of his beloved's father. No one really bothered to look into it: a blow to the jaw with a rifle butt - “Guilty!” Fortunately, he didn’t have to rot in prison for long - a short acquaintance with a convict named Bellec helps him get out of the besieged Bastille in time. A tangle of conspiracies and political intrigues leads Arno to the assassins, who quickly bring him up to date and initiate him into their brotherhood.

    No time to explain - let's get to work!

    The Assassin's Creed series has always been famous for its twisted, alternate history-style plot. The problem with Unity is not the complexity of the story, but its presentation. Events follow one another, and there is simply no time left for the motives and thoughts of the characters. A small dialogue is the only thing that happens before each task. Kill? Steal documents? Free the prisoners? There’s nothing to do! Answers to the questions “Why?”, “For what?” and why?" often remain somewhere behind the scenes. At the same time, the writers didn’t seem to think that there were people who had never played any of the parts before. Newcomers are not at all welcome here - no one will really explain what is happening in our world, what does the Abstergo corporation have to do with it and why the Templars did not disband back in 1312. Moreover, the developers manage to create a garden of sheer nonsense with errors in the code and an attempt to hack the server, taking us either to German-occupied Paris or to the time of the construction of the Statue of Liberty.

    However, some tasks will remain in memory for a long time in any case. Escape from a metro train rushing towards the hero, climbing the Eiffel Tower at the moment when Arno is being hunted by a German squadron, the execution of Louis XVI and an attempt to catch balloon..What a pity that there are terribly few such successful moments in the campaign. But before absolutely every mission, they carefully show us the location from all angles, explain what we can use to make eliminating the target a little easier, and write how many soldiers are guarding the perimeter. In addition, now, like in Hitman, some murders can be set up using key points on the map. Alas, to optional tasks this does not apply: a short text briefing and a journey from point A to point B is all that the authors had enough for.

    As in previous parts, the player has access to huge map, opening as you progress. Virtual Paris is filled with hundreds of different bonuses: hidden objects and icons, chests that are just asking to be plundered, puzzles and riddles... However, we cannot say that all this is very exciting - if the searches in Assassin's Creed 2 were fresh and interesting, then five years later they make you yawn. Obviously, Ubisoft believes that many will be interested in a series of monotonous actions to save residents for the sake of the next replenishment of the arsenal. Fortunately, all this routine is not at all necessary - stores are already overflowing with assorted weapons, as long as there is enough money.

    Samples of weapons differ markedly from each other. Arno will wave some of them like a conductor with a baton, while others - like two-handed axes with maces - will be difficult to lift. You should approach your choice wisely, because combat system has become much more difficult. Now enemies attack from behind more actively, and it’s not so easy to parry their blows - the clumsy hero often misses attacks, and it’s not easy to dodge a shot from a pistol. Luckily, you can always just escape by disappearing into the smoke bomb explosion. In Assassin's Creed Unity, they generally relied heavily on stealth. The hero can hide behind cover and move unnoticed on his haunches, and one of the costume upgrades will allow him to run almost silently. If a sentry looms on the way to the goal, then it is easier to throw a poison dart at him than to bypass him - not only will the poor fellow die himself, but he will also distract the guards passing by.

    Time passes, nothing changes

    Along with the usual gameplay, “Unity” brings with it a bunch of bugs, of which there are even more than in previous parts. There were two patches of the first day, and the third one soon followed. And even after this, the unlucky assassin manages to get stuck in the walls, passers-by often disappear, and merchants suddenly find themselves somewhere on the roof. The problem with the physical model of dead bodies has not gone away either. Sometimes the poor fellows are twisted as if they were being squeezed by the hands of an invisible giant. All this, of course, is damn funny, and has little effect on game process and always makes me smile, but such errors should not appear in the final code. It is unclear where the testers were looking, or whether they were there at all. Of course, you can blame all the problems on new version engine, but in this case it was worth giving up the business plan and moving the release date so as not to deceive the expectations of the players.

    Although if we consider AnvilNext 2.0 as a bridge to the transition to a new generation of consoles, then the developers almost succeeded. When endless bugs do not block your view, you can admire the cramped streets of Paris for a long time: the buildings are drawn in life-size for the first time in the series, there are really huge crowds of people busy with their business around, and bright light combined with textures high resolution sometimes it creates an almost photorealistic picture. Remove subtitles in the game settings - and most of the screenshots can be safely used as desktop wallpaper. This is especially true for videos - competent direction and gorgeous models of the main characters work wonders, you want not to miss a single detail. The only truly annoying things are the murky houses in the distance and the disappearing corpses of enemies right before your eyes. But this is apparently a necessary measure - on maximum settings Unity graphics manages to keep even a very powerful computer busy.

    Assassin's Creed Unity - good game, it’s a pleasure to spend time in it, and you definitely want to go through it before end credits. However, there is a feeling that all this is nothing more than a foundation for the inevitable future parts. Vaunted co-op mode works only in the company of friends, but strangers turn it into absolute bedlam. The new graphics engine draws fantastically beautiful landscapes, while flaunting the same fantastic number of bugs, oddities and shortcomings of all sorts and calibers. It's a shame that Ubisoft has begun to sink below its own level.


    • the game is very beautiful at maximum settings;
    • individual missions are etched in memory;
    • the complication of the combat system benefited the series.


    • a monstrous number of bugs;
    • most tasks are downright boring;
    • unclear plot;
    • potentially good, but spoiled by the technical implementation of the cooperative.
    Graphic arts A very beautiful graphics engine suffers from funny problems. It becomes a shame when you look at the beautiful character models, huge crowds of passers-by and the detailed drawing of the smallest objects, while “soapy” textures, disappearing characters and melting faces are constantly flashing on the screen. 7
    Sound The soundtrack is not the same as before, because Jesper Kyd did not take part in writing the compositions. From time to time beautiful music comes from the speakers, but after Unity walkthroughs your playlist is unlikely to be replenished with new tracks. The voice acting was traditionally successful. 7
    Single player game A huge number of monotonous and formulaic tasks, as well as routine secondary missions, spoil the impression of the few truly excellent quests. But it’s still worth going through the game for them. 6
    Group game In the videos, the cooperative mode looked very cool: the interaction of several assassins, competent distribution of roles, silent killings... But if you play this with strangers, then from Paris you will end up in the Pandemonium branch. 6
    General impression Assassin's Creed Unity is far from ideal, and it certainly cannot be called something new. Yes, it's beautiful. Yes, new interesting features have appeared, and old ones have been improved. Yes, after closing the game, you want to open the history textbook of that time again. However, Ubisoft promised us much more. 7